The Straits Times, 22 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1895. NO. 18,754.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 862 1 f ;A MSHIP 00MPANIB8. «msULATAIfD OBIBNTAL STEAM p**»» k K r 4 L v ,SATIOH COMPAIfT. Orric»-Crflj« <Jaaf. wsastO aad Ood«wii»-N*w Harboar. H0..W..H. ntr»»t»» ,aav w<: p •■»•»■< on.» HOT. 10 J"'- F Um< I>» l»M«a U 1 wßartrfl- ay Bail- tarn. a. to L«doB by «by 1 Jm alt***
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    • 1063 1 NOTIUKN. »:h*ftd Skin. Piles, Neuralgic and Rheumatic PaiM,S«l^ltorachs,^ut* Bunburn, Insect Bites or Sting*, Tkroat Colds, and Ul Ailnunts. <JMi KLT SILIIVID ST U.B O» CALVERT'S CAEBOLIC ODTTMEJSfT, Large FoU, 13id. each with fall initruotioni. KBEPS GOOD IN ANY CLIMATB. ***** FBOM ANIMAL FAT. It hta th* healing virtue* of
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    • 568 1 HONGKONG ABD BHANOHAI BANKING (XJBPOBATIOB. PAID-UP CAPTTAIZ 110,000,000 BBBBBTB FUND 5^00,000 "raopwirois l^ Cooar or Diaaraoaar— J. RRAMBB, Kaq.— CHAIBJIAP. How. A. McCOHACHIk— DarvTT Cbaismam. O. B. Baaaaaa. Jaa. J. Bau-Una*. a. M. Out. m. D. limii. i C »5"»" L a<'*. O. B. Doawnu A. aisaa. Caiar Maaaaaa. Homou.-T.
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    • 388 1 HOPCM. Cj captains. MB mMMMUn ABTI-FOCLDrtt OOMPOSmOB. Ommwmkmi^^m^mH I Isi MMMI n.J-«Jmtsml mjy qim|i||.,, IhmlißAßTMAßa'i Babtjssi. *ad MaY •■»■>. marked wMb Ikeet ward* aai %B* mm* aaeaeahaad hi Red- B^atl al *aamm flaaar Bartasaaa a Bahtta otma*aaaai Oamaaay Li anted a AqmUkOmmm: BBHM MBTBBAO* RILEY HARGREAVES COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES.
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  • 399 2 COMMERCIAL LATIMT MAJiKCT QUOTATION BIBOArOBB, 22« D OVTOBSB. 10M. PKODUOK Itembtsv stßtrsvi. I 8.46. d* Oah*. N*. 1 12.00. do dn NO. 2, Copra Bali, 5.«. Jo Poathmahv S.H). Bagn now, aWJMa%^*w^ IS5. s» Brwasi *.*>. PsariSsjo, 3*ji. (M*s Bali. 4LOO. Cfrffes Übeiisa,. 43.00. Tsmoee .mall Flak*,. n 380. 1
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  • 130 2 tor Ptr ttr. Tim*. ro-Mouow. IM-ti it ti> polt>. (;.^«r., v :.m rtoorabaya, 8««f«»t»f«, I M. Suunac >m »<WU, Cum, Pontiauk, Uri £.«l.i»», 10 IWim..., Mri IWuuw*. Miliitou H««tiin»k. B» rut Swit. Km Mvlru port.. »fc, 141..1, .1 3 >.K Kwuii Tl. port.. N.i.l Jf, i
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  • 99 2 I'kom Minors By the P. All. aVMId lv, no U.mday. Tims tails or Mail, to (,*. LVi Mim>i»r<' li',. I. 1..M..|..u Am. .-I A hit -.'Till MM S..|,t ilr.i Srp.t £lr.| Kept «th P <>. (1,-t :lr.| »M t ~,,l l.rtli M M 11.1711, Ik? ;th
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  • 198 2 ABBIVALS. Par a. Lttimbro from Psaaaa- Msssrs. Labert. aud Arglesburg. From Bombay Uiaa Raui. Par a. s. I'lyuet from MsaebeaUr v s ports Messrs. froetor. BUek. Niehul^ta, ('airs*. Dsviaa, and Mr. Wstma, sad M-. Alland. Per a. Si it from Deli —Mr UatUaburch. Per a. a. Ban i/i'u
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  • 92 2 STRAITS TIMES Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY. 22nd OCTOBER. 1895 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. [SuUcri/Aitm rate* and ajesrttwnf rmUt may b*f<mU <m Os f—r* my,] RUSSIA AND JAPAN. Ltm4o». liJmd OHahrr. IVime Lobanoff. the Russian Minister for F.>r«i|tn Alain, has bad an iaterriew with the Emperor William. \i the iaterri -w.
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 37 2 Toocamo oar report of Legislative Couueil. it may be c in»f uirnt to note that we rrlnt'-.i Tester Uy Mr. Hutl-nl«ch'« M-morandinn. and abw the principal ,i' |afj| la.l reaeous of the pro|ioard new Mn iici|-al Ordinance.
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  • 52 2 Taf Couiisitlee of the 8. C. C. have not rro-it«l any telegraphic information from H-ingLong in ronn*ction with the cricket teim. which, it is ko|«l Hongkong will be able- to wild. A rumour current in town that such a telegram ba-l been rewired has b m traced to the Cricket
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  • 23 2 Theim-U aVahWafml on the 12th if Nu.vmU r Ladt Mm asLi. will hold a reception ou Wi dv. *l»y afternoon, at .1 o'clock.
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  • 13 2 *>-— To-lat (being race day) the .Vinu'/s Timtt was pabliassd at 1 p m.
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  • 17 2 IVdat's Straits Bmdmi (90 columns) uootains 83 columns of legislative Council report and mure in a Supplement.
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  • 22 2 A Mono the passtngeri who arrived by the M. M. Terra this moraine were Mr. and Mrs. Sobst. aad Mr*. Th. Kantiag.
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  • 26 2 At the date of Wat mail advice*. Sir I Charles Warren. K.C.B. was to spank at the Church Coagma on recent archil ulogi- ual re— rthas.
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  • 31 2 i Tme SlrmU Bujftt was publi«bed at noun to-.Uy. A Supplement containing 10-day 1 new. will be added, at S p.m.. to thoae copies to be seat by the homeward ■•il-
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  • 31 2 It is reported that number of Chinese will shortly coma to Russia in ord-r to 1 stady the conditions of Russian military 1 twrvie*. and will be attached to different regimaati.
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  • 35 2 At the uod of last month, never in the recoUection of law oldest members of the Housr." bad the London Stock Eiehaax* I witaemsd aaythiog approaching the de- nmad then for mining and exploration shares. •>
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  • 46 2 >■ t be ISt li iastaot the police. at Penan K entered a bouee in which thirty to forty men war* holding a feaat. awl arrested sight Chines* suspected of being *c. ret society ringleaders. The Magistrate remanded the examination to the 24th instill
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  • 71 2 Some seven Chinese women were before the Police Court, this morning, (or engaging ia a public lottery. They were released on bail till the B»th instant, m was aluo the promoter of the lottery The ease <aut*d no little sensatiou among Chinese babas. who were on sent
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  • 86 2 On the 16th iustao>. adviiv* nsubed Maa-aansr that tli-- rebellion in Portuguese Timor was briai; iui 'l->wn and that the troops in the nelil had operated sucvesafullr »K»in»t tli.- r-l«l- TV K.-" .l.-nt of Dnteh Tim-ir r-|-.n» t.. tl>.- Netherlands India Oovrruwent that the rising in the Hortuiruese
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  • 98 2 THE WIELAND." KI.OATIND Ili-mii Ac. kIk.UI 111. holds uf the suukrn WulanJ. .till retard all effective pumping openttiuna S|»-.-ui||r couilructiil wirowoven r»">» ,ir.- hoint; fuiplnyed pri-vt-iit interferon.* with the frw u«e of the pump*. On Thuradav morning, it it probable that th» firat stop* will be taken in „.un.-<tioii with
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  • 160 2 AMSTERDAM TOBACO SA LES. The tobacco offered at tin- aali „v tb« 26th uli. ni, od the wbokt, d« ide.ll v bettor than that put up to trader uu the 17th, and both broki-m' valuations and uric** showed an advance oa Unt time. Out uf I total uf U.MI7 bale*.
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  • 115 2 id m aarioa or m -»TB»irs tibbs Bta.-In your iswa* of 7*»«« rd «tJ fc#l appeared a |mnfft*r-. k«m<M sbove. in w^Mhae^r^dTat Nth. tr l at taw tspswM of tbe Acting ChirfTlsgi.trale, becaass he insisisd oa probing to tbe bottom, the causa of wr ree*at boilding disaster, by
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  • 191 2 FIAT JUSTITIA, CURREN TUR CURSUS. IO TBI BBffOB Of TBB "STBArTS tl»l» Bi»,— Noting a paragraph in yours of yrst*rday. re Mr. Aatboniix decHaing to allow himself, tb* lawyers, the atcuwd. the court peoas. aad all interested mter. topers ia the late building disaster, the opportunity of witnessing the races
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  • 193 2 A ■■BTiaa of the members of the Pennng bir was held, the nth r dty. to protest against the action of Government ia merging the post of sheriff into that nf d*putv-regi*trar. The result waa that it was decided that a note, signed by all members of
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  • 609 2 Oa tb* trst of May IH9« an In Juttrial Exhibition will be opeoel at B-rliu. under th* presidency of Pnnr* Frederick Laopold *f Prusaia Tbe Exhibition is to remain ..pen for six months. Tbe German Empire, the Kingdom of Prusaia. and tbe Municipality of Berlin
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  • 725 2 (from our Cnrrttpondmt fekit, J9lh (Mober. Daring September, 2.6 M bags, contain. iog l,3rW pikali of tin or* wen exported to Singapore from the Pahang Corporatiou's mines in Uln Knaotan, the proportions being 648 pikuls from Bungei Lea. bing and 718 pikuls from Jeram Bitang. The other chief
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  • 518 2 LmmAom, .'7lk Srplr>,,'*,. Cil. Baiilh. (iuv.rnomf W*.t AiMrali.. "(.'"■l' ki» aelvrtiun ;i new depsrlur» in the m.M-r ,f Qamamwa Thi. i- ih.. Him limn. 1,,, maaj the (Joveni- rof Hi it ml. piiMmaioii has l«-..ji rli.Mmi bw-a awef hi. lrad» eipsrieaee. H.- iiUtea that m per •oailly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 825 2 NOTICES. m IIKIOENIOCOMriNY.LIMITBD rnBB Ktaodard Life A wucmtio*. JL Harwich Cmon Fir. loiuraaee •ooiety. Atlaa Aawranee Company (Fm). TW K-'nUMn Lite v mMim Society. Tht Oom* Manoe In.uranca .ny. TaeOia. Mutual DM Nun:- ii i. ,n Clff. Tha Tottenham Lagtr l«*»r Company T*t Maritime inimencaConipnnv. Limited For pulnuUn of
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    • 838 2 NOTICES. j I =s J The Straits Times has LU La rget 1 1 circulation of any newbi.a; er in Asia. British India exceptcd. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China.
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    • 462 2 LATEST AnVKUTIHEMENTS. BR I ¥Ti"H IKD I~A BTE A M. NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. n>K PEHANU. EAUOOON. a .AUI TTA Th- Company* B(esmer PALtStCuTTA. I ltOB tone. Castaia A. J. Windeb<nk. 8.X.8.. will be despatched tv the above p->H* en Thunday. tbe 24th in.t. for freight er psimafe apply U. t3/10
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    • 8 2 KOR UUNKKAL *****'PINO NKWS SEE I' AUK 4.
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    • 41 2 M.S.*. r,T i.r jm~'nu anisi ria-.Sass insatiTrr fa ">"■>' aMa4awSMßf MM^NSIMr»«-U.».t M ..,..«4.i« ,*m* *!rT"'_TT" f UM SMrTEft The Straits Timet has the largest cinmlation of any Dewspaper in Aaia, British India exceoted. No other Eastern newjpapoi haf to widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 84 2 WKATHEK UKPUKT «i<— t lessss bTisjhlil, iv OiMtr, I »a-». !>.».>>.■ ItaMiai.. lav. vsa. il Ik*. t».K*».TUm.UU ►> s~ Taw*. ki.o w.* n.N "2 ;B> Wet Balk Thsr. 7!.:. 77 0 I 7».S JT l>ir.ofWi>4 W. N. falrn "ot 'IV v >p. ia akaai I It— H.n. a« i; no
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  • 1587 3 m-TOBKB. 21« T. I-EKPBNT CwtMM Ho H MITr »«u.. <„.!i.-iili«im. ('"lotiinl S,-eroUry. Hill Resident Councillor „f M«l»e.-» R ,dlv.-r. AtlonieySnnernl. K Bht* Ai-'iiik' < 'nlonial TiMMumr. 11 l- |«.m»ti»r>". Acting Auditor.(l«ivra|. M ,j,,rM<-t lmii l K"^"'" ►^Tr— ■:t::^, H*«.S .Murrsy. ABSENT. a. o—l H T.Jmien-Vaughmi, c.8.. t 1,,.
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  • 1689 3 THE INriPECTION OF I.IVINU PICTIHKH Council went into committee upon a bill to make pt«*Uaa for tbe belter regulutiuD of t.-s aud theatrical perfur■MM Upon Clause 3, which rendered it necesSiiiy (hat any person, opening a th.are or carrying on a tlie*tri, al performance therein, should
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  • 166 3 Ti-lmiav, 22s n Octobeb. High W*Ur. U.lB p.m. 1m h First l>dy. 3 p.m. Hanks closed. N. ou. Strait* Ti ur* is'ii d at 1 p.ia. Criterion Uiuurr. Ruffles Hotel. 7.30 p.m. Fivin h homeward mail cloxs 6' p.m. Wkiinehdat, :Mbi> OOWMB. High Water. 1 ■•!)>' a.m. Oil! p.m.
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  • 1381 3 The orJinary (^neral treeting of tbj company m held at London oo 23n Sept.. Mr. K. Berdoe- Wilkinson (th <h»irm»n) presiding. Tbe Chairman said i The accounts go Feb. 13, 1895. At that date there we 184.292 shares issucl with 17s. fmin •a paid up, aid
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  • 1297 3 Rosa Boakear ia said to be at work en a picture on a huge seals, rsavsseatias; a fljrh t between two enraged horse*. The finishing I touches will sow b* (rives, and tsjsa wIU eowie the rivalry ef ustiori. as to whir, shall pos*c« it. It is to
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  • 148 3 TB>B{BO«ABUI WIBUBBS BT "X Given fine weather, which to-day promises to prevail, we ahall have some excellent racing this afternoon, and tbe going should be fast. We have a lot of enterprising friends down from tbe lfaiive States, who already bare done noble service iv stirring tbe Settlement
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  • 739 3 (From the Tim,, of Cflom Loml**, 130, OrieUr. Tk* Tt'«w< rorr*-prm.lrnt at Vieaaa atatM that ta* Frrarh, ia refraining from tk* aaanation of Maaagw. yMdcd to th* mod-™ tin* cmbmls of Ruaaia Vomttuutinoplt. IM fMoVr. Th* r«rn~>n at Tfvkiaoml hs« b**a raiafor e*<l. aad unUr kM rwwornd Th*
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  • 146 3 IVr P A. O. a 1ui.11.. from l.oid.«i, 8-pt 2li, Mrs r'iltork, Mi« I'illurk, Mr K»uu.iv.aud Mi-s Fearle. Hi- .St. John, and Mr. M V l)o«n*». 1V. i. from 1.- udon. .i, i 11. Mis. srpiua.l. M «T*,p. Mr ••ud M- Id. k. Mr VI I). t'*nu*y, Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1048 3 I FOR SALE; KM PLOVMEN TH; TO LET; ASD PERrJONALS. [ItTTINB, 15 erat* a line; 2nd aad 3rd time*. 10 rent* a line 4th to tft.h time*. 5 rests, s line; 7th to 18th times, 3 cents a line afterwards. 2 cents a line bet BO charge less K than
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    • 1225 4 Miß-or-WA*. JbJbaJ*. H.MA ermi. 805 tow. 74 enw r J-mj—. mm? o* Q£- tN-Wj jfcreara. H. M. K. «b. 3,730 eww. IS ri". «.<«"> b.P. Co*. Fawkaa. 17lh CM. |WB«.(rk.£. l*k Oct. Saaior NnilOlw. SMka.-W. TRADING VKBBELHabbitaußimc* Nook or Tmtibdat. D.t dr. MS taaa. Cut. Kar.t. 2«'«
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    • 151 4 Vw. Perl, saw 1 sTua Lonuon. aaawaanwi aawanwa, LIVtBP.M.I. St. Friwia. Juna ii Taiamathua. due ()<•!. 28 ammummin, due )r t 3t> Glasoow. T]rr»A.J«ly3i Ml 1 > I > L k. M )k. U" H Malam. Smieliw. (Innuwi, July ti IllKkl. Aldobama. Auif. 1•> Torr H»ail. .Sept. 12
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    • 148 4 VIMIU* Nill. k'i.. rO C T 1 Wuom SilL»l. CO»»MMI»» *l V.-n-n. •-'I Com fcl Utiul.rtt il Heat I fh... fat. *l Dm Hiu lluui 1 >--— a ».«k It Sri Trtucmau P" -tr. !*,<> J.«,. w UM. Mr. N 3 \V,11,»,,. Hut .tr UM I u« lUI. .tr.
      148 words
    • 67 4 *ai« I'irun. ■it luu M«i>« Una M»k» X tUn Wl.»u H.i. Jan.. HI t.uli.i.l 111 V*r»u> M Tmm »l M«ll«iuri.« ...»U..r> it l'aruha« n i:i.. Ml lirttabra Mr. >tr. Us but. .i. H.r. .tr. Ital. .lr Ijiuuim v Huunlus HruUl v.i..1.-r Him K a.r, v ■Mftafe 1" 11r.i..1»1,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1025 4 NOTICES. I RIPPINBILLES a I OIL COOKING BTOVEB Jjjfr-^ Will «c all that r»n l» derm In Ibe BBBbW'~^ (^BBmbLamBBB war ef eeoktaf kr rompi.w n«. a^^Hß^^S^^^Emm^maml ■tain OT»r"eo aiit.r.i.t .hh.k bbVbC amw^BM •mIUMa for all pa) ilrnmanU faTiBBBBBBBC^^^B^ImBBBFBT mBB NO SMOKE NO SMELL SbT^LbW j^l BaIKHT«IHITHMUCHIMa|Io«C(m.IIainiW«M HD alB-li «(>.
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    • 618 4 MOTIOBB. f AVERTS Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL ran raw batiii ccaa or Golds, Coughs, Influamia. and BOIU THROAT. It will relict. MHI KjX»!i%^V^\ B i1 f f le^po^ 1 1 i.rane, looaea I* I CHfcRRV I lv pnletm. I AZ~tt££. I land reduce re- i VrTL«'r>-r«tiK^t?/ freshing X-j^pTQt^^y ror
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    • 158 4 McALLSTER hW. Im Jet Imin, KKKBH SHIPMENTS OF THB POLLUWIHO: AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOL CO/8 WELL-KNOWN COW BRAND, Price tt state per 1 t. tin AUSTRALIAN FODDER. Oata 17.1H1 per WOhsff fcl.Hii Bran tXB Uatoa Straw ftLtftj per hair. SPECIALLY SELECTED lAIB ■Hal S Ib te 1J Ih mam, Af SO
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    • 695 4 WUTIOEH. PARAKAKSALAK T>ABAKAM BALAK lathe tarts tarn httt X kaownTßA from Jew, aad the rh.aaiet ia the market. Parahaa Sale* Its, awt alwa>a the hifhtst aaatat la ths maamaj BBBawmama BoM la bm- i. la*ey Illiralil aaa, sai ia wean«e> »f eanerel eiaoa. hUaeal> ov«l« f the btrarta MAX HTKRM
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    • 39 4 MOTIOES. LA 1A B D PB B B B". Bomanun Obnaar. Piibiii. Oaateaa OHraa. Oanwaaa Moaaa. JeOOfB. IT^ilaY^l^'' Oaallishlstt— J WHTBKY. Anto Soottib. A DILPHI HOTBL. BIH«A>OBai OBDBB BBW nTZ3JUm*.t fct ths fata,, trill hesea"""TrtHlßiKK- i J. HABBVBB. AprUIAUM.
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    • 104 4 JOTICBat. HB OTBArTBDBTBLOPMBNfc LIMITXD. TIMBBB MBBOHAITTB AKI) COWTBAOTOBB. BTKAM MW MILLB, KALLANO. The abort Mills boiag bow eomple'ed srt ia a soaimoa to sapply erory elasa tf Timber (•Hah* for hoaat baildinar, abipbuildiaai Bellwar Wagynaa, Wttptn. kt., kt. BoIS-l TmW*Cka, Board, arf Isafamaap. Wa. HBABD, afanenr, M, e/o Wai. MoKBRBO
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