The Straits Times, 18 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1896. NO. 18,751.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 948 1 :A MBHIP COMPANIES .umsffUK »l"l> OKIBNTAL STKAM i 6NI" s u l i^ It AT ,0M COMPANY Orrict— Oollyer Qaay. •I 0001 1 H «no«r. as «sil «ttsja«" wit. leave t.,n k ej>or. ea or Ji tt .^.»-eB«—**»««--,VI l.'~»lla Oct. In ,V,V 11~.. '-"'H.I (H. 1" Bar! I" 1 BaaaWM
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    • 849 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "I KONINKLUKR PAKBTVAAHT MAATBCHAPPU. Daaar'aaaißMt with tbe Netherlands India Government AoetUf 11 Mt»7or»ir«. t»HIP AOKWCT. LATB J. DABWPBLB A 00, 8-B. OOLLTKB gPAT. St r ''"Cm"" WUI ba rjotpatehad to Oa G.G.Myr. HaUvia. t 'awd SouraWra ~*iwd Ort. afcawß. Binatsin. 17th. Bsnlj rmatsrn. Palo Uat, Cotie, Brow an<l
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    • 209 1 "I HE BTRAITBDE VBLOPMKNTC >. L LIMITBD. TIMBER UERCHANTS AND CONTRACTORH. STEAM SAW MILLS, KALLANU. I Tbe above Mills heirs; bow completed era I in a position to eapply every claaaof Timber, .uiUble for bonce baildiaa;, ahiabaildiaa; J%Bswafc«?a%afe-B--SoaaUlnK.. I Wn. HBARD, Manager, M. c/o Wm. MoKBRRO W Co. KATZ BKOTHERS.
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    • 727 1 INSURANOEa Tbb»tbajii riai Ikidbabob 00, Ltd. IB LII4UIDATIOB. BMrgadia THE COMMERCIAL UNION ABBUEANCE 00., LED. Pare rham taetvlad at aarraßl aaaa. ranML r-aptsll Pullr KuhaerlbedU Ct.500.000 'apit.l Paid-up C tftO.noO Aa.rt. J'.000.000 Total Ti»-.1.d runda fi.400.000 Tot. I Annual ta-ovo. atl.acX.OOo '.lei ..t !«l i.r....|.irn.|' aat p: M .1 tfc*
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    • 601 1 HONOKONO AMD BHAVOBAI BAKITNO OORPORATIOH. PAID-OP CAPITAL... _....llty*">,(«»> BBBBBTB PTJND f 6^00,t»«BBBBRVB LIABILITT OP") ji,,,,,,.,,. PBOPRIBTORB J looar or Dibbttobbi— 1. KRAMEB, lao.-CBAina-Aii. Uob. A. McCONACHIE— DarwTT CaAißaan. O. M. JISSSIS. Jaa. I. ISUjlfWa. Out H. b ■eanm. a Mki.iijo.. o. B. Doewsu. V. A. Bnms. Cwinr Mabasbb. Howosowa.— T.
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    • 394 1 yonoWr fltw Mkjt, Firia, \m urn. JOSEPH 6ILLOTT*S PENS Of Hlßheet Quelitr, end. Uavlnn g Ore steal Purabillt/, are TharefeM CHEAPEST AROHIDB 1. A. D. PBRBIKA HOBTICOLTOKIST ABD KI.OEI-r UOLLBCTOB AWD BxrOBTBB Or OBCRIM Ordara for Bowqnet Sprays A>., Aa. Oarefalry tad pmmp»ly exmated. Cheapest Home in the Trade. NURHBRT,
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  • 379 2 LATKHTMARKKT^UOTATIOIiH 1 SIHOAroBB, I»TM OOTOBIB, IM* I I'BODUCK. UamUsr. ISM. da Oak. Ho. 1.. HJi. de da Mo.*; .1055. 1 Copra Bali, ».4t. girtflmk, (A*. Pepper Blaok, a UK. aagTrkmr. Sarawak Z 146. do Brenal 190. I P*J*Wl 0aW0. H 9.40. Ooffas Bsß. 41.00. 0o«*s libertae,. 4*jUo. am #i.t.-
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  • 83 2 For Pt *>. Tim*. To-Moaaow. Dfcuak!*. aTMaJaa. 1n... Puui a- Baacoa* JlMafi., In a-a). "ssaa< 'is porU. Bistssf IVaMr, J p.m. Klna- vi. raff. Mappk.. I(Z Halauea. TnafpSHS, :lps Coti* vi» pnrts, Ju/inir. .1 >a I isli via i»ru, fsstatni, p s. MaaUk Pslraiksa(, Ssi>, 4 pm. Kurop.
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  • 88 2 China By Ike lieruwu >. KmrUnht hi.- to-morrow. ra.m Kukoi. -lit Iks M. M. Y..rm dv* on Tue-lsv. Ail* .'7t). M M S^,,t. *lnl >v-|.t. Itli I' A o I w lr.l .-.•|.i Huh MM Out 7tk t-,|.t ,sili P a. <l. Ikt. ITlli s>.|.t Slpl
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  • 249 2 ABBIVAL*. Per a. a. ,5.««./ra from Madras :-M«aars. J. P. J.lf. snd J. W. Tovill. Per s. Sumatra from U*li Msasra. Th. K Soeaarir. M. C. ran dar Zwat. aa. Adoll Trummer. Por s. a. Bri Trinyanu from MalaceS:— The hoii. S. C. Hill (TO iUITI. Per P.
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  • 13 2 KoTASMimsi MH. PBIOIi 10 CENTS. ■Mf bt/ommA tm Ik* ftmrik sag*.]
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  • 269 2 FRIDAY. 19TH OCTOBER. 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION aixaußD Acnoa or m >rum aaanouno*. BATBB or OTBBB UITUk ODtOBIBR Lomdom. IStk October. Tbe Strait. Association has sccepted Lord Ripou's proposahj. made ia his dtspateh ot tbs 88th Jnne hut, as regards tbe Straits Settlements MiliUry Cootrirmtion. Tb« Military Contribution
    Reuter  -  269 words
  • 210 2 Rll tub baa sent us a menage all of which is very old news save only the statement that the Straits Associatioa has aenpted JL»rd Eipon'a srttlemMt of tho Military CanUibation dispaU. Wo did not know that it was the privilejro of th» SlraiU Ameiotiuu to accept
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  • 263 2 Thk AißMniaw, KstU-rwl thouirh they are all over the world, have erer baaa raindful of their compatriot* in Aaiatic Turkey. Sine* Armenia Propsr fell under Turkish rule, intolcraucv auJ uppressios) hare driven Ars»«aiiß* from their native land to Miyhbouriu|r auJ Jislaut cowitriea, in taawhof paaua aoil aafaty. In
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  • 92 2 Tm Is-ifisUtin- Couutil wet this aft. r. uimiu. All lui-uli- rs were pmeeut etc. J.i H. K Major-*). neritl J.,-.. t-V*UKhao and tbe Resident C..uuc.llor ol IVuttßt;. Mr K. C Hill, tbe hrsideut Councillor of Malay. ua, having arrived this moruing, was sworn in on tlw prooreiiag* owning. Tbe Council
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  • 56 2 Tbk police say they are sßßan] »|w« lal iucA.ur.l. to capture th.. v paajsj us smb. cerurd iv tin receul buryUn. Tie police .iik tlnil houaeboklers 111 bj I |aj aj perDous who may iw ateu outside l.uiit. s. Possibly such penous urn* I. i^lu* lri „,.< H. M. 8.
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  • 9 2 Ma SraßtßT, the MMkarl phytr, rrtnns to Siagapors to-nwrrow.
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  • 15 2 ft. sal. of ifM-S again bsen pOßßßcns^ till JMitf. fn »nl«o«< '^^'v^^SJ!! mfliion pounds storlina:.
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  • 14 2 Mbssb*. BimiMM C ,l, advrtis* trMjmorfrat a* sole ag»nU w Heidaierk A Co.. Monopole.
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  • 17 2 It is report^ thai tk* P^J 1 0^!^ twnt «3rfyßMil»ala«i<if fW.OOO to the Govemsjmt of Btm«ei Ujonr
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  • 52 2 Ma. I. C. Sim- Iko Artinj Resident Ctfmeillor of Malacca, arrived this n*>rniug from Malacca, by the Sri IXafsans). M aervKe MnpßM »t «o«BP«r». rWM. aad MaUrca for one, two. or three yonr*. T«. ntnUkirt arrivH to-d*v from Po'« SoHbhilnn wHk 7.iM «ma of kenm** for Sitworo and 80.000 ensn
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  • 86 2 Tbib nombwr of eooK*. .mploy-d oa th* vsrions estota-n Pemk. Nt preawt- estimated at: stntnte immlgmnts I.S» Bnd f rf^ MMNMeI •i'o. Ih. Monday. tW Slat mn»aot. M»»*rs. Pow-ll A Co. will a-ll fey th«r •ah n«Hw. bonks, snd also, a Urg* quantity of new toys and dolls. Tbb
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  • 36 2 Tmaafc'ofpHroletimoilinbnlkinOvloß is aaid to have ban hinder** t>y tH« delay of the Crown aawnt* in sapplving the lornl nilwav au'horili** with the n«e»«Sßry wnggiMjs. TUe brio»s rn»n ruwmrneow one of the qnfotionabM advantage* of Crown scents.
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  • 64 2 At a awtina: of ">»«b«r> of the Penang Huh and P'aaeg Golf Cluh. Wid on the 14th in««ant. it wa* mntvnl on >m> motion «f the Hon. Dr. Brown iba» the hafl on S«. Andrew's Day bo a pnblic on*. A pnWir mastiac of the
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  • 66 2 A romrr*«ti on duty. Ibii mornitiu a*»ir»H two Mkw «oiwn carrriair ont third from bonw in Sooth Bndre Koad. AcMWiac thrm. W fouod the third wom»n to h» in Moribund condition. sn<), when ■ba pUrad in a "rikiibn. the ininrdialely diH. Ho doubt, the inUnliun wm to
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  • 87 2 FIRE ON THE- "WIELAND. According- to latest account*, the fire on board tbe Wirla»J has so penetrated into tbe lower hold ia the forepart of tbe vessel that it is not likely to be overcome. Tbe .|U'*'ion of scuttling her has consoiiwotlv arisen, b«l. tbe difficulty in tbe way of
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  • 99 2 We r ceotly alluded to burglaries on Mount Elisabeth, but, we have ascertained that the burglars are getting more per.isteot ia their attempts. Last night, they viaited Mr. Burkiuakaw'* restdeaot. where is staying, alao, the Inspector-Genera! of Police! But hare they succeedsd ia removing only n bot
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  • 158 2 Tbk Singapore Recreation Club gave ■U trst coavwt to members and friends al the Club at the Town Hall, last evening H'IUM forty vowre. besides a well-coapoeeJ < rcbrstra. t *>k part in the cooeert. Tbe prograaißM waa a very pleasing one aad well esn-uted
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  • 161 2 BY X Tsumb who found themselves at the rails this muruing at aa early hour were not r. warded by any of those uueipected spin* that occasionally take place on other mormngs than those on which galloping usiully take. pUre. AbsuluU-ly uotbiug ol auy imporuuee or mterest trauspirad
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  • 190 2 a. c. c. rosiLlCßa. IMB fuotUll match lost c.ruiuK b.'tw,sn tk. MX 0. »k tbe V MtiMn o«. of the I)!*., ,h.t baa b«. u vUyZ this «ason Pat. ch»rßct«ii«l it throughout. and though the ground «v iuteoaeiv aliuprn. the luauy *i, nleui, t h»t weri? cjtua»d«Wad lUB uje
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  • 744 2 a iKOttaoUaofn. (#V**» our CorreipmuUnt.) IHk October Daring tbe third quarter of the y«ar harely inefcta of rainfall have I*^ recorded at Pekan, this qnnaUty bein. distributed over 29 days, the highest ufi 10 twenty-four hours having been on the 19tb ultimo, when inches were ragis. land.
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  • 322 2 (Perak Pioneer) On tin- 'Jib luataut. at Taipiog. aalsai Hi* Honour C. Leech and nj i r v < Malay stood for trial on the ih.n^e of culpable homicide auiouuting to murder, of four other Mil. in it KII.IU Kaogstr whom he fell upon in sn aajal and
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  • 194 2 Sib W. Bonbib, Chief Juatic* <->»• lun. oo the 7th instaut. at a uici; ■u«of tue Coloaibo Public l.ibran. iu*ileibe following rvinarks H to him a n;»tt.-r lor regret that th. uuiuIwr of m«mbura was Jn'reasiu,-. ami tb* lucom.- aj tb« Library. In a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 766 2 NOTICKB. rtAMk BOItMIO COMPANY, LIMITBD. npsTC Stasoarl Life Awuranw. JL Neiwich Union Fire laturaass SssMj. AMs* A imnnt. < ■.ni.|.»n j Fir*). T»* Bquilil'ln Lite AnMiranc* SoriHy. I TU Own Marias 1 m. Osaajsaf. Ths Ciiia* Mutusl Bnam Umaatini Compaay. The Latter lleer Cou>]>suy. Tb* Matitime luuianc* Compsnv. l.imitw!
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    • 938 2 NOTICED L !he Straits Times has the largest ircalation of any news|.aier a Asia, British India except*!. i circulates in Singapore and 3 enang, throughout all tho Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. c Soother Eastern newspaper has i
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    • 886 2 ■ATKBT ADVERTISEMENTS II r A NTBD by an Engineer, (gp). sitoatlon W orpartaenhipwithaaestabUslMdfina. mM invastMSM Uwaasad dollan. Apply to JKNOINEER. c,o SirjO* Item. nyH HEIDSIECK CO. MONOPOLY Purveyor, fa. tli* IMPERIAL sud HOT AL JOURT OF GERMANY aad to tbs MPBBIAL COURT OF RUSSIA. JAUTENBERO SCHMIDT Co, BOLR AGENTS. M/4/M
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    • 49 2 m.*M.**Km is.atrc* nssiMHUf"" "iS!**"*""*- Araww|aMla;iksss*»sk *7,"CT ■■UTK ritiiltf\k* «Jr»» «< i.fc. I* I M«*M«*s mw~ «s»i Is is. ikM Bwajsir mm, urn «*wSh» i wirfit^y Thi Btnttg Timat liv the largest circulation of tmr newspaper in Ana. British India exceptel INo other Kaitern newspaper hat I to widespread a drcaJalioti.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 WKATHKR KEPOKT Ksas'sm nVsaaitsTisjilil, ITta OtMm-, Una. »a.ayi»a.av»sJs. EBmssi Mar. ml. XI rak. »MU»J4II».T7t V T*au> U.S ».u N.e iiSi BfTitalkiW. Till hi IU Nfl U.r. oTWuW K N.riCaba. *Bo'| Mia. 4* TM \2 Eat hi tea m* g*l? T*rr. raa Tk«r. JIM .M J •>> HatafaUuiMbMn 0.33 J B.
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  • 4795 3 mT .>ii«b. 17th. I'KKKIHT. Hl .Kx.'" > VY l <I<>V hNO HUUOT Hll-lH MIT.MXI.L. s,,iir-iili«i". Oolonisl S.-orxlsry. 11 v Vc.ll>'''-. Attoi|i«v-G<m»nil. r Mtfi .V'timr «>>Iom»l TrfMiirer. 11 l ~_|aMrf A«-tin)rAiiditor-(^nwßl. I ,~r Tt-JW"" oloni 1 E"lt«<W. I iw Hr""" W£b < Murmv AILShNT. run) H T. Jone»-Vsu(fliaM.<'.B.. Offießr
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  • 106 3 I'llkKL is just reel Veil the QbbBBBV uumber a| tbe fall Mall Maijaunr. As usual with this reuuurkably well got up uioßtbly, it is well worth reading. The illustratious are without exueptiou Ueautil'ully drown, tbe froutiapiece U-iug a charming little aua-scapo by Flaßieug, cut .tied "Homewards." The
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  • 77 3 okl-s IIRUKKS. Siuf/apun, /■>*'■ OMatar, MM. I. Onlprly uHU-ttrfnr I'tumiuK wxi-L Liuut. U J. Uavisa. N. C. O. for eu.uiiijf w.iek IMA Hilton 11. Paradt>a:— Monday i!M, UI n.ui., Maxim I .uudi ill Wsdiifsday £lrd, 1 15 piu. Maxim <iuudrill. Friday Mat, LM pui H B. I. Guudrill 111.
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  • 37 3 A five-op game at cricket took plate oa the B.R.C. ground yesterday, betwrea a team captained by Parsons, aad tbe Royal Engineers, captained by Woodroffe. Tbe former made 61, and tbe latter 54 for eight wickets.
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  • 204 3 Ik Perak, tbe bead of one of the depart. menu kaa bad to complain to Goverßßwot of tbe anLoyance caused by tbe frequent abseoces uf bis employees in Courts on financial business," and has asked tbat a rale may be made tbat no public servant whose salary is
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  • 758 3 The WMMis« of Prinre* Al.iandra *f fue-Oobarf and Ooth« and the Hsnditary Prince of Hohenlohe-Lainrenhura; will take pis )in Cobara; ia April astt. and the Qassa may pnosiblr bs preiwat at the Bwrriafs. The Hereditary Prince is well known ia BaffiasaJ. he was for some years aa attarheof
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 NOTICES. McALISTER CO. Im Jat Inrive. FKKBH SHIPMKNT3OK THE FOLLOWING: AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOL 00-'s WELL-KNOWN COW BRAND, Price tU ssals BST 1 t. tin a m P m AUSTRALIAN FODDER. Oats r.(W as* nay. Chaff fclil a Braa «!.£> IH.Ua Straw H.ISJ per laUe SPECIALLY SELECTED HAIS PBOM H Ik
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    • 1021 3 FOR BALK; EMPLOYMENTS; TU LET; AM) PKR4ONALS. [Isttimb, 15 rrnts a line; S2ad aad 3ri timea, 10 cent* s line 4th to 6th times, li cents, s line; 7th to lHth time*. 3 cents a lin*; afterwards, 2 cent* line, hut no charge I*** than nne dollar. Thns, a tknt
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 166 3 AKKANUfcMr.Mts Kkiuav, Imtm tv-ioeh« lii-h Wal.-r. lO.&i |..m. New Moon. ISpm. Sporting Club meets. Kn hjuj.- •"> "> lUute lecture. Prins. St. Cba|«l H B4n SAit-Riiav, I!>th (Kti.bik Hi«b Water. l«.3O a.m. 11. If pui Balvat;>- aale at Puwell'a 11 a.m. Aiii-tiouot Onbida. On bad Uoad i p in tiiriuau
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    • 154 4 Oawar tUa kaaalaa; tka fallowiaa; akfcraritbaaa an aaa< 1 atr. ataaaur ah.— .hip. baykaaaaai Brk-BrWak V. 8.-DaiU,i Htoaa.; fr.— Tiwaaki Oar.— Oinaaa Dat— Datak; Jok.-Johor.; Ar 0.r..-O*aer«l earica; 4. a. aa-k gin; C—VaeartataVT. PriT-Taajaaa; P»«-r Wharf; T P. D.— Taajaaff Pagar Dack B. W.— Roraeo Wharf; J.
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    • 976 4 AasiTALa 8i»c« Koom of YBaTiBDAT W<uomm, Oar. atr. I.ol<l taara, Oapt. Mt ITtn Oct. From Paaaag. IMb Oct. (1.c., aad 40 «r- Aan Ho. For Aaw.y, lJHh— Kd». B*b 9 Brit. atr. 14* tna*. I'aal. O'Cra/e. 17th iTt From Fslaaabaaa;. l«tk (VI. <J.r.. *U4 a. Urn La* A
      976 words
    • 163 4 ...r. /J, B«.l.>m.>uH Maao-a I,IV>»f.H.L SI. Kr a«-i-. .lv .c ITljtmw. due I km 1 1 Tale •.arliut. due <M -JH AKam.'niii..u. dii.. I 1.-l. oil iI.AH.iOW Tyrm. July ;J Ji11. 1. 1 l -K.,«,,r.,n ktalarra Sm«Li>s t)roina~., July li Bakbt. AMeha-an. A.< li. Turr He»l. Sepl IJ,
      163 words
    • 50 4 7 *SJLi« fcj- M 17^.4... g jSfi ~.mTtaZ~ "■> "in,. v,.. r W J«u»., HB v $"•""< I-Anull,. IH .n.T,,r 8..».rt.. i";,,, k"Mfk"k IM 1 1 N...1 v*.-. •H -n rriii( lt »i, u Wi11,,,.k Sl'* '''H.-k S«i, A( 111 I «bum »'>•*. a«| ÜbJL X uiU "-t
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    • 49 4 I'AT»'. Nta.. »L4u*Kl., •mmm < vt. M In v I M IK v v A*..,. P *»~l Hun,,w.u I WBm H«.U Huuu,, M. Al.-t., BJI Wo^NunUtt l»«.M' EC rJSJ m.»,,, EL r K kw, n »«r. N«,H,Uh t*M .tr i Ll .1.-1 ....I U..1.11-L.!.. M,». uraiab I'mii
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 819 4 NOTICES. fleam Mote onr < eleMtlniis run Im' Excliangcd wltliln three mouths, If not approved. No other firm allows this in India and we challenge any ether firm in India to do the same DWPATCfI TOOB DKUKKN WITIIOfT FEAK, FOR VOf I'ANKOT BB itEi'EIVKII. Messrs. STEFFENAUER Co., Celestinas, IMio'iiix and
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    • 270 4 I MATURED IN SHERRY CASKS. A Luxury in Pure < CO Scotch Whiskies. < The wonl B O i. the I a^N N'«mi-. Braud, «n.l Rr»fi»li.wd V_/ "iadi- M.rkof Ihi. BUUhIrM, n Old t-coMi Whiaky W jCD GOLD* CAPSULE. c c BLUE CAPSULE TUREEN CAPSULE. m JkM m%m\. I t=
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    • 715 4 NOTICES. MAISON F. PAUL 4OO rSIX.M HIII'DII-lIIIIKIO^I Jo «t A ssi t*d r*»s #naaat flimaiw A lanre quaatity of aew pvrfnmery from Park Marka-LEUBAiID, BIfMCD A Co., PIVII AND PISAUU SCEHTB. Whito Violet Vk,leHa> dooMe. de Panne, Ulaa Btaaa, LUa de Pene. Lacrfeia. Iria-, BUac, IriaHaafcn Muiroet dea Boia. Victoria.
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    • 845 4 I NuTICRh. WILLIAM DALLAJX. WILLI\M DALLAN i. asw (any. ksr aa baiia.aa a. JQCKBT. TRAINKK*.LiTa h TBTABL«.K«IP»B, t. HO fK-BKEiKgi., AND HuHSS- DKAI.KB, it No. 75. Bm*. B*»aa Hoad. •j War.,, r- ff and repair, to karse*. hj nf- rl«n-H workmen. < ra hra Fond. «c. TKMPt.UABT sr-BLIH. >■]'•[ 14.
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    • 134 4 WOI ICBB. J.~MOTION~&lX). i WtTCIMAKIBIi JBWILLIBf. OPnCIANB. M>Al— F»OM»tI.T BUOgtalP. ART PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. ROBERT LENZ CO. Cobpbi or BTAaroBD Boas A Hiu Bibbbt. YkUß* af riaariear. la feraral af tka mmmmt kWjLOaittkjLj I felt ■ml tal rfiin I umiMj I ■ihih flPTHomMwwwß">" tka URlTirt TItfODOV, tka 001TTIMaWT. AMEBfC*. aad tka
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    • 94 4 WOTICEB. GENERAL FAMILY PENSION FUND. HrlA*unullND Atataj ililal OaatkJ m m» fcawaa at GOTIRKMOrT OVaUi S7 UUt Vaßiia ib"tb*tbi> is Govflaraaw SsctfßiTiaa awivt. OBaßtaanOartatkaasfkatkaaam tMakißßwrary llailllaMn aataaaH 4,a»aaraßlDlraeU)r.aUe«aa ky tka a*. tajmtta iVf aaatat; tfcatal i m. RATES m LOW Hit aaaatjia* wHfc aaajaa) aemtji. HO SBTTJKK FOinHTDII aflar tkraa
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