The Straits Times, 7 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPOKE, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 13U6. NO. 18,81)1.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 552 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. i Wm, Collyor «i.aT. i i B) Wi a I i liVttUTllS UIMPANY. sirnin far rhinn. Japan. IViiuiil:. < ci lon. li.ilin. liixlraliii. A<l<-;i. l.^>|»(, Mirst'illrs. Gibraltar, Malta. Itrindis lealee. I'biuouili, anil l.oiiilim. Mi»i. Une. HOMBWAB I A,.MI II „r.r 1 Intermediate Mmt Scrrlee. I-- 11 MM I
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    • 956 1 51 EAMBHIP COMPANIES. \y. KOMNKLIJKK i-AKBTVAAKT JIAATaOHAPI'U. 1 r'.lrfr i-'intrart witii llie Not '.-rl.iti Is IadMtfihMMMMMM Ani-yt Ml A. .'.iV. nil; .1 lIAKS I, US k I, l-'.i, 'oI.LTKR yOAY 1 1 0a Will l.c DMMMMMd for (>. I fi 'Ml (<(>M!"<. Ifc DES MFBB UJEi lEd 108 j Tha
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    • 712 1 INSUIIAKCES. i CIANT^X INSURANCE OF* JOE I UNITED. I -I'll. I III Will «.■>■'.!■>>. Amount nil i H.- rr.e lUD-l 1 II I I I In- nil :.rai«Q«l.*>utia« Ijmiih<iiiI«IAoi'».'I tlio I'.iri.iit k! a. A Hi'tiu* M i..ri n '■ut..r«..f I..H. Tk* it. uuk f-.r tin- p«at av« >*♦« lia* Mv«niir«<l
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    • 867 1 I INBUEANCK6. rpHB STBAITB INBVKAMOB COM. 1 i'ASY, LIMITBD establish id 1883. HEAiiOrricK, Sikoapobk. (■^iiital Full, Subecribed J3.000.iH0 Capital Paiii-ii|. iw.i in. Biimii Fui.a WLBM liaiaura of WorxiuK Ans.uut to MatpBBBMIM.IaH. 44y,195 CaahAanete |L440^18 I s MLMtKAY, Secret ay EABTEBN MOKTQAUE 111 V'.lNi V oMI'ANY. LIMITBD. ■MMMMMI CkMMj il.l<«i.i««i. ■MBBBMad
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    • 740 1 BANKS. ('HAkTKRFD BANK OF INDIA J Ar8TRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORATED BY ROYALCHARTER. APITAT, £800.<*H> RKSRIIVEMAMUTT of I'ni (Tin n £&»,000 (H\.\- OF K»uLl»l'. [UlfD. 1 BANKKliS 1 National Bark ok Scot(Thk vjIivk Ltd. bnwi on rixcD Deposits. Kir H months 3J 0 I a<> 3°/ e -I i an-l 1I..11
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    • 586 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. FRENCH BAKERY. Jiint Arrived. V KM. I .l.riTlrthKh. SAI-i K KlK^HUt, lilLIK 01 VfAMHI. I'URKK DB F0I1 Gbas, Sardiris TBrrrin, A Raphael WlM. BBKAI) HUTIUI UP TOTHK.VTH MIL* Alwayn in Stick Wml »nrl r,, mulct* assortment of FRENCH PROVISIONS. WINES AND CLARET. I'ETIT-BEUBRB DE NANTES. CAMENBERTS, MONT DORE.
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  • 476 2 I.ATK8T MARKET QUOTATIONS JJlNOAPORK. 7»a '-PBIL. 185MJ. PBODUU& 'inmtir T.T.'i do Cubo No. 1 ||M do d,> No. -J lumt Copra Bali. 5.96. do P(n.'i«n»k V67%. Popper Buck, I't.i'ij. S%f.. Fl ,,ur. darawak 2.67^. rto Bnm-i SO. Penrl Sa*o 3.55. Coffee Hitti. 40.00. CofTee Libe> mo. No. 1
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  • 112 2 IW Per »tr. Time. To.v..»row. ll.anii.i.'. (l,i. '•itavi». i;../.ir,,.,. !», BVMpatß, li-,<: l'.aiu 'Ws'.ok, P. V. Kin..,, lla^ni l ■..tie via i«. t.. Ban Li.,..,. Ham nilliton A IVntiaiuk, K.u. \\l,,iU tmm, Btta, .lucri via |..,rtK, B Timor. 2 l> vi M» Hvrrbur.,,., i\, M ""..tie 1 ia
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  • 111 2 Vaaa Kwaaaai—%«■ p «o Kacmnn .lv M Mm ay a tli aMtt t.. 1110 Mh March From iiina D. tlio P. O Kiu.,rl if..../, .iv- ..1, r m.i y I nil 1'.1.1.K Mill.-. l>lt Left -iniwore l>u<- <:i Lon ton Aruv.-i •sh, JM p, o Mun-i, 17th
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  • 176 2 ARKIVAL8. Per s. 9. i, -,.i.- fr>m IViijtn^ Cii|.«. W Qmtmm, mi Mr Aii-Man. Per M. V< o. Bnmd Simon* from tShanir- Imi:— 41. s«ro. I). H. H.r».y. and A. E. BtWM, PtoM Y. :!£<i!nni» 'Mr Lb rw-u,, »i:<l Mm KIm- in r'n»m dHfMl M'^r» A. F. »i.»r,
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      • 22 2 London, 7th April. Tbe Tn,ng st iti-a tW the Matabele have iiltocether ■■MMmI two hundred wliitet in M.i'.ili.'l. l:iinl
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      • 51 2 The House of Representative* at Watbiugton have, bv a large majority, approved of the report of the Mij*i Committee od the Cuban question. That report in in favour of the retolu. tion of l lie Senate urging the recognition of i li. i 'ill, in inRinventa as
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  • 321 2 His Excellency Li Huns-Chang is not a young man. He miyht, indeed, lie eonnideriMl an having passed into the I. i^ni ii!n_r> of ripe age. And a man of over seventy, burdened with great rar.'s State, and entering on a long and novel sea journey, may well be
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  • 48 2 I'ii'i.M i Sir Framiit Scott baa been made a MajorGeneral and a K. 0. B. for bit lervices io Aahantee. Ai Colonel Scott was subordinate to Mr. Maxwell, (being, indeed, Chief of the Gold Cowt Police) one may aalc What is the honour that awaits Mr. Maxwell P
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  • 15 2 The homeward mail cloae* fi p.m. to-day. The Ernttt .Simon* will tail at 8 p.m.
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  • 18 2 The id nl HteatniT Ravennn lt-t't Colombo at 4 p.m. yeuterday, ami inny pxpette<l here on Sunday njorniDg.
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  • 19 2 Thk Strait* llwiijtt was |.iiMish>"i at ooou today. At 5 p.m.. tbt-re will be .1 supplouient for thehoiot-ward mail.
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  • 21 2 Sn i is.-> of bulionic |>lagti>- MMMMi ia Hongkong lx>tweou noon on the L'yih March and d<>oq on the following day.
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  • 20 2 i he British uteamer ifr/i/iuc, v. ;*n ur.l vf.-.t.-i.lay from London with 9'i tou» of V. >, and was diKbarged MMil*
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  • 25 2 Tnu will be a paperclwst- uo \V, In- day. Meet at the eutrancv to tl"- Barit. us ai I".. Finiih at the Offi.-trii' Mem, Tao^liu
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  • 25 2 Captain R. \V. P. White, having taken over the duties of D.A.A.O., 8.S.. ou tho •ird iu»t., is appoiuUxi OhM Staff Officer from that date.
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  • 23 2 The China Gazette nay* that the Chum Merchant* Si.nn.-r Navigation CoiDp*ny will j«iy -JO percent, to ill nlmro jolliers for the year 18'.'.",
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  • 27 2 Thk Kussi.ui traus(.,>rl Itabaruv-k nrrive-1 Iliia -.norning fr.'iu (MtlM witU 0 utti.vrH, \\> soldier*. 12 (ir«t ila«» p«a»< m rit, 8 women, aud 3 cli Idreu ou l>,i.
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  • 33 2 I > k tlut tin- |.r»j.',-t..f .-bUblulj- in* a .1 i| .mi cottou Kpiuuiu^ mill iu MMfhu kM now fall«n itoMgh, Mriog Lo hat ft blMy Uialiuu by tbe UhilMM >nt-l lllll' ht.
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  • 26 2 Thk K. Klj.iiiu* ou«- Tm-uhical L'oui. |>any uf Uoiulwv will ojh'11 to-iuurrow ni^ht at lli- Par«u 'I'l.oatrf Hull. K*iiiin.ii K K;i| or, witb thu flag I^l-Gober."
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  • 25 2 Mk. ami Mm. .Melville Simons, Mr. au.l .Viv K. N. Hwi, aud M«». ltubiiuun iiii-l Oritii 1 arrivt-J tbi-> tauiuiu^ from Kuroi*- In- in i.l
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  • 25 2 I'ilX In !lllll>UA»S llHM b)VII H|l- •uiu-,1 Si.imw Ckid rTfawnnur la MgOMMd Kt-I.iulau. ,ui.l «d-< la !...>.■ Uitii<!<i>L tor blal.ii «nli hi. »whi u iktiith Mm*.
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  • 23 2 Bt the Ernert Simom. leaving tn-nii{bt, tbe Rev. Brother Oabriel, the new vigitor. (Toet to iuspect the Chriitian Brothers' School Colombo.
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  • 31 2 On 10th March at the Institute of Oml Eugio«ert,25,GmitGrtir>ce-iitre«;t. Loutlou, a paper was read by Meanrit. Johu McKillop aod T. P!ow< r-Ellu on Tin Smehiug at Pulo Brani, Singapore."
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  • 34 2 Ktvi> Mother Si Henri of Paris b«M liv the Sy,lnry tbia afliTiiouii in contiiiiuliou ot her iii«p»'ii luu of the CotiveuUi at Yokohama aud Tokio. Sbe it aocompaoied by an Euglith dud.
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  • 44 2 Tnk m. K,jr,. r M.irit.tni'H Qmmmj iiit.-n.l. it it reported, to build u -w bole 1 at I ' S i i.l, baviog about 100 roooii, ill all the latent iiuiiroveuii uts, nn lud. ing lift, electric light, sbopH, aud offitv*.
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  • 43 2 II. E. JoNIBIKK TemTA, Nftlici I.IU.Im Miuiater at the Court of the Emperor of J»|»in. arrived herv ves'erday luoruiu^; from Kittna per .MM. s'imiihm Qodavtry. .11. -l ].i"< •!•> to J.i|. iu per Ki. in li in >il steamer to-iU\
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  • 47 2 1 nit (Jra/Um, firnt-clasa cruiser, '.ij.t m \V. «l>n V. Hamilton, wan lo Wave FurUniouth ou 23id Marcb, with a uew view for i lit- Collingwood, and, on ber m. •he ir to fit out lo relieve the Edgar on ih«* China Station.
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  • 40 2 Swan.ka M setting an iaimj. to Muuici|Mililie< in Great Britain byereotiuk? refute iucineratort, aud utiliiin^ the beat generated for driving the electric plant to work the tramway svsti in in the town, and to supply it with li^ln i
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  • 49 2 Tut orders for two of the new mmIi required bjr the N'j>;>oa Yu*«*u Kiixin will, it. is believed, u* to Messrs. Napier, Nli uiI.h. and Bell, ami two o! hern to M---..-D. ir;.| VV. Hr-U'l.Tvll All <■ VeS*'l« »re t«> be lauuebed before tbe eud of the ymr.
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  • 52 2 Ki.i"ki hi-, it that, |h-ihIiii,' i ii.- completion of tbe which tbe Nippou Yuseu Kiisht are Iihviu^ built (of their Kuni| fun line, (hev have reiolred tu cburter oue of 5,900 tons from au En^liah r,>m|>auy t aud two of 3,500 ton-t each .'rum .1
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  • 52 2 Ail Osalj, journal observes that lb« oei\i for moro ducks in J.i|>*u t» beini; sMMMiaA telt. Tbere un <mly two private <Wkj»rJs iu tbu ouutr,' uaiiftv *t Kil. iin.l X.i.'imIvi A ittt ii 1 1 un liu been sUrt-.i at Vokobam.i witb a •^i|>ital of' one mill
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  • 51 2 Thb cla8«M at the AuijloCbiut.v drh ><>! •it.'l tbe St. Joseph'* Iuslitutiou MM i.--.j| .-n.-.J i In- moruiui! after tbf Easter vacation. The <-U«*m at tb.' Kiffl s Iu-ii-union, the CoutudI, iind tbe St. Autbonv Bojii' an.l Girls' School* will uot l"e ro-opeut^d till MoDtlttv uioraiug, tbe
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  • 57 2 Thk French inn! leaving SugajKir*- t bis itteruoou u\ (lit- Wnmt iww alioiild be dt-Iivt-niJ in L.judou bv tbf 2;»tli lusiaut. At t'ul.iuiKj, when- nljowill arriv.- <>u Suuliiiv, til-.' Ernett timtm will tr.i!i.-lii|. Iht, diid pASbfu^erii mU) I lie lust Au»traiuu ttmmm intmd Behic, wbicb is
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  • 59 2 fee. AHu mamma r. .'>th mnuM This match w. t played wtlwiUl ou the (Jlub tii." dull wiuniu|; In- aii miiiugs and 33 ruus. The Fusiliers »t-ut iu first atd mm! 4;(, and tho S. 0, C. hiiviug put together 14H >lo»ul thrir muiu^'s wuh a MM to fall.
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  • 64 2 Ar tin- trial of (Jutland, nt at Pretoria i»u tbe l'Jth Miirch. the evidence went to •how that Dr. Jameaon was given to uoder»iauU that hit turiender would be uncou<iitioual, and that he jcuepted those t.-i u It waa iU*o»hown that mule* and quauiitiei of «tores bad beju
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  • 74 2 Th* Nw corrt-«|KJudeut of The Tim.* write* that the trauiport of troops to id,. Kdr K*»t u bem S actively irru>d on from that port, uotwitbttautiiu^ that t lit- arm v •tatioucd iu the Fir Kant is r< |H>it«l la hate l>*n raisul to upwards
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  • 71 2 A Bluk-bikx was issued on the 7th March i-uil«xl\ing a sUtein.ut nf t lif general outline" of the position .>t (Jr, n Britain m the <li»]>uto with Vein mk, aH i rf k "trcU tho hjiin.larv ln;twr u Hnli-li Uuiiuaaud that couutrv. There hiv lml apl-iKluwi MtaMag
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  • 91 2 <Vi.i Manila.) Madrid, *Hh March The culuinus .(.mmtBilwl by Coiouol* Gcxlvymd H..l(fuin. »«.;h b*li«viii(f thu oth«r to Iwlonjf to th« miemy. niainUiuwl a fir,. ,u. «»<-li cth»r for Mvmi wkmtm. Lidut-Colou.-I Fu«uni»yur mi .i^ht«»n ithM sf«r» killed »Qil niuplT-fcmr wrc wouiidfil. Tim Wwl.iuKtoii BMttt hM r 13
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  • 53 2 mmm yu»n,.r otti.v. April Ttli, Ks!t»i Orderly Mm for tlm w,-«k 2nd Lioiilenaul Uerri.k. Orderly N. 0 < Oorwml Kik-llm MadM Tii.mUv. -.1.', p. in -Maiim Uuii-Drill WiilucMlay. ilo. Thumdv. '1" Uu Jt'ri.Uy. ,1.. Tu.'~ i«v. >"»- 1 .1 p.m.— Siifimlliii* ThM,«i;j. .1... H> (Mar, N. I). (Whkank,
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  • 73 2 Wobk was aclually commenced Tieutsiii-Pekin Railway on the b March, and an edict has b^n d -2? mgtbe con-tructionofthe Pekin.H*DkT. Railway. Subs quently .t will fc M,B(ld ow from Hankow to Canton. Tbe MaMas. of thw proposed railway is Chini'se iiMtvl^ Th" xliarebolders, who are t.» ha
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  • 83 2 Mr. CliiinlM-rlaiu bis appoint,.,! Q^- Sir Richard Edward Rowley Mitt, K.C.M.U lo i>e Ciiiiiinaudai.t.Oeneril f all Polie reteat ia iaaavaaalMd, .\i at bel'laud, and Masbonaland. He iti I,| hold taa position of I).'puiv.c, 11Illl ,i, ji uuder Sir H. rru'm Robiugon. Majent»'n High Comuiissiouer for South
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  • 372 2 (By Ult<jramfn>M our Sped U Corru^.^vt., ■'■'< rruibau, Tueulay mvr,.in,j Monday, the first day of t!ie n fortH'iM- in lia»in K exceedindv tin. weather. The r;uiuj» was g.c,d, l,,it t|,,. atti'inl.iin-i- vat s... in! The Resident, the Hou'ble Martin |,i,| wm abs.nt *wiag tu indn|>osii',.ii The
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  • 431 2 TlIK Ku*-ilUU nJMII I'm,',, 4000 torn, MM cnw, 16 n'iii». r.u"" b<irsi-[>nw.T, (.'uiuiu.iu.lrr Witlboll iu' tu.' JMrift, 10,930 tous, 70S r.-tt. l;i,.")im h.irseponer, CoinuiaDder arrived thin moruiug from C'oIouiIm Th' JJimilii Duittkoi 18 bound bf H uuil will leave ou the lltb iuat. Ihl is bound fur
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 761 2 NOTICKS mm BOBSBO COMPANT, LIMITKD. rM Btaadard Ufa Atswanoe. Norwich In.on Fir* liuuranoa Soeisty Itlu Ano.>nm Company (Kirn) Tha B'|iiiU».to l.ilo Auuiane* Socixty. Tha Oossd MariD* lnmiaoc* Company. Tha China Mutual Btuun NaTi«rati..n Cotapaay. Tha TotUnbaaß La«*w llww Coajiaiij Tha Ma/.tinM Inauiaoua Company. Limited, a For particulars ol Ibms Compai.iM
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    • 998 2 NOTICES The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspai er in Asia, British India excepfetl. i It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the t Protected States of the Mulay Ponmsula. in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Inrio-China. No other Eastern newspaper has
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    • 16 2 At Mouut K.Im i l!a#M«ff, tins moruiuK. tliu wife of Mr. I.i.wakm Bbown, of a daughter.
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    • 60 2 M.S.S. \nt^M tor I-./ gftaMi T.m*» »'rf«l i ml'n •r. o<wf<4«°r llur^« on l,l»iM)ml«fll«l'««4» tto»m«i.v H.S.8. .r. r,^,<*l tkat <MfU H»MiN V« ■MUM. m em* if a>a(l«r. b*< iwt »rt»v»» l««« f*«r MCk WWtV I The Straits Times has the largest i circulation of any newspaper in Asia British India
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 79 2 WKATHKK Kfcl'OKi >— 4«M Ktuoou Hu«pt»at, ett/i Ap.ii. MIC 3».!n. l|).tti. '< j.lB.B»ltA«Ei. M.O IM Tut. ."ii." 7s u af W;o.l n s t. K n k. Calm. -S ..< I i ib«L«Jr (W.7 -:!x \'m do io 735 til M ii. is ouu USI i.rr. r».lTUr. 715 J-l BMfaUiaUhMB*.
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  • 1926 3 LI HUNG-CHUNG AT SINGAPORE. uKKHIM. KKCKlTloN INti. x U <'li»n-. (MM r.-|.r-i.-nl I'"' Kn.|-r.,r '>'•' H»pMII*W| I fi lin v.l hi ipnw ibortlj I,, o'dMk tin. —win, M o paay'a i|. ii ,m..ii.I-I l>y I mi nui! in all al«>nt fiflv-tbr.r I tall As aoou an trrired, iba «-i» I*.
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  • 307 3 OVID E MU SIN AT THE TOWN HALL. Mi: .ui.l In Orifa Mumi. .ml Mr. Edward gcharf. B»T« .:>_"!> MjOJitbU ,,,n. n m iiu rows H ill ImI akW mdiaiice ni HgintttMy small, bal t .m. I ..n.vrt is In k'iv.ii llMM au.l n ib la l»- li f 'I
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  • 46 3 Thb native Chinos'* (taper* are Ih^muoiiiK to ({row alanuni about then umber of Kii-4hi.hi HtudVott coming to Pekin tu u.U Chinese, aud |>oint out bn« tbenu iMtMf M miiiiUriv (trauliiied bv th« .l.i|. iii-K.' li.-r.-p' tli— i r RMMl vicU-rie* orer (^'bitia.— China QaxetU.
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  • 256 3 I'm: report of the Kistern Mortgage I and Agency Company »Ult» 111' iom|n; fuii.ln Lave been steadily employtd in tbe urv of (be year. After proriiilg for iataMri un d»-l>enture«, fully ■■II ordinary and "A" nuare«, and for >i|K-u»e<, a lialaace r-njaiua of 4Mt7, which, with
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  • 810 3 {from the Tim< i of Ceylon). ho.ultm. SHth March. Kawi f r >in Buluwaro of yent«rday'a date ■Mm t lint thf nitnati' n in one of the gravest. Captain Spreckloy and Mr. Salons each dehtMlbnUi in til- i."'i»tiiK>iirlniii'l c f Bii'nway.i, killing ni:>uy of them Tin- native police
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  • 1737 3 Kmblm, 'M March. Th* will uf the late Right Hou. H C E. Childer* haa been proved, the personalty being sworn B*JMMm\, Attentiou is being diawu to th* enormous increase in strength which the Pacific MMMM has undergone during the past few week*. The impression gaina
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  • 265 3 ll haa hitherto been supposed that bin* H od." that cherished and distinctive atlnI of th* eri-toer»ey. enlr a figment of I' ■> imagination, and that it ix merely th* it«n**a nf the hand* and th* marble pallor 0 iii- compleiion that bring into prominence v.-in* wkich are
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  • 173 3 iTO ASKIVK f;r thf F,tr Ea»t Per PA O s. s Ctijlou. from 10ud,.-. March 7, iiins Mx-f. Mr. C A. Fraser. Mr C W. Gonlon, Mr. N. Wnitley. Mr. C H. »ureliea-l. Mr F I, Be r)fe'. ■>. McLean. I'cr P. il O. s. Victmia, rom Lou I, 11.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 173 3 AKKANGKMKNIS Tucbday. 7th April High Water. tM \> m. Sumrei I" j"iij» Kin-.--M. M. homeward mail clown p.m. Concert. Town Hall. 9 p.m. S. V. A. Camp emit. Wkdnmday, 8th Amu ■fa* Water. 6 41a.m. 8.20 p.m. Mii!r--|.»l CommiMion. 2.30 p.m. Sale of Everton E«tate at Honp 'IV k CIivi-'k
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    • 240 4 tor tliii h.mlin..' MM MU I r» n*»l r Itr. -tt.-v I- in; Brit Bntiau C. S. ||tM; fr.— Praneh; <i>r f/irm.ui: Du >>it,h, Job.— J..i.on.; '..<-..- »r/>; (I. l>.— do-k MMMMM; l ni- .T. If.— T. .:nn(f P*K»r VV .> -Turij'im'PtKiM'Doek; H. W.-'.v.-Jar.liMo 1 Iftarfj N.
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    • 1229 4 Arrivals SmoK Soon 01 arouu.i. Dai. »t-. l!*i i. .11-. Capt. Van ■'.•■< H*r-t M Apl. Fr.. I 1 ■:.!>..:- G.c. A 44 d p. Liou/ l^n .v do. Pol b.n-(f. U Rd* i*uii<//crin»»-i.i Bnl -tr '.'i.l > aptaiu Rtw. titli Apl. Km.m PHMf, Uli *pL O c
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    • 398 4 Name, Port, Mhl b 4 'i IbjmU London. I ,-vli.ll. Apl. 'J; P. A O. XUi.iv.i. ajL 1. P. 40. Brulon I. Muy 11.I1. SiiunnAiuarn'itl'. 1 QlMgaHj, Boiihtesil. IiITUU I i Hyaoa, Ani. 8 Berate Oat Beetor W. KaaaMld Telamor. Apl 10; .1" i Itaa, Apl. 18 il.i
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    • 189 4 i An'i Nm. Ki.*.. 4Eio Caj-taix. Api I aag alia Crit.-tr. .-imth I I'.iKin ->.- ru.-.-7 1! i. I>.,1, Mr II.,,. 7 Aurct!. II,-,,.;,,-,,, 7 Qan Maru»n.t str .K, -i, 7 Mr. Bell Will-, tiie Ui-|. -ir. Nieol 7 A. Apca- Mr, H;ii.,t, 7 Htr. IU 7 Ki>,,
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    • 58 4 5 I tf c < All BO II LI' I Dak -ir. IM V..n .1. r llar-t a Ml K. 1', n me ►tr. 1 1 i Wvhltur i -.r. 17.i" l;,,.vl,', Ol KUu k MM rtr. --..•-> i>,. i >. ,i rlouTkong I- ll Hi-mi, -is.,,, MM.i-tr.
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