The Straits Times, 11 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 770 1 <TKAMBHIP COMPANIES. OrriCH. Collyer Quay, (J^ WHARVES. New Harbour. sTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,«' om-i Ho "X. A "•••111- RU 1 ft 1 J 2":iJ \SurmtuX IMreet ->crvice. w.iii.-v.-n-.t"--'" 1 1 1 i Paesanfora, With ..X.-..11.-.H 1;< PMaaag«n«*l«. sllinc al Maraailles «»byFH« tlytag In k i ift M "i ,:'.n^i.i:
      770 words
    • 1086 1 NOTICES. THE ONLY RELIABLE DISINFECTANTS ARE C A L V ERT'S No. 5 FLUID CARBOLIC CARBOLIC POWDER, In 8 snil i6uj rfbbad Hollies, al i 4 i/'ieach. guaranteed lo contain 15% Calvekt'k J, J, A 1 eall'.n Tin,, al i, I..1 4/ A b/J each. No j ("aubolic, the ttronKest
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    • 1387 1 NOTICES. Condensed Milk sfBBBJBS^BBBBBaj Tlio "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed to f l contain nil the oream of the original milk. In |UQKDENSED NIJQ the P rocess of manufacture nothing but water fegfr-. kc^jfl is removed, nothing but the best refined |^SL)J j Avoid low-priced brands from which the ia\tf Jl
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    • 477 1 (IHABI'KRKIi ,tANK nr KSDIA J AISTR.\LI\ AND CHINA ISCOBPORATEDBYROYALCHARTEIt. capital mmjtu RtSERVr) 1 lAMLITY af 1 *M* «-t..r» t'^.»H im aMsUlftTl rUKB MMN f Han Of X: > ni> I and HANKKHS 1 y»t: xi. Dawi m «Or* (.Thk City Bahe Ltd. Intkrebt on fixed Deposits. For M inoiitl,. -'«°/o
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  • 493 2 LA rKBT M A Itlv ß I 1 QUOTAtIOVI .v 11th umic.v, Ihih; PHODUCE. U»mhier B.*i. do Cube No. 1 12.4.V do do No. v!, IO.(X>. wopra Ball 5.90. do I'.iutiiuuik,. 5-17^. P«|i|«.r BUck 10.1-Ji. Sv'i Klonr, Hinink 2.!'.». tlO U. 2.5. r >. Poarl Sago. 3.624. Coffee B^i
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  • 71 2 For Per ttr. Tiuu. T.vMoanow. II tavia ii b«uia-ang. Ovdavr.ij 7 a.m. tijii!.ir..nK Tin port*, i>» L'arp*uti4r 8 am. >.nirat.«y:: Singapore. 1 p m Oaliutta im iorti>. Pmtnloln 3pm T. AuHin ria )> rtx .V,,,i. I Klanir. Hm, Iml Bang-.>k, 4pm PaiMii; \m portH. fi'.l/,,. I p.m. Tm
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  • 98 2 Ki:.m Kikoih-'v tin- P. ,v O. ».k. Kvretta «itli ,1. 1,, tli,- L'ttl, Jan. .lueon ITth X.1.. Tihe Tablx tIMNIMMI, -r, I. no in 1.,,n,1,,n Arrivwl I' I'l, i' ftO. -lan rtr.l J»n lSth 0 o M M .1 a Ittfe J» n asth .l:in. -tli I
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  • 319 2 AHKIVAL8. Per 1.1 Crtftmlin from lUtavia:— H. Tucker, It M. rf«.koii, and (TO A.KKIVK I Kutl. i'. I'. O. H' London, Jan. 17, Mr. .iml Mri. M-ra|-*». tud two oiiidrt-n, M bMH DiiumIi'ii. Mi— .Ji—ni.. Culhbert, M B. JonOM, Mr. Lov.<land», Mr. H«n(lry, Tom.slioud. Mr. ..ud Mrs. Kyder,
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  • 24 2 bSTAIMSHBO 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. B*hteriptuM rait* and advertiting rale* may be found on. the fourth page.] TUESDAY. 11th FEBRUARY. 1896~
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    • 102 2 I-KKI.IKISARY rBOCBBUINUK loiioa, Uth Fibrifiru. A Police Icspector has s»il«d Io met-t the steamer Victoria which is bringing D. IsaoM mi from South Africa, for the pur|K)sc of arresting him. Cecil Rhodes has left for Mashonaland but will return Is Engknl to be present at th» trial of James
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    • 434 2 1'lu.MlihXT Kru^er Itars tin- rrpututi nf <lirt\vilne— and perspicuity, though he is narrnwrninded and <:onservative. From his stan.lpiint, the I it lander* have themselves to hlame if they bave been harshly treated by the Boer Government, ami he has declared thst he would have given them conccs- sioo8
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  • 94 2 W k mi,.i,-r-tjnd that Mi FA Sw.-tt.n. ham. tbe uewlv appointe<l lt,-vnj,-iii.(, n ral of the Prote.te.l Malay States, will ouly draw the same sil.irv a* W4K aitdched to the pust he foruieriv as British R. .id-at of Perak. tu, <|„ a vear> with free furnished house, aud SI.J'H)
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  • 17 2 M. B, tin- tioveriinr is j>o«tocl to arrive in I.-i it on or .iliu'it tbe Jutli iuatant.
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  • 16 2 Thk IVrak Turf Club proposes to give a lUuit at the IVrak Cluli on March .sth.
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  • 19 2 Mk. A. W. Stiven, of Messrs Sii»en A Coy., Ins j.-in..] ,li,- iioard of the Strait* lu.siir.iine (.'ouipaiiy, Limited.
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  • 25 2 Thursday, beiug Chinese New Year's, there will br no ioMM of the SlraiU Tiiw: On Friday, tlie hour of publiuatioa will Ik- 2 p.m.
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  • 28 2 KiMoutt his it thai iLc Opiiuu and •Spirit h'aru.rr of Peuauj; isAOOMo to pr* ■Ml the whole ot his euiployeea w.lh mv ui,mills' wages as a New Yetr'sgift.
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  • 31 2 Ar I,;|D, this aftuiuoou. thert will I, |r,i. .i»ii>n jjid U'li'datiou id the K ifjoi ItanaMM iv the Tamil Cburch nf Our Lady of Lourdvs, in bjMBMU <d 'N titular loMfc
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  • 22 2 Fobobd one-yen sMver coins, oaU I" made in India, sad very difficult to detect, are much iv circulation iv Yokohau>a.
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  • 24 2 Tbb Bangkok Tramway has decided Io declare no dividend for the last half year, owiog to extraordinary expenditure to be met.
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  • 28 2 Thb Japanese Government has derided to issuu postage stamps in couinoemoratiou of the. Chiuo- Japanese war, and the new is^ue will appear iv June next
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  • 32 2 A Chinese schooluinster. named Lim Sin Tean, has I een appointed Of the R<>>\dent Councillor of Peuung, British C.'UMilar AgeDt in Kedab. The Chiuamac is a resident ot Kedab.
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  • 29 2 Thk Municipality of Cjlorotxi, following the eiample of the Calcutta Municipality, hive sent tne--.i_'.- of condol.Mice to tin- Queen upon the iOBOh of Prince H<?nry of Ratteuberg.
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  • 33 2 Tbe Dutch muil ateaine.- I)* Carpentier, which arrived yesterdiy afternoon, towed from Batuvia the Dutch barque BarenJine Otoria, which has come to be docked and rep lire J at Tanjong Pagar.
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  • 37 2 It is reported that less gold luce, i>tr.. on uniforais will be one of the economical reforms in tbo near future. Already Lord WolseW it earning thanks for his intention to discourage heavy mess expens.-b.
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  • 42 2 Tit: Tomjuin loan of xiuumi.imki f M which was agreed to by the French BotifjH Committe.' on Jan. I. r >, will bear two ani a ha'f or two and three-quarters per cent, interest, and will be guaranteed by France.
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  • 39 2 Mb W. A. Bash is said by the Kobe Herald to be tbe represented of a powerful Ameri.-an syndira'p, who bavp received aconeesnion from the Chinese Government for a railway 2<X) miles long from Pekin to tide-water.
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  • 42 2 Pknan.; import has it that Mr. J. A. Harwood bis b««n appointed SolicitorOeneral, n>« Mr. IX Log* n resigned. The salary is 5450 per month and exchange cotnpeuaation. Mr. Harwood, it is xaid. will not be allowed private practice.
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  • 37 2 Thb P. aod steamer Mio, with the next homeward English mail, leaves Hongkong on Thurnday afternoon, and will arrive here on Tm-sday morning. Tbe military authorities are sending 'J8 passengers by tbe Pekin to Colombo.
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  • 43 2 IiOBD Dobmib is one ,if the visitors at present to Singapore. He arrived from En^and on tbe 3rd instant ia the Minaport on a tour round the world. On. Sunday morning, he attended mass in tbe Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
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  • 42 2 I'RontSHoß 7,i0 Parue, tho ivuuted trait rifle fciiot, cime to Rrmf, tbe other day. at Kiiic'.iti, through shooting a nitiwtlirwiiifb tbe head accidentally vkilt atteuipting to hit a potato pla<odon the man's head. Payue was tried for tbis and oosjafMoi
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  • 46 2 Thk Secretary of the I' Mining KM received the following c.ible (rum the manager at the iniutK. b<-iug the result of tin. January clean vp The mill rau j;.Ui- .-ru.hiag 1,000 tons yielding ttO i'zs. ol gold. We expect to get much more tbis mouth."
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  • 50 2 At three o'clock on Sunday moruin/, a detective ia Ciub Street saw a man trying to lore, open a door with a. packing needle and promptly anesteJ him. He. it is ulleg.-d, had tifteeu preu.un couvicti,,ns against him. aud he has been ■.ouimit tad tv the Assizes.
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  • 55 2 Tbe Sarawak C'.u.Vi. not' s that aujoug the timbers coining into favour in Paris for wooden paviug is bilian, i-speeully that from the Ktraiu district in that Siate. It seeui» that, iv that SMtliot, biliu abounds, but ihe timlk.r tiaj.' tin re in ham|>et«'d by the bar at the
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  • 54 2 At the assize* Testi-rJ.iv, boIOM Mi. Chief Justice Coi, Heurv Montague Perre»u. ,lerk ia the employ of M-wrt. D*eudels. was fuuu.l gmlty of di-f.iuntio,,. in circiimsUncts which ha?e 0000 reported, the verdict lwin K ruturned by majority of six to one. Hib Lordship
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  • 67 2 A smia-T cbttDKer. at 3U. Macao Si,,, i who occumes a little shot, in the five-foot way. baa been robU-i of |U0 iv money aDd a .liver chain which be values at *3U He awoke at five o'clock this morning aud found that three bo^r.U had
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  • 61 2 H. K. Vicc-Adiuiral Tvri.,ll, w1,,, 11S ju.t reliiKjuibhed the L-huf uunuiau,! of the Kuwiau Pacific Squa.iron t,. SBU U that of the B.ilti,- Squadrou. i* a throuirh faaw-uKt-r fioin Shau K hai to Port S li.J on 1..». d tie h..m..w*r.l llm H Xatal, wlmb arrived this
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  • 66 2 With tthnmrn v, the basgkuj iuitU.l ...i tli,. i,r,iniM-j of a Bouiblv n,,-,. e.bnot m High Street, reported iv tbtStraitt ttmrn jmtmin. Hi* 1vi,. M further mv.-hn^t,,,!,. bafkl ristygeUruH were mmmg. mmrch was mstitutrd and tliev w,-ro fouud uuder the I.ov'n bed ThitboT w*» iv the
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  • 38 2 Thf Nippon Ginko bss decided said, to estiblish a branch iv Lood order to trannact financial busin.. necte.l with the indemnity, a, coaarrangements are completed, the md. ml will be lodged with tbis branch
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  • 44 2 A telegram from London to the V o t baina Specie Bank states tbatths G t Bank aud the Hongkong and WnJ?, have commenced th' flcatat on of new loan for the Ch^n-se Governn..* amounting to one hundred million taelj
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  • 54 2 It is stated that experiments are I*, in ule in Frauce with a tew rifle fired w,t compressed air. Mmy such experi, nenu have beeu trud in Eogland and Atnerici but with no success. In military urdhowever, there is a rumour that "thit rifle has proved satiifactory in
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  • 72 2 There apjicars to be every pronpect of i n indifferent riiv i-xp.irt from* Siam thin jear There is, lu.wevi r. Dome reason to ln-li cv that Boankok will be basj after Urn Chi neso New \,j.r. for, though the harim ha* not been i brilliant success,
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  • 82 2 The Italian and French Rivieras hate fouud a considerable competition of late from the British south-weit amongst wbiuh places like Bournemouth nnd Torquay find much favour. M r y Fischer, formerly of the Grand Oriental Hotel at Colombo and the Hotel d? l'Europe at Singapore, has consequent!*
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  • 83 2 The main body of the 7th JopaßM Mixed Brigade encountered a (orM -t »eveutet-n hundred insurgents ou tlie 7th Juuuarr. The insurgents made a rtuh. loru resistance, but wen- tfOßtaaaj dtf-ated, loiiiug three hundred men killed or wound) d. Kjur were killed on the Japanese side aud
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  • 100 2 Tar Art Journal for January v an OBOOOiiagb beautiful and iuiere»tiu^ number, from the presses of the well. known art publishers, Mesmn. J S. Virtue aui Co. It is prefaced by au etekiof*! (irahaui's famouK piohsW "CaledooJa sU-rn aud wild," aud other eOßßpicaoasJi ehansiag illu«tratious are a
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  • 111 2 A vice tiucstion of racing law will conic U|i for deoiHi.m IK-f,,r,- t£ .Srewards iv connection with the last race of the meet. iDg held in GftkttU oa tbe 2-sth Jaauarr for which Claru wa» declared to start 1 h 'Ukfb be went out to start, be
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  • 112 2 In honour of IksObjiaooi tft« 7 a.m. on Thursday, the l:{tb baUat, n th.CbOBOOI ol St. I'et-r .md S: a solemn high ma-s r,,,-a,/i SJMMOpO i- II Ix 1 sung by F.itlier TWool. tbe fioOT, ass li.v Father Ii nn. njihitid I'errii-bnii Delojette
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  • 194 2 Thk LonUoo correspondent ut ihr M' rliftt.r Guardwn hears that imj profXMtJa have been Hubmittml Io .\l Chaaborhu by Ibi iaotwikoiii ifwti (ieneral, l>eariii k ii|,ua the tmtmn of the Coluui.s That iv any liuiof tMMBJ i.m Hit til* demand*" apoa the Navy for Colouul iob«M ""'il l
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  • 183 2 Wu. G. Hale A Co.'k rinuUi. iUt& Sugom, Hlli iinUul, Kiat- Tl'.' rial crop will Ik- a skorl M hliort iv mi,- MVtiMH: ilumc mat las luw an MT „f ,tn »¥<•!«; but wt- will n,,l mv to m v, I. I Price* fluctuate us" tin-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 714 2 NOTICES. mHB BOBHBO COMPAM V.LIMIIBD. rl Staa<Urd Life Aaiurano*. Norwich fii mo Fir« Imurano* Bosisty Atla* A nee OOBSJBOf (Fifk). Tk* K-iuitmhk) A .i,,f. So. iety. Tk* Ornaa M«<iiw> In.uiau.w OHBfflOfb T** China >1u1u,.l Slwni Nasifßiasß Coapaay. I%* TutUDkaa L*ff«r Bsaf Cuuijnuij. 1W MiuitiuM lumut* (>ii,;«bv Limited. > For
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    • 819 2 NOTICES. Tne Straits Times has the lai gest circulation of any newspajer m Asia, British India excepted. I it circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peuinsula. in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French lndo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 610 2 LATKbi A 1 > V KRT1SEJ1 £N I'S TOXKiH i toskhit:: Elite Skating Rink RAFFLES PLACE. SINOAl'ORK. Afternoon Feimion from 5 t/i 7 i>. in. PRICES: Skates nml Admission M cent-. Admiaaion cents. Evening S-ssi.-n from 8 to 11 p. m. Skates mul Atlmiwion JI.'ni A.I], i--i.iT! 2 r.hl-Si'H-vin tickets
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    • 7 2 Koii UKNUBAL SHIPPING NKUs ■I l'AGK 4.
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    • 25 2 The Straits Times has the to rgest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has 30 widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 87 2 WKATUKIi KEPOKT «aiMi.ii«- Krahau Uo. >Lil. MM PWraafy, lsfltl. >S m. :ip.m. Iliiiii. a»r. re.!. M fah. 9»JB»J».7MJ>.»tt Teui;' 81.0 77.U 75.0 -I »>t Kull. Tker »J 7111 CMI 1..- V- V g£.? L intliwi^ 85.0 "o--" r Mio. .'o ,!o 71.3 S« n Mm. ii. -.n IMH II
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  • 170 3 Thi funeral of the late Mr. John Cook liy afternoon, amid many indications of deep ragrt t The iron I the Inirial terviol was i. .1 tl Iht 0 of the aoa DvJonette >.mom. t i, •hortly af'er tne oV k i k, tone
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  • 304 3 rVaat e«r Oemipoadi ni Uiiu I'ohni. i, Hi Ketrasry. .\ll.roipciion.ini; intensely hot t o 1 .us have s, t vi. tad m ire imin^ regn a* monaoon naather, bt n^' tbroade I in be -> good ininy earls and Iwllockl iv.bren imported from Malacw into the bj tie-
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  • 221 3 Mil K 1 s., 1 1 a/ho lias coin.' out on lyndioale to report v] the looonatrod areihrayfron Kuala 1 ping, »as i.-i.ntlv at Tai ping, I 1 1 I. dan, where be bid all interview «iii, ths Acting IfeeiiWial Everything aependa on the report
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  • 209 3 h i iflnaed thai the »hoJe < i rbt i >, !n in.; and Ibo ap point menl-. I ntlli il will It iiihilo public in vi" I, imi w.ekaor so. It is said tbat ■am i the inteoded aw^aetaat* will rame innl il".il ..f stir hii.l surpuse. Ni
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  • 216 3 perl on tin- workirn; oi the Regis- mpaaiea, Biagapore, savstbal tberaweren giatmd, pore, uriag the jratr, l»e Joint 1 'onipaiiies, vi/ Tin- 'liai water ■in tli.- Biagaßore Hotel om. P< tahlli; Ciftee t nil |si 11 V j tbe Dling an. l t lie Kinali- ..I
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  • 839 3 I X.X KKDIIKM AT Til', lot i. I I in UT At the Police ( iv bdfure kfr A ut Ii. >nis7. N drain i( iovindasamy.a in.- lic.ll praotitioaer, MHMaaejei let bUhßg to i.| .it i lasocif dan^.r..iis inf.. tioiis dm< a>o win. -li be
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  • 529 3 A UKVIKW Ilk IMtOOC .>! tli h work, Vladimir, i l.ile of llsl Diplomatic Mission to Ct.-.i. win!.- i.-.tiiii.' a p«> iid.niyiii il:.i;s intfuiiunally su^estive .mhraii'l U.issiau lulri^'iii', Ii is sied Ins iub}< it mat* w i ii<- taint of tbo bistorian taw of tbo diplomatist.
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  • 1170 3 Bi.siiiif Thol.urn ol tbe M. E. Church is npeeWdon Friday from ('alcutta. He .-|iisc,,pul supervision of the American Methodist. Mission, ami will bold t biannual Mission Conference in Singapore tliib rreek aud the next. Dr. West aud Mr. Pykett are oomiD£ with him from Pcming.
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  • 107 3 A I'»K1 IAHCRTAIT |iH)K-r bus IteeO ig-U.-.l k'-miif the ii-|.ln". of Her Maj.'-t v'm Kepretentative* abroad to a. circular lm< r xeot by <l K imlirl.-v calling for reports on bountien other than tboep <>v shipping and uaTigatioo. With i i;ar 1 to Japan, Mr.
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  • 108 3 In October, a numl or cf estate assistants in Dli fortneil themselves into a mutual belp association, and soon the nuni'.r of members rose to one hundred. This asßociation sets itself for object to assist those member* who might get into financial difficulties through illness or from causes
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  • 370 3 Thi first |>orlion of a historical narrativ.- has bata commenced by Mr. W. A. P rfcetsnn, C.M.G in tin- January iaW of the iaiajal Quarterly. He deals" with ih.; oily history of The Strait-i Settlements." Thi veryuirly history it> briefly alluded to. but Mr Pi'kering
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  • 736 3 Routir's Paris .' ut on tho l:Uli Jaiiuirv At a Cnl.iuel Council helil at the Elj to-day, M. Berthelot. Minister K..r'i/n ACata, aaaaaaaal It his asOs gmmtk* i!,.-Aiijfl"-Fr.'ii<-h agteeaMal vsgaraUtjg si*in riajaal fsastaatjr, Ae.-ordinjrto th majag*men' BMtaaasVOf tho Mfki.inf is lak.-n nl tl.e Imiiud .ry
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  • 62 3 The four junior officer*, nhortlv expected out in tb^ Strait*, are a.ti.l to be Mean™. Walker. Hamilton. MacCaualand. and Dirkaon. The first two are for Perak ami the others for Selangor. Mr. Walker is a »>n of the preaenl Arting Governor of Ovli.n. and Mr. Hamilton ia a
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  • 71 3 Kam (Juan Bian. the late cashier of the Netherlands Trading Society, arrived at Penaug. in custody, on tbe 7tb instant. The neit morning the prisoner was brought up before tbe Ist Magistrate, .barged with criminal breach of trust in tbe sum of $148,000. The prisoner desired
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  • 211 3 Bbpoke tbo middle of last month, the lirst general lueetiug wan to beheld of tbe new I,'iis- -1, i Bank Although a K us,, i Cm lies- bank, it is Kreueli a pita I .it. l l n that predominates No less than tive-piuhths of the fotiudation
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  • 521 3 OWktm oK lI.IHNi.S AT KIIAN..HAI aWajini fU January l liirt..-. ii houses collapatxl vaster. Liv al ruonu in SewarJ Roa<l. Honjfkow. r»-tiltini< in tbiTo.lcathgand severe injuries I), i.i; n, flirt, ,l on four i iti>. Tbe li. is. s formed tbe sveond row of a k of dwellings
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  • 158 3 BaiTl B tl i .N l> I A ST K A M NAVH.ATH-N COMPACT. I.IMlIKIV I 01 II. s \v.. I N i i U4WTT4 Tli« Cmmmy't RtM— t PKNTAKttTA •J.J'rt' ("Ms, Captain <;, v in, will I* d«ip«tc-h»d for the »U,v» prtt A., I i., y tl,.. IJih
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 Condy's Fluid I ,1 in all Hospital.*. CAiiSiE, LOTION, INJECTION 1 I Rat s,-c ritr..«ls Diphtheria, W'ttunJ* Sfirrt. li|*,T», c.»..t1..f- ssj-rtSisßiS Condy's I lu id with m llook aaWManma
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    • 206 3 I NOTICES. KATZ BBOTHEBB General Store. MESSRS. KATZ BROS. BEG TO AMNOUNCb THAT THEIR ANNUAL CHEAPCABHBALE will tike place in tbe premises they at present occupy IN BONIIAM btfasasaVj COMMENCING ON the 25th day of January, and rnmisTO oa the 15th of February. Silk Table Covers, Velvet Table Covers, Linen
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    • 708 3 FOR RALE; KMnX)YMENTH; TO LIT; AM) I'KIUONALH. c Xt iimk, 15 centH a linn. 2nd snd .'lrri tim.w. lOetntaahaai 4th to HO. »lm«a, 5 cant* line 7tli lo 18th timra. 3 teBJH s line; aft.r»r«rd», 2 rante liii« hut no ctutrg* Isss li«:i oiip itHar. Thu», it three line ndrertiM■eat,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 106 3 AKRANUEMKNI'.S Tikkhav. Him I'kkkiaki 11, -h Water, 1t.17 tm T tii^lm ciuli Daeoa Wki.nksi'ay. Uih raanatai Higa Water. 9.nta.aL l".'.:i p.m Miiui.'i|.al Oanienkeiaa. LM Thurhi>ay. loth Kkbklakv ■ash Wnter nXMaJa. ILfl |Mi. i Uneee N'w Year. Mink Holi.liiv No isMi'-of Wrmw Isase*. Baaki Omm, 11th Kkhri u:\ |M
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    • 1563 4 I i.der thin heading the followin|f abhrnvi- 1 >■'!• ar« naad: str.— «te»m«r j sh. ship «j.— barque Brit —British i U. B.— Unite.l Itatwt; Ft.— French Qer. German: Dat.— )nt*h; Joh.— Jobore *C O.c— Genera'. azgo; d. p.— d*wk paesenjrers U. Uncer- am T. P. W.—
      1,563 words
    • 136 4 .\.>//lr, /».</. „l 5,1t1., London. CurmnrtlieiiHliiri' J»u. li Ulouorcliy Jan. H Formosa, duo Feb. L>, Ayr. LlVERIO"!. Savona, .lan Kftmmin Jan. '.i DanUnni Jan. I Juson .Inn. I Pio IX. BUIMt. Kirkdale. (Uaai**. Caradoc, Oct. 17; Rirkmen, Nov £1, .I Rivorsdal... Holwrt Ki.'Um.T Hi'-].. ml Hii-kiii.T>
      136 words
    • 132 4 kss.Vs Ntat. Ton*. ait*:n. I Rio VMM 1» AM.inifi* i,r. .tr. MM \wt l« n»t«* Brit.«tr. Mi l'»ll.ti I" '»r HmUsiw but. 1..,. U.'S Within. 10 l'.-,<»r,*mtier Mr. »7 ll 11 P»k«n (Int. -tr SI i r 11 KintVui .tr. 7" N,-,M«h I,' tr WUlmumcb 11 Bopbi« Rio.mer. (ier.
      132 words
    • 106 4 IUTI. Vihil'h Nim. Flag .v Klu (.'APTAIH. }J -tr. Mta rimnH vi. port. JO >tr«t|,,l,.. ltr K,,r«Mli |liuu...i>.l U. f. 0 11 Wilhalm tr am<ti^s I J. U U tit. > lu.,«r.| Mu«r Hob «tr. In HUM l l «tr. Courten«y S.m»mn K rta K..n W N1M) ,.,»1. M,.«r
      106 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 638 4 NOTICES RIPPINGiLIE'S >-*m OIL COOKING STOVES jBjM-m WUI 4* all tl»t o.n b. don. in th. B«MJ^^^^^^M»-^\ (MSjsL «.j .f cooklnjbr Sl^^3VmM^^M «Sfi ( Ont 10 (IjlTiT'..' 1..14na BM7^sEBC9mK; v5iS\ IK; ''tE NKKOBUINED THROUGH >RONMOIIbtRS.Na«tI*«r( jflfa^ > 'JHUH^ 7 3 H.' MID IND -TORf H«« ITS IN Al L PtRTSOF
      638 words
    • 424 4 NOTIUJib. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL roil Tiir. IM i M Colds, Coughs, Influenza, and SORE THROAT. jCVj» S^<f\ tr»«liig ««i*h. f(j/o?i*i V^\ laaie*: iiipmI f T -c«X^>- 1 I Ms) louiea I I CHERRY 1 I"- ■>'■■«.. V^tftrTntCfr/^J fr"' l -»•■•->■ \JXSTOr-'>Ky r-ortkeearsol V2S^s\y Ci.mii.WMM. vlOS\V^ lßfOoaa».MW Throat,
      424 words
    • 691 4 MEDICAL STORE. If, Rakkllh Place. V1...!.. MM Retail OMMMM A Dru^gixt*. 17 I have the MMSB) to inform the public 'V tliat fr. in Jan. Mi, the MWNhMM-ishiin-iit will).. i>|m'ti"il as a Medical Store. rtfMJM accinviteiy m.-.ile up according t(i I the recognised I liv MsMMst*, hv Mr. ft 4
      691 words
    • 981 4 N(/ftOEb rvRCHID. .1. I). A. Pr.RtllU n 1 i.-h-kim- and nmsT. I.M I iK AND EXPOBTKB or )K. H I OfMta for Boii(|Ußt .'■prajK. Ac. Ac Oivfully and promptly executed. i'li.-.i-.-hi "oum> in the Trade NUKSEKY. OXLEY huAD. ua. A«tr**a M Is. rrhard li. ad, Taiijrlin. RILFA HAB6REAVM k
      981 words
    • 229 4 NOTICES^ "^CONUTS. "i^buan-boSS: fiOM-MLS -lON AOENCr Thr u fVSOIALLY SELECTED FOB \J limmmi OiajfMj, 1.i,ni,.,i. \.!"T* PT ANTING nd I"- 1 r I icpsrwl to rcud^r A I. t» S f CilitilS «.,,1,,! a AWIJ BSer.«.IW8 Ser.«.IW f U r< >"'^ nl d E w 4< JOSEPH BAKEK, j^
      229 words