The Straits Times, 7 March 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1896. NO. 18,866.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 992 1 STEAMSHIP COM PAN IKS. OrTIOI, Oollyer Qutr, $j r\ WHARVES. N(«- Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. M..1111 liir riiinn. Jnpan. I'rntiiiK. «<»lon. India. Annlralln. Ailrn. MtCTPt, WMi-M-lllrm i.lliralmr. Hitlla. Briii. lK'. Vrnlrr. IMjinoulli. and l.iiiul.Hi T'.roiitr'i HilN M Ijadinjf i«H.i.HI for Chi** ■Mi A,n Mnil Line OUIWARU H(UIKWAB Ist* I /•~1.«t.r
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    • 837 1 STEAMSHIP I vf. K'iMNKLIJKK PAKETVAART 1 n-ii-r contract with tho K. A'/rntt at Wafajaaw Ship Aochct, Bta»aa7 Kii«-i«i fr.itn Mar. (th, Uawnat I' iVtiKkalHi. 7lli. Benfrki Deli. Q.Q.Mftr. Bata\i^. taV. Batavn M V'ljiruituliii Paaaag. "t 1 Paaaai Vim jjflßUß. Ba'aiia. IMb. Ba'itvi 5.,,, l honralmva. I.Mh. Baaaal Molu
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    • 513 1 COMPANIEfI. 1 MAATSOHAPPU. ethnrlanda f ndla Gornrninent. te J. Dab m Pita A 00.. 2-3, Colltkb Qpat Will b» Deapatched fur On u> Kotirabaya. Baiuljorinaiiain, P. Laut, tir. and Cot«i. (Jth Mar. alia, iavlr, Pa-mli, Bila, Ammi. and 1. Wh a 'lii-rilHin, -'»m irn.if in,.| Snurahay". l'it-i If. Atjeh, i'adauK,
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    • 733 1 INSURANCE:*. CANTON INSUaANCE OFFICE LIMITED. OaaMal wWoffta* H*****T Aamant »i,l fnftH Illint hat H«»i Orne*. ■a»*»aß*. 1bt18^i,,,.! k.r,«, tn*lß* u M |.MHC h u_ mtir™,.,, r r.[«r«l lo nun Mana*Btoka7 KOTAL INBUBANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. aXWTJjAi>aO». aj*,!,, ri'Rl CHINA TKADER.S INSUK--1 ANCE COMPANY, LIMITED Paaaat si.i-.-nt« i «j. A miul
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    • 595 1 INSURANCES. THE STRAITS INSURANCB O« »r" PANT, LI IIITED BaTABLISHBD IMB3. Hbao Officb. Sinoafubb. Capital Fully Suhacribrd 13.C00.0C0 Capital Paid-up a Ronerre Fnt.d t 291,-.'30 1 Balance of Wording Account to 31tt Deenmher, 1884 UU.195 CaahAaaeU 11,460,218 A.S. MCRRAT, SocreUy ~hr~ V N ICIPAL N OTIC E i The
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    • 438 1 BANKS. /CHARTERED HANK OF INDIA \J ADSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL «800 f00 RESERVE UABILITT of Proprietor* £900,000 RESERVE FUND «320,000 C Bah ir or Eholahd. [land. BANKERS National Bark o» Scot(.Thb Cut Bank Ltd. Interest on fixkd Dkposits. For H inontha 3J 0 do 3*/,, a
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    • 994 1 nUAPID si..-.,,, i ogw;t BlU)i and Stints, Scalila.Cut*, Sura Eyci. Hunl.urii, K»r-inln, Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pah**, 'I'liruat CM* and Skin Ailm. nl' quickly relieved l.\ uae of (Jai.vkiit's Cakboi.k ''imtmint large p,,t« U. Jd. each (Knjflinli rate) i at Chemints and Storea. P. C i OALVKRT&Co.,Mai»oI.c«t,r. JUST ARRIVED AFRESH
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  • 500 2 I A'rFb'i MA UK XT QUOTATION** Sis.iaimiub, 7th March, l«!«; FIiODUCK. Gambior telUr,... Ti>:>. do Cube No. 1, W.4H. do do No. 3, lu.txi Copra B«li i.WI. do Pontianak 5.70 Pappsr Black. «-//r,-. at lO.frii Saif.l Flour, Sarawak J.TV do BnoMi tM%. P»«rl B*ifo 3.U0 Ooffa* Bali M 4lM«t
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  • 148 2 For Per ttr. To-dat. Make-en KUng, Saop/.u, Honjkon/. »',,g fa,. o I utav.a via port*. Ctl'tli.,1. ..ur«U\ii 1 Bah. f-l. W, <;..... ll'.litfkc.iiifA Anwv Rm I'.. t Hi.'i.K.rlur A .I.I1.1II. Klrlliill EnhagM, Hr H :,i. •ip»n F'tntcr. llonirkiiau. tf.(rfa<| V S>w ran, Nrt ffifiiiTi Dill rin |w.l- iMMlH
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  • 108 2 Tine Tablcok M \ii.. In i KkuM I.IK..I-I. 1 y the M M H.a t'.irru, ,lue >U Wt-'rii .Li4. Kl:clM 111x4 II.' till- liril.i.m Pr,,, friiinWi.dueon Sutnr.l.y ef'i init.pniv I mo in LuuJuu Artuel .Uu Utli M. il F«b Si h K.b 7th J; u .1 P.
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  • 186 2 AKKlVAIh I'll t-'unutra from Deli Me*,™. KllioU, li. Hiiwanl. A. Smiths, (i. Heniuir. T. Petoraco, 0. Kihoror. O, A. Schulz* Z.iu.l, V. K Spit/le, H. T. Hiu, Mr. and I. Zie.ieii.iR.ik iml Mr. «od Mr. H. Robert. I', r s. f </« i from Rangoon Tin poiU: [MM*.
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  • 23 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 7th MARCH. 1896. KSTABI.ISHEO 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTB. StiUmitti-m ratm and ailvertiting raitt m.iy be found on the fourth page.]
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    • 85 2 POPri.AR DEMONNTRATIO.VH. Lo*d0» 7tk March. Seriom d.-oi >nitrationi, mme of them bearing a Republican tendency, bar* 1. -m Wiin bell in tb* chi.>f cities of lulv. All tbese dein mitr-ttioot are directed against continuiag tbe miliury operatiOQi in AliTKMiuia. CHINESE BORROWING. The Cbineae Ooveroraeot hu.« refuted
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  • 213 2 I nn ix on her trial. The world luuki od, and asks whether the Italian people •re of the tftuft" from which a nation nuy be built. The brief m-w» tli it r.mi.-s by t.-l.-ijraiu dues not, M ye>, yield an affirmative aimwer. Do the Italians desire
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  • 11 2 •Tm Bailey left a sealed letter about 1 Klang coffee land.
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  • 12 2 Thk PatAling Coffee C»mpanv advertise j a call of 125 per shar*.
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  • 18 2 j Thi sbare subscription list tl Mrssn. j liowans Alexander, 4 Co. closes on Mon. day at noon.
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  • 21 2 Thb closing of the homeward mail by the German s. s. Pri,i: Ueinrick baa b*n ilefen-ed to x a.m. on Monday.
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  • 18 2 Thb St. Nicholas Society inteuds to giv* a "Charity dance" at "the Tan^lin Club on Thursday, Htb April.
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  • 22 2 Thb Perak T.irt C >mmm •<• Vjave decided to order, tbrouifh Mr. Collins of Penan*;, a batch of griflius for tbe August meeting.
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  • 16 2 Mbbsrs. Katz Brothers advertise various special medical preparations, manufactured by tbe American Drug aud Chemical Compiny.
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  • 27 2 On the 2nd iustaut. a BMtiM was beld at Penally by certain (fentUmen interested in 111.- form itiou of a Philharmouic Club there. The meeting waa adjourned.
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  • 32 2 WHOSK LAMB Thih Msraiaf, Ins|>»cl«)r Msxwell stop- I Ml a hu«c pariah dov which was runniDtr UMg with .1 Umb ill its mouth. The j Police waut au owu*r for the lamb.
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  • 31 2 H. AI. B, .Win is eipectod to return troui Peuaß(fonthe Ulh instant. On her arrival H. M. S. Pmcock will probably <o for a cruise up tli.- Straits M*lat-ca.
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  • 31 2 Thk Hou({kou« mortality returns foi the w.*k iudiui{ Febrmry 22ud, shew, siy s tLe H,,n,jl;uni/ Trhciraph. tint there were forty- *\x deaths from plague duriu* that period.
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  • 33 2 I.aiiv Mitrhell. accompanied by Cjpt i I Herbert, returuid from fink on Hi.. mJ instant |xr .-.ilouul steam v^lit ,s',., H,\t,- Ou landiuK, I.adv Miti-hell iui.| i.artx i,,,,. MsM <1ir...-t uptliehill
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  • 49 2 The M. M. s. s. Yarra left Colombo at 7 v iv. yeiterdn.T. and ia due ou i Wednesday next at about sp. vi. H«r late 1 arrival antes from the blockio« of the I Caoal. which .lelayei her for about 30 i hours. 1
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  • 45 2 Thi Kreucb uuil leavioß SinKdini-.M v Tuesday tbe *****. should be delivered iv i L -ndou on llie 31»t March. The 0ct,,,,i« H I t ikes tbe ui«il to C..1 .tubo where it will I* transhipped into the Polynetie* from Australia for Marseilles.
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  • 62 2 A hi.knk Moukiok to Mr Abrjnm wns U ImjiujC led dowu Buffilo Kmil yesterday v when a bull, which li*l gut out of a pad", b tlot-k. uimle a rush at it an.l Icdoi ked it <:nii|,l..|.-lv ovit. Oueyf llie horst-'s knees waa injiir.-l. Ma IU
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  • 36 2 Tbc Spanish mail steamer Elr.uw, iv jonuectiou at Singapore with the homeward and outward French mail stemiers Oceanieu and Yarn, I -ft Ma lila on Tueslay and should arrive hare on Monday morning.
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  • 45 2 List January, but twouty-four dogK Were regi«t> red at M ila< .i. and a few uureg'istertd dogs are t. b< wcu within Municifwl limits, it ia tvideul that fewer do^s are being kept every yea. The uuliot ased dogs are being destroyed.
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  • 58 2 Thi largest British India steamer tbat ever came here, the Ohkla, is expected ou tbe 12th instant, with a caigo ot k.imm i to ior 80.000 bags of rice from Rangoon direct lor the local market. Though a sister shi)', jet tbe 'Jhkla is ot^jre*ter
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  • 53 2 A to.iS.derable ouiobT of counterfeit coius are leported to be in circulatioa iv vi. The fraudulent coins are made of brass, plated. They are said to be beautifully made au 1 bald to detect from good corns. Tbe authorities *uspect tbat they have been made on a
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  • 60 2 Three was a groat melee in Bencooleu Street yesterday. Tbe Chinese tribe of Lim quarelled with the tribe of Tio, about a que-tion of hvuae rent, and for a space they fought hammer and tongs in the road. Tboro was great excitement iv tbe stieet until the Polite
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  • 67 2 Vchtkboat, the Police werj looking for the owner of a gold watch and silver chain which were found on the previous night iv tbe |H».s •»»iou of a 'rikisba puller, under auspicious circumstances. Tbe ,>rop<Hy has Ixen found to l>elong to Mr. Fiulav, mate of tbe steamship
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  • 67 2 Thi villslt- of Kautou, in Formosa, wuere ten Ja|nnene mm brutiillr murdeied on Jan. Ist, was t!i- veue of oue of the olij^ct Uswns the Japanese ha»o to give the Chioete who defy them. Kin Ust in.. B>b a I.HV armed party lauded from stc-am-launcbes, and at oncei'i.-.ut.-.l
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  • 71 2 I'm Johore Governnieiit ire bringing oitt a coronation stamp Tbe values will b« tl ao.l I. 2, 3, 4, 5, A. ti renU. The stamps are surcharged wnh the M«l word ksrutbkotaau," which mean's coronation. There was no time to ordt-r a special corouatiou stamp, so
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  • 72 2 Some days ago, an alnvirab containing a lirgo sum of mouev w»» Ntoleu from a house iv Hock Lam street. Tbe alineirab w^s found at tbe foot of Fort Canuiu^r, aid tbe deUctivts arrrsted tbree men id the locality on suspicions and recovtred $40 of the
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  • 73 2 A Chinaman behaved in a very strange. uunuvr outside Kampon^ Kharu Police Si itn.ii yesterday. Several tiuies he paused aud re-|<a*»ti| the consUblv ou dutr, ■t tnujf bard at him the ■Mir, aud nn.ifl? he drvppcd at hit feet a bai{ rouuiuin'g iv iuoiiki, a European child's Mat,
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  • 82 2 Ybstbriiat, au unsuspicious Klin* man was followed all around the Squire by a Jbioaioaa, who shadowed him wherever »c weut for a long time. Suddenlj {.he Juinanian came to close quaiUtrs, aud st .le rom the Kling's pocket a safe key, and i silk handkerchief. A
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  • 34 2 VKSIKKUAY'S KESI LTS MIM.II IXH 111.l HAMlll tl Mn. MM f j Mrs AIW |r Hit '"«<"/ Mr. At.h.,,,,.J> b'-l, b'-".'. TO-DAY'S TIE HAMHIUN.-HIF' FINAL Mr-. Slni-ii; r. Mm. Wa.1.1,.11.
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  • 76 2 It in sutod tbat the total low It i a n»urauceCo»panie»b T a recent bi« tire t h..1.c will mm U $ro.(XX) The Louou au.l Lancashire aod New Zealand 50.000. Ike Commercial Union. 1,,,s i «et at 110.000. The Allian,-,. Km luurancec'o. lia<l«2,<KK)ou. TheOuirdi.iu r Oo.itl. British low
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  • 174 2 Maj.-k McCalluiu has Uv u paM leive of absent with Mf-wlarv. for K bt ...outh. Übe ukeu .fur two uioutLn au d e lK htoen days vaoa'iou Uve cummer,^., od the 4th m.Uut. The follow m* appointments, <^s«,ueull v take affect: C*p»»in F. J. Ao/Lion. r
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  • 497 2 MORE ABOUT THE KLANG COFFEE LAND. n«i: —Ma* It is alloged that Mr. W \y k •well tnwn planter, was alw.. cnrUiu that the UoU on th, of Lingat Boad. Klang, was ,S aud we aiv iiifunu. d tbat so f, twp and a halt years aim he l»f. k
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  • 99 2 Therb was actually a ian.- a| i1,,--within thr C.-ntral Police Suti,.u U-t uigbt. At midnight. Chi.-l I t Jt uuings' ord.-rly weut into the littbruuui 1 dowmtmirs an.) there ditt-ovm-l a Clnufw en .lie. who is timployed at the atslitM Tbe cjolie who had a
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  • 151 2 It wan learned ou iuquirv ,it tlieGeoerj. H. s| ital, this inoriiing, that Hi»b>.|>G*!ii:-r I lias t-oiisidei ably improved in braltli. 1I doctors are ho|.eful. A com spondt-iit sTlilMi -At 11 1 I y. -sterday, at the Ueneral B—BJIll, Biihuf- Boui.lou, iv Ihe |.n-M-U(e of st-veu Freoct
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  • 155 2 Vk«tkkday, the clnet' tik;htiug is mobilisation scheme look \>'"' L al>out Pasir Ris. A Mml euemy was successfully lauJcd th.-r.- »n we believe, has slowly driven in I 1 ul)1 posts ot tbe garrisou.' which bad \xtu srtl to defend the roads of Sing»|ore. So f»r as we
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  • 234 2 Thk adventures of Mm BrWi the farcical pJavprodßcad bj vTi Opera C»mpau\ at tb.- Towa II night. Tm MMlioß of this ptf p" members ..f the oomnuit »n (unity of showing their dll iv another lim- tuau lhat ot burk-*!*-and they were e< l ual loth provtxl most
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 820 2 NOTICES The Straits Time 3 has the largest circulation of any newspaier in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 1090 2 LATEST ADVERTISEM EjTTg. HOOgLHO, Piano F«rUj R»i:.ils".ir and s Tuner, ropairs ever)- description of Pianos. Harmonium" and Organs. Communicatioi direct or through t > Dlmhy (Jlnirt N0.9. trill be attemlH to 7':l HBITIBI INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. roa i'invn". KAveooK, camttjtta. The Company's Rtesmer PI'NDVA, tIM toux. Captain Nailea,
      1,090 words
    • 593 2 LATEBI' ADVERTISEMENTS. tOWN HALL to-mout tj.mqht: *n.< Mond*f,9tk M.irch.) The Willapd Opera Company. IHK IBKST IJ4IKTT B! NXArION. The Shop Girl." <h*ki'h Api'l* hy— (A Hi, fi Omtm Mb. John F. Shkbipan. r,,,*d,, 9 Marrh Hill, Mi. .--ii. kii- v. ( L. ml. hi»ill.- Bnuj THE TKIP TO CHICAGO.
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    • 77 2 M.B.S. vtimOt* Im It* nmm I.—. s>MSM m snrtg wmiUof lU|«iir mi*. S> l»» »-«l/c'«/ IImImi*- I Nma:,>t K.BA an niM fbil mitKl «4lurw«M U i r».iui.'i. AU «4MrtiaWt "«<™rl. an •»*,*:> Ik' »*4'l<m. tkmt Ik* t<»>)>f>U(l<m Ik* i*«<ukiil »«l *f Uf T^f in m» 0/ mmHm, ta >»< ■/!•,>»
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 87 2 YfEATHLK KKPUK'l havdanq Kratuu Uotpttal, mh Ma,;),, isyt, 1p.m. 8p.m. Km. hi,. u»r. re.i. a y«b. ».9;«2y.:i(i *>.Sb6 r«mp gi.ti 86.0 78 4 Wei i 1 76.0 78.4 74 8 Dir of Wind nn* «n«. C«l» "S-g »lu». T. d T in »had« »7.(> Mia. do 74.!. St=3 ■■■.fata IM.I
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  • 1455 3 k ij.mli. bml little tisbes I have i in Siujjapire for a tiinc tlial seems Me hall a ceii'iiir- During tli. s,- v.-ur> .laiuel, and ridden, and played and piekiiK-ked, and joined in pwMca, und made love, aud la lie* to |.lar irolf, and l.iked, mid dived,
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  • 561 3 l,\m night, in the Mk^MJ l "-'in of the 1 in .iv I'ai-ai Dock Cniipanv. .1 preseut.itiou was Made to Mr. W. K. Sum. Cipiaiu HI. n being iv the chair. Tin-pn-K^iitatiou lousiisted ..I" a -lum-i ring and a liandsoiiiu gol I wati Ii beating
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  • 94 3 Tiik unlitart aulli.ritu-b i it IforiMMß Int.- font u-.ied dei|it. Ii stHtinj,' thai U a nisuir ciion there lv« now U-eu alnu-st ...ini.l.-l.iy MtbteM. Bj IMStth K.-bru-.ii vil wai eip-eted t order woul 1 Ii..VP haM mt.iinl tliiou^li.nit the dixtili'Lid diKimts .li|.in |m|*r« « thai loan pcrsous
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  • 125 3 HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Tai UoCgkong I'iro Insurance Oft t which tiialiiie and (,'i>. an- tin- Hiogmfwra Agents, met on the 27th Keb 111 i..i lu.n. ill- lion J. J I.-li living, .i.ii ii- Uutl IM Uil.nne of 111.- l^'.'l EUC .mil ..ill t a.lmrt..| ..I lie p.i.Mii ul ll<
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  • 166 3 1\ ll.e nnpl't-uie Cull.. I'l-ntn,-. ..Q tin:ir.l in tin-, it baiag isWlut oroMsua ia which the i;e,.|s:r..i. Mi .1 A H.uw»od. winild .illeii.l b«for« taknn; up ill' po-t of Solieilor-Umi' lal, the. i.llie rs I*l til- It gislry iv Ui ehsinU ix i
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  • 706 3 Few bjoks hi?e been writteu about Malaya aud its |>eople. but, amoug those few Mr. Hugh Clifford's Bast Coast Ktebing«," collected aud reprinted from tbe Str.uU HaMEVVM take ar.-ryhigh place. It may at once bd said that we could hardly hare a greater authority ou this deeply
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  • 649 3 UN KNTKIEI 'ii. Spriug Touruauieui of Iha S. (J. will commence uext Wednesday. Tie emits will be: 'I'he Cl'ampiounhip '.i Tlie Singles llandi-^ip; Haudicap l*ait»i i./l Professiou" Pair*. Kntries cl ise linn evening at seven, aud. up toll, i time of ausagM press, Ihe
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  • 1255 3 {From oht C'irrtsponJeni.f Mm. Ml i#<«r.7,. BDIXATIOk ur IHE fllM I- i t.l I <Tl A I. IV, miiimiiiv. Souk bare takeu v,> land a' I l-,augga,r, a little distin.ce uj>-river from Pekao, tor planting rotnn teya. Since the exportation of gutU was prohi•■.t i Lit rear,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 Ctmdy's Fluid I BNI in -ill Hospitals. p CAI LOriOH, INJECTION \V.,j 4.. »,r*.. I Co ,l!n«- in .1., and il>. ■<■' ol all I>U- sasaßsa. ai».< <nk< Haa. i Corsdy's Fluid j SfMI 11u01t.,1 l»lr».
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    • 1086 3 AKKANUtAIKNIB Saturday, 7th .Mu. v Hi«b Water. 4.46 p.m. I'erak Xi, s at Taipiuu Ij. L. T. C. Championship Final. Uolf at Race Course. Ca,pUin'« Prize. WilUrd Co. -Tbe Shop Girl." Town Hall, y p.m Sc*dat, Btb Mabob. Hi^L Water. 4.5 a.m. <• V> p.m. Third Suodav in 1,-ut. Mom.
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    • 1213 3 (Memrs. Howarth. Emkink, Ltd.' Maiiafrinp Directors. A. MACK AY. Esu. <Taa DispENSABTi. Two more Director) to como aa the Boanl Solicitors Mewrs. DREW A NAPIER. Collyer y.iay. .Snfra|wre.) Bankers HONOKONO Am> BHANOHAI HANK INC CORPORATION. Auditor (>. A. DERRICK. Maa, General Manaßer JF. OOWANB. Ehv Secretary i li. H. MILLKR.
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    • 986 3 FOR HALK; RM PTiOTMRrfTB TO LET; A SI) PERdONALS. Ist Tins, 15 a»U s liae. Aid and :;..l times, 10 ranU alia*; 4th to dtfc times. 5M u line; 7tl, In 18th t.iuea. 4 .wots a liv.. afterward.. -J renta a liae j h«t no «harf s h--. than one
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 371 4 NQTIOBt> Vi I PILLu Best Family Medicine CURE Sick Headache, Constipation, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLEI. Purely Vegetable. Easy to Take. The delicate sugar-coating ol AyerN IMU-i dissolves Immediately on reaching tlie stomach, and permit* the full strength ol each Ingredient to be speedily assimilated. Aa a purgative, either fur travellers oraa
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    • 836 4 NO110ES TumMJTsT .I'KCIAI.I V t-KfiKCmb FOB PU.Mift.VO. A,,.; 1 1 Straiti Timm M"i>-k Of COMMONS HKAKD. AX.. SI'KCIAI, RRSKKVK BKANI) or JAMKS BUCHANAN CO., LONDON." .irt- wn hut.s( UTCII MALT WHISKIES, AND mil MATURED. KATZ li ROT HERS, SOLE AGENTS, w. I a, 2-Vii Th ran bitib dooi IIMM Th*
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    • 1218 4 KOIIUJM. MA rFc BRIZARD AND K< XJKR BORDEAUX. Brandy Caraeao I QualiU. ▲niattt* V Maraacbino Superieure. Llqarar* J dole .\K«it* 'or tlll< Stnita, I tu. Hi. i, a. MOINE COM IE A Co. RUFNART PERE FIIX CHAMPAONB ÜBOwrRH AND SHIPPBK*. REIMS— FRANCE. SgTABLISIIBD— l"li». Ship only the tin. it quality
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    • 719 4 LAB^AJr^rS^ post mission- Abi^cr V^ ta luerals Comuaur I•' 1W and Lnbuau are ,r»p.rij ""H l«l> faciliti«, to M.,,uf«C;,^~*r > of b. 1D »r rrp **nt«d J .h/E^iiiJ m "*.i f Arrived A FRRSH sriri.v P r Tup WKI.L- KNOWN JUUEN'S SUB-MABINE PAINTS. KATZ MKos. *VSG. Hup.l^7 -Xtt r.**,n rs
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