The Straits Times, 25 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ivSTAIJLISHEI): im\. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 18W>. NO. 18,a5«.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 922 1 >TKAMBHIP COMPANIES. OPPICF.. Collyer Quay. i\ WHARVES. New Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Mmni for I'hlnn. Ja|>nii. I't-niuiK. >lon. Imliii. AiiHlralin. Ail«-n. l.a>|»t. Nnnteillr*. Ciltrnldir. NiiliiL, Brlnili-'- \<-ut<c. I Imiiouili. and l.oiulon. i,,iii:li It IN I Ladii n in-niil for m ('nuh.,.,,1,.1 4as*n«n Part*. Mail UM. Ml, HciMKWAK > r'lm M«
      922 words
    • 864 1 INOTIOKS. No Dentifrice Equals CALVERTS Carbolic Toolli I* oifu c r, 6d. 1 1 6. andl lb 5- Tin-, or Carbolic 'B'oulli I'iiMle, 6d, I and 16 Pots, FORPRKSKKVATION OF Till. I! ..TII 4 W STRKKfiTRBR THE GU53i Kach i* .i ..1 with Calk kr'l pi real (V** V -th?
      864 words
    • 696 1 HORSES, GOBS, TSv pon i i:s. Fx DUCMPBALUB. MJM MMM HAkNisn H.iLM.s A lIAiKS. A Lao liy tins- .FAXILKA.Aw here alioul Ml bataaa, IS6 lIOH.SKS "f »!i ii.-rip'ioi.-. S|»-,i n !ly -elected for Hw«lagafaM ma-let. ladadbkf hfadl step; in^r |«irH. ladies' Imeks. mul I'ae,' Hornex. H. v Bit A. MS.
      696 words
    • 773 1 IMSUHANCBa. -1 A NTO N 1 NS rBANCK OFFICK V.' LIMITEK. oa»iui k^Hk_i r.*****t AaunDt I „p. J W..WB. ■ss«r*. ran* tkdjtot, 11. 'irrica, ImrNi" Tk.aa.Ur.iru.. I h».n saeaafaolatetf lr«««a., r.paradu a*ss*t Marias «iakaa> .rrt.i r.1... > is aaaaailraaM ta all laaai J"*"" •!>*»»•-, ;«>*st •aanb/hCa or Dot
      773 words
    • 749 1 INBL T K.\\( •'■>. THB INSI lIANt:K >UV. PANT, LIMITED KiTAULI-iliri) IXB3 Hk..l>(iin< k. BssMAMaU Capital Fully Sulwinbcd toflUQMil Capital PaM-up f v (1,1110 j hc-irve Fuld Wl.tSI) i Baiiuice of Wor<iu(( Account to llßt D^cpmiior, 1894 ;l I CashAsaeU J1,4*).:18 A3 MURRAY, Secretary NOTICE. 8 8009 MO i i-
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    • 910 1 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF \MT>U \\J AIBTRAI/IA AND CHINA j INCOKPOHA TF.U BYRO VA L CHA H TKH t APITAL ttjoo.wo RKSEhVK IIAWLITY of I'r-.i.r .tor- i^OO.IXK) IIKSF.RVEFUND.. J^3-6,1HN1 I d»vw (Baku of Eholakd. [land. I KANKKI.s < National Bank or Scot(Thk (iit Hank Ltd. iNTKKBfcTON mil) I) MrFor H
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  • 105 2 'itinlnr W2\. do fV«. No. I 12.4 A. do do So. 2, lO.O" Oopra Bali, 5 do Pontianak. h.37% IV|ip«r ii.». k l''.t>.'> itjm fhsr. Hsi— at tM. do Bmksi Pe«illi*«o Coffee Bali 4om. iV^ee Siberian. No. I 41', Tan oca "mall Fu»k«. do do Ist quality Ml do
    105 words
  • 136 2 n 1.i,., U -Punk 4 in/*.... 21 'IJ to Domsnd 2/-J fi to 2 PrivM* Km/« -il'Si Da 3ra/s 2/3' a. On G«rm««y.~rUnk ,i/d a 2B. Private 3 m> •-».3l». Do. t» rn/s li" t)m ■VasMß.-^flaßl d.'d Private 3 m/s ...SH t)o. 0 m/s. -I*7. i>. Indi;.— Hank T.
    136 words
  • 219 2 lalafeas *.s p.i.i «::.«i/« (I3,'l<i nd.i %*M e^ f.illvn«id *7'; ''unjoin. iMysHJ SS air: •'aUi-ir <"orp (£1 pu.l M. >1.vr.r.l *-O* <*li">i..l MO. PeuL.'.mn(r« (S5O p.1.) S7l'%. laasra <■» (M jhl I St sit Fin- iS9> p«l.) Ml ■'<•« -iiiM<*|i lfi«nr«pr<' I l<> -ilei. Hoii^konfrß>>nk(*l-'s|'l 18.' prem. -mI kkakafOMM
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  • 102 2 t\,r I'erttr. Time. To.Vonrow. t t4mBBISM^ Smijaynr. tl a vi. Hi mn Kmn Ann, II am. ■sag s iled*M. :i vi. Psa ii a Dal, tp iv KUnir. Jymt, I p. id f Ai .v rU p iv .V'l/.i''. .i. 3 |>.n. IBwBBMT. 1 I., If: Hi |...rt-
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  • 116 2 Kkoji Ki'bope. -"y the I" (>. A'.i-,.-. I i-//i>.fin;.li.l SS til.- 7th K.I, .hiu nn UumUy. 1 I. linn [ih.-, t>. he \!«il fft Sin aporv on he >-tl. lUh .1..m Fi;o« HINA: B.; the P. i. 0 BbsMMB, .|.i P Tt. Tims Tablk or Mails
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  • 120 2 ARRIVALS. Tor s. Judo from Soursl>\vi» Mr. H Wi ,)r*th. i s. H .i Gnan from Klaug —Mr Bellbar f. I'er s Isle de Mindiuao from Mauils M Brags. l'er s. Uener al Pel from Ba'avia 11 s. Fraukwal s, G. A h'. -tin/-, .ml Hi- -ink. P
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  • 25 2 The Straits limes has the b r^est circulation of any aewsDaper in Asu, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 24 2 a.s.s. miAocd im stMSH r pMSSMfI, JU^K.:«riv»»rlrMt.«rf MHijft l<- •k. r«.*l.-». IWI ia cv— Btu. <ull>'. »»1 JU.I MUnn 'M.» ff»r ijft •Ml <M*|V
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  • 23 2 KsTAbMHHKII 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Bvb*cription rate* and .-'r. roi«« may be found on the fourth page.] I TUESDAY. 2.lth FEB., 18!k!
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    • 101 2 London, 2.~>th Fehruaru. Ir is officially declared at St. Petersburg that Rusaia dm>« oot intend to occupy Core*, but that sbe is entitled to require a gimrautec of tbe complete autonomy of C0r. THE SIAM QUESTION The French Chamber of Deputies are •1 s. u-itig the Si,
      101 words
    • 668 2 iMI hH l>roii_'lit tlie (.'..nan question to a heHil, and Japan in likely to %vl t!ie worst if any BffMgifjsjMM ill. lower* BMJT4 'iue to. Jupan, without my call from the CsWMBa, bad started to deliver them Irom nominnl va«s:ilat;e to China, and to reform the usage*
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    • 27 2 ot«b sixty hous<s were destroyed by fire iv MaoilJ. on the morning of tbe 12lb inst. The lire broke out in a Chinese shop.
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    • 34 2 Tbb mines for tbe Tsiping Races close ih h vmiug at 8 o'clock. For the Miners 1 Purs..- the eulrieH are open until March Ist and cau be made ou any form.
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    • 33 2 Thuksdat is the last diy of tbe j lebratiou tl the Chinese New festivities, and, irom 7 p.m. to midoiftht. the I'liiin will be allowed to imlulge iv crackerfiring.
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    • 33 2 Tbbee dead bodies bare beeu found, one in Wayaug street, and another in Raman street. The third was fouud hangiug on Oug Siang Hill. lh<- mm having, appareutly. committed suicide.
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    • 48 2 It is sUtvd lli it on account of the strong object iou raieed by tbe Governor to the la-t execution iv putilic. the sentence of deat'i pafsel at the lant Aisi/.es upon Ciiiiiainai, uuless ciitiunulcJ, will be cirried out Within the precincts of the jail here
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    • 46 2 A Special L-nteu Service will be held in S. Andrew's Cathedral to morrow, a' Hi.", p.m.; a lecluie will be delivere 1 by the Rev. W. Ecules Hodgkioson. There will also bw a Special Service at tbe Cathedral on Friday next, at 5.30 p.m.
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    • 41 2 It is reported that, at Hongkong, the military authorities bate inslitutei inquiries regarding the miik suppy ot certain viii ary messes, to one oi two casi s of typhoid fever amoag I !i I officers of tbe garrison.
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    • 46 2 An official despatch from Foi mosa states < th.l the risines in the U/irtticrj districts have beeu subdue 1 Th" insurgent tribes fl-"l into Mi- mountains, and the^apanese army is pursuing tlr m At Kelung, six- teeu spies have been captured and I execute)
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    • 47 2 I'knanu harbour looked bubv ou the 22-xl lustaut. t life being eleven oceangoing tei-li loading and discharging. S>> great was the pressure tba' lighters were sometimes uuot.laiuable, and one of tbe Ka'<g'>ou mail bo its bad to ask leave to work on the Sabbath day.
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    • 54 2 The uegociations curie 1 ou by a British compauy to take up certain iniuiug rigtiti on part of tile Waiana gold uuuiug con- eessiou iv Siain, have fallen through, owing. I it is alleged, to tbe high terms demanded by the French Couipauy in ponsessiou for I
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    • 51 2 Yet another robbery is reported as having taken |.ia. in tbe harbour. On Sunday night, three men boarded tbe kteau;er Singapore, seized a pas«enger's baggage containing $80 aud. ruthiug back to tbe r tampan, were away before anyone could •top them. They were armed wiih
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    • 60 2 Yt- 1 thu.ii Mai i y went into A house iv Waterloo Si mt. occupiedby J«panes j aud, after bis deparluie.u cousid«<aii»u amount |of property was misting. Tbe man was i afterwards arrested in Arab Street. He was I making extensive purchases, and three I
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    • 52 2 Thl MrcDgili of fre<'iuisoury in Hongkong was shiwn l>y the gathering of a lii-ilhant sssembly in tlie City H-tll there ou the 17th lustau' Tbe assemblage vi to i-e'ebrat* the jubiiue of Freemtnonry in Hongkong more especially tbe fiftieth auuiversary of tbe establishment of the Zetland Lodge in
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    • 78 2 Latest reports from Vienna convey the sad uews tbat there is no h<-pe of tUe recowry of th» heir prcsuuipiive to the I Austrian tnrooe, the Archduke Fer- dinaud d'E.te. tbe disease from which be I suffers being incurable The Archduke is I well kuown
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    • 80 2 Thk directors of the Hungkong aud WhamjKM Dxk Compauy, iv their halt yearly iv|H>rt. recouiuieud a divideud tor tbe h*lf year ot H per cent, 0r* 1 25,000, aud a I».du« of i pr cein. or $63,400, taMlkW Osr.r.iHi b. pai.i lo llm shareboldcrs, a l>«uu<> ut
      80 words
    • 82 2 Phba Parasan. who was in command of tbe Siamese soldiers iv the juogle pur suing tbe Pau*ng rebels at Tringganu and KelanUu. has, says the Bangkok Tinr, been deprived of his offi.-e and title. The reason assigned is that, when the rebels were once utmost certain of
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    • 186 2 Tub Couiuiis.iou which has been appointed to report ou tbe ludiau Libour question is understood |sj MSSMttMSj its sittings immediately TbeCou.mi.wiou will be composed of The Resideut Coun cillor of Penang as Presid. ut, the Auditor-General of Singapore, aid an offical from Perak who will form the
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    • 110 2 Peoba»lt on Friday aud Snt dft theg. rr (DWlil 7;^a lined for a camp and sbaui |gfct> esUte of Pasir Hid, which has bwn I tbe purpose by Mr. E N 4thao Bt| tbe troop, will K o by steamer. U U(Ji < f tof the Jobore
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    • 78 2 The P. and O. *tean)er Au,,, i H left Clouibo at u<h.u t,,.day. au d »iii b:ib!y arrive here ou Monday. S|j,, tbe following passeDgersfor'ihe IW> r"'"' Capt. and Mrs. J. P. 1,,^,. Xl1 Mrs. CaldU.-lf. Mr. Thomp,,;,, 1 2 Mrs. For.l. Miss Davidson ll* "J
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    • 95 2 I.IK WffbtMl T.L.jrapk notes a iU.,I in'.-reas,- iii t ii- nuiil, rof phm, dcurring tbeie daily. Hum ,ur v that, for every OMteotaiag 0 tlie nul j w tiie autliorit ci, thire are three or f,, they uever bear of. Persons ny hurried out of the Colony,
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    • 78 2 A coolie, named Oiik S.n K Hon/ v woikiug v^t-.Tday ou the bill i,.,i to Borneo Whirf, luoseuiag earth »itb irowbar. the eirth Mof i-, carts Mow. Toe eaith uu uiau stot>d suddenly slipped. fiau rolled to the bo'tom with i: is fall the crowbar
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    • 88 2 It is rumoured, my» llie.Si m Prr f ru that the local authorities ars UkiD^ «tei. to krisaj the auibors of tlj- lUtabim" ou'l-aj.e to trial. The Biuibifn wu native lieaJunu iv tb« French .■.crjuf »llegrd to ill-treat>".l bf the Siamr»t oc the Uppei Mekong iv
      88 words
    • 101 2 W r. lam ou the b*'»t authonh tua- Mcriei •<( (.te.iuji rs is aUiiit it blUhed iH'twoi v Java und Jii|.dn, rallmir at HougkoD^,', Yokohama, Ki.U. port*. The >tcauifis will be UL'I rlk Hi^ r of the Kodiu^U L.Mi Pklctfiiii Mautschappv. aud the Mrtin will v
      101 words
    • 145 2 P. 0. MOVEMENTS The P A O. H,,hill<, at prwnt in Sing*. pore, was l\inj» up at Buiulkiv m icwa» baattW •uaß*iMiaMd la tab kaag a full uiyu of Houiluv twiti at \>rv Uigli ra'.' M trei^ht Pro* Buiubv to HuukLouj; sbu loul no pa»».-n.'n- ni ih«- was iu'^nded (o
      145 words
    • 128 2 MONDAYS TIES LADIES SIXfILE HA-OICAP Mn. Braddell 1 beat Mr. Km Ml MIXED DOUBLE HASI'I' > Mn. W.rhMl fM-i S»i/».»»« Mr n p. K r M«r,l,.uir«ll M UPENMIXEU IV! Mm. D»re A 1 Mi- it B Mr. Owen > I Elii. TO DAYS TIES I.AIUBM Ptlfiil.U
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 718 2 The Straits Times has the Lai gett circulation oi any newspaier m Asia. British India exceptec. It circulates in Singapore and Fenang, throughout all the Protected States oi the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Bonieo. the Netherlands Indies, the PhiUp•nnes, and Prencn Indo-Oluittv. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
      718 words
    • 1133 2 AUUTIOK BAJ.i.S. A 0 OTIOI SALE. naiaaaf. iTtli fMmfrf, at Mm Ity order of the Administrator of the estate if the late A. Villen.i: Apiece of freehold land with bungalow therein, >i'iiated ou A. vandra Road, near Pasn.r I'aujaug Road. Hit'h ground and eoinm«ndin)( a view of the •c« Area
      1,133 words
    • 1118 2 LAThbi ADV JSKTISf>MENT6. SHORTHAND WHITER. tJ-T»BTBD.— A Enra«iiin or mi Astatic VV c erk. who CMi wri»e »hortha"H w 11. 1-2 Apply to f. c/o 8 rwth Rbm (fiW XdTKK LL Uw Pom'wy in reli»i,i- iv Hi|fb ZX. -Ireet will elo-- their efcat a t.'-rie'-row. it heiu< a I oliilay
      1,118 words
    • 56 2 v KBBKL> ADVKHTIBED TO SAIL For China anl .l>|>aii, Pim/mey, due 'J .th X..1. li UN I Cnleu ta via poru, Lindula. nn L'7ih rVI. Boartiial Ca, Ad M'T.laiu ami London, Myrmidon, on Ith M.r.-i. W. ilai.-!i II Co London. OLn/ruin, due Hth March. Bousbmml t i a FOR UKNKKAL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 WEATUKK RKPOK'I >....(.. j ltr.,i., t ff.,«r»"i February. Im-« v»... Ip.tu tpm liuiKli. ii.r. i BtfWk. .".ill.". ai.'.Hilil.y.j -r 1 '"-mi' W. 5 !".S 81 i 5 in.-r -i;-, 7.; 775 2" f f/W I XV aim PJ «m. T>.n,.. skMi :«i IS .Ir TO J t| 1:1 BBS IWI
      90 words
    • 122 2 AKRANGK.MKMTUESUAV. Un KKBUIiKt High (Tatar. I p-ia Sporting Club. Bicban M. M. houiewar'l BMil cfc»*»iP L. L. T. 0. Touruumeut WEUNKBI.AT. Wtl Hi K b Water. r.6Js.m :is I 1 Muui.i|>al Haatiag I' 01 F»p*r i liii-.-St. Ajkdrawi Cathedral U-ut-u 8.1,1 |..m. 47m 1 High Water 5.;,. ;...u, Keal
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  • 1241 3 aai Ihe RaoM "f ihe B eood D*i of the Kmta (Jymkhaoa Club's amiuj anatiay, be! I on the 17ih ins' at Bitu G .|*l were ham, Uf Weßthel rai i,i «.n I i i., but. In, ki!y, hel I off, lon, ls laoipercl tbe boot
    1,241 words
  • 897 3 Hy ,1 C(>rrrsi>oinUnt) A v sitor to Lumpur. «n atrivn.g at the st itiiiu, lias a. 'in e.y litue to shake hiins-lt dowu on the, an. l rtaJias tbe fa.: I thai p.«n the only ihiug needed t < put the s atiou ou
    897 words
  • 69 3 \>..i licit »ie;. lowa i. ls judicial improvement in Siam has I veil tak> n by tlie K.iV.ll IS-elll le'llg OIV.-11. the ..tiler d»V. to a a■« law on pawubroker., >vl,i,li is expected to leaiove main abiiM-s iv the pawning syst-ui there. The rliii's'.r oi jnstii,- has
    69 words
  • 192 3 An fiifiiiiißsta anfidml bawxaed d%ulu^'the ptOglWß of the semi-final tie for I all 1,et«.,-u th- Honjkoii/ Ko,,tballC,nl,an.l H M S «f«,-i..n on Ih- attei noon „l t lie I 7th, says i he llmlij l'rtn>. S on all. tha Hlat'e.l a v.-i Vhe v s'iowci of
    192 words
  • 279 3 A T..KK. BM despil.h ot tin- I-l h'ebruaiy iea,l- The ll.iv, ram. i I li adJrcsaed s LcMamaoicsUiou ta tba I iniga j. rs srhb a hi,h Javpaa ha. rntereJ iato an al and ia< r uitil I resvii ■•; liiai the subj <• soi that
    279 words
  • 771 3 CB >r WOBK SIRIOI'3 Hoi >.K» OI'TBBKAK In January, drjr weather |r. vailed iv tlie plaut.n,; cli-'ticisg. nerallv, aud ho ing p minus met with diffi ul' v fr m tie hardness of tba ground '1 Le dry we. ther, bow ver, c«ma iv baiwiv f.,r burning tbe
    771 words
  • 336 3 Th:' Slr-iU Ttmm i» iw;. ,mble for Ihe »>!ii< "i.. it i tin* the n.',i,ie,,t ij ral will iveeivo 1,0 Illvall c oil Hie elnoluiUelitt he draa aa RttWfi of I'en.k Th s mu-i be v <lini|.| oiutiu. ut to thai Oic-r, au.l he mi;.,' but te.ilis.- Hi,
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  • 383 3 THot.iMaliitle .ate, Mr. B. B. Willini.s I srill allow us to coii^i'aliiUle him on Ins I i |,nick iv aswiag mtm Lha ■Tiilwaf ls Cap. As siai'.l in si bsfora Im uusnitd lie .1 »t nice Taipittg i<. K ii Boad Btattoaj ('■>!. iui'e<) in hia
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  • 165 3 ki s-u> orncFica naanrt tii. At tbe Honwkorg M»g ktiacy ou I h>17th ins 1 Baron otaS)»aal<Sj, Lte'.t Kpancbiue. and Li. vi. Sha>.noli.i bakv, three ofli. rs af tbe Russ an warship Vlmdiniir h.itnomach, w.-ic charged 'b I iv ihe fi-id-^oi l.a I at Hung
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  • 393 3 *s intkrehtim; claim Ik the L .r,| Mayor's t'oiir*. <>v Jan. 2J». i t'u« <w of Hobson v. TLe Javali Coinpanv, (L'mi'ed)," aenin cam" on for l.^ar. i b- f,,re the llecrder (S r OharlM Halt, j HC an<l kanrent l jury. It wa«nn iv-tion I by
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  • 83 3 '.HP* ..RI.r.K--IIKAI) '..i a» i i atTB > ■BsavpafSl, -'llh Film, ry. /S.». H K in.. Covernor lias been Bataßsi la ■ct-ept th.. raakraassßi „f Capt. Tal »t of his .-onnni-.sjoi, in tho -V and BikßfVa** of ho falloniug pro-act o si Lioul. A. -t Clair to
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  • 607 3 An r\!-«,,r,|, u rT am, U nt „f .r, M( ,l forl.itr »eeiu». BJ alt n.l 1 1 Halshury in tho BBMbWp i of legal offieoa that fall vacant win I" ho ix-cupi-s the Woolsack A,,,,- her vaca.^y is abo'it lo <M-cur in the office of I ai
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  • 2437 3 IS DR. SAMI QUALIFIED To PRACTICE IN SINGAPORE AND ELSE WHERE? ToIIIKIUIToKOFTHK aTKAITS TIMED s<ik, —In the iccfiil i-M-e. Dr. Mid lie 1 >r. H"aWls OaWr, m«w Dt Baaai. bamnt Mr. AntbouisT, ih Ma.'iM'r. io v >nclu<!in^ tliu ras", pa*s«-tl a aa)f»j flu >u< aud quit-' j ,>ut-i I'-ih .wit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 V Condy's Fluid Uaaf in all Hospitals. CAnnE.LOriOM.IMJECTIOM Par r rarsSlS. DlphlhrrU. w... -,v hrn t inn, Conllnc- men., and ilir cam ol all l»l»- > i ch«r. Uaa „k» B,ic». 1 Condy's Fluid I With jl ra«. llO"k«V l>ll«clioo».
      39 words
    • 387 3 '|l|lr. uii,l,.|-iv.Mi,-il das neene.l farther I saeaafaajaal af Me pee Bee's, pott, .'tn y tv in BBS wood and vnry lawny. J QUMM. f, Oalljer Qaay, DEWAB'S r I**' i. oht.-iiu.-ihl,. i i1,,, uffi f tl,-. „n,I 1-11:11. ■<!. No < oil ver Cjuay. >n cases I 10/cn .|i ills
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    • 889 3 FOR RALE: EMPLOYMENTS: f TO LET; AND PEIWONALS. b i. IsTTIMK. 15 scats a lire; 2nd and llnl 1 10'WiUaline; 4th tooth times, .Scants line, Tlh to 18th timea, 3 cents a lav p aflerwards, 2 renfe a line bat no charge Ic. j tlinn one dollar. Thus, a tlirre
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    • 189 4 Lnder this h««liniT th' f >llowiti s abl.rcvi[ions *tf> med^-str.— st«»mer, sh— shi]. tK,-r«rque; Brit -British; h. S.-Hmtfi 3?«t*e Fr.-Frwich; Gw.-Oarraan Dut.Dutch; Joh.-Johow; Q.c-'.rWi gsnro; d. p.— da-k pa«ien)ror« U^ Inr.-. iSi T. P W.-Tanjong Pagar Wlurf P D Taniong Pagar Dock H. W.— *nrw ■< Wb.rf;JW.^T.^n
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    • 1411 4 Abri vals Sikc« Noon of T« >tkbdat Jhho. Brit. str. 4«3 tons. C»pt. Cameron. 24th Feb. From Bour»b«ja, 20th Fi>b Gc As7d p. Btr»iM Steamship Coy. Ltd. For MaUooa. U— Rd» BanflinOuan, Brit str. 19!' tons, Ci|,t Smith, :sth heb. From Klang, 23rd F. •!>. G. 0.. A
      1,411 words
    • 159 4 .v.ii,!.. Pan, iut<i jiii- Lon;»ov 1 < 'nrm.'irt iiciinliiri- Jmi 6; 1 SlmtiKlni due Fob. 27; Ohm, Bhnv, QlanfalVjsh, (iUii-lii.'i Li v ik i Sav-na. .Inn 2 P afaaay Jin -j-j TttaW .lan l'yc!ii| (In.- Mar. .'i ■JaMMM, due Mar. II; PaUincd due Mar. 12 Pio IX Unsuow
      159 words
    • 137 4 H '"T" 1307 Wold M ;»t1..-r,nr A|k», ITS OHtal B Trs%Mll hb WSi M < Mr. ISM aißMak 1..U.1,., .1,,, 13 LI I»U <l« Miß.l>nto 'S|,» ,tr. X.,1.1..- m-.kU» IM I >,1 m Nin^-i,,,. lr t r HHrn BSSLi Xi- «< -r. M laW,.r Mw I
      137 words
    • 83 4 DaTi 'AT, wwiuNm 'Liv i Hi C4VTMI 'rsiki.'-. M 84 w ltrit. .tr. IU t C A cur lr <„, ,tr. A"'!"'-' «tr. S*BM -tr. H«< < »'->'ln« .tr. UM r»ui Tor >tr l.vlor (-.Mu.... Mil .tr! H»T MS 1 1" *> ,1.,|.l '«l"'-» »tr. lU'i'liaiti Dorothea Kickuicr-
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    • 1168 4 NOTICES. MHiCb*. M/iK;JiS>. McALISTEE Co., KOBDTBOII 1 00. HAVE JIIBT RECEIVHD A FKESH SHII'MENT OF Hall* VISOF _^^^^\T^ Aft U^^^^hw e^a^a^— m XT T7 O r\ RESTORES WATSON&Cos COLOR Have a Large Stock CELEBRATBD /^f V Price 1 PP r <:ase Wk PROMOTES whiskios l/ \*s*i dutxpaiv /^v Abundant Growth
      1,168 words
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      930 words