The Straits Times, 15 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1895. NO. 18,748. Pinau, I, and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 934 1 > „AMBgIP 00MPANIB8. Orric*— Collyar Qaay. aj«A»»»» Oooowna— N*w Harbour. wail utaimrn will l»a». Siagaaata oa or .Jattk— danaaattoßaa dato^- Hr "Y«Z ,1,., i tmtm <vt. i« ,>.. i v i K :i" v, .i r.,-.,,... n..i. H i»r. w MamUmi a*. thaaM by RMI--ri < l o ilh7 .ill
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    • 871 1 HOTIOEa. No Dentifrice Equals CALVBRTB Carbolic Tooth Powder, 6d 1 1/6. and 1 lb 5 Tina, or Carbolic Toulh t»a«te, 6d l aad 1/6 Pots, FOR PRKSKKVATION OF Till. 1 \.V.t\l k TO BTREKGTIIRIT HIE Gujt. Bach i <1 with C*LVK«r pnrast Caika II ma U.t dnnlal |.r. -,-rraiira. T><
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    • 137 1 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JKWKLLKEB, OPTICIANS. EEfAIM »BOM»TI.T EXEOPTEP. i mißn, BOBDHUV CIABBT. Pr* «m. Cn*'.-«,, Utraa, h»»mi MimlU POOBB. :i *i r GalawaWamc, Hslishwani. f« .1 1 .U^K. MM. lit ;ni*f«l>l.m«r— An* i> Rrottii. -.< <„., i,.r» f, r »hr M.aita Battlauwnu PKHR 4 ••<.. KATZ BROTHERS HAVKJUST UNPACKED
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    • 586 1 NOTICES. X ROBINSON I* "ML PIAHOB (8.,. mi., m jm B^ for hire sale of HOK G k7.OA.D l -O-THLT PAYMENT, SINGAPORE EU Repair* of KUIIO, M W -«nr— pt.on. L*.BOE STOCK or MUSIC MUSICAL A ,v IMtlDmir BBLUM. WmW Wmr SUNDRIES *.c* m NEW MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF
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    • 630 1 IWSURAWOEa fasSTBAjTS Fibb Ibsobabob 00, Ltd. Ib Lkjoidat 10a. aMTgmlai THB COMMERCIAL UNIOM ASSURANCE CO., lAD. Van ami *w*wawa aama. fUBUB. f.plall W nlly HubMlib.d..... XJ.ftOO.ooO ranltal P*M-up laO.ood Aim«t. £4 ,000,000 Votal Tn»-it»d Fund* C 1.400.000 Ta«<l AnnaalfnmMM <l.««4,OOa ""Im fIM Mt |..<ni|4i'wl' I*l4 al Ik* Brawli oa-^ hi
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    • 392 1 BANKS. OBOKOBO ABB BHABOHAI BABaTIBO OOBPORATIOB PAID-UP CAPITAL... _....SWJWV«i BBBBBTB FUWD 4 t^qo.imo BBBBR7B LIABILITT Ofl »I»ni«i'O. PBOPBIBTORB __J- WU> WfW t'ooar or Dibbctobs:— J. EEaMBE. Baa.— Cbaokbab. Hob. A. McCON ACHIE— Darwrr Oeaomub. P.B.BJIIH. Jm. 1. au-Imw. B. M. Out. M. D. mm. f. C. Mmuauoe. O. S. Pin
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    • 348 1 wdnoii. WORTH BOftWfO BBTBBTJI FABMB Owiwrnl-arm. B«rth Bwmb Bast Csast, rVsTtae* Alsotk JKaaatt. HfilMl/*aM* #ar>.Barth B*ra*a Bart Co«t, P.oTla*. Alsstk (Kaaat). PBaabraAJa. 7am, Bsrth Bseaa* Bart R«-fMVf*-JsAlfaek(f.fc»J. _Ci»tftB M r.r».Wlmportaßdiha«Jldwt'ChMkaW Bsstftotaaj fw Barik Ban* sal/ Bmehaa. Sird**».t, Wharf nm, Sad Mart oass. North Rarasa oaly. Teaaara far thaw Parma wi«r
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  • 343 2 LATKHT MAMUCT OUUTATIUNS Oaaaiar.. I 6M. aa Oak* L. ll«S. A* aa M .lOJi. Oaaa Bali, jTpib W). Pappar BUck, jasller. 10.90. oXfe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l^. Oafla* liherkaL. 48.00. TafMWaaanTaaW Z 880. t a lat^ttr *5» do aai. aJSZ.7. 4%0. ao aaallparL 385. do aai. 7.. K 37S. fta»tlii Saa. 80XW(Mama, AaMaa
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  • 49 2 i"*r »«r. X*«. To-Moaaow. EaroD.Ti.rorU. ImKi, BMitkok. fnwiMr, Neaa. Ruaanuii ria imtU, <Vm*«. I p.«. Klaac t» korU. Bm&nll. i,m. < u ale*Ma Tia aaru. .V.HwA. t^... B'jenna-in Ti. port dn Bu ..(>«,, 3■ L.bwa ti. port., Cm.. i pa Taraaaa*. D*li Ti. port., H. 6.. M*Um**Kiuw. «u-i/,,.
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  • 74 2 raoa Koaors-Uj tbe Uaw> it'ittnik due t"-uiorr.>». ••ft K*Rjra|n>re )>u« m I otlni Au, .S7th H if. S^pt Slr.l Srpt. Hli I' < > Oet :inl ■e|.l llUli M II I M 7th hvl .Hth P n (M. 17th s^.t iirl \|> I. ma Ji.t ''••■•t Mtli
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  • 275 2 AaaiYAU. d/'noL* 0 PW Htb, from Deli Mr. MulUr Par a. •<•» Ymug from Maar Mr and Mr..O. Wl»atl. y lii«. L WaeatllySd In Deal. Dtl-AKTUUL. ißuutetll. I'ar P. A( a. v. Uotlta for CkiUmbii Mr W. »i Juliitton. (TO AKBIVI. Per l'.i/c« i. tr.. m Loodon. Bept.
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  • 22 2 RarAßuaaaD > IML PRICE: 10 CENTS. f Mf Im.wtjmt ow^^enjaj aval fTBiaW bblMb> (MPBVVTBwMBy rBHf aay W/oarf m tW fmmtk aat,]
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  • 62 2 TUESDAY. 15TH OCTOBER. 1895 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. TIIK ARMENIAN «|UEBTIUN. tmi avurAa to bb rvaraaa Mam LeaaW. lMk Octtkr. Renter** corrrspoaawat at Coast mliaople aaserta that Briuia ia resolved upoa tba Turkiah G»veraaeat *<*ptiaa; lac tcaea* of reforaa ia Araeala prvpiard by taw Power*. It ia alto reported that, to mure
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 361 2 At tlie recent BMetiog of th* Brili.L Aaaoviatioa, Dutch wetltuj* of fo»erino(( the Malayan rasa* came under di*eu*> aioa. Tbe Mibject cropped ap oa tb* muling of a paper aWaliaa; with aalive race* aad Wartiira civiliaation. B*r*ral •peaker* w»aia»ataa advwady opoe iapuatuy Weaurn idea* of etviliaalioa too aooa
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  • 20 2 Taa Oeraaa Mail Steaavr Knrltrmkt. baviV I"** Hoaijkoa*; veaUrda.T at 6 p.a.. uiay he expected here oa Sal ur jay
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  • 21 2 •> Tm Nlrmils Bmdfrl waa puMiahed at aooa to-day. A auppiemeut forthaP. A O. Bail will be iaaued at 4 p. m.
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  • 17 2 It ia ad*ertia<xl thai (he omce uf the Japaaeaa Coaael aaa beea reawved to Aunrtr" S|>otti«w<H»l> P^rl.
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  • 26 2 Am ad*ertiwiawi>t aanotiama the arriral i of Dr. Nol.U. bead of th» deatal firm ,4 Noble aad Co.. who won cbargr of tbe buuaew ia Siagapoiv.
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  • 29 2 Tm Punjom Miaiaji CompaiiT. IMhjA adnrtwa that •bam oa which a flual rail of *S oent. p»r abare b*4 not bmmi paid before a tamitad date, will be forfeited.
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  • 25 2 The Dai/y Ttltgrmpk arknnw!,- the receipt of aaveaty-aii <thillia«a from the Bdaairur Cricket Club towards »h« natiooal tntitnonial to W. O Qrac*. the fanoua cricketer.
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  • 23 2 Nmm. Howana Ebmihi A Co'a d^aultiag Mll-ontWtor. whoa, caat w« reported recently, mi, oa BataruUy. ou pleadißK Ruiltj. •rntciu-od to ail inoolbn ■priaoaacat.
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  • 38 2 Oa the l«th Bept.. at Catford. K. A. Mar\>\tm e*Ubliab(d a or rrcord fur the licvntvd amateur for a ail*, which he eovwad iv laia. M 3 itv. Previoaal* Ik* btat time w imim. 1 *-U*. by PUtt-B.tu
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  • 41 2 Tl| October uienthly aiedal li» a| will kepUveduD Salurd» T the I«i|i gold MMtl m to b* pnamtcd by tho C«i^ bt, Major MvCallua. for tb« bait atr^rv. K»le aoorv tbe ■iouiMt atadal hauUn ji. for thesii aiuutlii Ovtobur 18M— March
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  • 56 2 It mviu* to be •iMort cMrteia tb. k i ti,« Ja|MU«Mi Ciof«ru«wnt will v, t third w»i liwu Momjt U bviiu v,. .1 v the»»» .x(wditiou. %u<t J»t» v hin iM»«r k»l \utpt Imlmm to «Mt hw,. The wU w.ll b, mi .l m ■oob m th« cireiiMlMvti
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  • 59 2 A «l*fk ia tb. employ t^ %o *Xi Northara Tekwrapb Coapaßf Bh *"*S ha. has d-ailaod tbe doapany* -T for iaproprr d»el««r. of tel^*"" At th. praliaiaary invertigatioa. the eta* •daW that b. hai .poka* about Uje(taa. tb*t paaMd thro-gh hi. h»nd. wbiU berng entertained at ti«a or
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  • 37 2 A lar*. aaalar of day afteraoon. Th« atrvae wa. ""'f?" 1 r^dered, th* altar btioa .brrm^ -n Mack. and. on tb* twnoval of the cofflo froa iheCbarcb. Mowif. Dflwl hl*roh waa played.
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  • 73 2 In Briti.h Worth Boroeo, »in«- tbe l*t iaataat, a rrriaed eaHom* tent" ha* coroe into operation, and there i* *aid to be (li»--■atiafaetioo that artul-sof fooi ahoaid b« haavily taied under tbe Unff. Rice, which baa hitherto been eiempted froa aay doty, ha* now to bear
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  • 76 2 AccoßDiau to tbe Bawtburjueh* B»r--trmkalU. tbe Ira of Bickaer*. a ship building coapany of Bremen, which alao own* atveral ricaill*. contemplate conjunlionwith other Arm*, a rafwlar steamer asrvioe between Hambars; and Antwerp aad Cbina and Japan. baildiag for thi* purpow *aven *tea>n era of between 6,000 and
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  • 98 2 Tmi caac ia which a postal peon waa charged with tbe non-il«li»ery of i-rUin letter*— a case to which we have already referred, wa* concluded at the pafaM court, thi* forenoon. Thewitnea*. Mr. Brant. for who** evidence the caae wa* postponed, atated that letter written In
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  • 179 2 Kaib Trader i i. a to t he aWaaJkja JaWnew regarding Mr. Chauberlaio'a poßey of developinir our Colooitl em ate. He advaaeea a pniat which be thinka •atiUad to tbe conaideratioo of all who are not free trade fanatic*. Mr. Chambariaia propoaea to build railway, with British money
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  • 237 2 T«« new Chiaaa* cruuer. Y,h,j. which baa Un -n built ou weoiiut of tbe Chiaeae Oovaraawut at tbe Vulota wharf near Btettia. reoeatU mil., her trial trip, oa which (be attaia. I a maximum apeed of 21.82 kaota per hour, and a apeed of 80.5 duriutf a
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  • 151 2 CONGO CANNIBALS AND THEIR CUSTOMS. AithNMietjDKuttlM lira,.), Im^, U». Cap*. 8. L. H.nJe, who w« ou *"f Baroa DaW force ou c deacnpt...o tf WIB4 custoa. Uere. AW %1| he he Congo Ba« o praetiae t »uLiUl,.u, u j hough in ao™ p. ru lt tbe preaenc* of white tMm£m,
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  • 143 2 Bt the b«w intermediate sen,,:, „t P. and O. Coapaoy, say. tb. Cki»., prim, tber. is no. a weekly direct r to tbe Strait*. China, and Japan l. v a British mail lia.. thVn,.^^ boat, of the noapaoT came- bom direct, aad brought a limited
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  • 308 2 Tbe Min-iiiiiij Pott, in an article in,,,,, tbe avMaaj trade, it* pocitioo aod am pects, aay* The Continent, and ladCbina, and Japan have rniered il, ti..',j a^ainat l.unH.bire, aud have Iwen ail plied with uioJern machinery by Kn ll Briun. We have i-t|>orted npinoiu k r ai *r»vi'i|{
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  • 330 2 Tue VutUivh- Cvrrttpondeui lt»r:m from <ViisUiiliii.,| ihat tin. .Sulian inleud« t,. |.i,i|...ii the t'owir* the Tiirbmh MniiKti'i for r'oreiKn Affairs, be^iauinK witli the preaeut occupant of the ptat, klui! Im- I'll-- id. -lit of I he Ariii-'iii.m Coniiinwioa of Couiril, aud not, a* waa
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  • 70 2 0m .w. m»uhh.-i.i 01 11..11 -y t bum Ml J»|«n. rti— l*t 11. hi, J|.-y- ri Co ll^Uijkunij i.,,,*!..^, Ju« loll,"'' J»v k p,rU. fycluju, >>H Ml' <>><■•" H-U4C,. ■»1.-iiiu wu|> it.. Mm**** I*.1 l 0" Uoktattwd i 11.,I 1 Nmm and Cabaita, A >'•■! ■HttaiA
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 728 2 NOTIOBa. rpmi BOBKXOCOMFANT, LIMITED fpTB taaastl til* Atsamael X Not .we. Oaioa Fira Inisriail SOOM7. AM** AMBraao* Coapsay (Fira). Tba K-in.UM. Lite Awuraac* Society. Th* Oct.* Mstib* Ibhuisbc* Company. ThaCtiißs Mutual Stuun N.TiKHti.iß Company. Th* Tvtual.saa Lag** Comi«ny. Ta* MatitißM lawiaao* Compan.v. Limited. For fartkalan of aVaa Oaaaasai th* fan
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    • 954 2 NOTIOEB. The Straits Tim6i has the largest ciroulation of any aewsbaier in Ana, British India eioepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all tho Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipnines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 500 2 LATEST ADVBBTIBEMBNTB ~THE JAPANESE CONSULATE HAS naii raj to th* ADRORiK, ■aottiMraaa* Park. 17/»_ "To! SALE A SMALL baaiaess. prodociag 7»*/. Brail peraaaaa. Apply sharp to ta. A 08/10 8. M .r/o Brain Timu OaW. T^OBDDIOTSCHBB ~LLO TP. FOB BUBOPB. The laMrial Goraaa Mail Btaaaar KARLBBUBM. Captaia Walter, aaviag ail
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    • 23 2 I 'I to IWN.4MM Stnits ttMi hM the large* otooulation of any newropar in Am. Brituh India eioept^ I Vootbtr Euternnewipapßr hi K>ihdeg«wd>ciroakti«i.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 72 2 WKATHtK KKPORT aT*»a«i* aVaasa ■lajilal. m* |M» ■.8.1|.8.1r.> Bniai.. Bar. i*L n fak. a.«7lda.N|{ajßV ~~Z~ Wet Saw TWaf i 78.U 77 4 77 S i*3 Mis. a. a* TS.H H I k Terr, tm.l Tbar. 7|.« 3 BaiafaUiaa4*«kr. u.w j J WEATHER 'tBLBGRAM. (B. M. A. V. lWajras* tV, ir,th
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    • 152 2 ARRANGEMENTS. Tuesday. I-'.ih Oajtaau. Ili^h \V»U-r. 7M) p.m. Vaajaajsvf, IHth Onaaai High Water. 8.47 a.m. »54 I*. I 0k homeward aaail clos-n K v.m Auitiou uf ci)<ara and nuudrica ell*, lla.ui. L«Xi«l»tive i, il mectiuK. 2.*' p m Hockey. Esplanade fnaaaf aVjaaal M-.-tit^ Pra»eji*»* l I'luiri'h. aVil p.ui SJaaaaj
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  • 1547 3 s/raVsa for tht Straitt Timm.) r j w „Mli.<'»«-it>ng literature— .iori«-« 0 aad «onir« of )0v..-with which Iks public of M«l».vi hay- lately been i I H may bo tint an account of a >: „,t on Ih- Perak R t r. the uf
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  • 756 3 (JV«sb our Corretpondani.) 10th October. Taaac Las beeu nothing startling in Hungkoug during the last week. Toe naval anchorage i* still deserted but, provided the sbips of tbe Squadron are demonstrating with effect up tbe Yaugt M> <>r the Miv, there is no nend to regm tbeir .llmi-ih-.
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  • 116 3 Kk-entlv, a ntiuilii-r ot military mutiuwrB f rom oue of the Philippine islands took refuse in liriti-h North Borneo. A Spiuiiili gunboat in compaoy with a BiilUb Noitb Boruoo Governuieut steamboat KOUKht for tin- fugitives aod touud tli. 'in at a l.i• aaUi <l Tuoku. Tbe mutitmm, <>v
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  • 110 3 A«OMMM to to Vuloym (Jituttr. ascoiid Kusuj-Clnueso luau will l« MMM* .led u> November. rWe w.ll »«»>u v Up money. aud theUoruian ui»rk«t will tuost piuUably beexclud.-d trow aay past iv ilie trau**eliuii. U «HHM with tbH loan It the |.roj.-ct of a KuwoChiuyae JJaiik. to
    110 words
  • 1032 3 tut asitmi n.vat ■■■iiMUllltw m ajßi Skafhrni, JOtl SifkOitm. Taias an at prseeat aochoni at Woosaag tbe ironclad VnaaimmUd, tbe IrstcbuM cruiser Sdgar, the a«coad-«lass cruiser Arektr, aad the third-class crniier Carolina. The despatch vessil Almeritf flying Admiral Buller'* flig. caaw up toda.e. Tb* CWarion (natfahip) and
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  • 88 3 Tac Kvbe Chronicle says -Mr. HauiaKiicbi, win. roi eutly weul UkSbaogbai for tlie Kauegatut-hi B|.inuiiig Comp^uy of Tokyo to import th<- spionmg iudust.ius tberi., ha* ulutii..l to the tl. aud upua bU r. (nut tlm Couipauy havedwidtd ti laUbltabed .i la.-tury iv Dbaugbai. A. theCoui|*u\ uiteads
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  • 95 3 Thk Chin, i Mail baa uo bops* of Houg>kotu| ever beouming an iuiporUut «*utr« <>l iiiauuf*. tunug iadudry. Ia its opinion, HamgbaM, though wt-fl plaesd iv gaogra|.luc.l Million, ha* ou* groat drawback; il is too siuall to do aaytbiug. There is a U<:k ot ou that prscipitoiis
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  • 505 3 raae**BOTtßo fob ww wmsmtiwm (*Vo»» s*r Vmrrmpondtmi.) Bmm tinw ago. a party of prospMior* f n>« Awiralk Im4(4«« lMihoi«^ofHM« Gulf in N*v Gain-a witb> vwv of pru*. p rctiog tbc eoaatrv toward* the ialaad uouataia raaga*. Tb*t followed Urn tad of tb* Cljd. riTer far* o— iirtbli
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  • 478 3 M. Turpiu h»«. it aepniK, bws appriMcbel by Ibe Porte with v of tpplying bis *v*tem of defence* !■> tbp Dar. .l.<nellie He salt] to aa iv! ivi.-wer trum tbe t.ilr? Pmvlf, rrfrrria^ l» to CM*. uiou* devrlo|>ia«Bt by aiauannts iluriug the bat twenty yoarr.
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  • 1479 3 Mr. Uobert Baehaaaa'* aovel, Diaaa'* Haatiair." will b* publiahwl ia oae volunw aett week. U—n Oliphsat sad Awisnua will shortly publi.h a uew atory hy Mu* Ma/gi* Swsa. •atitlad Life* Hlindfold Qsms." Mswr*. Uhwter wilt .hortly hay* ready ia their Oosp*l of the Age Berie* a vuluai* of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 818 3 ThoOgdsa famfly.of Obsstor, may a*My eUha to Wat Ih* erhaiaal rword. Optea. jaa., who has iwst died, mad* UV aaajsasaaM* hofsr ths City Jasttess' (W hrfag f«r drwahsaar« aad 44 for aaaaalta. Ogd*a* fathsr ■Sjisrii Wf*n ths Bsaeh tmasa, a sUtor, «7,!aad aaXlwr ststor titan. Thsfstbsr.Ma. sad tistora wsrVshtgsd sltogsthsf
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    • 866 3 FOR SAL*; EMPLOTMIHTR; TO LIT; AMD PEIUONALO. [In tiBB, II taate a wto; tad aad 3rd tiaasa, 10 wato a Mb* i «tb to Mb fhase, wajtf, a Ha* 7th to IMb Mm**. S esßta a liV•ftenrard., 3e«aU*lia*; hataoaharg* Is** «haa oa* dollar. Tbas, a ttm JuTSZrtm•lbn. for $1.06 a
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    • 1066 4 o*»ia«to«tt^N tb SiM^Tßttt-Brittok 0. 8.-IT.K-I ET oSFr. a-Palaß™-!; P s-.v I ■n-or-w»i. P,, rf fr H.M.S. rrai. Wl. t.>a«. """w l^^kX"^^'--atatioa-—BO* I M B.IU. Col. rt'. i-0 toa.. aa >aa. aad 14*> h.p. Cas* TKorp CaaaaL For Naaki.» »i* H.*«k..»K l«">.Bda. r»lr*n Wo. ML O«r. tor. boat.
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    • 114 4 Mam*. Fmrt. and OuU ol x,.u LITBBrOOI. Si. Fr.nris. Juaa-'O: I v due I let. J). Tele arhlM. dim CM. 28 As-ainKmnon, dnu Icl. 3U MaWB. Tyrm.JulyJ; JHl>lll.fc.-H>ROi;..H Malacca. Shields. l>r .lul\ ti. Habby. Al.l,- l «-in. An*. 16: Ton- H.-..1. Sept. 12 Pakhoi. t<«pt. 14; Wiily Ri.-L.irr-..
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    • 118 4 5 Vm«»ui' Im OM Tm>M ii """3r« Si Sss It C«L .»r J«) |1,,, ru It SulUi. «« „.,,1* i It C. H. Daiiui Uat jim b^j_ul. I.'i Kuui Vaua Bht.atr. Vii N uM, MgjKlaa Sn» V,u. JJ 3li 1nk.,,, 15 I:. Iii .t r *JUM 11,,.,,.
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    • 52 4 DATS Tmii'i Niai fLAU* <'»rrtm. Paw i 14 15 I. li li 11 li 15 li It M,,/.,-.,. V. I t A<few* Hl,'r« S.iiK M.n» T.nwi sat: P. 0.,!,. Unl.Hr Mr. »lr Mr MM. 1,. Au.. .ir Ur. Pm"" W.M..1, M E Whfht tlNaory H-.U, V»u H»r. Trl(»»U |K>rU
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1118 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Co., HAVK JUST RBCEIVED A FIIBBH HHII'MKNT OK WATSOHfcCo". X>s2®S, V. V.O. ÜBLBBRATKD #^W f < I>rice fll I^ 1 McAUSTER &CO. .1. A. 1). PEKBIKA lIORTIC'ULTUUIIIT AM. Fl.oSI?1 1 in 1 limit Ami Ekhobteb or Obohiki rttdan To- Honqaot Spray* Ac^ Ac. Mly and promptly neeat«d. Cheepmt
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    • 909 4 BOTIOBfc. ji\/gor^s PILLD r CURB Stcfc Hta#afrrW > ,O |t f* < p***— t onrmiA, uvgr timmlci. Pnl| VttitiMi. EujtiTito. Tbe dellcat* «u«ar-c.»tlin ol Afar** Fin* j 4lMolre* unmedlatelr on reaching taa ataav a<-h. and penmu tbe lull •trengtk of ataa Iniredlent to he up. cdllr aeilnltotaa. A*a purntlTe, either
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    • 147 4 NOTICES. kfcALISTEK k CO. live Jbsl leaked KK.HII SHIPMENTS UK THE FOLLOWING: I USTRALI AN BUTTER. WOOD Oo's WELL-KNOWN OOW BRAND. l*riea mb(< |-r 1 tin 1125 a AUSTRALIAN FODDER. (Ma »7.««> r»r b««. Clmff UN Hnui H.i"i OntMitMnw. W«»pwW». SPECIALLY SELECTED HAIS MM M Ik to 12 Ik «aafc,
      147 words
    • 716 4 RILEY HAROI.'KAVkS &COY. NEW STOCK. HAKES. Bl.Mors M«FRBOrrAUIO(!rt hIZKB AM. riTTCI. WITH ('HirBB« l<>'<->*. WKICIIINO MACIIINKH, KAIKIiANKH 4 AVKHYH Wei*Ma« faanrk, «r» Hem »a 4 kilea. HK!.TIK(J. Uae»l.i.*. ll nU*-. L«*lher, aad Uaady'* af Fint < :iaa* Qa>lHy. PUMPS. R.,Ur,, ctrlfufaL. riaaawtar, Maam aad EKOIKEri. c.t MPBELL'B OIL ENGINE. >'
      716 words
    • 28 4 Q B. LAMHIBT fl aat ■OO'iTBATT-lT BOA* oeobariwU)** o*aa«aara I g-^_ mm^Mdlaad^ara aaaav MBnVaT <HWJ* JW^y {^^MiWaymw'at'tka akarta* a»t»aa. n, *JSlB^»* tteak*r*aMm* nj ll ,ni.iTOll. W Hoa. Saaratary.
      28 words
    • 93 4 L 1; m P^r^*aTatt& aK^ft.,,'^ Awtct winMTa •*mm mm. Ssa£Sjr.i«wjr i .-ia.t A. ABBBm. ilnW.BW*. «a* Btaanaaia, INm lof ••>■ IWbmmft t\mmtnj. j, H *hkwa> tanwtanaal Drt^ "MKSTHOOKK HAS iOITT BBCBIVKI) A rOBTHKR CUNHIUNMEXT OP THE I. C. PERSEPHONK CORHETS. ABD THE 8. L. PBIMA DONNA CORSETS. Tht (jwn *ay<:
      93 words