The Straits Times, 31 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 81. 1895. NO. 18,762 a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 966 1 j, OOMPANIBa i I.MIN.OUB AND OBIBNTAL BTBAM P* HAVIOATION COMFANT. Orrics— OoUyw Qnay fl ,,,r> *Bi Oosowßs— New Hsrhsag. <v ,ail rua-»r« wUI leave llagsf us sa at ■ejassßßl ■shsw.b*. I ••>. IKM. net, 4emal fm. :m I tO. I Rn~»»i M.,v. 1.1 I iw 2> I niMw 11. -a
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    • 1419 1 OTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. ■J^E KONINKUJKI PAKBTVAABT afAATtJUMAPPU. Dndareoatraet with ths NHhsrlaaas ladls QorsrasMat Aqtnt, at Knvapor,, Ship AOBVOT. LATB J. UtHDIU A 00, M, Colltee Qpat. Btoa,u,,r. K.^ g, W.nh.Ds^ O. (JO Myor Pen-iur Nov. 2nd. Batovi*. Cb»ribon, S.marang, saaßoarahsys. Sth N»v. Genera, l Prl. Batovia. «h. P.assa;. OUh-leh, Pad. !g7
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    • 838 1 w. uinsoff cc. piahob (to. 1875.) ABBbHbBBbW rORHIHB,SAI.E. JH or HONGKONG AND m-M B MO THLT PA SINGAPORE Etc "apaln of MUSIC, M a».ry d^nption. labab noci or m MUSIC MUSICAL M IBSTBDHBHT (ELLEBH. BBBwamaßaSßmal BBBaV SUNDKIXS mf JNBURANCE>. /CANTON INSURANCE OFPCIB \J LIMITED. Cjywaij uniT"* waag B»a» Owwi; BwawJewZ
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    • 415 1 OMQ»6NQ AND BHANOH A I BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL.... |10,00(M)00 RBBBRVB PUBD Wn0,«00 Cswar of Ptsscisasi— J. KBAMKR. fc,.-o«in-A«. I f J*^»«*CBla% Boo— DaraTT CaAiaaUH. £fes=r MV-a-tsr-* tCBauM. O.B.I)oWiiZ a. A, Baas. Oasar Mi si saa BeamaTwieav— -T Jaoassw Beo »BVIB, Bis. Uwsswßißraa* Lsas.s act Ossiui Baits•as CssvAHT. Lnnm*). SWOAPOKB-IKTBBBwT
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    • 399 1 WOMOl". XMAS FsfESHiTfT* Hrtt HOMh JOHNHTOiBikW., LIMITED. Have r»t-yived fresh Hiipplitw of th« foUowiik* Indkm and other iCindi. ainits Motel*, for X'ma* prca«nU, and will have pleamre In s«l>«tihg and (Impawning -«arria|r<> paid if desired— to an j address in England or elsewhw, such supplies of the following M m.v
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  • 368 2 -ATKHT MA It K XT QUOTATION H rtl«a»K»«B, SIST O.TOBBB, UMV PKODUUat, lamblsr. **i%. it, Cata 1, 1i"« do do »o.i. Imu. 3sam flawg....^ *J» CM srHatemamwaat,.,• «ft w>.l"a Psfaer Black. £iUr. 1% 10.75. lacsiflsm' anawafc let) Bnmai.,:;!.":;;!;!:;:;;. m. Pearl Ssja, M", Oetes AS, I 41.00. Petes aVmsrtia,. 4100.
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  • 70 2 for Per air. Time. 10-Moaaow. llauskua, H»Jro, mm MaUcc, H.U*r Ness. T. An*.... via |M>rta, Hyc L#uMf J at. Paatwaa« via part. WM <•* ik, m+. 3 v .m. IMiviasoru, faiMlra, lux. ua uurU. J'.i1i1,.... 4sa. Hatobdat. l>jaa,l<:r, Km»Ah». Uillilas a Heetiaaak, Han What I (koa, Naoa
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  • 122 2 fritoN Baajamj —i)j thru. K. aa. *i»/..w.... wHh date, to the I 111. Chit. <iw oa W«H r.-Uy Shi- 1..11, if|.h.-. 1., tli. umil wln.-h left Mia.asurv ua thf lutli ef.t l-'if.y Oaaaai n> tl.<- M. v <i...i»,.m, > .In.- Tut— Uj. Tims Tabu ur Mail-, to
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  • 200 2 ABBITAIA 1 Par s. a. tfecase from Bangkok.—Mr Pags. Miaa Smith. Miaa Cola, ana Mr. aad Mra. Uresasa. Per s. a. Heb* from Dell:—Mrs. Uusk. Par a. a. Sires from Madras —Mr L. Dvuaya. (T» ABBITC. I'ttr P. A O. HiMahiya, from Londua. Oct. 11, Miaa Carpnual. M<aa
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  • 37 2 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. The Straits Times K..r I' "--ir Mul I cull*. Li§klmi.-j, I 4th of SwImm 4 MmiM. C.kutt', tfinftanf 4u« 4tb N.. Hou.icJ 4 u. CliiM ud J<4wa. fak w«, du« «Ui Nov., B..M1.-..
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  • 91 2 ESTABLISHED 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, 31ST OCTOBER, 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. L "SWrTI^CIOI* WSfaW etSla* tim<9ofmto%st4f MMaf Bksy W/emwf ea Ik* ftwrtk smw.] BRITAIN AND NUBBIA. l*md,m. HIM OtUttr. Tbe Bourses. Sf frnviga Stock Btcbaagw Markets, are flat owing to a strong aatiEnglish article appeariag ia ths aanmcial portion of
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 455 2 Tbk fart that aa article lia* appeaml ia the unoffcial portion of the St. Petrrebary nflkal Ouwtte is not likely to apart the w..rld. It is nil that the eti»ry, whatever it has aaTeetril the delicate ssMaeptiliilities of the Bourne*. Bat a Boarss, like a woaaa,
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  • 8 2 A 1 )KK»»1-..KII>«<«1 il.vr lh. jinir of hockey
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  • 16 2 Is the early hours of this moraiug. a thunderstorm of etceptiooal severity broke over the towu.
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  • 20 2 Tac Horkef m*t. Ii Uat eveuiu,', was won by tb.- B.C.C. by two guJs, the Kuaileers svoriag only one goal.
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  • 21 2 Taa Admit Bnli.h Kwideut of IV rak proiweUa to Kuala Kaaumar and Kiata ou an omVial visit of iaspectiou aeit wick.
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  • 20 2 H. M S. Ktlitutt. Couiuiauder V. H. tiraftoa, arrited at I'eiuin; ou Saturday cvi'uiug. aud left lor Kedah ou Moudav.
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  • 20 2 lli»»i- I'owm.L .V Co. advertise il.*t they will sell by auctioa i>a Moadav, Manila hemp salved from the s.a. Wul.iml.
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  • 24 2 Taa moulhly sewing mmtiag of the Church Work Aseoriatiou will he held at the KttJkt Girls' Hchool. on Tuesday. Not. Mb. at 4 p.m.
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  • 27 2 Tmt desire to Ulk about Kussia l«iug iv the air, and in our telegram*, we priat a Uusatau la>e. It ia eutiled How a f.irtuue waa Biade."
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  • 34 2 W 1 1 m regard to tbe O .It Club dinner, it is now augseatwl thit the price abould be lowered to t& per head. A gojd d-al of diverse opiuioa appears to MM,
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  • 31 2 II Oilmui- a. Manager uf lli« Ch»ru.r. 1 lUuk »t Bangkok, leave* sUiUy »v an wffk»' or two sjoutli. |uur in J»|^n y, Ariuatruutf. fruui Hiugapoir. g,. (l i,, i<.|ik«.i bun
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  • 9 2 krhalf of i»sa*r*.'# rsra*r. U a
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  • 15 2 Ma. Maaas's hone.. wMch adwrfftvowraMy with aay saeh horarSash as aas b.en hitherto imported.
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  • 53 2 Tais morning, more than one European wii-m^m-; h-rryua, dow- Jo th. Polio* Cart, by »irtos of givs ovidawos ia ths haiUiag disaster case ■sed for 2 p.m it seems rather has. men shoald hare to pat an appwraooe. when they are not absolutely req.iire.l. Who is
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  • 77 2 Miss af tbe Ra6V* girle' tcbool. tßarnvd a youthful Cbiaca* watrr-rarrwr, Uiemrrnieg. before Mr Wilkinsoa. with taa of sondry articles Imlub k ibk < to kefarlf aad to ths sefccol. Afur losiog some moat? oa Ike 30tk instant, she .al r ia ths oVteetrtsa.
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  • 96 2 Tho following totiacatitn is posted ia thsrraaeh Legation at Bangkok -Tbe Minister hV sidaot of France ialiamtca to the sabjecU of the Japanese Empire reaidiag ia £sm ibat. aseurdimj to iasUactieM r^eivsd from the govrramaat of ths Frcscb Ke),ubl.e aad a couiuiunicalion r. c. iv«l from
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  • 160 2 Tbs Himm Frt* Pnm notes that the railway liar, marked oat ia Bmm some yrare Lavk by tbe eagia<ersof air Andrew Clarke M said to be aroosiag attention at bum-, aod ta*re are gruuoda for b-ilievißK thai ths owastractioa of this trunk line is bring aracd
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  • 180 2 TBB BILUOUB nr Tun BMiraiasi. oa the Singapore Bcvrcatioa Club ground, aa ialefeetiag cricket atateh took plaoa betwreu E. aod A. C^isaaaaiss of the Fasilisrs. It was a taal tght, this y«v. for the Cup, ptwssaud by M.jor Kihjoar. The Cup m of BasiUaa wwksMßihip aad stands about It*.
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  • 201 2 KiuAßDm., th* freuueat alluaioos recently mads ia Legislative Council to the procedure of the Imperial Parliament, the rtrmk Fisasir makes the follow ing aui uaiuit remarkai— We avree with His Klcelleacy and the Colonial Secretary that the proper uiauuer «f getting increased salary is not
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  • 50 2 A lot of mooey is said to hare «f «awd hands oTer |-oataco stamps Isa wes?i B Perak. One goatlomM alone clean- 1 |400 act proflt. Sitrcbarged thrrc cn U Perak stamps are rather ia high d. nun-i at present aad realiie If to 90 ream i PwßHb
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  • 239 2 to tbb ainiua or'raa "snurrs timbi Sib,-Seeing a paragraph ia your pspar abont tbe coming changes ia ths garrison bar* and ia Hongkong. lam prompted to make the following remarks, which I hop*, will not be considered, altogether out of place. In a place like Singapore where Ihe
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  • 246 2 TO THE BPITOB Or TMK STBAITS TIMU Sir.- -*>me tweatr-two atbl«tes wen- iv be sen careering wildy round a rath.r uadiao-rnible bill, last evening, an.l I ass told by a kind informant that th- y war* playiug hockey." Youthful rerainitcen. n of hotkey on tbe ive, recurred
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  • 700 2 TU THB EDITOB or THE STRAITS ll«(. Sm. Mimiuuiriis are aa mucb interested id this i|ue>tum as merchant*, piaoter», and Oonmuieut officials possibly am be. We are all agreed at leant oil our point. ri». that sU-ps abould bt takm to encourage tba growlli of family life
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 767 2 HOTIQBB. THI ■•BKBO COMrANT, LIMITED I rpHI Bsmaard Ufa Aamrsaes. X Rsrwieh Oaiea Fire luarsam awako/. AUsa Astwraaos Compasj (Firs). Ths s>|Uit«l.le Ufo AMuraaos SociHy. T"as Odssb Ms>ias U>uraaes Company. The China Mutual SUaun Nay, K «i „m Company. Ths Laser Deer Couiwny. The MantieM lasusaos Compan- Limited >
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    • 809 2 NOTICEB. The Straits Timss has the largest It circulates in Sinttupow and Penang, thronghout all tns Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Biam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indie-, the Fh3ip•rines, and French Indo-China. Hoother Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. HOTEL. NEW MARKET. BILLIARD TABLE. pIAHO BAB. 31/10 No.
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    • 591 2 LATEST ADVRRTISKMBSTd. AViK^rll b Family "Wm nrj enarfortaVe Beard .ad Beafdeae*. la a !•■«> ilF > hems. Tarn* tar/ moderate. :»/U Afjty at s. Fo r lii« Po 4. rBl LIT, tha aew buitdißg Nu. 14*. t-opbb Koad. Beat 990 per MBtk Alp! r to 1 M. E. N .THAN.
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    • 22 2 Thi i SUiits TinMm has the lar^ert bireiaJsUiOD of say newspaper hi Asia, British India eioeptad. Mo other Eastern newspaper oaf ■PwiaWWaaJfcCirDttlsVteimV.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 76 2 WBATHKR UKPUK'l *«MiMf rnka Ji^Htl. il.l OrfeW. liwi Bar. i»d. .B fak. J».MMi.;f*'sja» j»j; Ihv. ML* «T.t 7».l Wat 8»lh TI«t 7i 77« Hir.dWuJ,. N W. N.E. (J» g; Ku. T»r.iaik»lr :t '3 Mia. 4* 4* 74.H J U.i. ui Hum I.V. 0 J TWr. mlThtr. 73.2 i ■MUUIiaMaMira. »M
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    • 99 2 AkUtANGKMENm TaOBSUAT, iI»T OCTUBBB »i«h Water. i>27 v. m Mann. Club Aanual Meeting. J» p„, KH*bal.. Whiter Colou™. P Philharmoaic Orchestra. B*> p.m. Fbioat. Ist MovKMsaa HighWatsr. S>.#> 10.3 pm l*.-tura at Pru«.p street OhapeV 8p« SATUBDaT. -.'.I, N0v..,., S-CC.Cn.-4et. Two mau-h... PhilharmoaK Orchestra. 4p. m SCMDAT. Bat> NOVBMBKB
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  • 586 3 MR. CHAMBERLAIN ON THE PROTECTED MALAY STATES. •afaja i. a in BKmiia to da v < IT ,;|SHTIVK OOUKOU. _„r, oi iSMrl'or tkf Coloniet U, Gov. IrvrSir CB H Mitckrll. Q.C.M.O. I)OWN1N<I JSmEBT, IHk Ntptember. MM. 0.. _I hue the honour to ncknowli dip- of your d.npatch No. 251 of
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  • 255 3 lin (ii,itl revised standing rules and NlmfMM luid bcforcO'ouucil to-day. Tbe umiil hour of uieetiug remains m2.tlU|i.m. If at Mf Meeting of the Council a Membn thail l». rilled out of order more than four tuiKH, ,r shall be declared by the IVimleiit to be |«r»iati'iitlv
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  • 147 3 I <•<«.• in which Tan Joo Uuiui. the «"|.riiiteiideut »f tliu h.iil.lin- that lU|wd, wax char^ud with a ne(fli^<nt aa n.'l MMMtiaW to cul|Ml)le boiniii.l.', ■H iiMinied, this atteruoou, Ix'luie Mr. trthnaiM. Mr UsMytM, tbi- inspector of liuild- >•*>. Mid thai be did uoteM deviation* li'in tbe
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  • 118 3 W-u.ui; V1 0r to Pvrak call* aUeu--1 ulioit "uiniuKH in the stcaoier pas- r »-rvi. c 1,..|w.-, n Uml iiort mid tb* lh. M,|a. IVnin.ula. In Lin '•l!"""l'» :l t."""l*iH lihu .livcrtwl i iiumh h*aa*Mt of the wretched '"^u! '"i"""""* fill »»<1 tbe ti, ii
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  • 383 3 attended the Madra, R*» M-eting Jittt couclnd.d, call. !oro U BM t Wh H0 J t length it wa.d-aded (oc.h, uo |o DLer for Arab an.l C. B. hors- but to off«r the public money for all borse«." it predicted t hat the (towards were aloptin* a
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  • 394 3 Ma. Barbktt, the United Biate« Mm s-t'-r to Kiani, ha* aupplied tin: Or.^on Chamber of Commerce with a npirton the trade of the Far Kiat. in which h '■ill's atteuliou to America n I ick of eoujinircial enU<iprise m ihts part of the world.
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  • 2087 3 We uLe tli* following extracts from a le iding article published iv Him Unify Ttltfi,,ij,li of tbe -7lli of September, which, r.-.iil iv tli« li|(bt of tbe rnvut canard from Hongkong to the Time; ii singularly m/rtfm It hardly uxMlml except for tin* take of the
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  • 523 3 I* no way «b*«bia or cast do*u by the s.imewhat unfavourable coramiuta that appeared in the daily pt\M ou their first uppoannce in pnbiir lastyar, tbe Lid? Fo>tballer< again took the field at W.m blcy Park. Toe storm beat bad towew hat. Moderated, and tb* two-»od- twenty damsels,
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  • 567 3 iVi* Bm*fkok., Pmru, ink Urtuhtr. Th« Bwsiu |hm* dwells at leinrth oa law Frsneh occupation of M«ilir— rsr. and warmly cuagratnUtas the Bopablie ou ta* satnos of the eaapaiga. Th« Italians at Masswwah have bsguu a ouapaiga tguunt Haiuraacia. the ally of Ihe Nogaa. Haraa daaiae that M.
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  • 1028 3 laßeetoa-TWn'.BethtafliketWeaeaey D ofpnyerUok at tat Bafflakl" "What of tWiaf "Tbnk of Mr Natioaal Aathea aad then tell bm, tf ;n dare, tWi pnyen «re t aot iMwmd Mia Hogaboe*. (of UUeage Aad wWi pirteMioaiayoar brother ia. Lord Hamerryr r LotJHiiiriy: "Ob, whaa Algoraoa hawee Ciford I faacr W
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 893 3 NOTICEB. LABUAN-BORNEO. SIOMMIMIOV AOBHCT Th. Ron, \J UMnh Ooawaay, Lfcaltod. Lea* U«t,in pnpand to rwk sawM fllllw tt Maanwirtiirin n»H nthnc»dt*liui May npmmM la tao Bat. ■.w.Aa.a.e. ~C. MULL*B. MANUFACTURER of B>qp«l laatn m*, SjwrUliti-, Taleaait*, Fi*. eat *h**f ladia-Babber. seta! awl oaßaloh food*; aba all kind* of ayrta**.. «4aad«
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    • 784 3 KOR BALK; KM PLOYMOTS; TO LET; AMD PERSONALS. fIITTIMS, 16 eeat* la*| tod tad 3rd Umm, lOanrtaalia*; *h to 6th timee, S ant*. Km; 7th to IMb Urn, S end a liae. aftenrataXteaalealiaa; bataaehaiga Urn thaa mm dolUr. Tkaa, Mm Hrn adrartfaaiaeßt. e |oee.H,hilM.tT«. > ea.b hB»j f t iB
      784 words

    • 63 4 Uader ta*. fcaamaa; «»>•»• Dateh Jaa.-Johara; Ac.. O"""^?"* M earned, the am" earrant ia nad.-r.i<»l Mm-.-r-wAB Mm BrlU. Col. atr. 5W toa*. M et*w. aoiraa.amll4lrh. r Cap, Thorp 144 Ort. tVamMalaeea. lafcOet Col. O»r.. U -Bjla M^rmr,, H. M. H. en. XT* J^jg ere*. IS fraae. *.<KW
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    • 911 4 ABBiTALaHmca Noon ow YcimtßDAY B** WhmU 8oo», Brit. atr. Iff* tow.. C...1. Dalmaai 30t.> Ort. From Pnatiawk. 2Hth Oet TO. c.. aad .W d. r- "aa >*** AO. For Billit.« Poati-iMk. md -H-l» Hnprko. Brit. air. 329 tea*. Capi. Shaplvnl. 30th O«. From KlaaaT. 2*h Ort (Jr.. aad
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    • 189 4 ■V«w. frrt. Aii« H ■•i>>>f IjONIMIN. Baalon uu.l. Uct. 1 Okftm Olamfara;. Immvm St. Fr iih-m, June J5 M aetluff. Sopt »> AKaaanaww, dua Nov. 4 PolyphaaiiM -lv- Not. h Paliaarw. daa Nut. 10; Pak Lias. Talamoa. Mlaboow. Trm, J«ly:t. Bui(LL>a.» Uroavuu, July 6 Babby AMakaFaa. Aug. 16;
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    • 47 4 j; Hw M4...J r0... ArTtlM K»..» ■■Uilik IHMW SI Bn. •'•"'"J.r l^iwiea. 5.,,1 M1,.,,,.W,, HiwiuiMk ihi :-k i: s. u« Rl«Utf .1,1 .«> tr^lU Mautoklf iHiiiiii,- :«i tv<- <u• <" H.uilkuk IM i 7 V\ Miuflk'l-I I' »r,,,,.1»i. j -taiJil 1 ■U»wi..i,it <», t J, I-., Kau l'i>u 4
      47 words
    • 54 4 «...l-. N4H.. Kiu Imm PMMttt> i. :■> .1 I Si si i IM I 'nlil'ptll* »i..liu»rt> I-.1..1U lUu 111.. .v.,.; v .-1,... H.,. t totfiMr •«nt.»»r. TMtilt SmitU"" »l". Uari »«r. i.1i1,., N..-..U1, 1.i.1,,. r war IhkM .Saumiauv ""I >»"'«'»)•' Mu.r SEmwl h H*a«k«t MJ*.< .v.l Iv- llou.'koliK
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 538 4 NOTICES. McALISTEE ft Co., lIAVK JUUT KKCBIVKD A FKKSH HHII'MBNT OK WATSON &Co .a^fcU^^SrA V Vl KI.EBRATED (f^*/£' $11 P* l CU<I WhiskiOß V f^BaßaF VStl D P >- 1»t tha mooey wK^\ "^l^af «aa>a^ar^aTaaaaVaf Yflr I'ricc »I 3 |ierOaso \^I\CW' < MMI WMjBrM \^—^lll "yfi&jfißFw I'ricoeKj per Cane v
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    • 618 4 AVERTS Cherry Pectoral HAS NO KQUAL fob tbic turio vrur. <>r Golds, Coughs, Influenza, and aoMin throat. II wl r»Ho»a I It "V«^>r A l.riw*. hwtr* 1 _li?U&«x> I land Mbm r>-' tbr |iiilm<iii*r) «k.iil.l.— la »hkli mr yiuinf arr fo llattlf. th<*ri- I* ln» fritter Mnt'ily to «■*•««> aa
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    • 178 4 HOTIUBB. McALISTER CO. Im J«t IwNi FKEbH SHIPMIMTSUr THE POLLOWIIIOi AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOD ft CO.'S WKLL-KNOWN 00W BRAND. Priea«s aaatapar I tta fl-St a> K. 'I AUSTRALIAN I ODDER. le. i> OeJe 7.<)0 par Ua;. Caaf •&«> a a*. Hraa Hi". Uataa Straw H .<»> p-r bal». hi a> S
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    • 702 4 MLEY HARGRKAYS COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ■LIJUTB BAFBBOFVARIOUB HIZBB •M riTTCD WITH CrtDßa'a LOOM. WEKJHINO MACHINES, FAIRBANKS A VERY* W«%W*f panda, mi*-, awl Mint. BELTING. Uo*B.klra. Kahba WU. »ri Uawly'* nf Fir* :ia» Q.h.lHj. PUMPK. Ratarjr, r-mttrifaipil. Hra>l«. Ploaio and ■M KNOIKEH. Pnrt.h). H, lo HP. Vw<iralal«( H»*. t CAMPBELL'S
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    • 48 4 &GW&T^wnn^b lilMntlkKi •I. BwJa Lauywt*. Kabi. HARMOHIDMSfor Okmnkm, Dr»ir»* Baoma. rJahcaa. A«. f»a« •A.^awa***. llla»«ra»rfOatolaßaa»aaa«lreeaa-awi a to Messrs. L. J. CHATEB Co., Singapore. Acwalefer M.OPP«SHKI«RR*eo P..«. i/9i THGpaM« iZCmM i!.al M *«tf l^f "TiV-^n^a w .'•ii retort aay raaM of tUaWta-Mma u|l)U ,,tlON. Hob. Secretary. Hi Aagwi. l!>«. •-**<
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    • 153 4 aUaßimaTß AWTI-FOOUKu OOMPOSmoiL aaaa are marked «Mh taeaa «arA> Cr Sk m aa* aaal as Rai. Rajaat mTaW MAIBON F. PAUL (<O. rB«»0H ■Am-DBBMIBOIALO Jtrtr Abbitid Pbb Mm,i MarlU^LSoKAlfD, ?l<ffljSr4 r Cor' I pn?J.'L AND PIHAUD.-BCBIITB. White Vk£, Violettea doablea de Parma. Lib* HW I.* de Perae. Lacrrcia. Iria-, HUoc,
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