The Straits Times, 3 October 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER B. 1895. NO, 18,78 a,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 966 1 vMSHIP OOMPANIBS. -..wNINSULAB AND ORIENTAL bTKAJI J» k IB y A VIOATIOII OOMPAKT Orrice— Collyer Qway. W«a»»»" d Ol>nw N#w Harlio»». rt,, «U»B"» 'rtll Siagaaan «n <w #1-- v. *adera»B.ioßed dote iI, *>l KP.'''« Ort. Ort. I K».w •■■»'»•< «M- H It' 11 Nov 10 1 R.imt"ia Mo,. 1.1 [MM
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    • 437 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. jy: KONINKLIJKK PAXITTAART MAATBOHAPPU. Under soatraet with the Netherland. India OoVafaaMat. Agent* at Singapore, Sujt AoBBOT. LATB J. UABBPBLS A Qo^ M, Colltkb O.PAT. Ktesmsr. Kipartml Will be Dwpßtelm. to oT Do OaraaaWar. V«a»o K Oct. sth. Batavia.Chflrib7,'ii,'Bain»raßß, and Sonrabaya! H»h 0.-I. Hawem,. Kourabaya. 2nd. Bawmi:, i our.Uya,
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    • 263 1 PAttAKAN SALAK. I>ARAKAN FALAK ia the nneat and b-ir. knownTßA from Java, sad th. eh*apeat ia the market. Parakaa Salak taa, fjot slwsya the highest award* in the loading rahibitiom. Sold in hoiue iv fancy deroratn 1 tim, and ia package, of eereral sites. Wholesale ageats for the Stratta i
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    • 436 1 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BAMXTVO OOBPORATIOH. PAXp-OT CAPITAL... ...MOfIOWO RBHJtRTJ 7Uin> I *#*.(*»> Cooar or Dibsotobsi— i. KRAMER, Bn.-CaAiasuß. Hob. A. McCOHACHIC.— Dststt Csaibbax. O. B. him,. jat. 1. Bau.Ia?»«. wait. M. O liniiu C. Mieueura. o. B. Orawau. B. A. Snaa. Cum Makasbb. Hoasione.— T. Jaoßaoa, lag. MaJiAMB. MBABaBAi— H.
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    • 334 1 WOMOBg. Wmat Fi»«* Oak Tor Dim tmkn. JOHN JAMESON •">•> SONS' i DUBLIN" "OWN CASED" Very Olfl BLAfcK-BOT LE WHISKEY. r\**m umjmfcxiW with 4| or all viii.iv Hnfc. Kipnrt tattling Agvot* to J. J. 4 8 C. DAY t CO., LONDON. B<>li> rr JOHN T.ITTLB A CO., LTD. KATZ BROTHERS.
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  • 239 2 LATfcni MAKMCr *4VVI A'ttOhH M>N««r<>Bß, 3*D ifeTOBM. IM* I'iIUUUCK. «»»M«r 4* Oalw Ma 1, UM. 4, 4. m $M% «E* I^thiiA,''.'.'.'.*.'."'.*-^'..'----- J-»2. twn Fluor, Hatmnk IM. Br«w I'mtl Hun, Ooft. itll, ta. 1^::::::::::::^. UtieklM, 8i»« *»-<in gr- A w :ffisii WO Bi«% B««c« lU. U P« W» do 4*
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  • 66 2 for Ptr Mr. To-Motaow. >)«wb.c, »'uih J»», M'lm. ktta Pakat. isuUanu. laaMiwHt via ppot«,i t«, Ptiui**. 'u.oUauiUa.rt., JTi.l' Jfur i, lutaak, Jf«r»l<i. Win Coteako. 'klokAaaHTlaaorU, Hi' U.,*. CUM S aaita. H. .y IT». lalacca tia port.. SuUam, «biMa Tia ajrti, Wiini(j*ii»niiiii StTL'kUAT. Uaac ra parla, SapfJU, Mi
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  • 96 2 PaaajHsjasssi BjuwM.m. *.i iv.. t., •Uf »iUi .Uli- tin- l.'lth >,|.t4 W l-.r 81m l.riii k r.-|.li.-- 1.. Ilii' uuil whirli left Kiunu.r, .111 raasjCsnu symslULu .v«»..i ,lw laaasss km- I" *>-it >*th Amr. Mt x l> I. >.-|.t. jjn.i An,:. -'Til, MM S..|.t. Sir.l >»|.t. Mk
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  • 283 2 ABBIIAU. l'.r s. ««/.y.*,. from Klaag.— H—n K K..l.lert. A Bibby, H Bibby. Swift K ..11y. I >r Bowman, aad Or. Toa K ruiy P»r a. Krss from Madras via port* H—n J. (iibboua. UeOili. W. Wri|rVt, J F M riirkt. aad Hra. MaeFarlaae. (to mim. IV, 1t:,,,,,
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  • 19 2 KaTAM.lsm'sjo 1881. PRICE: 10 OaTKTS. i XvtmrriytvM ratm mad mdttftifim) tmlm may btfomtd en tte ftwiik ff*Q
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  • 241 2 THU RSDAY, 3rd OCTOBER, 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. CHINA'S YIELDIKO. t «»M E CLAKU THE l.tmiT /«»<<•.. W (Meier. The Chiane Legttioa at London (fates tint' lb« d-grading of the ViMtoy of 8/ .-liuiui !i*l brea derkieJ upon by Ik* C'liin^-f Government before receiving the Bnti-li ultimatum. A French oßci*l Note
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 1200 2 It appran that the IWUa Major McCallum dceirea that, in addition U> hi* .alary as Colonial Kogiaeer, he tbeJl receive a pertonal aUowaMe of hfty dollan a BMolb. The deeire ie oat rnuirkaule. Ik i« a iain that it comprrtonal roeriti Ji»f>i a remuneration ia rxotae o( that
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  • 271 2 Kdk th« Iret out of the oeiVMury twelvs time., Mr. Barkinshaw bjbj yeslerday flailed to order. Mr. Burkinahaw, however, is always iageoiou*, and he pro. oeeded to argue the matter. He was discuasiu* lbs Telejrrapli Bill and tbe point ■>s4e agaiast his was that in the Committee stage,
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  • 303 2 achoolmaatrrs of Singapore romplain- .iij if their atatewuuW are curleo!, wuli some allow of ju.tice that Mr. Kl.uui, iv liis .«|>*ity „f «t;tiui» Inspector of School* bas a»t hiauali' to prevent scholar* from earniug tli» orJi. h«ry graut bjJJ by Uovernraeut f or tha attainment of .Undard etticioucv
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  • 23 2 Th« M. M. s. s.* left Coloml., at 10 a.m. to-day, and may be ei|<ectn| here on Tuesday next at day light..
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  • 29 2 >wiao to a hall, to-morrow nigh', in thTown Hall, tbe WilUrd Opera Company will not perform, but they will appear again on Saturday night in Let Cloche, de Comeville."
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  • 25 2 Tai Selangor Government Railw.iv sdvertiMS for a clerk of works *ad draughtsman. Also the Selaagor Government advertisee f»r a saiiitary h-unl intpertor for Ulu Laogat.
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  • 19 2 At IVbanir, tbe olber day, whilst two gentlemen weredriviair aloofr a higli-rnul, their horse suddenly died from snnatroke.
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  • 31 2 8.4 b tbe in which the Cashin and S Ui families are concerned, aud which were find fur hearing thi* afternoon, were aljoiira-d t.. WedneaUy. the 9th in.t.
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  • 34 2 Tbbbk will be a special servi.v for rhildreu. in tb* Presbyterian Church, on Similar morning next, tith October, at half past 7, conducted by tbe Revd. O. M. Re tb. SI. A.
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  • 35 2 To-ihobt. tbe WilUrd O|wra Conipanr |H-.f,.rui "La Ma*cotte." Harmnton'* 'i i v* prsweat* an eatirely new prot(ramute. A public meeting will be held at tbe Miuion Church. Prinsep Stnet. at 8.15 p.m.
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  • 43 2 Mb. J. A. ul Vtc<4, tbe aunriwr to Mr. J A Kruijt a* Cnnsul-Oooeral for the N'lli.i l»n.l«. At Pen tug, arriord tUere od tbe 29th September. Mr. Kruijt kuven Penan* br mail to-day fur BAlavia, I,'U.r ti. U,.||«W|.
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  • 42 2 A public iae<ting will he be!d, to-nigbt, iv the Mimioi. I'liu.uli, Priniwp Stnwt. at Ml;,, when tie R'v.. Measr*. Colliu, I >■>!■!«. Curti*. aud other missioaaria* of the Awn. vi Presbyterian 'bur.-l. to th* SuiuieM aod Laotiani, will give a.i.l mm
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  • 49 2 Six r'nuciwu ptper* give detail, of a ■Bjssm] deaiructive Inirii. mo at tbe i !sss> \iw UUttdn in the North Pacific D. D. t>'Ke»fe, SSBJ of the wrultbk'at au.l l»-«t known trad-iii in the South S--«i. i« reporle.l lo have lost from ttS.ttiO to IMt.IMX) by tbe *toru>
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  • 147 2 Til Prr-ik Piimetr hrars that a Kvntlf ii, .hi r. >i<liuk in Kuk'l.iil. ha. •fkmwSa a cunmsion from the Gorernmeiit of Perak to slart apetroleum motor carriage service between Taiping and Ipoh. These rtrriage*. known as the Diimler. are ihose built by Metsrs. Panhard aod Levauor,
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  • 161 2 I'abtu *LiX% of the nnliUrv rim.^ mi PortUKueao India, a* ((iven by the /;...«/«.y Uiuettt, show that the r.-volt'br.iko **)t al I'aujim near Oou. tbu .hirf towo. Thu aiutiny ammj from part of a l.itul.-i, native troop*, onlered to prouvd fr.-oi thai station to Portuguese East
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  • 181 2 THE MILITARY WORK AT THE DISASTER. Sib.— lt i. samajMaa to rvad from fssw ■ssueof yesterday, tbut Mr Tun Juk Kim't;r*,titude for the workdoue ha thi-..>l<li.>> at tbe disaster on S*tur lav infill, lvi" lakes Ibe practical form of a ehn t ue for IM* 1» ia to be hoped
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 719 2 NOTICES. rTIH 10RBE0 COIIT AN V .LIMITED < X Vmwicti Unioß Kit. IHMM Atta* Awwuio ..iii|«.n7 (Kir*). Th* K| oiti-io Mo Mmmmb *>» M* Tha Oomb MariM ln«m»n<ii Oinpuny. TlaClin. M«i««l M""' Niiik-' 1 Tb* t AUmVuti l.*K«r llw Cooijwuit Tb* Kwliw lm.ut»»t« Comp«n>. limrta* Kot |»tti.iJ»fl Ol C 01"
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    • 1004 2 NOTICES. I rhe Straits Times has the largest 3irculation of any newßpaier in Ana. British India exoepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout .all the Protected States of the Maky Peninsula, in, Siam. Borneo the Netherlands Indies, the PhiUp•rines, and French Indo-Cnina. Noother Eastern newspaper has bo widespread a
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    • 731 2 LATEST AI)VBRTIBEMBNTB "haemstWs circus lOYaL IHRlfißfllE. GRAND DOUBLE COMPANY. All«ra fad* with tb* wltin* »un But m appear lo<m> hri ht <hM r TO-NIGHT! TO-NIOHT!! TO-NIOHT! TO-NIOHT Cmr fir*t Ml lad esaplet* chaaf* f Prognmm*. IS SEW AND BBIILI ANT ACTS. Rmombrr that ttw promiw fraa th* Hannaton. to
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    • 45 2 *>»««^ m-ULit. fa)«Ml Skat <sS*> Ht.i.m k. m i i tJH i mt.-.*+rrt -~*K~ m tmffpmi m—ur. ta» m* ■<■» im turn 6m The BtraitB Timai has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India executed. Do otaer Eastern newspaper has so widespread a (arcolation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 WKATHKK KKPOKT *«wi«*f JTroi.4 4 Jfn.^««t, htd Orfetor. MM »>■■ hull., Bar. I*l. U fWk. 2«'42ilCJ»(«- Taav 84.8 mi.;, 4 WM Hglb Tlmt. T*.4 77 TB.X fc* uir.oivvi«a n w. wkw.h.w.; Ji Hu.riit.iKki U T-2 Mia. do Jo ;.i<i *~i Uu. ia Ml Ui.i T.rr. r»ill,»r 71.« |c barfoUiaMk«Bi N,l.
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  • 4992 3 LE G ISLATIVE COUNCIL. „,-TOBEI. -Hl' PBltlltßT. ■»«ICEU*-« THKG.»VKIiN..a. «»Kl^ BVLI.IN HUOH MtT.IIKI.I., <„.ttrnh«in. Colonial S.vr»t*ry. 11 r n kwihwr. A«siag .*;Watm«|-oiMtal. H J \,-t,ni- iMaaml hcaamjar, I 11 ti" Uei-r.AdipyAuditor.tJeneral. 1 M.j,,!". Otttaial Kngineer. I Inure. v l r .(ioiifnil H T Joti" V«u(fh«n.c.B. n KMIJ>r Offi.-r Commanding
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  • 79 3 YESTEBDArS RESULTS. "A CLASS tnWILBA Wadded Wa« Hainme. Army 1. rJ!S^7Sr^b-i Mm. 111, Aaderami aad Rtiniiie. TO-DAY'S TIBB. n» al ■a claim anniLas Oibton c. Warldoll. n«AL DOCBLE B AXDICAr Bradde'l and BUM r. Parson* aad MaeTamrart. TO-MOBROWB TIES. inuraaMon rAta*. Ut I, Brtdrlnll aad
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  • 118 3 Lamps sometimes explode. Lamp funnels often break. Mcmts. Hooo Keat Co. ofler to prevent both tbeee accidents. Tbey sell Profeator Habhn 4 Co/s aooexpfoaive kerosine oil rectifier." That is a liquid, aad tbe theory of it is that if a very Lttlextf it be placed in tbe
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  • 207 3 KLiHn and Honham StreeU are still ke|tt closer! to all vehicular traffic, with th* consequence that Ihe public have to get out aad walk in tbe five-foot pa.nway, bang obliged to send tbeir carnages to them round the corner. kr. l>ntit i» very very boey removing tb*
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  • 349 3 I-aht night, tbe Willtnl Opera Co. were b> fo.e tbe public again at the Town Hall. and tbeir er^oWvour to plea* c met with the m riled ay|tUaae of a lai\re gathf ring. The piece eaosea waa Audraa't comic opera. U CigaW." aad in Mias Etb.
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  • 439 3 omoiAL uoaaaaruxDEm k At the Legislative Council uicetmg ve*i erday tbe following correspoudooce waa laid on the table Srtrtiarf of Stmtr Ik* fJUMai lo tht Oowraer. Uowßiau Siuk'Ei, Mtk Jnlg. IS I Sir, —With rvieruuce to your deaiMlchm No. Bit of IHtb Aiai. h Ut aud No.
    439 words
  • 81 3 1 H*rmston's Circus played as well as I ever to a crowded tent, last night. An. I plan** greeted especially the triple bar performanre, which met with aa eoeof*. Owinif to Smor Ilemandei's illaes*, the tiger event had to be substituted by) another item. To-aigbt, tbe Cireaa plays
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  • 1278 3 Tm Bit. O. M. R»it« brought bia ciiune of lectures to a cloar at the Presbyteran Church last nigbt. Tbere waa a very large attendance. Mr. Reitb. in beginning hi* lecture, aaid they knew how England, and especially London, received Charles II
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  • 50 3 H. K. Sir Charles sad Lad; MitoMl. aeiompinied by Major McCalltim and a law part/, le»v« for Malaci-a to-morrow, in- tbe 9m Belle. The Governor mar be expected back about the 14th. Major McCalian pro«e.l* to Peaang tn costall the memhsrs of Council tber» concerning th« climates.
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  • 61 3 C'OBPt OBDEBS. Sing«fore, .Ird (Hoher. IS*;, I. Orderly emeer fo« •ssaias; week. Capl. A. P. Tslhst. C O. for inning week. 8«r/rt. Brisk ■ataV 11. Parades: MoarUy 7th, J. 1.1 p.m. V ,uaddrill Tataday Bth. Mail, gaadrill. Wediwtday Mb, 9 ».m. Ditto. ffitj* 'Op-rBLO.^. Sanday l:«h 6.41> am Ilitto
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 475 3 V USSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Tor China aa I Japan. <M«/ due St I, 1 1. 1 Horaao Co. eaaaur and Calcutta, at Jyar, due «h tti-t. darkiwA Mian. Hoar;koB«. Clulydro. 4nt 7th Oct Bouetmd Co. FOX KALK; KMPLOYMENTH; TO LET; AMD PERSONALS. I*T TIME. 15 eoata a lino 2nd
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 194 3 AKKANUEMKNI'S. Tbcbsdat 3rd Octoseb. Iliis'h Water. 10.25 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra. 5 p.m. Missionary meeting. Prinsep Street Chaper. &15p.m. >prra. Town Hall. "La Maacotte" 9 p.m. Harmaton's Circnt. 9 p.m. KantAT. 4th CVtobeb. II mh Water. 10.86 a.m. 10.57 p.m. Pull Moon. 5.42 a.m. Anrtion of pawned (roods at Hong Tek
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    • 984 4 OadarUaaa-tfa* *alalte«iaa; aMwjr.-In-orwu. Jf.r«r,. H M. 8. «mi. 3.7*> t0... iW> j WMr. 13 /a... «.000 h. f. CM». f"*^ ftaft. Fro- Mmm. Wh o^* nior Nanl Olwr. BMMB— Ban. Aa ««U«. «-01. «lr. iWI t<M». :W er»«, S^pofr. UNA enri. Sft 1 U>», 74 er»w TRADING
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    • 160 4 Maaa*. Art. aMal DaU 0/ LOHDON. Reptoa Baalawara. lilengarrj Livbbpuui. St. FruM-ia. Juoai'>. Oanfa,Sept 1 Jaaon. dae Ort 5 Cvrlnp.. due del. 17; U'lyaaaa.daaOet£i; Hector, due (M 7. Glasoow Tyra, July 3 Shikliw. Orouuuii, July ti. Babby. AMaWna, Aug. 1«; Caboi»>. loUnthe, July In Bittiaia Aceaaw. Aag. *l
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  • 145 4 VBaalln' N*»- Tom. L'»rr»m. '■oa Sailiu. CumiuM» l\.».|..Ni«- A(Uia Oar. >tr. 1 \l.!.> 1 Hok 1.-..* tar. oh. KM N». !.h X Will i> tb» Wi.|. 8n1..1i. lUi Si. .1 t Snuubu ««i. -I 00i.1i.r.1 S Koug..-. -I. MM Th«« S Ivi-n --"■*■< Ni.h 3 Unkv M.iru J«p
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  • 45 4 D»T« Vmwil'* !<«•■ tl4«*Ki» Imm i Utnriiurio... Out. I term. Autoorc I'rtjr I lun Hia i.iuui bww l'li>» riorute ■ntMi Mr •i iv H-..U. Qm Or. i'urry Mm., KmUuu ii. itli i. i.-.-h,-likllMU V.,1.,.,, AJeUul* M*J«a> Kluc MakMk *jkl KUw Uuukuuii HußfkMU Ukl l»l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1129 4 NOTICES. McALISTEE Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT OF .aaa^^^afa^laaaT^aaW^aaV. watson co .^i^T^Srii v# v ORLBBRATBD B^f^^'il^^^S^ Price H P 6 UaB<J Whiskies ife/ TfeHjjP v/\s\ I)U PAI T«m» Hn«"t »m. IkMt inn- D 9 g^l .\V ri lr thai H 1 A aVaaaaV I B^l 4^9|^9a« > fl^B_Taaßßßßß^^^B*^Bßß^Ba'
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    • 983 4 BlilPriNQ. |jH>a PBNANQ ANO OAIHcTTA. Mmh Apraw Co 1 eteamar CjrjfJf H/JVK itPt^B.Upi J. O. Olifowt, Wit „n*. laft Ho«icko»« nithiWh 8»h».. aad line hen' cm t'.*. 4th vt., «n root- for Ik* ibnr* pon«. For fr»iiri.< or nwipi *|'I>ly to 3/10 X* UKIRB MOSEH, A«wU. NIX (CHINA STB AM
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    • 181 4 NOTIOBB. lm Jet lieriiri FBBSH HUIPMKMTBUF Til FOLLOWING: AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. WOOD Co.'B i i WELL-KNOWN COW BRAND. Prie. rent, par 1 a ta US, i j lauhtkalian fodder. Oato »7.00 per kaff. < Kat tlf*< p Bran «3.i", w Oat-a Straw KI UU per kalr. 'I SPECIALLY SKLOTED lAIB i
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    • 672 4 imu or ran PILSENER BEER. "CROWN" BRAND. ii Q 1 PILSENER m BEER J BrwrAQ Id bVmdm I V« Oarma»y. W FBEB« »MirHß>TTa, OW AB BBCKLLKaTt 4DALITT, NATB ABBITBD O» TBIa WBLLiiowa Bkabd. wbicb: m airaciALLT itin D roB (.oaacarTiOß ia Tbofical CLIHATIa. ■ihl-waTata KIOULD, BEROMANN A CO a. 'k
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    • 53 4 WOTICBS. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral HAS NO BQUAL roa n bawd o» Golds. Ooughe, lfttiM«Mtxa, «n« (jQajaj. THROA.T, It win r»»»?. aoo«b» the ay llw HkMO tn»Mr. u> «hJTt«»)rm.«f BW a —Mr. Itwre la ac etaer maet( aa Aytfi Chertthrift flft C«mWlw«. ajate»,Br.*jr.A»af««»..ta«BJaa~ X WHOLIWILE A BBTAIL AOBMf BIMOAPOBE DIdPBMSART, 1.ti...
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