The Straits Times, 7 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. ESTABUSfIEDL:JB&I. BHHJAPOBE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 18*5. NO. 18,741.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 837 1 kaMSHIP COMPANIES. JiwgnLA* AHD OaIBHTAU STaVAJI p fcNl yimAtioir compart OmeßMJaßjaj Qw»y. ,v Niw". IO|ll"»"»« 1. w MamaM* mi tarn* by BallJ£ E*» v- J^lll ft— I^««ihatpa«fca f w»aw«BteoYßro*^f|B, Co-p-r "^«fM« k I is th. QaiaWM at Maw Harboar !!Lw. -<i m kl will >» made. Treaßßre,opiaa>, aad uk FRANK
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    • 949 1 BTEAMBH^F'COMR*.!fII?B. J\U KONINKLUKB PAKBTTA ABT MAATSCHAPPU. PasWoaatia^wWißßOsTalliafiiißs^aiifli sjnj, AqenU Simfrnptn, Ba rr AoBMOT. UTI J. DAaarajfcia A Oa, t^ Oofca,Tß» <>aAt. Stumer. ErgpoHri q, WUI W D^aahrta, t. oT ttmfaßß rea.t 1( r. Oct. sth. Batevi*. Cher.boa, gaaaraajt sad Soamhaya. mh Oct. gaura,,. aonrabafa; 2nd. Bawaan. toßrabaya. hanijeraearin, Palo Psaalr,
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    • 525 1 NOTIGER. 1 w. mum cC j*m rum* (mwt.iws.) iJbbbbbebbW «»hi«b,-ai.b, HOMGKOI.G AI.O MO TH^ PA E TS SINGAPORE Etc Hopßlra of MUSIC V BW *"nrd-crtPtion. I.ABOB BtOOK Or A D W MUSIC MUSICAL a.p itnuwif ■bllkbii 0 SUNDRIES ■r, NEW MVHIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS. BUBBKLL 8 TB
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    • 373 1 I INSURANCES I •'■■•nain timm 1 mam *aoa 00, L*». I LmOIDATIOB. I —tail. THE OOMMBRCIAL DHION G ASSURANCE 00, lAD. r* .stall Vtollv SvbsartfcadLb. -49»50Q,Q00 tinS ■JTTiiaiiii'iiii' iii MMkO»>lit«NM.. Local Bo»bi>. A. W. Srtmr, Pea. P. Wabbac*. Pfc* Has. TvTtFA%cnm. Bs«. ftfcm* «T I*. ..-.<. miAm* /■mra«»i C» CtaM.
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    • 915 1 BANKA. H UNOKi )NO ~im BHAKOBAI B AMTI KG O >RPORATH)V. PAID-UP CAPrTAin _....$ItM»0>«0 RBBBRVB PtJND VKXVWO BBBF.RVB LIABILITT OP 1 PBOPRIBTOBB __J-»'W«i rofmr or PiaßTToeai— J. KKtMKK. K«,.-C.Ain«A». Uob. A. M. t ONACIIIK— Dartrrr CaaiaaA*. D. Tiinw. j... j biu-u >i.a. m. ■.our. v. n lonn. c BJMBvi.ura. v.
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    • 874 1 r 1 iffS^i* joseph mism PEHS Of Hichoat Q a .ut7.'an«, Barlaa OrMOHt DurablUt ar* Vherefor. CHftAPEST.. gOILIT'I ooinmnioji, kn runni, no. m Asaaifaa ma ■aa. akod byoM aad orpari.mfcrf ohookaf aadbriaacial Europ**n •iip.rTidaa. Honm boßKht or avid oa commiauoa at S par aa*. Fir.l ciaaa aocommodoioa fol ao.
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  • 232 2 J4<raTIUMLR<im*AtKMMI „ii lf a umP njpMji»™j™,..«iim B i «j* atari |m. _..!!!.".".'l'.'.'l.'l." ZMK o*»TB;:::: I*6. i Olfci tftiitay .4Mb. ABMH^Ink n 4JO. Jo do 1* qSttf &M 4c .4* do 4*. 4.00. WliMn. Bte. i KM. OMliriUM I«M. -'fefcUM. ZZZ Iw' Km, Bimih Jo. I, |-r MfM JOi (Mlllli
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  • 105 2 for Perrtr. Km. lu-Vnw*. RiUria m |iort> i/j—lmma, CuiMi •<*•<•••. Tnu|H< »i» p-ri- t— jgaltii lvi P»k«l. Anilaiw, Ftpwr >v »«rt«. Hi «>a»f l\aur, ilxtm »i» >•«». BirM, KUac »i» i-orU. ./■>■>■.. Kan>|M >u> |H,rt- MM, M>lm«i tb port.. Suite., Kltu »i» |-url>. iotmt, M..c.->r ri» ,«,rl .4,,,,.
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  • 105 2 iaajl kuaora -llw|a*M.M fto.,-.^ oa Tii^mU.., luurui tin with 'UU-- to the 19th riraiin She briny* replivN h> the wkivh left "la—nnri on tbe lSth Aag. r-^-Faoai China -9jt tbe M.M. Sulmi ea> ea Bhmh Au«. 2Ut P. O. Hant. IMk Aug. IMb N 1> L
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  • 129 2 kllinu Per i, Amktrtt from Klaag -M, Morri. Par* Iteduta U.<m Baagkok Ueat i BifhiuKbenr. aad Mr Johaaaie. Par a. a. Cereitae froai Pabejhaaf Mr Scut Elliot. Per a. a. Ualaetn from Taluk Auaoa Maaara. Allen. Hawcill. aud Waahaek. Per a. a. LimlnU from Caleutu Mreara Uaaaiiipre, Biwr*,
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  • 13 2 htiMim 1 lßil PBIOBi 1* OEJITB. [taswrisHia rams aaet aJMra»ia» taw.
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  • 93 2 MONDAY, 7th OCTOBER. 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAM S. THB ARMENUN EIOTH. Acnoir st tbb row bbs Xeadsa. 7th UtUktr. Ihe tmhamadnrt at Ooattoatiauals have fiiliMil a hlubjti ante to the Turkish OovwnaaMt, urgiac. that measures be tohaa to i> Hcove the iJtaaHia avt Coamartavntiamople It is the geaeral oaamsa that the
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 429 2 THE POW ERS AND ARMENIA. Tmi all*|pMj rwWMjaa- of ffwhaf Ihroaybuwt Kamjw agaiaat Ike Aimeniaaw, rafortrd w to-day'a teWgiai aa baviag- requital fraai Iha riots at Cuav alaßtiMapla eaa hardljr ha rtpteted to laet lo»g. Tbe grit raaaai of aY« Ara»r> niaaa aro too rnal aad tao glwif to be
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  • 14 2 Tim homeward atail br the a. a. .V.i/.W ulnma at 3 p.m. t > morrow
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  • 15 2 e> OiuLtu. wrlj thia atoath. «aa rife bctwerD Baaaßk aad Ban«ckoUai. aad fatal catea w*reTrat|u«a)l.
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  • 20 2 Tbk annual dtaaer of the Siagaiora Golf Club ia to be heM oa the l«th |.ro, at the Biagaporo Club.
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  • 21 2 Ma. Aaataa advartiara for nakt >h« rat* horera: UrMm, B K O ferahaf. Mfimm, Atumkim*. MterU. aad alau the k«I--loway K*tt.
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  • 25 2 Ta« OOcara of the Royal ArlilUry will be glad to aw their frieada at Fort Cauaia* al tbe Hatch of the Pa|wr C'aaar. oa Wrdneadat
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  • 24 2 Tan only teunia tia to-«Uy it the aaai la tao Pntfeaaioa Pain, betweea Ui I. Braddell ami Klliot aad Mrr 11. Pmitw aad MrTairga"'
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  • 24 2 Ai-r«Ai.i from rUiiakok Ibe Stmm Oaarrawr.arrdowa for kwmj la oaaaa,[ii>ra ia Fehru try. the Mrat ua the liM baiog a uawtpapa r libel vaar.
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  • 34 2 i'kk ilt aii- up uf tha Bukit htaa Miaiog C«.. Umitea for tbe aiubth of SepUialt r ia tvborted U< lm»a rraullad ia aa uulluru of 70 o>. 15 tlat. »alm- about M «JO.
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  • 34 2 Tai MM v l*ft H*ig.-u al S a. at. ir.n-rday. aad may Kecipaxt >l lie a t ..luurrv* at daylight, be. »il| pi.,l. I. lat U«»|«t> ued >B« »*aie day. «t 5 p w
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  • 32 2 Tan Siam (Xmnm ooai}.Uiaa f oonliuual iul«-rru|»liou tv Ik telegraph liuca iv Siam, liuia lie iluptrlaivut v ilwrrfa Uiliuk tv keep tbe liuea in worltug ..rtler. li»miri"iiTifhnir' > k H iktß^iMTMNtaflk Ho. T'
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  • 18 2 if nut is tobßgiveaoatfce imSaTmiw •tai Mi Hb» h* Ik. »Tt at the DnU Ba^ iWwidbes fe« daaca. •<««■
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  • 32 2 -*> Tn aaaaal naetal meetins; of the Ftaaag Taff CtaKTwaa to be aeM to-day-Ta7aceom»te Aow that the Chib ie ma llamililiy eoadiUoa iaaackOly The hamaee oa haad oa 80th September was H. 707.
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  • 38 2 A bbiii service for tra kto Jtm Cooke win he held hi the Prisaep B»rset ChapeL thai avaeiaft. at 8 p. ht t«r*aMl br miasH^axiea aad ..ther friead*, who were aasseiated with the <■■■■»■ U*f ia Chrietiea wot k.
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  • 36 2 Taaßaatrtataadeat for trr Supprses oo af Mahirs rrpsrts lor Aagast that during that atoalb. 1«7 w. re killed in tb« toarw.rla. The Wai of sßimali .laughlerad aiaea tha tuamiawawrt of tbe Otwiaaaea aow aa*oaat. to K.M7.
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  • 39 2 Tbbb. ia a eaaaas af prograaiav, at HsrsMtoa's Circaa this ereaiaat. tba aaw rteaaa iadWdia, eoaat seaaatkmal feaU by MoaUoa aad Daehway. aad a faaltiagact by the- ftmlm of tat Company. Two watches are also to be grteu away.
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  • 48 2 Taaaa has beea received from Mr. Marraf gaaspbeU. Cootractor* of tha K>a7 BaUway. a mms af photograph.. s> i.H a^aaaaa^asl Bliaißlai aaaa f hit llflaaf V9BMKMB wunmm mmm <"■ mfw him-. ■<aw>a pfciaign>hi bear to wwkdwae. aad show at a glaace tha dnaeah nature of tha aonatry tiavevasd.
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  • 48 2 Bcaega at »aaaa-teaa it that the troops .«aaot be aauved fmm Peaaag to Hingaponfar at bast two years. Aa there Sa aot saakießt ii i namanihlina for the extra ssaaaa. ia Bsaaip r uatil lavracka are everted there, the troop* will remain ia P-bbbb;.
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  • 42 2 Tbb Ve'uat^r outlay hi the Katimttrs for 18M ataawat: CapNatioa allowance. •IJOO; gawsral eiptaase. W. 400; at at. M.I(HX aaie) aa»«Bß>tioe. m*>— a total of MJOO aaaiaat $7.40 for 18M Tha auras af WO cosies wader the head of ammaaitioa.
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  • 45 2 Tbb Ifeaeaeae Artfe Pre— my Tb*> aew Britiah wettar ie rapidly oneaing iolo graeial eircaktua. la pavaMat* «iaoV ia silver ahawet ac taaay of these chbb will anw he fwaad as af Japaawae yea. while th* BMightly chopped Metirna ie gradually diaappeariag.
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  • 68 2 Tal Coaißitttea of the Singapore Quit dab. diatiagwiahtd alraadv as a chival. teas body, at* aMbia* a delightful proviatoa tar their lady Meada to-awerow The eervieea of the St. Oc.lia Baad have bran aat«fl"!.aaaaa weary nmplea return from tueatiefartory roaada. loat hole., lust balla. aad loat teaaper
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  • 88 2 Hacani.i.Meaara Howartb Knkineaad Co. had to draw the atteßtioa of Maasre. aVeje aad 00, to the auppoard aoa-pay ateat of a bill of till A reply elicited the fact that the bill bad beea pea/oa preaeatation (to eaaairise beiag awde. it waa found thai Maairi Howartb
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  • 58 2 1- a— d b, artor»« d^^l^bit!. 1 The geaii hiiiit. after the faaara af the party, eapraaa^ Uw~H a. fullowa Myardia. bms a thatekerad. Bha wate the aaaw claaa. dr^.u, wh«key. aj^ r -gW.blt.«a,l«h^but «fur^u,. '•.•fc.*^ 1118 y^ide. SB' aha Barer aaeeaaidTaaak ye' taa auaal If m,
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  • 131 2 Tm* auti.-i| M i»l aamial tr.-..t t.. tlw ""J z*" th Hueiwra awl tkulura H -m. .am. off Saturday evvuiaK Owiag to the want of aiirtabl a.-uoaua«Miatiua at tbx- h..iur itaelf aad ia «rjW hi j gi-r jJeaaun- ala.. t«, th," vi*va aad fauubee of
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  • 106 2 willaam wui u«ri.«( Uabpako tkw atiarr. tkr OO J. haracter of any iaiport*!...-. frua> Uraiuati. lH)int •VOw-^ilfc." o. BaturJ»» performeal by Mr. P Flrtvb*; w,th iSi .■lu^l-iuiHf dAuh rub. aa.l the aW a w -»-kuh««. wo«U th. wfc\ 3 the amiwi a.-t, and with it the wh..Lutiaffm,
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  • 142 2 u nknown Wvaave rsaatfseJfroaiMr. f. W. lUrk.r tba »oa. +**m ***■^Sk Tl Fawey 'F-ir of ill aaUoaa, nesattt heU ti.« IW»r» rewHioWtlßrttafWiletof ttose-wWisaasribated to the lair it -w M omitted to -Mention Meatn. Joha Little A Co. Ltd., wlrtia acttawataDepM ho hhare ,od. atbomesn 1 in hiadly forwVwing *j| pare
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  • 84 2 Taaatrvk'S of Mr. MarL»ren,'of Mraii Swsa and MarL trsa. the architect*, were nqui-ttioovd th s morning by the Mali. i. pal y to rr|ort oa the stability of the builiioftwteupel by Mo ars. KaU 8r... Mr. Newton reported ia conjunction It ia brK-ved that aoticee will be
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  • 189 2 HARMSTON'S CIRCU S. Tin- t-mwiWil trata. hvth on SatnnUi aft.Tn<«)ti anil on Saturday uight, tntifipil to the public ap|>reviatiou of Harnuiton'a eaVrta to uleaeu. The ,taW exliibitrj ehownl that the memlien of the tn>ii|»are performer* of many part*. Th. pruxraniiix- waa a must varied on-, ■-oataiaiiiK tftven well-choeen itfiiw. and
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  • 681 2 Tub Acting Muuiii|*l Easinwr, iv kin progress report for the month of Aiiffuat lay a riI.TIE RUM The Clear Water Tauk wa* thoroughly rlwwl out duriag the early put of th. month. Iml the operation took longer thaa m upeet*d. v mum <li-l»y n> nip*rieneed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 647 2 NOTICES. rnUU BOBMBO COMFAVT. LIMITBD. rfUIE ttaaM Life AmntM. AUm A»«'«m» Coiapeaj (Fire). TB* BVtiWM* Lifn Atnmae* Ho.iHj. TkeOcM* »«">• ln.uraoceOoßip.a7. The Ckiae fcataal Stwm N«»n:«li.m Company. Tk* T.rfl*ol.«m U«er H*«c Company. Th* MvitiiM luwnn Company. Limit*!. For particuUri of 1k Con.|w«i*« Me tk* Ml ad.aitbe—rt ol lUX UOUNBO COMPANT.
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    • 488 2 NOTICES. The Straits Tim«T hai the large* t cinmlatef in Biaapon and Voo&ierEafteniiMwnuerhM ■o wideprad a cntmhtton. BOTIOB. rriBMDIBS are lavitod for tba purchase of 1 th* BWm Lanaea »*el, wktek was .mUoi the Pahaae;RiTar. o. AatM July, 1985. ml now lie* aadar wator at Jena Laaan, bum Kuala Lepia.
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    • 20 2 a^aj fjMlZaaßaßmßßßß^Bßrai' ■^BsaaßTsl^BSßmT aßaaawai t olTcukkm oTW tWwtHfer eafAp af*Ba>waTsaf VsV «BaamWaa) AaTMBsBTaV %M|g^Pl^^^Bi Jto otiw SMtarn Mwspapsr bM iOiria^iW>clrt«kU^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 84 2 WCATUKK KIPOKT g*aa!a»t AVaSwa H.^,1.1, «A O.dt.r. MM t avtß.it f.a*.« bjbV| aaaiaasaT gar. r«l. faa. ».m a>.«M ~~*2 T**»» MA M.S 7»J ff Wet talb Ther. Mcl Ml eJ Uir. o Wm.l -E. I «.K 3~J M«Lr....iaaW. ii.i Mi*. 4. a* 7M 9*Z Ku.hM« \».i ijiS Terr, raj
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  • 712 3 mi „K r f..rr..^0«0W.) 4tk OeUhrr. -iff*' kM Www *ade be*wwn 1 h.- t»i«»« nA billiard 1 I A vetls»l agnvment" was f"**" n., Hurlin.-as'« hehalf b* 11 local *"'7i' I ."t"iiln« l of S lt from 1 it «ra« i«r>ve<l that th^ a|rn«ment T 7!
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  • 242 3 BABAWAS and th« Srtlu-rlamls India NoiiTiinii-ut have of latt frwiv «-xchaiiK«l triadfesjs aud liad rharai-ters. Thi> Netherlajkli officials tlms bavt- oft.-n ■ail to tbauk Sarawak for the r.-mli-tioa of onliuarv i-rimiualH and military llßSsrtaw ami in'tli.- Hainn wav w<- ou this aaV ..f th.- fr.mtHT liav.- fri-^u.-utly
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  • 179 3 TDK MONTHLY MWIAI lut uinbtbljr medal coni|'i-t itmii look SatunUy *v.l resulted in I In' nn*H»(ad but popular victory of the PreeiVni «Li, banded in tbe aatouisliint: score A Tim r.ti. li iiiuu were a loujj way -it-i i lur r»-t tn-ii Sinri-H. hafa 1". <!• U>MK,.
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  • 853 3 Sir, Ihaver^Ttht^STpm.tedinga at the inquest as reported in rVur issue, of Fnday and Bat«>i»Tß«lS^n, I cannot but coaw to tie tmadaaian t hat though the Coroner hat mpnuadtijT his best in sifting the causes ofiediaaaUr much still reeaaua Übe done, aa it will need a vary complacent
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  • 272 3 Tt» mt KDIT«H OF TMB STHAint TIMIW Sib.— There are only two deliniU- deatiuatiuui to which the visitor in Sißtpiporeeaii conveniently drive. The oneiathe Impounding BeaervJir »nd theotherthePublii- OaraaWS. At neither of theae attraotiv.- pUvt-o ia ther.- auy aort of proviaion made for reviTiuß the enerifien of the
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  • 63 3 ,*.l«r» ...<f teacher. W""'r~^ SseUsJ w«« beatea.. ,V'' h< MtlM but allowed the riotars tv It would MW that tin mandarins are ujf Sl* l"«e,itod. W. beer ■jf: Bingfoo that the hospital ther. h«» boeu b««u eiteu.iv*ly |««ua about ami eou«try. The M»tt.onlu» 1,.,. aent *ului*r* U> pri.l«>»
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  • 157 3 All Ik* Gnu Kanalai t>o,Uato» »totlOM llfl BMB MMM t9 fMHI w IWHIf, with tbo twuqtkm w*trt j Mpi Unit, la tIM art»hi»aih»4 ff ffitefc anaaborofCathoUeailophMMwhWamaaaW Q»n— ptutttH— v HBH.Mp A><m hM kM iifclWl to Wndunr.awKaarKtiMn hM» \**m aiimnA to ueend tki rirer TakßtM. The tit—tloa hi CM—
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  • 218 3 Tbk mttrh between the 8.0.C. Mid 8. V. A csuUioi d rrtpactif Ay l>y Mrnrr. St«*«os and Merewetber. comoMOced on Siiturdij afternoon. Tbete wm goud cricket on both tid't. Ormau'i lii* urn of 107 included 3 tir. »ud IS f«or», while Denojra's "not out for 82, knocked tugrtber to
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  • 768 3 A MAL AY WEDDING IN SELANGOR. Thk fullowiiitf iraatlatio* of oative account of Malay weddia*f appear* ■> I he HrUnqor Journal of the 4th Oot.:— Freparatioan for the wedding- «f Inebe Haliin.h, daughter of Bheikb Abdul MoUt Baktal aad Said A Wai Hahaaa Al Jafri, u— a»t«a »n Monday. the
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  • 299 3 Laad Bevaaaa (esefaafve M kail tZtr"-««aik^ TS Ceenaaa. '.OJIW mamas. ranaadharkaardaaa. f ...,W» rH^forfaHaraa,aaifeaaofCawi< M,**> raeaofoaVa. HXK BaW^cwLrtpraparty, f.Z iJJJ latarkat. <--... *M»» Miaeellaneon* reeaipta. W* Baaelal rinhjli, «W DUtriet eollertiaoa. 87,W0 MIUW Laad sales 45.00 V Mttiw Baesss of isaoadlrara over Mevsaas ta U tact from sarp'a* balsana,
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  • 332 3 On Saturday afternoon. Mr. H. U*aab chsrged Mr. E. Aadersoa. with criminal tresuiss and with killing a pup va'u -.1 at $25. at the Raafca Hotel oa (he Mib ultimo. Mr. Niblett was fur th* prosecution. It api>a«rs that Mr. Nibkjtt g«vtwo pups to Mr.
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  • 27 3 As tba *Hmm fraa Bttavia baa arrieaa, far whaaa panmaua-abe Oaahai fjatl. CbMB Wltß aMaiaMMal IBsM SUbli. aVatlßßt^Bt if>Jbi,Mw4 oa W.BBma-.V afur*«VW a* tftfe Paik. eowrt.
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  • 563 3 Wfj-amra that tbe Captain Chiaa ban oaVed *T< OoV Club priae for an iHMMk and Putting Competition. wWch iiWV brtfgfat oft •bootee middle of thjrmoath. TV condition, are to be a> fdtlews A feeing groan) will be marked oat about M yards from the kowkk; aaftbetwatathe teetag groaad
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 »X>U OKMKUAX BHIPPINU NlWt SKE PAttl 4.
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    • 885 3 I NOTICES. j; k mo m VaMsTK afWßTfatHitAH PAPBBOOTBM BLBB CBUXXM BOARDS 8118 ■AanTIaBATMBB M SJJB BWOAPOBB. -■muTBTiMBB- omoai «babask*riit Waarwsraaatasay part M|"H"JI nsat fras at lh» aba*B Bssaai fsjana, tba msaav mast ba aaet «Ma afl sraam Paatal araara a> ka maa* >af i>li ts AMMff Ba-10. LONDOB. DATID
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    • 851 3 FOR "rttLß; KMriJOYMXKn; TO LET; A!fD PHMCTIAM. UsTTiBIB, It esats a Has; ted aad M time-, 10 esato a Has j 4th to«th Übms, aaato. a liaa; 7th to IMb Mm*.. 8 aaata a BW; afterward*. 2 esats a Has: hat areSargs kaa tbaa oae dollar. Thna, a tkrw* Km
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 147 3 A:tUANUKaIBNIS MotiKAT 7TB OCTOBBB. Hiyh Water. 11.47 a.aj. Pbilhaißouic Choir. 5.80 p.m. 8. 0. C. Tenaia Touraam.-i'. I'rot.-a->i->a Pairs. ail. Meiaorial Service to Miss Cooke. Priaaop <'lia|«l. 8 p.m. O|Mra. Towu Hall. "Morouvi Ktuad" 9 p in. Harmston'a Circus. p.BJ. Tubsuay, trra Ovtobbb. Hull WiKr. 0.38 a at. 0.16
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    • 761 4 i^T II flyfu'^M'*** l DMM| *M*^rW—» 0. Offk«S*iMl««l atari *»-OF-WAB TRAWMO VUBKLB--iuiTtu Siact Hcow »r f *t»»»at |T*r BawtaaiAOa. Fe»OjleaH». U-— "caabaW. Bri». *L 1«74 M Capt Caa* 4Sd.p. Biaa-HlAOa. IWH«i»taM,ill I s^. P. *0..1r. Wilted <*£•■-*; F.*a oiniif. ftTtw**. ~jLr. NLrir. WiMMb Cap*. 8.-T. TlfeXvL N.ftiili<r,n>y- fl^. MA-mw.^Tori
      761 words
    • 129 4 Kmn, rVffc «a>< Am* m «•■<•» LOU DOM. BemUw«f» ss LivraruuL«,JiMo<S; Oaafa, fca*. 1 JMH.dvdrl.l. Oyil.Bß.aß.iM. 17; ClyoMß.daeOet.23; Tjrm. 3 Sbklm OnauMO. Julyti; Babst. AM^kt-a, lv(. U; Cakpi Martha. Jaly 10: B tt«iß l«w. A^r. 21 1 Saiasa. lima. K. C BVkant. Ull'l'l.tlO'.llilUll 1.... 'Vp.. 11,
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  • 61 4 rAIWItU ttUNDA BTEAITB OH AJUUVKO N)H OKHkiu. »*Wr. hili'Ji. V«N N Vital kt.hnAr.ui Urum. SetSssfrsET fas- lHnl.. .<■«!. B k If t*- S2r lM w>k ■»K H.u.» IdlUrH.. i|»T.«. 4«[iir II lU>U E Yurk '■■'> 2 «ult OMkanu hnkol <■« U \u-v-i.Ua. IWutu. W M EMtlNdu, 1. 1., i,
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  • 86 4 VmW Bap r-l c»rT*i«. r«aa ■UlLlli. Comi«m«" < I i 1 I I T 1 7 t 7 J 7 t 7-J 7 In fat** ft ■taak* II ij^r' "«> !hiK»T»i»i»' -i. 17M C«Jtor ["""TP*" *«o Hum maiM \m <*!»«.„ kL" lmi 1 ltajwr Co. Mr Mi Onlt i
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  • 52 4 Iwii'i N»«i *Ei. IHNm r>«.Ti«»'"---«M To. lltUr. raw ■Ulj.l« ulnprry <-£ZLf CW» »i »Md aid PaUhk. Mulii.. s? Mr i.. rt. H-wta.. ►»»fU-..|. .ir Mua.ll. «t. Hi^Wu <*•■ N u ,Uk Mum. W^t I^. tiuu r... tag** t Mas i.iv lak'utu > >• T. 4» «v .i. i- >-
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      513 words
    • 325 4 1 NoncEai C. MULLKB. MAHTJFACTCBBBof Satatial laotn. •kaau. IfßOrisrMa, ▼ ■_«■>, r,t ohtot ladit-iakkor. atsat aaa ***<* rood. all loads of ojitaia «4aada» Holbor. Vadart L-adoo/B C An ordora roroivod oaly Ibraaffb L J CHATBB AC Stagaaoro. Airoats far tb. taa. Sillkm aaa t/ttava.»t PEBBLE SPECTACLES FOSLDBB j! I i
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    • 519 4 JlUflUla*, AMbfU ■UML. tI^OAPOBB UBliB»"«af tkaCtaß Ca"^aßat»al at Eaaisat tßraair*! CaaVao froalaadaaa. BaißA bb*. a LaaM. Aatß.bjt.MSa> ila.u AJABD VB.iTbS. ii '*lJa«:r'- WBJBKT. Aat»M«*tia. m .1. Ibbbb^b«bbbbßßl BBbb* bbbb* MbbbbbbSßHl KELLY ft WALSH, LTD. a, BATTaBT BOAS. justlktckited MITtBELLd MAJTTJAI. OF PBACTIOAL ABBATIHG f IB.SC TBCmnCAL DICTIOIIABT OT SBA TSBMS.
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