The Straits Times, 27 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times ESTABLI SH ED 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY. APRIL 27, 1896. NO. 18,908.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 951 1 STEAMBHIP COMPANIES. OrriOX, Collyer Quay, i\ WHAKVIB8 N W Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Strom for < hlnn. Japiui. I'maiis. < »lon. limllii. lu^tralla. Adrn. Kiopt. »1.-ir><-lllis. «.llinillar. Mitlla. Krin<ll>i. Venire. I'lymoiilli. and London. rim.-iir). Bills <.f LaaVac i»»'ie<l hi ri.'aa I rWk ■ill Line. OIITWABn HOMKWAKD «3 Interneitmto iMhml Serrtoe.
      951 words
    • 1304 1 SOTICB. Condensed Milk I L3S!^asBBBBBBl T lf "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed to I"~' C s^s| contain all tho rream of the original milk. In CONDENSED MIIJU tne process of manufacture nothing but water I a' \j& lis removed, nothing but the best refined yff Avoid low-priced brands from which the
      1,304 words
    • 841 1 INSUKANCES. C CANTON INBURAMCE OFFICE LIMITBD. I BUM -'.I- ntal U.vi1,,.. An.,.unl r«i 1 tCO.'VI lie «t»«. fun.l l,a».oni. DiuOm i. ih.««o>,i. I UD-I«r»i(nad.h»li.i bes •WKHul^l Aicri.ta|.f tl,« «b..«.. Comp.-nr.iLra prrpitnid tn aor»T>t M.rmc K>«k> 1.1 ,rr. ut it. A It.. tin- 111 .11, Dual y |«|,I II ,ot,lri l-utun,
      841 words
    • 356 1 j INSURANCES). THI BTBAITB INSURAN «"i OOMPAKT, LIMITBD BSTABMBHKn 1888. HbadOfficc, Sii««»aioek Capital Folly Siiharrihed t3.000.(l(.<0 Capital Paid-up «CO,(MM» Reserve Knndn 2a3,-.'Ji) Balance of Working Account to I 31at December, 1895 538,337 Ca*hA*eete.t3lstDecemWr, 1595. $i.:.4\o*:< GIBSON FERRIBR, Acting g.'.-retan EASTERN MOBTOAOE AMD \..K.\. V COMPANY. LIMITED. Authorised Capital i; ■—
      356 words
    • 400 1 NOTICES. Ma* leUi. riru. 1878 188*. JOSEPIf GILLOTT'S PENS Of Hlahest Quality, and, HaTing Or. ateat Durabilitr. are Tberefora CHEAPEST J. MOTION <fe CO. W ATCHM A KBBS, JKWKLLKBB, OPTICIAIfe. BBfAIBI PBOMPTLT BXBOBTBP. y»*»wi I flTOlfl' HAaTwTAOMBT, LwiMATI AlfX, LoaDO* MAJOR TO H M THS <JUMM.« Specially manafartured aad rnnnmainadad
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  • 37 2 Thk BiMi I IMMMri Orrl ,irnri-i| her* \.-'.-rlav fr.ini VladivuHtxik witl, \JMS oi'li.i. rs.'4 officer*. 179 wniin-n, ,ml,*n on <iii her wav tn i >.l*-m The ilat.'nf her departure in uncertain. ii
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  • 487 2 COMMERCIAL LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS SIKOAPOBB, tttm APKM. IHW PRODUCE. (iamhi.r > 7.52^. do Cub» No.l 11.75. do do No. 2, 10.00. Oopra Bali, 5 85. do Pontianak, 5.«& Pepper Black ...teller* st 10.50 8s«o Floor, Banwak UfL do Brunei 2..171. P^arlSago, 3.45. Ooffre Bali, (pickwli 39.00. Coffee Li berian, No.
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  • 23 2 Kstabi.ishkd 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [B*bieriplion ratt* and advertuing raUs may be found on the fourth page.] MONDAY. 27th APRIL, 1896.
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  • 153 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE TKANSVAAI,. London. Hi Ih April. I'r. Niil.'nt kiii^.-i has replied to Mr. t'li-iiiiln-r'.iiii's i|."<|iHt. Ii ;i-km.' him tv ciii.^ siion Ui Km','l.iii.| to confer on Transvaal affair*. T. I'r- snl-iit sjys that he is unable to visit England at. preseu*. owing to the Volksiatd or Transvaal Parliament
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 201 2 MAI S CLOSE. For Per tlr. Time. To-Mobbow. Sarwak. l/ornn Dount, 7 a.m. iiuUv 11 Tia |...rt*. Sicatrdieroon, g > a. Maoasaar via port- O. Q. Louilon Sam < ..tie via poits, ll'i Liung, Ham. Kianv T.a port*, Amhtrtt, 3 p.n. tw*ang. FfSttr, 3piu. 1U....1...-. H- i v., v i.iijrkok,
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  • 249 2 UHTUI. lor P. A. 0. S. s. Mirtapore from 1 umi-m Iw :—Miss ('lira liickson. Kroiu LondonLieut. C. B. HarvHy. Rev. 8. S. Wak r Mnssrs P. W Fywn, Boylo. P. A. Six,,u, J-lin Pructur, Mrs. ProcUir, aod Mr- anl Miss Nicoll. From Brindisi :—Mr. R H Phillip'.
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  • 509 2 We publish at leniftli the lirxt public utt. mmv i.rtlte firnt llesulent-CJen ml tiie Malay Stales. Mr Swettenlum May* t!mt. planters in Malaya sluuiM In; MMWMjaA, He cays that tl.« civil -.•■rvants ul' Malnya whoul I nut adopt an .ittitmle antaifoiiigtif t'i the private ..nt.-r. prise uf white men. He
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  • 125 2 We hear that a marriage ban 1... n arranged between Major McCallum. Colonial Engineer, and Miss Creighton, and t iiat Miss McCallum is also shortly to be mtrried. The Kill to bo introduced iv the [>Mis> lative Council ou Thursday for the suppreasiou ot Morphia-iiijectiou in the Colony i* baited
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  • 12 2 "M». SWETTMHAM on SlaliT* continued from the third to th. j>ajtv. urth
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  • 16 2 The Arratoon Apcar from U 0n and Ika fnam from Amov. re boil X'K in quaraDtine.
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  • 16 2 The collection at the Vn*\ Church yoatordaj was or! T a iW •hort of I^O. 'Wi
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  • 11 2 Weathkk iHrmitlin/. t 1( BindwUlplayontbeKspU,,,,,', ILI coiniiieuciuK at 8.45. p.m. tu
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  • 20 2 I n •♦.■iim.i i mail hI, am t A"™ i.av.,,'i,.» t t:.,i,., 1 .snurd,,;, ig due here on Thurn-lay n
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  • 18 2 Nth March. Mr. Ju.tiw Ha«k, n K avele,ve fora.. a m «l Ul K.Uou i. I'lajfair and wife.
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  • 24 2 The formal opening of I he St. Anli,,, n Lil.rarv, wbi-l, wa* to har« uken u \i' yexterdar. ha« be,,. poit,,.>nH till date. 7
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  • 20 2 Thk Kren.h mail from .Siußaimrv ,i 7th April li» the Wnmk Simon, r P.hir uny Ih. delivered in Un^T morrow.
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  • 22 2 Mr. H..AIK. the r.tirin- M11; „r l!.' T««W IVrIWU' .unv l>v ike Stirhmn pmltably on Siini'i.iv hut I -i>siiily o n Monday.
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  • 21 2 TnkH.Hr. IVter IVU wh0,1,,,| General 11\>5,,,,al OB Kn.l.v ui0r,,,,,, ,1 at one time Manager at Sin</»-,,, r „f Bank of Rotter-Urn.
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  • 29 2 Thk glow j assage made on Batvifej h, the Mimi/iore from Milarca was o«n>Ui the dtrong tid.'. Tht» pa««a e from I. ntn to .i wan very l"«"I.
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  • 24 2 Mr. Lkw Yok Lin will i,, liriv the Chin™* ConBulatt> during the ali^n.,f..r alx>ut two niontlm, of Mr. Thin Tiau* Siat, the Artinjf Consul-Qeneral.
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  • 28 2 It if rr|iorfe.l that >k T MrriuM v Seam.-ii Svirtv is ifc*«t to Mr* for th Mffimm of Wnaipuii, v n aln^iv at curtain China and Japan porll.
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  • 28 2 Thk Bii.|io|.of Siupa|Min* ami S^ir»w t U-rive.l tit on Hi,. |;,t|| IM%O mul will visit KinUt alii l.iliu.m. Wan, he It'ives North Hurueo he (foes to SanwaL
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  • 30 2 It is .ulvprtis- .1 that Mr. William Mil,,, Rulh'ilmhi hah lie.'ii a}>)Miiiit.-*l i., ilip man»U<r«ln|. of thp TanjonK I'.iifur l>.«k Co*. |«nu». (Ltd.), in |.la<f of Mr. John Blair, retired.
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  • 35 2 Thk annual report for 18Nof 'li- ilxn* H.-.iity nliow> tin- (frosa in. .mi, v, 1,. XH'll AH7 anH tin* amount ot MMaahM fumlj JOI7MJW. M— ri Siriii.i ml Mils, s are tin- |.i> ,il a^enti-.
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  • 42 2 On mm 1 1.1,1' k j K»vr«" will I. "in. l »hi|. I'liiy ih'hh, (iHii|riMiii;arriv.ilH, i|.| irtam NSIMi i" |»iri. ami IMHIi «'l| I'll In-.' •iiiiii"«l lint it veriti*-!. hv mini of Ih.nhi|i a^.-ut«. and will I. Limil f u,u. h IIM-
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  • 41 2 \n .iiu. ik Im| plai-u at Muuinu,- Biitiali Norlli H irn.o mi th* <-t.< ,-f (i...| Friday, two wnnn-n, thre« tUUfia, idH ill.' tii .k-l i niiM-ll haJMf killi-*).- tb» Liiirr liv I. is li--r whom I. alto aMu-ki'.r
    41 words
  • 38 2 It is iniv.*rtiii.'<l, re the faodiol IV*e< I). ii,'! is StephimH, (Ji-icts..|, Urn Jl lUiniti a^ainat the estUite must lie mt ii Mi-asrs. Pivigravc aod GfattoQ, P I siliritors for the adininigtrator. I.'ti a|>»H;ifie<J <l,it.'.
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  • 463 2 Pwm Mi Rm s4 London. IH In tli- Huii-m. ..f (W.himh*.. la-.l nii'hl. Mr Umoll ■■Him hlufcn .1 Urn Iris* Kill, di>»i|fucd |a promote mor- r.i j i 1 Mi eftVclive working of th.. Laml Piirchaw- of HsOaud MM. IMh Ay>l. In the Houne of Common* Ittt nijfhf.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 784 2 NOTICES rriHl BOIKIO COMPANT.LIMITBD. J rTIBI Standard t.ifs Annrmnc*. JL. Norwich Unioo Fir* Insnnaes Soeisty AUas istorano* Company (Pira). Tba Kqu.Ul.l* Life assasMOO Sodsty. Ths Ocs*a Ma»ina In.uiani'* Company. f> TW China Mutual SU*mi Navigation Coaspaay. Tb« TolUnhaia Luft l^»*r Coni|»nj Tie tUritiaM lasuiancfi Company, I/imitad i For particnlan ol
      784 words
    • 612 2 NOTICES. MCALISTER 00 i c "FAIRBANKS SCALLS. Notice is hereby given that under power r of attorney dated 12th December, 1895, J Messrs. E.'AT. Fairbanks Co. ol St. I Johnsburv, Vermont, U. S. A., appointed j Francis \Varrack aud Alexander Cutuming. SingaiMire, jointly and severally to be tho tiue sufficient
      612 words
    • 1037 2 NOTICES j l'he Straits Timed has the largest jirculaticu ol ;^ny er in Asia, British India exceptec. [t circulates in Singapore and Penan£, throughout all the Protected States of the Milay Peninsula, in Siara. Borneo, the > Netherlands Indies, the Philip- lines, and French Indo-Chiua. j Nooth(,rE<ictcru nov/s; 'paper
      1,037 words
    • 1008 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSBE THEATRE. OtMd lartcttMo Night. The N. E Theatrical Go of Bombay Will piny t ■-niglii. With MarvuJluiiH aiiil Ne» Si-cnic MffccU, ALaDDIN OBTBI WONDBKFfi. LAMP. WIII. N'.iv OMMOO ci"t linn— s|>,ii.illv arrntu/wd for tliis ]ii. AGENT HUIDWARE WANTED a POrtiiloVl Eu-.ip»aii H.iu»c, well .-st»l,li-lii. I in the
      1,008 words
    • 81 2 M.H.H. MI«.M lor tkt Utrrnf Ttmm ihonU M snllra m. m» -iff I Ktjmf—l*' «•>* »»|U«I o/e«.l«m*. liM —»v M.BjTir, ffjMUi (•>« m*Kt .lk«« U < All liwO.'t eMtfnuU an •■ljwl to IK* ,-0..*i1-». MM 1 IW VaM)«i>«l«H IU •rfMrHMnxnl **il •/IU f»p«r in niof pn—V m*tUr. kul *v 4
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WKATHKK KKPUK'I Kandnna ll._.,,i!<i ■Jttll, April. IK'ti. '<» in. 1(, m Ip.m BlHAHKl. dar. mi. M P>li 29.aV> 2M.7S4 ».W6 .in,. 87.0 >■> i 80 2 «'s .l'i :'uii.|>.«. "9.5 ><1.0 78 0 Dir. of Wm.i S.K. I.X. U.K. 5' M.,i T«ii.|.. bih«.l» W).O .lo ,lo 75 6 In
      92 words

  • 1251 3 THE NEW PRESBYTERIAN MINISTEE. HIS ARRIVAL AND WELCOME. \Pllßlss 1^ THE R«V I. M KfITH ,K Sa'tird..\ elelling. tlic X.'V. S, U.. k.i. M A ol Dund.v, arrived by the P 11 mail steiiui.'i IfsrMjMn IOsMM tbe a-torute id tin- Piclnterwi (,'hur. li. the re.lgnatioil of Ibe 1{ V. (i.
    1,251 words
  • 3923 3 v > P. T»i.h..t li .1 |.i I r I,hv. hi Ibia L r r- I. v m nii.-n M«ad s 'l«n th« SllHIl- lhal MM 1 1 i.i. Ol lll.MMla»>. b»»i H,,-I,l CnUul.ll Si-.i.-l.|l> -vhan 'Iw cially Frenchmen and Germans, say that they would rather live in a
    3,923 words
  • 51 3 H. V. A. V. 1 HU tw., day*' match wan lr.- u'^ht M B S^iuniav, ai..l resulted IU a draw in I,v-our" of tV«- V. A. who pin ISO Of these l'lll-l,Won in-"'' Ul 89, Tht i C. 0. i» H"'" l"*1 uiA.i- tis. aud. tollowiug on, MMM "ur
    51 words
  • 5531 3 1 UK KNcol KAGEMENT OF PLANTING. nil HRITI6H KVYU IAI. AM> THK I', HI A «kki i": "I il»- Royal Colonial Institution war held in tbe Theatre of the If.val I' int.-,) S.TVI." Inilitutioo, Whitehall, on :ilnt M u. h, wben Mr. F. A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 996 3 I AKKANOEMENTB. 1 Mondat. 27th Arm. I Hieh Water. 10.9 p.m. i full Mood. 8.42 p.m Puilharmonic Society Annual M,etni._--i 5.10 p.m. I Philharmonic Choir. UM p.m. i Philharmonic Orchestra 8.30 p.m. Parser Theatre. 9 p.m. Ti-taiiAT. 28th April. High Water. 11.0 a.m. 10.44 p.m. 1| Band. Esplanade. 845 p.m.
      996 words
    • 1015 3 I FOR BALK; EMPLOYMENTSTO LET, ASD PERSONALS. [ItTTIMK, l. r > ennt* a line; 2nd and M tinien. lOrenUaline; 4th ».»«tb times, se»cU, j a line, Tt I. to |xi), MmM tMM a lin-. afterward*. cents a line but no chara;e lew than oue di'llnr. Tim-, a thrr, Unr tArvrti**uient,
      1,015 words

    • 691 4 J, MW*- lions are .wed :—*tr.—ite»-ner *hi p bq.-barque; Brit—British ;V. 8.-TTBit«l gg^ g f,..,,,0«^4m«HDM-M^i'd.p.-Jfk passenger.; m r» ar T.ninmr P*ir»r Wharl T tain.T. P. W.—Tanjong »g»r nari p D _TaniouK Pagar Dork ;B. W— Hon.« tent 81ip;Rds.-&o«i«. WWi ho mon.l ..n.mea\th. month current is m.d^oo.l Mar.
      691 words
    • 256 4 m *J v'ihil'i N»m i 5 VtwtL'i Mm i m IFkAU 4 Tout. I Cirri in. r*nn UIUI Ail. Minknon (3 i l,wn«h»D linn r ***** U Vi,-t-,ri» M Bun Whatt s, H .i. M Ami,.-,.; rUu Pol. Guv, M >»o Seng < titßii H M -.■lll. r].M
      256 words
    • 70 4 i*.-» K. Vtil* I'n-i U-. L |i Ch» ,1.....■ S.'lIU Tv Flint liiro V* h.-l M.-ii, ami t'har n Bi HmwAu l'.Un i h I. iitr.len 1 c i>< Lfonjj >li iHrtu i HI! 0 StMMI Brit. Mr atr. I) I. -.1, Nor. .ir. lira. >n -i..', -tr. I'O
      70 words
    • 246 4 I m^j^*-.•/•m^^ ixrAM iJ£ UJjJUjgffi., JS^affiTOi- 11^ aj^t^ii'ssi Au«tr»lind. W. Au..r,H». A,,l .':Muit^ 5£iSb-«&s£rrS-Wi Brindiai. Boml«y, AP:.2M; K \o gSSs£S*&>JW gjJS c^KS Jnlai Marl P. 9mm ;C«re^ Hanibu-ir May ii Ra.'i." !C. Apcar. Calctt,. BavH Ehtfcta c,18,£ ril, nilrt 111 M.v I B^atad I MaSftTSfS K^lwi Owrrto. H^M)M*AMt)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY L^^P I Thii »uccf#Hf uJ uDd bifhlf tHipuUr remedr, m r '«l 1 'viM in th* 'VntinrntJiJ n>>«pit«li bjr Ricord, lUMt«n, .Tiibrit, Vilpeam, -uJ ottien, comt'iuoa all tb. •I. -r.mU tv be -.utftit id .i inMioint of Uw kind, v.l iiTTmth rTiTjThinij tilth rtn employed. JHERAPION
      301 words
    • 1511 4 NOT I CIS. lIAVK JUST IIKCKIVED A FKKSH SHIPMENT OF v. v. o. Pnce 111 per ft. I».,tt Paii, Dott Pai... U7*TKifiN'v nl n WATwN 5> ULIJ Q I V-a-Price »16 per Case f MM A Ml I KUJv L^PH^ Relieves ihe seal/njlTl^d.nK r«in a, once HAUTWUi KANTOROWICS MipHM ||O
      1,511 words
    • 8 4 aNUTICBB. ,L,' ,t $ii per caie. including duty,
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