The Straits Times, 9 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. l-:STAUJiJSUED: l»il. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 11*90. NO. 18,898.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 841 1 STEAMSHIP C0MPAN1KS. OFFICE. Ollj. -i <iu»y, STSAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. M4-IUII lor < limn. Julian. I'mutm. < imIoii, India. \nMralin. Aden. Ku>i>>. M.irxilltN. «.ilinilt;ir. Miilln. Hrtrnliv. li-nirr. IM> mil. Mild l.oinlon. •p, r ,.,,-i. it.'iU.f IMirm hN mQulOonl, A,,,.,,.;,, Par*. Mail I-iiK A IW BOUMWAM IK*. Air.I I. II 1 A|.rl
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    • 861 1 NOTICE* WDOUD condensed Milk g^^H^^^^ TIip "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed t<> contain all the cream of the original milk. Iji the process of manufacture nothing but water jjjf is removed, nothing but the best refined Avoid low-priced brands from which the cream has been abstracted, and ask for g^P the
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    • 788 1 INSUKANCECUNToJ. INSURANCE OFFICE j UMlTfcD. I ..j.ital 8.iUcril«l Ai .1.1 i U]> iW.liHi I r>- fun.1 l.*>'iMi. ii Om >:. M naoM. I!.. —ImlgMi.WWi Uh'o >|.i"ii-t"l v-■t'-n- ■.n.j..i.>.»r« |.rviarr-.l to iK-ve|.t Jfurio* K.k-..: <umut »ii». A H.,nu. i» aunuilv |«il I li mil rt i iilor. <.f bklilM, whutbvr ■li»r«-i>»><i,r»
      788 words
    • 965 1 INSURANCES. '^HbTot^a1t8 7n8CKANC« Cdi"P\NT, MM1TBD KAVAHLI8HED 1883. kuOlIKE Siv.« pour Capital Kullv KiilwriM $3,««><UMI Capital Paid-up t ettiOW i:.». in, k,,i,,i I BriMI of Woritiii(f Armunl to Mot Dopeml-er, 1S»4 *+4!*,l»5 C»k). Amh. ?l,+ri«P,:18 A.S. MCRUAY. Sfenretajr 1/ A B t I I N 1 0 l: TO A <;
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    • 385 1 BANKS. 1HABTSRID BANK OF INDIA I \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA I INCORPORATED BY ROYALCHARTKR. CAPITAL 4800,000 RESERVE UAVILITf of Proprietor. tfWJ.OOO KESERTE FUND «fc»,000 Hani or Ks,,i isi' i ,«ni> HANKRRS Nati.-vai. Hank of 8cot(Thk Citt Bahk Ltd. IntKRKhT Oil FIXED DKPO8ITS. K..r H inonthH 3i°/ o i »i <1"
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    • 608 1 NOTICES. MCALLSTER^ CO. i, "FAIRBANKS SCALES. Notice ia lifrwbx, given that juder powm of attorney d»tedi,l^h Dqvembjr. 1895, Messrs. E. T. Fairbanks A Cv» o( St. Jobnsburv. Veruoiit, U. S. A., appointed Francis Warrack and AleianderCuiuming. Singapore, joiutlv and severally to bt the 1 rn.- Niilfii'ii nt attorneys (<■ institute
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  • 467 2 LATKHT SI AKK J t. 1 1 ft A 7 lONS SmoAPorr. 3 'tin. Ml ritOl'o* ft '^mbirr... 7<>. do Cube No. I li"" da do No. 2 I""" Copra Bali "> So do PonUanak^ I'epp.r black, l'b» Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.«'>7V do Brunei 2W Po»r! Sayo, Mi \>iTp«
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  • 43 2 MAI LS CLOSE. R» IW ttr. Time. T.-M,IRROW. 11. n mh |.n,t-. (\11.i,.»... :|p TO I. AIISOU VIH (>Oll-, //,<» :t pm kMMf I»>rt- t fii.i.i;/ .1i... t „.ii, Hv./,.i. Ip .-4 1 rllfi»T. Kimie S«i/.| I'vnanir A Jxl.lab, foMMrAU. I p vi
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  • 117 2 i X..M bun i -By Hm p. 4 o. Rrtin.iKi .luf M Mm lay w.tli iatm U' Hie March. Milh'liiif. npho- to the until hifh left Bing*porr <>v tmom nu n the P. io. Kaur-i--1i,,..i. ,iv.' on r i.v Tihk Taiii.k ok Mails In k I'lt
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  • 325 2 [For the Far Eatt.) \'<r V i (>. h. 8. i'tijlon, from Liidilub, kUwk 7, Mis, Mm- a Mr. 0. A. Fr»«or, Mr. U. W. (i(.r.l.»ii. Mr. K. Wintley, Mr. C. H. Burvhiv.d. Mr. t. L BttgW, Mr. McLeaD. lor P. A O. M.s. Vlrlurii, irom Londou, M»rcli
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  • 20 2 Khtabi.ihhed 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTB. I Sulwrifttum rate* and ailcertitivy ratel may be found on the fourth pagt.]
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  • 87 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THURSDAY. Itth APRIL. 18!H>. THK MATAHELK RISING. London, 9th April. Gifford'n Horse has had an ,-ng^-m nt with tbe MalaU-le. The M1 1 11>- I. made ihree fierce j ouslaughtß. hut w.-re tinallv repulsed with I the loss of about one buudred killed. More tight in.; with the
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 559 2 V\ KTHKR friction MM nriseii between the vernnieiil and the Mun:cipai CominisfiorierK. This time the trouble ...ine-i from tie Petroleum Bill now before the Legislative Council. Upon MM oMMMMVjRtj inninly I'allx tlie duty "F carrviiig out the provisions of the Petroleum Ordinance, and the Muni- cipalily haw
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  • 29 2 Towards tin- cud of our lepvrt will be I'.niiil two special telegrams of this day—givitg ycslerday's extia racing and the result ot tbe enquiry about Mr. Raymond's ridiug.
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  • 47 2 Ykstkkday the Miitin i|i.:l Coujiiikm.h--i-i s>-., .1 tire guns and tire iusurauce. It was decided not to resume the tiring of alarm BJm*> Ihe cost of itisiit-iu< Muui--11 pal proj^rty has n»eu lioui $1-0 to 1716, 1 ousiqucnt iipou the riieut im r> iv fire rat.,
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  • 6 2 Wk |iiil>lihli iiii|M)rtaiit uew |roj» Acbiell.
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  • 14 2 Mk Hi air will prubablv go I m- Iy the S,,rh,m oil :tld Mhv
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  • 14 2 liAM MircHii.i. with hoi.l a B 1...v •11 Thursday, loiii April, tl t |uu
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  • 12 2 Thi nnuual In«pec'i>in of the Singapore Volunteer Aitillcry concludes on Saturday. j
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  • 17 2 The Muni, ipal President MOOON Mr. lln'h of 111.1 k 11'g iiiaeturato statements io Legislative Council.
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  • 23 2 It is advertised that Dr. A. P. B .w» s, an Am.-rivan denlitt, will shmtly op«n busmens al No. 15. 15 itt.-ry X.a.l
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  • 22 2 Mksscs. Cbank Bros, advert i»e lot sale thu g-xxlwill. Lusiii«ss, furuiiure, and li tiii_'s ni the Beach Hoiul, as a going coucera.
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  • 28 2 c■ Thk St. Nicholas dauce io to-ni-ht. Even tlu to tie lust moineut il may, |'<rhapt, be piMisii le to get a OMMSt trom Mr. J. Dasbwood Sauuders.
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  • 32 2 Mk. H. A. Chant has been im n.itd receiver tocoUcct tbo asaets of th>- I>i-i>e:i-siiry, aud also Dr. Ualloway's feei, tv tar as these are prior to tin- 28.h ot February 1895.
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  • 51 2 It is telegraphed tv-day as follows 1 mmmmJ Deykerhoff ha» retire,! trom the governorship of Aebren. The Resident of A. been. Van Langen, ha. been appointed Acting Oovernor. Tho i-.'st*. Ril.i.-I aud Limkoenjii, hive t»-.-ii reli- v. yesterday. Much opposition was encountered. Killed and wounded three officers and 25
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  • 78 2 Tut ri: was not a lar^e field at y»kterday's |uiperchase, uuly twelve or thirteen 1 putting in an OfpaOOMMO. Tht 1 at the eutranc- to tbe Gardens. Til- i 00M Uy tbrnugh ijfOtaoH over one or two „t the jmni s there, a I .tig ,ssini Hill,
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  • 79 2 Thk followiug telegram Ins lOH i received from Rauli. dated :t p. in. 7th j April Roujjh cleaving up of Uattrry yielded 1.750 ounc.-s of amalgam. e»ti- niit.-'l .jii.ll.l ity of stone cruabed, In-ing 1,477 tons. Prospects reuiain unchaiiu'cd" The quantity ot amalgam is equivaleut to about 580 .iiiin-s
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  • 26 2 Last night, in Hokieu Street, a Cbiuuman snatched two gold hair-pins from a woman* head. He wa* arrested, and one of the hair-pins recovered.
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  • 43 2 Mk«sb«. Hnug T.-ck Cbyu 00. mlver- tisu ihe sale of a share nnd inter. M io up otied pie.^e. of laud in oMWoffa*o town aud count iy. Tbe auction will take place on the 17h of April, at their sale room.
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  • 43 2 THE PARSE E THEATRE. The Ne* E'i.bin«t«nc Tbeattical 0m» pany navi- their opening perft>rmHn<e last I at tlm Parse,- Thoatro Hall. Jaian I He.s ,r. K. imp .in- Koaor. Km m was a I crowded house. To-night tbev will play ludra Sabha."
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  • 52 2 HE. the Oovernor, attended by Cap- t*iu Herli-rt, A.D(V. cal'el OOM the I ciiitain of the Kas-i 111 warship Ruhk thin inorning. He left in a Ooveriiiii-nt I i -lii, bat balf-pait nine, and a salute 1 h>si ob bis return at a i|uart.-r
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  • 56 2 The Police have effected two mure MfOOM iv connection with the thefts troin Messrs. Robinnon A, Co'a gudowu in K iffl --s Place. One was a KliDg tamlii in the employ of tbe tirm. ;m.| the other an i-x-riiiplovc Stolen pro|>erty. it is
    56 words
  • 61 2 TaUa Mornioif, a Javanese woman comj plained to the Police that. a Mx, ******MMJ two hundred and ton dollars worth of j jewellery and < lothin,', had botfj stolen from ber She «aid it was mfc last night, I but MMOMg this uiorniu>'. The Polic.'
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  • 56 2 The Ooverumeut has r.H-eived a circular despatch from the Secre'arv of Btate, enclosing for pOMMHOMI in the Colony a of a Convention between Btool Hrii taia hiiil Ja|.an, signed at Tokio, July 1<;. 18S*5, supplementary to the Treaty 1 of Commerce and Navigation between tbe j
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  • 69 2 Thk Police have reovrrel $300 of tbe W3O alleged to have Uvu stolen fiora the counter of Ia) Kiui Hee's «h..p in Mid.lle R0.1,1. It wan fouud in another poti of the countt-r. Tbe Police are cuimuk nn I to mm voiniiUiuinl's coniicilion win the
    69 words
  • 180 2 Tftn body of the lal- liiab QaooiOT i-i lying in state to-day in tbe Biahop's HoUHe, Victoria Street. Tbe Ofriu rests on a bier, surrounded l.y lvlifcl cau.Uei, aud tnauy wreaths and tlie Imxlv is attired in episco|>ul raiiucut, with the mitre. The interment will take
    180 words
  • 3426 2 th.: nmoLiuM hill. THK M4BV and its rilg I>KATII KKlilsTHATIOM The usual foiln-ghily in.etiii({ f ,i Minnripii C'jminis.ion wa» held M w J" Bvwlaj afternoon nt tin- .Mnuiiii,, ih- r..M,iH,, t Mr. aihi. o.-n,!,. 1 Mid -T" ptitni Hmmi. g.,1, -i- Jink Km:. Scah Ti'aiiij Baao, T. Slwifotd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 819 2 NOTICES mill BOBBBOCOMFABT.LIMITSD. rTlHB 8taadard Ufc Aarnrane*. JL Norwich I'n.on Fir* Inturmnoe SoaJetf AtUu imrtnn Company (Fire). Tha K<|uiUl>l* Life A-.ur«nce Society. Tht Ocean Mann* Inmitance Company. Navifrntiou Coapaay. i Th* Tottenham Le«er ComjiaiiT. The Maritime Insurance Company. Limited For particular* of then Cooipanm* mw> the tall ad»erti»em*ot ol
      819 words
    • 950 2 NOTICES The Straits Times Has the argentcirculation oi any news H a: or in Asia. British India excepted. it circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Mulay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so
      950 words
    • 1399 2 LATKST ADVKftTlSKMBNTS I WAN'.KD IMMTDIATK1Y. I AHMH '■In.'... IWg. I iiinl i -m-i-i 111- r nifli good* trail''. I to A I i.ita!)!'- ikhii. C..j._\, Ctafci "'"I not i; i>lv ii. c.' X .-i g r,,'7» 7V/m I < PRINTING INK. n>RUL«, l.-.rk i. iiti.r.r in-, I. v
      1,399 words
    • 7 2 lvi; t.i.MUAL BHIPFIMU NUWU SKK I'AOK 4
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    • 53 2 i.fnor<dont OkIMpMP 1,.* "7.. ■"i ti'< I "fftt-i*-iUalvliM'" .rr.u.»'» '/> -1.'.. Ik "I m. ibaW «t'' Ml 'li''''f^ 1 .taftf r"-"> <->"••■ t«' *"< 'wh ft" I .1 fhe Btra i 4 3 Times has the la ripest sirculation 01 any newsoaper in Asia. Biitish India eicepted. No other Eastern
      53 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 86 2 WKATHEK KKPOKI Kin. l.i, .i Krabau Hoipttal, M .1/r.i, 1Mb »».m. 4p.m. p.m. Kkmakki. U»r. red. J2 F^Ii. 2!l Si>S ii.TM. Tcaij. 8.V0 »;>j Siiu x W< I- 7!>0 8«.'i 78 0 Dir. .t ffW N\ s. K c«Im -3 <iu U IU SI -.1.1. in>m i:,7(t Ti ir.
      86 words

  • 75 3 Mwara. Uon« Tefc Ohf« A <>. Amliooeer*. o< K .tti s IM.i.r. baU .1 tth ol [raeboM l;ml. known a- tin- Etertoo Batata, aM.rn.i..ii. Tlifrr was .1 Iftfyt "rttt.iiciau. <■. biddiPf{ »^i- MA, ■»<■' il'' prortj v,r\ »ucco8iiful. Tli« lainl, dwid 4 i uu ihirt*-«i l"t«. u4
    75 words
  • 120 3 [HUMDAT, 0M Ai'itli. Hi-i, U.h-i 9M |,.m. \,7... .h,.. n I'., .ii, .11 8 C.c wal 31 Nirli'.Us K.ini Taiitflm Glob, jerrine f..i -ill.- I OalbedflU rf ill. i;,. ,.i Bbepfaerd. 6 p.B. |'.,r .v 'l'li.;im- ..1 EMDpwag KttjfM 0 p.ui. I KII'AV. KhH Al'KII. II Water. '.'I 1 I""IImi
    120 words
  • 3322 3 FIKHT DAY. KAHTKR MOXDAY liy our ipecial Cvrmpondenl Tme annual ism m .'ihl-hI Serrmban, li.l I under I hi- MapitM jf the Suug-i Ujong and Jelebu UvinkhtnaClub, opened M K.i-:--r Monday uuJt.T homewhat m. pro. ni -in/ coinliti uis I'll.' < '; t. had. first of all,
    3,322 words
  • 364 3 TO THE KMITIlK M THE STRAITS MM I Sir.— A letter was |.ul.lished la. your i-HUt" of yehterday, |.iir|«>rtii,j; to emanate i .1 writer MfMManag OhaMai > uj'italislx and vim in an editorial i ole are weak enough la HMUtt it vorlliy of atteutioti. Your rPfl
    364 words
  • 128 3 ('oars Okoeks. Head Quarter Ofust. Singapore, Uth April. lß9fi. I. Inapaetion. The .'!.ti.-ludin(r (tortion of the Annual Inspection f the Corps will take place by IN-rii.issi.ii, of II j> <h* lieueral Officer Commanding, on Saturday, th* 11th April. The attention of all member* i« railed lo para.
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  • 262 3 Per a. s. No;./.no from Klang via port* M«Mwm. A brams. Jeffrey. Catto. Busaon, »ud Frs»«r. HOMEWARD PASSENGERS By P O. KaiKri-Hind to leave IM April. Hr. and Mrs Stephens, family, and friend Mrs Zorao and child. Mr Gibbm, Mr Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs Cosmo Patenon and child,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 TO SPEEDILY CURE Sore Throats Indigestion, Mo«r*enc»», < Diarrhiea, WOunds 4 Burns, Condy's Fluid I Can I Uraau, tt Ua*a,
      19 words
    • 544 3 COCA BITTERS. JURWN KANTOUOWICS POSEN (GERMANY). ESTABLISH*!) MM -■■IK INVCNTOR AN'i Mil II I k or the COCA BITTPK8 r PHK Iraviw of the hmhi CMn.i.Uiif. I reprmenHhii h-m* of the Cix-a- Bittern. -ill,., th\* only huoIi heron, plant*, and spice* e lined whirli have jfenerally hwn arknowI' ■k" i
      544 words
    • 979 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; ASD PERSONALS. 1st tim k. 15 cent* a lino Jnd and 3rd timed, lOcentaaline; Hh to 6th timee, 5 eeiU, a line; Ttl. to 18th time*, :t cente a lisa; afterwards. 2 I'Kiits a line hat no rharf* laaa than nn« dollar. Thus, a thnt
      979 words

    • 1137 4 (In I t t'im hmulitii,' ttm following •bbmrtiiim« ire in*!:— «ir. itwnor; s'l. ikip hq.— birqu" Brit Britiah U. S.— "ml" I St»t»w; Fr— French; < It.— Gurmvi; Pat. Dutch; .loh.— JoWn; Ac., &*U 0— T*'° <l. ii.— de"tc MMM|||I*| C- I t 'i.-.t lam;T. IV
      1,137 words
    • 394 4 .V.tHif. Port, an! >rl,,,i K, /lW Lmbm. Dayton, ApL it; P. (i Msl A (iV Uj P..VO. It'iiliimiiiiil. May P. Simon. (ili-ii^arry, BimM»vl. LlVKKI-.i m. li)- ii. Ap I. Bj BoraaaCer HMtor W. M»ii»K-!.| ■IV' A|»l. 111. Hn Tif.lau, Apl. \i <\n H.jir.iii. A|>l. dd Drumlimi. \|il A.jax.'Apl.
      394 words
    • 47 4 5 l.'s Sim V I >v>-. ("ATTAIN. Q Ui Wmom ML 1 X.-t..r ill; ttqnitfc ,tr. 80 'li.mlit.l '.i BMrtilii '"'IN :i HirixliiiK.i Mara Jap. sir. 2":il Aadanta Hnt.-lr. 2 17 i A VII «tr. H Kl.ukN.w Yort Malooaa Bo.ahaj Ko-irluß> i i \l A|l
      47 words
    • 72 4 I. atk Vimm/a IaM. fki I'tl'TAIV DMTM*"" Apl I I M ifrmu-m Rrit.atr. g OUnjryk -w. Ooj k ii -i -I' -inr.pan l.i .1 »r. I km Ho* fl 'Ir. :i Tnt UiT. «tr :> N..hliu.» -ir :i ijLn ;i ll.m ft -tr. H Man ,l,i|, -tr Gi in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 320 4 NOTICE. FRENCH BAKKKY. JllSl llll\l<l. yUBNKI.I.KsTHftKKH. r-AUf.'K KINANOIKBK, Qaxia m Viashx. Pntfa i>« koir (Jbas, SAKDiNts 'I'Rirrm., Rathakl Wink. IIRKAI) I'KI.IVKKKI) IT TuTMK ,'ITH MILE Xnv.'iys in St.-k a I.-st nii.l eninpielt assort. nieni *r ranroH provisions. WIXI S ANI) CLARET. I'EIIT-HI UIIRE DE NANTP:^. i 'AMKNBERTS, MONT DORE. BOQUaTfOU,
      320 words
    • 404 4 xNOTICEb. Aygrs PlLLu I Cure DYSPEPSIA, Cure BILIOUSNESS, Cure CONSTIPATION, Cure SICK HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. Good lor the Stomach, I Good for the Liver, I Good for the Bowels. THERE «lt HO OTHER PILLS SO COOP AS AVER'S PILLS. Highest Awards at
      404 words
    • 444 4 For Constipation I and Biliousness act genii) 1. it i .r.ipllv jpon the lirer, ttomachinJ interne, fru/l Julloo cure hal.,tual on.lipilion. ogtn.ivs breath aoJ iick-h*«J^hc. JULIEN. 8, rue Vivienne, PARIS iImat'coj Ren..wn-.1 I'hr.iciaiu pr<»cnbt Grimaull Mitlco Ch me DiMknfn The Ctp«ulr.. Copiiba. MATICO NUBTMI is used in rec.nt MATICOCAPSULESii!
      444 words
    • 927 4 NOTICES. bilr.habghkatiss t coy. NEW ST(H L. i-.l.i |t|.- OF ▼•RIO' SVKS ALL KITTt I' Wl, il lil'llll I. K-. WKICIIINi: .'iA(;i!\!>. FAIKliANKS .V AVIll.VS Wi'ijrl.i!n: pant*, .\.ni,M, I Ln"i ULTIMO. l.»n »-l.ire, RmhW, i—.i1,.t. hi,: iy'ktt Tint CUm Qmalh) PUMRL Rotary, Centrifugal, r*luomet>r. St..* in ami lUi.d. KN< JINKS.
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    • 30 4 NOTICES -rsycno^Tct.ES." Starlbt B»o§' N«wt»T Sbate*. PNEUMATIC AND CUSHION TYRED. A -to. »lw«y» on Imii.l (uitsMa (or UIHK8 AND GKNTLKMEN. U1LEV, HABORBAVB Co, 13, MCTM1 BOA1>. m w. 4 I
      30 words
    • 44 4 NOTlCBr^^ iSoASSwiijgj; i 'OMMI-K.N 4OI|f0r Ti •ua UtM.m ,4.1;, i itM I-.7 rf h-np I 1 1 hi h l!,o E,,° < VI «S5 INDIAN KN«;ix h nX( an IiMmATn \v, KKI1 ITM IhwiM hmtd-ju, q^ LISTS OPU SO INs.-Kc Tl( PAT DOYLK, C.K, CALrXT,.,
      44 words