The Straits Times, 14 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 THE STRAITS TIMES. ■•;sTAIM_IBHEI>:-tt3-. SINGAPORE, rKIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1896. NO. 18,847.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 827 1 NOTICEB. Mi Irislm r»ri». IMS KS'». JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS (51 Ili.h»i>i Uuahly. Uav n« ilr BBrat l)ursbllllr.«re Therefore CHEAPEST. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1) OFFICK. Collyer Quay. W WHAKVKB. New Harbour. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Straw for t hlnii. >n l iU^"r; < r>l,,ii. I.Klla. *Msirali:i. Ailrn. hitypt. lUrMallea. l.lbrallar. Mai a. llrliiill-i.
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    • 804 1 BTEAMBHII I\. CONINKUJKI PAKKTVAAKI C'ndor contrart with the N I 1 1* al Hinijaporr SHIPAaENCT, 1 i; v oi fnim Hmii s "ir>l M..1 I-,, Bal*-U. Bstsvi H'siaatla Huh. Bamlj. Hri. g Hils Mai. Panoh I'.-n _M. Butavi (Uurrmal I 4 I. B.**l i» »U». taM CarvnMtr 'aiavin. M»r.
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    • 1082 1 COM PA NIKS. MAAIWHAPHIJ. thnrlnnds India U'lTernment. r. I Dawwm A Co.. ii-3, Collybb (jhat. Will be Despatched tar I;. lya, 1 ill i Mfaaa— Macassar, uf 17th 1.1,. .ClierilKin. SamaraiiK, mi.| S,,,iral»,». lM'l. rinwiii. Piilin- Laut, l'..liH, I), njfala. and H.>loi,(f,in. L':inl Bila, **a_ M, and Deli. '.»;,ili Clicii...
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    • 746 1 IASUKANCE CANTON INSURANCE- OFFICE LIMITED. <— m- >.-«v.i rr*TT taout i«il up _OiWL B. Mrr /.,,d .»....r___Z_Z -MUl*. H,.u Orriea, at*n*«n. t%% wmA*ntmnt*i h-vmc W*BM_svl-lM i_Nft-_F «b> fc^^-^*_KBf_insr lIOTAL UTBURAVO-I COMPANY It OP UTKBPOOL. •*m -»T s-wafcasriss -^rss. t» assssiaT l WpißtPaO*. *asa-_ ri«Hl <;hina tuai>kks insuij--1 ANUE COMPANY. LIMITED.
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    • 190 1 IrpHE STRAITM INSURANCB CO_ 1 PANY, LIMITED CSTAKLISHED 1883. Hcai> Orricx, Sin japob.ii. apital Full) Sursrnbrd tii.m ».<* Cspital Paid-up > c ■<.< Reeerve Find 291..3 l'..iian< of Working Acoouut to 31st, 1894 I 449.19S CashAsaaU !1 Vhi.jH a.S. MDRRAY, Secretar; fIEIDSIEK CO. MONOPOLB. Parv«)or« i<> ih,< IM i
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    • 718 1 J- /CHARTERED BANK OF IND J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORrORA TED BY ROYAL UHA RTM J' CAPITAL t«OO,iH>C J RESERVE LI A BILITI o( Proprietors reserve fund..: e%»:ooo i dax-v-e.^ (Bank or Ekoi.ahd. Il_h HAMvU.s j National Bank or'Scn (.Thk Cut Ba»b Ltd. j Intkbrh on rix«i> Dcpoiits. For 12
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  • 126 2 .A 1 KM 1 M.\Ul\ I I i/L OTA'J IONB ■,>., A p.. k» Ui n Fkbkvabt. lt»6. PKOOOUBi )aabi«r I B.W. do Cube No. 1. a 12-45. do do No. 2, 10.00 U>yr% Baii IM. Ao Pootianak H iS7%. f'epr-r B'^ck. IO.IJi *•*.> F'oar, Be.ra»ak S». •a BnitiM
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  • 363 2 9sj l.nn on.— Bank 4 m/*....^2,'« to tHfa. Demand 2j2^ Io 2,1\. Private Bm/s -i Do. 3m/s tm 9* Osm-y.-Baak d/d. l». Private 3 m/s -'.28. Do. 6m/s On *Va»*«.— Bank d/d ti» Private 3 m/s Lift Do. 6 m/s lMk 0-. Uid.a.— Bank T. T I**Private 30 d/s
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  • 49 2 For Per $tr. Turn Tn-Voaanw. r. .1.,,,, 1.,, t |to:i,l,»y, ifu*« Jfaru, 11 a U Deli. Ganym*U, Nooi Ko:ul:»y \i» |K.rt«, Gi— la, lp.i Peauuir.i Minify fn«.|... 2 p n .-(»un.Uj«. t ..r«r, tal'M, Hi 'lr.,, 4 p P»k»n via P.lku,,, 4 p.i Monday. Mriu»inu|nrt- -mil. 1
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  • 107 2 From Kikope: -By the P.tO. Rottla. with 'I, h t.> tiir uttli Jan .lue on 17th Feb. Fk.,M > HINA Bj the P. ill. iVtln, da* on Tu viiny. Tiki Table or Hails to Lonhox. MtfiafBMN Hue in LoU'lim ArriTed Dm .Mhf tii.ju gird J»n 18th I)..-.
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  • 346 2 ARRIVAM. Per s. I laaaas) frrnn Klsng via ports M. Dark Ballway, Rev. Mr. H«rnes Mr and Mas. Fox. and Mr. and Mm. Joaquim Per s. s. Sumatra from Dili i Messrs Alfred S.ilnt, nnd H. wit, Herrings. Par s. Ganumedr from D-i, —Mr Wvcliel. Pt-r s. s.
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  • 25 2 EaTABLiiHBO 183 L PRICE: 10 CENTS. ■'•uKin-iptim, rare* i»/ atlrtriiaxnq rale* may be found on the fourth page.] FRIDAY, lim FEBRUARY. IS9C.
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    • 54 2 London, IStk Ftbruary. Tbe Transvaal Government ha* cabled an order for two more batteries of big gun* from French and German firms. VENEZUELA. Lord Salisbury, in a despatch to MrBayard, tbe United State* Minister at London, promise* to place at President Cleveland's dispoial. all "be documents relating to
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    • 127 2 GERMANY AND GREAT BRITAIN. KRUGER COMPLAINS. London, Nth February. Iv a debate in the Reichstag. Count Marsckall. the Minister for Foreign Affair*, declared that President Kruger had never a<ki d for Germin intervention. Cou-t Marscball praised the <orre«t attitude of Mr. Chamberlain in political r -lit ions. It was asserted
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  • 12 2 To dat is St. Valentine's day, as a local I remind* us
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  • 22 2 Tbe Sarawak Government invites tenders for specified revenue farms there. A r..remix for tbe Public Works i Department, Selaogor, is advertised for.
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  • 12 2 Tbi Bulan Puasa or fastiag seasoa amongst tb» Mahometans commences from to-iuorrow.
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  • 18 2 At 2 p hi to-aorrow, Messrs. Powell 4 1 Co., will sell by auction Colonel Way's furniture atTaoglio.
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  • 27 2 To- dat, the postal money order and par- eel post Branches were dosed. Tbe Post Office closes at 4 p.m. Tbe Savings Bank I is also doited.
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  • 23 2 Since yesterday morning, tbe Chinese owned vewMls iv the harbour bave bee« profusely decorated with flags in honour of tbe New Year. SB
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  • 27 2 The impending marriage between tbe Regent of Pahang and tbe sister of tbe Saltau of Jnbore is likely to take place in a month or two. *> n
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  • 51 2 In April next, Captain Blair is to retire from tbe general management of the Tan jong Pagar Dock Company, Limited. It ia said bis 1 'ik aod valuable cervices will be substantially rewarded by the Directors. Captain Blair will lie succeeded by Mr. Robertson, the assistant
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  • 59 2 At nine o'clock this tnoroicg, a serious accident MMsWi on board the steamer Kaitow at No. 7. Borne* Wharf. Several cool'ea were eogaged in ihe hold working on c-irgo whto a fore aud aft beam fall, killing oik- ex. lie ,v, 1 seriously injuring another.
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  • 71 2 At miluigbt ou Wednesday, a two•torey house. No. 260 a, Victoria Street, was burnt down, »w:u:. it is balicvt-d. to traoker-firing. Tbe alarm was givru at about twelve; o'clock, aod Ike Fire Brigade with two engines watt soon on th* spot. It was, however, impossible to
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  • 84 2 Mb. Ferdinand db Sousa. baring been promoted to he Police Financial Assistant at Penaug, Mr. William Anderson goes to-morrow to take Mr. de Souza's place as chief clerk in the Resident Councillor's office at Malacca. Mr. T. Miujoot will sue. cetd Mr. Anderson as chief clerk in tb*
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  • 92 2 Chinese New Year's day wa* observed yesterday with the custouvtry rejoicing*, though tbe weather was as it bas be*u for several years past. d*-id*dly inclemnut. I was tb* usual iutvrcbaoge of visits, and many Europeans were recipients of tbe quamt hospitality of their < Eastern frieods.
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  • 32 2 Ok« of the m <«t remarkable fe.ture. n regard to tb* Saigon press v the tota absence of a single word on the re<e..t rnJlclFrencb arrang^meot of S.amese territory.
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  • 103 2 I'M case *S»io»t Captain Banuatyie of tbe FUmUhirt came before the <>""'"*' Court of Ap|*al at Saigon oa tbe 2olh January. The Captain hid be-n reoU-uced by tbe lower court to imprisonmett on a charge of abetting trench military deserters t-» take p*»*y<-' in that vessel, aod
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  • 116 2 On Monday morning, tbe Siameae gun beat Yong Yot left for Puket direct witb r«l ef» for tbe Siamfte garriiou there. At 8iu. to-day, the Au»trun gunboat Albatr<*» toft fur'Soumbiiy* and SvJuiv. At tbe Utter port ibe ii to embark tbe chief of tbe •cientific eipedition 10 take
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  • 155 2 Thb 6th instent was a busy night for the Hongkong Fire Brigade, aud a most disastrous one for fire insurance ronipaiiet. Al 1.15, fire was discovered in the second storey of No. 56, Jervois Street. which lapidly spread into No. 231. Queen's Road, Central, both likum.- being
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  • 150 2 As; Honours Gazette for the Chitral Exprdition has appeared in the Oaitttt of India, in which a number of native noncommissioned officers and me:i of Ind'aa regiiu* n's which took part in tbe fighting under General Sir R. I«>w are adimtud la tbe third class of the
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  • 171 2 Oat the occasion of tb.-.- Chiue-e New Year at 7 a. m yesterday, a solemn hi.'h uia«s contm episeopo was celebrated in tli* Chln>»eChurch al St. Peter aod St. Pml by Father Vignol, the vicar, assisted by Father Perricbon as deacon and Father Nain as subdeacoo.
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  • 203 2 The Skating Kink iuttafrK-s Squire was tiled to overflowing on Wednesdiv ••v.-u. ing when a mile race for a baudsom'e silver cup, open only to naval men in port, was contested. There were four OMapatiton W. J. Wilcoi, and Bugler P. Slee of H. 11.
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  • 683 2 iTATHISO »T THf Oovru. The |.ri/.».iifinbution of thi»,,-' took „lace iv tbe large tm,^, **i r at noon uu th. 7 lh j^ wh-n th; re were i.reseut. o, i,d«, h u .7** 1 of scholacs, a Ur^e number of lead, B fltn H. E. Sir
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  • 363 2 A I PMsitai M Jill. It lli.- K :,|«r William iMaivaa 1 l'rof«!»<T Kwut,' n. J Wiif/.i.ur^, »iii-'- iiawctfy «f ptotagnfaif mr Inm lia* in-*!!-.! mn b 1,.. 1,1 Ul ClltllMllUl I C.U-S. Oo r. v in..; in tbe MHMM 4 startling CsWIHt, says the t pendent
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  • 90 2 A convict, con tint- 1 Vi (Hongkong), succeed.-.l in. s ■i|.mh; 1 ou 'be tith inbuilt. 11.- m* UI i roof au.l with ti(t feet of siuu.l MaOaM ou bin p«WM wli. v kt Ji for the niiibt, iu;'J to climb Vl rt ouu-rwallol 'tbe prison. Ueoul
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  • 60 2 Kor Colombo and I 1 H.h V,b., raturson biin.mi Co s dnoy via porU. Clil". J'" 1 ljl 5K.Vli.tor 4 Co! HMHtW 'ill.Ul il. Vul..i»; i" 1: U..U t«.l ,,|4 L..nd>-n. mmmk, Am lTtii K.b.. HonKkon^a .lJ»|.i- A.,,-h"<: r»t.-r*.n Simons A Co, ,-.n H,.n rf kon,{.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 733 2 NOTICES. I rp H I BOBMIOCOM»AaT,I.IHITaD. rM ■BBBaMr* Lire Aawrßßßi. Vacvtek Usw* Fir* liibiMW llßtsty AM** aetenae* Co.paay {Tin). TU B>|«ii*abß) Lal* AaaofaM* Booiety. t\e Onu Maria* laranaM* Cearpaaj. IWCkM Mutaal tiaaa Nan«aM*a Clifiay. Tb* TsHsaaiass L*«ar Beer Osaßpaay. T%» HttitiM Taswuso* CumytMj. I.iauteaL For p»ft.c»Uri W t» Coaapuiiea w
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    • 744 2 ATt S i' AI) V h K I I S A I Ii N TS. rSKBANK"" a V ALf AB> E FREEHOLD PRi'PERTV. Bbautivullt Sitcated ik the DISTRICT or TANGLIX !b« undersigned are instructed by tbe owners TO SELL BT AUCTION. At their Sale-Rooms, On Thursday. iTth February. /«*f>. AT
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    • 1142 2 .ATfcbJ AIM KUI WBAI .KM. T(i ViuHT! I \ti. ht- Elitd Skating Riuk. KAFFLES PLACE. 60OAPUBC j A f tern on .-e.«'mi'5 to 7 p. m PRICES: Skatea ami Admission l» cent*. idmisnioi '.'■"> cents. I Evening -'■■«-ii-n f'lmi S to 11 p. m. Skate* and Admission ILM Admiwion
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    • 14 2 At Frtnkfort o/m, ou the 13th insUot, th« wifo of LotiH Katz, of dauffht«r.
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    • 25 2 The Straits limes has the b rgest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 WKATHKR KEPORi Kandaikq aTroiau HotpUat, IM jWi_Bsi|, in;. a.m. 1 p.m. 'J p.m Rib abks. B«r. ni. it F»h. ..■£>.^Si ».T(» 2ll. iiS femp bl-W t1.9 78.«> Wet Culb Thor. :«.8 78.0 TS n I~ c Dir. ofWmd. X K K. Calm. 1% J Max. T.-mp. in ihtUt BS.« =V
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    • 147 2 CRICKET 2nd ii uabbisoii r. 2»d ii s. a c. Tbis match waj cowneaced vester«l&y t>ut was abaodonad in the afteraoou owinij tbe heavy rain. Score* OAKHISON. 3ergl. Blease. R. A. b Mormu a > Sergr Hayes, fus c Davis bA len In 22 iuun.r Hildebrand h Morrcn Lee. Crpl.
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  • 696 3 1 PVmi •"<! ''0 r rmpo rf. i,1 Thk kelectiin of Mr ilni;!i Clifford, nant, feaaogMfaior, basin "t U 'at.. i> tahvb, aad mm ol I, ttrx. to '1,.- subalautire appoint ment of Blitiea ;in I'.iliang <\ m uo'. 0] any nlu x, coiucaaasuiprixe. far si MM
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  • 564 3 TELieaAiiis torn 1 1 m>i. 111 VKNAM VALI T BBIOAHDAU* In, (iiiiri'icr J' Hal)>honq MOM sboit- iini 111 the telegraph line fioiu Saigon to B.i'gfcot overland, arisiug from ■isli tisM.omont Tbeliuooffeisadvautiig. s •TCI I lie uiiil.-ii-.a cable, and has been In, l l.t 1 Kieuib (ioveruiuent at
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  • 28 3 I At the end of 18W, lueie MjnW >■"» I'l'ers au.l uiagaxiues loiug pmhUahed > J»l*u In Tokyo sloue, there wcr» .1 M "»aa|ori a*d 1*77 masaiinee.
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  • 1351 3 HIATY RAISPAJ.I. MINIMI I'RixiKi Xt A I* 111 'i'lK-l AHIAI. EOADMiKINO I BITTY MMnNHMH KoVAI. MARKIAUB h'rem BSV I'nrrffimident I'rknn. UHK February. tn laM iniarter of ibe post year baa bi-on exceptionally wet at IVkan. over HU i ii. ln.'s el rdii.f^ll, ia 6:) days, having boon r.ior.kil
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  • 55 3 Mk loba B i^lit. .i in [lie-* tie li'-e ji xin.ui, lias urrivnl in Caleiila in the iu'erestj ol ll,e Liu..t..|«r Com|, of wlichle n a line, i..r Mr. BdgU uroi, |,u,,s loen, I mollll'lfl' cet nt the 111 V|M ,o iua, Inoeii iv Calcutla, au.l lo show
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  • 1087 3 r si. „.ii>i STBAMEB ENTKRraiSB niiinw rxTRAnmoH MMMM ACHKKB xHirriMo nkwk antlattl from Variout Nempapert). I s I'ian er.' Association of .SuLnbumie ill West Java, iv MJ rep rt for 1895, d.-als Ui g Iv with the cultivation of tea in tbat section uf the islaud. The Ciop
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  • 229 3 A i>*t or two ago weno'eil the fact that a MM iii»tii vi. .1 I,\ the F»M-al, Wrslcrn Proiirce. Hgainst the MfWia of the 'I. in. .in steamer liemirf, for .-1.-t ni, ting an iflic-r of that il.pirtmeiii in the c»ei uti.iu of Irs duly,
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  • 1884 3 II "v *ad bow sorrowful bow nti j nitely depn saing. Thwe must have bven the wi.r.s ou bundtvds of lip* last night f 1 fith ult.) aa a cont nte.l, loyal, and absorbed au li. n.-e filed out af the dull
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 951 3 HOME *NOTEB. Dik- your wif« know anything alioiit tin Maof Uotwn't she?" "Is ribs «iuinl on tli i silver MMMM b'uiiiul as a burglar Sleeps with tbe apoona under lit head every uiifht." a A ?eotli-h jud(fi>J'en<)uired of liik garde: er a> out hi» win whom ba had net lo
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    • 565 3 SAINT OBSOLETE H-lINFTTI. 4 SAINT I hi calendar's before me, and I pause With tender smile, hat irrim, to see a name T it makes old memone* of .lava rone by. Poor ..Id Saint Valentine, thy da/ boa conn The hearts, and darta that were invoked by t hep. Are
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    • 945 3 FOR HALE: EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND PERSONALS. [Isttinc, 15 eenU a line; 2nd aad 3rd times, 10 cents a line 4th to Ath times, 5 eenta, a line; 7th tn Htli state, ,1 rents a line, afterwardo, 2 cent* a line Imi no eharfe leas than one dollar. Thu- a
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    • 177 4 Under thia hoartin^ thn following EMI 111 lions are ua*l str. -st«amer sh.— fhip iq— barque; Brit —British U. S.— Unite.! Stales; Ft.— French Ow.— German Dm Dutch, Joh. Johore; Ac., O.fc Own cargo; d.p. "Vk panaengers V. Cacw tain;T. P. W.— Tanjong P»K» r Whaffji P
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    • 1448 4 A*B!VAI.K.SINO NOON OF WlliMMUl (>,r,le,, Brit str 2,84»i tons (»;.t Pulf.i(] 1 th F.-b, Fnm Japrn, llith Jan. (if.. >l 317 d.p. W. Manstin 1 A To. For 1,..i..1..n Miiltt .»/jr«. Jjp str 2.0."..! t Cupiair Bmw l.ttli Feb. From YokoUm-. J".th Feb. •.<•.. ai..l dp. P.
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    • 129 4 mm, rmt, ■•mi oak tfommm) London. (JarnnirtliHimliirp Jan <• ({liMlnn-liv Jmi. s F.> mn^.'dueFel.. 13 1 Ayr. Livcki <>"i Savobb .lan .I«k<.ii .Inn. :>. Ii 1 1 OUMM Kirklal... QllMtli Carailw. <•<■!. IT, II- Ui.-km.-r-., Nov. .'L 1 Shirley, .lan. BiMMdab Kohert ftiekaan Rkhnr.l |||>iw Bmuui. Prmiawen. duo
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    • 78 4 ■Ull/« Nim L... ■>•«* j BtiBBL. B H4HI. CmiiN. •b 12 IWatM 12 i:»-..i. Brook,II I ll,.~.l V, 14 Hi* O-..I.K 14 I I-I^-IU U Solus 14 l*>w 14 All-,,,, 14 14 Vrlw. Printol ..,.1 l'..l.l..k^l u_ MLm. Sir. rtr. I Nor. b.,. i int ..I, Bnt. Mr,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 481 4 NqricßS. McALISTER Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUIE'MfcNT OF WATSON&Co 8 a^^^^^SLTW. V. V. O. celebrated g^W^^^ {^^\s\ trice »11 per Uas Wbiskies M&a c > vS*\ |litt! ai lal /T-_ ?9P^^^>wspc*V I V)' VI N P McALISTER CO. MATURED IN r~X 4%> f tl fjliflTrn 1 SHERRY CASKS.
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    • 670 4 'J u;ta. I For Constipation I I and Biliousness A aha aad 1- nouiy for bdlaa and chiMr.a io I act f«atW but pforapily upon tbe liver, ■tomach and I ietaatinaa Fruit Ju/len curt, habitual conatipatios. I JOLIEN, ma VlVlann*, PAJUB Raoowo.J Phrticiana praacrib* Gtimauli Matieo tba Boat active and
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    • 973 4 BUCHANAN WHISKY HOOBE OF COMMONS BRAND TURK SCOTCH MALT WHIBKV or Fine Flavour and Mildness. Wrl.L KNOWN IN THB U. K AHD THE COLONIES. Sold b) all large Hpiiil Dri Mfc KATZ BROTHERS, SOLE AGENTS, SINGAPORE, w. x ii/n TBI fill BITBE 8001 PMAJIw. Th. »boT« Dock sitaatod in FIM<"M
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    • 98 4 BOBT. LENZ CO ""o^v= A. PKHEIRa 11..K1K I -I.TL-KIS- Am, FW)»,, T ART PHOTOGRAPHERS. ■^^^"Si^^^Mr^ CORNER OF STAMFORD ROAD. '"'fully xn.l |-r..iii|nlv",. x I h«a|»*l 'm-h*. i,, d,,, pj. I NUBBBBT, .-XI,F.Y HiTah HILL Bf RBET. A )n M ]H g*\ "PSYCHO CYCLES." french"bakery. Ju»« Arrived. StAßxn Bboe' Nbweh bhapm.
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