The Straits Times, 29 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 189(>. NO. 18,a55
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 893 1 sTEAMSHIi' COMPANIES I) orriCE. Collycr Quay. S\ WHARVES. New Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Hiram lor i hln«. Japan. Prmtiw. ir)lon. ln<lln. iiislriill". Adrll. I.g.M»L rlnrorllli".. lillirallar. Mmllii. RiindlMl. »rnlr«\ Plvmoulh. an<l l,oml«iii. Timing*. l*iil» f Lading l^aaed fur ..„.< .1 ■■II Urn OOTWiBD HoMCWAR'I ia*s 1MB M»i Ji I Air.l.
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    • 768 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIKB. I"VK K<iM>Kl,l.lhr: I'Ah't'l VAAKT MAATbCHAPPU. r.iiirrc.iitnu-t with th» Netherlands India GoTirnment iaaaaW m% tlmmwpmi ShipAobbct. l»t« I. Uuuamut 4 Oa\« M> OaaaW <!>**■ K%jm**4 Will be D«oateh*d to (n fr»m Bal ria. J'tli. I enai.jf. Atj.-h. Pa.lanr. vU way port* .Kith Jsn n 1/ oarahara. I7lfc. tonraViaya, Kali.
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    • 268 1 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANB. BBPAIBS PBOMPTLT BXIOCTIP. 5,000 GUILDERS REWARD. By virtue of tlieNctlierlainls In.lia January. IHOfi, \i>. 1, a reward o\ f 5,000 (five thousand guilders) will l>e paiil by the Government of the Nctlicilaiuls Eaßt Indies to any |)tuxon or BOTMbbbj who shall gift such infomiatioii
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    • 793 1 INSURANCES CAMtiN INSCRANCE OTFIOB LIMITED. Oasttal "-rl M pus SB*. Aaouu* |*|.I up |ou aaa. Illln- Iliad BMIUSI Hi.. 0,,,c5. BJoeeVw* t »**»*s»i»imM L«..r f besaapaoisM Aa^taretia* Coaipaar r- raparsa to aessyl Marian Btaks ia* um*t rabs. A i!».,,u. Is aesnallr aa»l to 1 assMrk. i.utonoc bwiow. >liMh*r tbanbolJan or
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    • 461 1 INSURANCES. THE STRAITS INSCRANCE < V PANT, LIMITED KSTAHLIBHCII 1883. HBAoOrricK, Binuapobk. Capital Fully Bub*erib*<l »3,olrV..aV<l Cspital Paid-up BVaVQt* Re-erve Fund 2»1,'J30 Balance of Working Account to Sl.t Dff^mher. 18fl+ S 44H.1W CaahAaseta $1.46U.J18 A. 8. M I KKA 1 Secretary SHIPPING FOR DEBBY^ PEARUNii BBOUBDB HROOME, COSSACK. ASHIIUKTON. QASOOTirK,
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    • 979 1 banks. 1 (CHARTERED BAVI I'r* INDIA J AISTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPURATKUHYROYALriiARTKR. Capita] naou.ow BBSBUTB i i\i il. nv of l'n.i.r«t irH £MJU,(Ni<i l;V.i-r UVE KUND C3J5.000 (Hank Of KsiiUNl). ll.AtfD. HANKKCS I VaTIOHAI. BAJII >r Bco r (Thk ri v Hai»k Ltd. Im i- -t on riXF.i> I)t i-.MT-For 12
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    • 403 1 1 Nonota. r,HAFED NUm. Pile«, Insect ***** and StinK-,ScaldH,CuU, Sore Eyrs. S 11, hum, K»r-;.i-lu, Nrura|u;ii- »rj l_ Khi'utnatii: I'hii.-. llirr.iit (:»ldn and Skin AilioutiU quickly relieved l.\ use of ("Ai.vKßr'x CaIBMJC OUlBasil laWfl pots I*. I Jil. aaea (Knj^lish rat») at rii.-nn-N and StririH. P. C 1 fALVKRIS: C..,
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  • 503 2 LATEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS SiHuAPOBB, JJih Jam art, l«*(j. PHOUUCF. (iambier S.lo. do Oube No. 1, 12.45. do do No. 2, 10.00. Copra Bali. 5.85. do PontUuak, ,S37^. ftapet B.m-k DM, Sa<.i Flour, Sarawak 2.85. do Brunei t.W. IV^rl OjikO 3.55. Oorf«<> bali, 40.<>0. '•oiw> L.ljprian, No. 1 43.50. Tamo™
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  • 63 2 h\r Per ,tr. To-Monbow. IlitaviaA SalUM'&llf. MlM I .fliUi na port* (ifntraal Ptl liooif ouf 4 Japa- Samaniig r port-. Mm A,.l Soiiru>i.»y!t ijt i^irti-. Fkidat. .%lul 00 I t uar, Hrtf,u, KUnir <ii |Kiitr, H...ij/ Huh. Itengkuik. 1 Uwal*!"*' Si i I KliAT. fr. m-ii.tJ- in i«.rts
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  • 106 2 Ki. .m Ui ajn -Hy tbi- P.i U.i s, .Minapor, <lv» on -hi- Kil.. ualilate- ti> the l"th Jan Sb« l.rii):- rspliaa to thu uiaiU wbioh Uf Sin(f»iK)r.i •i dtt AM ami 17tli Ho<-. f fmam China By th<- P. A i >. ».n. IWkasMr, H:ic (in
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  • 329 2 ARRIVALS Pt»r h Heat? trom Bangkok —Mr. Vi|>ou,ainl Mr. i.n.l Mn. 1,-c-l. Per s. s. Ijcioit from Peoang i Bialiop Ho<m>, a il I.ieut J <>z»r. IVr a. Rtij-ih llrouki from Sarawak Mr. J. H. ly-uje ht, aud Dr. aud Mrs. belhi... Pb-- a, Uye Leo*g frum Teluk
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  • 24 2 KxrAKLinHKD 1831. PRiCE: 10 CENTS. I [Snb*(^ijit\on rate* and advtrtiting rate* may i# found on the fourth page.] WKDttSDXT, Z'.Hh JANUARY, 1H96.
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  • 213 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. BKiiisH pouwri rauor. ..ITIWITION "ITI-ORr TO THE OOVERNMfM London, iiHth January. Sir H. 11. Fowler, Uu- Secretary of M ite for In lia in L >rd R .vhvry's Ministry, hit delivered a s -eh at Wolverbauipton. Inthissjioech, Sir H. H. Fowler declared that the OppoHition must support the
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 408 2 ALL WERE FOR THE STATE. It is aaaaaajjag tbat, in these troublous tunes, a lmtm§ member ol the Opposition, who .speaks with weight and authority, should impress upon bis party Hie lut-essitv ..I' loyal co-operation witb the Govern incut. Tbe Opposition, it it true, fur some years i« unlikely to
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  • 16 2 H. M 8. S<ifi-u4iu arrived at Hmi^Loni; j ou tbe --li I in-uiit Ire in .Singapore
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  • 17 2 The Biaajaaaaa Sport i:n; Club ha* how i 493 active members as against 273 in 1 >iil
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  • 16 2 Hi .ii.n Hose .ni.l Lieut. Tuner arrivi-il from I'l'iuu.' tlni iDurniii^ on board tbo Irii. n.
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  • 15 2 II MS. MtH* Ml tbe harKmr at a i|iint.T |> at>t ii-ii thin inorniiii,'. sailing. ■eetwara
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  • 20 2 Uuii .1 nun you uk. it to tbe Iril bouse," would be an abrui.t war of PMaiflßg a |i4.'l>Ul
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  • 22 2 I hkei is ti> l.c a NftNhtM this alternooii vi« et Ht Ibll at tb« JuDction of Scotts Road aud Sti-veos Koari.
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  • 20 2 Tin: 4M|M HnU-1 baa been traimlt-rreJ to Mr. Jobann Husmier, who In- *.-«iiu..- 1 tin- iiidiiakfi-iui-nt mil lli- lit iusUot.
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  • 24 2 Tiik I. 40.1 I MfcaBJMN left Colombo i at 1 i' hi. viMt« r dav (Tursday), and may 1m- tUaotaa on Wrduesday in<.iuiU|f lit-ii
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  • 24 2 Dilk a huudrel ponies an ia tniaiug 1..i the Raw Meotiug, to ba.- held at long. konc »v .JOth. 21st, and 2JuJ Febru.ij ccit.
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  • 27 2 Sii.ios ba» lia>l v strike of the BMiktt umJ butchers, owiu^ lo tlir li iVT ii* >;<■, lillpOS J OU tU»lll Im <il' 'i H ri uiiut monopolists.
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  • 32 2 A iiRANHEiis-NT' bave li. en made at I Hongkong fur a public missionary meeting 1 there, to commemorate the centeoa'y year of th» London Missionary Society, which falls tbis year.
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  • 41 2 Tun Hoiiirkonp Ice CompnoT's a< counts for 1895 show that, inrlulint; $1,969 brought forward from l*st rear, »ud after deducting flO.OOO paid as an in' 1 rim dividend, the balance at credit of |.r ht aud loss is $89,724.
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  • 39 2 Tbi team of tbe Singapore R»cieation Clul.. to tfo to P.uing and ilav there again«t the I 1 .hhu< Recrettion Club during the Chinese New Year holidays, will leave !>y the Secundra on Tuesday, the 11th February.
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  • 42 2 At tbe Assizes this morniug, Mm Mr Chief Justice Cox, Tan lynni', who pleaded uot guilty. wa« convicted and sen'rnced to Dine mouths' imprisonment for kidimpping i a Chinese infant, a girl of two JftHl of I age. from lawful giiardianNhi|i.
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  • 51 2 Mk. Stanley, the billiard pi iver, is in Sink.M|.o'e aud. ou Saturday evening, will play a match witb a local amateur at the Waverley Hotel, coucediug a start of 500 in a game of 1,000 up. Mr. S'anley is sbo> tly leaving for Bangkok, H .nyk uu. and
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  • 74 2 CAiho U*U hears tbat the dividend for tbe half-year of tbe Hungkonr, Macao, and Canton Steamer Co. will be 11.30 per share, or at the ra'e of 6% percent, for the six month- As tbe dividend for the first bnlf of last year van 6 per 1 ent.,
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  • 90 2 It is rriiorted that Captain Jack*, an Australian prospector who discovered a ri.'i quutz .eef about three miles north of Smnalata, iv Celeli-a, ha: arr.ii.,' d with English capitalists to send a miuiug expert out to Cii.iie. to test the !<> 1-. It is euid to be
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  • 75 2 London. 20th January. AT tl.i> fete* on the occasion of tin- twentyfifth aiinivnraary of the fuundiug of the Oerman empire, the Emperor William, in a speech, appealed for the closest unity to enable him to protect German* abroad, if requirod. Part.. 4UI January. Th« Italians are b<Mie(«d
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  • 96 2 Shanghai, Ultk Janua,^. Tub late Japanese Minister to Corea, Mr Mi lira, has beentrn-J on tbe charge of being concerned in the recent attack on the Palaoe at Seoul. He stands acquitted. I> ia agaiu nUtted that the t^n-.-n of Corei, formerly believed to have Ik^-u killed
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  • 231 2 I bkbi m.f, (jreit e-xcitemeut iv Buggis Street. North Bridge Kua.d, and adjoining thoroughfares, last (light and iv the earlj bours of this morniug. It s -ems that, for several nights past, the Chinese iv that ueigbl>*urbood have be.;u greatly mtnkmi by th. .ppearaure of a ghost,
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  • 348 2 Mk. De Bunsen, the Britinh Minister at Bangkok, has we.ved the following official telegram re<ardiofr tbe Mekong Convention between Britain and Kraa. The Sfrreement betivnon France and Great Britaia. aifrnnl on tbs l.'iih inataut, wu pub li.hod in The Gazette on the 21at. It ia therein provided
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  • 964 2 i;i>li DAMN Vol i TAKK IT To Till DtAD h i *DJ"fR>««D INUI'RAT TO DAY Tm HlVriioou Dr. MuglisU.n, Cor uer resumed his euquiry into the t j r cuiustances surrounding the pnuli, death of Tan Tin Yaug. a coolie, n Geueial H^pital ou
    964 words
  • 89 2 lias bruki-ii out at Hi-ea-rlier tlidr usual ilnx year, but, till ifcs HU mstint. ileilln lr,.ru il w.-ie to I lie u.itive popvlaMMß. On tbat d^.', M tii- Railway •lull ..i it after* few ■nnn* iHunt Ib* Bmm h'r,f Press nils attention t.>tb.- f.-«r-fully msauiUrv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 878 2 NOTICES. m HI BOBKRO COMFANT, LIMITED. A f rpiiK Standard Life Aasnrmnoe. JL N..i» .rh Fim Ininraaos luetstj AtUs asaasaaatOssaaaaf (rise), The BaMMMI Life Asmhiik* Sucict}'. TheOown Harajl Inm. mice Company, lie Chios Mutusl Heava Havaßlasai Compaa*. Tha 1 iti.Di. nn Uaast i r Oaavaan;. Hrn Mantua* luuiau.w Caaaaay,
      878 words
    • 1096 2 NOTICES. 1 The Straits Tillies has the largest circulation of any newsi.aier in Asia. Bntish India exceplecs. It circulates in Singapore and i Peuang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- nines, and French lndo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has
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    • 508 2 LATEST ADVERTISE}! I.NTS. GRAND INAUGURATION Elito Skating Rink RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. I'omm- nrina nn Wedmtd'iy mmimm, at ft MX S MAKkS has M.eurixl a lari(e number of" K«U Beariig Roller skates with ail the latest im rov.-ni.iits cf.i.. us f .inn Il■il p. in Ev«uiiif(. Session H to
      508 words
    • 70 2 M.H.H. <Kl*»<U4 ft IU Strwt TimM «10,,.a l. turn many W.SA an rtpeUA IKtt mSfkt »U.n*U, k. easji I^.l. .«!1 ->t'ni\.i:,j ';i lra,-u ,n tr -„,1.1, I XanltxiujioiK <»• c4nrluM'ii> < ..I «f 11. |««T ia uu *rM> matter, (ml «.< mm. i»i fur ia t > •u(a monfK.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 VV EAT H K R REP(J K T isTo«.Jatw sTroian ll^i.Uai, Ml JeMOMfBi UM. >»»• 3p.«. » RiuakvBar. ret. Fal.. J.i: *0i9.7!iaj;i.!103 ren»|i --I.U b 1.3 .8 2 a Wrt Kuib Ther. 77.U :7.8 Ti 4 >><r tt w. .1 X.X Calm N.E. f'l thu i... ia ..i j^ Jlax.
      95 words
    • 135 2 A'iUANUKMENTS. Wtn.NKsiiAY. I'.hu JaRUAM Hiijli \V*i.t. Hi :>:! p.m. Tan.rU Cut) II P.iieivhdsr. Be .11 a Boftd 5.M i p Slatm* If in k KalHs I'lt.r. 6 j I'lll K>l>AY, .il'lH J.INI AMI Hiafc MTu«r. :> ."jJ .i.ui. 117 p.* Full Moon. :{.:,1 a.m. Ckitt) IWi-MMaa K., Manu.' '.uli Ifwtiag
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  • 1213 3 TH E RA UB CANCELLATION. rm „RlO!!«Al.OoNri»sii,'. I* new of the BMOtteaj of tli,' Malar Peuinaula Pros| at tiog „n| a uird for to nuaider wlmt ttOM I" tiki.n.' ihr OMOJOaiofJ ii li'Ml in Kauh, n.iw OModM br the MmM| CkX ennnent, i.iwing „f tha Ha iy nr*ot of
    1,213 words
  • 46 3 .•I Un ..I th.' ITlli mataul popon Mja that Qeneral ii inlhnriaad bj .■linn to IfM, aud ibat hut <iuvornor-Oeneral PbilippiMaa l j a» beeu a|j|>o,° 'ed to a •Itioa in Culm SeiV.r |),.a|.ujol, rL<,r-iien. ral of tbc lJhiii|- baM ai.fHiintnd Captain-Oet.etal 1 atalosu
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  • 272 3 THE RUNAWAY ON TH E ESPLANADE. PIIIVATI. UTOM Til Till! REMOVE I'hk t.tak mt ihr I'riunpal IoOJ Mdi'Of ol the Strmtr Tiff ih hMMtiof ,latlt ■ON on. rou*. an ,1 he is ardently will n'. that either himself or the Moral i»t. whotist call.'.] HtMti 1,, the matter, ha I
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  • 278 3 TO Till. KMTOR lIP THK -11:111- I Itl r> Sir. t7il| kiu.llv inn-rt the tullowing it your vnlualj!.- |i.j*run tin- Wth inalani, with a view of justly recogi izing IM II t!8 of Ounter L-kLii. RA io ItlOOjptiojr, to ■SOB a runaway hulw* M ili" hpl.ina.lf, on urn Muiooteat
    278 words
  • 150 3 L'hk Simm tr.. l'r, f 1..-I f*os Hrii Ci ii-n]n will h\h rt:v li" appointed to'i- poati im .Sinn. .Mr. floufcotl htl n onti 1 oi vi. UiUhe up bit b*m irt i Kill .ml .1,/ His dutriet WIH ii.clv.liK i.r.o iboa, BuMn.
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  • 633 3 THE PERAK SUGAR CULTIVATION CO., LIMITED. Tin' raport nmi n....iiuts tin- IVnik .■>n_'tt Cultiva mv Co., liimiled, In tl." :ilst Orl.dMT last IM MM |il!il'ali,',|. I'lir li.ilan.r ■>) working aeooaal if Tls. ir.'-'Tii, ami the net InUiin. ut profit is Tls 10JBM, alinit 4:(. r > Mf i-.-nt. od ll
    633 words
  • 1707 3 Nothin'i it wore n led Ht tbe present liiin- than inch a work m Piofessor Bu rows'* titl.- suggests: a H story of Foreign Policy. The nulij- admits of Iretmeul m two d fl.-rent iiiiiiikth. A water who wishes to trace tin- iuaia cause* which have
    1,707 words
  • 933 3 Oue of tb.> niaiii'iiii h' iw I'li'iits n SI 1 W „|,.'liml.|||. j-iJJ reifi.iu IS the fie <j In v w.i li which uewii loiuc- in'o t i. nm| ol frenu dincov. ries yet fun her afield. N< soouer do* the iuf'inu.tliou
    933 words
  • 1357 3 |i i- .io«» upon a halfci'iiiurt •in.-c Mrs. «>li]>:ia:ii -,t ,-ote. her first book. Flepuiak's wife is a alight. |UU woman i dark, with )(rey eye*, and an intensely ititsreatin>r MMi The iafaal Nmi Oiga of Ruuia, sat» Hu.naii. bids fair to bwouiu the moat idnli-ed lioyal or
    1,357 words
  • 87 3 Kur Calcutta >i.i purts, J'uu.imu. M '.".'.h Jan ■apataai 4 o*. lVuan; and I alcutU, AWyd.o. dv.- 2v«a Jan HouNad i. O. j;it« port-.. 11 kaMssaaa. d ut. ao h J»n., \V. Man. ti. I 1 v I Meitein AiiHir.iha faaaaa*, M M K»I., >V ktaMaWi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 Kui; UKNtKAL SUll'PlNti NKWI SEE PAUU i.
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    • 71 3 NOTICEBr McATJSTER~I^tt in lir M ■a it ia AIE NOW tINPACKIN. 1 ir b te n 'I SHIPMENT OF tr I J a il One 01 the Finest n I I ASSORTMENTS i KI,E(TR()-PLATE i BVEB SHEWN IN SINGAPOBE. I AND KI.MAKK A1'.1.l FOR c^ujLXjxrr-Y 1 s AND HUITABI-K FOX
      71 words
    • 976 3 i'OU BALE; KM PLOYMENTN TO LKT; AND TKIMONALA. Ist time, II eentn a line. 2nd and ;)rH Maaa, 1< i,t«a linn, ith tntith limes. renta line; 7th to 18th tiiu.s. a line,' afterward)., h 2 rent« a line hut no charge lefts th in one dollar. Thun. a three litu
      976 words

    • 1337 4 I'miw thin hondin* ">• following alibreri- t,,.n« Wm u«fl: itr.-stenner; sh.— ship ■h> barquß Brit Bntiah 0. S.— United ,>», w Fr— French; <}er.— Germau: Dut.— Dutch"; Joh.— Johor.,; Ac.. O.c— General .»r,fo, .1. |>. de-h IMW»D(r»r« Uncertain; T. K W.-Tanjong Pa*ar Wharf T P n— Tunionir
      1,337 words
    • 217 4 Wmtt, Port, ami Date of Sailiu.j London. Radnorshire, Dec. 2<t; Bombay Dei\ _>1 Formcmt, due Feb. 1:1; Avr. Ulenorchy. I,IVtKIO"l. Oolong, 1 >a\ i'ii i. -Ian J 1 Iiiou, doe .1 .n -> Bellerophon, <lu« .Jan i Laertes, due Feb. 3 i Nestor. Glasgow. Keemun. Kirk.U Qiniom. I
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    • 141 4 XI.A A M Mmy Nor. I*,. 11l Ar<i«r~>ii 28 K<J iticknmr- <!er. .1, i*;; War lniMim V 8 lieni« Hoik K«n iirit. »>r. '■>> Knnntli rtr H ti <>uoil .;< N«m Vonf tr nt tViu M Will O'llie Wi.p .tr. |i« Nioul I'lielyilnt »tr. ||H r M 211 Vurw.rt*
      141 words
    • 80 4 I 'lll VHMKLU Nut J»u Bi< h -f» Amur 1* N.tM.' .:> Ki.iiA.wi •.9 Ch«.ii|cHwk Xl I' .-.I U'l Nun Yunif UdTMU Stow. Uodara v Sii PoLtiuuk I»IH Hr.t.i -ii -lr -Ir. -tr -lr »tr. •tr. »lr -Ir MM .tr 1'U1.1,. C'AITAIN. DbbUl Kuii tl. WI..M. I «..■> s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 531 4 NOTICES. McALISTEE Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FUESII SHIPMENT OF WATSON&Co 8 V V O CELEBRATED I Mb *^jVSV P W $U P3t> CaB Whiskies /^wl&SPr/VSX D T Pau> in Pah- \^CS^w jfift-f Uotv I'aii Me ALIST E It liffl. vuurba VINOLIA IS A REKINEI) BOAP -s»^ It keeps the
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    • 707 4 KOriCES The Most Perfect Disinfectant Known to Science. V^^^atfa^HßLi^^aH^Sf^lv^ Fragrant, Non-Poisonous Does not Stain or Corrode. I romider thf Sanit\< preparation^ to br »crl!cnt. add u« th»m in my own hiM«<v ISirl CHARLES A CAMERON MD. F.R.5.C.1.. *c. I/./-., (\<ll, f t t*J*|»i '■■<*'. .!/«/<,«/ Offiar e/Htmltk /i> P«i/.». P:ini;>hh
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    • 223 4 NOTIUEB. KATZ BROTHERS General Store. MESSRS. KATZ BROS. Ma«l ANNoUNCfc THAT THEIR ANNUAL CHEAP CASH SALE will take plate in the premises they at present occupy IN BONHAM STREET COMMENCING N the 25th day of January, and iv rmnn on j I the 15th of February. 1 i t^ilk Table
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    • 150 4 KOTHJJM. JOSEPH BAKEH, CoNFICTIOHI* A»D VIKKNA BaIK. BEOS «o inform the li*<liM and Gentlemen of Singapore that he ha« op«n*l a Confectionery aud Vienna Bakery. »U». Victoria Btreet, next to the Convent. CHRISTMAS. NEW YEAR CAKES, and weddinß Cake* at modoraia char»j-i., and all oilier diffment kinds of e*koe of
      150 words
    • 138 4 BWIVW KELLY WALSH, LtS NKW BOOKS. IRONCLADS IN ACTION. I v H. W. Wilson, with introduction by (apt. Mahan. 2 vols. IMmiltoil. $18 Qfl THE CHINA-JAPAN WAR, l, v Vladimir, illnxtratml jj. V PEOPI.K I'OLITUiS OF THK FAH KA^T. by H< ury Nonn«.i fUM FROM FAR FORMC BA. by MacKay
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