The Straits Times, 14 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED iiqai. SCfrQAPOItB, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14**1***. NO. 18,747.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 915 1 s: vAMS-tff OOMPANIBS. Or-ic*-Colly*r Quay. W...t •> O«»«wbo-1I.w Harboar. i% ,__!.uaai.n»Ull*av.SiB < a»or.<iaor BAMmaana BM ta». Bat H BW!I« 'W. l« H.nai*" o.t. I r««a.-A»ta< <vt. *> n,.v. i.» k.......... aaa, L^, w r«-u- «*«_r %f l^ a 1 to LoU- -tat aam. at to Loadoa ajrata. of a*f. kFtal.
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    • 870 1 "rfc«A MtJHIP •OOMr AVTEB. "I \K KOMKKLIJKK PAKRTTAA_IT~ MAATff^llApa»«j SB V b.l« contract with tha Nothariaoda lada nmißifl AatnU at giayapor*. Ship Ao»BCT. LATB J. DAJWPaXa A 00, OotATM tjwAt. Sl ....^"L WiUWDtaaatoarfto O. Or. P. FflmH Pnaiaaaja, 6th. Sonrabay*. Ball, tfhai, Numm. imi rm»DUmtm B»Uria. lath. B»Uvia,(*orib* 1 Saaur*ag,
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    • 184 1 J. MOTION CO. WATCHM AKKBB. JKWKLLKBS, OPTICIANB. BRPAIRt PROMPTLY BIEOBTBD. GENERAL FAMILY PENSION FUND. (h_TABIa«BBD 147*) A**amul»Ud Capital ia th* haad* af GOVERNMENT OYRR V LAKHS. Sbcobitib* »blt. OaaatoaUOhiMiaaaofaoUakßal. Thk i. pwely -utoal taoUtaUaa iiaigo* ay a Board of Director, alostod a* tha aaaaarihan bam amoag lIATKS M LOW
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    • 585 1 NOTICES. W. MUIMN 4 Cl PIAHOB (afcT.1875.) A_J_HrW "OK HIKE. SALE. _aaaaaaaaaaaa!^BßaaaßaT T HOI.GKO.OAHD M THUY PA E TS SING APORK Etc Hopalra of BTUBIC. V -nrd-cHpt^n. LAB«B nofl OF m music MUSICAL abd intMitit ibllsb*. SRBBaaaaaaaaal BRW BUHDRIBS. ii r NEW MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS. BUSSBLL'S
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    • 543 1 INBURAHOIMI TBaßaaUan Fibb liavßAaoa 00-Ln. •a LityriaATioal. margoila THB COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. sfaaW Ha-Baal MaWpAatal aai MMI LaaataafL A.Mt. AT4.000.000 *otaJ In-MUd Fund. **.400.000 Total AaarnaT laxom* an.0w4.000 'ala,- aat l»l nt pr..m|.>i'»t- aa I f>M .1 Ika Bra**a OaV. la Biaaaporj*. liOfi t. PoABP. A. W. Stivbm.
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    • 595 1 BAJIKS. OTOKOTO AND SHANGHAI BANXINO CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL... .....»ofioo,ooo RRBBRTR PTJMD !»>»,«■ RBSBRTB LLABILTTT OP 7 .Jin uipmKxi PROPRIRTORB. J fWW Cowar a* Dißarroa*:— i. KBAMBB, Bat—CaiiamAa. How. A. McCONACHIE.-DarwTT Ckunaua. l&kauaM. 0.8.D..01H. a* A. maaa. Caiar Mahaobb. Hoaoaotm— T. Jaobobw, Bag. Ma«a*bbl Sbajmbai-H. M. BEVM. bq. Lowaoa ■ißiaa* Lowßow
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    • 396 1 Mlai MM: Mt JOSEPH 6Wm lhaafaaMlßt.?. MR> VaaafaVaßßaaaW c. inaiaiav r M A !r < 2^T^a fa pa r.t ahoot Isdia-HBbhar. aaKal aad oallalokt good*; aboaU kiada of ryriw. ftaadfS Holbor. Ttadaet Lo«lo*;B™ AM ofaVaw rowived oaly tkroßßh L. J. CHATBR A Co TIJITT AgOßto for tho StiaUiMSaaaaam 1/Wm.w.Af. KELLY
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  • 371 2 r.ATIMT MAHKICT <|UUTATIUNH Oamhiar.. I 838. da Oabe He. 1, U IHJt, ds ds Me,* J*^twk BwH., •O PflßteaTaTMmV w»-BM. P«pp*r Black. asllan .ajo. ovi rwir, DBim, H',,.»' n aaoa. *W Braasl fIJL Patrl Saco, Ms. Oata* TwS, 4L». Oate UksrhsL^.. tM Jttti Taaii** small FUkay 390. do
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  • 90 2 For ftr $tr. Tim*. To Woaanw. HaUTia ria porta, Pan Ditm»». ta.*. "••ankara »i ports 0. r»» B,U..Ji. 11... rmaaatk) ria porta, »*U»», Iv m. Klaaa- >ia ryrtt, Amktr*. i.m. Klaa* na porta, Jumo, J p m. (iorf,,.. i|. H«uruU»\a n* Jh.iU. Cyrlupi. 4j* ai. VN'ii.mauAT Kuropr ria
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  • 89 2 ftum Yvuon-Pf tl» (iarnan a.>. Pnm, Wtlmttk .i«.- aa \v.-.1 u .-u> Kaon China i Uw f. *v. k^ii,, d w laaajaaaVi ggmKSQBSHSrE mt*^j£m«mi S??^ ?*f JJ^J!*^ 4a**—! MM Auir. 27th MM. *-|.t iir.l ■qpfc 4th P (I. Oet :lr<l Hft liith M M Oet 7th >c|.t
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  • 17 2 F«*lla. Ou huuday. tl,,- 13th iuataut at Ih.. ().-n..ral liu.uit.l. Mr. H Pa4>K of M-«.r. HlllMaOo.
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  • 163 2 ABKIVaU. Per J u .o from KUay Mr. PiHinna. i'ar a. a. Kan Ditmiu from Ba aria Minn. (.'awn. Dm. Wilwood. aad batitb Par a. Cydvi* from LiTurpaol Mr. Vraucia, Par fro. Talak Aaaaa:Mm.™ rUym.iud. awl Scott, aud Mra. Ariaatroaf. Par lfum*a. M froa faleutla -Lwut Col. Parkiaa.
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  • 19 2 Ksiiaiisßiaa i IML. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Urtwri/fma rams md mhtftmimf rssss M#y M/4MHM MaY M§ ftWHh fV*]
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  • 84 2 MONDAY. 14TH OCTOBER. 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. TUKKBT AHD THE POWERS BanCBBABCBB IB ABU BUBOB UUm. Hlk OcfeWr. Diaturfaaaces have brohea oat nt srversl plw-e* iii the district of I*mid ia Asia Minor .liiring whirh many pmoae were killed, bat the exact awmbur ia aot kaowa. Tbe Turkiah Ooviramfl i* fnrtifying
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 387 2 Thr r>«tifyin*> of rV»ika Her, Ba*a> tioard ill 10-day'a triayrMM, brU.k^u. that the Sultan faara tip* iml sad •Irrad* Ihe applicatit^ of eurreioa. Havika Bay |i* aa adaiiraUa piaec oi* tor men-of-war oa tka Move towarl* (%Hi*tautinople, aad Briliah Het- 1* on the way tliitlier hava
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  • 16 2 Mb. aud Mr. A. P. TaH«.i an |wru ger. t»r..l..inU. h» thr Pin KmmMs ua Wedaeadav.
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  • 19 2 T.BB Bpnrti»K t *l»»l. bold special ajraeral am wttn-> at ihe Xi baa**, at 5 p. in., oa Friday
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  • 22 2 Two Caiaameß w. re aunt $100 each at IVoaog. ou ib« ri.b msUut. Ittr kaviag a <|iiaality of morphia ia tarir |«mmmob
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  • 19 2 Tmk (idrmn 1..r|»10 U>»» Ymlrm». S». Ml Commaiidrr Ja|{) BMBB. *m». l,,rc •>■ Saturday from Btrllia. aa h.-r to' Chin*.
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  • 18 2 Tas <alut- nl t01«i..., i|.,rlr-l lr..m KinUt. North Ifc.ra.-.. diiriuKtlMiud quarter of tkia fi»r. aiuouatml to Miti.oUO
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  • 21 2 M«a*ra. B. de BaJrat«r. aj No. .17 North Bridge tbuul. advarti»ia hairiaa; rarcitai an aaaortaMtat of wiaca aud Uy ro»iaiona, etc.
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  • 19 2 T«i JauuMar (ionrnui.-ni ia n-|»rt.-d Ui hatra aeciaV*) to nslii diplowalk-rt-urmeuUtifr to tar Court of ta* Kiaw of Siwu
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  • 22 2 Til diarovrrt of .xjpj.r i> rvpurtctl from J»utn. A|>plnalii.u kavn Ikm-o uaa-b. to the tioTi-riinirut for I. to work *v eipmaarataJ luiar.
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  • 25 2 Tat Iwo Umua v tnr|»-du l«>*i» ikat lutvt- arriv«l Inn- on tbvir w«t to Cbiua will .hortlf he fc.11..».-.l l.» a tarp«do.»t. hrr froia Buttin
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  • 33 2 IjIH-i Ui.ioiaaaKO tuok part iv ru kit uiati h at C'lJuatbu oa tk« 4tb iuataut Ivtwtwu a t«uu uf Kun.(jrana ami tka Vvlou OolU Tin- C'olU won tb.- nwU h l.v t.-u wivkvta.
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  • 40 2 We bam tv aaDouatwta* ileali, vaatorda v. of Mr. H. Frank of laa Ira of fai*l*r AVo I'll* fua»raJ will t»k« »Wmw aA ib« i-oiuHerv al 4 lki» eiuuiuu, laa hitik at tba Kouiau CaiboW Okurva Ih-iu|> bi-ld »t o'clock.
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  • 42 2 Km >■>'» t« |>U>v I bt'(!|tiiu« mill-in mt v iv Kur..|«- at r. imim-ratir, ratt of lut.r.-.t lutviu){ failed, ta. H«rAt Ali.tiuiaaTs. tlw •mn ia uu« to \m tranafvrml U> Tultu. aa it ia Iwliatved it uui U* umn- |.n t'liipluyml tben
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  • 34 2 Ia- the fomrth psare sf Uvday'* S* 9 lW>wfflUf*mmf aa adrertiwmießtby Measra. Wml iin I A O. of bria-majtothe notice of the pnbKe their meawaaJ msArwaßsat depot aad music hsmmaaa aft amaahav
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  • 36 2 PU NJOM MINING CO. Tas Secretary of ths *—j*m*™*<£ Looted, ha* received the feUowimr tostgram from the miß.. himßjtW leesJtof tki PniiaiVrr nitiig Tbr mill ran M eV/S, lllTTw* toae of yieMmV«*7 e— esi of b-lttoa.
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  • 32 2 Bt tb. P. A O. JTirasawri.. t°-4*h*?™ arrived from ■arope. Mr. AttorßeT-OwaeffJ Collyer.Mrs.Ca-«^.BndMr..UmKd<™. Tkste arrrred rroai Peaaaar Mi J«*** Leach and Mrs. Leach, aad the Hon'Mn m. JMI afl TliiaßeimrHt
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  • 46 2 1 A CBTtow pknUr. Mr E B Walkw. arrived ia Baad\aka> ai tbe cad of Autrort. with tk» object of iaapectißf the coff«estates iaVortikßoraeo. Mr Walker i. U Maradw Bay aewspectias; for mad. <* which be ba* obtained s free coa<«e«on of tAA AafifMa.
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  • 44 2 Tv Tokyo pobW have, it is etated. diacovered a plot to aimsiiitr Marauis Ito. ths PremW Two atmtieal nmiea bad been arrested in connection with the afiair. aad ths paHee were adoptißg strict mensbtm to *«cuir th* protection and aafetv of theMaruma.
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  • 59 2 Tan ant awHiagof tbrChiue.- Chriatiaa IsMimlina wUI be held at the Prinarn Street Oawpm, oa Friday aext. the 18th cast., at 8 p.m whea a roatributina ssj Daate. hi. life, his time, and bia inturtn-r." from tbe pea of J. de O. Oaudin. Baa... BUM of Caml^dge.
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  • 71 2 Fbopj a truthful aad wrll-iß aorirH papn-. in to-dar'a mail: "The Bajah of Jobore. who will vi*it Europe short ly, is aa are Vat c-ycliat. He ia tbowasr of a baautif ul birycle. atnoV of aolid geld, stadwei witb sappbiiva, dMajoiid*. aad pearls. To aer tbi*
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  • 67 2 Aa Order ia Couaril applyinK Hax-tion nf tbe Fhaaaee Act. IBM. to Hobkkea« aad the Strait. Settleaaenta. am. *K»t ether rubaias. kaa juat hem iasued. Thr asrtioa sjivea power that where Her Mkieaty ia antiafted that, by tbe law of Swck pueaeaaioa. n.. duty v krvinble in
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  • 79 2 JAPAN 'S ARMY. Ib thr eowrar of a mrat a|»-n-h uiaalo btiJiuuM-M P. it ia stated that 11..--ptaaaat staadaßK anty of Japan is SO.OW) steeag. aad that if the |ampa*ed iacreaae be aaade it will aiuaber 100.00 C. The speaker did ao« think ths preasat mnan.v* of ths eoaatrr wusdd
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  • 90 2 Tbb Straita eVttleaaMita cuiiia«e unkr. iftM. haa last b*»a iasued ia Uudon It detaee that the ifesießa dolUr abould br the itaadard coia of th» eoloav. and d»bta. Ac.. eaa b* kßjaUy paid in it. ia thr abanacs of nay vxpreaa a«re«aM-ut U. the •vsrtrary. The •#oVr iruea
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  • 70 2 Macao advie**, nanar daU iba 4lh iaaUat, •ahaa £> arlillima*a aad a nmUa uf whin. naa, Ac.. to Tiasar. Two ia.a ..f war Wad "wrtaaaiai t*sas| ill Mritm laft I li'in. n» 2r i r?*r^ wttfc »J«fc--» -v*- f" SSL.iT •S WIM r^Wrrlas; the*. wsril— Is
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  • 97 2 AftTICM froai Poueaow. o*l^.l &tk lu.t ataie that tka Britiaa aad Cnit«l But«i ««aul. tW-r,- kan- wiml v, Admiral Biill^ a*d AdauraJ CarpraW f.* warahip. to l^rkow t.. uVa»oualr»tr tW inU-ntiU uf tar Puwrra t«. inai.t ou a iu..r.- aatiafa. tor« «jndu.t of th. ra.uirr at
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  • 8 2 JM.9i8.417. tbu enuraoualT Un» rwlu/
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  • 28 2 CtMaaultmt ua Kali. HMtw 18ttti a. supply Bill. a-j v^.b.l.. i T^ra,.h Bill. <li «N{- H*«ul..,k»r. Bill. -avrvatiou OrJina*,, Aawadaaiai Bill. a«j b i A«i«u.lui»ut Bill,
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  • 84 2 H. M.S. "IMMORTALITE Tub eraser ImmorUlUe, which haa hem .elected to relieve the JTrresry on the China station, is mrgar aad better armed thaa the Merenrf. sad is withal part iall, trtoom d with a 10-iacb ksH. fee wa. buih at Chatham ia 1887, aad ia of 4,600 tons with
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  • 134 2 A very mean and dirty trick, write* a correspondent, was played on a 'rikiaha puller at about ten o'clock last night l. T two nienbelooKinn to tbe refriment He ha. l been pnllinx them from pUce to place for some hour*, and was going along North
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  • 151 2 Mbssbs. Atlmbubt and Oeo. Tail h.-it* been rliosrß delegateatorepreaeat the iotere*t« <>f Perak in Sing i pare on the rib-jig of racing rub a. Sektogor, Saogei Vjong, and Prnaag will aho be represented. The object i« to secure uniform ty in a'l autten that concern actual racing. Notbin|{
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  • 138 2 It ia hUUhI that th.- Empt-ror of Riuiaia haa. at tin- rv<iu<-*t i>f th.- UovernmenU uf On-at BriUiu and the N.-thi-rUmU. appointed I'mfcawir Marten*, an rminent Rinwiaii authority upon Inti-ruatinnal Law. aa arbitnitor upi>n nrtain i-laim* pn-ft-m-.! l iv the British U..T.riiin ut aguinat th,
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  • 148 2 Taa- Financial Nttn aaya:— "Owing to tbe i« rio<l r»TrrH<| br thr acixmnts .-ndini; >.. Ur lav'k aa February 13tb. More the pikl ilia< ovrriiM bad been nuul«>. tin- rrport of tin- Straita LVvelopnient Compauj may be cooa Jtrptl iliaappnintin)(. Even trwiing oparati.tua b*d not »>mni«ni«d in
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  • 249 2 On Sumiar inoruint,', Mrasr*. twm i. Co., on liehall of the archiU-ctH, MoKrapheU the ruiim of Measr*. kati lli.ith.-ri. haSyiagi the photograph* ar* intt-iiili-.! aj c-vid.-nve in rase tin- lull enquiry into the cauxv of tha di»a-ter n held. It ix iniUeratood lliat the cioiu f r
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  • 255 2 auain at raiau MUaiaMni Twu ChiutMe ia tuiti u> oietmiie. "f.- .-f li.i-" "eariag liuurUnl pigtail which "'il* l •everal iiK-he* ou tliu grouud. applied I" M' L>K-kiu».,u ..i, KU, ullimj, al the Tlisi"" Pulicu-ruurr. through on interpreter. <■■' Mtu »litl cour« they were I BBBJBI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 795 2 NOTICES. fpBB *****0 COMPANY, LIMITID X Not-K-h Oalea Fire Intaraam Sooisty. Aim* AiMMaae* Compaiy (Fir.). Tbe kViaittnlo Life A>-uraoc* Society. Ta* Ootaa Maria* Innuiaoc* Cnmpnny. TheCniea Mutual M,*m Nan i..n Oimpaaj Tb* TaUMl.ain Lacar Itow Companj. Tb* BaiitmK laaitianc* Company. l.imit«d. Far particular* at th Con,,. tb* fall
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    • 948 2 The Straita Time, has the largest circulation of any newsi-ajer in Asia, British India ezoepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all tha Protected States of the Malaj Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip•nntt, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has bo widespread a circulation.
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    • 465 2 LATKBT A 0 V B KTIBEMENTB CENTRAL HOTEL. MUM MBBANDA-8 KlllVtjiwVMl (jAamallT tonight: to-night:: MONDAY, THK 14th OCT., tSM. AID BVBBT WIOBT. Bieyeliag, lastraaimtal, Qranaatie*. Miss Lillt *ad Mdllb. Zbpboba. Miss Mbbabda aad Miss Viboibi a. ADMISSION FREB. DOOB* OPB* AT 7JD P.M.— COKBIBBOIaTa AT »*i WM ax. \irANTßDbyayoaa«;rentUiaaa. Qiralia,
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    • 73 2 lliiN,.— Shki.m.ui. (la lha littk S*t>leiuber. al the pariah Hytbe. Krat. hy the Bi«hop of H,n-. 1 .,r,- .ud Sarawak, tka Boy. L. K. UlMlford. Prebendary of Bt Paula Hii.-I* of tb* l.ri.le. and the Rev T. U. Hall. RoasBTNoBBUN BL4BO, Straita Battlaaaaat* Civil Svrviea «ld«»t sou of Major-U*aeral
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    • 19 2 B» tt-it. TfaMi fen th. krg«t onculatkiD of any Bewifapar in Alia. Britkh India «o-pt«L Io otto fartwraVwipaper hat
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 WKATHKK KKPOMT Keaiaae sTreW* itMpilai, M Ortetsr, UN. »«Oa.|ip.a^tß^"iUß]'*BSa ■ar.raa.MVaa. ».Ma.m'wM Iwa». win Jt.e W.o 4« WTst ttalb Tbor. 78.1 Ml Ni L* 3 oir.*CWa>4 ES K 88.X Caha j i%\ Max. TMaa.iasasai M.S X Ii I Mia. do a. TM t*il Mas. ia baa HB.» \%i.% Tan. nw TUr.
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  • 1087 3 .Saturday. iral* l«f» n mV< U rse tir^l. Imt the Mfb bird. l»d „!iT.-ut tl,cn.*.lves with coffee I ;(ii a tn. when Larila. |,v t Sikh known by the nntne of „,,1. lii» affMiaßiM followed by a I l.hcve. Ih'cmon. A gn-y from .t'-nV f->'"» iB th d
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  • 185 3 THE P.& O. SERVICE TO JAPAN. ''"i it i« d-Uuitely stat-U that the t.iruu steamers direct [aadM i., Ji|au. Hwi «teatuera. *«**aemai <B,:i|ti tous). .Vu«i/a (4.500 'I *U'l Hi. --'-m (4,0*5 toni), ''"»-<l in le 1 1 1... ii. 10n res|ie<-tm-ly *y« UA, tV|,i,uil.r 7lli. and 8.].--1 Nat Hut, it
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  • 161 3 Metani. Robert Len* aad c^ n «4 m view this a picture pouitray. ing all Ihe ladies who lulptd to make the fancy fair of all nation. sach success as it was. Over forty l.dies are grouped m..»t pi e turw 4 aelv. Two nulls, the
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  • 141 3 This inoininir, at au all present parade, at. Tan-liti, Col. PlunWett ditcharged the pleasant task of hauding to Cor|wrul Corberti and Private McVay, bronze medal', on behalf of th* 11")*] liuruanu Society. It appears that ou the night ot the 28th March last, Privnte Ciltmin, who had boen
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  • 876 3 lloltni'l I.TITItAI. HHOW lUX IIIKT WINK CAHK ■MOM AN.IMAI.IK* From our Cor. r»/i»»J'ii',l I/r. Olluad Walker C. M.U.. han |MM granted aii months leave of aliauuoe frum November Ut. Captain Talhot Kinjt's owu) will be iv command of the Perak Sikhs iliirini; the Colonel's alwence. There will lie
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  • 514 3 The report of the Strait* Developm«at Company for the year ending February 18, IMb, states Durbw the period covered by the accounts trading operations bad not. commenced, and it will be noted that there it aa eiceet of expenditure over receipte of JU, 6l*, included in
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  • 354 3 Lobd VVodebotue. eldest ron of tbe Karl of Kiruberley, who waa fined il. at the Petty Sessions held at Sinallbnrgb, No-fo'k, on 30th July, for commitliog aa asaault at a m.-eliug held at North WaUbam in connection with the Eaet Norfolk ekctior, baa heeo reaiored f ruai tlw
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  • 281 3 Tmk Chamber of Comiucnc at IVuaug met on tbo Bth instant in gtut-rsl meetii.g. -S.veial snbjecU were diecutaed, witb a view to elicit tbe opiuiua uf tbe Chamber I", r nfeieii.e to their r.preaeut ttire iv i.'oiiuc.l, Di'. Diuwu, who it to Uy ihetu 1.-'ore th-
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  • 118 3 0 (I in Bangkok) Lomlou. Oct. M A bsud of laissiouariss an leaving hi Uke tlir ul*e«* uf tliuac kUI«d ia th* rweut uius*. orea. Oct. 41k. K.uuiil Pasba, who U nuuted to U v •iccwliugly able loan, and *s Aug-lopliiL.-. has limii uuul» (irau.l ViaUr. Eighty lilus-jsi-k«u
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  • 166 3 Sonit interrating ia »nbmarine pbotrsriapby have bam nude by Mr- Louis Bontao. He it ao srdent etadeot ofgooksry, aad dariag the iavattigatioDi he made on the shores -of tbe M.dit«TTSB-aa he wae to impressed with th* beauty of the tights offered that be coaclad.d te awke some
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  • 381 3 A 00BBMP0aPB«T writes M folio* t: Th* following lUletsaat by one of th* Directors appears ia the annual Report of tbe British North Borneo Co. With respect to the adjustment of eicbange, tbe Chairman ha* already eipmioed that this i* a serious item
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  • 628 3 (free* tke Turn of Craiea.) LomtoM. Kmd OrfsWr The Chiaree Lagatba hi Liaeoa atatae that the degradiag uf the Vieoray of Piarbasa wee decided aroa bsfon the reevipt uf the British ultimatum ur the French (MaVbl Nate by the Chinese (Juiurnmeut. The Legatioa eacribea tbs deebioa of the
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  • 1303 3 re«» Mather. "My teHay. H h Mthae. AS the IHtle eUekeai here go— to ati." Little PkiUepher Tee, mmh tmi se he. the old he*. c m The Qatea's i*lth» ef Mr Aftkar S. BeTeleek fer the post ef Qorener el Madrw. e«t ef thesrrenl ssueee sahanMed to
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  • 28 3 Tm Coioaral rinwr S*a BM, arrived thma>*T»Ja«ffwai Makers with H. tiki Ommr, Laly MHrnWU, Mbt Crnffbton. Caft. Herbert, aad H. r§ Private SberetaiTM hoard.
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  • 415 3 At th* meeting of th* Britith Aeeoc atioa bat month, Mr R. 8. Onndiy mad a paper oa Tb* Meaare to English Induetry from the Oomp-tilion of Silver-usiag Ooaatrba." Although Eaglaad had had a tiagl* gold itaadard aiac* 1810. all other countries coatiauad to aM
    415 words
  • 316 3 lai Lhatn.t OftVwr at Kbug in hi. iiv uthlv rv|.,ri August nolee that Mr Ja ace Kboi. of Singapore, has appli-d for a thousand arres next to the land apjJied for by Mr. W W Bailey (also I,«k*o aa-ree) on the railway line near Batu Ti
    316 words
  • 254 3 no ABBIVI. IVr 1 lr..m l^ocduu. Sept. Mrs rnork. Mi«e r'itlork. Mr, KeaacHy. tad Mir- ark>. Mum Si juha. sas) Mr. M. V. Uowasa Per HimaUft. frum L .adua. IW 11. Mi» C-rpmael. M Mr. ami Mrs. Bu I. Mr. M U. r.1.1.-). Mr. Wolf, aad Mr W H. Cl
    254 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 rooUK LABOUR. \\l W I K0 fertile Tm HUee, W .ilh.iii »i mil.-, wvst fn.iii i ".mi i>f Kathur. M*n I Tlie mining work U MM 1 parativvly eaay. Wbk in allutial giuuuil. au.l tlie ".vermin. leu b«iiig >l .i11..w l'«K>lii«..-ou-tracton, will ug to uudurtaks has W rl. aluuld
      64 words
    • 885 3 FOR SALE; EMrLOYMENTS; TO LET; A.YD PBRdOHALg. U amlaaa Bra times, 10 emu alias; 4th tu«th times. 5 eeata, s Hae; 7th to 18th times, S mats a line, ■forwards. Seeato alia*; bat ao ebarf* bss tbsa oae dolbr. That, a tkrte Urn* lii'fclii meat, r.loso set, ia this type,
      885 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 147 3 AItKANtIKMKM'-S Monuxt I Iru OmMMaV High Water Ml pin IMi.lh.n.i..iuc t h.i |f am rt'Ksl'.w. Mm (K roskk Hi^h WaU r K.Ja.ui f .'.II in WU>BKSI>AT, I«.-H IKT.JBKB. llmh Water, rj.47 a vi. UtM. P. A t). •.r I mill .l.s -a .tin Auction I uigais aud suudr c*
      147 words

    • 1201 4 Ikaß Mi MM!/* «aßMßarj ah.— «ll o> I ta» PMk L r. b.- Pali mi p Sit abifeaU-lvaia. Kta. ao I MtUlMttatml la Bad.r»t<w I Mn-of-wu fed**, H.M>. «rai. 8N torg% 71 m." I inHTi ad* o*a JMk n«L atr.SUO teas, aagaa.aßa'MOk.B. Cart. Thorp-, l« h 4
      1,201 words
    • 175 4 N<mm. /■or*, aavl £»i'« of LiTtarouL St. Fr.ari.. Jaaa iS Ornaaa. dao Oet 23 Tolojiaeka*. dae Oct. 28 Airaawataoe, duo Oct. 30 Oluoow. Trrm. Julj .1. aHUUL«SHI«OUiiB. Maiaoea. BHICLDB Oroaiaoo, July Ii ■sbm, Akioha-aa. Auk- 1«; Torr Head, .^pt. 12 Pakboi. Bapt. 14 •Tilly Rifkm- r«. Hop*. 18:
      175 words
    • 81 4 OH!!* 1 UNDA TIUUTB 6 ARRIVKD *OH OHOhlte. o^ in*, s »>w, j.-,«u«, nzr^r jr r t v .iru A.iw«i it.v3.,i J* 1 "«»»kot ammt U MM... A).> K-.b,.!*, "7 :?*»»< 11...1..1. Irl W«rM«i Hro.i, B«U»ii Am-t^r.l»in I k.MU1....^, «.».»i. CSi IX.. k., Bnilual i A 1... l-|. T1..»».
      81 words
    • 140 4 ■Si MIX •UlLll. Ommmm It Vukw N... t!l I J V«k» NY iIJ It AWW.» It U4jr U* r Wu It Hum It A««—" IS (%M«Ck« 13 Aatenl 1.1 Jmm> S IV^UMt is mm— Cfeiottaa 13 Dw IS Via Mean 11 VuiaTmxt It Qlaakuw II (Tlhr. II hn Pwljsr
      140 words
    • 147 4 lUTI TMU'I Ntli. rn«*ki. L*»T4l*. UhTIMAIIO' '>•« M Maator 1 1 t'ulw I* U LiWIl. 1 1 OiucAu. I* MB»k.>. l« Ckwac <*•■ it r^.r It lil M U!l..'l. 11 MiHifiu II I^l,. 11. 1 1 Muulx-M II Udj Ua«UMi 1 1 N'mi 1 1 l-uin Kivkw II I
      147 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 811 4 NOriCES. Pkaje Note oar Celettinu can be Exchanged within three months, If not approved. Wo ether ma allewi this is India aad we challenge lit ether Arm ia India U de the same DKSPAIVH TOUR ORDKRK WITHOUT FEAR. rOR TOC CANHOT BE DBCBITSD. Messrs. STEFFENAUER Co., Celestitmss, I'hcenix and Ariston
      811 words
    • 63 4 THE St. PAUM KKKVVKKIKS Co.. Lv bbbbbbj, GIUL BRAND. A LIGHT PILSKNKR BKtiK. ANNUAL KXI-OHT 12,«N» ),IM«I ROTTLKa. J Hl.'l-I-I.IKII T<) All. TIIK^HIVrII-AI. I.ONINIK ■UtS A KM- Kill: THK KASKI.KUOTKKN AKCIIII' I'UTI'KAK'-KKN A CO.. IN..M..XX. 1/1,1 I^^^^Hl "LI 'fl™ VB^^^l b>'lu>rl Baw AnalM ">• KIUHAMT IiaAKI. of PIL.kNKa r. i»|,,
      63 words
    • 251 4 Wl w. 4* g. 14»/aa MATURED IN SHERRY CASKS. A Luxury in Pun < SO Scotch Whiskies. < The word -BOh" k the DNaae, Braad, aad Beiriatered Tiade Nark of tin. mat.-hl.-v> IT Old Br.ii.-li Whiaky W V\ c Tr— JJ COLD CAPSULE. *< BLUE CAPSULE. GREEN CAPSULE. ■f 1
      251 words
    • 166 4 I NOTIOER McAJASTEiTS^Ca Ism Jakt lawSraas ■a™ ajsaj aaafraj FKKHH SHIPMENTS Or* THE FOLLOWING: i I AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOD ft Go's WKLIrKNOWN COW BRAND, I Priaa *> aaale par 1 a tia AUSTRALIAN FODDER Cwla •7.oUaarbaf. Chaff n» Bran «US Oat a Straw 19 w fit hale. SPECIALLY BKLKTD lAJS
      166 words
    • 604 4 Mrrtuiwh. HOTEL DCS ifEDBRLAKDCT BATATU. rfOTFIKBOOIIIBtBaOrty nrladaaaat RILEY HABfiKKAtIsS ft COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. *xliotB iiApaa or TAKioca ana all rirr»D witb Oavasfs Lecsa. WEIOHINO MACHIHW, FAIRBANKS AVBHTB Wabibiag aaaada. aattaa, aW kflna. BELTING. LaaaaaUra, Rabbar, L-atJ-r. aad Uaadya at rW Claaa Qaailty. PUMPS. BMKmfJ t CwVaittlnpHa) XlMBaWiWa aTiaMwß AwM
      604 words