The Straits Times, 4 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times KKTABLISIIED 1831 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1896. NO. 18.889.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 852 1 >n!AMBHIP CUM PA NIKS. II i FKICF., (Mlrat Qu-iy. k mum Baa Bait ai STbAI NAVIGATION COMPANY. Mciiiii l«r niinn. atapafkj r«ni>ii». Mnr»nll's. i;ilirall!jr. Malta. KrindW. Irnitr. IM} nnmtli. t ll it I iiimloii 1 'L' i -sued for 1 1 nd A X«l< Lhw OtfTWAMO Ho«»W«JK kartl It' k-
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    • 1058 1 KTKAMSIIII' COMI'ANIKK. I vK KuMNKi I.IKK PAKETVAART fct AATB<;HAPPIJ. 1 Am IMMBBbI with th" NMh-.rlai.d-. India 'iOT';riiin..nt A'nulm at S i •fipiT- rlnir 4aH*sTWT- l\t« .J. l'ahmuklh A <'<> c.h.i.vkr yrj»v lV Ou Will lie Oe«|>atciie<l for >n lllillMiiMK DBS MX SAGi: -.IKs .V\'livr |,KK..'\N E J. MOTION CO. i-to.;'
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    • 1527 1 IKSUKANCEb. INSURANCES. CANT. N INSIRANCF. OFFjCE i T' 1E BTKAJTH I»aOKAJKJB OC»t UIIITfD. I'A.NT. I.IUITBD OajM SnbwrlUd tt,Ur,ni\ BaTABLIBHED 1883. An.-ualw. ■'".<"■ tIBAIIOfriCK, SIHOAPOBB. iMOmti, Hoaeso..: < a^ilal Full) 8ul»M-rih«l $3,C0(J.«< 1 0 lh« ual<.t..|r a «.j > hi, jl l lisa •i*ou.t*lAi(<>ni> f tli« Capita! Paid-up t 6C0,0"Xl t
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    • 246 1 KATZ~ BROTHERS. Have just unpacked the following 1 1 Kbmhb, BlMMti S|im,ii>. I'.-.s. it l<urkK, T.a 8|.,,.i s. Mtiatard .S|hmDb. Salt S| mids. Hi. I Liill.s. .-■■.-I. I'rll Klliv, >, Pocket Kuivm, Nail tyiasurs, Kropp'H Ki.-'.i-Kr»p|.'s I.' -i I" Table Kirn... Tsl.M- S|-....|,v Table Kurk«. •>*lmJ Belu. WoiMted Cy
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    • 881 1 NOTICEB. I PREVENT FEVERS and deatroy all nnitoua. offeasiw, or inf'-etioiis odours from 1 atrinee or refuae by using CALVfRT'B CARBOLIC POWDER guarant-ed to contain Is°/ O <if Calvertt,No 6 Carbolic th.- tlnmgttt Diainfeetant known, and. lightly uprinklml through a d**dger, it in the efcaaaaa] and moat tftdivr preparation. I
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  • 489 2 LATEST MAHKKT QUOTATIONH SiNo*r<ißE, 4iit Apnu. I N rRODLHE. Gambier I 7.7 do Cube So. 1 12 do do No.2. MUM Oopra Bali do Pontianak, M>7% Pepp-T Black, !".."> 8«#o Flonr, Sarawak 1*7%. do Bmnei HO. Pearl K^o, 355 Cottne Bali. ipick.«l, 40.00. CoSse Libsruui, No. i 4' 1
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  • 155 2 V,,r Ver $tr. Time. TO DAT. !Ul/LTk..L /In. i Stiuj Gu.m. P. Braod»n, f >.i W'half Win. Henanir Deli. Hebe. Malaco%& KUu; .S.i/.j,/,'.,, Bwillrt. ai- »~ar prni-, B..,, T"/. "<ni»baya via |.oit-. «..,.W.. IVuanjt, ir.i«lu. Aiii.-T <t Swatow, Aibmgxo, Mantok A I '..I. ■iul...ii.-, IUn/K..k. Html,,
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  • 98 2 Tihk Tahi.kok Mails Die Fh»m Xi K'.i-i -liy tku M. M. x. h. kaWff, I iiTitt-l.v Kk.iJl lIINA Hy til.' (ii'mil'll K. Piei'orii .lue on Siitur.lav. 1..1t -iiiimi'.t.- l)»« iv London Arrive 1 K.I. I«S I' a 17th Mar. Hit I, Kelt. tMli M. M Mar
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  • 202 2 ARRIVALS. Per s. t. >«/n«ir<i from Deli: Meetr* K (>. Humbert, Ki<k.-r-. C. Roe*euer, C bhipnan, I) 1 .-nipri— E. Laupries, G N. AI-.-1-.m. ami family, 15 -r.-l«y and family, haller.cU, and N-hwart-fuhrer, and Per s. L.mhiU from Calcutta via ports— Messrs Jlmstme, Rogers, W. E. Hooper,
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  • 23 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 4th APRIL. 1896. Kjtabmhhku 1831. TRICK: 10 CENTS. i mmxriftimt <••«/>« ■i>u> a>lvertiiituj r,Ues may he found on the, fourth paje.]
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    • 109 2 L-iifi'in, JrU April. An t'xi'iu-d debate oo the Ki;v|-im. j ..ui".iii>u has taken place in tbe Freueh Chamber of I>|>utie«. The dt-lnto <|.»ed with a vote of c )nfiimm iu ibe i ivfi-uiiiciit by a majority of nineiv-sii. A SOUDAN RAILWAY The iHnloriaU for a Darrow tun;'
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    • 114 2 Lmkm, M April. Tl.e 1 i. h S i. ,i- Las .1 -h. a vote of win! of •.itifiili-UM' in the foreign policy of lli Kivmh Government. Th<> S-nate h;u» h.'k > deferred voting the credit askin] for Mad n.'^t u TIip Cahinet iias. however, resolved
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  • 862 2 Mi:. Huttenliach's papers upon the trade returns of the Colony have helped to settlp what may lie coobiJere<l aa important poiut of L-^i-lutiv.- Council ueagf. It will be teen, from our report of Tl nr»,l.i\ V prooeedinei, that the C'nlonial Secretary ffor Ihe (Jivt-rnment) propobfd Ii lay
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  • 45 2 His Excellency tbe Governor bas had some moving adventures by flood if not hy field. At Thursday's Legislative Council, be s.iid be bad hid tbe misfortune to be on three ships which caught fire at sea, and the panic was too awful to think of.
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  • 7 2 Thb news from Acbeen is very serious
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  • 12 2 On Etster Monday, tbe Straits Time will be published at 2 p.m.
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  • 13 2 Pkoplk should retd tbe discussion about uetrolcum carryiuj in our Legislative Council report.
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  • 18 2 Mr. i (iei.-ril L.ivin.i leaves .Mns.--r.-s. fur Singapore by the M M. i, on the l-'th instant.
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  • 19 2 ir will 1..- .1.-..rv.-.l that, during the holiduv*. our Imiii,'.-. ajd s»me other. .|uotatious are ruu.ll/ those of Thursday.
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  • 23 2 KuMoiß has it tbat Mr. H. C. IMti.-ld. the t-'enior M.i.-.«tr n.-. IVrak, is to be the Attorney. General for the Malay States.
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  • 22 2 I'm Ku--- in in. n w.|. Dmitri DmmW aud Rurik arrived at Colomlx> on tbe 24tb March, on tuwr wav to Cbioa.
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  • 30 2 It is advertised that during the absence of Mr. T. C. Bogaardt. CapUin O. Wahl has 1., cv ap|. -iin'i- 1 as /.-nertl manager of the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd.
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  • 32 2 i\ uotification annouaees that the name of the Hou'ble J. A. Swettenbain, cm. a Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, In- been added to the Commis-tiuu of the lVi, for the Beltlemeot of SiDgajore.
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  • 31 2 Thikhdat was Mr. Hutteuba.-h'a "day out." His point r petrol, urn shippiDg was cariied, and it was proposed to havt-aspcal ommit'ee to enquire into bis "charges and allegations" re trade returns.
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  • 53 2 TU MM M, Sy,l,iri/, left CohinUi at II a.m. ou Thursday, and is due here on Tues.lav next at noon. The passengers on board tl Sydney from MarNeilles for Singapore are Mr. aud Mrs. Bland. Mr. S. R. Robinsou, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. S in iv.-..
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  • 42 2 Tut Acting Municipal Engineer re|<oits great difficulties in fiuding suitable sand for the filter beds in Singapore island. He has searched for stud at Pulo Obin, ami has made inquiries about fresh water sind from tbe different islets near Singapore.
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  • 47 2 A sale of valuable English jewellery, being a portion of the stock of Mr. Graham, jeweller, late of Battery Road, will take plac-i on Weiiuesday next, at Messrs. Powell's. The jewels are to be sold in consequence of tbe owner leaving for borne next month
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  • 50 2 Is the Cathedral of t'ue (Jo. id Shepherd, ui^ht. Canon Deloii'-tt- asked for the |.id»cis of the cou/regatiou for Hishop (iifiner, whose eouditiou at th-' General Hospital is causing hi.- auxiety. On einju rv this morning it was 1.-arnt that bis .-.iiiiiiiion has not improved siuce yesterday.
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  • 63 2 On Weduesday aftrrnoon. at Kuala |jii'ii|ii>i, theie wis a match between Messrs. Berwick and Douald's Blurb, II and Mr. Nicholas' Eltie. The former carried lOst 'lbs. Riymoud up; t b<- l.n.i 1 1st. Fiddes up. OJds were tre<:ly offered against the chances of tbe local mtie (Elrie),
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  • 83 2 M.I. s 1-. M. I. C A iko days' match l>.-t».-.-n i,.,,i 114 i vj.r. (tentative of the Garr son and the S. C. C. was cotnmenctKi yest. rdav. The 8. 0. C. put together v: their first innings 102, and the Garrison i»3. The Club went in again,
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  • 83 2 Thir morning, atulwut three o'clock, tbe 1 1 .tarn of the Italian barque Hutttnin Accane was awoke by a slight iioite on deck. He got up, .tin), ou walklug to the eabiu dour tv g->oii deck, saw three string.- ChiDmaeu, oue eanring a lamp and the
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  • 386 2 SERIOUS POSITION. TRCACHBBY OF rKIBUDLY CHIWB Batavia, HOlh March. It is telegraphed to the Batavia Nieuwiblad that Toekoe Djohan (T. i -mar baa gone over to the tnemy. The Urd battalion has gone to Lamdjamoeaud Liinpencroet. the Hth is held ill rradiucK*. The forts, Biloel aud LiujLoeujit,
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  • 97 2 The leave of absence granted to Mr. II A. O'Brien, First Magistrate at Peu*u«, has Ueu .-xi.-nded for six mouths. Dr. VV. G. Kilis has Ix-eu nomiuaU.l meuili-r of the Siugapore Licensiog Board. Mr. U. S. H. Mh. Arthur appoiuttd a Magistrate aud Commissioner of the
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  • 134 2 DEFEAT or AINSLIE. Tm final in tbe tennis cbampiouship, between Biaddell and Ainslic, was continued on Thursday in tbe presence of a Urge gatnering. On tbe previous evening, when play left off the match stood one sett all, and five games to throe in the third sett
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  • 458 2 Ths S. V. A. Paraded :iii Offi.ers aud men at tbe Drill H .11 at p.m. on Thursday, aud, after inspection, proceeded by ■team launch to Taojoug Katong *here they will remain in C*mp till Tue-iday Morning next. Oo arrival at Katong the usual tirst
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  • 45 2 K.i I", .mi.' mi. l Calcutta, Kutnang,ilu»>-i)i April H..iisti«l Co. AuHtra i* mnl New Zealand, Araus, due ml> April. M. Ali-lorlCo. UUm ami Japau, Hy».n, duo Mil April, It. .n- Co. Cali-utta ril (, ;,iWn'u, on Bth A»ri:, Bourtaad A Co.
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  • 1009 2 It was a little unkind of r shaw to move that Mr. Huiu mt-morandum should not .n" lie ou the Council tal.le. Still but a medium unkindness Tb l thing, when you don't t U l |1 IIU which any one ha«d 8 to v™, 4
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 938 2 NOTICES 1 1 TBI BOENIO COMPAHT.LIIfITID. fWXBM Staadard Lif* Aararane*. Not-ich Union Fire Imurano* KJOIMfAUas AMocaao* Company (Fire). Tk* Kquitabl* Life Auurano* Sociatj. Th* Oc~o Mafis* loturaoo* Company. TW China Mutual Stwro Natigati.* Ooatpaaj Th* TotUnhaat Ukfm llw>r Company. 7\a K^* 1 T*^t lßSuraace Company, Limited. < For particulars of
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    • 63 2 MA.S. MmM jtr MM »r««. r.».« alunM M wntlr* I Not 1r.5.1. an r... 0.., i •(k«r>u> kl I paMpaal IV lk» I -n~<.f«ttj tk.r'l*' I in cm— if nnioj **wi. M ..I Mn*r f'<" fick mmt\. The Straits Times has the largest circulitiuu o: any newsaapcr j in Asia,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 WEATHKK RE PUR I 1 .-< 11-..,.. -J.,,1 Af.,,1 I"'.!. Lar. r»d. .U i"»L »M»W.~eBUMI T*mu t-ri.o c 1.2 78 6 k 'l VWt !'iii'i Tl«r 19.9 TKU 7." t Kir. of Wm.l Cli,. S.K. Calm. Mm. Temp, inthadr t(8.:l |f-? J Miv do aa T:t.:< |H ■■B, in Sou
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  • 6320 3 APKII. 2nd. PBEBEMT. )< t IHK (tOVKBNOB. SIX aTiTOati II K (JenerslH T. Jono<.Vau|rhan,< B. tloai .1 A. bwottrnham. aM<; Colonial iiry |l. i. W R nllyor. Atlorii«y«Joner»l (i.n H 'I'r.ilt.r, Aiiditnr-Uoni-ral Hrn inpt A mien., m. Acting t'nlonisl En»fi. lion A. BaMaafaaaa. H Q 8.
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  • 126 3 SCA RCELY RESPECTFUL. Thk I'nuintj Gaxt'te tefers to "a terribly iduminous aod mg- winded corretpon- rt"U' appearing in tbe StraiU Time* be- I feea tbe Colonial Secretary and the Hon. I Mr. Hiitteubaeh." aud appeals to souu- af 11l readers to devote their holiday* to I. paraliug the wheat from
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  • 394 3 I Bum «j C. Jill, March.) I The Until, i 'oiiiiii ills apiMiiiug in lha i Kagapaat pipers aa Inm are reprod'l ed at .!c length elsen ln-ie. and Will doiil.tless read with close nit. r.->l by ihe j'l iiitii)'.' community hen- is
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  • 1084 3 King, liappv bells of Easter time Ths world takes up jour chant snbliine. 'Hie Ixird in riwn I Th» niarht of f*ar r Has |»--c, away, and I, ■•men draws near i We breathe tli- air of tbat blest "Inn. 1 At Kn-i.T tim«." i Lucy
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  • 46 3 The Key. K W. Munson baa l«eu reroonoitring Kuala Lumpen- with the »iei» of opening a Mwhwlist mission their, but the work will probably fall into other hands awiaf to the health of lira. If i.nson, which may oblige her to return toAmeri.a
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  • 93 3 iomiuH. MurrK -'/(/i Tli« ,l.<alii in luiuinrirnl ..f Mr. JaataM Hu K hes. The foll.itt -inc in'ihe rmult o f tbe aiai f"r lie Lincolnshire Handicap Clurano Uuarral El Diablo 3 Um<Um, H?tk Mnrrh Ths following sr« Iho rmulU of the LirerP<h.l tiranrl Nationsl K»e« Thr Soarer 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 480 3 TO-MORROW'S. HI MICH SKKVICKN. CHUBC'H OK ENGLAND. KASTKR DAT. •...m.Kir.1 < .M,r.ti<>ii .,1 H..l r bWm H ChonlCd bntii'. r, ,,l H..W Ku.h.n.i. II «n.l Soruion. f.ll...,.l by Tlilr.1 ('•,.n .if Kn.h.ri... VI. |>ni, K,.u...n» »nd htm Ik, Hi. I.. ■t. Mirr«iW. s«nit l.i>». X p.m., MM| an.1 H.nii.ii
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 195 3 A UKA NO KM EN IS. Saturday, 4th Apeh. Hi^h Water. M p iv. Easter Eve. Public Holiday. Baoks close. B.C.C. Cricket tiiagapore (lolf Club M'.ni hi y Haa4ii«| and H.iiidn-.i]. Jweeiistakos. i ierniHii li.iine,v,ir,| mail closes tf p in St. Andrew's Services. 7 a.m. and 8.15 p.m. Srxiuv,
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    • 1399 4 Unl«r ehi< in»t"i< l*«lt l< ion-t ir« »«l: «'r. dti v «h'|> Mj.— lmrqu«; Brit— Briti<t; II .3.—^n't i '■■:*■•■<. Pr. jV.n -li (Jor. i >r'n 1 1 Di» Dnteii; Joh.— To'iore; '».<•.. 1.- n ■aiv d. p— l«''k pa^*»o/-r<; U. O***)" ain:T. P. W-T»n|oiiif faX- r
      1,399 words
    • 440 4 Niirne, Port, and when ErptcU'l London. Ceylon, A pi. 9; P A O. Mhltrca, Apl. 14; P.iO. BFwamwwn, Apl P. imoiw r,.-u1..,n.i.,<1. May P. Suuoi.x. Amara.tlh. QUagarTj, H ui-teul. LtT»ar«oL. II v n. A) 1. 10; Horn.' < oy. Haetor W. KaaalaM TelaiDoi. Apl. 10. .In Titan, Apl.
      440 words
    • 57 4 Datb. Vi»»k'» Nam« hM v Rm Caitmn. >l I hi.uV«n K ■> Vivtorw 3 ll.i Mun i /.>..•„. t W»hi I H««»td > Kun A mi I Iti.ln k I'imihw Brit Mr. Hwd «ir. «lr »tr atr <i.-r .tr Naeod l< M«ll( li kI.I r.l II ■»<
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 NOTICFS. MAINTAINS THK IIKiHEST I!! TITATION i:\rinwiir.iM:. BJwisfi-^^ r J KSSENO cm rvvto kxt«»*ct. or HID JAMAIOA Pronoun. 'il ta* **!OHKaT MCDICAL AUTHOftITWEB th» »BO*t y FOR OVER "V sixty years Reliabl^Rjinedy TORPID lIVEB, DfCiLITV ATTE'iUATION OF BODY, ERU^TIOMS. LASSITUDE, And nil IMPURITIES of tho BLOOD INOISPWfa.Bi.K tVIOKKCJc OF 6.UPERIOBITV.
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    • 230 4 NOTICK. PBENCH BAJLEBT. 111-1 Arrived. 1 WuknellksTbcfked, Sauce FiNAN-cikkK, Uri.KK DE VIAM.F. I'tKl K UE KOIE Gbas. Sardines TKcrrED, A Bai-hael Wine. i bread i.klivkreo up to the '.th mile Always iv Slock a best and roinuleN- assortment mfroMMua provisions. WINES AND CLARET. PfclTIT-BKURKE DE NANTES. < AMENBKRTS. MONT DORE.
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    • 482 4 .NOTICES. PURE BLOOD Is the source of food health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I Makes Pure Blood. I Strengthens Ma Nenrei, I Sharpens tha Appetite, I Removes that Tirmd Failing, I and Makes Lifa Worth Living. Sufferers f rom indiges/Qr; siCftT^X tion, general ft 11 debilit >'' skiu I• I KB 1
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    • 635 4 NOTIOEk. McALISTER CO. "FAIRBANKS SCALES. No<ice in hereby given that under power •f attorney dat»d 12ih Dw^mrxr, 1895, M sits. E' T. Fairbinks Co. oi St. Johusbury, Vermont, U. 8. A., appointed Fran.-is barrack and AlfiacderCuniining, •S. eg-. pore, jointly and «ev< rally to be the ■ne sufficient at'orneys to
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    • 873 4 noiices. MA RIB BRIZARD AND ROOBR hi., .li. A! K. Brandy Cuwiki I C^uilitc. An-nte J. ■araaeWlM Sii|*rieur.'. Lijnoiis J rah Afiii- far the Straiu, ta. MnlN'K iomik A Co. OOCA lii IT I. Its. HAETWra KANTOIti'WICS. POSBI MIKKMANYi 1- 1 Aiiiisii i) |sj.{ .->. 1.-: INV miir ai MaTIUMI
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    • 163 4 NOTICEB. NOTICEB. THE nndersi^ad lia* wemrarl farther JUST ARRIVED conaifrnmrat of Hooper Bros. port. FRESH *B>aa»aa4 of Ai^t-i year, in the wood and v«r tatrar. I J. V le.f in M ll.nt i,t', 8-lt tLTWOMS, \h tl ell., ke,f,,.rl, lrKer 9.0.n,.ry,..v. .V-^^J^fWSßfc, R«.l.,u«.ii „r o \i. DEW All's wUl^y iH
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