The Straits Times, 16 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. IOSTABLIBHKD: 1831. 81NGAPOUE. THURSDAY. APRIL 16, 1896. NO. 18,899.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 886 1 STHAMSHIi' COMI'ANIKS OrPICB, Collycr Quay, v WIIA.KVKB.Nr* Ha, b ur STKAN NAVIBATION COMPANY, for I'Vilna. Jiiphii. hajMj IV, on, l"<l«:i. AustraUii. Adrii. lu> N. Miiraelllr*. <-i<irnllur. vlalla. BrliKll-'. y «nl««-. Pl] inoiilli. uni London. ti roaarli BiUa f l'" 'i' haajJ tm Mail LIM. OtrwAUi. HonitwAK Itstatt if*) Aiml II
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    • 852 1 SIKAMSHII' COMPAMhsJ. I \l Ki.M.NKUJKfc PAKETVAAHT MAATtiCHAPPLJ. i 'n'l'.r contract with the fatherland. India (inTorumei.t A<,, nf m) sMsfaaasa Baiir AaaaiOT, uti J. Uakwdiui a Co., 2-3, OolltebQuat. Baaaatad Kmm Will be Despatchml for On S, I. H.I, Hila Hihi. Pane'i. Aisahan and Dnli. Jlsl April ISta. I.- i i..'
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    • 509 1 EAST (JO AST KTCHINUK by HUGH CLIFFORD, Prrtt Of/ittiunii. 'ii i 'l feature of the lv,,k in Baaßfaal In papalar ajiathias All the akatawaa ata I n)fht and i nt«.t inintf wonl aiaraaaa, clever'y writt.n. with chsrn>iu|r timcliea of lunour. mi < orc-anionally with light aud appropriate laakaa of irony
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    • 792 1 INSUKANCE6. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LInlTkD. > .piu: HuUcriM Am.unt nU i.|i ttU.IHK. U» «r»« f and 1.5»i,.«». H... Orr. i. II. S In- Uli 1.r>1«1,r.1, ha. Urf U-vu «|.;olMt-l A^.-iitn uf tli^ iUti.r-,iiip.iij,iirf pn-| m r 4 Vj MX-ept Mmtiiiu Uiitka hi cumat iM. A Booud bubuaJ j i«i.l t->
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    • 776 1 INSURANCES. THE STRAITS INSrRANC'S <OMPANT, UMITBD BSTABUSHED IKB3. HBADOrricK, mnml'.h.i Tapital Fully Suhecribed Capital Paid-np Wim*" RfMrve Fund I 25»1,-.'3<' Balance of W<ir*ing Account to 31s( De<*r, 1894 f Ua.195 CaahAaeetii ,4^l,'>lB A. S MTKHAY. ivcretay EASTERN HOBTUAUE AND A*>B>Cl COMI'AN V. LIMITED Aaaaaasaad Cai.ital i.l.M»i.i>»i. Sill- nU',l X »i««1.2."Hl
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    • 349 1 BANKB. /IBARTERBD BANK OF INDIA V ACBTRALIA AND OHINA INCORPORATSDBYROYALCHASTES. CAPITAL £800,000 RESBRVEUAWt.m of Proprietors sJ^OO.OOO RESERVE FUND £3i»5.000 (*Ban> or E*ol«>d. i.*m>. BANKERS Natiovai. Bark of Scot(Thk Cut Bark Ltd. InTKRFst f'N rIZEI) DkPOSITB. For 12 months 31°/ o do o d. 2°/ o and that intere«t uu Current
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    • 613 1 KOTIOBB mcalistp:r ca "FAIRBANKS SCALES. Notice is herein that undrr power of attorney datwl 12th IWmlx-r, Ifi9 r Messrs. E. AT. Fairbanks A Co. ol St. Johnsburr. Vermont, U S. A., appoint**) Krunris ri. k aod Aleiander < linnm i._ s.i. K M|.,.r. joiuth kii i reverallT to be the
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  • 465 2 LATKHTMAKKKT QUOTA TIONH SivnAPOBR. *<'.:■ Apbil. IBM. PKOUUCK. «mbier 7.60. do Cnbo Ko. 1 11.75. do do No. 2, UMK>. Oopm Bali, 585. do Poatiuak -••ipper Bhwk 1i».50. 9»go Flour. S-.rawnk 2.62{. do Brunei ±4* -'earl Sajo. 5.50 Bali, uickoJ :».00. Coffe* Liborian, NY 4->. Cunoea small Flake, SJI
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  • 29 2 Fur Per $tr. Time. 10-Vnßitow. l>»inbi.- habtlln. 3»m Kl»ng >v portt, Uong (Ton, Bpm Satubdat. v» i». Monturral, 1 p in. via poru, Calypto, 2pm Deli.
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  • 120 2 Ki;..a Xi Ily tlie MM.-. Katal, due on ivth mat. wth la-,- to t1... 3slh March. .-1.. b. ings r* lies to the mail left Bing»port ou the iS b Feb From hina i liy the P. AO. s. s Hnlatie due on Tat«(Uy liMt Tiiii.i...
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  • 362 2 ABKIVAI.S. Per a. s. M'Ahi'li r from Macassar M.—r, l'..w«>l, aud B >ys »Vr h. s. Hung Wan from Klaug —Mr Rowlands. lor s. a. H pplm from Klaug via jiorU i Mr M<-Bean, aud Dr. and Mrs Highet. Per h. s. from Kobsicbanr Mr X B. DirkH.n.
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      • 31 2 London, t6tk April. Marshal Yamagata, tbe Japanese Knv >y to Russia, has met with an enthusiastic reception at N-w York upon his arrival there on the way to Moscow.
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      • 30 2 MATABELE RISING. The native* of the Northern Trausvaal have become restless, and a rising among them is fetred. A'i\ s from Buluwayo continue to be of a serious nature.
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      • 20 2 The Sultan of Turkey has raised Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria to the rank of field marshal.
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  • 248 2 Tie Matabele Rising gains in gravity aud importance, and the native* in tlie neighbouring Northern Transvaal are now giving trouble. These natives or Kaffir* form an immense majority of the Trausvaal population, which numbers j over three quarters of a million, hardly j a quarter of a
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  • 205 2 From a letter thit appears in another column it will be seen that, unless tbe liquidators of tbe Singapore lunurance Company proceed to close the liquidation prttty quickly, they may lie under a disagreeable criticism. We think our correspondent's statement that the liquidation has now no liabilities
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  • 208 2 Ladt Mitchkli. holds a reception t bis afterooon. Tbe finish ot the pa|«r-cba*e will also be at Government House, aud •oiae rider* will probably fall off at the jumps thert. The Santa Cecilia Band will play the while. Thkbb is often a pretty bad smell ia Stamford Road, from the
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  • 26 2 Mas*** Powell A Co. will hold an auctiou sale of horses and carriage* at Abraros's yard on Monday, the 20th inst., at (.15 p.m.
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  • 28 2 Messes Briniicann Co. ii.hertise that they are sole Agent* of Roedrrvr'* Champagne, and that it can be bad from Mesar*. John Little A Co., (Ltd.) iv retail.
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  • 49 2 Choi.rra, say* the Siam Observer, is still rife in tbe jail* behind *h>- Rnyul Court* of Justice at Bangkok. From the Ist to tbeSthinst., 8i death* had occurred io that place. It is said that the cholera in the jails has been caused br bad water.
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  • 54 2 Information has reached the Siam Obierotr to tbe effect th it steps are being taken by tbe Siamese Government to j-.1--lect data for the establishment of a fire brigade in Bangkok. That sm-h an institution is highly de»irable in tbst city of attap roof* aod wooden
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  • 56 2 RUSSIA AND FRANCE. RUSSIA AND FRANCE. According to a telegram, dated London, ">rh instant, the Time* says that M. Borili-I.>t resigued the portfolio of Foreign Affairs at Paris because M. Mobrenheim, the Hus»ian Ambassador in France, objected to his making any statement iv thr French Chamber on tbe Egyptian question
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  • 88 2 A tra«ic affair occurred at Saraburi in Siam, on March 21st. It appears that one Nai Pbooii took up a double- burn-1 fowling piece, and with it shot his mother acd wife. Nai Phoon tbwn ran in and got a Winchester repeating rifle, and satdowD. At this
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  • 84 2 Last year. Prince Rhinurangse ropre•euted to tbe Siamtae Goverumeui the great necessity for a supply of pure water at Bangkok in view ot tbe mauy deaths then taking place from cholera. The Government decided to vote a sum of 300 catties a* a contribution towards snch
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  • 111 2 Thbrr is much to be said in favour of the April number of the Fall Malt Mayanine. Excellent alike io letter-press and illustration, the I 'all Mall Mayiaine commends itself to all intelligent magazine readers. The City of Refuge," a new story by Walter B<*aut commenced
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  • 309 2 «-"i ii > i >y in .Mi.! SUOAK AND KAPUk Two scitutistt, named Sarsziu, havr just returned from ao advi-nturous exploring journi-y in tbe south east Peninsula of Ctlolxs. The expedition through tint tottlly unkoowu ptirtiou of tlie island was crowned with romplrt* 1 success. The explorers i
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  • 92 2 FOU«T«M DAYS <*CA«AKT I!U ll»FO»MATIOK having b»« n Z a contagious di*-M». n,,,,",?* 1^ 1 «W--0i,... in Palembang. t it d^ullS'l 1 Governor that the port o! Put >'!- infected. Under lhft^^*H tbe Governor in Council Tml kl Quarantine and Prwew^J'. "KOrdinance. 1886," all re.*!," 1
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  • 142 2 SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB roKTHUOHINU 'JOMPWtTIoy, O.n Saturday next.a mitch Al, (match pi iy two rounl.) bet,^.^ Servxes aud the Club. The teatn Sbbvicb.. H. (i[; l tx Lieut. Mardnu,r»ll Dr. Mqjli«i, B l,i ut. Anislii- J v Lint A.J.R.Ore.neD.Mwk.r" M.jor HortUy J. B B, c V m Lieut. i'sul o.
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  • 233 2 ENTERPRISE ON THE EDGE OF ETERNITY. UMMB ARRANUKVK.NTs BHX>UI. A curious commingling ot ue*, N r rivalry aud iuic:de is reporud br )£IZ from Midv.l, Nebraska. U^SJ a uiau n nue.l MerchaDt, the ediWr d w.ekly paper published m that Xu^ decided to commit snfcid« Uciuie oi leverscs iv business.
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  • 587 2 A RKIIAKkABI.hI inillCUtiuU Of tin spru'! of liberal views on the Sunday quriim. even in the mutt unexpected quarttr*. appears to b« furnished Iy the pleauf tlu deputation that ha.l au iuterview with i* Lord Provost on the subject of Sunlit gull, »ay« the Seottman The
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  • 48 2 For ('.lran* vlt poet., N.rhM.. o. i" April, Bomtmul Ai" „j,t, i'ei au* ami l alcutts. S»i«««y. do April. Houstead A Co. Aprl i, Au»lr»lUu port*, Arght, v" IMn MeAli.ter* Co. Hougkoug. Li>jMni»g. duo W Hongkong, fa**** <> u nh A| Ohio. »J Japan. *<*•"» 1180 1 Borneo Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 666 2 NOTICES I rp«« »«»«MO COMPANY. LIMITBD Lz 1 rnHl StaadaH Llf* Aswranos. X Not-Kh Oaioa Fir* Insurant* gisiisy AM** AMiirano* Coapaar (Fir*). TV* Kiu.tal.W Uf* AMuraac* Rocisty. Ts>* Ooaaa Maria* Imuraao* Compaaj. Tb* Cluna Mmtual Stoaa Navigation Otaapaay. Tb* TMUabua La*™ Bew Ooaqiaaj. Ta* Maiitun* laswaau* Conpaoj. imit*d Pot ■Mtimlart
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    • 1209 2 _NOTICES^ The Straits Times has the largest circulation oi any newspaier in Asia, British India exoeptec. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Mulay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, acd French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 833 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS PAR%EE THEATRE ÜBANII M A K\ > 1.1.01's KIOHT. The N. E Thoifical Co of Bombay Will play t ,-nitrht Tbeir w.-11-.ii.iw am) fanioun |ieee, »n»i 1.-l IN'DRA-SCTBHA. Witheitraselertion-iufiiewmaa^iificHut «cen a. NO It. rMK iiiul.-rHijriieil rveuived a ainall rousi/ntnent of whi red burgundy i hull lit
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    • 70 2 i.». 8. <MU*4i4 i.., VrMlt l-w.i'..»,..M«r.|.» niMr.kl/lIUMMMII. ily 1m ,^f fk«tM»4u Un ««.v M.sJTin rti-tt* lIUI mifM •tlurwtm k. AU miwrtitini tnlwli in nkwi i- <" ii'in, tl. -I tk> kMl|fr nmvlmw 111/ «Iht'u#m/- I<v Iw pepr mm »l mii <•/ Mlkr, *M M< «v..0 Ua U*r iHI The Straits
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 VVKATHKK KK~VOKI 1 Ml .Ipni 1*1). J««. Ip.B »r.».K«1t1.:k.. i Fni. ..£>.*!•.«• 73«».52ri T«mp 8.0 sVJ 7M6 V-t "alnTher. 8o.« 77.0 77.t ir. of Wind... S. E. C.lm i'J I«.T™|>. iurtiHr 8».O I.n do da 71.» JfS I lv. in .via 1.V..1 g.S tar. i»i Thar. 68.5 S WabtOtaiMaMsa Nil
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    • 164 2 1 hu«.si,at, 16tb April. High Water. 0.25 p.m. Lady Mitchell's Reception 5 p.m. Football. S.C.C. v. Regt. Paper Cbaae MeetiDg at Pauper Boipital 5.15 p.m. Philharmoaic Urchestia. 8.3U p.m. r'Rii.Ai, 17t» Apbil. High Water. 0.6 a.m. 1.2 p.m. Land Sale at Hong Teck Chye'». 11 a.m. Chinese C'hristiau Associatioo Social
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  • 1897 3 COWANS ALEXANDER AND COMPANY. n mi' BMHM ixjuav I hii public ciamination m Kinkni) t. y „t ilk niiu of Memrs Oowaiis, Aleiander mi.l Coin|>inv, grated V/atir ManufaeSiniiaporc wa* held Uiu iii.nii- in the Bankruptcy Court before Mr. I.eaill. Appearing lor cr>"ditors were Mr. Elliott, \letir. K.xlyk and Davidson, for
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  • 342 3 It would well if women, iv their eia/..- for something new, would Mop at nuneiing that precious stiuke, as cauuy old James I called tobacct sm.>ke, and If content with shocking their mothers by smoking Turkish tobacco instead of lookiug for mibtitules which are nion* lim nit nl
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  • 383 3 I WO AMIAHIt I IIKiANIIr all litigants were as easily satisfied as I 1 1,,- two ladies and one gentleman who e.nisiilt.'.l the OmK <>f Ap|x;il at the j li.^iniinu «>f its weekly I'liMiC"'. the life of a judi;.' would I* come a comparative ulaMOre. They were
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  • 1415 3 (Daily Telegraph.) There ii one conspicuous qualitr about tbe Dervisb, he feart no man, aud allow* uo *-!>• my to li through hii rountry without ti<lititii<. Whether the Maudiats be few or iu»uy. tli> v will uot ■fairk giviug or taking blown, and tbe coming contest
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  • 239 3 TO l II K U>ITOB OF THE STRAITS I IM -Bl»,—| am told that the liquidators of tbe Singapore Inßuranc* Company have at 1.. sent between 150.000 and 160,000 lying witb tbeir baJtkerß in Singapore. aud that there are now no claims of any kind against tbe
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  • 819 3 LORD C. BERESFORD ON NAVAL DEFENCE. Spkakino at a Conservative meeting iv Birmingham, Lord Charles Beresfoid, who was introducd by tbe Chairman as a fighting uaval officer," spokn on tbe questiou of naval defence. He there had been great unauine»s in Ibe mind of the country for a long
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  • 1396 3 Mis" liuaher: "I liave four eats, ami I j ailure them." Rusher ■■Indeed How poetical!" "Howsor" "To be so d.. voted to j the mutt you know." A lesson is being fiven to a child. Wliern dv apples cointi fr..iu From apple ir.>.~ Aud (M-anii'" Fmui poar trees."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 18 3 KOK tJKNEKAL SHIPPING NKWS ■SKK. i'AtiK t Tender Feet, ,-v »**r*st,Tir.df*«i \ry v \r\\ Coudy's Fluid. Condy's Fiuid
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    • 960 3 NOTICEB. NOTICE is hereby given that we an pleased to appoint Leherchand Lukhmiciiawi as Manager of our branch firm, at .-ijiore. under Power of Attorney, eiecutod in his favour by ns st Bombay, on the I luthdayof April. 1896, cancelling thereby tha former Power of Attorney granted to Dewchand Jamnadas.
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    • 963 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND PEIMONALB. [Ist Tina, 15 cent* a Him; 2nd and Jfd 1 times, 10 cento a i:o* 4th to 6th time* 5 nsMT a line; 7th to 18th times, 3 cents a 11m.' 1 afterwards, 'Z cent* a line but no rharg* Is** than one
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    • 162 4 Onder this hrtadinjf the following afcajPsnlions are mcd str.— stsam^r a'i. eWa bq— barque; Brit —British D. S.— United States; Fr. French; Ger. OsHMni Dm Onteh; Joh. Johor«; 4c., G.c (lenor-i cargo; d. p.— deok pasa^nfror-. IT.— i'li.---tain;T. P. W.— Tanjon)f Pa^*r WftffiT P. D— Taniong Pajrar
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    • 820 4 Arrivals Sines Noon or Ykntkroay McAlitltr, Brit. »tr. Pii ton* ('apt Hun or I.lth Ap!. Frnni Mai-iHHar. Mh Ap!. O. »i:d49dp. We* Biu A Co. IJ.-K.ln. y/u(i.; Ha.i. Brit. atr. IM ■SBB, Oaa/sla. Roliertiin. l-"»li Apl. Kroni K«JM via port*, llith Ai-I. G. c. A .'»7 d. p.
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    • 405 4 JVu»n«. Port, and when EtpecM. LONIHIV Mmiila. Apl P. A O. Ad n. .M-iy de Japv. M»y do Bruluimind, May. V. Simons. Hmilariif. ArlP.tNnMsm (Jl-iijcarry. Apl. 17; B ,u-tead. Qlaajnjls, May Buiistoad. LIVIkFOOL. DoiK'KllOD. Apl. i),, AJRi. Apt. i,, innim. TllllT. Apl. 18 d« Moutnurrat. Pah mi. Apl.
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    • 86 4 I'm tin, Q ft T >n«. CArr«iM. Piu FK"a shied 111. IS MrAliatrr 15 Horn, \V»d 15 5aj.,,1,,, 15 Kl,nt-1,,r, 16 •VrI.tTUH 16 Ban halt So .11 14 Si v Biit. -tr. M HunUr -tr 111 Rolwrteon -ir. :!.".i she.henl -tr. MIT 1..N.-U «tr. 11.'.t Lyori Mr. I'.nt I>'«)nut«e
      86 words
    • 129 4 <a ri IMIL'n [AMI. %U ;i.i C*rr*i» ,pl. 16 Ar.'in 16 Nwtor 16 H»n... li 1 Pok His Ouwi M la .v. It) M 15 ImlH-lU 16 N. 16 II nut Own 16 B»uifk»li--16 oES i if* 16 Sri r"K'k. su U K»l l.v t M v. v,'..»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 537 4 NOTICIS. McALIiTER Co., UAVI-; .h:st WCCUVED v i HKH siiii-mi.nt or CELKBRAT3D B^i ,">' Vjt^A Price »11 per Case Whiskioa BSSSu *^4|^P VS\ »ottPaid The finest and heat ma- Sflj^K j^KSfnßi&SK^ Me A LISTER ft 00. Bimui t wiiomii I Kaioiaotobt, Ludoatr Rill, Lomiioj MAKER TO H M THE QUEEN
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    • 701 4 I S— 1 a 1 For Constipation j and BiliousnessX A aha «nd life rtmtdr for SMBH md children lo mlc<i.n<. I ruil Jul/en cur., htbilu.l tomlip.liun. htellb .nJ SaMeBBJSBa, JULIEN, 8, rue Vlvienne, PARIS Renowned Phr.i.lin. pietcritx Gcimtull't Malico innuttfntivc frnifdv in i he trcitncnt of Acute >Dd
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    • 235 4 NimGJkti. KATZ BROTHERS. HII.H CLASS TAILOPS NPWtt MAKERS, OUTTItTEBM AND HfftlUHH. BEG IO ANNOUNCE TBE AIMMVAL OF THIIB NEW SEASON S GOODS. a ran unninsiM |>K WKS'J 1 Of BMQUUn) IL4CI and bli;k ooATnras. (Tropk-ai. Weiuhti. WKST O* r.\(i| AM) 'IVVKKIiS. < AS|!Ml,;.|.: BUITIaW, UIOOLi IbHIIIHIIIBUI a -11.; M>ii> m
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    • 433 4 iWll<:hb. FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR Ayer's Hair Vigor RESTORES COLOR, PROMOTES Luzuriani Growth, WW Keeps tin- scalp B 2\ c ""l. moist, healthy, M afc^v and free from dan yyr!»ilni(f. It is tinIJ£r\j[t*'S bost dressing in WFLmjiptiftt tli«- world, and is B jfaj^^.^ perfectly harmless. X/ j/k'Z 'I'" 1 1 'i'
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    • 983 4 NOTICES. RILEY HAIH.IIIIAVISi I COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. tbi.l )l~ SA#BaVOa T T«EaOUi SIZES i ai.l rims »un i iu hb'-< laven. WEIGHIIfiI MACHINES, KAIKIJANKS A AVKHY'B W.-ixliinn paaada, antllst, anal kOi BeO,tlNG. Lan, i:,. I, Laaianw. sajj <;»ud»'sof First Ulaiis Quali'v. [•Oil's. Rofan, nfuj-al, Fliio:n<iter. Bl<«iin an I
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    • 26 4 ''i>SYcno_cYOLi'S: Starlrt Bros* Nxwe»t Bi*^ PNEUMATIC Mi CUSHION TYRED A slock always on hand eaiUbls LAPIEB AND OENTLKMjj, UILEY, WAROREAVKB (v 13, Bill LET ROAD. ••••41
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