The Straits Times, 21 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1895. NO. 18,75^
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1032 1 I AMBHIP OOMPAN IB*. rINSCILAK AHD OBIBNTAL BTBAII MAVIQATION COMPART. OrrlOß— Collyar Quay. WaaßTts aad Oooowas— New Hartmar. n .ail rtsssjwt will learn Siagaaen ea ot w^ m IL. jliinaaaißil atli i cw t«.w ■easw«.M IW. t"W. v 11. Orl. kn.»".Hii.^ IH .10 E Jw Nm I 0 Not. U
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    • 800 1 tTJ'EAMSHIP COMPANIES. J^K KONINKLUKE PAKBTVAABT MAATSOHAPFU. Under contract with Mia Netherlands ladia UoTsrnmMit., at fliagarwrt, SBlf AttWCT, latb J. Uabhubm A Q.», j.3. C.Ll.Tra tjv .T Stoamm. K *g£«^ On Will be Do.^bri to oT 0. 0. Mycr. Balavia. aOthrHai "v, C nerih >n 8»m ira ig7aid S»urß aya."
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    • 1466 1 I NOflCisB. WT UMIBII k lk\ 'Jb. MAHOB (•rx.'-MTS.) amJIB-ma 'O« hire. sale. M or HOtI G KO«,G AND -M M "O"™""*™*"™ SINGAPORE Etc WA Repairs of MUSIC, V V description. wXMBMBMBMBMBMBB labas stock or tm W MUSIC MUSICAL abd IBtTBOMBHT SBLLBBD. SUNDRIES NEW MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL
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    • 604 1 BANKS. HUHOKONO AND SHANGHAI i BAJTKIVO CORPORATION. PAID-TO CAPTTAIZ $lofloojm REBIRYB TVKV I WK>,Hofi RBHBKVSLIABILITT OFI n ltl n ,,m PROPRIBTORS J ■^■■■H <eoar or biaacToa*: 1 J. KRAMEB, Bsq.— CßAiaaAß. I Ho*. A. MrCONACHIE— DBrtm Cbaibbuk. I P.».l i Jsa. J. Bsu-lavms. B. IL v... m. V Bassin. 8.
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    • 361 1 woncm w» JMsss) ■>' Wri% -M2I lIW. JOSEPH-GILLOTT'S PENS Of Hlskset taaUMr, sod, Harla. Or.atest Daralmtf. sr« Therefore KILEY HIRIBRSaVES k COY. XEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS BAFBB OF VARIOUS HIZEH •U riTTID WITH CnUßß't Jak-kh. WEIGHING MACUIMKB, FAIRBANKS ATERYH Wm X hia« pounds, eat tie., aa) kilos. BELTING. Laarashira, Rahhar,
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  • 356 2 LA.TJMT MAilaUrr KiVO r ATIO N SiaoAfwa*. Octwnsa, MM PBOOUCt. Oem War. mtttn (Jo. aa Oak* ie. i,. m IK-.. aa *m mU.%. n ffW. OanmßrnV.... I hjo. iTFiiMiiik. Liu. am. _a_ 1* O". kVWJJBK DwHeafi aa IW.«T>I. BagTrW.aarawdt.. I 145 Braaw... m tM Pearl Ba*o, 3.4". OeaWTaU. 41.00.
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  • 65 2 JVtlr lima. tr M '"j!^ t»«. A*#.»O«..», a^*. H-*k«». «JZ: Kuroi* <ria purW. IWhw I, Wmiui. P 8.1..1* >>» pofU. UWaMry. 7 H.nir»U)«, fiafaiwra, H K K4..H...U. H1.m.4«... tlm I- Au. ,v pMrt., Hu1a. :i J ju^ii," I*'1 t"^"" 1 Vl Amliu vi» |«rt., iJMii, J.U' TatuDiT. itackok,
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  • 71 2 Wmom ki'kura'-Jlf U. M M r«rm Jm Immm Tm» T»il« or Mail, to Lomhmi. A«f. ITTtk MM. Hat*. SM H«|>t. IDcU =e,,t iwfa M M ■vt 7th ;Tv ;ti. K.,.t IHU. H <». <M. ITth IM IMk Srpl Stod N.11.L IM Sl.t Oct. IMfc ><!>( JMI> Jt.M
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  • 196 2 Par S.Hffon |M Baujrkok -Mr. Mr- aad Mi- Duaaaaarg P.r Pai«« froa Siak :-H. H. (W Huli.o oi BUk. ft i. Jmue from KUaff Mf N. |w. Para.*. JUjoA ITraota fioa Sarawak Mr. T. Smith. P. r». I'.rW-. from Bufkok -H«>r. Fmim, Wi«drmth, ud Mr.. Cains. Par Bm»
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  • 106 2 STRAITS TIMES Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY. 21st OCTOBER. 1806. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. [tmWrifliM, rmtm eaat rare* mat W/eaW m m« fourth ?f.] JAPAN AVD THE PUWRRB LonAon, HIM OctoUr It ia rtated that Russia. Ftaave, aad Ocnaaay will shortly present a Note to Japan TU* Mote, it ia
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 351 2 iaPAK ha. receded on the LtaMvna; qoawtioa upon prtwure Irom Ra*.w, rYance, and Uermany, aol these P.rwrn have done another aarvies for Chin.. The chief bawcit of Ike eonoeaaioa made by Japan falls to Kuuia whom aloaa tbe xpeady evaeuatioa of UaMaar inUr•»ta. The Traaa.Bib.riaa railway
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  • 91 2 TBK-Tom Morria" Mbasriptioa ahret ofth.Bio i m or.OoHClubufill.a up..r T wall. Th* tiapoy Uawe Oulf Club will abortljarwdoalaaiaiiUrliat; but.ofooura.. it lanpavted that mva who are nrrlwi of both eluba will .übtcribe o« Ike uae abe^t •alt- IV»ub»cri|.iK>B i. im t.l to tfty erata— tbe «|uiTaleai ofa*hil!iug. It >. hofied that
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  • 9 2 Laui Mir.uai.L will buMar«ur|>ti.ia Wednveday aUeruuun, al I ••M«U.
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  • 8 2 Ta> Mlruil* .ill 1.. |M>U>»li.-i *l uuon to-uiurruw
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  • 13 2 Tu.ii.nuw (uviaji rau-'-day) iv. 51,.,,U 7'i**i will be |.ul>l.alM-l al 2 p m.
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  • 14 2 Tub li'.iu. ward wail l.» il>. n,i buurmo <-\>mr» at t> ]..m to i»..rr..w
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  • 12 2 Tm BiDtf«)wr« U«U Club will bold tbair club diuurr ou 16th Nowiulmtt
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  • 15 2 Captain Stbacmam atl\.'rti,«« that lie hit» Urg« vullvcliuu uf urcbitl* lur aahou kuanl tbe JFarjf.
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  • 16 2 Tiia weight uf tin »u.| tm ure eipurtvU I'rom BuiiK<-i I'jultK, duriuy; Aiiv;>i«i Uwt WM&.2W.11 pl-ul.
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  • 26 2 A avuuiu »i .ilwut »l.4Jti wurtli uf CaUIMlu w*a ui*de jr«ah>r4a>T »l Jultuatoa'a I'iur. wbib b>i»g voatt-vrd a-huir by |Mta»cugMr I row tko C'Aauay H)t Aay
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  • 30 2 Tm M. il a. a. AfWi»«r M Wit a» lg v at 4 i-.ui «e.l«nl*v. a*J J ue Ul e lu.Biurio«al*bouiapm 6he willpj-jb.l. y !>.• dcapMched ou Waduaadi^ uuruuij/ m d.jliglil.
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  • 32 2 'I'm lirixnil Otturr Ci>utiu«u>lilt|{ h»a 1.-.-U |iliwh«l l<> «ntut al.a>-ut* to Buru>'»u Ca|.Uin V J Ur. >-. A M 8 1 1. .in J7il> IK-toUr U> 7il> N»«f utUr 18 >.-.'. •>u |.rn»n- afliur.
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  • 29 2 u'uS'l I"**'1 r*t«ruiu(j v. Mr Unt.|.l.ll« houae m N»lur.l>v nj^;,, i^ l<>uu.| kia r.«.in iv a' .l i.r..i.rti 1.. tU. value O MUt 5,;,, S«i f»ut. am aua^KKtoU
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  • 40 2 Taa Saltea tntlbk. write* a wrr«P«»abat. is a fwtaaat* jjatlim*. He drew fe,hor»». TJL3toCI-b o. BM-r--dav rrrmimm. W«B Ttlaek aa* to tta gßMiaaVaaai walkiag Mick, the device. -f wWahwM a bora* wHb dma Mad eye* t
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  • 36 2 O» Friday awhf. lw» b<raa»« in Cbjaa Stm-t wrrr robhad. Born* <* th* rtolw property w** rreovaied ie a J» from tb* brohea til>* that the thievr. bad walked »trmm tb. roof, of the ißt.r--mediate baawi
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  • 44 2 Taa mret .4 tbe papenhaav for Wedanday will la> at thr Polk* Station. HeranKuou Road, aear tbe Paaper HcepHal. at 5.15 aad the tnieb wiO he at Government Hoaa*. Tbe finiah will, tberrfore. be m akbtof tb* gWßte at Udy Mit.h,-ir. aftrnaooo reception.
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  • 41 2 <>* and after the Ist NovemUr next. ■•rrrki ported in the Strait. Settlement.. aad a4dre«ed to Bntish India (including Burma) may he inrarrd at the maar harge. l.« iiuuraner aad under tbe Kgnhaioaa applicaM.- to iamuvd parcel. aßdnmiJtotJaV United Kingdom
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  • 56 2 Oaa of the player, eoaceraedia the propoaed prodocßoa of H. M. 8. PSaafore H Lays that the prodoctioa ia ahaadoaed. Aaother *t Urn player, mys be undenrUnd. that the rikurmhi will probably begin a few days hence It i. to be feared tbat the propoeed production
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  • 41 2 Tub sale of orchid, at Orchard Road oa Saturday afternoon, wa* poorly atleaded, with tbe result tbat the pi ice. realised were low. However, all ti.e let. were sold, none of tbe p.aiit. fetching any particularly noteworthy price.
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  • 65 2 Ywrtiuu, a toogkang with four Iliiaamin na board, ran into a Kabing ■Uke -ff Taaab Merah Be-ar. The b.»l waa iramnliaU-lv boardrd by four Malaya who tore ..ff both tbe registration plateo aad detained one of the crew a* wcurit v for damage, done to the atako. A
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  • 83 2 A wKHafmadeat writ— Ht Anlbonix/. aa A. -tin* Chief Hnfpr t <n t r. i. artting a <«pital jadii-ial nample. though it ia mtmrwhat iaeoavonieat. Al the cloae of the hearing of the building Hieaai.-r i-wtr on Saturday tftrmn*. thuiagh W na remiaded that neit Thursday would he
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  • 77 2 ArTea wa weat to prvea oa SatanUy. farther lormal evidenre waa gives br Mr. J. H. CalK-t of ih- P. W. D aa to the o*aae of the •ollapaw of tbe building ia Kliax *>re»4. ia coaaeeliou with which lh<> ontracior. Peek Kirn Su, i. beinn charged
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  • 95 2 THknt Chiaam ii yeatarday were n. Hit I to be viailiay aaveral abopa in •ueeMato*-, without efleetanir any purchaaa.. Two of them generally a*ked l-.r » a. were placed 'in hiirh ►lielvr., and while tbew were briny take* down .n.l the attention ..I the •.hopkeepwn
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  • 92 2 Tub u.nlity of riu* ahipptl from Kmkuuu Iron, lai January to «lh Octuli r, ISO), w,» Ul.tU ton-, a. ir aii M t HII.WS ton. .lurinsf tbe •am« p#rioj in ISM. Tk« lallmif ..IT ha. clmllv be«n ■a th- .liipiueiiU to, wl.u I, «i,,., U nt. Uuiilytu 5«,U*,
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  • 97 2 N««a ha* Uea r*wnv«l i U Bangkok ofth.aal.ofUwpropwtyof tb. Kabio Mm nil- Symlii-au to tbe Ottoman Kank tS^S ouomM «UfUd after th. Crimea •ar to* the payment of a Turkiah loa> U, the Pow*., the Bauk havia, 00.u3 ol wrlaia Turkiah <vt ny^m The
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  • 27 2 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 18th OCT. T«« Wlta uf two Ordmau.ri VI ..t VII of 18W. p*^ v, IWll a, the Wh Uh J£SE*2 Tk* Hue H.*u Club,,
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  • 245 2 oaAvw or mm MLAtr Hrn JUfiUmmj Phy* Dhib ih, ■awaial SiaaKM Comuimioucr to X.'l.» ten aad Triafgana, mt to tliew Slat,-, for the parp.iaa of capturiaf tbe r\.l,, n rebels, arrived t»-day from T X»nu br tb* steamer V**Ue. ,j now ea roata to Roket
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  • 202 2 Thk lire that broke oat on the H itUui on Tueadav U»t ha. proved to be tl*.- M.,.i erriomMrf it. kind that the T.njnn^ 1'.,. gar Dock Coy. baa aver had to CJ with. Night aud day, relay, of men wen at work to .t.y
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  • 286 2 (frrat Viomttf, Ititi Ortoitr.) It i. pr<-|H»rd to complete the nail .-..ni1.-, tnuf Perak, Svlaniptr, nad Paaaaj prior tbe e>>tal'li.bment ol tin- Men. li-ii uf the Malayan Native Slates Captain Tallol, the Ik-pu'v CUatMm ">' of l\ r .k SikhH, ha« j.tan M xt«n»i«n of leave and i.
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  • 398 2 tStlnitaor Journal. Ist), O,t.A" i A m.iiib.r of tli.< Proviaional d ><i<"" M proposed Recrealioa. Club. KuaU writs*.-— I havajiMt reeeiroil a 1-tt.r fe*> Mr. Maxwell at Accra iv rrply to m W for a luharrii.tion th« |,r.,|..~-.l i. Maxwell evMleatW tak-, m km m in'"'*' a* ever
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 792 2 MUTIOKB. T he Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsj.ajer in Asia, British India excepled. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all tbi Protected States of the lAlay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Saltern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 169 2 NOTICES. McALISTER CO. Hive Jirsl ItNivti FKKSH SHIPMENTS UF THB FOLLOWING: AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOD Co.'s WELL-KNOWN COW BRAND. Price 65 cant. par 1 IS tin 11.2 ft 2 AUSTRALIAN FODDER. Oat. »7.00 par baff. Ohaff (2.4 M Bran M.i. Oatea Straw *l.i i per 1..1--SPECIALLY SELECTED HAIS FBOM S Ib
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    • 764 2 LAlf,Bl AUVBttTiatSMBSTM I OKOHW& CIAPTAIN KTHA< HAN. h«inf relunwd J fraa I rip lo A iv. Wiaffia. MWopl. and aaerleUwdeof tb. WnUn PaehV.bß»f.t ditpuaal. oa baud Ike *«r» in harbour, large eoHoatloa olnnud nloMt orchid. Apply board tW CVKT. 1M.21 JSSL Nari'j*. I Mil NEWMAN MUMFOtID. late I Fii iii«er
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    • 41 2 K*aA*lll<Ji| im »> Ka.l *a «> *.aV*fir. fwM u^x m^u ißliwiiti U r*.***. 1 at mm* -r. .-.j...... ta>a) The ftniti TioMi hu tba bui^at oiroulatioo of any newtoaper in Aaa. British India eioepted. Io other Eastern newspaper bat to widespread a ciroakttioa.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 45 2 WIATEKI KKPOKI gaadaa* a>a>— ■iajiil.l. tmk OtUmmr. i*o »i.a.1,.i M laaaao.. ■ar. mi. JI fak. s*.B*sb7t»t£jb» kl i Spaa. W.t (I.* 7».t E«te A V VIS uu»hM mt li-»±-BBtekßia Mhsara. Mil. H WBATHKR 'TKLRURAM (M.M.A.*o.m*rmr»V.) Xl*t OtUmt.— HONUKUMO. rSs&tEEEE: 2 mam.tema. Kahaa*. MANILA. wiVvV: i. .«>-—
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  • 1568 3 ,»«..h»M"» *T MS UITTWUOH Toi>o th Wlowiug |»p>r tv Mo. I be l«i<l on the table at Legnla'"^ by Mr. Huttenhu-h but we "]„>, mar qnp«t ion uf order intervened prevent it THS T llM> f <I "I" 111 f tni nnle*« we do a losing trade, mint
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  • 361 3 (t'rotn our CorrttpoudetU.) An enterprisin*; Chinaman from Singa. pore h«R opened a billiard room in Peksn Bharu, in one of the recontly repaired brink buildings. The eat ablifih merit is well patronized by Malays. The Pahanir River, at and shove Pekan, is so high a* to he »lmo«t
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  • 456 3 [From our Corretp>mdtHt.) Between |m and nix o'clock on Friday iiiiirniiiK. two of the Convent girl* went to throw Bom* rubbiah over the Convent wall into the ami, and ill doing no, riro|i|x*l the bucket. In trviufj to recover it. oue of them fell into the water and
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  • 1149 3 BAU.WAT RJP {from our Corrupo'ndtnl.) Kuala Lumpar, titk fJehter. Hiavt rains art responsible for slip of the railway embankment at the 17th i mil* on tbe Ul« (temngor line. Yesterday, in consequence of this, th* train servioe was delayed. amV. On Monday last, Mr. Oloro. Qlassford the
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  • 56 3 Taa two *uspidoas csmraetan, whom we repotted a* Wfiag been arrested on Friday night near JSniney Road, have been aenteaead to six aad three months imprisonment each. Four other men, unable to give satisfaetotT aeeoonte of thematlves. were arrested hat night, two on Orchard Boed. one on Soagfa
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  • 563 3 TbanportajaatkaaedofttotndaofPnnea show that ths valae ef th* Imasrti for the past tar*, yean ku daensesd by £U,OOO 000, and »h* ssaerto I r th* mm* astM show a dsersase •fCM.OOO.OOO. M. Roebf., formariy Pnaeh Mfanmm af Cnmm *tarn* that, eommvias; th* nsraras for 1884 with then* of
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  • 367 3 sit oi.i. i»T*aru«T nut ens Tbi; cricket match, which coiuuk-uu d on Friday sad bad bmi arraaKed to be playel brtweea tbe B.C.C. and tbe Sub Iterus uf I b<t Oarrisoo. was r«*um«d on Biturd*y a'taraooa, at betwaea old int.rport playtr* M I the B.C.C. a m«tck tint was
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  • 1373 3 I Taa hi Municipal BUI ii hmma pre. •eotcd is Council to-day. The following an extract* froo the "obj-ct* and ntmmt":— Tfca objtet of th.'. Bill i* to consolidate Md SBcnd f4e Uw relating to Muni.i. palitie.. Bttitn 9 repml. the Municipal OrdiDMteof 1887 with certain
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  • 122 3 Thb Union lnmrsno Society uf Canton, Limited, of which Messrs. Psteraun, Simons, Co. are the agent* at Singapore, have submitted a Report of the busine**oftbe Society for tbe year 1894. After providing for a bonus of 25 0 on contribution* paid in April Ust amounting to 9>125,rM2, there
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  • 80 3 Ths following is tbe result of the moulbly medal plsyed on Saturday 1 B. MmffWether HI 41 10--2 J. C Jmoa 53 47— 1* 3 Major 44— 4- </ B. RaWtaoa :«> 47— «c lA. W.8«i»«» 3» 47— ,H E Sir C. Mitchell H :,->-li'C. a»rern
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 417 3 K)K IiKNKKAL SIIII'I'IMi NKWS SKK PAUK 4. WILLIAM HALLAN. W'lll.lVM DALLAN i* now mm, \> luk 1,... i,..« a. a JOCKBV, 1 UAINKH LIVKUY STAIILK KKBPEH. li.) 8K HttEAKEH. AND HOKBK I \LKI(. at No. Braa. Baax Kuad. h .ilfapore. Sh.«-mi! awl repaim lo l,>n by atpaI ■nrml workman „i,~l
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    • 1014 3 FOR SALE"; EMPLOYMENT*; TO LET; AND PBmmONALB. Ist tims. 15 cents a Uae 2nd sad 3rd time*. 10 cent* s liae 4th to 6th time*. 5 eetts, a line; 7th to 18th timss, S mat* a line. sfterwards, osats a- low T (at no chaqr* lees thaa en* <MUr. Thas^a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 321 3 AKKANUKMENTB. M.OUAV. 21*T OcTOBBB. Iliirh Water lUf p.m. Pbilli irmouir Choir. 5.3U p.m. TUBSDAT, 'Hub OCTMBBB. Iliyh Water. 0.4» a.m. 0.13 p.m. lUc Pint l»*y. 3 p.m liaaks rloee. Noon. Slrailt Timrt ih.ii.k at p.m. Criterion I "inner Ilifflej Hotel 7.30 p v. r' h homeward mail cloers 6 p.m.
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    • 1242 4 UM -»HT.;k*.-R.«^ JET "jiWfU atr. ?«*iw ♦W-r.. H M. S. m.. 3.7*» J**.!J? IS O.UUO b.p. Oap» f/f X«t .1 < Mnr. Station— W. TRADING YWSKLB. ABBITAM Bl*CB KOOW Of BATU»I>*T. Ml tfiri*.. PrH. .tr. AIM <>• >■!• «,.;»k. imh ot. Tram 1 f__j 1 1 -I
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    • 171 4 Mbbm dri Bad a) i LOU DOR. Bonl.iniMii.l Malaraa. LrtßaMM St. Kr acia. Juas £b lily mum. ilu« IVt. M| T*le.i.arku<. ilun Oct. 28 Airaiu.'inn..ii, <lue I i.-t ft Ouhiiow. Tyrm.Jaly 3; »l Il>lil.k-K .kOUi.M Mm MMH Oruniwi. July li Habuv. AMcW-vi. Aug. hi. Turr 11. i.l. Bjat.
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    • 56 4 4-AHsKU BUNDA SI-RAMS OH XitKlVhl) POM Olilti I 8 lr -.N... C 0...,.,. J^l !>«-'•.■• >"Hrit UMiukM. |k,U Su,,,|lH.ri. i' f 1 1 B IttM .1. ,!l,. r ,,,,h, "»"'""T|. iKt n. IU>IJ |'„n s.i.l i>N....hAiuV 1 »«^-j--..-.N.-.I Pr,..«. JlJur, l:1 Wwlii. .■v.m, -tr |-ri».Hi. l v v S
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    • 134 4 ARRIVA LS I v«».,.- >;,„. K 4 ro«. v rT4ll ■tan -.AIL*.. CwMiikii Oit. If Lk'ly 1.-.1 i.-i. I, lint -fr Ul A t» In.' TriiMopu,,. is H.. .iu.n i» ,1..«,-,,. r 11 Km u .M,i:. i; 5|, A i,, t n H».ir« ,'r; nu....... ,m kj»!»i,iw wfinViM im t
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    • 68 4 ."*KI.. < Hills U«*ns»" 1* H.,.1-1,.,. M"'ili""r,,M, I'u an •JM '.I v |j.i> l^ii^Uvu i-iii-m .0 Sultw 10 tiwt r.K|.«, atr. S|,, u -ti 5,.,,!- «»r. l',.urlgn«v Mr. l Bru.-.. Mr. K-.«1., Mr. v,,., Mr ii,, i Mr. n,..| Mr. MM Mr E I ur. 5,,1 i..l Maitlli r»i,iiiu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 732 4 NOriOES. FleMe Note our eh'Mtlims can l«« Kxciiangcd wllhlii Him* inonthN, ff not approved. No other firm allow* this in India and we challenge any ether firm in India to do the tame MSPATCB Y<U K i.KI.KKH WITHofT VKAH. M)K TOO CANNOT M I>KCBIVKI>. Messrs. STEFFENAUER Co., Celesiiiwis, Pli<x'iiix mid
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    • 447 4 HOTEL IHSK NKDEKLANDKN7 KATAVIA TIFFIN-ROOM in aba I itv IsrhmaMßai lh« I I. Kr,-.. ii.,.,-1. -ra. IH/II POWELL CO.. SINGAPORE I Furniture laouraeluren. A LARlEßtotkof Hoaasbold sad Oma* Fumitur* always oo haad. Orders ssa bs sx*rut«l for tb* bart dssvriptioa ef Faruiturs. Dsaigws aad Batisjataa savpUsd fns of skarffs. Tbs
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    • 272 4 ATUEED IN SHERRY CASKS. A Luxury in Pure < CO Scotch Whiakies. Tim n.,nl 809 i. th.- 7 ONani.-. Brand, aad Rffri^erad Tisdi* Mark of tkla mat.-hl.-« M Old rVotrh Whisky wi m. "X" GOLD CAPS'TLE. a a I BLUE CAPSULE. I GREEN^CAPSULE. i al^aaaalk C Imbmmml ?t? v^mmmv i
      272 words
    • 215 4 ainum, r^flß^ Rdicvet the icajIm B^l P«»n 'I one* W CURES flr d'Khirgcs Irom Zfl ft 8«n. in either bast M ■a«in ■I** WS n 4§ HOMt "o^ Unlike the »siv dal oil of the jffßl »|^»P« cific Baiart.iiixu-^Fjmbßß for parlor to HCjritiii paiba, Cubeb, JuMllMm or Inftctiom, and causes
      215 words
    • 757 4 BBTOBI O* Tlltf PILSENER BEER. "CROWN' BRAND I PILSENER H K BEEH J V sr-w- >men 7 V< Germany. fl Fsrsn tuira**!*. or ta MinilU 4DALITT. Fit! lltlTlDol 1111" WIU. I»OW» RBABD, WBICH IS Ktrit.'lAll.T aixit nr>.i.iinu*aiTi<i> IR TaoricAt CLIMATtS. Sola lamr tan RIOULD. BKRiIMANN A CO. m. 'h wMitmfll
      757 words