The Straits Times, 17 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIED: 1831. SINGAPORE, IKIDAY, APRIL 17, 1896. NO. 18,$0o.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 909 1 >TEAMBHIP COMPANIES. omCK, Colly-i Quay, Qi f WHA.RVBB, Hew Harbour STEAM NAVIBATKIN COMPANY, Moaiu f«»r 4'bliiH. Ju|ian. IVniiim. ■> Inn, India. Australia. Ailt-n. Knvpl. Miir»rlllr», <;ilirnlliir. Mnlla. RrlndiHl. Vrnlrr. IMymoiitli. ana Landvn. l'i,r.,uirh BilU of Lading i«so.-d for /Vr,,,.,. <;,./. c.,,r. aw 4 4aMr»jea /'.-r(*. Mail UaW. QWW IBB HOMKWAB
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    • 877 1 BTEAMHBIP COMPANIha. I KOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAFFU. I'ndor contract with the Netherlands India (ioTernnnmt. atfaaaj at Bbtmmmn BajtrAMSOt, i.atb I Dakki.e-lm A Co., 2-1. Coi.i.yfb Qu»v. l'.x|».ct«t r'rom Will be Dea|*tcheil for On tM Hilt. Ma, I'ane 1. aVoaBBBB, and I) glat April Cnfl 1 IHl'i. Poa nu. B*tar Cheribou..Samar»ntf. and
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    • 497 1 EAST COAST ETCHCTGB HUGH CLIFFORD. A*/-. UK llj/lltlnllH t ii ee|wei<| feature of the lx oW is il-. »|.|n.»l popular Minjathie*. All the sketches are I ri|fht and iit«'t inirjf word cleverly written, with charminfr totivhea of huwioiir. nu occa*ioiially with light and appropriate dathea of irony We reoorjimend every
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    • 1257 1 NOTICE MH-K.PID Condensed Milk gsaB^BB^BHHBBaw The "Milkmaid Brand is guaranteed to s^^_^^s« ont «in all the cream of the original milk. In CONDENSED Hl5B tho P rocet B of ?n«.nufacture nothing hut water %m\ *v.. .--mM i» removed, nothing but the b*»st. refined Hfc MXwLWi su^ ar added JS9UB *^B
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    • 869 1 Hanks. (IHARTKRED BANK OT INDIA J I ST K.M.I A ANO CHIN. INCORPORA TED BYHOYALCHARTKK. CAPITAL 4500.000 UF.SEIiVEI lAHILITT of Propneton. tfMOO.OO") RESERTEFUND. i»i5,000 I C Ban* m Em.-l*»». [land. HANKERS National Raw a- or Scot-' (Thk i'nr Hawk Ltd. blH>>T(iV KIXKI* DBPOBITS. K<,r M mon. hi. 3J°/ O do
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    • 1005 1 NQTIOBS M 4 MiN. farit. 1878 Rgl. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS Of Hia-bev Quality, and. Hariac Or»atei.t Durability, are Therefor* CHEAPEST ;K()BT. LENZ h 00 ART I'HOtO&^API^KKS. CORNER OF STAMKORp ItoAli A Nil HILL STREW. aiTTINUH (BOH 7 A. m. TO i f. M. I AKCHI 1) J D A. I'KKKIKA
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  • 488 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONB SiMoAr.ittr. ITtii Apbil. 18SHJ. PRODUCE. 'lainbiur 7.5"4. do Cub? No. 1 U. 75. do do No. 2, 10.00. Oopr» Bftli 585. do PontianaJt 56V Pepper BUck, 1U.50. B^fo Flour, Sarawak im\. do Brunei 'J.+ Pewl 8»(ro,.. 3.45. Ooffee Bali, .pickwJ) :».00. Ooffee Liborian, No. 1!■'•. T»ptoc«
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  • 78 2 for Per $tr. 2W To-Jloasow. K«b« ria port.. (ifngarrj, «».m. 1 i-inngauu via orlr, Ladu lj>iigdr,t. 1j a.m. biliiton 4 Pontuunk, Han Wkatt Soon. Noon Ma ia, Munlterral. I p.m Malacca. Kl«n,{, Sopj,*", 3p vi Deli via poru i'.ilyp*>, 3pm i»».Uii|f via poru, H. S Alj-h. 3 T.-ml
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  • 121 2 Fkom I- 1 i -i-i i:> th.- M M \,,tal due ..a Urth i.i.t.. lii Uat,- t-i (lie :JBih March. Mi.. linu-- r.•,-lie* to the mail which left oiu|f»poiv on th.- i. li X.-l. Fkom mis* i Ity the P. I), Bnln:it tmm lu.-.iai. Ton Taui.«..k Maii.nDii
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  • 337 2 umu Per s. 11. K. Atjeh from Padaug —Mr Jiol P>\- a.: tin /a from Madras via port* M.--i A b. Simpwu, A. H. Hoedeu. San') 1 H M S- liwabe, Mrs. Hessenaur. ami Rev. .M Uivet anil Reutrd. P..- s t.Calyptu froiu Deli -Mr. Von I. .r|.
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  • 332 2 Lady Mitchell's reception yesterday was very largely attended and the finish <>f the paper-chase aroused much interest among Lady Mitchell's guests. H, H. the feulun of Johore had a fall, but did not seem much hurt. It was erroueously stated iv the leport .•i Messrs. Go»dus, AlexauJer, and Co.'. bankruptcy
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  • 17 2 TWO (.ugiueers are said to oc shortly exptct«d iv Perak, to commence laying the Krun railway line.
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  • 40 2 EiauT cases of plague were reported at Hougkoug ou the L't v insUut, bringing the total for tue year to 434. A Chinisk clerk oi' the Protectoiaic lit Telok Ausou has been senteuced to uue. yeai's hard labour for bribery.
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  • 16 2 The New Elphiustune Tbaattical Compauy will play, to-night, at Kampoug Kapur, Jalau Hi-sir, Leila and Mujnoou.
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  • 26 2 StKn.i famine prevails iv tue Chinese proviuce of Kwan^si, aud the uiisbioaaiiM are taking steps to raise fuuds to r* i< ye I the distress there.
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  • 35 2 I HiK. will bo uo 11 s. iii. service M St Audrew's Cathedral next Suuda), mi^g to the illness of the licv. A. F Sharp Th» other services ou that day will I H usual
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  • 29 2 A Riiiu masi of Requiem for the Ut« Kishop Gssoier will be celebrated in the Portuguese Church of St. Joseph on a duy to be yet Bied.
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  • 28 2 Ykiitkriiat uioruing. a cointnliV r..«--cuud a Cuinaiuaii who bad juiu|*J ml.) the sea on Beach I! iwl Tin; miv was convrre I to hospital, but died to-dar.
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  • 31 2 The new Veteriuury lu9|>ector for Penan.; arrived there last Sa'urd.iy from Calcutta. He is a Sikh by nationality, aud a graduate of the Ltthorc Vet.riuaiy C«ll< g-'.
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  • 31 2 Bi»Hup Modeiros of Maca > is xlill at Timor Dilly, aud the exact datu is still unknown when he is cotniug to inspect the Poitugurse Missions at Siu^apon- and Malacca.
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  • 48 2 Tik outward Spanish mail steamer Mont- j Mfttsl left Colombo at 2 p.m. on Tuesditu aud should arrive here ou Sunday, in. li iin.-v. aril Spauish mail kteuuier /■'•> de I'tiHay 1-tt Mauila at Id a.m. v.-sterday, ..ui l will arrive hcio on Monday afternoon.
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  • 55 2 Thk Ipoh Branch of the Perak Jubilee Mason's Lodge held a uieeliug iv the Court House. Batu Gajau, ou Saturday ni^ht lust. AUer ibe ueetiog the uiein- l»-i h adjourned to the Club, where they had dinuer, aud, later, there were. Sungs anil rt-. titiuun which made
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  • 52 2 I'm. Rajah of Sarawak mteutl* to «ork the oil deposits at Miri iv the Kirain district. Samples which were MSJI to Euro|>e have been well reporUd ou. The oil is at present I'-mnd on the surface, I an.) is uiwd by the natives iv its < rule state
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  • 61 2 The M. M. steamtr .\<i<<i/. with the French mail of th.- 24tb IMmsW, will j be out from Colombo 4 dav< and 17 hours In << to-morrow atternoou. having left at la. in. on Tuesday. A* the V.m- is a fast boat, aud as to-morrow ia
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  • 44 2 At the Legislative Council yesterday: Attorn./- Micr»l ladmiriiigly aud un ftiK.ii-.tyi Tiiix. Sir, ia a very rumarkalil.t clan*.' It The Governor Do you want to aniund it Attoruey-Ueueral —Oh. No I The Governor. < 'lau-.- panni' P»mi>. {Curtain). Thus are oration* lo»t.
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  • 65 2 I hirl is at preaeut, a large export from Cautou of Cbiueae five and ten cent pieces. The cause of (he unusually large suipiueuts of these coiu* is the necessity of supplying the deficiency iv the Chinese currency caused by the diminishing supply of copper ca*h
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  • 60 2 It is represented at Penaug that great evils have resulted there from the I ilim-j off in Indian Immigration. Hem*, the (iofernment, it' it at hurt the advancement aud prosperity of the Settleroeut. niUKt take up the qui-stion of placing the immigration department upon a sound footing,
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  • 106 2 Ai the date of last .id vices fiom TonI quiu, difficulties thicken around th.- French I forces operating against the pirates and brigands on the northern frontierx of Tonquio. It appears that notwithstanding the three mouths' campaign of the Fallic're column, the district of Haglaog is again
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  • 101 2 TRAD E RESTRICTIONS IN FORMOSA. Thk camphor trade in h'oruioaa ik said to have been brought almost to a standstill by the action of the Japaneae authorities there in arrestiug forei^u couipradortN, ronfiscatiug camphor, and m-v.h:-_--all the bookit. The kTMOSMR were litn-ii aud releaaed, but r.-ntrictious ou tlie < ainj.-
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  • 119 2 luk annual general meeting will 1.,I held in the Town Hall at 5.15 p.m., ou Thursday, the 23rd iuaUnt. Copien of the .)iuunti"f report and of the account!) ul the M.-ifiv for the rear ended 31at Maich lavt will be circulated iv the courac of a day or
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  • 145 2 At 7 a.m. yesterday, in the OhtMM Church of St Peter and' St. Paul, a tahwi riM|Uietn high maov waa )<erfora>ed In thr Very Revd. Canon Delouetlo, with Father Marietta from r'enaug m dracon and Father <Jaz«uu trum Mal.tcni us nil.. deacon. The libjra Hervice waa
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  • 145 2 T«l«obams m the Mi CWus. Acbeen news to the 11th in.Unt' r iinotber eaitagment with the »nl, n |Wrt Bilnl. Tbe pa.!, there aud at ffi B were relievwl <m the Bth instant »,k.l 1..X. of nine killed and thirty "woii-.d^ The relieving force, oj re'u'ini,,,, 'fr *****1. cam^
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  • 111 2 Thk SamiC'ik limnllr. |iubli»i,,., th tr:.lereturus of that State for I*9:, ft* re|^rt Hiu following ouii.ariwT between 1H94 and 189. r > 1- 011 lmporU. Exuorlj.. 'i.^. Ml i.o-!.,3!>t %Uljm B^fljß *>7,.'KU X157..-.2) Imports are less tli.iu those durin-. |gaj I by nearly tbiif IhoaSHsi tons. b« taai
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  • 155 2 At the Penaug Club on the l:itli m,Capuiu U Riviere H N M L..»U on beliulf sf tbe aaVan of B« lands Maj.Hty's, statiou.-il ,,i Acbeeu Cuast, presented to the I'lub i>i«w of pUte in iaaaj|aitsN si m hospitality that Irt.l In-en cUonU t,.
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  • 179 2 Ybhtkkuav atternnon, Hsaßl 1 n j Bros, held at their otlices in Uaflki square an aucliou tale ot li leasehold land under an order I in the bankruptcy ot Mimiim K m> Asm Aroaaillam Chitiv. Ix>t I compi .une I allottmeuts of free hold Uod Tiuiah Road, having
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  • 414 2 MfIUMI >"K THK -\l t i.^ KM! th« pa».s mm t>i m*m> The Seltct Ctiuiuiiit.v. lo mi Liquors Ordinance Amendment II I lvi beeu ref.rr«l, out ..n the' I an. l -".111 DMMBbar, IMC itii'l aud Mik .ljQU*ry, l^'tl. IV] si.l. red the damn of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 728 2 NOTICES qiHB lOEKBO COMPAHT, UMITID rpHB Standard Life Aatnrano*. X Norwich Union Kire Intaraaos Soowty Atlas urn vios Oompao/ Fire). Taa KquiUtto Lift Am>urano» Society. T^S Ooaan Matins Insarancs <'oni|ianyTasCkia* Mutual Htmat .N*«i(f»t ion Coapanj I Vh« ToiUobaia La(w ll«m Oaafaa] I%a Matibsas lasuianos Conpaav .in..— l For particulars of
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    • 1003 2 NOTIOBS The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspai er in Asia, British India excepfeti. It circulates in Singapore and I'enang, throughout all the Pratected States of the Muiay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- lines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has go
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    • 488 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE. imhi.'l: OK WONUEKS The N E Theatrical Co of Bombay Will play to-night Their Grand Tragical Hay, entitled LKIIm Wll MCJNOON. With Appropriate Dresses and Scenic Effec's. TO BE LET IMM Kill Vlh Entry, that pleasantly situated residence known as Kosebank, Mount Elizabeth Estate. Exeelleut accommodation.
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    • 69 2 M. 9 k. n^, in m >*■*• Lwiiimviuwiifil I niwb^ lUpiixr <~». «v ''•<"•«'•■'< "'""'> "">'■ L-m .i» >n\ M.H.H. nr» '#.1 I'M* ...i#H tfltfnfte* psmmmZ AU ~*tU*h fmtWtt Ii ■»<«!■ lIM IV Mnnmtf r«t.. U«*» IS* vtTti»* < -I f*>- p-.| «r m^tn.) ««Ul<r. Kvl fit:.- taas Tor *««t
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 107 2 WEATliKK BKPOKi KumUnq hrabnu Hof%tal, MM April, If&tf. m. 3 p. m 9 p.m. Buikii Uu. r. 9 Fab. 2ft.8tij29.7-i 29.800 t Temp 87.D MJ 79 5 j'»r WVt !'.a!l. Tier. 8o 0 80 ij 77 7 Zi"* D, i.,i ekb. N. C.lm. gj;' 0 .Mai. 1'. u| 10 Uad*
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  • 4216 3 LOGISLAT IVE COUNCIL. Till ftBDAY. AFRU. Mm. PKISKNT. i, y THI CoTfUIOE. t-IH Ulllll.Kl yir. HrLi.. <>.« m r .ijeiieralH T. Jones V»ughau,€ H I a. BWBMMMMB, 'M<i. Colouisl < r > v, H i ollver. Attorney (jeuer»l ■oaffar, lV>l«a*«l Tressur.-r H I intt.-r Auditnr<;.ner«l ,i I'm' An.ler-uii. Aeiin^' tJolonUl
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  • 1132 3 H. C MMMMt I ni.-> teams met last ui^lit on the 11, .-I. t" bring oft' the M in 1' li on tbe.S. C. <'. c«'d for the season, before a large crowd of Hpectatorx. The eronnd wag in goud condition, and the evening Minply bbmmlH lor agooi t-xpiaiiion
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  • 41 3 Tub mmm* .ni Mr. V 1). iM^aa*, hold at l>'iia'g. ou the, instant, re»u ted iv a aMMM til. liv the juiv that .1". ci-el shot hn.istfif with a revolver whilst labouring under temporary I insanity
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  • 286 3 I m following corre«|>oudence was Uid before the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon Colonial Engineer lo Colonel Seerttary. Singnport. l&h Aviju,!. 189 Z. MS, I have the honour t-> report that i after considerable weighting, the slope and to of fie Reclamation in front of Market Block 1
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  • 111 3 Ailiuy Colonial S.cretnry to I'rfidtnt of th, .Vtnnc'i-il tMMMMMMMMj Hinijnpnrr, IHth January. IMI. Sm.-l am di-petnH If the MMM Ouvernor to st te. for the MrMM of the Mun "ipsl Cninnii-wiune-- tlmt the i-ns> ruction of Psmur .1.1 in *Vth Kamnouif HtUces a»d of Telok *vor l{ In- now lieeu
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  • 618 3 PVmMMBI »J tlu Muuicipit OmMMMMMMMi fSMMasa^ (o Colonial Srcretary. Singnport. KHh Frbru«ry. /«■>/ Sir.— l h»r« the honou' t'i «rknowlwl)rn I •♦ipt of Tour MM P W D. V.' ot <••»• l V'.'h ultimo, in'onninc; the Muninpal Com. rnisnionors th»* thu rou>-t.nietion of Dsmar I 1 oa.l *nd of T,]
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  • 178 3 CMMiai Secretary 1,, pMMM »l Ih, Muniripul CWMaMMMMj Biny")">rSni <fii' nr, :llh Fil'miry MN v ir, 1 bti dirwld lit the 1 ■'..i.-rinn t.. i.-LnuwMgi the r.-e -ipt" of jour letter Nil .'-J of the 12th MMMt, forwarding I faff af resolution nf the MMMMI ImMMM r 'gnrrling ilu« ennstruelinii
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  • 222 3 CmJoI vi tilt MmmUfti Qmmmmimtn, iMMBJMM, <•• Mbatai S-.rrt^ry. Bi*faport, J»(h March. iMHi. Mk.-I iiav- the honour to ■MMMfI 1.e.-ipt nf tnnr KMf MMsWJMI of date E4tll Kl-hrlMn. M the Mlbjuft uf the MHMBBtun hy thi) Milliic-piility .1- |,n1,1,,- aMMM nf t.-stfl.-s quay I Dmimr Koad.siiil t forward. 1 the
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  • 241 3 Colonial Engineer to Colonial Secretary. Btnq*pore, JTtk (Uptemhr 1H96. Bir,— ln my report on the Budget. 1896, I lieve called attention to certain figures connected with the Tlok Ayer Reclamation. ■Mat nuy be of interest to the Government »s a separate communication. The total cost of the scheme np to
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  • 256 3 Colonial Engineer to Colonial Secretary. Penang. ?.5rA Janunry, 189<>. Sib, B'fore going on l-»ve, I hejj to draw your attention to my letter P. W. D. ';j T dated 12th August. IK* where I recom- meiiHed tl at the unfinished |>>rtion of «oa wall si Telok Ayer should remain uncompleted
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  • 86 3 Fob the Penaog Oolf Club Cbampiou- ship, play for which begins on tho 20th iimtaut, six entries have been made. Tin Lailies i iu!f Club Championship Competitiou Ins secured eight entries. The piizesin this competition will be presented by M... President of the Club. Thf days for
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  • 362 3 i»'w Calmtta Rome, 4th April. stesi advices from the seat of w»r iv Aiitssinia »t»'e tlmt the entire garrison of r ataala made a sortie in aid of au out|Kwt al f-'.i'ilerat. and defeat "d the Dorvishex. who were tive tliou-sud strong. The Dervish loss heavy, but the
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  • 39 3 (fWM I in ',rt •<„,„, ilirtvurlli Nsiu, mi mVm smmM Auslralinli. Api tl liutl.rif f-WATuw. Chwosbsu, Apl 17. liulhrie BOMBAY. ,f al .lol.u al»v P. Simons A Co. I i ns, Vay U r fsimoa* ACo I
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  • 191 3 I Pbbioni retiding in Kara-pong l'--u- v. writes a correspondent, are loud iv their complaints of the way io which I bullocks are allowed to roam about the streets at all hours of tbe uight. As soon as it dusk, it is not uncommon to see these animals,
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  • 230 3 VI MKROI s sril.U. I hl pa pet chase last evuniug <vas a gruut 8 u cess It waa primipallt r> n< irl.ahl. f..i .hi eitraoidmarv number of mishaps, though fortunately none were ol a w>rious Datum. The meet was at a quartcr-paM £<-,■, oa the Scraugoou
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  • 81 3 FOR SALE: EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND PERSONALS. Ut Tint. I.', cents a line 2nd ami Urd times, loeeiins, line, (th intith times, o ceats. a line; Tth tv lHth times. 3 cents a line; afterwards, 2 cents a line hut no charge less than mi., dollar Thus, a tlirtt MM
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 615 3 WANTRI) -At once hv a Mercantile tinn, St Kuala l.uinpu, Two yniuiff 'hiuese a* Clerks and Assis taut Salesmen, who must write good handa. and he quick at figures Those having hsd,, eipericncn in the latter rapacity preferred. Salary si:, p* r month for each, tree passage, board and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 175 3 AKKANUKMK.Vi'M FMMLT, I7ih Aikii. ■M Wat-r. IJ |.ui. Ohiii>-»«- ciin-t'.in AMMMtioa IsmI .Mi.Iiii^ l*riur<]> Strict H p.m. Horn.- Sal* at I, iinl.-Tt V f'..w. II A Co. .VI.-. S v 1 1 kiiav. Ion Aikii. U.-i. W.t.-. (>.:<« d in. l.Wf|.n' Furuituri' Aucti'iu Si. mw I Walk. Fowrll A C...
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    • 152 4 Un-lor MM hoadinif Mm t. .Mowing «B*«»J»i--iion» ar« ■•■l-^Bft-^lßjaMri bn.-barque; Brit -Briti.h 0. h- 3Utea; Fr.— FrencJi; Crer.— G > O* Dutch; Joli.— Jolioro. Ac., G.c— > eanro' d.p. de^k paawnpiru U. '■''■<•' tain T. P. W— Tanjong P.v* r vvl ir| l P D Tanionif Pairar
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    • 725 4 TRADIN G VESSELS. Abkivam Since Noon ot fMraaiMl Smi«. Hrii atr. Mil t..UH, Capl HmMT, 16tli Apl. From Swatow. Wh Apl <i<-. BVilMll il p. < Jut lire A Co. |a« liah|sk..k U— Rd*. MjMbJmm, Brir r I.S3S I MM. Capl Krainp ton liiih Apl. From Ho tffcav*. W* Apl.
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    • 471 4 Same, Fort, and whin &j*et tl Lond on Manila. Aal P. A O. \,l.n. M i) do Jaajw, M-> do H. -nil. in. mil. May. P. Bimi'ii~ Bm.lari|r, Apl. P. Siini"-. i :l>-n<>Kl«. May Botutead. Livckpooi M...-tw Apl. JO; W. Manihel,, Charon. Apl. 21 do Dmmmm, Apl. do
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    • 145 4 M 5 s N.M.. t I CAI Mil a_ »:iKkon taIMU *il. lfi K KaafU Mj»li Kilt, air Ml Hlouil..T k -16 Slim Urit.atr M Mtta l<i h».,tui..- -tr. I*l, Kr...,,|.1..i. l»i Knl.y si ri list U'Cnia lf> '»d- I-ouslen »lr' H Angii, IT Butroßoo* l>ut«trl 19 OdU
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    • 48 4 'A I >.. thill.'.- > uu 'LAU tL la C'OITAIN .pi. t:.itn!i*ToiMi>iiu 17 >Mh.,i. 11.-uir >\>u I live La Dg < I Ho Son W«h tint -tr atr >lr »t'. Bar Kh IMI. BaUu h Ml I', .igjkok Kl»b(f vi» p^r" T«lu» An*» rla PPr" r 8 i r»w«k
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1090 4 NOTICES. McALISTEE Co., MAVK JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT OF W/TSON&Co V> V (BLEBKATEI) M^Mfr \BA $U W Whiskies l^jfl lifefjfir VS\ Ultt Pail iure«l Whisky to be w~wSir3^iit Mf^M sa^B^^aT L>UTV Me A LISTER &CO "j"" JUST ARRIVED AnUCSH shipment ..f MiKdalian 8»H He. I in SW !!<-nt <•■>»
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    • 623 4 NOTIUEb. McALISTKR CO. •FAIRBANKS tiCAUB. No' ic<- 1 1 li 'iel> (,'ivru iinlt-r power of a't.irn. v flat 'I 12th December, 1895. M-B<i*. K AT. KairlidiiUs I.. St. Jolmsbury. Vciinont, U 6. A., appointed Fninci* \V.n r.ct aud AlUMdtt C'u^iniog. Siiig*|>or.', joii'ilv an-! n-.< rally to Ie tbe tiue
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    • 955 4 NOIICEB. RILEY HARGKEAVIiS COL NEW STOCK. SAFES. ■|*LK/n SAXES OF VARIOUS SIZES ALL n riKu with I'm mi's I, k~ WEIGHING MACHINES, FAIRBANKS AVERY'S Weighing pounds, ratlin*, ami kilcs. BELTING. l.aii A-liir», Rulihe', Loathor, and Hand* 's of Kint Class Quality. TUMI'S. Rotary, I 'entrifngal, Flaonvter. Steam and Hand. ENGINES.
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    • 49 4 NEW DENTAIToppicE D tt A T BOWEB, Amerin., MM m mmS Jxu?'?.m jM.r-. ami W ,ll 0,«.n sn ..(Bce MN o V"" "PSYCno CYCLKS: Stablbt Bboi' Nbwkst Bii> m PNEUMATIC MM CUSHION TYRED. A stock alway* on hand sniubls LADIEB AND OENTLEMIj KILEY, lIAKUKKAVEB 4 13, ManMM boad. •■••t
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