The Straits Times, 29 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1895. NO. 18,76<).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 945 1 vMSHTP OOMPANIBS. »KNINSCLAR AKD ORIENTAL RTRAM JJ^'^jliviOATlOM COMPANT. Orrice— Collyer Qnnj. w,..»»« d Oroown*— N*w Harboar. m* -ail rteannr. will )*nv* Singaaon ea or J^t ik. Mdww-atioae. daU Honiwaan. c.i. f reev^Jßaa Si N..T. in^B^r».h« N..». IS kl- 1 n -I II mm <. <1 roe im..'i.. n ii |>
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    • 1119 1 NpTIOBB. BEST SOAPS FOR WAEM CLIMATES, CAI.VKRT'S Carbolic TOILET SOAP, 6d. Tablets. PitICKLY EEAT SOAP, 6d. k 1/. Bars. GLYCERINE SOAP, 6d. Tablets. r«n*antly-|»-rf uiii«d Aotiaeptiv Soapa for Bath or Toilet, prepare! with Calvkui'i pure Carbolic Attract of letter from Fkbo. I. Movat. K«|, M.D., late Profaaaar el Medieiaa la
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    • 811 1 BANKH. HONOKONO AND SIIANOH I BANK I NO CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $WJH*)JUOO RESERVE *TNI> f ft..V»>.'««> RESEKTBUAHILITT OF) mmimvjm*PROPRIETORS J"* 1 uuvr or Ifiaartuaa.— J. KCIMKK, F«,.— OHAiaaaa. A. McCONA<MHE. Kaq. -D.rtrrr Cbaibhah. D. B. ju. J. B«l, L.1.0. f- Oaat. v. V E.m.l. A. fti.aa. Caiar MAiiAem. How»».—
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    • 404 1 WOTIOIbV x«a« nwgSmWwH~ FOR HOUfIR JOHNLITTLE&OO., LIMITED. Have rpoeivpdjfrmh suppttet of thf MIaVBBJ ir*lii.n and oth«r (Vmdi•fiibi miiteblr ff»r X'nui prmpntH, and will hiivc jilniMiin- in aeWtin^ and dfSfmtchinp; —r»rrimfc p"M if d»--Hintl— to any addrnw in Engknd or ••Iwwlktp, »u«-h HuppliH* of thr f»l--lowino; an n *y rpquhyd by
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  • 334 2 I.ATfcMT MAHKKT QUOTATION ■ Writ Octomo, MM. PKOUUOIC UaaMar BJO. da <M» No. 1. lino. da 4* No. 4 Co«m Bali, (A _i» PiMtliMlr. S.lo. Pappar 81ack...... 1#.75. Sago fW, Bmnk m ZM. do Bnaai 3.9 U. P«arlBa*u, 3.40. Ooffoe All, B 41.00. Uoffa. Lilwriaa. 43.00. Tipin win w»k«s
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  • 60 2 For ftr Mr. Timt. To-Moaaow. Kirn** vi* i-iru Knimr-I-Mim4. tp.m. Oalcvtla »v pure, ('/,•(>. 1. ,i. .1 v B. ulcntt. <ri> port., P.hJim, X Ltbmi vi» p irt«. JUlM.lj, r«a..,r, B T. Au>u> ti« poi Jfaltum, Klu« »i» port., Bu<M<k»fl. ;ip.«' Buwkok. 4 pa hmmi KbuiK .iifwU, CUwftya,
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  • 99 2 I Vtvm EMM* »r Hi.- M. K. H.iy/..i/,. "It*. .1..V- 1,, th<- I 111. .la.. U) Mm- j i.mii ir).li«. t<i th,ni».l »hi,h lift Sin «|».n- limk i»hi.« ur Maim m Lonimm. l*«/t Sn^i i..'.- Him m 1A1u.1,,al Alu .l,,a Arn> .-I r- -|.l .Wk f 4
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  • 249 2 ABBITAU. Per a. a. Uurya« fioa Bu K kok -Mmh. Ki Jiila, and lauuinn. F*r from B^ru t« in a, mhl W.ehiaaaa. P«r a. a. froyiwr from Bangkok —Mr Brair*. I'tr P. <>. a ituliMi from ulombo Mr Kinir. KVuui Mawn. H Wilkiuaou, and Kittork, Mr*. Kamwiy
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  • 120 2 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS TUEBDAY. 29TH OCTOBER. 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAPH. [Mteriptiom mm and •*mrtitm 9 rmUt mat he/oumd on fkt f—rtk pay*.] ROYAL BETROTHAL London, «Ma Ottektr. Tbe Princes* Maud, thirl dan^lit.r of tbe Prince of Wales, baa been helrotbrd to Ptioc* Charles, the sreond son
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  • 59 2 TH« TBSATT MIIIK The Russiu Embany at Losdoa posilively deaies the iU'em-nf in the Time* ihtt Russia ba«. by Ire>ly with Cbini. «vnrud the riijht of anch >rin« her fleet at Port Arthur. MORE ARMENIAN ATROCITIES II is r. je.rt..l tbat ibe Tdrks hare killed •>n.- hundred
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  • 448 2 Hii. iMiMf ili.- (l..vrru>r ha» rved Hrr M:.j^ty in mm) land*, but ■•••where baa lie Mi il, r mom vivid pleauure witb which hv now aurveye the Uiump!i ..f Hritiah geonu mm tlir fl.yeical, mU ah.l political diHivulti«a of Mulu. VJ Sir < harl™ Mitchell hae
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  • 190 2 Mk HoOflfß. I hi- Kt-Kitlr*! u 11,. H.a. ut_v Carriage .ui.J Jim tisL.i dc|..titiueut, ci.lUplillUi. »ltb 111.1 l Ilia pOailloU I* nu uu.u viable ouc 11.- in I hi' ..(8.-,-r responsible for tlie u.m..| rdt-i „i,.| j.ioper management of tbe lar^.- |«u-eii|(. r Inic of th« towu, mid hi*
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  • 14 2 Tan lioiuvward uwil l>_» the A',,,,. r ll, hi! i 1..a.« «t |..u>. 10.i0t.rr...
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  • 15 2 On U»i< k l.v received live th .iuiud pouud* loauvouut of the ihilliug Uauiu ■ial.
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  • 102 2 An error erupt into our nt«iu K repoii i.a(.-r.U», /Juttuma I nuy divru .t. >. <uu<l iv the Plate instead of /<<>..,„„ Tnb b*w. ..f to^ay wbokMotx ecepti«« with wbicb. deapi»* tbe tolegrapbeJ opinion of tb. to"^ •mm, we veatared to regard tbe atonr.* ttmm telegram tnm Hoogkoog abotrt
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  • 17 2 T«B WMmU is Btill lyiog io her oM poMtioo. pumping and rea»o»»l of debn* being carried on.
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  • 16 2 A Mono Ibe arriTals by msil Mr Berd c WUkiasoa, crowßed with the laurel* of finance.
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  • 20 2 At Ibe Shanghai regatta ia Ibe laternational racw.lbe En^liah beat the Oerawns both ia tb* eight oar* and the four.
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  • 23 2 It ispropjselto bold, on Frid»y. tk 15th of NoreaiberJ a subscription daate in sid of tbe funds of tbe Ltwn Tennia Club.
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  • 22 2 Tub Utest newa from Ainenc* as to tbe M*rlh..n>ui|b.Vaaderbilt weddiag U that it will take place in New York before Christ B>a*.
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  • 27 2 Tm Queea has approved of tbe appo'nU BMBt of Dr. Urn Boon Keng. to lv an iiooraoal member of ibe LegisUtivu Council ot I be StraaU SettlemenU.
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  • 26 2 RfM..OB. at PeBSBg. has it tbat Mr. B. Pence, ibe Municipal Bngineer there, has bet* strowgly recoßnaexied for tbe acpoiutax-at of Moaicipal Engineer at 8 n*apof*.
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  • 30 2 Br aa order issue 1 from tbe War Office, tbe following baa beea added to the Army Hchool KrguUtious— Roman Catholic children should not be present during the Bible leasoav"
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  • 29 2 A kbw torpedo-boal, coaatru ted at Havre, has attained 4 speed ot tbirtjr-one ki.ota. «v.l is Urn* w«*idered to have established her rUiai to be tbe faatra'. veasol kuowu.
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  • 35 2 Tnk diret-'on of the Memß'ile Baak of lolls hate drt-Uieii an iit-ncu diT.lcn.J at the rate of 5 prr ••■nr per aonuai on tlie A or Prt-frrreJ >li<m f.-r ih half -/car Jum 3Utb.
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  • 32 2 Mr. 0, f. A. B*i»r« r «K. Krgialnr of HoßKkooK, wkoal Mr. K y»he mctfili, i> a ('a—eDicf bjr the boaeoard m*il. Hi ni tac rrcipwat of in*or uaiiinoumla brfore leaving Hooxkon^.
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  • 30 2 Tub fuacral of ladjr CaTeoagb, widow of the Ute OeMral tkr Orftar o**eaagh. X.C.8.1.. fona«rl> Oo.rruor of the Siraita Settlement., took place ia Loa* Dittoa Cbur. bj.rd ob Sept. 27th.
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  • 26 2 Tat Kuwua Traosport Hmrmtnt. Con. m^nlrr StrouakT, arrired this wwramir from VkMlivoMork with 1,112 r.tirwl ■jldian, and «75 paaaeuvrn on buard. Bbc katca for (Alma UmUt.
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  • 35 2 Mkmbi Powell A Co. adver^Me aa aucttoa of Japanese i-ar^-ia oa the 6th Noveaiber. As alao aa «v. liou of articles suitable for Chrutaia* prtsrata oa Than. d»». tue 7lh N«Tewiber, at tbeir sal* room.
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  • 30 2 A u«»rr of ten nou-coanaiMioned uitf-four guaaen, aad sii trumpeter*. X.A i« being prepared at I'oiiaut .vlb for t-iulurk4li..a U> H..i.({. t-'ue. C-vlon. >ul Siu^«|«jr.-, about the 1 Jill maUut.
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  • 37 2 I'm [..UowiuK ap|NtiatineßU in the NortLumU rUud Kuaili. r. bate been nasetted -K. C B. Uithbndgv, in aunwuion to l**t- C. V- M 8»r»U decayed; aai ft P. UrailbwaiU-. in sooeaaimi to Lieut. H. 1,. BUn>l. re*it]Bed.
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  • 45 2 A tblbmbam wa* r.. -iv.-.| at p>bau^hai U'e ■•uNiiur.Uv iii K ht. I jih lust H.M 8 X.1.,.,, to proceed with all despatch to C1..-mulpo. when »hrn is to lni.l a Koard of aitnaes for the i.n.i ti,, n <4 the CousubUe-lleaeral at 8c»ul.
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  • 44 2 Ta> Dmilg fr— hear* through a private ormiMndeat iv Kagland that the King's Ow« K-Km-ot w«a to lea*e Portsmouth on the Mth Bepteul*r for MalU. aad after putting ia a Urm of swriee therm, ia to ••ume to Hoogkoog to relieve the Rifle Brirfad*.
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  • 64 2 T*« tllruHt Hmi^l, published to^la, eoauia. the full a«ouuu of th« rare m«tiu K drrs« at the «ccc. «H I Ism like. fh. pr«* ,he HuJ^t I. 40 ce«L. poat fr». Copies can he luailrd direit fr ,vi the oaVe t.. add re*. *e» auppliad. A suppleq»entwntaiaißK the Utesl a...
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  • 10 2 Ust uitfbt.aChiiiaaian. li»m X South < Ulim. valiM,! $4,t. uken
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  • 59 2 Ik. ftH 8w u -ay* tUt the tor,«lo.«at t her #V. y,»,, w ,,4 ,^J ju.t b™ u ted at Ih, VuUan Wl v.,. f..r the Chinee Joverni^ot. l,f v •Vtobe, at for K w l. to u0.J..,^ be, uer.v tr,.U Tb. ,^e| .üb^.ui^t,, for Chiut with
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  • 10 2 ha. at table with the Ki.^^
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  • 39 2 hetw»,u Biu.p*UK oi»l MatJL ru^' S*" tra«c is interrupted and all Vehicular tV^sV •..uapeuJed. Coinu»uuu.t,ou with K^at Kaagaar >» stopped. Ur,n tr««. k hS Zmm «he P Wd. SJ^iZ?*. whuh am uud. r water. H-rtion. o f
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  • 70 2 A horse, l»| OU| {iu K t.. brother „f v Scan Laug Seah. e.c.i»d f roil,",', M r place thi. Bioruin*. .aileit »lTin i of B syoe. It ran away i l{B Matoaic H.H. .here it collu^'" 1 rikiaha, injuring tbe pulW r lt»L"" b a Tamil
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  • 394 2 A* the Supreme Cown, this in bsfore Mr. Justice Leach, M»»ws hX A c *a&irL 1u r m J l 9W7 77 •^"I'ST of ,«^«i» «i*»r., f,on hee »w»e Tibs. Mr. Naason apMared f..r tbe defendant. Tbe grooad of th* claim wa* that the plaintiffs, voder inairaction*
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  • 55 2 Two aucident* occurrt-d on the 2.'.1 b instant, in Penaufr barbiHir. resiiltinir in tbe SBMahioK of two boat* from collision wiih s'eamera. These accident* aro*« front tbe omuiim prac'iiv of sampan mm |tr«i<tin/ in rro-tninK tbr bows of vssseU louiiu^ into tbe harbour ami f?oini( aloniraidc of them
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  • 70 2 A TBLBasaH from Raub, datrd 2*.) th 0.-toUr 1895, states Kouirh cleaniDg up of ballerv yielded 1.300..*. ami>l K .im. tb.eatimatrd quantity of stone cmsbed beiafr !*4O tons. Prospect* remain unchanged. At t ho UMial proportion, the frold from tU amalgam nmn to i:*( onnre* from IW
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  • 76 2 Tbk Hugseations made the Munui|«l l^tf-il adviarn for antendiDg the Mum. ipal Consolidation Ordinance are so that tin- revision only eitend* aa vrt to sei-tion I Suggestions to amend tbe rvmaiuini; option* will follow. The tint iii/lf. »t ion of th..v now malt- public urifei t h.-
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  • 79 2 YKMTBBD*r the aim ahone on M> Hut-i.-nl«.-b'< aon. The ground, of 1,-omh. Hill were the rcene of a Karden |> irfy in honour of Mavtrr Norman HutUnl.»ch'a l.irth.Uy. At lea<t a hundred <l.l'<lrHi were pretent. There were a real r-i-l »ar." a Chinese wajranir. fire balloon, in
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  • 77 2 THE FRANCO-RUSSIAN BANK IN CHINA A anai.iN corn-spoodent «r> TbiKua*iau Press now coufirui* the st itriovnt ibit a KiaiK-o-Kiiaaian hank, wiih •iO.UOD.OUO fr*. o.piul. is to be e*Ubl.*hr.| at Bbaoghai. Th* Afoeo* )V»,ya opealr oinfessos that Russia, in founding tbi'a k*ak. bope. to estond her sober* of in China.
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  • 104 2 OrricßM. who wiah to be ureaeul at Ms Coruiialiou uf Ilia Highm-** th« 5..1t..i. si Joaon oa lac 2ud uroiiiuu. anil who int-n.i wluraiajt h»for» Ow Blate Bauqu.l, an rM|Ueat«d to newl iv their uanuM to th.- Oarr. M'u Adjiitant It w pru|med to aead *JJi *l tl»
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  • 123 2 lv». UtraiU pai-r*. bjji tb.- Hon^l.Hi./'•/"/i.i/,*, ari j j ut, t ..u^^^j il,. iiui.H.-nt aiuiiwuioat of rouutin^- tb.-.i chickens they are batt-bnl. TIl-.v »J»ui U,r\y certiiulbat ilu- stakJsWsaJ truket Club will *,-u,| a team d.wu i S' about Cbnatiiiu tiuic 1. .).!•> tbe Biui{»i«re and Cevlou
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  • 148 2 TUB town of Maliwuu iv the Britiali Burma province of 'IVuas*enui. mg* '•>•• ftmim/ OautU. i* i,,.w fail rin.UK iut.. importance a* centre uf uiiuiuk iii.l"-" 1 v"*u 1 Uiincr* are rep .rled to be loekiag into it from the uei|(hl> .uriu k Stal*'. au.l •ore are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 695 2 NOTICES. rPHI BOBNKO COMIAN V, LIMITED rIMIK Staadard Lit. Inutnn. X Norwich 1'r.,0» Fir* Imiitua Society. AMa* Aunranee Coupeay (Fire). TIM K.|iiit«l.lo l.iln A. u,.nc« BorMy. Tke Ocmd Manna Inmrance <v,im|. >Ny Mutual BtMi* N.»,,-.'...a Compeay The TrttMliu* l<ag«r H"»r (VnuiHuir The Metitime Inuiun Competi*. i „im i«i For
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    • 923 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsier in Asia. British India excepteu. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipoines. and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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    • 644 2 ,ATKBT AI>VEKTIHEMBNTd.~| HOKBKB AND PONIES. \M B MEEKE baa jut arrival with tn>OIL elaae borwe mm! V m\r>. tb roughly brokaa. Apply to 11/11 CLAUKE'd LIVMY -TABLES. FOB SALE. TWO awful haracee bane* quiet to rid* for ee>. Aho two bama, *n« of them •ritli a aprin< by Umburt. Cm
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    • 53 2 TT*— *TI 1h U,. Jkii, s*ui «i 81. John'., i l«j Hill, tufi-l.l. by il,.. R,., I V T. Umv. I.kon ahu Shitkb. Ikinl I P. K KlKtl.L. M.4 ,t.. Kl.<IKKK> K KHILII I daiifklor of Hm- l»l<- Hkn«» Naukl Viloi J.P.. of ill.' «lr»ii« 8oillviiwau. I KM «IKNKUAI.~»HIPPINU NKWB
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    • 42 2 ■ABj~««.. m.„ *2,?£l "&*i»* «Sk> atmM It ,»*'j *V*!* "a»««<«» «r» f ,».-l Ir l«. —*,<,** »M| E'J'.Tyr n Mn.^, The anutaTinui has the largest orcuJation or any newsvaper m Aria, British India ezcepted. Wo other Eastern newspaper has io widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 70 2 WEATHfcK KKPOtt'l Kamdmm^ ftatm Ht^tfl, ml, OrtUtr. i«* «>.>.lpalpi, K*.a.«. JIM. J».«i3a».BU» K77 r r-v 7«.u cv n.6 It W«i!«lbTh«. T3.c. 7* S ?l.u Dir. o<Wi«d ClB .Nl, I'd.. Mu.T«<hwfe M.« klu. ia Son H!> II T»rr. rad Tbr. 7».<t C Bu«hUi«MW«r Nil a|| WB4THKK^BLKURAM (K. if. 4. c. nfarn^k
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  • 2578 3 SIR C. MITCHELL ON THE PROTECTED MALAY STATES. I, „«.irii»K t" 1 111" M*rqu-« of Ripo,, ,nnn«l r-i-rt" on th<*s» S-n'ra f or '1* Sir P. B H. Mit-h-11 writ,-, on in ,.-»4th. IHSi: 1,.' „ 1«M- w»« one of BKi ril proa- r ,h,. Woatein State*, ant mea<-h '"'i
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  • 492 3 THE GOVERNOR AND THE MUNICIPALITY. to tub Knrr»R or m mim num. blE,— I .sympathise with Jonr rrmirkl io your it»u«i of yesterday, re Ibe Oarerurn's at'i.-u towards the Municipality vi ttie >übj«ct of it* latest budget. Bat cvi bono, while Hit Excellency has Ihi autocratic power to veto, uodcr
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  • 561 3 to rate KuiriMt or run aTRAim nan*. Sib, A deputation of traders, interested in tbe development of West Alrica, waited U|K>n the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, a thort time tinue, asking him to promote tbe conttruvtion of a railway through tbe <iold Oast iut > th- iuteiior
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  • 106 3 A < ir.ular ha* beeu iaaund by M. Heuri I), ni/. of Amaterdam, glVUag d'elail* at U> the Sumatra tobacco crop of IM*H. with tin? re. ul l* uf the anlea up to 0.1. lat. He ratuuate* the total u umber of bale*, iueludiuk coupauie* aud private conuurn*.
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  • 304 3 WHAT MB, MOm *AT» (fiafnaaf frmm. Htj*tmbrr Jteport.) Liemmd Vrmrt. With regard to these Men, I continue to h Id a Very aneafUble poiitioo. As Kegittrar, tbe public co«m to me and look for redreaa, but, at the law staada, I can do nothing, except
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  • 453 3 The deplorable condition <>f the Armenians in the Stuun District of Turkish Armenia, through inhuman tmttin.'iit liv the Agenta oftheTurkinh (jrovernment, having aroused indignation and commiseration throughout Europe, the London Dailg Sews inaugurated a Fund strled as above, having for its President, His Grace the Duke
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  • 78 3 Thbbb arrinsl yetlerday, by tbe Hurtsiti/na from Sydney, a batch of bur*-* for Peua»u aud I'ern k mi-ler tba charge of Mr. StuWb.. 'I'lier.. are ten thor.iugb-liretl griffin* for I'erak tj be Uude 1 al Batu Oajab at >:)75 each, and forty gnlKnt tor IVning. A
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  • 88 3 'I'iik trial of Jkliii Speucer Hilfour •l|ie<t«d t toone ou in tbe Queen* al.-.ut 28th inaUut. Tbe iodictateut chargt-a tbe pritrni r with iniaappropriatiun <>f mouev at a director of diSereut uotnpanua with which be wat counected. aud also with ob^ Uiniug money l»v fain; pretences All
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  • 180 3 Si k M itchbll's despatch ou the Malay SUtra Report* for W.i sutfitt-at* to Ibe China Ktyr«u, tbe lie. d for official encouragement of planting enterprise there iv addition to the development of milling- It it pointed out I bat Ibe policy ou
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  • 555 3 Smthe Time* of Ceyion) London, 16th (Motor i nrmpfciual at Coaataatiao].!.tiligwphithat the AwUnawinri of the Pawira aad Said Paehe. the flnraaja at hrMer. yaeternNr agreed to a modification of tin Amwaiaa Mm, which hKlwin Ik* aaailalmiat of aOMa*ianCew»Maa«rwtowill Webaravd to exoeate the came. Tho MMI of the Caltaa
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  • 98 3 'tut ordinary p-.i*ral mre'ing ol the Canton In.urauee Offlee. of which MvMra. Kou>t<-td .1 Co. are th« Singapore Ageuia, waa held at Hoagkoog on the l!Mh in-t lut. A di vi.lend of at par cent, was InM for aliarvhohlt-r* and a bonus t.f Jn r cenr. to
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  • 261 3 The mint omciaU ot the Mabtyan I'euio.ula. tay* tbe Mr.,,! Trihmmr. el tun tbe diatioctio'ii of "coining" the uh at uuitjue piece of money now in rnt in tbe world. Tbit curiout coin ia aimp'y a thiu ditk or wafer of hardened vegetable gUM, the original aourtv
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  • 280 3 Am extraurdiuary iu.ij.-nl MMi I Shauj{hai on tbe I'iib mat at the Saau ,'ii n Horar Baxa\r. A countryman ma dri<rii;K buffalo aU.n« tbe Bubbling W. II U...1 toward* the Hettlement. for the |.ur|.»~- i of di»po*iug of it at market in order to reali»e fund* to
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  • 53 3 Turn Moraine, at tbe Supreme Court, More Mr. Jottice L«acb, while Mr. 1. V. Vr>U ni being wrora by tbe Chineaa Interpreter, hit Lordtbip objected to tbe oath beiDg administered in hie cowrt to a Chri.tiaii hjr a noo-Cbriatian. Mr. Craig wae sceofdinglr iwom in
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  • 76 3 Ai.n»DM tbr P. O. Rokitfo Sat been supplied with only four tons of i. c instead of tht- Are lorn ordered, it ia satisfactory to flnd that rumour* tv tbe etVrt that oueof the ice machines bad broken down and I bat tbe price of ice bad been raited
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  • 86 3 Tbe Penang Engineers' Institatc held iU annual mural mreting oa the 24th instant sad elected tbe following orleebearera aad membert of CommitUe. For tbe enauii.g year:— Mr. Wm. Baldwin. (PrttUnl); Ut. D. B. Paige, I H<m. Strntarf) Mr. J. Campbell. (B<m. Amis. Innt Httniargi; and Mr. R.
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  • 121 3 ■Sour letters under tbe beading of Change for a Dollar have appeared in tit Zhilg Qmpkie, to which Mr. Tboa. H mburv make, tbe following cootnbuIm: To illustrate what a fearful aad unjnstraaUe ttmptation to eoincrs ia now offered by this country, I srad yon an illustration
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  • 117 3 Tub total revenue nf tbe United Kingdom f««r th» .|U»n.-r ended on Sept. an. uni-tl lo jf.':t,«.'.H, 1.'.1 a n*t increase <-f J£\6SBM76 on tbcamouut received during th currrtpooding .piart-r laat yea. JU». 199.275. Tbia increase is Made up as follows: The Customi receipt* have increased by «o9».B6B.eici*eby
    117 words
  • 151 3 Mb. Pi> KKBiao. wno waa IV..t« of 1.'1.-v. in tbe Strait., writea aa followa to tb. Timet:— fiw.—l havf bred awly wt y«a with Chinnr ef all rbvMM. from lk» hirkml mandarin to ih» lowest euolia. aad have read nut uf the work, wriltfn in
    151 words
  • 255 3 Tat. l*li— al »fi»riH»u lass, mnarhiiig MMai ■MB YiMBR-*r Lady I Mua Dim. ma trW-rv. l.ii «i<|ui»il> Iwth >..u ii Old-r I— I I an glad yun Bad then at. (Imjt vm my |--.r hn»U>id'> 1.-t »ifl •Y»«'" Mfrhnl Ilia ..|N-r» m.ii.i;»r wt* 1.. I a pretlj rtMigk
    255 words
  • 39 3 V- P. JL «> K..W/- f..r Ihunl.UK I, SlwaM. Holla, aud J. Wal.u. IVr i'.\O a*. Kui—r- Him J fur 1.0u.1..,, 1 Mr R J- Youoit K.r I'.uuir Htmn. «i D 8«»pli«ua. anil K.-ir r'ur Culuuibu Mr. K. RiddU
    39 words
  • 43 3 K'K J». noil». Tal.""' I ua I Ih IMolx-r. W Uan.a.-ia A Muu^-ag. (L4aM*.4M)MM i A M »•■< I wcuiu i»ru, NajM MMI >>••«■, Boil! edtCo Il'il iitt lf.H|).a»». Ju« «h NJ«-. Bou.l»«a «Mia m| |ana> Mfta> •I"" N i ttMMUk
    43 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 875 3 I FOR SALE; RMPLOTMKHTB; TO LAT; AlfD PERJONALB. [Iwtihb. 1* easrts a Hse; Sad aad 3rt >im*s.lOeMiU*lhw;«thtomhtißM*. seeaM. a IhM; 7th to 18th tisM*. cents a Has: afterward*. Seeata a Ifow; bnt no charge leas than saw dollar. Thw, a (Arr. Nat ad7erti**meat. eloas set, in thi. trae. nan a*
      875 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 130 3 AKKAN«IKMr.NT> Tl'K«l>A\ -I»TM BM*MM> Ilifh Water 7.52 p vi. I'.ti.d it* U...1 Cluli Ml |.ih :«rtM IhTonitK. II _'il W.'.r Hil 111 H44 111. IV A< I ...iieward mail elt.wt p m TaoaauAT. alar Octobbb. Ilixh W*'er *M Uk Mi l"« l^ialativeC ..-ai. A*» p.m Auetiou ot Pier ««i.t*«-s
      130 words

    • 115 4 UudW thw boadinif the followiiuf lur i BmM *r* »-«»l air.— ateaaaar; «'>■ a" l^ S?a»«; fr-r-rnerh; l»a».-<»«rmao; D.'.r^i,; Jsfc jniswi *v.. an estirn; d. p.-«l-k |lii ilgr.; D.-U"-' »i,;T. W— Tanjoaf Wll r p n _Tan i.»w P- arar D<-.-k B. W.— Ho';i«. Witt. H. VV.-
      115 words
    • 1196 4 ABBiTAuSiacs Nook or Ykhtkruav MM N«w'«*- M" TS Tro«a». S9th Oct. F...m <M"»a. l>i*o7^ an.l d p. B«««o Co, Ltd. F.r n»di».«l«-k. to-day -B. W 1V« Brit. at. Capt »i^«"". iJHhl'rl From Ba«ick«k. -JJ'll Ort T«< MUthj IM. For 80. hay. J»th T..rr 11.-l. Brit. -Ir. a.H67 (oa.
      1,196 words
    • 156 4 ■■Hj Port, ml Da* ol SSt., t LoNIHIK. Banlomuiid LIVEHPOOL St. Fr .uria, Jrm 1 Ak.hmi. .inn. in, .In.- Nov. I t'olvphmiiua dun Nov. 8; Palinuraa. do* N«». H> Ulasuow Trrui, July 3; MaW Oromas.l. July 1. Baukv. Ald«b»'aa. Aiuj. W; Torr H.-a.l. S»pt. Vi Willy Uickmrr*. fjept.
      156 words
    • 154 4 5 tmmtt BMM 'VJ r Oßfc C 4rr»,«. r«ua ■UHM 21 !'..ii Haul M d-t CkXlr. ii ILn Ihu 1.v... -ri TniutKUii -■■> >...» Hbj. It Nun N.ii.i K.. >«..i,.. i <♦ I <*>■ W K.i .r 1 ll. u I kutlllU w ti-iiui.". 8«1..t,. 3wi7 Uv >lr. £CM
      154 words
    • 60 4 VawaL'i Km VlauAKiu Cavtam. <V« IN i V M..11,. Au.lwr-I :'.> .1.1, 1..-1 i» Ei W rultaa I KolulU W Cuulin* a> .I^.l i '■it. >tr .L. l'.ull «w. Ssm ate. Clk,,«,j !>»» rtr. V«« I. ii MM .tr 1i... l^y,, I l>ll*ll.- 'V I IVIiAIIK Ki.i.a vi.|»ui»
      60 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
      1,101 words
    • 266 4 hU'A'lUaVb. mtKs Sarsaparilla IS TH> GREAT Blood-Purifier, NERVE TONIC, STRENOTH BUILDER. i I I jmr- l,. x |^;,,t w |»iul nimi arliing lr..m nu|.ur.- blon.l. ahouM v«» Anfi Baraaparill... II irlv^n «trpn|[th to the weak, and MM aa tlif <yatem frterally. II) IU u< lu.kl B ma." nourUWail. al.-i-|> MMMM*
      266 words
    • 165 4 KOTICKd. Have Jist Renivei KKKSH .SHI I'JIBM 3 UP THK HiLLOWINO: AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOL Ca's i M KU.-KNOWN COW BRAND. Mm li". ronta per 1 Im 81*1 a AUSTRALIAN FODDER. Oat. *M»MSwa» a Chaff *£M> a I Hrai. W.i-. a OataaWraw HMbVmS SPECIALLY SELECTED IAIS KROM h Ik M 12
      165 words
    • 843 4 itILEY HAIM-lIKAVhS ■k COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ILLIOTM SAFK.B OF VMIIOfS Sf/.KS ml rirrsi> with Ctttna'a L < WKIUIIING MACHINE, FAIRBANKS A AVKCY'S Waft-Bin*- pnaaaV mlliea, awl kilna. BELTING. LaaeatbiiA Hnl.l L«ath>r. and Oanrfy'a ni Pirat Cbwa gualiiy. NOT Rotary, iwtii(nr«l, f norn Mr. m«im aad ■Mat KNCINEfI. ■jsis Mma«
      843 words
    • 32 4 Slfl'HitJh, I "iOBBPH BAKKB. oTIeTUMSMis Of--. CIJ~W- h^A 3l'»0 PROVISIONS £5 roTiaioi... from tl«. l»-»t >>n~~ r u^lawl.». •»l ■■»<■.■■ c ll oi». MM at rorjr maonalrf* V n f 13/1 *°>» i
      32 words
    • 102 4 NOTICEB. oMitfii w a T^TmT auamAOMM, Lnuis Bm, Lo*m» MAMBTOH M.Tg«HJHH. aaseiauy BHiisflitusl ami immmmml Baneoir-B Bpboial mßwera FmJ>" WATCB. A«3rWKgtawßtMrHajiHa»f?Wiiißi l iai.aa BBirsoirs watch, JLyi'miTaSm. OU^AL nutf** Bairial ifaaa and mak« for Chlaaaa to orW Tater. af ell feedra, lino. Wat*. ajm nMfasaew OsUlqrßea ea tWw tt J. W.
      102 words