The Straits Times, 10 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1895* NO. 18,744.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 897 1 aMSHIP 00MPANIB8. .wiHgOUB AND OBIBNTAL BTBAM J> b! KAVIOATIOK COMFART. Orrio-Conjrar Qaay. Wal|T m aad Oojowbb— M*w Harbour. ,-ea aail rtaanM n will I**** bia^af an ob or Honrwo." imw |BA I*s. (VI. Kn.,lta 001. in «\t. H ,H.«.1 IV.t. He*! li 1.-. Nov. ISß-ait.Lmidoakywß. "^,,^MB. at -atf. Wtkfc,
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    • 836 1 ___^TEAMHHIP OOMPANIEB. jy. KONiNKLTjKhi r-A^k^AAKT~FAITBSiAi'PUr~^ J Under ooarraH with >to Notrnriaad. la-WOmiBBIIBI, Aqert, at Hingapon, BBIf ACEBCT. IAtB J. DaBMPM. AQ»,«4, OoiXTEB <J» A T. StOAtlier fcilPeCt«l^ a-anana-B-aa-aaßaaßßajßnnaßi asßaaaaa* frorn_ <>° Will be Doapatcbod to Ob •oawm. B« T 2nd. "p^eai, eoo»bara, I andjonaamin, P^io B L»"t. Paa»ir, and Cotie.
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    • 190 1 I J. MOTION CO. WATCUMAKBBB, JSWELLBBB, OPTICIANB. BBPAIBB »BOMPTLT KIBOUTBP. GENERAL FAMILY PENSION FUND. (KaxAßuauiß 187 a) AcoaaiHlatod CapiUl fat Ito toad* at OOTEUNMBMT OVER 0 LAKDB FOBIW INVKSTBB IB CkWaW*BDE*Tt StcuiiTia* oirl.T. OpaatoallChrutiaaaofbothaonav TM* i* a aaroly vntaal iaatMattoi aaaaaaaj I by Board of Director* olaeted kf tto aaV
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    • 611 1 INSURANCE! iaaazßAiT* ria* I»»oa*MOB 00, Ltd. IB LI^OIDATIOB. THE COMMERCIAL UNION ABBURANOE CO., LTD. '^"inTVa^Fnnda. «s.«oo.ooS Total Annaal Iflram* A 1.064.00 > «<y« wlli miWiai an I km at th. Brmacl. (l« In KiOTpor*. Loc»L Boon. A. W. Stitbh. V»q. T. Wabback. Tk» Max PtrTTr*«cß mw, Faoj. Polmoo a/ Uu
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    • 352 1 BANKS. OMOKOMO AMD BHAMOHAI BAMXINO CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL... -...UOfiOnflOO RJBBBVB FUKD I 5^00,000 BBBBBTB LIABILITT OF> ai,, PBOPRIBTORB J"" Cooar or Oiaarrow:— i. KBAMEE. Kai.-Ca-AiBBM*. Hob. A. McCONACUIB-DBroTT Cbaibbiam. Ja.. J. Bau,la»i».. N. D. Eiaaiai.. i C i "jiff""™. O. B. DoMrau. a. arawj. Caiar MaifAoia. Hoaaaoaa.— T. J acowk,
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    • 472 1 HOTICM. What Fibbb C»b Tor D»ta« Tiav. JOHM JAMESON and SONS' (DUBLIN) "OWW CASED" Very Old «LACK-BOTILE WHISKEY. Plnaae ne* rm x*t it with Metal (UiE?-2?* SUr or ALL DBALBB*. Bm* K«|»,rt IS-.ttliUK A«pnU to i. J. 4 S C. DAY t CO., LONOO*. BOU> BT JOHM LITTLE A CO..
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  • 357 2 bATttJT MABKJrt UUUTATIUNS Bim*fo»b, 10n OWow, MM. FBODUCB. QMibtar. do ■•X......-. -.JW. Own 8iM.....^.. MJ. Bwnnov, fhnmk US. do BniMi pMriSyo, 8.40. (Mm TLII, 4UD. O*l» Liberia*,. I 45.00. Tii ■itTfiilM, »M. Jo do lot q-lity »jOO do mad. fiakV....' 4.M do «allp««C SB6 do Mi ?T 374 BrtaHan.
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  • 62 2 ToMouow. »r«»al. RajoX •uoti.u.k. Sri JWiaiMi, ItWuuaUl,', Hil+H* Mi G\.«»«W., <ka( r'« porta, IfiMf H.i«,, l.lkrU>. 'alok low ra port., Jf«a Lmnf, >. bnuUu, «.i« VIU(( tf..., BATUBDAT. '.mti.ui«k. tHataut. Illhlon IHiuUlUMtk, «v» IT/uiri Mwn, '.l.«u/, aUnJallvtk, CUiiv »i» pert*, MuppJho. «iu«ruii); n> purt- HuiHf .l.m.
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  • 94 2 Faou ataawji -i; y tka p. <>. ftTAwawM <lw "ii nn.Uy itli .Ute. tu the »*li .-.|.UiaWr Kin- l.ruiK- n-|.h.-» ki tlii- uuul. which left SingauuK ud th.. 1-t mi. l 4'«h Aug. Faou China By tbe P. AO. KomlUi dw uu Tui'-. lay. Ail* Jith MM
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  • 227 2 (TO ABBIVK. Per Horn*, from Loaioa, Sept. 13, Mr*. I,» ur Jou. Mn. CanMroa. Mr. W. 11. fUhnt»un. Mr A. A. Earl«.»od Mr. W R. Collmt. Per VaUtti, troui Loodoa, B«pt. M. Mr*. Filtoek. Mia* Pittork. Mr*. K«au*d>, aad Mite Pearl* I'or Himalaya, frnm Loudon. Oct. 11, Mia*
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  • 21 2 KmkWLtwmn t ML PBICE: 10 C«WTB. r ftnl ri* amJiau I VMFTMPM Faswwa* UNI MRnMiy FV«lawsw —»W/— «t*a llU^tOyffc]
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  • 71 2 THURSDAY. 10TH OCTOBER, 1895 REUTER'S TELEGRAM S. TUE ARMENIAN QUESTION. Lmtdm. lOlk OtUbm. Armed Turks, iacludiac soUisra, an r»|K.rtcd to bar* atlu«hsu th* AraMaisas at Tr.-biiood, ia Aaia Miaar. Many Arweaiaa* bars bora kUWdia the attaok. A MANCUUBIAN RAILWAY. A Ru-aiao aswajUßSi. the Jf*a»|W Vnmj/a, puWiahai a tilajram from VbtdifoMoek
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 297 2 Kt'arlA alrrady turns to soejuat the railway euao—iow ksr diplsiaaey Mruaf from the ChiueM OowraaMat, at that time striskoa with f*ar of the Japaacsr. When Bus»ie, ia ooaestt witk Kraace and (i.rmauy, osmasllaw Japan lo reliuquwhtbetorritory iv East M juvhuria Chiua had ceded to that power a*
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  • 620 2 It would almost affww tk»t, at tk. nuaMUt ffhf a Ike cbanoss of iiwhi lor tko aawaafiau lai—Ullmta mari brifatast, their mum should, by ommms ooasaut, UrolagaUd iato ts» limbo of uof ruitlul and MuualmwJ hUm. for yean put, tkay ha»* laboured witk iudoajitabkj seal to
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  • 38 2 I* i* ualiitnl that the .-omiaaadrrs of s*»a*Bsra, tradias; hstwusa Au*trtlia and Far Kulira ports, bare neeivod iastructioas lo giTe a wide berth ia future to the Ssal Rucks oa wkek tho <UMtrth»» was wrwesew*
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  • 40 2 Uwiaw to tbe nia yewterday aftnnnon. there was BO Paprn-k* «c and it was derided to paotpoa* the mret until this afteraooa. GmtlcßM are reminded of the BMstiaaj ro-P«asrtha«ian at Fra«er A Co' a oaVa, to-morrow, at p.m.
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  • 45 2 TauMBAPHir asws was rmn**d st Bkssghai from Miano oa ths 24th ulto.. •Uliag thai th* whob of the aro*iaco of Chekiang is phenrdsd with proclamat ion-, calKag upsa the people to n*r and kill tke forrigaer* aafwdl a* la* nati»e Christiana
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  • 44 2 Twa Pn*ta,usas nahoat brmy> arrirud at Hsagkoag oa the Sad iasUat from Macao to he docked for ioapoction before arostaaliag for Timor to assist ia quelling the iwrolt ia that islaad. Bb* bad on board is artUWrrsjsa from tke Macto gart iaoa.
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  • 46 2 Taa laaaarsslialwatusy at tke coaataat rvlwra of Oaiami to Ooteo, aad tke conaeqa>*t wrsatiaß of trad* from Japaaam k*a*s. Th* mm of Japan urgn that awasam b* takaa to proreat all <-oaimerckl uulwrtahiuas ia Con* from falli^K again ial* th* coatrol of C'hiaM*.
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  • 59 2 GE RMAN EAST AFRICA. Majo* .on Wi a haa issued a pruchmatMU oa a**umin K th. post of Ootoraua of Osrana Baat Afrim. ia win. h ho *Ui« that his two ehiof objects will Iv w>wa*a a» th* Oalsay rosaoojically for the brarll of the Mother C'ouatrr. and to farther
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  • 64 2 It ia isynrtod that, about th* middle ..I lam aoatt. las Madrid miat will .-oamraw (oiaiaa; •.000.000 tilvar pieve* of on* dollar f«ch. far Porto Rh» oa a dnimt ■imiUr to that of th* Spaoiab dollar witb aa ahwfatiaa iv the lettering. When thra* 8.000.00W pians hare beru
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  • 75 2 Aocoßßia* to the Roar eorreapoodrnt of tk. f.U MuU OmmU* tke PopX „repariau a new Kaeyclieal wkivk .leal, witk the nthject of Urn eoavenioa of the En K liah aprakioa; raer*. It will be a eonti. auatioa of a former Kaeytlical. and <* iatoaaVd to complete th*
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  • 86 2 L*«» KidnawaT. the wife ..f th,. Uon-r. nor of Ceylon, haa a glorioua ..nuplt,;,,, (toMeo brown kair of tke ailkieat BWJwM aad a aaperh carmtr. a»ya a Soeiety ko^ eip. She waa prat-tivally VKw-queru iv Dublin when Sir Weal waa at tke Uader*?*J ta f7'?>*»- Bke will
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  • 68 2 A sitUSliou that u.^, M.u^thu^ inmlih in oafcial quart.™ tkL n»un.»u>*ut that tu* M Aw*rUn b». AC Wm baud. ike builder*. Mssars. Cn P 4 floaT^t !f N fcolk > «o be Al-Md hr Ik Mip. <rf ..l^* aa4 pu*r*J ov*ruaulii. H TV eiplaaatiou fir*, i. that
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  • 49 2 J*» *»"»»■"■*< *a. Hritu,h u*tm»tum mi wlumw v the Hmcbiwh •us. Us. Isswhsiry mmi b^T Tuiiu. Th* who)* imm.-,. ijr an****! With tk.>3lw, U thsauU-foruiju M-VtaMwr tf bw?l. u> out tk. -j-'. **^7-lUU .£3 Job* aoiuelhiug tow^O, h ,,",V British isna.nv, at p^ »»h»Uhut.u K
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  • 49 2 Habmstoks g*»* theii farsweli fonnanwtotlMttaagiiiiiaMii lattnigki. Th* programme embraml ail sash iu-au M had been s»ost appreeiataw ia their prerious Pf* o™"**0 ••>•-»«. MeMrt. -DashwaT aad MooKoa eiMlcj tbcmseWe* io their leaping feats Th* troupe learrs for India, ronU to South Africa, by th* Lindvh, this aftein. on.
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  • 86 2 A remarkable feat in telegraphy wa* recently performed ia Australia when the land liaas betweea Broome, in West Australia, and Rjckhamptoo, ia Queens Und, were joined, aad direct aiessage* wt re cou. reyed between tbe two place*, when art 6/275 miles apart. Antoantic r«| eaten were
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  • 107 2 A prirate despatch from Mawowah states that ths Abyniaiaa Ecc!e*ia*tic Theopbilo/ made a solemn proclamation in the Adowa markrt-plae*. on Aug. iv tbe |.rr»'nce of 4.000 persona a id the officer*. of the Rarriaun, eipUining the fundamrntal principles of tbe Etbiopiia religion, and exhoning Jhe people
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  • 169 2 Tau Qaeeoalaadors iut -ad to grow coffer a* will as sugtr. Tbe Queensland Coff.c l%impauy is in a sumeiently forwarl state to justify tbe commencement ot operation* ou the Blackwall Rsasjcs, aad it is raid that the enterprise is to br rsp.-ated in other part*. Already there
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  • 204 2 Til Spreial Treaty, reeratly concluded Iwlwevn Russia aad Japan, come* into furce four year* hence, and i* practically identical witb the uew Anglo-Japane** treaty, and. arcorJing to the Japa» Adcertittr. the Ireaty cooaista of 20 article* ioatead of 22. *rti«l«* I and 2 of th- Britiih treaty
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  • 193 2 I'm* liuverom. Nt of India wlrrli lit* a* 1..v« rpuainrd »liiiu.fullv indifferrut to tb« moral i-lauu of thr new* »^vu« an. l ni'W»|>»|»-ra lo a li-ijal copyright in thr i*tU t'-l>'t;r»uia wbicb they provi.!.- »n,| |.iv tor. writea tbe Bombay On:rll'. bat lieen onc-e a^ain put ti akauie
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  • 227 2 Tint Clout gauaa Aunt rain BM de»|.,ii.-hi-.| Mr. T It» aa aaetW ommiaaiouer la Hou|;kv>iiK. Climi.i, Jafaß, au<l tbe l'liiii|.|.,ii.' UUuda, 00 aaaejaWfvial iniaainu, for tbe ilevelupiurut of trxle bvtwn-n South Amlr.ilu aud them- |l.i<^>It baa Inn,' burn ibr opiuiou of tke Soii'h Auatraliau
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  • 53 2 COBPa I.KI'KK.I I. Orderly oHicer fur aawaWJ aw* I'""' W. Q. 81. Ulair. j N. 0, O. for ..iwiiiu* W-k. IW M •ua. II ParadaaMuu.Uy Uth, 1U a.ak M«ii» X"""" 1 Tuaaday lJtk. U."« Wedmfc.d., ltilli. S 4 u»aarill. it p.lll. Mwiiu mudriM TkumUy 17lh.')5.Fou.iu.S'B 1 L ;i ri
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 817 2 NOTICBB. rp H B BOEMIO COMPANY, LIMITBD. fl mil K Standard Life Aaaurano*. X Nei-'Ch tD.QD Fire iniurßßßS IIBBW/. Atlaa Atmrance Cotii|«nr (Fir*). it Ta* K|u.f>i.l" Urn A^uiAno* S.. iefy pf ThsOcwto M«nn«lni.ui«in»C'oiii|..iny. ry laafaam W*»ssltl Company. Th* T^ttiwl.ain lj»|jer IW-r Company. F( Tlie MaiitiuM. lß' c omj. i-iv l.imite'l.
      817 words
    • 971 2 NOTICES. The Straita Times has the Lrgest circulation of any newsi.ajer in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 677 2 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS I TOWN HALL. LAST NIQHT BUT TWO. TUB »BW j Willard Opera to. Director -Me CUMORD WILI.AKD TONIGHT, THURSDAY, OCT. l'Mk. Little Christopher Columbus. (TO-MORROW) FBIDaY, OCT. l». CHA»»Ai(in*'g Comic Opbba. "WALK A." SATURDAY, OCTOBER IM THE LAST NIGHT. flu ■xcau.Bacr." PRICES OF ADMISSION S», 2, A 1.
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    • 16 2 AT the Adelphi Hotel, uu the Bth iastaut, tbe wife of Mr. <;*.>*. .l lUbmhion, of daujfkler.
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    • 25 2 w* j**? y J^^WF wMaißw*% flaw wafjmMs* Ml *%*V ams*at T)MStraJUTliß«ikMth«3ktrswt circulation of mtf Mwipaptr in Am. Britiih India ezceptod. No other bhftarnnewipmper few SOWmJampfwaiactoalaNwaWL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 81 2 VVEATHKK RKPOKT *T— aTaat aTraaaw, aT»«*il*l. mk (MUer. IbbV lii.JpilMbliui ■ar. rai. U Fak. W.SU3 r««.p. m.v si.s t«.'.' -9 Wet Balk Tier. 77.S NO 7«8 Dir. alWiad BE. BK. Oaha. J i I. Max. Trnr. ia akaik W.i .f Urn. it it n.H Jfl 5 T.rr. nuiTVr. 70.3 CS"
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  • 1279 3 f,>rtni«htly meeliußof tbe (•,,,nroi»«i»n wa« b.ld r st«rd*y Tl, ,ir were preefut Measis. •"'^'"'".li- Pi*** Jf Mo >1 J "»S u In Menoa, and 001. Pcuoefatbrr. V Il Jn. M«'"»- Meyer. Hare, of »H"«. V llltin K ncei '^i 1 lb M M*tMI<KNT« STATEMEKT Piesiuii'T informed tbe
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  • 132 3 Ahvi.-ks S lannliai, iitnl. r date 2n<l in»tanl, net f.,nh that the Viceroy of Fokien has given order* to the Prefect, of Kuche-ig to execute only those prisonets pi o*6.l lo have actually struck or brutilly assiulted the victim* in the rec-nt massacre there. This
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  • 634 3 "UOBANU. Qo Baho it, presumably, a kingdom somewhere near Obina its ruliug po'entate always bears the title of Tb.' Booguiii." The name of the prraout reigning Bwgam we do not know, but a former ruler, called Dam How. went to L >ndou ti Irani tbe customs of
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  • 357 3 THK Al U»HT KKTI KNS 'I'm Hoard of Trade returoi for August hliow tliat tbe imports amounted to jt:H,till.3Os. as agamst efMyMeVttl in (In- MM moiiili last year, an iu<: ■>f .£2,972,784. The exoorts for the L—mih JeWWI tfti cuii|iir.-.l with i; 18,581,240 iv August,
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  • 68 3 Mr. Litt.-u. of tbr»Clia*»- Protectorate at I'enang, hat arrived at Sings port accompanied bj Chine*-, to appear before tbe j GoYtrnor-io- Council in counectioo wilk the pCopowd Uoitbmi nt tl 9 Chioamen for trad Bg in Wsi«*og lotteries. Two of the uinn are in. Singapore, and tbe
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  • 1044 3 Mrs HuxLßT.wboaebeaatUklllaenengfaved ou the tombstone of Professor Buley have attracted M much attention, has not, we under■taad, pnhliabed aaythiaa: ia book form, "on* thirteen years ayo there apnewed anonymously a children's' book, entitled Mrs. Oaader* Story, by H.tA.H., illustrated by N. H." The iuitiala, it may aot be
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  • 23 3 1* r S.muhi, from Klaug: -H«>n>. W. Q, Waltw, K. A. Ton.b«>., mi O. r. Stun or. Prom Makers -Major MeCalluin.
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  • 85 3 lit (aluuUt rit |«>rti, Liiutula, on 101 h H lutwit re. I'tflUtag kDil C«l. Sttl. Win,j.iK,j, illli- 1 1 til <■,(.. 11.. ktusil (o. IV iu. hid 11.. sbay, Hi—fmu. due litli (M. IU I, < Co. S.-CB.-> vU|»rt. MomU..K due Ulli IM Hoiuteiui A Co
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  • 1406 3 hay* the HoHum UwmU K.-ir Mardir h I astonished baesuas he m ferblddan to smoke I hi* briarwn id pipe in DaliaoaiaV*. Over in th* sosntry be romes from it is (food fora I* amok* pip* wherovcr it I* pmtiaeibrs to anwke a cigar, aad tbe fast that
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  • 1480 3 111.1 l fKD OK FlKH'liKlllKliK Of IMK Ml HI CirAL CoMMItSIOMIM AT AX OBlilKABT MttTIIO MKLD U* WrIiHUDAT. THK i.TH NIPTtMHtB. IHH6. HkhHi;nT Tlwt Pr-«i<l-ut. Alei. fiealle. Km,. Win. Naumw K-.ii. Hcali I/sang Scan. K~i J. P. Jnanuim. K~ I Taa Jiak Kirn. K«,. M M-y«r. E«|. A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 823 3 tJINHAHUKK BPORTINU ULOB. AVTVMS MEETING. Th* Autumn Race Masting, will ha help on Taaaday, Thursday, aad Satanlay. <M. i-'nd, 24th and itith. 18K. FIR9T DAT. TUEBDAT. OCTOBBR £iai>. Fibkt Racb. THB MAIDKN I'I.ATK.- Value $-J.V. A Rao* for Maidea Horaea— Weight aa per arale liM. »!b.|. As allowance >.f 7
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    • 956 3 I FOB SALE; KM riiOVM ENTH; TO LET; AND I'KIMONALH. [ISTTIMB, IS cents a lire; -inrl and :lnl time*, 10 cent* a line; ttlitodtl. timaa, 5 cent*. la line. 7th to l«th lime*. 3 eeala a line. afterward*. 2 cents line hnt no cjtarge Is** than one dollar. Thus, a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 150 3 ARKANGKMJCMTH. Thubmuat 10th Uciobbb. High Water. 1.25 p.m. I'hilharu ojic Urcbestra. 5 ;>.m Psmt Chaw meet at Bcrmngooo Boa.l Police Htatio i. .'..l.'i |> ia. O|wi<i. Town Hall. Littte CbrnrtopLer Coluuil>us." KaiDAr, 11th Octobbb. High Wa'er. 2.60 a.m. 2.A0 p.m. M...M1. !l»|i.B. Prf|ier chare meiiting at M.-»srs. Fraaer Co's
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    • 29 4 SL-TFr^-Fna^i Oar.-OawaaajD-J.-art. »^S55?rw Wh rC!J. p D^-Taarjaaf Fagar Desk B. W— Hnrn*> fjl. fall r.iai Where no «"»'•> Hil-or-*" Jb*Wk HJI. eral. 80S toa*. 7* crew aMto:-*U*.
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    • 1017 4 Abbitau tares Hook or Tmtibdat Jtm »if. <'•*•'? SToi. -d wa* p. '> Ta»~. Mar. otr. 1 MStoM. Cap*. WoU, MkOat. r. MaMaaAOft Far K«tJ2- ataaaa, P. ft. _»»t. 9"»f? g,«n, MOrfVm Load™. 7<k d*»i ~Joi. IPhaM Im, Brit, atr. IM taa*. CM Pllmgi. ftk Oat. Pr»- PaaHiaii.
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    • 175 4 I.IW. PrH. **d DoU 9/ BMRtM 1..1.N1...N. Bafta* BBJaaat iMtfaWtM. SI. Kr aais. In iei'. Uvelop*. dw i ct. 1 Uly*»e*.daeOct. 23. Tole uarl.n.. due Oct. ZH t>amcinniiii. dun Uct. »i tiLAauow. Tjrm. Julj a. LUHW.iI-.IH M.l.rr. BHIBI.IM. <»n.m»~.. July Babbt. AM^-ia, Auk. ••> Ton- 11.a.1. S,pl. \i.
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    • 71 4 II It Itw I'wu 1 N4». r«,» km- Kl'l •ULCh Nl1 lHtl» BrH..4r. a»^TfcJ XiK i t l^ 'f uWIuUDu. 1(0 Im!Z2 h L 7» n.S»r»il.St«mJ.i|. i»J IiMMM OM. U7 HttCT L" U J UUl 7»«s.w UumAwT Wi*. U« KSkM >*«»»*ik <m 7 H«,s. w iiM.Au. Mr. 101 51.
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    • 35 4 U»T. TMlt'l Na«i ruw*Ki.. ''4KT4IN U«.n»«""' Ort. I" ia Hi M I* M L .U Mitefarfl l»r«i»rtii«u.klr. mi Hia Oaui Or Bi».H«.li ,-,kl,ii, .i..1 Kum«' &r SFi Mr. Kmiuuun. I> -li .m i url-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 424 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Co., HAVE JUST KECEIVKD A FKEBH SHIPMENT OF WATSON &Co 8 V V> O> (KLEHUATEi) ff M',! <} ~^ivS% Price »11 per Case Whiskioa gf^iv < 'f^Vtfflf «VS^l\ U Tr PU l>urv rv McALISTER 0. I For Constipation 1 I and Bjiioijsnessl I A 5 and ..I.
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    • 877 4 NOTICES. AVER'S Sarsaparilla IS TMM OKXAT Blood- Purifier, NERVE TONIC, STRENGTH BUILDEK. /Cry ►*""«S'X*\ U*a>, n-lorra f HM I" 1 11 jr.' kV F ""'J \r&\~*fy^\jrsy Uliftwiri froni lii.llf<-«tkm*» arliing frmu ln.|.nr. bkw.l, iliuuld Uk* Aycr'« fWHapartllH. II (Ivi-s alrni'th to .li.- wcßk, ati'l 1.n11.N p tli" «y»ti-m lltr illy,
      877 words
    • 168 4 NOTICES. McALISTER h CO. Im m ImiTC. FKKBII BHIPMENTBOF THB FOLLUWIMO: A I SIR Alii AN BUTTER. WOOD CO/S m KLL-KMOWN COW nilANI*. Prira tvnl» par I t> thi Mi i AIHTKAIJAN lODDKI,. 0.1. fT-WfarlM*;-I had t'iMt Braa *&£> B CMaatMraw Kl».|«raak>. SPECIALLY SKLBCTED IAIB PROM B Ik to 12
      168 words
    • 674 4 MUTICAfc. LABUAN-BORNKO. CIOMMIMIOM AQBSOT TU Sanaa J Mfcmb Ommql UmH* Vmtm\ mi Ixbaaa, an mm! W raaaV rfvrial fcrilWw toMwrfitSww m< iltin fciiViiai «l Whig m rwiiil hIU It. w. m. PARAKANSALAK PAIIAKANHAf.AK I. «W l*Mt m4 brat kaowaTßA tnmUn,mil»m ilil|iil la th. Mrk«(. Plufcu gdrt IW, «rt th* UirkMt
      674 words
    • 48 4 NOTICES. w nuiE IWITOitHAII. ritnoofiM g{J CUTTM BUABM |ALriJUTBBB_ •OMAFOBB. ffBAJT* TIMBB OFFIOB. ma»a*-«M»»fci"'*''«*-y >** SZI rai«al-a»»J«»WB*<. !*»->»» ABMfl *Ul». LOKDOIf: DATID MOTf. •tBA-D, w a DCLAD. g aa)#Saa ,,.,BTwwOiroßO«Tiißrr. W.C M iiiiri «S.a A x I 1> wio B Aaantti V Miiinlilßi j Baairla-ra. """""""sah AaMBB. fcr ta* WraiU.
      48 words
    • 112 4 50t10£9, aiAHTJBMS AMTI.rOULtBI, tX>MPUBITk>M. •TBa^Bß* bbMbbM A-* **f MtaatMl wMMbbMIMb. m y?£L* m* mtf <L., lln -Ma. JT aUawa- U*aa*M a*, aay gataf Barlataaa A Ba**Ja»'- <Maaaaata A«aa»»-tl iiiyitllMllllTMlOt nlifl TTOLLIT'I •tABMa, »o. Aaanaua ataan. ■ana akaa ayoMaad a*i»ri«Mri .aMiB. Mith. aaiW «p«i»l Bamaaaa •irixrria.ia. Bocan boa^ht or aoU «a
      112 words