The Straits Times, 15 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1896. NO. 18,898.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 791 1 NOTICKS TO PREVCNT OR REMEDY 1!,..- M BtMfß, 11.'1.. I iBfrMBTMi ,lin Ailment-. CALVFRT'S 20 CARBOLIC SOAP from 1 m4m HI bmi I M. I" me i ,il- that 1- „,,1,1 tali to gh value 1 „1 Tfana it gonerallj 1 1 :.l.\ KI:T I 00, 1 I
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    • 852 1 SIKAMSIIII' COMPANIKB. \\V KdMNKLUKh PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Inl "r eontnict with the Netherlands India (Jovfrnmont i \i;ym-\\ i.iti J. Uaknuki.h A »!o. (V>li.tkr (^uav. BtaMMf BtMated Irca Will be DeHiwtched for On I'-... I), mn,,. IJih Batavia. Bativia.Che ib» i, S*uiarmjr an iSourabaja S >l. H-ii Itila. bmb, FmM. AVbbmM.
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    • 455 1 NKW DKNI'AI, OKKICK. DX. I* HIIWKS, MMM DMMBt.MM di'iiiltii to periiiaueiitlv wtle in -haga|.,.r,-. .mil »ill o|m-ii an olliee at No. l"> Patter.' Kni'l n\»r I MM, I von A Co. on or ahoul Apiil Met nvxt. M t NK>\ AM) WONDKKFLL DISCOVEIUES. I'repar.ifioiis Haruf r'urnil only b» lieAii..rii'Nn Driiir
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    • 840 1 INSURANCE^. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICK i UnlTfcD QaJBBI Suhw-fll*! »,.Vin..<«.. Am.. 1,1,1 i.i ,1. J.0.U.. K. fuii.l H Orri.i. H»,ii,'»u. 1 1,. >,ii I, i»i|tiifl,baviiiit l*«u •pvoii.twl Ar>i, U.vt- r.,ro} pr.-[Nretl to »cccpt MarUM ruml A Bonw. ia mnnu.l y |anl b, II o,t. r, I Ulan of biuiiwa, whrtb.r .h.rrh.'irr.
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    • 1167 1 INSURANCES. T" HE STRAITS^INSUBANOB COM- PANT, LIMITS' BBTAHMBHKI> 1883. HBAoOrricit, Sihuafobk. Capital Fully Subm-ribed $3.<"X».<"''» Capital Paid-up bVti.HCi J Reserve Kund I VMM Balaam of W.-rkinfr Account to .tl«t Deceml«r, 18«t HIU^ Ca«hA«a»to fl/MO^lS A. 8 V! V ImmUj eastern moktuaqe a kb AiiKXfY OMI'AX V, LIMITED ■aMMoned OanHal MJaW/Mk
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    • 373 1 BANKS. IHARTERED BANK OF INDIA J AGBTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORA TED BY ROYAL CHARTER. 'APITAL £800,000 RESERVE MAMUTY of PropHetora £«WO.OCH) BESERTE FUND £3-25,000 (Hwi OK EnoLlKn. [LAKD. BANKERS National Bahk of Scot(Thk Citt Bawk Ltd. Ipterrbt on fixku Dcrosna. Par l'J months 3}°/ o fi do 3*/,, :i di
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  • 489 2 LATEST MA KKKT QUCTATIONH SIKIAI'ORF. IsVtU AFBIL. IW6. PBQDUUBi Jambior J 1 7.t>"> do Onbe No. 1 11.T.V do do No. 2 10.0 U. Ooora 8a1i,... i 95. do Poßtianak, Ml Pepper BUck. H>.65 ■Ja^o Flour, Sarawnl. tM. do Bnmai sVM Pearl Stwo 3.50 loffee Ba'.i. tuiekwi. 39.00. Ooffee
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  • 176 2 For Per $tr. Time. To-vomnw. :.ral.i; .1 A |!».i 1" <;„ 11 am Wai cc him,.- i 1 pm '••nir*.-^, Han Gwi... I p.m. 0 lcittavit), rv« SerluAda, :< p m lalaec, A K'Uiie 'ri rinffauu. 3p m. oanbara. .Vr.iliWor, j, m. 00 ih via \h> t«. Sri
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  • 367 2 ARRIVALS. Per a, s. 11 if Lrum from Teluk Anson vi* forts. M (ireenwoo Rev. V. Gtuexa, 1 apt .ii. F. J. Aud non, nnd Miss Batagniti. -r RA O. c.s. Malacca from Bombay:— I M <■ 11 «fii. .m,| .Mr. A. MurielwaU. From I'euiiig: Mr. A. Luwwr.
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      • 46 2 London ISth April. The Emperor William has had a cordial meeting with the Emperor Francis Joseph at Vienna. It is generally understood that this meeting and that of the Emperor William with Kin? Humbert will result in a renewal of the Triple Alliance.
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      • 16 2 The Irish Land Bill hag bjen introduoed iuto the House of Commons.
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      • 48 2 Mr. ON. Curzon, tbe UnoV-Seeretary of State for Foreign Affair*, in reply to a question by Mr. Libouchcre, said that, if it became necessary to employ British troops beyond Wady Haifa, tbe cost arising therefrom would be a matter for discussion between Britain and Egypt.
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      • 22 2 Two hundred men of tbe Leicester ltegimeot will leave Alderthot for tbe Cape at tbe end of May next.
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  • 326 2 Tuk Triple Alliance, which many I deem so essential to the peace of Kurope, has now every prospect !of renewal. Latterly, that prospect had grown clouded on reverses overtaking the Italian arms in Abyssinia. These disasters threw doubts on Italian military efficiency, and tumults in Italy
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  • 313 2 In the matter of tbe delay of justice iv tbe Straits, the oi Singapore have t.iki-n a step which the local Government i may uot exactly like. Finding that, so far as could be ascurtaiue), the local Government has (Rue and is doing notbiug to
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  • 13 2 Captain F. J. Anderson, Acting Colonial Eugineer, arrived this morning by the //;/< 1.-uil-i.
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  • 37 2 "A FomTC»« to a Soldier," which appeared in ktouday's Utraiti Time* should read Private Peter Foy iustead of Roy. Thebe will be a PapercbaiM' tomorrow meet at the Pauper Hospital. Serangoon Road, and finish at Government Houie.
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  • 23 2 H. M. S. AeUut left this morning for practice. H. M S. Peacock left at noon to-day for tbe eastword, probably for Hongkong.
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  • 24 2 Captain He«b»bt. A.D.C., went off in a Government launch this morning, aud c tiled upon the Csptain of H. N. M. S. Prim Hendrik.
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  • 31 2 Ma. Cecil Law, the new secretary to Mr. Justii c Law, arrived by the mail at Penang last Saturday. It is reported that be is a nephew to the J udge.
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  • 26 2 Cholkba is causing great havoc amoug the prisoners in Siamese gaols. It ii asherted that the heavy mortality is due to the consumption of brackish water.
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  • 34 2 It is stated at Shanghai that tbe Chines? authorities at Pekin apprnve of the proposed extension of tbe Foreign Settlements at Shanghai, but that the detail* must be settled by the local authorities.
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  • 38 2 According U> a despatch from IVkin, the negotiations couu'fted with tbe Treaty of Commerce between Japan aud Cbiua are almost concluded, but it will be some time before tbe Treaty can be signed aud ratified.
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  • 41 2 The Acting District Magistrate of Kuila Kangtar has no wish to be hypercritical, but be does not think the piuper patients iv tbe District hospital have enough to eat, and be would like tbe matter to be enquired into.
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  • 45 2 Thk exportation of ric\ siys tbe Courrier de Satt/on, continues to go on rapidly. Despite the pessimistic viewa held by many on this year's export, tbe trade contiuues satisfactory. Iv fact, the export is expected to exceed the figures of 189.V
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  • 49 2 Auticks received from Coreu show that the rebellion is spreadiug and that th» entire country ii iv a state of chaos. The RiMsiac authorities are iucteising their force* at Seoul, the capital, and they are bringing munitions of war and other sores through Manchuria to the Corcan frontier.
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  • 58 2 Induitbixl strikes are becoming frequent in Japan. At Kobe, a few days ug.i, the stonemssous were threatening to strike, uud, bad not an amicable arrangement beeu arrived at, the factory gi-U employed at the W ikarama Spinning Factory would have gone in a 1.0 l\ to Hio^o.
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  • 68 2 The China Hail learus that Commander Wurreuder of H. M. S. Centurion baa been appointed to tbe royal yacht Victor and Albert. It is expected he will leave shortly to lake up his uew appoiutmeut. H. M. by Archer wa* to go into dook at Hongkong for af
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  • 70 2 Mb. Bacon, of the Post Office at Penaug, has been recommended for the appointment of Marine Sorter of the General Post Office here, vacact since tbe promotion of Mr. Cornelius to the chief clerkship. The English mail of the 20tb March, on board the P. O. steamer
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  • 73 2 The Sanitary authorities at Hout;koi!^, iv view of the increasing number of cases of plague there, have increased their s!.iff of special service men for cleansing hous-» in the immediate vicinity of those in which cases of plague occur, and have also organised five bouse-to-bouse search parties.
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  • 75 2 Thl electcic bicycle lamp is expected to I prove a popular addition to tbe cyclist's I equipment. It v of two candle-power, aud an ingenious r.-rl'otor throws a remark- ably powerful b^tm to a considerable distance ahead. Au alternating current is supplied by a tiuy magneto-electric machine, which
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  • 90 2 At the Kabiu gold niiius. a uew lode has l«eu discovered, fifty feet in depth, ■ays the Biam Free Preu. Messrs. Clarke Co. ba.e taken over tbe miuing rights of Messrs. Leonaidi, Magliola, and Orassi, iv the gold mine situated at Nam Kob. The Watana Mine is
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  • 123 2 A smaki capture was effected liy the police at Kuala Kangsar in Februaiy. Three Malay men and tbeir wives were coming from Ipoh one night iv a bullock cart. All the women's jewellery and tuonev were placed iv a bundle at Ipoh. When the cart
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  • 146 2 At a meotiug of Ihe creditors, L. rupUy of Messrs. Qowans, Alejw*" and Co to-day certain propus.l. f,, r Z •ale of the busiues* as a whole w elP M ted because of tbe d-fficully of ad jus' ,t" claims of competing creditors claimi,,,,, 1 secured.
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  • 29 2 1t is n ported from B*kau tli.i f n account of ihe scarcity of aad «t M.ji, tb« price has ag;>iu been increased oue m iict tou.
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  • 100 2 KXIiMri.ARY MI:NTKN( ►> Thk »i.m r W«m§ Bmi arriv.,l bn> from Bwatov laal inntit, and Mi |>i.ioed iv (luarautiue. Tbo vessel, however, burrouuded by smupang, and all night K.n tbe c.i pi -ii 11 and crew had the gre«t«,t difficult v in pn venting ibe
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  • 131 2 Thk Kobe Chronicle uotei tka< •>. ing attention has Wn given latrlv t,, 1.,. |)ossibiliti-s of It irueo as M cuti. t i.. r Japanese lalkxir. Th" J.i.|.,lii. 1,.i i r t> work in Borneo, and in.;, ttikij Indeed, it nyy be said that tlier li.ivf m
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  • 139 2 To-moubow, the new st'amer OSM( Smm, sit>>ur flup of the M. Uiamj Ann. whicb has Im-n built for Mkm l'»n Kirn Tian ai;d Sons by Messrs John Scott and Co., Glasgow, will \x- laiuche«l at the dork var.l. She will kMVS Glasgow on tli.- Lai Mai, and
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  • 117 2 The law allowing JaphUect- vetarli eni;a«(e<l iv foreign trade to load and (litcharge cirgo at unopen |>ort» in J«|mii. VMMIb pinned by the lmp<-rUI Dirt, <*v promulgated iv tM J^pan Official Qazttle ou March 28lh, and reada ai follows Nolic- will be giwn by
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  • 254 2 To TUX hulTitK <>K TIIK munn rr Sin. Alliw roe t>> HMM accord with ilm suggestion you :n W in your yrtlvrday's MMM iisto the tire lUtWt, viz., that a couple of look-out men sh 'iiM be stationed at Wort Canning, srboskjuW l>pn«.o. by lai&fbame, the PoKoewl Kir
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  • 198 2 K\t»ll-I.AKV I'UMIHMKM An b*MMIHC«Mt hMb« the Mutd Court m rouu.rii.iii NMI fire m the- Miller Bowl, H Shitutfhai Th.- fir., urigiusj* M empty house, was provi-d and oonfc"" to übv« "been sUrteU by tin- OCOUp^»V the aJioiuinc Wueiueut, who b»d »I" with 'the Mefji Offic t-rTk-.i""
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 771 2 NOTICES mm SOB»OCOMrAIIT,I.IMITBO. rtVBM Staadard Life Asnranee. X Norwich Unioa Fire losnraaos Saaietj Atlas Auuranoe Company (Fire). Tfce gquiUble Life Assurance Society. The Ocean Manne Inuranco Company. The China Mutual BU»m NaviK'ati^n Coaapaaj j The Tottenham L»*er llear Comply TVe Maritime Inauiaoce Company, '.imited. t For particulara of thaas Comjiaiiiee
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    • 1186 2 "NOTICES The Straits Times has the largest circulation oi any newt^aier in Asia, British India excepteo. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the MUay Perinsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- j oines. and French Indo-Chiiia. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 794 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE. i.EAMI E 'T» KTAINMKNT. The N E Theatrical Co of B >mbTV Will nlay to-night I'AKDaMAN OiLaKAM, \K«HIR-E -AZIM. Wilhinaguifa'c ut ii>Kluinj\aueeialatir.ictiuns. W\NTED— For I V. ning C.unp.ny in P.ihang. a il'li- an I ciupetcnt Cliin.'s.' Icrk Sil.i > ViO lier month and free qmriers. security
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    • 74 2 H.S.K. *tmi*i pm BY V~i'. f.«»l<»<.4hmlW MmnUiir (Ufxipw on «y -fi'-l-l***.. i Uaa ,»■.«> 4.5.8. in njtrirt tlw< .11-nn.. k. ■MaM 411 »wni.»«v im,!*: ar. -«t Ml t... W»«W I .1 th* Hn%(tf *T m*,> U* Ik' drf«lt,.'i..,.. ••»nt ,W p.l) .f wi^>n.^ »*tl*r. i»t W«M« wk mimfk. The
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 WKATHtiK RKPOKI J K-it^inw Krabiu Hctp%tal, 14th April, IS 6. la-SB. ',pm ''p.m. Kami.,. tar. rel. H Full. 2i1.8tt42».*****».8<17 ramp W.B B'.U THO ret Bait TW. no ni Ml Is •ir. ul Wi,. \i» wvw. r.lm. St t»i. i'lsliwl.- 90.0 3 liv ,ln i., 7t.S il»l. in BBa i:.1.5
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  • 1346 3 .1 ii i HMMMMMJ IN MMOAfMM) I Hy ii Lady CorrrspoHtirut Malta for the week llrwiw nf little expeusns small sink a great shin H,i,j>mi,i IVwmWs). M Tory .1 to me that a .-olii'ui, of roted boil', h 44 ippln ibl- to thin eastern laud, MMI d-i ible
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  • 1480 3 A RBVirw BY MR T H WHITKHF.AU The Hou T. H. Wlnteh-...). a pr.mii-ii'-nt uuotfi nil member of the Legislative t'oiiui.-.l of Hongkong, rt.eutlv returned from Kuro|>e to that colony, and received an address, of welcome signed liv Mm huudred and eitrhtv leaidenU. They Unl i stress upon
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  • 546 3 A mpec'lAL general meetiott of the sharebol lers in tbe abote comtany wan held on the 30'h March. Mr. W. V. Ormumond (Chairman) presided. The Chairman said We have been waiting for an opportunity of raiting a loan on tbe prnportt on Jen onerous
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  • 835 3 MM NMUI MXVI .1: IMIA lii ii|i rttions iii tli" S >udau MM* more li'inj t*o well.kuowu inil.t try tti.> rs iuto |iruuiiu<-u<'" i .-I.* tli.' U1i.1,-). First .f tb>two it, di .our*.-. Sir 1 1 i- Herbert Kiw -lit-u- r. Sirdar of ilie Egyptian Army. Sir
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  • 133 3 The Nichi Siehi, (a Japanese news. |>aper> commenting ou K telegram iitatiog tbat tbe German Foreign Minister had declared iv the R'ichstag tbat Japan might count upon (be protection of i Oermauy, says tbat Baron von Gutacbinid when he read i' paid a visit to Marqui*
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  • 267 3 On tbe 11th instant, tbe IMMMMI ot Mr. and Mrs. Percr Stephens were interred side by side iv the New Cemetery, I" nan At tbe MMM*M*i a large crowd, r it ing every class in tbe community, hud a-o-mliL-.1. anJ an unusual number
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  • 308 3 1 hi J.i/ ."i Mail, iv its Spirit of the V. i iia.-ul it Pn ss during the week endiog the 21st March, says that "mm of tbe tine- MMMMMM jouruaU iepr. >cnling tbe Opposition, uamelv, MM Kukwuin, the M, ii/ii. In, and the S'i/,j, on. UIU
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  • 603 3 Hi. C 11. HKtt mi. Scuior District Sur.eoii, has ben giuutcl II weeks' vacation leave, to bo followed b\ tbrcmonths aud tweuty-tivy d.y» lci\e with' salary, with effect l'roui tbe "th April Mr. A. E' Youug, Chu-f Dniughtsinau aud Couiputor. Trigonon etneal Survey Department, reported bis MMM
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  • 896 3 a uapc xmmii vir.wTm: following extrsi't from a, privat. letter ad ireNst-d by Sir James Sivewright. the Couimisnioner 'of Public Worki at the C.ipe, to a correspondent in England MNi (s-«ys the Ohtervcr) bow tbe political situation in Bouth Africa is regarded by one who
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  • 72 3 The result of last Saturday's Maxim i ouipetion for rapidity and accuracy of fire (•n MMMMMMI with the second part of the annual inspection of tbe S. V. A. by Lt. Col. Pluukett. ha.,) has now MM auloiinced. Out of a maximum possible of Mi marks, the
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  • 159 3 MTmMMMMJ "ioth Apkm Higb Water. \I.M p.m. liidbniiat, I.m April. High Water. Mi pin L.-gislative Council 2.&1 p.m. Real relate Sale at Crane's Ul pin 1.i.1v Mitcli.-li's Reception B p.m. football. S.C.C. c Regt. I'apc-r Cba-e Me^tiug al I'auper Hospital 5 1") p.m. I'bilbai-mooc Orchestia. H.M) p.m. Kkiuat, 17tm April.
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  • 73 3 F r Western .Vastmlis. MM, oil 15tll April, W Mansli. .d .V IV Calcutta via iiottH, MmM, M MUi Api It. Hi li-t A Co. I'.ung and Calcutta, IwissMf, dv.- Iml. April, H— ltwd I C.v Austr.i iau |Hirl-, An/iif, M MM Apii M. i.i.i.. IV Hongkong. UffMMMf, duo iMh
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1126 3 AUCTION B A LBS. QALB OF AUSTRALIAN HOaSEd. just imi-obtki) At I.ambibt'h Stahlis. Obchabu Road. Friday, 17 th April, at ~> l'> p.m. Sixteen Australian hnr«<«. comprising several well-matched pairs, several race horses, carriage horse*, hack*, Ac Catalogues are issued, and the horses are now oo Tlew. 16/4 POWELL k
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    • 832 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND I'EIWONALH. [Ist TIME. 15 cent* a line; 2nd and 3-d times, 10 cents a line 4th to 6th times 5 nenta a line; 7tl. to 18th time*. 3 mats a llan aflrrwards. 2 cents a line but no charm le^ than one dollar. Thus,
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  • 1 4
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  • 206 4 Uii'lflr tliia hea>li'U f T iiorw *r« asal»— a»r— ataaaaar; ■>'' bfi.— liaraue Brit —Until", C. S.— "nitod 3t»U'i; Fr— Frenrh; (Jer— ilinriAi: !>m Dutch; Joli. Jo'inre; Af., lir -liou»M caivn; d.p. de-k pvjton^crn L 7, tain;T. pTW^-TaajaiijPaMr WWT;T p f).— TanionK Pajjar Dock B. W— Mor.,«.
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  • 901 4 Abbivai.s Sinck Noonoit IMIIHI Bah Sena G»a«, Brit. «tr. Ml ton*. I apt. Geary, Utii Apl. Fit.m Bmnrk.A. 1 1 th Apl. Q.c, mill ti"'.l )i Ban Seng A I.— Mb. Iri; Prit »cli M tons, fapt. Wriirht. Uth Apl. From Allia- v. 14th Klli. Siimlilwoo.l. MtAl -tor
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  • 429 4 S'liMi; I'vi-t. ami »7,,, i f;, F| Lonhon. .Mnnilt Apl "1 A.I n. Hn Vl>. i<). Jarr.lUf j Benlomgad, May. I*. BiaKwa. BaalansT, AH. I' Rteoi i (il'ii^'.irrv. Apl. 17 i BrmaUal OhwagK Mny HoiiHlen.l. LlVi.Bl'il..|.. Baeta* Apl ::<>; Hhaiaa. A DaaaaMaa, Apl. I Ajnx. Apl. f Apmi
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  • 99 4 5 im>.>»L'» Nami T .->. i akaix. Hi.. raoa AILII. M. I I BM .1.1.' (ill. li M II >n ir »Kit»i«i Mr. II HOleek 14 h.i nrl-iliii.l WK.-, lvi.i.l U ii< Int ..-li. KM Wriykl It h'» Tog v. Tn NiwU 15 i eng. uli-
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  • 67 4 I>l-;l>* Dili. vishel'n tUmm A Km Captain "pi I j fmttttt U Kf..i.,( W«i 1 I'.n Wlmtt II. h 15 v\, In'thu Wiap 15 Ki»iiV»i.K 15 IS Knior-1 H 15 Vyuer 15 Til I hruuv I Inn 1 M»MI Kilt >lr »tr Ml. ,»tr. Vr. P.O Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 412 4 NOTICI.S. "THE MOST REFRESHING DRINK IN INDIA. iftONTSERBAT W&& UME FRUIT JUICE r'SSV?*^ wAJSffXJ CORDIALS W3fvi v Thr LANCfT tay -"We counsel tha Public to drink *AJr J^lrJrVt, Mnniset rat Limt Jwcc whenever and when cer t*eu list It 9*i\ f\ V VfWi-. na far more wholesome drink than anu
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    • 283 4 J. MOTION <fe CO. WATCH MAKBHS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. Hlr-AIBB PBDMPTLY IXIOOTIO. THE BOONS AND BLESSINGS Thar eera aaa i«kh, sml ahl>«*lu Ti" Pickwick, ibaOwLaad tl.» Wareri P«i." Mo.-IVk.Va kMBBON, BDiaanoa w. 1 1 n i 5,000. GUILDERS REWARD. Bj virtu.- of tlii'X. llieihiiiils llltll.l i (lov-iimiciit Decn c of tln>
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    • 669 4 I t h. priiiii I FLUiD "'■Balu* Ut- .ii.lval. kmaaivauaitaa -'ftlßtt*- HOW bf^UOk" -LUHIT "'ftftttltM hu I*' 11. ,i. BMTI-U UIDKAL Panphkt will l>e seat l-.r a« SBVaMIISa to the Office ol tins Paper, vr to POWELL A CO., SINCAPOtH. fI£IDSI£K 00. MONOPOLB. Pam>)o»t.>| lv I.U KBl '.Land ROTAi JODKT
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    • 660 4 'FA 1 11 BANKS SCALES. R°« r. ;n -:i hat mil. r I'i.w.T ..f a iom .1 'i i-Mi Dwaat, 1895, M •.'■.Ait-., betake Co ol 8< r, ?a in in, C £>. A.,'int.(J i A MAaV r Cuiaai ng, S Bf jKir join' Ij :n-.l ••■>. i.iilt t
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    • 695 4 NOTICE& /JLANGDID WOMEN PAI.E CHILMtEX OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS YIN CHftPOTEAUT (CHAPOTEAOTS WBE OF PEPTBBE A DELICIOUS yUTIUTIVE STIMULANT Do other tolid or liquid food will remain on lh« ■fc -'''-M \B By I Mr>tl > WLM) nHB PBTB BITIB DOOI PISANQ Tho *b«».. Dock »itJ»t«l io Pr«Tiii« WeUe.l.-y. ..I the
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    • 77 4 INOIICEB. iiI*VVII WHO 891 Haituvaotobt, Lodoatb Bill, Lo» »>« MAKBR TO H.H.THB QITSKN Specially manafaotured and reooromnude.) for aae in the Kwt. Bbvsok's Special iwkuth FIELD WATCH. A. Gold Keyless EDfrliahßilf "hrouomnt«r,Ji3 BENSON'S "LOPOATE* 1 WATCH. A threeqnurtnr PUto Kuglish Lever folly eorrnymw... 1 yilv..r. f.')5... GoM. £)2.12a. Spwial «i»«
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    • 93 4 •'O.SKI'II IiAKKU, Miaiaauaaaai and Viknxa Ha «WJ»laa»a.tmlfe i, i tmlaetlanarj m 4 V;.. r .n^ h,i |w »»l .1, Victoria Street, n.xt to am Cnnv?.. X CAKE' 1 au'l msitVsaj I'ahea at ebanraa sa »n otl.^r .iiffer..nt kii,,i of lbs baa) oaaWf atamlbX £5* jki, Icoa, anil lie Puddings |ir^r.»
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