The Straits Times, 28 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1896. NO. 18,759.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 938 1 vMSHIP OOMfANIBS. uiMSOUB AllD O*™™* l BTEAM l> kNJN »AViaATIOII COMPART. Orriea— Collyer Qaaj. k%im t ad Oodowbs— Nsw Harboat. .ail -team'" wUI leave Bißgaa«i« oa or J^i -t¥m Ho»rw».« IK*. ,w. .....r ...H..a M. a c*»» N v in fcr»jaaa J<". 1» Ri 1 HOW BjsiWi ana. 8 i.,,
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    • 757 1 SI KAMiSHIP COMPANIES. j U-, KoMNKUJKh l-AKKTViYrIA ikiAATWJrIAr'PLJ. UasW cmitrvt with the Nethwlauda IndU Oovernawat. ■Hyt-nt* at Singapore, Bb ii- Aomct. i.atf. .1. Uabubixb A 00., H. CoLLTBB QpiT. *****,1. K y*^"' t On Will be Despatched to On 1U VnrjKnlir.,. li»Uvia. :!«h. K»t»v1». Clwrilw,,, B»m»ran ff and Soorab»ya itflll
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    • 387 1 LABUAN-BORNEO. COMMISSION AORNCT. The Borneo Mil orals Comnanr. Limited. London ami Lnlinsii, are |>repara<l to rnnder sow-inl brilitiea to ManofsHurers anl others deeirouf nf being repr»enteil ia the East. I HE BTBAITB DEVELOP JIENr U.i LIMITED. TIMHER MERCHANTS AND CONTRACTORS. STEAM (SAW MILLS. KALLAMO. The above Mills twin* bow eomplftled
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    • 891 1 BANKB. HONOKuNG AMD SHAVQH-I BANKIKO OOBPOBATIOM. PAID-UP CAPITAL... $10,000,000 1 RESERVE 7UND f S^OOAMO RKBKRVE LIABILITY Of! PhOPRISTORD J Cooar or Uiaaprona.— i. K KHMER. Esa.-CMAiaSMn. I A. M. -i -o.VAt HIK. E~j -Danrrr Cbaibbaii. l>. K. Haawiow Jh. j. Bsu-lsnse. I J- n. 9%*t. m. D. limn. I C.
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    • 322 1 WOTIOTW. Mi lajak, rirfa, W7B: M*. JOSEPH 6ILLOm PENS Ot Mutest QueUtr, and. Havlas Ortatert Ourabllltr, srs Therefore CHEAPEST. P>a*i jroitiT'i sawasaa. ronea, anil ia. an isadim staslb., ao. t aaaawiaw i Horse shed by old aad experienced SBesaag smith. nn.W spsuial Sarapana aanenestaa, atone. asaaM or sold on ronuaWea
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  • 385 2 LATKBT MAKKKT WLOTATJONM 4i-«apobß, 28th Uctoibb, Dw» PKODUUK. OamHar. I 8 JO. do Oaba H« 1 U.u». do de sfe.ti, Oopta Ban, (A do Poatkaak.. &.1(». Psppsr Bleak, 10.7&. 8a,;.. Flmo-, .Sarawak 'IM. iv Bnmai 19H. Paarl *<mo SM. Coffe* llali 41.0 U. Oaltm Libariaa 43.00. TapHMB small PkV
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  • 85 2 for Pn dr. Tim*. To-Moaaow. 4>iuiui via satis C^rfnitr, Ha asi«aa, T.»... 1...m. Maaakak. I«Msa, I a sl Dsli. SaavMrfs, tmm. Klaus vi» sorts, Amlitnl, .1 p m. i.l. v,. poru, C-aiyjM.. l r Cochin >„ purl*. U1...1.1.1. <•■ KUiitf n. port*. Jut*<, 3 v m. Mala, ra
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  • 103 2 t'Hoa Kvuort -Hi Urn P. 11. li.i .it.. .lv.. t..-u,,.m,w. taadMii n.v p. »ci .r h,..-i I .lii<> 1...... rruw. Tiaja Tabu or Mailx to Lomdo*. I l>u..u U.U.1.H1 Arr...-I K..,.t. 111, P .V <>. .1,1 ;lr.| '-.|.l. »<tli aaat 1 "tii m m ii.tTti. qS :h.
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  • 264 2 ABBIVAL*. lVr a. ltr,,il, fro.a Bau K l>>k -Mr Caadutti. Par a. a. kMatfaj from BaUria M<<*ara. Luc a. .'-arkin-, tad Parair*. Far H,,e.pkil*, from uri a Hwn M»k llartun. Kraak. SUaH u4 P.rry. d lln. Huiwrtaoo. Par fr.ii. Kkoir -Mr. Jutquia l'»r It k;,,K, 4<>* f
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  • 33 2 *<ir J»v» p rl«, T.l, m u,k»,, ub 3 IK Ik lob. r W M ...»ti. l3 A I i lui... .i.-l Jaimu. my. a»> litli HtM I u-
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  • 92 2 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. MONDAY, 29TH OCTOBER, 1895 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. [awUeri,4Um rare* awaf aimrtUmf rawM may fca/ewaat en tte /ewrU pwaa.] THE ARMENIA* QUESTION. n-BTmta mneß—BH Un Jon. *U OcMtr. Biota attended by massacres of Armeai. ana cootiatv- ia Totiey. THE LIAOTUNO QUESTION Cbiaa baa agreed
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  • 369 2 Ta« removal of one point ia diiputa betwew Hoaaia aad Japan, by lW Japeaewa evacuating Liaotn»(r, ia drawing Bearer. The evacuation of that a. rtioa of Sonlhern Mancimria, wfcieh Janaa had won ln>m China 'at tbe ewnrd'« I point, had been forced up..n the Japaoeee by (Jermanv,
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  • 438 2 TO ARMS PENANG. I'u.ang, bavm- the ijuestioa laft to ila own diecrvtion aod c >mmoa aaaar, it ■ow diecuaaiatf the |>ropua«l demohtioa of Fort Coruirallia. rVaaaf ia riereixcd in loin. l about it. Ttie truuiw ar« to lie rtmnved at the earlu »t (Maaible oppur. tuuity, and, 011 tlieir diuaiture,
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  • 488 2 THE GOVERNOR AND THE MUNICIPALITY. lln Kicellewey the Governor eeerae to d. sire to irritate tbe Municipal C-ommis-eioaera to the point of rrvolt. Let ua Inok at the Singapore Manictpal finance, aa ripreaae. ia tbe Badget publish, d ia the current Gotenmfml dtittU. The Municipality propose to collect, during aest
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  • 13 2 Tna Uovrraor aud the Municipality ia agaia oa tba liat of public topiea.
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  • 14 2 T«i gt. Cecilia Band will play at Iba (iolf Club to-morrow aitereooo. at *.«J.
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  • 16 2 Suaaooß kaepa tbe Pnn.e of Walee'a b.rtbday oa tba (lib November instead of oa tba Mb.
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  • 16 2 Koia men have ht»n «m,t..| by tbe IVtlivr. in eoajmtiun with a gang IMbTJ oaHeraagaun Koad
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  • 19 2 Tac awil Hmvi MukUl., left IVuau K at IU f.m. »Q Sunday («7th). and ia due bar* to-aionow nuirmng.
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  • 21 2 Ma. K. J. Udrm advertiaea a mjaW •Mat of Huoper Brwa." port. Tbe port baa been thirty year, ia tbe wood.
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  • 22 2 Mkaaaa J. DAiiiuaLa 4 Coy. adveitiae that tw» applied ahipputg lorma iatued by tbr Komaklijke faketvaart Maatwbappij will no longer ba aowplcd.
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  • 25 2 Ma. and Mb. Nicbumon who were ■ujured by tba ooUapaa ol tba building ia Klin, threat. Jwv« been handaomelv compeaaated by Mr. Ta* Jiak Kirn.
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  • 27 2 Ocb itropoaal lor aubacributg towarda a BM—onal to "Tom Morria baa attracted altantua at Pwaang, but the feutug (iolf Club baa But y«t atartod a aubatription Int.
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  • 30 2 .JV Uu^l i* I*"'1 K -'J«»t of Ih, Na«n SMabilaa. arrived thia morn.v,, by tba a. a. M*U*<« Ui. odd to nuda .Native SWlea utVial arriving after a rare meeting.
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  • 24 2 tmm Malaagur Oovernmeut invite. ta noj the aftb aacUHi ol tbe rVhani, Truuk Koad. It alao advertiaea for a thoouithlv coaj|«teal building ioa|w.tor. J
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  • 39 2 tLAiiia to hoM re«fa m tba S.m. bilan. w>. -b do not euuiuu .p^.^, 4 l.liut -oudn i.,u«. will U- deuiued to be eau 7IW at tbo end of Ibia year. UU U^, operatioiM are at ou. c couiautuced
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  • 35 2 Tim maater aud .r»w of the Uermau a..-*** Wi**. are oaJUd uu, v b t.*u.,ul to «,.|»-.r at the fieruwu Conaulate ou Tburada> ue,t. to a*.,, gtal I tv de, laratiuo uudei l lrrauu law
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  • 17 2 VV.,M rvtf.rj U. Dr Bro.n'a auiiet, tor t uuiaee foaiale immi^rati,... v submit to uo miertvrsaus. Wl
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  • 220 2 TMBIB ABBITAI. AT BAISOM Si Kab»tai., tbe eMrf of tbe Pabaag rebels, aad foar ot bis comrades wet* brought up to Bangkok 00 tbe 20thintt*at by tbe MonghU Bmjakumar. Tbe Baogjk*. Timt tayi that after giving tbm.eslv r s up to tbe flasmaaa forces sent to efeet
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  • 38 2 A stkah lauu< h naaied Bitmarek foundered in the MrnnD river at Baagkok on tbe 21>t insuul, throngh overcrowdiai; Thoae on the spot at the time state that ten lives were lust including aevenl child rev.
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  • 53 2 Tib neit merting of tbe Chinee* Chrn. tian Aaaociatioa will be beU M tb« Prioscp Strn- Chapel, on Vridaj nest, tbe Ist November, at 8 p.m., when Hard. W. M array, M.A.. of Panang, will deliver a leetareon the Importance of Character." Tbe moHiag is open to
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  • 54 2 In September, tbe Suu«ei Ujonj[ Governmeut santtioned tbe application of Meeara. Hurt aod Sbarpe of Minciug Lane, London, for two block, of Und of live hundred acres each, between the 10th and 12 h mile atone on the Port Dickaou railway liv. Tbe laud ia takeu
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  • 62 2 K r ir a haa it that a recently ap|>oiated Veterinary Inspector from India, nho arrived at IVnaog, tbe other duy. for service there, rafuaed to take up the ap|ioiotment, and left to n-turu to India. According to bim be bad been mialed aa to the value
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  • 62 2 Arran we went to preaa on Saturday afternoon. Mr. 'jammers, the Municipal Building Irsj*. t .r. gave formal evidence, by wans of the plaua. in tbe caw of tbe aupenuU-udrut. Tan Joo Ouan. wbo is cbaryed with a uegligeut aot, not luiountitig to culpable bounci<le. Tlircwf
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  • 71 2 I'm <i in nt Cleveland boa annoamrj tint allContuUr appointmenta, carryiLK •alariea between ll.ikh, M d $2,500 a-y«u Aui.-rican uiiuey 1 aball be tilled by n» irU cted, after limited competitive aiAOinutiou. It ia bop- 1, m New York, that this change will uiiuimisj tbe evda wrought iv
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  • 71 2 Tn« ituNywiH Timut says that uuied marriaifes brtwi^u Kuropeausaud t !>-- fair daughters of Buruiah (native*, par and ainiplei are becoming <|Uitc au aybj uiir. Recently, a gallant aon of Mara, be!oiigiO|> to ..ue of tbe Uurmeae Battalions. tbna married befom tbe Regiatrar of Matru^-s. Hiseiampb>
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  • 82 2 THE FUSILIERS AND THE CHINAMEN. Tuaiia Fuailiera, at thia mornioK'n police court, charged two Chinamen with autultin« them hut ni<bt A native pollivinaD dvpoaed to acting the Fuailiera luuniutt aod the C'hiuameu vbaaiug them with itu-U in their haada. The defence waa the proawutora bad tiken cherooU witliuut paying
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  • 112 2 THE WIELAND." <)»« of our ivjiortera viailed 111.- HV-1-iHii ou Saturday av.uui^. ml tli..ii.-li i|,,. v oa j^rtialli rawed iv tbe early m.truiuK. i>|rralioui Hiuiu her out thoroughly and to nmwjai all reiuaiuiui; damped rir^o were still beiUK actively pumued Ihe uniell Unl prevailed iv lh- lower bo'da wa>
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  • 228 2 Uml Mm* *.>./ <)cio««r i M. tuU-r. of tb« Uui«utf Oluli ha«. d«.ideU to bold Sky Kso Mwliuk M 'beirvouraouuSaturday, tlu-;'tb IKhiiuUi The id... »f lUe pruinot. r. of tb* meetiUK i« not to <r«at« uui.tker racing Bilure l>ut to provide an atteruu.. u'e siwrt el t!»' i/iulbau*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 748 2 HOTIOIM. This Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspajer in Ana, British India exoepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipiinea. and French Indo-China. Mo other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 407 2 NOTIOEB. \MAM PRKMKITN FOR HOMR. JOHNUTTLE&CO, LIMITED. Have ifrciv.Ml fn-nh aupplieH of th« fullovfiinf Imlinti and other Condiment* Kuitoblc for X'maM preeente, and will haVe pltwaurv in selecting und ddtputchiiiK CHrriafrp paid if desiifil to iiiiv iidiln-HM in Rn^lavnd or •■lmcwluti-. Huch suppliejt of the followinir mm* Im* required by
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    • 856 2 LATEST ADVBBTIBEMKNTS- /"\FFICB TO hVT, la rkaafe AlUj. ft* \J floor rooaa. Brat 125 par nw*». 2/11 Apply (o H. C. .la/Unit. Urn*: riliß UKUnignMl ha» teerfred I further I ft mat of Hooper Bra' port, SO part la the wood tad nn tawnr. R I. GUNN. 7/11 Oolljer y,.ar.
      856 words
    • 25 2 -42SJ2M**' *>a»iaaV, \J*S?T*** «W.««*jeal >». rmMUm, Mat TheStnitoTuii«hiitlulai^ dreuiation of any newipaper in Asia, British India exoepted. Ho other Eatteni newspaper oat so widespread acircaJatiot.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 88 2 MTKATHKU KKPOKT KaaaVsaa Crsssa ah>«*wai. r.u. tinUm*. »a-». J| Baauaaa. Bar. ra4. U fak. ».Kl*B».ieww.»lt 5 t Tsaas. KI.S na.ii 77 i= Waa Baft IWr. 7» 1 77 h 7«.» (3° Dir.afWW W. M.K. rah... t c 2 Maa.T.««.uiaU.|». *4 .11 °i" Mia. as a> 7-"> if* Uu lab..
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  • 1630 3 THIRD PAY iMavaaf. October Ms.) p«»Mt: Mr. 0. Sudden; Mr. H. Fort. i Vr T K. Esrle; Starts: Lt-Col. *LTir- *5"« Mr. i Ofc»*i th* SctUt Hon. lZ M,»-all»™. c Mr C. E. H.I I*-**: M«.r<. r W. Barker. "if. HI 1 A. W. Mm, C.
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  • 67 3 Il.ll.n Cimpball Mr. K» vim mil C.ldar Fiddwi Phillips Hi.IIhv OMa CavwiKifli Mr. l'»v<" A luliil Mr. Mr. Al|>ii.Ourwi.ii Firrt. Serund. Thud. 5 4 0 3 8 1 3 II 3 3 2 3 •J i 0 1 II I 1 g 4 I ii 0 I
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  • 235 3 The Straits Hudytt. tube puhluhtd to. murf'iw at noon, will eonttiiu the /'ill and re.nited account of the nut nutting andof "dref at tk* racei." Copies can befarirarded, pust frue, direct from th* Office. Price M) rents per copy. Pint. Strand. Third. Mr. BHfe KuirKwt'ii Hnmu
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  • 686 3 Tut; fin. r wtu'her of Salur.lavsluruimiu induced innny mi>re ladies tv nut iv au appi'arauce un the Oraud Slum! tlutu liml v.'iiiiin'il tv Ibi' liurca uu Thuradav, auJ, ultln 1411 the grass iv the enclosure still Muuii'wli,if marshy, it w*« possible in prumentde without irre|>ar*l>le
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  • 559 3 BY "XAnothcb meeting haa come and gone, and, taken upon the whole, it haa been very interesting aad auccessful. It has furnished a lot ef surprises, for the favourites have gone down before the handicap of mud, and from moat of the performances of the but week no
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  • 154 3 It ia reporteJ that the Muda Kiver Province Wellesley) is iv Hood, and that tbe water rote high enough, one night, to overtop the bund between Dusiin Lida aud Permatang Bindahari. Very heavy rain has fallen iv Ki'.ti aud Prrak for some days aud tbe country is flooded. Tbe
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  • 277 3 Accoboino to official statistics just iw.uid. while the total trade between AustriaHungary and Japan in 1894 amounted to 485,000 yen as againtt 348.000 yen iv tLa preceding year, there wm a falling off of more thau 4,000 yeu in the eipjri s from the former country. The
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  • 205 3 THE MUNICIPAL ESTIMATES FOR 1896. Tib Uovernment Qatette publishes tbe Municipal Estimates for next year. Tbe revenue is given at WIS.OOO. of which $819,000 come under rates aad tales, aad 145.-000 under the beading of witerworks. Tbe revenue proper reaches 1722.000, but this total is swelled by $6,000 recoverable ontnUuidiß(|S
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  • 222 3 (Vim Bmnfkok.) London, *Mk OtUher. Lord Salisbury has seat aa altiautam to tbe Goveraaamt of Veaemela demanding a prompt settteawt of the loag-staadiag rlaima of England sfslast that eosjatry. Advices have been received from Massowab to the effect that King MsasUk has bean straek by lightning as bs
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  • 249 3 I'itailh are to bod nf ibe sinking of the Batcnrt Hurrait'tani. a Spaniel man-of-war, at Havaas. f roa which it appran that aha was sunk by the Cubans. It appetrt that a party of ten C:i'..-i:». coasuitaded by Captain Enrique, let Gua-tinaan.. in a steam launch
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  • 288 3 ifVu* Mr. A'ry«r'» rtpori /<- Stfitmlttr. DuHiHH the month, Jelehu was vYted by the Resident. Keaideney Bur«ron. Financial Oflk-^r, Superinteod. Nt of Wo. In and Surreys, and Colonial Chaplain. During the visit of the Resident, a call wai made oil the Data' Peogbulu at Pemdoiig. when a leugthr
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  • 1119 3 Mr. MtMtfli Will roa let w kw. yo.? Miss Pjiblss -What! Wbta are mH The Dike sad Daebess of Cobarg evidently aßßfsis of sariy asarriafH. PHbisss Aknaadrs, wbo is to Barrr Prmee Iratat of H*b«aloas.Laafeab.rg, tnt eoosia of the Qsrvsa Katasror, U bat semteea. At Margate. Beauty: "1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 (JU IN NESS'S EXTRA STOUT J. S. vVOOUr'UbLU A Cu.. LONDON. VAT bUAND. Wm. YOUNUaUta.oo.'s, Lu. MONK UUINU AI.K AND tl'llll I la BULK i«U bOTTI.B!.. SOI.K IMIHUITKIW KATZ BROS. SOLU BY I'UI.N. UiL IiSALtKI tU. «f. 10/ 7, M Tas piu* nf the w—kly mail xiirum uf Uu StraiU
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    • 808 3 FOR SALE; RMPLOTMKNTB; TO LIT; AND PEK.SONALB. [Ist timb. 16 eeats a line Sad and 3rd time*, lOeeatnallae; 4th to Bth tines, esfta, a line; 7ta to 18th times, S rents a la*: afMrwards, 2 eente s line bat ne smugs Ms than oae dollar Tkua. s <Ars. Kns adterriaemenl.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 124 3 AKKANOKMKNTS. Monday. 2)tth Octubbb. High Water. 638 p.iu Pbilbarmoiiic Choir. i.3U p.m. TinfHUAV, 29th Octubbb. IliKh Water. 1.47 am 7.ii p.m. P. A O. liuuioward mail due. P. A. O. outward mail .due. Hand at Uolf Club. 5.30. WBDNKSUAr, 30TH OcTOBBaV. Uigh Water. 8.21 a.m. 8.44 p.m Tmdbsuat. 31st Octobbb.
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    • 20 4 Oadtr thit beadin* tb* Mlow.iw p haw Dock: P. B.— Fnlo Braoi I" Ml»or-WA». V...M.*.vr Hl.licn W.
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    • 1376 4 A*bital«Biiiob Nook or yAroBU*T rknprm. Hrit *lr. 1.455 ton-. a|rf. BW. •K4h CM Fr«ni Fmaaff. Mlh <>f. R'« aad d. p Bowtetd A 00. For Monlmein. J^ar-aafcr. Dnt. *tr. 7".7 ga&afcj* Bowb,. i;.h Oct. From Bato»U. fcth *yt and IH d p. Daend-la A Co. For rtolaria, 2flth—
      1,376 words
    • 143 4 (■■Met, ii»iil..inon.l. LlV(ni'.H>|. aa\ Kr.nei,. Juacii; Aitamemii.m, aaV >••>. t, P...y|.li»iuu< ilue N.iv H, P»li,nir*.. do* N v. lo QMaawi Tyi 1..1 vS| Shiki.dh J..1, Baa**. Aldeha'an. A.ijr Iti Torr Hea.l. BBB*. 1^ Willy Ili.Lin. m. Sept !■< Hknautu. R. C. RuiLier.. Sept. ;;i I'miii a. lolanthn. .Inly
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    • 35 4 I-ABBKD SUNDA STRAITS OR AURIVKU KOK OKOKKv lu^j.^iSSr c .-r; i N i I;, i 1.,,!,,.. ■""^l-"'- .'I 11. 1. K rrai at r u i^ i».i Lii ss v ast, ess
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    • 114 4 JtJ > kui.r, lint..., HL, I|. v i :b I! Koh^Alrh D«l .Jr. :.V. «l, ««uluinii in ||l.>i.k«l 4 l'o. U M—f Bm .1, Sjf, 11 U OH II 11.. !•>.. .'7 u ,^uLl u 1,;,. v 1 .»*»>•»'• "•I A. 1>~..W. *IV r..i. a,.i. (li *"j" -.|.i Hi
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    • 92 4 Oati Vimil'i N«ai. »t*<i«Rii. at t: H M M M a» >H <N is I'UllJt'O U» I mi. i. h. M«i«t> i S«Mm| Kiai Kkaa H.,,, lor ImWll> on M .i.k I U N~m 95 tfui.t U I »i|«.utkr kit. Mi. |„,,,1.... »»r. Au au «r. A > -»r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1087 4 NOTiCES. Please Noie our rt'lestinas can In; Exclmnged wtltiin tliFce luontlis. If not approval. No other linn altowi thit in India and we challenge any tther firm ia India to do the fame w *VkT<H V.HK OBDBBB WITHOI I KKAK. K-.i: Y«>l .A»N.rT BK MKMTatft Messrs. STEFFENAUER Co., Oetoetinaß*. Phoenix
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    • 1071 4 KOTIUES. J. MOTION CO. W ATCHM AKEBB, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. BBPAIBfi FBOMFTtT BIBOVTTBP. A BOOt pnii TRASK BWETTKNHAM. PAPBROOVKRS $1.00 CLOTH BOARDS UN HALFLBATUBR m IbVW •DfOAPOBB. STRAITS TIMES OFafOB. Th. book will b* forwards to tay fart ta apßliaatioa pott fra* at tha abot* tamed prittt. Tb* money mint be
      1,071 words
    • 924 4 JOSEPIi BAKKII. B< "urtcniisiß avu Vn»»« tUasa. [■OS to in'nr» th, Ladi*. ud OaatU--1 mm of B ftf r» tKat aa ha* oftmti a 1 'nafWtlam rj tatf Tiemil B*k*^ W*. 8, Vieinrla Street, ami W th* Ctan»at. WaMiiHi Uakat at amaVal* Harv**, aad all ether dtfent kiad. nf cake.
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    • 11 4 NOTICES. I cocowfeC SPECIALLY HeLbCTKD FOB PLANTIIfrt. Ai pry tn ft.
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    • 17 4 HOTEL DER NEDtBLANi.RN^ BATAVIA. rfUFPINROOM In tte CHy far lodgm 1 the hotel. Frttlnaek t. m. 1»/ji
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