The Straits Times, 11 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1895. NO. 18,745.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 930 1 (.TSAMBRIP COMPANIBS. i raklianCLAß AND ORIENTAL REAM f?* KAVIOATIOII COMPAHT. Oirte* Collyer Qmaj. Wbab*** *ad Oorwwm-N.w Harboar. ft aall rteßßMn will leave Bragaaai. oa at __,-a« IIOM1W»«M IW. IKWt 1 T rtekt«|ri-»-<B»il Oaval Nor. 10 II: r.. i Nor. IS n ttn^U*-tilm Railw^. uadca ia tto aatM aato Laadoa
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    • 912 1 BTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. J\K KUMNKLUKki^PAKiTVAART MAATBOHAPPU~ l.ideroontract with U.e Nettorlaod. ladla Ooraraßaat Agent, at Singapore, BHIP AOBRCT. LATB J. PABBBBM 4 00, OoLUBB QOAV. SlMmor TS~ O» «>» «ff» B»««»« 7th. Peaaag, 01-hleh.aud Padaag, Ac. 10th Oct. Swk. Aeuhan. Hth. Aualwa, D*li, T. Poan, AeT^ Ilth Or. I> llylanJt.buunbti*. «th. Km.rab.ja,
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    • 192 1 J. MOTION 00. WATCHMAKERS, JEWKLLKRB, OPTICIANS. BEFAIEt PEOMPTLT EIEOPTEP. GENERAL FAMILY PENSION FUND. (hrr ABXKHED X9ML) AMuanUtad Capitol ia tto toad. *l GOVERNMENT OVBB LAKHS Fran, ikvutbi I* OuiawßMMt SaccßiTiaa obit. TTf-l 1i ril rkiliillßi ifkilk laaal Thi. i* parelv »aUal iaatataUaa BMaagai a* a Board of Diractan *toatoi by
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    • 680 1 INSURANCES I'BBaVraAiT. Fibb Imuuici 00, Ltp. IB LwaiDATIOBT. ■aaaaJk THE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. a"fc. rtok* aaaraaala* aanaa* aatoa. FUMDB. r,,11v HubMribed.. C1.t00.000 ''anltal P.M-ap aTillO.OO© A*>e<. C 4.000.000 -Vtal Inv».t*d Fund. C 8.400.000 Tot.l Aaaaal tor-ome «1.B«4.OO" allil h r.r-.mi...t04» ■■< |»ll at lS» llmnrli n*Jr« fa
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    • 345 1 BANKS. oiroKcarcr amd bhanoh^ i BANKIVO CORPORATIOI. PAID-DP OAPITa'I"! $10,«K>,00() RBBEBTB rTTND V«).0"i) REBEBVE LIABILITY Off Sl'Mmi i»«t PROPRIBTOKB J n nm l} Covar or DiaaoToaai— J. KBAMEE. Eaq.-Ca.jaMAß. Hob. A. McCONACH IB.— Darvrr Obaibbak. D. B. I***.., Ju. J. R.t i .1..i... *>. Out M h Bam. c I
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    • 828 1 WOTICBB. UH Mam, rirU, 1878 )W. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S pas Of Hictort Qu.lltj, and, Havlnc Or..tert DurablUtr. ar. Tlwrotor. CHEAPEST. iTmmo m 'lT w~m~iTowftii ♦Jabot AcrtoaT, Lomatb Him, Lor dor MAKER TO H. M. THBQUBSH. J T^B g afart>,rf mi H i aafl l.i 'eraMiattoßawt Pbrbow'b Special rr»B»aTii -fTEIJ)" WATOH. A
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  • 401 2 LATKHT MAKKhT <JUUTAT JONM .MH«APOk», IITH OcTOBBa, It** FUODUUK. Oaabiar BW. do ObW No. 1.. 12.80. do da Ho. 4. 10.SO. Oopia BaH, Parthaik, 5.J0. Pnur Black, «ollor«@ 10J0. Bqr> Flour. Sarawak ii*. do Bnaal 130. Pearl Sago, &4U. OotM &li, a 41.00. Coffee I-ilwUn, 43.00. Twrnwa Kmall Flaka,
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  • 110 2 rur rrr mr. H.tu Pahal, Aim§ Ant., Colombo k Bombay, .lM«or, l>Ja«k:«. A'i.ll. 4»a. l'ciitmii^L. friiintaKq, Vu,.>U»in:i rift p r... BmnitttMr*. !<iUitoa PoBli»o«k, «.i.. Wkall ivi.«u.', (;i.i,mii.h/,. K.-l..iii.n Tin |«irt >•.!»(«■. Klftiikr via uvru, N*mmku. Umlmtat K. T.. r «uirk».l. X.KIN, M«m Tur, -«m»tjini >i» l~rt-. ( Ihk.
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  • 100 2 Kkoh >■■*!■ -'■>■ 11..- P. i> 1 Wi <> ,1. uu.lav with .i»fc. t» tin' J<»lli -'I'Wiulht Slh. 1., in.-- r. i'li. t.. lli.. 111.41 U lii.-li Ull SinjfMiM.ri' mi tki' .l-t Mul iMIi Auk. FuuMCHIVt t tin' l> <l. KumK.i de« mi Tui'.'Ut WsftkMJL K-pt. Slr.l
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  • 224 2 (TO ABBIVB. Per Hume, from Loodoo, Sept. 1:1. Mr, l,»u(rdon. Mn. Cameron, Mr. W. M Uobert»..ii. Mr A A. r..rl..»nd Mr. W. R. Colly.r. ft VttUtta. iron 1-oa.luo. Kept. Lti. Mra. Fit Kirk, Miw Fittoek, Mn. Kaanady. and Mia* F«arl« P»r Himalaya, from Londou. Get 11, Miaa Carpm.«l.
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  • 18 2 KeTABUSBBB Un. PRICE: 10 OIHTS. [B*b*criptiem ratal «a*l astaarttfiaf ratm may we/o—J <m At ftmrtk yafv,]
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  • 79 2 FRIDAY, 11TH OCTOBER, 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THB FRENCH IM MADAGASCAR. CAPTURE OF THK HOVA CAPITAL. CONDITIONS OF PKACK. Union, 11 Ik OetoUr Tbe French army ia Madagascar ba* occupied Aatanaaarivo, Ih* Hova Capital, after a brilliant acttoa. Pescr h«* brea eoadatlad *a rooditioas under which Kraoo* utobeiahi a a atriayat
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 56 2 Jspia has agreed to reduce tha supplementary indemnity far the evacuation of th* Liaotaat aeaiaaak to thirty two millioas of t.els. aad to evacuate the peninsula within three moaths after piyinenl of the mraaed aaaaat. China i. r*p*rt*d to have undertaken Iv psT **ry shortly Ih* irat
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  • 446 2 T..-UA»'» trk- K ', aanoanea the •all of AntaiiaiiariTo, the Hora capital of Mxla^aacar, ami th* dicta turn nf peaea them lijr the rietnriao* Kreocb. It baa Inn rcc<>xai«vil all tXimg that the »v» of ih* Krcaeh tacra waa oaljr a tnatu-r of tira>- and
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  • 17 2 An iaterevtiaK tbougb nt her urn.- iomr article it "A bath in blood m iui awM coluaia.
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  • 16 2 Mb. Jualu* Laacb Inafe* IVaaug (or Siui|*>|M>r* by the mail which ia due b*ra 00 Hundav.
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  • 20 2 Tac ttwiaar tUpU* U ibortlr eipected bur* from Looiluti. Bb* ba* i4O tou* of .1 vuainite on board for Hoai(koßi{.
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  • 23 2 ilk. J. U. Stewart Lockbart. Colonial Se. reUry at Hnu^kon^. kaa bwn i-1.-. t*.| R.~ tor o't tin- Medical Collie f..r t •>■■.-..■ there.
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  • 25 2 Ai.»il«« from Trluk Auiuu. datvd 7tli lumaut. sUto that the railvav §M > ear K.mi(wr baa muk and wive truck! L.v. bwn throwu i,B the line.
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  • 24 2 la to-day* Mililarj lulrll.^ur.- tk* U.U.C. •Il>rr*M« hi. ap^irocialiou tlie work |*rf oruied by th« aukJioi. in a m.uiv tiou with the building diwalir
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  • 32 2 lut uu.Un (trvmuttoaa at Pen^ug •Kiwt »rriiali from Deli, ou the outUwk of Chulara a| tlw laltrr |.1.,, are eiuwUtl to be related ahorth VUk i. ou thy d«vr«Ma m U»li.
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  • 24 2 Taa Rossiaa transport Ortl arm*<> t^ 1 tM **laW 518 ArigfMU. b-^« amktr of ptlMMn. TiS k»*w V>^ divoctock t©.BK>riow\
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  • 36 2 T«« B*». O.M. Reith. i* to coadoct tha Prewbyuriaa Chareb *?rvices tor the ne«t few weeks at Peoaaf Th* X*» W. M array, tbe PrasbTt*riaa B iai*ter at arrived hrn to-day, bj Ih* ft* *««*■*»<»
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  • 37 2 Taa boattward P. A O. w Hoafkoaff at 1 p.«. yasietdav. aa<l "ay b, TeVpaeVd to \m~ at H.a^pore on Ta«4a7»ora»f. Th. omUa by tha MttttU cloa* at 6 a. m.. the aeit oVay.
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  • 36 2 At tha data last advice*. Hoonkona: wa* UokioK lorwadto a viait from thi- Ctw>valier Anioinede the court pwni.t to th« Eaiperor of Oerauaj. »ho intend, to five a eoarert there while pa*«»B throafb.
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  • 37 2 THE ST. PANCRAS." •old roa $105. Th* wreck of th* 81. Panenu. as it lies oa the Übnaa reefr. with its cargo, was •old. yesterday aftoraooo by Messra Me Aliater A Co.. for 1105. to a European
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  • 60 2 Tai Scot* Guards are said to have ceeded ia obtaiaiaa; a recruit who m*a*ure* 6 feet 5J iaebet ia bright, aad i» only twrntv-*ne years of age. It i* supposed that the British Army contains only one ama who ia taller— a gunner ia one of the Mountain
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  • 62 2 Aorirss comment baa been aroused at IVtang by the fact that, ia tbe Estiasatea for 1806, the provision for a Sheriff there, is eat down to 1 1.2U0. with a footaoto to say that tbe dalie* of Sheriff an* performed by tbe Depuly-Eryiatrar of tbe Supreme Court.
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  • 53 2 Taa llonykumg ttoilg Prrm calla atteation to tbe iarreasia*; import* tou of Chines* opiusa at Canton, from tbe nortbem province*. The regoUr shiputeuu bow noted indicai* that tb* damaud hll b*coms sargr. It aeema to be a questiou of tiaw how saaa Indian opium will I* driven oat
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  • 66 2 H H. Sttltaa Ibrahim of Jobo-e, 00 tbe occasion of tb* aaaivers.ry of hi* 22nU birthday, rece lved a fall Iragtb |«rtrait ia oUa of ki* father, tb* Late Suitau Abuhahar; also aa early eagraving of Her Majaaty tbe (Jueea. The patnlißg is by Mr. Tavernor
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  • 69 2 Tbb Paaaag Fißaace Committee had. at tbe date of last advic.*, held three aittiuga to eoaatder tbe astimatea. It hid the Krat sseeting oa the Sad. whea works and buil--diaga were Ukea oa tb* 4th, it considered road*. 4c. 1 oa tbe 7th iustaat. tbe items raUliag
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  • 64 2 Ma Tatam. a Kuropean. has just sUtti-d baaiaes* m Hongkong as butcher, witb the result tbat the Übiae-e purveyors and compn.di.rea tb-re Imv.- boyco'tte.l him. TbeCAtM Jf a puiaU out bow anomalous il ia that a s|»rit-<l radeavour t-> <ive the Colony special Unlit ie. for oUtinioK gou-l
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  • 77 2 Tub St. P«ter»liur- „m .n,,1.i.i the Prm»kforf liu:.tlr lean, a tbat tbe I'iar has Riven onli-r. tbat the .vnstruetion of theTians-SiL-na'i Railway shall he push-.! oa witb all |««ibW vwrtry, so tbat the railway throughout it* whole lcu^u may be ready for ue* lv IBM. Likewise, five
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  • 91 2 Canton 1. now being aupplie.l with more i-ftVi.-ut Ire eitiaKuisbiug awrvu-w. Main, ant Laid from tbe river to punuiuH •tatwaa distributed over tbe nt*; to arranited *bat all the atationa in a given district can lie umkl tv t)riv v the water to tbe particular .utiou ue«re.t
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  • 90 2 lla. J. W. N. a bMbMbi ••> tbe Strait, Bettleawata Servi.e baa it is raported in Hong-kouK. bwn HHaatal K-Kuitrar of tbe Huprraie I'ourt of along, kong in *u.oaasioa to Mr. A. (J. Wi*. Mr K.tsee waa calUd tv the lUr m lriHl) H* bold
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  • 187 2 Thl U. O. C. satis* had before him th. report, a. to tas w..u«.', rendered b, th» Bml Artillery .u,i <U«arh«.ul. 41 N,; rttu Fusiliers, sutiuaed at Fort Canaiuv la* wx-uiuu |a* fall of a h.,..*. bZ duns* th. vi c l,t .4 ih. «n a wwkM to
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  • 323 2 rsWTIBBAT n BJBWriM. A araciAt ■eetiag of ta* V*jai«it»| CommiiaioaMf wa* beM tMtnday soon, to eoaai4*T th* Bapabanatal BudM No. i of 1896, and tbe leader* far Sjed Alwecßridg*. Tajr. were aresMt, brsid,, ,b« PrtJUt (Mr. O««W IW,. Pateraon. Moaes, Taa Jiak Kirn, aaC Joaqnim. Tha PaMlDsnrr, in
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  • 414 2 I.ITTI.K CHBUnurHBB OOLUMBI'a Thb largest audience during this wtelc waa preaeot at tbe Town Mali ni^l.t to wito*** tbe Opera Company in LitilChristopbrr Columbti*." The perforuiaoi-* nifiveil a moet flattering reception, the eutuu.MMu reitchinj{ it* height when thaudience joimd in tbe chorus of thr popular eong
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  • 262 2 TO THE KI.ITOK Of TMK "ITKArTe TI«H Sib, To any one acquainted wito tbe history of the early days ot Singapore, it will be known that oven in HeoWa time, •ti-pa were uken to stay tbe gambling pioprusaies of tue Cbiiuiee iuiaiiKrauU. Au Ordiiutuov waa introduced,
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  • 182 2 Th» Actiu K British K.-.i.|. m !•»>■■• l»r Mai ux-a od the 7th luatAUt. tu .outer will H. tO. the Uov.-ruur rei:urdiui{ for IStHJ H. H K.ij.ih Mauaui ia thorttf to a» trarufened to the >uV>- aj lUm Uajab. Hi* brother. KiijahCbuUu. wurl>"k' m thti same de|>t>ituit-ul
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 808 2 NOTICES. mil BOBMBO COMPANY, LIMITBD. mBI Standard T.if. Aaauranc*. X Norwich I n..,n Ftio In.uranos atoakef. Atlsa A..u.anc» Company (Firs). Tk* K'|Uit«liln 1.i1.i A ui.ince Bor iety. T^eOceaa Manna Insurance Company. Ths China Mutual Stuain Nan L i,,n Conpaay. Tb* •atsaaVasi t-aner iust Oaaaaay. The Mai.tiine Inau.anc* Comjinnv,«d. For
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    • 1089 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation ol any newspajer in Asia, British India excepteO. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 42 2 M,M.k\. 4tfa%j4>4 AY •*>• "liailfj f uriri km a»i ilfjai *»Mit*j«skosfar*M*, JaillMMrwtarfaMMasV »»««>*>»»» ■.ajTsr* e^eVsaiUat HZi- iifaLin a. TiiOmniC* ahaalker^* The Stnuti Tarn hat the largert oireulatioti of uj newipaper in Asia. British India excepted. Mo other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 77 2 WKATUKK KEPOKI Kaaaaat *'•>•>> ■> tfiajntsl. M>, iki.Jbt. IHHV 3p >>.« Kkiu, Uar. nd. il rah. *».»"7 af.BMW.iBa T*su>. H.O 83.8 7:. <i **ls Wet JsiWliMr. N.i 7»0 7«.8 It Dir. ofWu»s K WHWOala. -fal 1 M»i.Ttß>p.uiasa.U v,.s u-lsl Mm. .lo 7:1.5 S-l-J \lu. i».-u.. IM E «S» Terr. IBS
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  • 1195 3 .1 »RI*I'K« THK rtV H-B* nroustav •■a r Corrttpofidrnt A lh k ,'l'.»t trip of the gfsys there *nu«pore. from K'lantan, Mr 1 tor u."«el,who... l and ha. been "^SSbrDf Rolr'-- the Medical O«c-r 1 "p,bao« Corporation, to proceed to j |!l n ra Hospital lor treatment. Mr.
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  • 92 3 A 1 """li.-ati.,uof 1L..111. IJI I—lt IT j» «-ul .'oudiliouH »f tli« t>'^r Kiwi may 7*M.«ys Iht aTsaitoai Mb turn, **iacl that th,. BtasMMre Slwrting .1.-,,ded to admit btfaj Is ths tbe Ui.fK.,uly by ticket. v. t Luow tlaißsajSßM (ir.uui.laucea 1«1 to tin, Jecisiou ou the part s
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  • 1088 3 A siNiiri.AH CUHIOKT (From <mr Pahanf CorreipoHdmt.) An important function, in honour of Tungku Long, the Sultaa'. daughter by his wife Tungku Ampuaa, was perrorard in the Astanm on the 4tb. at which, this lady was tbe priucipal figure. To explain more fullf. it is neoesaary
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  • 96 3 Tuk Anglican Church at Calcutta has start** the Jill Ouild of St. Paul. Bn rv ■aiiaakM hat »woru at the altar to abidJ by an ruieut to ..boy uvciyoue 111 authority, to ko.-p sober, to frem hra.liai r v irium tame, to r.'lu.- duty, Af
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  • 106 3 The Caulon Insurance Coui|«ny. <'f which Bou.lea.l A C., a'« ">' l v Singapore. Imv.' published ll»->r final aeooMtt for UK which "bow a Utlauiv of r i42.(XHI at credit. "Ul wlrcli tMaVaM. went an divideud of 10 |ir mm. U shareholders aud a Iwnus ol sY r
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  • 214 3 A Paeliamhtart paper bas been issued giving a return of tbe number of divorces granted in each of the British celoaies and possessions I irmg th* p«st tea yean. Ia answer to the despatch so the .object sent by the Marquis of Binon on August 25
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  • 276 3 Oh tbe bills above Amlxuig Bay, North Borneo, dwells a B-ijow hermit: not one of regulation kind with heard down to bia waist but with what answers just as well, back hair down to the same. He was discovered by the convicts makiug the road round Ambong
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  • 837 3 At ihe weekly meeting of the Balloon Society of Oreat Britain, held on the 9th Sept.. 'Mr. Hiram S. Maxim delivered an addrex, "On Some of my Works aad Inventions." Mr. Maxim, having been briefly introduced by tbe chairman, aaid that when be first took up tbe
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  • 1428 3 Thi months of Augutt and September are uot imially lavuured by ihe birth of masterpieces in rumsuce. Mr. Haggard's Joan Haste," however, ni chosca to appear at this Dot very auspicious season. Tin 1 poor yutiuK htroiue. indeed, ia bor« under au unlucky coinbiuation of planets, aud the
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  • 1075 3 AUffVAL I.mUAL HEITIIKI Tmi aaaoal general meeting of tbe l'eoaug Turf Club was held on tl c Bth instant. Tbe Hod Dr. Brown, President of the Club, presided, aad, in opening the meeting, referred to th* balsac* sheet, saying that both tbe Committee and tbe Club had
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 885 3 NOTICBB. notice" FRENCH~BAKERY. BBBAI) DKLIVaRSD Dp TO THI STH MILL Alwayi in tMnek a K*st aad eonplate awortaMat of FRENCH PROVISIONS WINES AND CLABBT. PBTIT-BBUBBB DE NANTES. ASSORTED BYBCP*. FREHH BUTTER. JDhT ABRIVBD HEN- PHEASANTS AND HARKS. Brand ticketa oa application. 17/10 208/208 (hrhard Boad. MRS. ROOKBT" HAS JUST Hl'limn
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    • 797 3 I FOR SALE; EMPLOYMEIfTH; TO LET; AVI) PEFWONALS. Ist Tin. IS mot* a line 2nd and 3rd time*. 10 rent, a line 1 4th to ith t imea. 5 rent*. a line; 7th to IHth time*. 3 oentn a lias; afterward*. 2 renta a line hut no rlisrs;n km than
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 141 3 •kih ana in nu-i mmi. KICIUAV, 1 1 ill Oil-Hi. 1: IlkhW.o-r. -2.5U pm. MiH.u. l*t HJ'.tpui l'a|K -r chare nieeliug at Mr»n. Kraur I On t)tlicv 5 p.m. I Uiirra. Town 11*11- Kalka." 8. C. 0 Cricket. Afteruoou. S.\ititi>4V. I- 1 >< Oaaßßssj Ili^h Vai.r. 4:t a.m. i.24 pui
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    • 47 4 OaaW tat, kaammj WfcHrtaaT •«>«*•• ammmmm BmM MMmi mif it O* ITT HH-^— KJJL,7lS!^Hmaai U- a-""W« tamT'T P^W^-T»aMea7>a#»r Wharf T kaar Desk: P. B.— PaU Braai P. H— f> mmt BuTlMa.-6oa«W. Wkara aa> tT--^tl---the«r™.tU.^r...»,l MAi-or-wAa. Jljlsirr. H,M A aral. 80S taaa. 74 irew eestlea-— Rde
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    • 1152 4 AaaiviLj Btaoß Noow or Y«^»aD*T fW.le*. Brit, m M tea-. Capt PelWt. IWa Oat. Fro- Kakaataa. Mb (Vt Dr.. 43 dp. Oaaarkiateaff. From KeUataa D— atab. Saaa IW, BrH. etr. toaa. <^pt Taylor ll.k t e«. Fraaa Baraa. »th «M. <i.r.. awl Ma. > Hark Saa ACo F^r
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    • 184 4 Nawu, r«H. awl D.U* at H.,i1.,,, i 1...M...N. Raptoa Livtarooi. 81.'ia. Ju»2s; Cyeliip-. dae I ct. 15 Ulyases. dae Ort. 23; Tai* uarhii.. dne Ort. 28 AgaUMmaou, due Oct. 30 I (ii.AB.IOW j Tyrm.July:l; aliiii.i K-Hm..f.iH Malarra. Onmia— J uly 6 Babbt. 1 Vl.l.ha-an. AIUT. 16
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    • 14 4 9 trt4» 3 BMM C4rr»... !UltlI1( Ou w(>l> SiKf.,,. -r,aii';-' &»S Sss:«
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    • 55 4 I<«T. Vwui'i Nut. »!.»•< «Ri.. C»rT»iN Hf WIT 1" LiU'luU hi Bnwoa.liira HI Niotw 111 ««>■■ |l |toY*«UO«M II II I r Utf II lluWUttHiu 1 1 Sri l\.u tikuk II iUu«u«4* Btit.Uf. Wui,,.,. .lr. 1.^1.1.. Mr. H-rk, K.1.1u. «>r I Drt. Mr. K c h«ur Or. V...
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FKESH SHIPMENT OF WATSON &Co s S<b2^*%ff A. V V> /fe_r*fA'J '^3Vi_\ CILBBBATBT) ff^Wi-r <V^\BA $11 Whiskies *9£££&J wS\ DoTT Pa "SPECIAL RESERVE, K^ S i <i^^ 'il'"-* J^t t^l T irfwiay r f^'^^i^^2' > Xi' < d min;e ha latl h« mono)
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    • 378 4 TrTB HOUSEKEEPER'S BAZAAR AND WASUINQ BOOK. (S«eoni Ed'tum) Thm book at amafrad for fifty-two weeks. The BaaaaraMea give the Malay aan Baa> Bah aamee ofaU aaaal ariielaa of h niklll aaa. Tiiere i. a eolamn for each day'a aaaaaditun!, and oae far the aammatioa af the week's mil i.y. There
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    • 249 4 noticed i maturedln shiest casks. A Luxury in Pure CO Scotch Whiskies. Thf wonl "B() i» th- J OX»ni». Brand, nnd KrgHtenA Ti*d<- V.rk of thin matehim* /A Old Keotoli Whiiiky W UJ GOLD CAPSULE. BLUE CAPSULE. GREEN CAPSULE. s nn If-;? IflflH H ill. iVi«^L^L^LH KUPPE R'S BEER CHOP
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    • 175 4 NOTIOEB. =a mcXlisterTT^o. live Jnl Imivei PBKBH HHIPMENTB OF THB FOLLOWING: i AI'NTKAMAK BUTTER. i WOOD Co.'s W KLL-KNOWN <X>W BRAND. I'rir.. (*."> mats Bar I Ik tia $t.i'» 2 I I i A U.STKALI A M FODDEU. Oat« K.Waarkag. h.ff *±*i Bran M.ii a tMalitraar f.l aar kalr. i
      175 words
    • 615 4 mrfimifc. AIIIIIDII J. A. D. PBBIIRA. HoßTiotrvraßMr abb Flobivt. OOUSOMB all attrOßtßß O» OnUM Oimam far asaaaaat laaaea Aa, Aa. ICCBfcBBT. OXLBT BO AD. BA AiMtm. «VI«. Orakanl Kemi TaawHa PARAKAN BALASL PARAKAN BAUAK letkelansaad beet kaowaTXA from Java, aad the eaaapeat fat the market. Parakaa Balak tea, Rat alwaje
      615 words
    • 41 4 HOTIOBg. AIOII pBBAS 91 ffBAHE ■W-TTBfHAII PAPnOOTBBf J^J OLOTM BOARD* ■mnnm HMAPMB. mARI TIMBB OFTIOB. Tkakm. k.-^-***»«^.»iJ! aammmtlai aeat Irae at the Bkara mwaaa ZLmTtmVmwßW mw* m» m»t antfc all ABJMI AsUB. LONDON: DAVID MOTfi DlBABB; W. A DOLAD. Bjat|aaT>a»,afßirOiro»p9T»«rr. W.C
      41 words
    • 113 4 TITTPIOTOmPHIP STUDIO, ROBERT LENZ ft CO Uobbbi or P*A«roBD Road A Hill Stbiit. YgAR* of riaarmaea la aavenl of ay. ebief pbotojiraphie aataMUW^t,^ the UNIT*© KIMODOM, the YjoTFti NSKT.AMBRIOa. and tbo BABT i_l. us to (rua'aaUephotoa-rapheof tbe v»ry W luality. wb»tber Portrait* InUrim, LondKapa, or «.f otber duaei latiuaa. Fo-
      113 words