The Straits Times, 2 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times KKTABLJSHED: 1831. SINGAPOIIE, THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1896. NO. 18,888.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 934 1 STKAMBHIP COMPANIES. I 1) OFTICE. Collyer ftuaj. W3ARVIIB. New Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. si, «in for China. Jn|i»ii. I'rnang. t .luu. ludln. Anitlrnllit. Aden. Kit>|il. «ar«f>illrN, Vlbrnllar. Wulta. BrliicH-l. »>nirr. IMymouth. and London. ThlwaaTa Wlhi 1 1 La.lii i«s U .-d laf Pen 0«« 11,,,./,I 1 A,,, M 'W.. Mnii
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    • 1093 1 S'I'KAM SHIP COMPANIES. 1 \E KONINKLUKE PAKKTVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ. I'ndor contract with the Netherlands India Government. A<\**U at Nin^apor. Shih Ag««ct. LATB J. IUBKPULB A Co., 'J-3, Colltkb (jcay ml On Will be Despatched for On fnnii <OMPA<iNIh DES ME-SAUKHIKS ~Z -B.«-|-\fp f ,\r 0 f^f^ MARITIME-, OB FKANi E. J.
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    • 1329 1 NOTICES. NOTIOKK PAINLESS DENTrSTRV. oR°—0 R J. D. A. PERtIRA. LOOK VAN KIT I Hobiiccltubibt «b Flobiht. V ji I v j (JOLLKCTOB AS II ExPOBTIK or OBCHII>. N,*th t« M l Road (}nhn fw Bo ie 4) Ofpobitb ihk PoUCB (,oubth Carefully and promptly Meet,-, I I.ATB or 9k,
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    • 396 1 BANKS. (IHARTERBD BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL £800,000 RESERTE UABILITI of Proprietora £900,00<> RESERTE FUND 2325.000 CBank or En.. 1 an 1. I lamd. BANKERS Natiow ai. Bank or Scot(Thk Citt Bark Ltd. Intkrkst on rixKD Dkporit*. For 12 month* 3*°/. fi do 3*/
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    • 948 1 wonoßB. fI«M Main. Piria. 1878 IBBS. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS Of HiKhtit Quality, and, Having Orrat-.t Durakillt;. am Therefore CHEAPEST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY J. F. TEUFEKT, I»KNTAL BUKOKUN. •.KESHAM HOI'SE. BATTKRT ROAD HAM 1:1.1 rllM.lKOHT. LENZ k CO ARTI'HOTCHiKAPHKtIs. CORNKRoKSTAMKOHI) HOAD. AN I, HI 1.1, STREKT KIT-TIN..* tKON 7 A. M. TO
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  • 487 2 I.ATK8T M ARKCT QUOTATIONS Sm.iAinRr. :'.i> April, J89fi PRODUCE. Oarabier 7.70. do Cube No. 1, 12.00. do do No. 2, 10.00. Copra H»: 5.95. do P.Kitinnak,. 5.67^. P.-,,,kt Utah, MUi Satf) Flour. Sarawak 2.6"',4. k. Brunei... 2.50. Pearl ti*,n 3.55. rMh* Bali, ipickul. 40.00. Coffee Liberiao, No. 1 4"i.
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  • 54 2 T<vMi>»bow. ISuuitkuK ferbrru,, M.U,-.-..v Uuf, fan Hi, a,;,... hmiM. ■i,.i!,..- a i>oii. Kh -ar u port.. B.m Puh (mi, •aarttayi ifeMto, K -ii-ti.1. \iu |.ort«. Pr(n.«r>,. D.rr,! I «y gntt, rnut. P.irt l)«r« 11, ho..,,,, II >.m. II in I I p iu I HI I ,u ■t
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  • 81 2 Iuum Mailk I)i i ii K"iK:- Jly tin- 1 io nuui i. a. tmekmm •....!..> KK..M II. V\ IJy tilt- U.TIni-11 /Vtf«... .In Ctoanhj l..ft inxn|«.n- Due iu Loniion Arrival FMt. •••Ii P. 0 March 1 7lli M>ir. Iriib i'i 4. H. l!l t Xmr.
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  • 312 2 AKUIVAI.iI. Per s. h oyaa*M fr,.tn Palun^ —Mr. T. H Bath. Per a. a. Stmmko fa— KUntr via |M>rt# Maaari it. i-. Ai .m-. Wall. Ca!dwel>, J Mm. .Mfor.l. Cnpt. W n hl. «nl Mr nnd Mr ITaifaak. rVr t, i/.."'>a from SuriUkai. Mwwrs. Sprmit. KiiiMiur. Ry», Nwilsou,
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  • 23 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY. 2nd APRIL, 1896. Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. Subscription rate* ami wloertitiiui raiet may be fouml nn the fourth }xu/e.]
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    • 67 2 'Jud April. The Chartered So-ith Africa Com pan r has aske.l the H >me Oo»ernment to send five hundred troops from Cape Colony to r. inton-i- at Huluwav... It in vinl that the Home Oovernmeut will -„i,l five thousand men to the Cape as *tnm as
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    • 15 2 The new Chiua loan has been lar.^li covered in London aad Herlin.
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  • 323 2 Thk phinters n| At Malay Peninsula are to l>e t-onjjra dilated on their decision to form tin ■iiis-,-|vi-< into a United A«noWJfiwa. They have at preaent several MJMiwtJwMi p»ih local to each State and tliere is always the prwuibility that thi>*e hii^lh sp Ha t with me
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  • 26 2 The plautert' m..-tini? at Kuala I.tiuipur is reported by our special correspondent, who was asked by th(> planters to arrange to ifo there for that purpose.
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  • 27 2 Thk Sei-reUrv of State's despatch of -!"h January (published to-i^ay) contains rather a "nasty one" for Sir C. Mitchell. The point at is Mr. Cap|>er't salarr.
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  • 8 2 H.N.M. -."inl*.at Wrapi left Sinjfapijre yesterday for Ai-heen.
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  • 13 2 i S> The lawn-tennis cliain|>ioni«hip will be lilayed off this cveuing at tive
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  • 12 2 Tii-HoHKoff, lieing (Jnod Fri.Ur. thcte will In-no issue of the Strait* Tfiacf,
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  • 20 2 I'm: i.iitwanl German I fadstan 1. 1-— .1 Malan-a at a in. to-ilav, and is M here aljou' 4 p.m.
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  • 20 2 Tn aawht aafwti from Makk North Borneo s|ir;iin; iv valin- .«1 i io l«!>4 to 514.85 1 i» IHM.
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  • 20 2 The Attorney- General arrived from Malaaei at hilt past seven this in-.ruiiiL.' on Iniarj the Oovi-ruuieut I mi Ii Akrl
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  • 18 2 Majhk Aiuutioiix ailvertiaes his horses nud i-irri<.. for suK-. Parti, ulars lie seen iv our ailvertiiin^ roluuim.
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  • 21 2 It ik ailveitiseJ tbat Ur. K. AmlerMiu h*» lieen aaawMiaad t« si^u lar Me»sis. W. Manstiil.l 4 Ci- as per priM-umdon
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  • 24 2 Tv toll Hri \p.,rti-.| friun Kntish North Bonn-., iv iH'.ti, it rained at alighUy i.v.-i- ,i nnlii hi o| ilollars bmhwl SS/o.IMMj iv \HM
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  • 26 2 iauhiek ultivttti ir, I, aaid i > leek proaaiaiag m British Noith K>iui'o, hut, last year, ih,- export if th« articlt- lrmu there rearln.l only S'.iiiti worth.
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  • 29 2 M«. Kki.icki D'Sop/.a dii-tl vi.ii,-r.l.iv aftL-ruooii ul his residiiu-f mi (^ Street. l|. lo ilw hagsHJM al tlsit* year he wat lit-ml bailiff of tht 1 Court of Mqwata.
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  • 37 2 Tai lauil ituil bunae |iru|iru Liiuvm KMitnu" Batato, ti Niil' Baad and K>. n. ii X..a.1, i« .nlnTtim-.l to In- M U l-y--.iUiluui In Mtwtrit. Hon-Til. v'h\«- Cu., aj tlnn Hull' room, ou \Uv dlli iimtaut.
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  • 82 2 Legislative Council is meeting this,.n, and tbe list of Imsm,-.-, ih rather long. There are a motion for a Commission on Indian Inuuii^raliwi, a motion regarding the Telok Aver se* wall, and a motion regarding the 1, Bill and there are tj b»; conniderci! tin; K.lai relating
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  • 186 2 The papers Uid before Couauil t..- i.n include reports of tbe fisheries of tieStraits Setileuicnts aud the proWcted Native States, a meuiorauduiu on the mjis> tr.ttiou of divilti aud I. mils in IVuan^aul Provinw; Welleslev.a report on fon-si lunl iv Provictv Welleslev, and avnMMBMBM ou tli .lift '-r.-ut
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  • 45 2 A Cbinaman jumped off Johnston's Pier this wornio^ with the aupareut iut.-u--tiou of drowning himself. He was MMad by a native, aud arresUd by the polie. He refused to give any name or aildreis, and wax sent to the hospital for ob-ierv.i-tiou.
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  • 54 2 Ir i« advertised that Mr. J. D. Satindern has entered into partnership wilh Mr. W. Q. (Ire!);, t-xi hauge br.ikcr. and tho luisiin-s--will In- cariied ou under the style of Oreig and Situud- rs. Mr. Urcii(go«s houie, with Li Huu j-C'ljaii.'. ou Tu-slav. "He will return after
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  • 63 2 To-MOKBOW, Good Fridai. tin- tin. Po»t Ottii i- will be closed. (Iv Saturduj. thf ttli, Hal Moij'iiv, thi- (illi lustant, the Moui-y Or-lt-r «ud Pur r.-l Post Itraui les will be cloaed and oulv tin- morning ImMwl will M ivin-d. TM P,st Office will close at
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  • 72 2 is ilr.iwn iv tin Hut ml, North liiTiirn Herald to the coinniaudiiit; position of Brunei Hay on the N. W. dust of Borneo. Oawl >* Mwl to abound thole. From Padas Bjv. on the N. E. corn.-r a| Bruut-i Bay, a railway is propot-t-d to I conistrucl*^
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  • 86 2 Ykmkehat a r -rt .-.1 to tlie Police that bis sister, arhtlil Mjad thir. tit-u. liaJ ruu awa.v from her home in Market Street. The Holi.-e ln-ln ye bi-r to be a child toun lin the Km Couist- K.iaJ yesterday This child was one mass
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  • 86 2 Thl Hrilish S.;lh aWata Ih, il,l |.ul.. lisbes the triidi- returns af tint Hate for lastv.ii- Tite luipoits at ui-irh Ivy.. millions of dollars in value iv wMMwMwI overlirto.CXKiou 18H4. TWaspoftt i,i,!,..l tUmW-ti iiiinasi- of WM.OOO i-oiii-pireil with \>:>l Iht tot.ll volume of trade
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  • 122 2 TU THE LIU li ii: OF THE STItAITs IIMI Sib, I have found that some pemou baa been using my name. ..tul hat ohuiu>-d some Hubscriptions in Singapore for our Miatioo, wlii.-li hjßjVa in-v.-r n-.i. ln-.J in.Will you allow me to caution tho pohtie, and to that
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  • 315 2 Til THE EDITtIK nf THK -nil RSSSJJ S>'R. Our liauLrupti v patitiati lutisl lidVrilriTi'U yiiuriiir,'i-n|niii.l.'iii •■Cr,iln..i todiatraotiuu. "It iaaJatfad," aa myt la his lt-tter ot vusterday, "tliat no baukrupU haM ttbscoutluil of I. it.- it t .r Ika iasue af a reifivin({ order, 4r." \V,- aavat iiidilii
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  • 55 2 A .mr, g,.n.1» us tho ErfjL of a Uur dati: lluu the one which M r Sw.-tunhaui quoted in our issue o! tlw:jj, I March. Our c.^ricspoadent Mn^, we oii/iit t.i p-ib'.isli the following (Ul)U t.ous an well as those supplied by U r Bwi tt.-iiLaiii -DKATH
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  • 259 2 To th* Editort of The Lakckt. rilBS. -I notice iv I'm- i.-i. of N,,, 1805, Wfaiah li.iijist r«a.-h»d me. alette f Dr. Siinou. Ki'Kistmr- ieneral, StMit. aiSf BMato dealing with tertaia stall Male ,!f Sinjfapori) currespundent. I re(rrBt that,.' di.l not i-uisid-r it nece-sAry tn |nibh,i, ,J l.M.'i- ou tlin
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  • 288 2 Its 0u- f;,/i(..r.i i/THE Lani-it. Mks.-Hii mil i«e to corre-l :i ,I^l,, iiiitc-uniey in the leHat of your riagßßan eor:e-i|'oudi'nt appearing in the Issss ..f 'flic /.an.-. of *nf.alel TTsrttT ths hrntiai d •The (ioieruiueiit mil lha Manicipalit j 'yeaj eorresp ,n,1. -nt states tlia« the death return f,,r April
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  • 853 2 Id UMtn «i'1hc i an. n Sips— In Tin- J.auft i.f J Ji,,|. J«r.. nhii-1. ha» jiint, I notice a let l»r from Dr. billion. I'liin-ipnl ivil M .■<]!.■« I Illi'vr «,i<l Ragialnr-Gooata] of Births ami Dnatln. Stnii- 1 1 1 1 m i i t in which )ii>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 846 2 NOTICES rpHH BOEMEO COMPANY, LIMITBD. rr\HK Standard Lire Assurance. A Norwich Union Fire Insurant Buatttf Atlas Astoianoe Company (Fire). Tha B'luitahl* Life Aiwuranoe Society. Tfce Ocmi Manns Insurance CompKny. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coatpaay. Tbe Tottenham Laftw Bbsb Companj. The Maritime lnsuiance Company, 'limited, i For particulars of thoes
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    • 1105 2 NOTICES The Straits Times has the largest circulation ot any newsjjai cr in Asia, British India excepteci. 1 It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Profecle'i States of the M;.lay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the 1 Netnerlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has
      1,105 words
    • 1026 2 LATKBT ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. MONDAY AND TI'KSD V. Al-KM lilH AMI iTH. rot Two NiKhtß Only 1 Hi: CELh.HItATEO misin ro. ANNIK LOIISB M(>IN Prfaaa Deaaa. OVIDK Ml'SlN. Sato Violin. 1-.DUAHD SCHARF. Polo Hinru-. «V 11. Plan at Mkh ks. W. i OBiNMON Jt Co., MUSI': ffARIBOUSS. Bsttery Road.
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    • 58 2 M U.S. intr»*M kit 11. «'r<i<i. i»». i M rIIWI ilUxlwrtinrif Mnli«ru*«rr«l.*cf ".-.■■>.■.'<"■» l«"l f H* if««wiy*r auiy tJU «4t«ritvii*«r' n i »/'h' P*T' r in aa> v/ pr«p mstUr. k»( n I r«»r 4ayl The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsDaper iv Asia. British India excepted.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 WKA'l'HKtt KKPOKI ■■kßaw awasaa) awMHsatj tit laisi. i«»i. 9 «.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rbmarsi Bar. roa. ii >'»li. -JD.b«!) -£).7.-H2!>.eO7 I rBB -.V" MJ 78 0 t j V\.i ::nll. Tlior T» 0 77 0 »ir. ..fw-nd C In.. K.K.Oalat u au.l',il. 95.3 sf-?'» M Taj 111 U»x. in
      95 words

  • 1182 3 iMi AT KUALA I.i MIM i: K Mon.Uv awrißg, at th- Club, Koala In/. Iv altfii'lrtl ii In,;; 1. 1 w> li-ld lor tli- |.iir|. i. ot loim. i ni. d Aaa ihiioii (or ih |.io'."tion vi. in ni of Mi- I'lintM,' in lii-tv. lh i""nt Inm TH.
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  • 1484 3 I IiAV. MARCH :UITII. Pkmhimihtii ,i|.|.n-.i. "ihi.iiik i<it»|i|i. itaadiaa:. the Bee I Day'eranagßj Kuala I > i j i ii > r f urnished v mure iiii>>r«-Mt intf's ■port Wai t'.nnd 111 Saturday's |,ii>LT.inmx' Agmn tin- uenth.-r *„s delightful, in. l ill.- oowrar, baviag rwMiiU fn
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  • 786 3 UK I'APl'Klis Asl; Seerafarf WUtkfm the <'<,/.,,-,,..-! j freaerwer Sir 0. li. It. Mitchell. Q.CJLQ. Kownino Strekt. V. 1 Janu.ini. IHUH. 10:1 i of the Appropriation Ordin- I an., .-.-ins to me tv lie au uuue. si.irv innovation, and it should I- unit-d in future years I
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  • 114 3 [■era i..X Qvura ajav eajs*jeaad ali daj >. -i -i .lay aaeWaroauriag toeolm tM BijreUrj Mirroiiiidii.g the .lisappearauie lr.un I'ulu 'I. n ..I lh- ii,.; ii I'al.u.l. Tins nun, ni- < -i:d, tM set udrifi al BM iv a little dHB> < ..ii boat. With
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  • 175 3 Tins uioiiiiug, lh- n-v- i/kteaj lot li>e mole .Hi, m rrgiaunMioa uf dfafhe. as i at Hie last inc. ling ol ihe j M llUl.ipil r.ilnllll--.H'll i line III" 1,1.. I'llder this BTCtOBI l>i>. Jaury. aud I. mi Boot Kaag will take duvet charge i
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  • 1534 3 CoMietwuiaici r. «|h etiog the Ccdera--110,1 „1 tin- Ptutii-t-'l Malay |Mea <T»N i.ii-i brlaee the Laa^elasrra Gevaeil m,-all-nioin. Il .-.n.-r- "h- |»Tio.l Iruin May, lH!»:i t>> IW-.'mber. !«!»•'>. Hrn <fotiin,.iitH I are len 111 unnilvr. 'I lu-v l«.^iu I with a d.-«|.iil.-li irotn lord Ki|.on to Sir Ctril
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  • 348 3 THK CHAMPIONSHIP. Ainhlik and Kraddell met in the b'nal for tbe championship of the Spring Tour-tiaui-iit y-st-rday afternoon. There was a large aud enthutiastic itt.ii.lanr-. includinir H. B. the Couth,, i and Lady Mitchell and party, and some splendid play was witnessed. The court «ai in
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  • 1565 3 Duiiii" I^!'.". Iheie was no difficulty in maintaining the Army in the authorised -irei.gth. N'uinliers cnlistcl w^n- agent MB*/, n\lMi mililis. :IVIW. a decrea— i, Hi- tirst and an ii-re.i-.- in the sM-ond on the previous year The .1 id of soldiers coiitinum to improve. s Im aennaj
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  • 78 3 Ti ram ...i.»l I'ri.Uj t1..- .-".-r> «ill k>- Matlaaud A.1.1t. II," lfc->..ii. ..I IW "S i-,, W.,r,l- 1r..,1i.i. TJM Kk'.l K- t. Ht-b-'t ii i, v a .1..-,. s.r.i.. i I-.... .liiMr". i ->„>'. I A |....i X. a,..l 5,rn."... in, >. i.i... k.«.t»r IIM, lh»e»Illu»SI— MtnUni
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 Noli -P< .i.'.UNO'. i. I Condy's Fluid ■■>. .1.. al I ..ul fm H>- KlMi n, Bam*, Banaaa *>• ■< »<w Li.1r..... a—l Pill a iM—n i Condor. did
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    • 907 3 FOR BALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND J'ErWONALS. [Ist TIME. U c-iils a line 2nd and :inl I imee, 10 rents a line 4th lo '111, times, rents, s line, 7ih to Iml, Han, cents a Mm, afterwards. e,.,,1s 1i,,.., 1,,,t „o rhar«» las* j than one Hollar. Tims, a three
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 280 3 \KKAN(IEMENIS Thiksii.vy, In A run.. High Water, p vi. Maiiudv Thursday. 8. V. A. in Camp" (teiuinii out ward mail due. St. Ardivw's Cathedral Services, 7 o oil and K|., I in. S C C Tennis Cbampiuuship Kkiiiav. oKH Al-kii.. High W.itel II I Ul. JIH p 111
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    • 1250 4 Under this heading the following rttmei. tioae are uaeal »tr.— arteamer ah. aMp bq.— barque; Brit— British; 17. S.— l T ,,it» I States; Ft.— French; Oar.— German: Dut.— Dutch; Joh. Johore; 4c., G.c. Genera cargo; i. p.^sHe^k paeeengers U. i'tiotain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf
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    • 446 4 Name. Port, and dam I LoNiiov. 'Vvlon. Apl. 9; P. A O Maaaaaa, >pl. 14; P. I Ba-ulawen. Apl P. imon~ IVulomoml, M.y P KaBM Am.'irantlli. (tlenifarry, Boustevl. LlVKKi'Doi. H«« n. A).l |ai. |r—||i| Q H.H-t..r W. Mansfield Telama... Apl. 10; tHam, Apl. Ui do Charon. Apl. ,1.,
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    • 130 4 Vissik' Nam. Town. C*rT*m. Fr.m Km A,.l 1 ';»i-.«Dl|» Brit.%t 21 Kl H»rrt< H. M.r tfOUUH 1 K -i Add ,t.. I'.l \l l),.,,,bie M.r :li At* Mm <V 1 T-tr. I»i7 Mil ••r M nil* M»r i". -<ou.t«»J >'" I uggktln -tr. :>■ -niKi, Muar M«r 1
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    • 114 4 I»TI luiL'a Fl»u*Ki All A 1 htm i >■■•• >im i.,.«i, l l 1 llauje iwmn 1 CUn 1. 1 2 Aukr Head I <V l.?ril« I Ctoa Pfc»» I llu n-« l>. irkklu I Otnf* I i M '.\B|.li' I-. > I .■ll k l. I 1' I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 568 4 NOTICES. McALISTEE Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FKBBH SHIPMENT OF WiTSON&Co s .a^W^^^SllTA. V V O- < ELSBRATKD f^Mp V V Price $11 W Case Whiskies fa^f vSA DoTT Pai )iad at tlw> money %W_%\ -*yjM^^iy"^aP^ afaßaTaf (j >r utß<>d l 0 Ytmr V©^S=*»*feyr UtTV .AM. Me A LIST E
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    • 347 4 m a tij i&rtnm JOHN LITTLE k CO^ LJMITE!). PROVISION DEPARTMENT. Kretil arrival ot tin- tollowing pWMifwl ilt'lieacieß IMMMII xVaaat Slia-ll AlinoniiTev>waonna>Bir-. Fri-ua-li Fruit* an Siroji. 1 —'mil. uu Cherria-s in Mari-.-1.ii... PatUaa* «n.| Oaaaaia Patf da- FuieGraa. Philippe and Cauuad's Sardines in oil Butter and in Tomato. .-•>.•>.-. witli
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    • 412 4 NOTICES. COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral fit Will relieve the most disTl tressing cuuih, soothe the inflamed membrane, wk^^^ loosen the phlegm, and ■B*£9 induce refreshing *la-ei.. Br^ For the cure of Croup, Ft Whoojiing Cough, Sore LJ Throat, and all the pul■a in. mar v troubles
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    • 634 4 NOTICEb. mcalistfST&Uo" •FAIKBANKS .SCALEB. ;■> is In n-ln ffaVal thai uuder M|| I of atturut-v 12th Dwembfr, 1895, M.»srs. K T. Fairbmiks A Co a>( St. Johosburv, Venn. nit. U. S. A., «'.p..iut<*il I Fnincia m-'.-k and Alexander CtuniniDK. Smgapor--, jointly an.l feverallv to le tb^ true siiftVi.-i.t uttaTDt-vs
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    • 1103 4 N( HICKN. RILEY HARGREAVKS COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS SAFES OF VARIOUS SIZEB ALL XI ri mi WITH I'ril BB's LMOW. WEIUIIINC MACHINES, FAIRBANKS i AVERV'S Wei|rhiii|( is. ii mis, r.tti. ■>, sii.l kiloa. BELTINO. Lancanhire, RuhKor, Leather, and (iandy'a of First Clvi Quality. PUMPS. Rotary, Centrifugal, Fluouvter. St«ain and
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