The Straits Times, 25 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1&31. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1895. NO. 18,757.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 856 1 AMSrtl* COMPANIES. uivsnLAß AMD ORIENTAL BTEAM P fcNIN |JAVIOATIOH COMFAHT. Orric*— Colly*r Q«aj. <1 OoDoWini l tw Barboa*. a. mail »ua"»" wUI Bi«fapeia on or HnmiM llrr ic<n IWV ivi >■ H.»H I. HOT. Ml Nov. 1.1 a (j..k.n« Uw. 11 aaiWn lw<-. IB (wt ,o MM-U1- M-l thMM bj
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    • 1112 1 HTfcA VISHIP COMPANIKB. I ty. KO.MNKLI.IKIb fAMSI MAATM HA>-PIJ. L'L.ler rontnu-t with tin. IMaaßJaawAal InJU (rovernaient. A;rnU nt Rrnqapnrr., Ship AoFHf!T. HT| ,T. UAB)rnBI.II do.. i-\ CoLLTEB (jPtT. 'Vn',',,,"' «>» Will 1h- Despatched to On '''"■> i""" 1 j!Mh. B^avi».(. < lmr.l«ii.Bam»rai.g.antBonrab»ya Z»lli ,S»..'. MMb-a 17th. So..r.b,>» Hah. L..nb.k M*".-ar.
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    • 530 1 BANKS. HONOR UNO AKD SHANGHAI BA MKING COBPOBATIOK. paid-dp capitaTZ pofloojm REHBUVR FUND 5,50M00 RUBBVB LUBILTTT OFI jiomniiwo oi-Kr ot D'aacToaa.— 1. KKAMKR, X-,. -.-MiisßAn. I A.M.. ON.U'IIIK. Ksv, DiriTil'»iUi<. 1 iaa. I. Bau-lana*. M. I>. Eamat. I J < ¥ir»»., O. B. IKH.WI.LI.. 1 N. A. Htaaa. Oaiar
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    • 343 1 lfonoi^. Mi Mk«, hrh. IMS ISW. JOSEPH GILLOm PENS Of H,«h..t ttualltr. and, Harla* Or^ateat Durability, ar* Tlwrafore CHEAPEST. PBA»B TTOtLITI o aoamiaeioif, m runnia eTABLai, a.. 9 AaanMua man. Bon* ahod hy old aad operienoMl abaataW ■mitha nn.lf.r apeciai European anpcrraaoß* 110. 'li lx*^-ht or aold oa rowuaiaeioa at
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  • 381 2 I,A'J KH'J MA l»h tT (JUOTATIOKH *tnokr»HT, Urn tHrroMa, ItM. IKODUCE. M*. da fuU No. I a U\»rl<> <ln So.:', U>pn !<«!>. &*5.. .!■> rontUiwk 6.10. \>yy« Black, l't>7%. s4-> Flour. Sarawak 2,VY do BniMi Pmrl Sun, 3.4ft. CofaUi 41X0. Cntm Lihttrtaa,. 43.00. T>i-m« •m»ll FUka, 380. do
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  • 82 2 for Per ttr. Ttm*. 10.M0.a.w. Djuaba, Ku,.,A*h. I 'l'nu<f aim via |>OrU. U*§4t*. 9a m. HaaMiaacvupo.t., 1v,..i,,«, p m IK 21' UI Klauir viaporV. .-it,., t „.m M«la.-.-« an TrinawiMa, I a. S«.ir.b.,a»a|..i. M.».» Ja|«ui via |H-rt-. /nM. I i. l«a«kok, H.,i«». i,. U.XI.AT Saauraug ut |M»rU. Smut,
    82 words
  • 101 2 laaa taaaaav-% n,. r \n. %tdh\.lu. 1,1, XI,. ,1 .v l**"*^**** -»>!•* 11 a-...^r.;.#f,,,.i. I iaa Ikli or to U>ni.on. I i^^ 1,, 0 j.,. Arn>..l >.|l 111, I' I a <>.t :lr.l ......t. WU. ■11 I M M ...-t7lli im -.|.i Hk t I<i 11.1.
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  • 14 2 A I Ihe lieiirral Hopiial. uu the Ml iiulaal .1. m.n VWl*r,al Kauh.
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  • 175 2 HMUH IVr a. fin,,tu,i Intm Calcutta —Mr. Ohm r'-r s. from lUmluirt «vi. Hii'limauii. Capt. Uulm. Mr. H«f*i*n, aad (TO Akklvk. l'..r l» O. a. from 1...i,,1,.u, H.t.t. M.Un Killork. Mm Fitlork. Mr. KmiimJv. unl Mi»~ t'otria. Mim 81. John, and Mr. l'..r from l,.u<].m. i.-i 11,
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  • 13 2 > l.m.i h| .1 i|.«u. I'll i«n. lu« Mb Nu».,
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  • 184 2 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS FRIDAY. 25TH OCTOBER, 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Manemptem rwttt and aAr*riinm) rat— »wy l>e found <m the fourik yaof.~\ RUSSIA. JAPAN. CHINA, AND emm. Lon4om. 'Mk Octt*tr. Tbrw cruiHri ar« on I be «»v In rrinf<> m ih» Kikikii P*. i«r ••|ti«lroti. which
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 881 2 It nevinx not uiirv«u>onabl« that Uu-oia »1i, m1. 1 ina»s her naval I'lrci-n near Cor«a. A« W<- I .K.irate-1 on Wedn-«|:ijr, Japan i« in Core a on the nan footing thai Bri'ain i« in K/ypt <>nt il he utronif i.|ihii,f|i to j^.vern lirrwlf. By the-
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  • 11 2 (>r*BATinai for tbe raiaiatj <-f Ihe Wirland are bring prtetrd on.
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  • 20 2 T«« mail <l«-a|iaUbrd fn>m Sinitai-i* to Loimlot. hv Oermaa packet mi the 23rd ultiin Wat del.v.rvd oc Ihe 19th icaUot
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  • 24 2 atawnaa. McAutTBB A Co. advrrtite aa auction tale of l«oee hemp, ci a. r. WirUmd a» the Boraro Wharf. 00 MonaVf. the SSth mat.
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  • 26 2 YstiBBDAT. Ibree Cbininj.-u vitiu-d a ■Ma iv t«.v»D. Thej < o^uired for aaf.-. but ooe of Ibem waa foaod to ba inia a p| .rupriatian a aaroog.
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  • 28 2 a>- Floodi have damaged Ibe railwar line at Talem ia Perak. Tbe water roe» a foot hiirber than bad l«e»n r kaowo tin< c the railway waa romavneyd.
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  • 30 2 Taß Deli C'eantai tt tbe liMh iuttint re|..rta cbolara ai atill pievah-nt .-v tbr ea'alrt Oa tb* I4tb. 17tb. aad 18th out of t leteo cat" t, ri«bt proved fatal.
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  • 29 2 Tan boaapward P. AO. picket Kau*r-I-Himd left ol r at Ip. m. jetterda.v. and maj be etpocted to arrive at Siofrainre oa Tnaaday u«rum K the 'i»lb iuatant.
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  • 28 2 Tbkbb wi re elevea ocma-iciing veaaeU ia Ihe barlwur at Feaaa« <••> the iind 8«I i.f vreaela 10Da'K c.l lo Vml Hutlenlak h. l.l«l»rl. A C...
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  • 33 2 AKomaa ChioaauD. uu.lcr j^ili.e rwort left l'euanv; for Siairapore on the JNt in alant by tLe eieuaipr Kuttufj, to I ->i 1.-for,- the tlot. ruor-111 C'liilic 1 bir^.il wiih tratliaK ia Wai'enK lofU-rn--
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  • 51 2 Taa Kreoeh naval antboritiea have juat cooi|.l«irj etprrimeuta with a new i|U..kfirin; ||ua, which it .le»rril».| aa U iuu' <>f the BKwt perfect tt II baa a ralil.n* uf a-veutv Syr aiilliiuetrra. au.l will throw a tbell weiarbiuK ail kih»tfntniiue» with a lauulr vekaritv ..f iOU uirl r.-< a a-
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  • 30 2 1h- a 1 earner Brmfkalit wat offered for rale tlna afleraoon by Meaara. Powell A. Co. The hi.- h.~i offer made waa f lO.UINI. KLe waa bought ia.
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  • 45 2 "PINAFORE BY AMATEURS. Thb AiuU. ur p. rf.-ruiauce of U.M.B. I'immfan" will But take place duriuif the cr ekei feativilie*. but about thr middle of Jaauaiy. l'he.-,»t we bave alr.-ad. publiahed. au-l the reLvaraala will I ea;ia a we k or H from now.
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  • 53 2 Tmk houa.- wxap»d by Mr. U. K V. rbontaa and Mr. C. S. Craav, in Sved Ali Ko .1. Wat »e»u-rd momiOK enter. .1 by l>ur K Urt Tbe i-oul.nla of an aim. irah in Mr. Ciaur'a r».in were rvui.xol. The value ol ibe pn.|>-rty loat ia aaid
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  • 66 2 Ma Ton .S...ri ia M t.-d by Ibe -—•> <>a Ibr 14th Novemb r. Mr I. Mbvllord 1. t.d by tbe 1 1O S4lh No.emlirr. Mr H M SlOloua M ei|«.t,-.| l.» tbe ri,.,m>. ou «nd I > .vui her. The arrival of Mr. Sinioua i« a little
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  • 75 2 Tbb Committee of the New York Chamber of Commerce baa caa»aa.ed the membera of Cvnureu to obtain ibeir «iewa un Ibe <^ueatK«. lv Ibe Honae of Krpr.a-nUli.ea. Hn lueuibrre wen- in favour of free ailver. Jlti oppuwd it. and ii were doubtful while la tbe Brnaie
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  • 102 2 O«« ol tbe largea! Biruiiu K hau. Kin,, eagaged in the gun aud ammunition Ir.i I. laat w«k recei* Ur«e order from S „ith Afru-a for guat. Tauae who gave the order aaya the M.ul. oft-r.-.l a lwuu< of 1 i»h,/ tbe order were eu-vutcl v*! the malenal
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  • 97 2 A few well-di«aai>l MaUva are ca11,,,.. at men', houaea. repreaeutio,, tb«l they have been inetruetod by n,e 0 iv v lv ofSce. ,o,h. bearer ceru.u art," i.m Hue o f them reprw-DU hiu,«lf o» behJl ol the Ua. Cooi^uy. o K«ulk>UMu'a houae. in order to H uifc
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  • 82 2 I'M« hr.t tbirlv-kiiou tori*do.b.Ktt •1",1r0,n, 0i,1..,,-d m May W il, imraJt, for tl,. Bri i.h N»,,. *ut Brother, w.,,k, at Birkeuhra.l, r ,Xv -■Kkl d*,a after the i^. her keel Ui-c ai.ter .hi|i.. I»i.-Vf.| I r .n.uHiy. tfrow.u^ Mirf£ »f»a.l m uaued the 0.,../ Mr.
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  • 86 2 A. SaiooH newtpiper. the Itrk my, „f 111-; I'ith| inaltnt, aim a defcrip im nf tliree alleged Frenrb twindlert, ni.l to bo enjoying tbeawelvea at an hotel in Singapore. One of then it taid to give h ma-lf out ita nobleman out in Ihete part* ntent.
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  • 165 2 Tunt BPrroßorma xthaith timki Sic. YetterdaT afternoon, on la tlait in^ KafaVa Library, 1 found that, only ooe of the two bookt referred to in my letter of tbe 23rd inttant, had been returned to ■It tbelf. lit nomber 11 Q 12. Q 25, bvwevtr, waa atill mitaing,
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  • 517 2 (0. -V Herald.) Fbom l.tlera rereived from Mr. Hew. -it at Peaungab, itteemt that be went up the Tuogad river to get tbe bill men t b.r- tv cut tberentiaforthe telegraph line from Kuala Tuu|(Ud to Sequaa. He bad to talk to tbe chief of tbe Romanowt,
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  • 570 2 1 S^ttl a nun. 1 On ill- J'.'ih Scptvuilxr, .tl S,m•Uk .v, a •(*•< utl alluniuou hiiici' km h.ld ki'liiu I lie riaiug walla of th.- ikw .1. J..-..1.-.I to St. Mi.-Imcl and All M U I .-in- B. Mi.-li.ti-l and All AafaV, aaf,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 733 2 NOTICES. t 1 rpUB BOBKIO COMPANT.LIanTBD J fTWI Maaaara Ltfa Anaraaet. X Norwich Unioo Fin. Imirtßtl SttMf. AUaa AM«v«DOt Coapaay (Fire). i The l.iln tvimn« Ko. My, T%a Ooaaa Marina I n- uran. •> CYnpany. Tbe China Mutual Staam N««i k -,i ii, Coaiptay. The ToUaahta l«e«r Haw Comi«ar.
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    • 905 2 NOTIOKB. [I T!.r iStniits Times has the l-rgett r circulation of any new^ajer i in Asia, British India ezceptcc. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the > Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipnines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper
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    • 695 2 iATKBi Al»v KIM'ISKMtiNTS. r) H< !,KT-' ffi-» n Vo. H. .VAlin« d» htn-M. A |>|>lr d'Alnwida ilr~t 31/«« Kfirl KALI r\«NKK karinir for hotr* W<f\t (M<. I and I'nlaii'inin. the |.mj».Hv «if Mr. T. 1. '.HANI' Prire 14W. Applj tv M tBBAM -•■>/ 1<» NOTICE. r H K Aiiihhl Ownl
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    • 48 2 laaaXM an -w% «<•. r.waiiaribw.^,,. »,..>|Mr«MMa. MjaaM IM wXju «bn*l to 411 '»^l*» n>.«* >..•... to >k> -^«.i.~ i*U <a»a«/jj»fa»t/ mn. a-> IHIIIII 'k-m t**t 4aaa The Straits Times haa the largest sirculation ot any oewgu»per in Aaia. British India exoeuied. No other Kaatern newspaper haa so wueepretm a circulattua.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 WKATHKU KKPOIiI Kmmdani Jfr.ilut. U—fUl, :'<!/. Ut.4»r, .->•.. ••.■.lp.a. «p.» kKnu H.r. rad. .)J rah. tajdtttM 4 3".S*» X Aft i. T.»p him 7...0 71.1 1i i W«t IMb TWr. 7H. 7« 74 5 l>ir. ««Wi^,. NX W. <•»!„, »>.?_ M«I. T«aip. M 'luulr Hl.)t Jji Mm. .1.. .1.. r.ii>
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  • 1568 3 BBOOKD I>AY. flarxfcf. (Milir.) 7 '"'V '»|'t. I BA //.„„>.,«/-/»«. Mr. H.Fort. VU "u" T K rl<>; Vfclr < r U -Col. .'."..f. t. «V.rt o/.l»« ONM., Mr. CccfcU; CUri*4 tkeScltm: Hou. H,Ollaa, Mr. C. E. r /V ,,,,J. Km K. VV. Birkor. V A. W.SMven. 0.
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  • 674 3 laaMMl*! dowDpour appeared to li MM d.|ir. s»t'd hc.racH, men. aud ladies. The (ir.nid S'aiid oulv half occupied, and ill" dies, was, aa one would have aiprcMii suinbleto thoday. Nooue would cure lo make au elaborate toiletto forauch weather, an I rooaeqiuntly, noit of the diaaaai
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  • 1109 3 HEATH >»> r*T MY Im-pileof i-iiu Bud mud au.l all tlw rindioUM •u«.-du«« of the Mtttor, .i oumUl ifuraWt >\»>n «IKH .Vi;"t.Ml*v, for tli.- m? eou<lili..u ..I tli" goifU *ln,|i »■> iiwu.V were toloifag 1u,i.,-1..a UM xcitt-uiful and inn.f. Itiuiv. A» Tu.s.lay wa* list. i. K 'i.i.
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  • 630 3 1 Hi: HANUIt'APH THIRD UAV. SATURDAY, i JCIOIIUtI *Ith. 1— THK MTIUIY STAKES.— Vane**". A Handicap (or all Uutw« I bat have iuu at this meeting. i mile. Eutrancc Sid. Mr. T. Kindts Se.nwlUke M ClmaTußiTs Kuuuinic Kein k.ili Kw.'ChniK- C:li<i|»Hliek iW Hi.. do. ('amillus M, Hlb. 11
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  • 63 3 Tub Right Rer.l. Dr. Ed. Oaaoier, Iliahop of Malacrea, will leave Maracillei on i he 27th iuat mt for Rineapore, aod ie doe here on or abont tbe lHth November. He will probably he aceompinieel by the R*vd. Father and a young miaaionarr. RegarJiog Dr. <*ainier"s health,
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  • 186 3 The Britiah Consul at St Petcraburi-. in hia report for ISM. reviewing the elate of the cotton iuduatry in Kuaaia, ohoervo that the Rueaiau cnt'nn apinniav and wearing indnslry during the |<aat year waa io a flourishing condition, a* evidenced by the eitonsion of eiisting and
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  • 638 3 "ROMEO AND JULIET," AT THE LYCEUM. Tlcirt»»u j.-ar» liacrp rome and gunr riucr. <* March Mi. MM. Mr Henry 1 viujf'- riiral of thia hiffh aulh. in „l love took place. Thr memory of that night live, and will lot'K live iv tli,. mind"- eye of tkua« who ware v
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  • 75 3 S.V.A CORPS ORDERS. MmmjMM, ;'">** aWMH\ HM, I Orderly for eusuiug Math. M Lieut. K ni. Merewether. N. 11. O. for the eusiiiug week. Seigt li T Bally. IL faradea:— Monday J«il, ".15. maiiiu guudrill Tuaaanf ■Ma.&.U pm. «,ii»d drill We<lii«aday .ion. I I.', p >v maiim guild. ill
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  • 93 3 At a ueetittf of tha Leeda Chamber of Commerce oo Sept. 26th, a letter waa read from the Foreign OnWe in reply to one from tbe Chamber with respect to the proposal for a railway from Barm* lo the China frontier. It sated that tbe
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  • 272 3 Th« Secretary for the Congo SUte baa aulboris d tbe publication of a utatetneut that Ca|4aio Lotbaira haa beeo re< all«I with a virw to hia furnishing informnUun coavcrniog tbe execution of Mr. Stoke*. Should bin explanation be deemed insufficient, the matter will be referred
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  • 533 3 Mil. i Tks ol I'i.i lk|,i>,ii> or ihk Mum ipal (;.'»aiisici,i«ias at a Hrx.iAi. Hutu,, ob Tiomdit, th« torn Octomb, 1895. PatsEHi— Toe Pruidiat, Alei. Uentle. Lm|. Tan Jiak Kirn. lea. C. O Patenon. Kaq. J. P. Joaqniin. E*, and A. C al.iMa. aVq. Amur -Col. reanefatker. W.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 778 3 FOR SALE; RMPLOTMBNTS; TO LIT; A.YD PKMONALO. [IaTTiMB, 15 eeata a line 2nd and 3H tlaa*. 10 cents a 1 me; 4t h to «t h time*, S cent*, n Hae 7th to lHth time*, 8 cents a hat 1 afterwards. 2 cent* a Mao bat n* eharf* lass than
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 143 3 AKKANUKMKNIh Fbidai, 25th Octubbb High Water, p.m. Moon. Kirat Quarter. .Vsi> p vi. DMM Roitstcail luatitutr 7 4 r > in Taughu t 'lull Diu.r. Satukuav, Jem i,,iik.i; H.^li Water. 417 aui. UN p.u. Auctiouof Carpets at Powell's. II a im. Mam Third Day. :< p.ui I.' i. hrn
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    • 56 4 aMWO: a^-d^k F—^g"i fefjTf Wh«rf J. W— J*!^!^'" Wh«rf N H. W hwDMkiP. B.-P*W,BnM.. 1 P V-l'» M,t Slip iM..- ■-in.!-. W>- r MBa-or-wjkP. no*.,-. .n.l l*)h.p. <^pl Thorp IM -OA rma M>lw«t. <:Mh<M. lol. Oor- V,rr»r« H M I*. *W" Jl 'is iS--W»» k-P f wk<t
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    • 1072 4 A»bi»»uiHi»c» N»om or Tk»tic»i»»t Hhi*K Brit. »lr I.KW iouh Cajit. Bvpn-t ■ilthi'r. Fru»» Hoagknaf. ITIS IM. Ur 742 d p W fcawfi^M A«„ For i Samiraßir. i»lh.— W. i f,,..1ma. Brit. ,lr 2.1* t.««. ''„.1 Nailrr. •It., Or. Kr.,n I'alralla. l::in Or' li. and Mrl p Hoo.t^d A
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    • 152 4 .v.i... ri. ami Hi' aj ««!>« Lou MM. H«..1....,..i..i 1,1V«K|..,..|. 81. »*wi». June J". Toltiwarhu*. .In., iv. M\ A trani.-miM In- 0. 1. Tvrm. July l| iMys Oioinan... July HAiikv. AM'St-u. Abb Hi T..rr H.....1 s^ui. 12; Willy Hi. km m, H»f». IS; Pknai h It. C. Rirku.»r.,
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    • 17 4 f m "T C4rT s ti.iKk in ||.j,. r ■Uiul.ur v M,,,,, 1^,,,..,,!.,.^. .s. |„,,,.M
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    • 52 4 »Tl IL'a N«». ■fcM n. «*rr4i». 4 M KwriMAr... 11.4. W.I, Hull.* M>. I. M.UiU A».l !..!>■ i- uuaMM M* v -Ir Or. it. o.V;;; »w. air IHlt. Mr Mori Huut!', K.u,,. w >Ult.-ul.. fiES Huu ...I Jlala T An...v »«iH,,I. *'hiu» .iiul Jmimkii lUUtu lUi.l tiwIUWU N< J...
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1015 4 NOriOBS. I'lewe Net* our CclCHtlnnN <nn Ih^ Kxdiniwil williin Ihno iiioiillih, if nut niiproved. No other linn allows this in India and we challenge any ether firm in India lo do the same DMTittn T'.IH oKl.r.Hs WITIKUT WAR, Kill Vnl PAICJrOT UK INKBtVBSL Messrs. STEFFENAUER Co., Celesl inns, I'lid'iiix mikl
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    • 634 4 NOTIOJBb. THE TASJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LD. Bmrwßio«Tt, Ba-omBBBt, IMB A» Butt FOO«DBM, WSABFITCna, AC. Or.rl^DoekaaatoaWlooilaloaaHiaad niatioaiia. Wlarf fctawaw oao arfU aaa a aaartor. Shsan WJavflio Itot ia toagta, Bate aai HaoHßf Skaor. workaa W •*»>» Bataatrva ibbr ol Goaawat aai Oakt ahoaa. P»aa.ia>ort rfPttwarfal Btaam Tft. Wim LtaaalMaaaaUsMora. QBNBRAL
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    • 953 4 NUTfUKS j. a. n. p*n«ti i« HoBTtCVLTOBIST »•!> Vu ('OLMcroft «»n Kii-o«tkr >•» •>« him (Mm tar Boaqa«t Bany* \<- Oaratally lad araWailT •w^m -I j Cheaaavt Hew* im tha Trad* ndrSlrt. uxlit v. f 4r**i»MB,OreWl HV.I I n POWELL h CO. SINGAPORE FvtJton HmfMttutfi AM ft :f,St.*k*f Hnaathnld Oafc*
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    • 64 4 GENERALFAMILY PENSION FUND. (ihnAtLUBSD IW*) I! f^a.M.»a-iaßt frOTIRBMBKT OT-» «T hkSm% r*at« i»tb»tbb. Oorwrnmrnmrt Ismnmsni^OktMb.rfM--*--«lslSßaanlya»»aalfc««taMß- l 'lH bya B-rd ofKrrtor. If mmmm vmm *mmm ihimmlna, RATHS as LOW aait tonpi-teat wilb atrfast mtmf. VO KNTI»K rOKFBITUM ,11a, tknw j-t.' mitmmi. A BWULAK MOMTBLT PENSION •anal, awtatr. «attr. wlw* m**m»
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    • 190 4 TH K STB A ITB OB V t W)P MR Nr c LIMITED TIMBBB ÜBBCHABT4 AKI) CONTBACTOBS. BTBAM SAW MILLS, KALLAM; Tho ahoTO Mill" bn>)r now eoiaolnnl an in pnaHkm to »n|,plj amry rlaao of Timhar, anitahla for hna«o hijiloinir, thlphuildinir I Bailway Wanrnm, Blraaera, Ar., tr. gqwand T mhw
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