The Straits Times, 20 December 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times i:sTABLISIIED:ian. SINGAPORE, Fill DAY, DECEMBER 2(), 1895. NO. 18,804.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 915 1 STKAMBHIP COMPANIES. P 1 1 OFFIOE. Collyer Quay, V\ S\ WHABVIB. Nc« Harbour. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Slrjim for < Mnn. Japnii. I'liiiinu. i Imliii. I'iotrallii. Ailrn. lu>|il, ■araeWca, <;ihr»ltar. Malta. ItriiHll* 1 Vciilit. I'bniotilli. anil I. .mil. in. Tfcrma-h Bills nf Lndlnc l«%ed f..r iwwraawa Pmtt. Mail Line (hi w
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    • 1356 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. J y. KOMNKMJKK I'AKtTVAART MAATBCHAPPLL r.-,,,trwl with the N».ti...rl*vh> [n.-lia 'J. ..'..riiini m. i A" r 'h |S'"' Shu-AoKwcy. i.atk .1. Harndki.h A t0,84, OoiXtaat«)a)A\r Bsneotoa fr,,,,, Will l«.»I)o S|«»tch«l to 0a BMMrkalM. 1.t.'.. Siak 15,.,,|,. I'iU, A-ahai,, an.l Deli. l!»tl, Ntenkuf*. Wmmdm. ,7.h. baii I|j.-r,n.m..n. Mai i.aut,
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    • 715 1 NOTICES. W. ROBINSON CO. jrftL PIANOS V.ohnr^Mandolms. J^^^^t monthly pa" mknts, thi NEWEST soni.s. *bbbbUbl i«Sr*a»'i^^a Kachals, Brinkmkak. M \mß SBsJaBBaT TaAKBPOSiso. cahix. VIOLIN MUSIC. i^EaaP^^*MlSp CA P AND bunoaljOW 'Mill "it /aaaaE XA.ANOS--4 and 5 forSI.'X). •JiaS^^aßßrJPT^^j^! I'ianos for Illrr IXSUKANCBS. (^1 A NT< )N I .VSURANCE OFFICE MMITEI).
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    • 834 1 I [NSORANCE& i'a«8t»AiTs FiK« Insurance Co., Ltd. m \Ancui\ciom. i i I in tub mmranmii nvmu I A8vSi;kance uo., ltd. fir* r jlm accepted »t rarrtet naa. MM j '•nptHil f'nlW Piih«Tibcd A-9.li00.000 fapitnl Paid-up e. 2R0.00O Aa»ets £4,000.000 "•otal Tnvated Funde. £3 40O.00 > Totnl Annual Income <1 -684,000
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    • 411 1 BANKS. TJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI XI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 5,5(1U,(MH) WM>PWBTORs". T Y l l]"' M) <**> Court or Dikcctom. J KKAMKR, E»4.— (,'halbmam. MrCOXACHIE, Enq.— Dtnrrr CaAiBMAN. tt. »moo, j M j BiluUtim. s'.-i? M. D. Emiim. 5" c "»"«l>. O. B. DoDWiLU Crib Manasib. Honatoxa.—T.
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    • 626 1 NOTICES. ««M lefah, Parit, 1878 ISM. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S Of Highest Quality, and. Hiring Or.ate-t Durability, are Therefore CHEAPEST. »J»H« BOBNBO COUP AMI, LIMITED. rTUIE Standard T.i'e Aatarmao*. ■M. Norwich ttoioo Kiru Iniuraaea SateaaJ AUm tMNMi Coi:i|.no7 (K're). Th« aVfaAtfalt I a wnaji SiKi»tv. Tba Oc"tn M xiiih in 11,.,.,, c,,
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  • 23 2 E*TABLI*RBO 18: U. PRICE: IO CENTS. [Suljtcriptitm raim and adue-rlhinij rate* may be found cm tke fourth page-] KBIDAY. 80tb DEC.JWS
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    • 80 2 BRITAIN AND AMERICN. ACTION OF THE SENATE. an»i.un MMsMI :JOth MSHSBMr. The Seuat*-, on tbe motto iof Mr Morgan, the chan man ot the Fo eign Re'a'ion* CiiiiiintU'.- suu;orled by Mr Shenuanlias d- :.l-l t>> r lit th- Veu-zuelun Commmsioii 8 11 to tbe Foreign Relations Committee. Bith thes' SeuaUirs
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    • 510 2 THE ACTION OF THE U.S. SENATE. lin i'.'a«o:iable liesitatioii of tile i I nite<l Stateo Senate M the Vemyuelan (|iie»tion atMail marked i-ontriWt U> the haute of tli- Hou«e of Repieu.-nta-liveii in dealing with President Clev, lun.l pri|HiKal to appoint a Boundary mini- -i..n. The House paaged, at 3tice, llie
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    • 97 2 hi. claiui to tbu British lliroat-, it will be >iih mal.l. the 'ltMUouia aud TaiiKhu (Miliit shall Ut amaU vii.ii* I K.irtb.r, ik >Siugaj>ore Voluut«-r Artili.-rv luay then look tor rucruita auiou^ Urn itout \oudl; Urrmaii. who an- at |.re».-ut del.irred by the oath
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    • 43 2 Imk Strait* sy-Ul.-io.uU I'o.lal (iuid.: lor le!*6 ba. beeu mv.-d. A MHMI aud utewaid Im Ib.i ml bo«|>ital ut Kuala l,uin|.iir v .idwit,,-d fjr. The annual diatrdiution of M ot tb k»m luitnution will take |.U.« un Mond.x. tli.- J.dd la.Uul, at in
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    • 32 2 Tmk homeward I. A Pa. Let Ay I It l|..ii({li ii),' ut I |i in M-stt-rdav. and Ih- eii.t-i trd to airiv.' ai Ktk(f>|l >i. ...i I'iic.da.v niuiniu^. tli, Jlili iii.Uui
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    • 21 2 Thi annual report of the Howard Association allege* that the prisons of Burma and Singa|*re great I v MM improvemtnt. I
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    • 28 2 Tar. Rer. O M Reth will hold rvic- in tbe PrcbvU-risn Church at H a.«.. on j Christina! Day. aud at the .»au)e hour M New Year's Day
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    • 26 2 Tmic l»dy of a Chiniman w.n dis- overed vesteHav afterno -n in th.' Rixhore Canal, it was f.,i d-< I .i|H>«ed that idennfi. ition w*s iiniKisiible.
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    • 29 2 At the Philburniojiic Bori' ty come t M Mond»v. Iba v.«-ali»t-i ar- to k» I M Herrinjfu. Mrs. S»lim»nn. Mrs. B-11. Nf r Evatt. Mr. Newton, and Mr Dunman.
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    • 31 2 Tii.burapbk- advices from O**k* »tate that the capital. 3.(K10.0K) i,*«. for the new Japanese cotton spinning uu l.rt.ikin«n to be established in Shanghai. taken up almost before it was issu. d
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    • 39 2 Thb Perak pilice gig. describril iv an extract that yi-sterday we from the 1 Pirak Pioneer, wss not l.uilt b» tli hrm named, but was made to the order of Col. Walker by tbe New Harbour Dock Coy.
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    • 36 2 T«« Central Delivery Company notify > thit th»ir remaining sio. k M Christmas |M will be sold a' reduced prices. There is siuely «n invitation to bargain in tbe i unnouncement "no re.uouable offer will be refused."
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    • 39 2 Cti'iAis Lipajjeof the I /y*».-*. who hss l>een is Alfre.l Holt's employ for sixteen i vmrs. is »aid la hay» lef« service. Ciptain Lipage retires from the sea, aim has beeu appointed a director of several West Australian Companies.
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    • 38 2 A Chbhtmah piouianuiic will be given in the Lecture Hall ti the AiikloChiaese Si-bool on Sunday afterno..n. at 3.45, when a life size crayon portrait af Dr. O'dhtiu will be unveiled—a gift to the trhool from Mrs. Oldham.
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    • 46 2 This afternoon, at Messm. Pow-ll and Co'« rooms, tbe steasner Wirlitwl l>ing in a damagel coudition at FsMijoats] Pagar Wharf, was put up to auction. Thbidding was very slow. The highest bid was lol.lHHl and at this tigurc tli. sjtl was withdrawn.
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    • 53 2 S ■> alterations have bee > made iv the programme of Christauas (>»lf. A telegram was recived yeaterday from Mr. Hurt ..i Batavia. rcgrettiug that he would beuoable to rome. M.i.r< Ribertson, Hose, and Stevens sre. however, >-i| -I to-morrow. It is probable that Lieut. McDougal will play
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    • 58 2 A Miiißin telegram in the Cnmtrem, dated oili mutant, states that the MMMM under Srs. Navarro and Valdrn m*t ikt Cuban insurgents under Maximo Oom-z and, who su.-r— d-.l in MsaWMM a foi. of eight thousind iutur^ents. After sii hours' fi|(htin^, the tr.Mips assaulted U». <•■'-.
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    • 62 2 T«B B >inbay Customs have discovertd a series of systematic opium theft, from the railway goods yard by p-otis, in whoapoitessiou l opium to the vainof K-i i HIM) was found. The peous bad o|«nad the waggoua. aud, by tbe use of duplioite ke.ys, got at tbe
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    • 62 2 AN INSURANCE POISONER EXECUTED. Fkancu Xivita Konsk i, lately a rourt^ bailiff, M*Mml at li>iubity, ou the ?ih instant, for baWMg MMMJMaJ uiurder of an East lndi.ui. named Jii.irl.-r.. I'uarte. ac-d about forty years, by adiuiniat.<riug him a pill of strychnine poison ou May 17 lam. The poison was administered
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    • 63 2 With releraoee to the paragraph in ye«l-rdiiy's issue detailing th.- ih.-fi „i A aili.-r salver from Mr Dick's houw. we an- uiked to state that the ImMMbJ nervants were in uo way implicated. They ideutibed tbe salver when tbe thief was apptvbeuded, but that was their oulv
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    • 62 2 PRESENTATION OF HONGKONG MEDALS. A r Calcutta, the other da». the officers an 1 men of th« Shropshire K"|<iiuent, who took part in the suppression ol tbe plague io Hongkong, were presmtad with gold aod siWer lasdals. .twardol by the Hoai(koaK Coainittes. Twelve and .'!»>< i nnn-commisaioned •IBc.ra mi
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    • 80 2 THE MUNICIPAL CRISIS IN MADRID. MndriH.Stk Dtc-,,,1,,, N'.ihin.. ul iDteren! bus liap|H-ned in onoection with tb- meeting of th« '■inn. il of Miuistem. The tradi-smena anßin-iaiions barH arranged to 1,,,,--their shop* on Monday, as a proU-Hi against the ius.tion of tho Oovernuient in .ooneetion with the rb*r-.-» 1.r..u K ht
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    • 100 2 Thk Court of Kaquiry that \.,i»,. day to MMbM iuto the •in u.niitaii..attendiu({ tbe Wuruni^ of Mi. Uiilhl, ship Atoai, r.turiicd its bnd,ii)( yesterday aft.-r we went to press. After reciting tin- Mh elicits) in rvidenw, the OmH aaid "as regards the on^u of the tire
      100 words
    • 115 2 A NMU notice ob*ervm tha' ai (Jbrnt. ma« wamttmtm \herr v always a Ur K e in.r^a*- i it thf uuuil>er of letter* and 1.,,,, L ptrkrtt whicb am iua>J«eit...utly i.,,»i,j in.,.A. i^ntir fUfaii, and more pinti, n1.,,. Ij ot tboae i-oulaiuinK «'aid». In oidn i,> •».id »urcl»ar»{eii
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    • 61 2 Th», pUn'.ers' t>am is expected to irrive to-m>rrow oionvn^ early, aod the match against the 8.0.0. will commence some time durioff tbo forenoon. The following «i(»ht „I,t. r« will come: Messrs. C. O. Ulaaafoid. J U Olis»ford, McDoueal. (.'irey, Diider. 1/ Soil, A B Bcott, and Duuaan. The
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    • 88 2 THE SULTAN OFFERS TO VISIT ENGLAND. Thb L>ndou correspondent of the Manchrtter Otmritr writes It is reported that in t Ik- oiiimiinn at ion VMM tl"' I'riin- ill. int. •> read in tbe course of hia MM Ii -it Brighton, the Sul'an offered. atl.-r .In.- I'lnn'i'iD «f the reforms in
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    • 72 2 A vakiktt troupe of European aud Asiatic pUyers will op.'n at the Ad-lphi Hiill, North Bridge Road, on Saturday ni(;ht Tbe BisU>r« Tlic.rit.'ti and ceriain Japanese jugglers ar- alnadv known in Singapore, and w« b.-h.-y.- the conciliation deserve some mipp art, if only tor the fact that
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    • 104 2 The Fr.ema-sons of Western Peuusy!vania M to raise eight million dollam to build and MjMf a masonic university in Beav. r. Pennsylvania, by asking tfilj niason iv the country to subscribe 10 dols. It is expected that most mason-, would send their ions to the university, while the
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    • 180 2 Tiih. Sccictary of Stal.' bf India li.v asked the opinio"n of the Chainl«-r of Shi|. piug of the UiiiU-d Kiu/doiu with reference Io certain proposed altcr.itioiiK iv the form of agreement si({Di'd by In.lim s-iunen when engafjing in India tor MSMgra t.) foreign (■oiiiitric<. In its reply tbe Chamber
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    • 268 2 WAR MATERIAL IN THE UNITED STATES. Vll'K AI>MIK4I. I*. H. C'.M.oMH |.r.-«ld.|l Imii mouth, at a meeting of tl.a K'lvnl IJnitetl S-rvir.- Inatitut on, at which (\i|>taiu \V. U. JiK(Ues, late of tha Uuited State* Navy, r^a.l a pu|>er on The Pro-du.-tiou of' Mod, th War Material in tbe I'nit.-d
      268 words
    • 400 2 Ah the public have been satiated .ilmo-t to oauseousness with details of I lie Uvish <M|>-inliturft of AiiiTH.ui ■■■■lli.>ti^ir. n OTW tlie.r bNW and waya of livm*. ,iuJ then •ma vacantly costly wadatiM dniaga. thn following licit will probably MM with HMMM, "Ik Most'«l>l. of Hi-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 910 2 NOTICES. j The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsier in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout, all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipnines, and French Indo-Cnina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 606 2 LATKST ADVKKH3K.MKNT8. I «.r«n«1 4 nmbinallan Tr««P*. Of InofUl ami) AmiiK' A»TI«TM I At Um ADELPHI HOTEL NOfH Bridie I K falurn.y BUI »n<l following; n**^ B^,,~.»rwi.« oif lh« 8I8TBB8 THORKTON J,.m- «n.i Amy «u.l Mb. W. R»KD -n« Arti-I*.. Al«. the <ir««t lmp»n»l I JiauM Tru..j- in their
      606 words
    • 26 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS On Q O ?S 2bM '"2 Si 1 b o Pw 111 M M MI o i o S P Eh X Ed BC
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    • 862 2 UOMMKKCIAL. ULTKT MAIIK KT QUOTA! h n ■> .SINOAFOftB, Mil L»Ci KMHKK. lt»i PRODUCE. ii.mb.or. Ml do Cube No. 1 125"--do do So. 4 1<"Uopra Bali do Pootianak I* Pepper Black '""I Sago Flour, Sarawak do Brunei IVarl S«(fo, Ml Coffee Bali Colfae Litwnan. N-. 1 *■'<>*> Tai.iora .mall Flak
      862 words
    • 52 2 MSPM 0...1.U... I hx. S *A. w. V iM lk.l m*U A>\ «*™H\**i on,.lt,\rtt ,«I. Xl <• >k» -^.a Ik. Suaff -1..<.^.».»< V*»" mutltt. W <*U+n n«> <•— a anaV The Straits limes has the Unrest circulation ol any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has
      52 words

  • 532 3 THE GERMAN EMPEROR CLAIMS THE BRITISH THRONE. K is TO OUST THK PKINCK OP WALKS. rriun Kuto|«Mn oB| Hal, uot lyouilon. in, I- 1 nn.l.-r aaajtwhoj m 1 muinBtuni-ii, aays the ifsjay, a writt.-n iloriniii'iit, D ti of which bar.- Bjadfl ,>ui vita ioewaaiig aatmiahiiwt At brat, we hi. luii'J
    532 words
  • 148 3 A r*Kii of C I M wmioom ies in SortbCbiM bad the mkifortiuu lo fill 1, in. 1, "i robben the .>tli--i .1 ijr. Dtimbar, one at whom was .1 \ttdj, travelling in two I. ..its .m.l wh.-n red at I'.-iisliiiitsui, 11 town lOU li '1. 111. bii.
    148 words
  • 484 3 tTtareting at tbe K>>v»l SUliettcaJ No* 19, Mr 1..-*ln> C I'robjrg .ul a |.ii]..-r on Uolil and i Lbe M.mi. > ik.- World." ii' I inn t Mid M the dblm) UuU U --m tor tin- propo* nnioidnral on "I imina'try problem th<' statistical ol ni..
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  • 190 3 Tan BoreuM, »t tli.- <'.>urt. U-furf Mr. .lim'iiv 1,. a -li. Mr K Clarkr. lir.TV ktnl>lr I r, m) I'm.- ,U x l«r Tmrv t> nron-r ■ItajaJ 10 b. .In f,, r id" lniv .if a earritft a.. 1 pair for BBOBth, Thr |.'aini,ff m. bj
    190 words
  • 1734 3 Tan ,i ,iy X ibMW M>#4/y, that bard Baaibnij is at wor k „n .1 ami. Than h m; likelihood in- m« volume ..f veree by thr- I.Me < •(matin. K Matt! will U- pUfaM Mm r| m ,i m- 4 Mr 1,.- (;»i|iui.n« has \me;i Hui-liijf
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  • 273 3 FIIIIIAY, 20th Dkikmhek. High Wat or. O.'J2p.n«. i; A. QajaslriHa Party. SAtrmiAY, llai DtwaOaß. High Water. IM am. IJ p'" Kii.iiituri- Am"i«u at Tauglin. P.. well ,v Co. 2 p.m. SiugaiLiie Golf Cluli. G..M ui.-.!al C"inpetitiou. Couivrt. T.iiißiin Bumaka. Vi.-ket. S. C. C. c. Plaiit.T«. Kan- Kll1 1 1.
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  • 165 3 'I'ln- (gUvviog is I hi- lull paMgnaMM (al tilt- Christ in. is'l, and general Nt Ox-r ltd OMsM sr. i-],..i.-i.. fiinl- 1. K itaaajon r.n.k. < -iiiiuti ssa 1 liiit.K" a' Nmi-i-'i'- I'll. Mil. i „,k,t ivr.k Ttlsjai OaU riiaai U.>t«vi«. ■I". Mi <i%|>.ir r.
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  • 1563 3 Mini rr- ..> j'K... KI.LIN..S or THK M'-NI-CIPAL CoMMlaaiONßß* AT AH Orjii NAKY M l I v.t HELD O* W KIIK IAriAT. THK 41 H It.. «-m; V ISH.Y ParsENT 1 lift Pr«*.ideut, Alex. Oentlo. Es»| Th« I lii|H<i-f ur. i f-nr rnl of Police, G'nl. Peunefatber. o.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 927 3 1 NO ICKR. NOTIOT. ■1 HK Exchange I'snxs will lwclra«d on the I fo'lowiiiL' ila>s. iH-injr ('hriatmas anil New Venr holidays W.ilnes.Uj. -J.'itli instant, Tlmrsilay. -.'fitb do. Friday, JTtli do., and Wedoemlar. Ist proximo. I(iOVERNMENT NOTIFICATON. r P KNDKHS will be received at the Colonial Secr«tary's < IS-.-, up lon.
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    • 1070 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND PERSONALS. [Isttimc, 15 rent* a line; 2nd and 3rd time". In cents a linr> 4th tortth time*, 5 cents. daa j 7th to 18th time*. 3 cents a line, •ift.Tu /inU. 2 ■•••■l t^ a lin« j hut no charge less than on* dollar.
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    • 465 3 NOTICEB. fcATZBROS. SI'KCIAL AHKNTION it called to I thu lollowiiis; Diosl Muilable Chrmtmas Pi-c> -nts for Ladies and Ountlemen: Japanese Allmins, edge*. l.i-.itlicr Writing Camti, with locks. Lt-atlier and Plmh Work boxea, latia Imeil, fitted and plain. Plush Jewel boxes. leather Sciiwor canes. Liiilirs and (iont's Dre^a-iDg Caaue. (icntV Solid
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    • 1122 4 Cihlki t)i« hi-wimir tli« following MMMVi-, tion» »ro ua* i: —»tr.—«t«nnßr «h.—whip, bq— b«raue. Brit—British 17. S.—T'nit,. i sm™ Pr— Fnm.-h; <}«r.—(i«rm»n. l>:i' Dutch j Joh—Johore; Ac, B*.-OM«n e»nto; d. p.—Awk* D<—Pi t«ln; T. P W.-T«.jon K Wh.rf I 1 P. D.—T»nionif P*K»r D<x-k W.—»'>r Wh»rf;
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    • 216 4 N»mt. Port, and DaU »i BmUim LoNllllN. PapMk, N"v i. (ii'ii«rtii«y, Wl v l>. I M iriiAo, MM (Vi.mfniin. LIVKKI AjmMmm, I SS I'yrrli.i* .in.' l>.-.- J", Mil Mill— Dmmwe Ammtkk»>ai>« IViiH V»n OmmJD, N.n. i:i. flii wow KmitiK-m Din.n...l ..ii laooi 1i.iic.1.,11... \..v. l:i.
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    • 76 4 V'kmKLH 1 ||H nu I. l:> -vi t —11— II (awk M K K An. I, IS Utfahn I. Kut.t in K.H.ri,,.. I" 11..1. NMh J" Ninif cii.,» ft >i.ti n-tli.hir- !■>., mi an N.-ni.tiv. w i. V-"» 1-. .....1.1.1 iiar.ruii..n i-> fiSE, H" ,:'"| 11,7 1 1,.
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    • 50 4 I'lll V«»i,«i. h .Vim Km a Km tmmmtam l., H l,lu v IK. BaaWwan hkiii t mil. ruuk an, Utambra it *tr -lr l'<> .lr I'ut -Ir I 1.1 r I 111*114; I aliulU 1.«|.1..rU A i>|i C.loiiilki. I ,1..v \M" H.,,,,,,,, 1L m.uukli.l J« STSKn. rr:."':' k
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 548 4 NOTICES. I McALISTEE Co., HAVK JUBT UKt'EIVKD A MM SHIPMKNT OF WATSON&Co 8 A^to3^'^^'A '> V celbbratbd Fnc« Ml per Cas Whiskiei /-t/v tSsUf AtX Tl>A tared Whisky to 1.- l^aß VM~W t U%W *fr±d) ffAaf I huoM3perCasi iWIJ'HM \/BI Vl*jJ^f- 'fy^^yFJSßy V^a^^^ AT Dity Pail Me A'Lfflftßß k
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    • 207 4 NOTICEB. M( ALISTKK (O. lirrtw Special Attention H' A CONSIGNMENT or rui;i)Mi;TTi:irs. PATENT IMI'KOVKD OVKNS, a huh they have jnsl received, tiii; rIIKAI'KST, AND MOHT ECONOMICAL COOKING STOVE IN I SK oNLY Till: ONK PIRE OH TOP, To roast, bake; k boil. NO imiCKWOKK KKyI'IKIIi Can be usod OUTBI
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    • 661 4 NOTKJEB. JOHN LITTLE &00, UMITFJ) CHRISTMAS 1895, (osaques IrulM Tom si, ml Till LABOsWI AM) Mii.-T VARIED STOCK r l" SELECT r'.«>M OasmrisMf, sll maiineinf T.v- Pu// IsM Ml'm OMMMM Mai Hmbml iii-triimeiiis. 1...M.H „f T.'js. Mr-. .-s|.,|kt's Honnet B«.I. tmmmm T..>-'. sk.t -I, nmlmifka. Mankn. DaMMMi siirt KaMßMfcsa, OmsMMBI
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    • 884 4 WHIPPING. BKITII H INDIA BTKAM NAVHiATKtX CtiMPANT. LIMITKD. KOK TKNANii KANH<m>N. A CAI^'UTTA. Tie Comuanv's MMMN PCKNKA. J.U7 on-.. Captain Fauitset, 8.N.8 will hadsspatrhMl for Hi- abure portn on llnnilay. ths IW\ iimtsnt. To be followed t.y the CAY MORTA on the 31-t iMNMMr, mi.l 'h« PALAMCOTTA m tm wh
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    • 218 4 NOTICE 6. NOTICES. J MOTION CO. C AOTIOII km tl. m.VJ±±*S^ iAHTJBN'P ANTIKODLIBU DOO 00MP0MTKW. WAT T 1 1 MAKK K b ou^ u rn fmf .^nuf.^,,, JEWELLERS, 0 in o-l, Compoait^ wH. OPTICIANS. which Ma RAHTJtW aiiaaslf Was «T ..FA... F.OMPTLT .I.OOTW. f»i"^ Cat Tark li.^nd m K«a R'jwtt
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