The Straits Times, 27 September 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1895. NO. 18,788.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 909 1 mKAMSHIP OOMPANIBSw AND OBRMTAL STEAM l>^ Vavioatioii compart Orrtca— Cotrrer Quay. Wa***** n d*Bowm— New Harlawc. iV ,^,l riMim-H »UI leave Sia.klwtr ua ot tLlll tk. eadetmealMWe* 4ew ,•> """ir %t»ite rblb& ».s laW wMar«lll-*a«ltha-a.arlUU. j "Si*- it tm uo-p-r-i ri Z« wiU te ~7, be admitted after tb* good*
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    • 460 1 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OOBPORATIOH. PALD-DP CAPITAL... $10.0uyi0l> BBBBRTE FUND I SfiOO,"*) KESBRVE LIABILITT OF 1 tin PROPRIETORS J 10 1 00 (on. i or DiaaoToao— J. KRtMKR. tai.-Caaiaaaß. Bob. A. McCONACHIE Oanrrr UaAtaaAii. v. B. BAaeeo. Ju 1 Beu-Unve. •.■.Out. m. O aaanat. C. «KIUUH, Ik.VWII.L. B. A. Braaa.
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    • 897 1 [.nci a BTI Honoit. wtM aU.I, riru, im vm. JOSEPH GILLOm PENS Of Hlahe.t OuaUty, and, Bavin* Oreateat Durabiltt j. ar* T h-ic.for. CHEAPEST, .a. 4. V H A f 3 -O. JAB. AITKEN A CO., FA LKIBK. Urn n.iu ExrnaaalT roa Exmbtatioß. To to bad of all Deaten. WhotoMua
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  • 308 2 I*ATIHT MAKKItf QUOTATION* «IMArOBS, «TB IVMM, UK PRODUUK. UmiUm »7». 3* Cmbo Mo. 1. a MLW. 4a an IMH» Own IWi. Mltf: 4* 1X7%. ami Ml. POMiflom,. Mt. 00-wXB. 4U». do a* iTj3iif Z to Mi mEZT. do mirt||- J »M> 4o »i IT:: 4w. Htliklii. Ites. Olotm, AbMm
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  • 64 2 Fvr rwr nr. lo-Houow. lM»r liapwf. MrilM.r, P. llm.du, fcaJy jriteX.ll. (\kutU»upoH>, Nmi, LMi »u» |wrt», 'aiy^.,, Kluc S |«rt., ««wk«. Ifanmk. «<ua*«rwU. If wtok 4 Miwlmt, H«ly t<»IH1 KmuaaUe «i> |»>rt- ( T. tun »i» port". S—m, Huckok, H«r<Mr, TuiIIiiT. H«— r»»« »i» |wrt<, 0> Carfmlur, Bnanbir*
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  • 102 2 raosj Kuaors:—Bjtfc* PAD 111. „.i ilue on MoinUv with ■laUi Iv Urn «tk real Sin- l,ruiir» raplkM to tbe mail which left Sin*»|»r« ..n tin- 7tli Auf. F*i« China By tli.- »1.c./. .<• due on Tumta)-. Aug. l:l h M. M. H*t. Mil Auk. -I"' P "*>*»
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  • 159 2 aBBIVAU. Psr t. O. O.'f Jacob from Heurabaya Mr. Smitt. Pur PtHtsw <• from Caleatta.—Mr. Kirk. (TO iBBIVK. Per Bmltarmt, from Londoa. Aug. Mr*. Uodgw. Mi** Rodger, Mr. d Mrs. Walkias. Mr. H. O. Stow, Mr. H. U. Coawsy, Mr and Mr.. Curt!*. Mr. aid Mrs. ColUas. Mr.
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  • 22 2 BwTiMiiww i isn. PBICB: 10 CBKTB. OltPsVPnßwtOK Ttmtt wivMR flflVwVfWlliy TnUkM stwy UJmmi m tte /wnrtVpey.] FRIDAT. Win SEPT.. 1896.
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  • 143 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. BRITAIN IH THE FAR EAST oruno> or twb tikb» I«neW. tftk SepUmbtr. Tke nates it pnblisLing a tar c* of articles, dwelling Witk esipkatis ui,on the wholly Bkangei situation in tit' Fir Bast since tke Ckinsv-Japan. war < lusei. The Timrt sole* tke drulin? of Hntish ioflueace io
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 318 2 Tiu. envronehiny inriueoce of (.'ontiiiebtal Powers in llic Far Kast prompU the most careful consideration of ■sasurti l.y which tbe vast trade of Britniu witk the extreme Orient can best lie proleuted and promoted. Tub Tim**, rcco^uUiuy the altered cowl i tion of nfair*. unpkaeian ike
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  • 16 2 A mativb syndicate has beea formed to cjn v on direct trad* between Burma and Japan.
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  • 18 2 It in rt-porteJ that an Inapetlor for tke Veterinary l> j«rtn»ut will ariive shortly at Penang Iroiu ludia.
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  • 16 2 Habmstoii's Circus with new features, new artistes, aud new jungle celebrities," will open ou JlmiiU; ne(t.
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  • 17 2 Thb iruun (b«n|>inD<bi|> «ill b* U)«d vii Moniliv ctfuiui;, wlitrn AiUklw UMeli K W UnwlJvll. ibe boldar.
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  • 21 2 A Kp«m*h gunboat, the U*n»r<tt Atata. ariived keri>, to-daf. from Ulatgow via Penaug. SLc i* ou l» r wav to Manila.
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  • 19 2 Thk mnokiug couctrt at tbe Maaonic Club pruuiiset to be a gnial sw«ess 10-iaorrow uight. Ticket* have told rapidly.
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  • 25 2 To-mobkow afwrnuou. there »il Le a cricket sjatch bt tweeu tbe 8. C. C. 2nd XI aud tbe Uoaing Club. Play cow■scutes at i o'clock.
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  • 22 2 Ma. VVii-miitoN, tin. vi iu.i.k. at the police court, teateueni a Chiuani^u to oue ■uatb's rifoiou* iuipruoamaul for >Lmmg a frog alive.
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  • 21 2 Tmb cricket natch, b. C o lU otteera of Ike garrieoa. vouiuteuie* this evtaiav at iW, play being ntuaed 10-uioiiow afteruoun
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  • 31 2 IHk homeward f- A O. v A'*Wir« left UuugkouK at 1 i 1 vi. yesterday, and uuy h« expected to arrive at Biagapore at about uuuu ou Tuesday, lue Ist proiiiuo.
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  • 39 2 A voBBMruNUBMT write* At yetter. d*>'t polite court, touusel asked why the couit wi<» laUi iv sitting. With muck uaivetc. tbe clerk of theuoart replied, Sir, there are ftve clocks iv twMt <'ourts, aud they all kar|> diflvreLt tiuet."
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  • 39 2 Till lucky diaw.r of the tint |>ri«e m tb* Calcutta Turf Club Sw.ui. oa ,h.- Si. I«W»r U a Mr. Bruslauur i f mv Huiuluv l)illi»nl-iu»ting hrui i.l Juhu UuUr .V t_'u. lie uetu-l Ks. iW.OOO
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  • 37 2 Tn other day m Indw. two candidates for mwtiea to a ward in ap ep-*e«»* r y Mm^etpnjMy nneiqil n*^ vote*, and fliTsmmial errsetsd the on*' retmk to ke dttormiatd by tbe «*tinK of Ims."
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  • 29 2 IxissaiJlkat latterly tkere h.t teen toUleeses4Jooof»mbii*»e«i*ciailytbe»b smmal game, ia BangAoe. wkich buted to tbe District Magistral* himself kating conduct** the leteei raid on aganv Ming dew.
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  • 39 2 Keaoens to tke lontrary Messrs. B*l*y H*rgreaves Co's workmen were not on strike to-day. A native eontrnctor deiiw work for tkem dieappetred yesterday with a cheque given Mm, and kis men are 1-ek-ing for him.
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  • 42 2 To-day's weather Icfegiam notes that the ceetie o( a typhoon has passed a little to tbe 8. of Swarow. Strong M. W. winds. perkapsa gale, miy blow in Hongkong to-nignt, anlei* tke eswue fills op before jieackina; tbat port.
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  • 40 2 Tm ttrak QovtrtmtHt Q—«* «>V*? that Mr. F. A. Swsitsubam, c.«. 0, Unlish Rwideat. kas barn granted three month, vacation lea.c. to be followed by til montks' leave on half salary, with effect from the iUlh September.
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  • 49 2 Tke eermtaiy ef the Pennng Band Oommito* oanswrvedly oonlradiet stbe assertion ofa Penaegnseseapir that tke Re.idnt OewneiUor had applied for tke free sertites of the band for a Fane* Drees Ball. Mr. Trotter applied for tie band in usual conrse, and on the newel term*.
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  • 55 2 Tn "Singapore and Strait. Rough Diary for l&W" m now bwuml by tbe Singapore and Strait* Printing Office. The |«g*t containing information are well brought ap to ike latest dale* and there are some minor impionmeart; bat. substantially, tbe diary iesned in quite th* earn* form that has proved
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  • 64 2 TotTcas kas been applied by tke Chinese ofaciat* to extract confesswns from tke Vegetarians charged witk Ike Kurheng mamarrss. A correspondent nl the Caiita M«U defends tke practice on tke ground that tke matter cannot be fairly considered from a Western standpoint only. Ckieese prisoners eiuect torture,
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  • 84 2 Tna I'imimt/ Oesstl* gives currency to a rumour that the omve of sheriff is to ke done away with, or rather that tb? deputy registrar it to combine the duties of sheriff with those of deputy registrar That journal objects to any change and ia of opinion that the
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  • 89 2 THE PAHAG FL AG. When tke Sultan of Jobore arrived at Katla Panang. the other day. he found tbe Blilish lag tying and. later, he jestingly asked tke ieJlan of Pakaag if it ■■MM I to Britain. Tbe tritk is that tbe only specimen of the Pahaag flag possessed
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  • 94 2 la the Central Provinree of India, tbe j»il authnriti** bave discovered ia tbe aloe nbre iaduttry a pro6tehle subetitute for ttoße-breakiag; the aloe nbre industry prouiuei to hevouM in tun- more remunerative than it is now. The work is irksoiur. and intensely dialiked by tbe priaoaei*. Moreover, a
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  • 90 2 It has remsiaed for an ouUide sympathiser witk tbe game of golf in &B«afore to offer for competition among »"e member, a priie that eclipaee in n.i/,lty naytkiaic that has yet been played for. Tnis anonymous gentleman i- sending skortly froui Macassar a real live unbrokeu hone
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  • 101 2 1'« Boawill has just suferrd a serious l"ts under very uafortaaate ciicumtUmv*. Tee'erday sfternoon. af'er making a profeesioaal call, h- sent bis borne and trap home. la going through the entraace Rate tke borse in some way crotled it* legs and fell, upatttiag tke vehicle at the
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  • 106 2 A U(.».l Association, ttykx] tbe Secular Funeral S«»ice Association, has awn sUrted in Colombo. tb» object of which is to gcu funeral service, without fea or reward, to those who mar bappoo to be Agnostics or Frwthiokers. or to those who do nut baloag to auy Christian
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  • 151 2 A Otuu trade journal ullt us how ob aecouot of ita vrry fins tenure aud beautiful graia. dog-tkin has been us>d fora long Uum iv tbe maßufacture of gloves, and for this purpose -U the present time it is perhaps the most favoured of all leathers in
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  • 92 2 To-DAT'i Wkgraa jMßoueM thtt Li)ra Daar«TM will k»f th* FaOyri* ln Awricu nfcul w( mr, .nd prrjmnd t» afwa Ml lfc« ttfiUr,. Th. oewi w gMtif/iag. »4<J mil ««KK>ihe tk riffled farliH* batk aidM the nca i* w I rcqawti/ iatwfertd nitk b 7 tb« tbrong of tlfSOMra, that
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  • 111 2 In fatnr* on rtll vessels (not only oa ■tail vessel* a* formerly), ktters fur tbe Straits Settlement* may be posted on board oa the high anu with the tttmpt of the vessel* nMionalilT or mty be posted on board when tbe vessel is in any port, provided
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  • 131 2 Thike is a stury told at tbe Singapore QolfClnbof a remarkable drive accomplished, tbe oth> r evening, by a wort h y Government offcial. who has recentW W-i.iU'- a votary of the game. He addre«g»'l tbe bell at tbe fourth teeing grouii I, aol with mighty strength
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  • 161 2 A new terror kas been added to tincvrlist art by the perverse ingenuitr of a French peif rmer. who ha* aoopted a crab. like mode of protfressioa calculated to ran the risk of accident to a maximum, md diminish til chance of escape for ordinary wayfarers. M. Pierre
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  • 168 2 LAST NIGHT'S PAPE R CHASE. Some twenty-five rider*, including foui Udiee, assembled at the Tanglm cruw roads at 5.10 last evening, to take |>art in what proved to be one of tbe mott enj.ivable obases yet held in Singapore. Mr Uolley bud tke paper and tbe crowd quickiy followed kirn
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  • 205 2 Tnk 1h.1,.,h ,imU Earirm ■amwan mjt -The discovery of uiica in i> liW» to iutroduce iuU> that couotrv another new induntrv We are informed t lj i lU quality of the miueral mined, up M preseut, ia x hi I, and there h-i-oih l> resaon why
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  • 212 2 At LorJ Weul.H'k'* term of I" not eipire uulil January neit, tbr bobm Uotrrninriit. aays tbe Timet M*. Iwn ■iuguUrlt prompt iv ;i|>|~>ni T i"- tuu<e**or. 'I'll.- choice of Sir Arlh'i' H*v.'lo.k for a post which ban D»t Bwßrf to \m>u bllml by
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  • 77 2 cobps wsukKs Sim/Uf**; *>«* »•/'<' v I. Ordariyume.rfor.ii.'.uiug-w*** <-'*'" K. Duuiuau. Orderly N.CO. fur tuiuiufc- r| MuwUt. U. Paradx*- Mund*y iftith t*BS- ktl BM «'l"" lllr W*du*»l.y 2nd Oet .-.I:.'ill Thurnday 3rd Oat, 510 t> i" > s IfuuUnll i Friday nh Oct. 5I" l>"'-. B gouUrill bunday
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 780 2 NUTICBB. mHI BOBMKO COMPART, LIMTTJtD rK Btoaatri tif* Atraraaet. N..i-ich Ualoß Fir* Iniuraaot w**Me. AtUt A*»i'r»nce Corofjasy (Pir*>. Ta* K-iuttii'i" l.ii amnmnm Society TbsOoms M»rin*lii*uraiic*C<.rD|«oy. Ths Chin* Mmlo.l St.«in Ifcsmntml Compaay. Tbs To»t.«liw« La«*» oswmm». Tb* Mxitiia* laiuianc* Coni|>nn.< l.uutted For particular* o* th< OmwsawS th* full advertiaeiMßt of MB
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    • 690 2 NOTICEB. Li 'he Straits Times baa the largest irculation ol any new6)>aier 3 a Asia, British India ezoepteu. t circulates in Singapore and t 'enang, throughool all the >roteded States of the Malay ro Peninstila, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- lines, and French Indo-Ghina. So other Eastern
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    • 307 2 ATKBT A UVISKTI&B.Ji.JiCT IO !l7 ANTr;b7-A^BTfim7-**a««d VMoris. la 4 rV m r ood ord.r. I g/10 Apply to M. T. e/s «r*w» Tim: IIHITISH INDIA BTKAM O [S «AViaAIIOHC«MPA»T, a LIMITBD OK PKNANO. RAHdOON. CAI>'TJTTi. d Ih*Compsay'*Bt*amsTPSiirriCOrA%9M Ps| m*. Captain Oavin. will ks snsiitkil for Baj le above port* oa
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    • 53 2 RaßMauaw-BocSTßtu— On tas *Mk September, at M. Aadrsw'a Cathedral, by tb* Yea. Arehdsaeoa Peraam, Dahisl Kabm■■it, of Manila, sub of Damiil £u>an«. Llojd'a gurvsyer, of that eily, to Hilbn. xliiest daughter of Euwaau BocsTßaa, juuior. of Londus. sad graaddaughler of ta* late Bowanu BovstnaD, of Siagapera. Pom tiKNKKAL SHIPPING NKWS
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 70 2 WEATHER REPORT s**nrf*in aTfwtw* *b*s*stl a njf k e*si«MS*r, UN''M tauin. Bar. ml. U F*k. MMtM.imS*/* W*t Hull. TUr T7J ll* J».« Zt Oir. aiWiad W. W. W. lie SlM.Tuup.ia*** M.I t^t Mia. *> 4* 77..'. SfX MSS.IBBW* I*J.« E I Tsrv. »*TWr. 74.x ■aiafalliaMkon S.I. WBATHMR TELEGRAM l«.
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  • 269 3 When we went to press, yra'erday, we r .,..r.1e<l the evidence in the Cashio-Seth wh eh Mi*. E L. Seth i« secus.-d ,i ...I -ing b. r brother, Mr. A. W. Cashin. „r»in jewellery, up to the .mil ol a m ihd a. let lieiug <>| eiiL-d
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  • 129 3 io lUX I.DI IX.X or THf STKAITS TIM»» Sm I understand I bat in our midst th ie i» a humane society for the prevonlinn of cruelty to anima'K, but it docs not a;i ear to give ibe public unicli practical li'leiue Mat it n-ally rxisU.
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  • 194 3 1., lIIK EI.ITOK W THK "MMMBI TIMtJ. Sik, < ineof theeailiest leßtons tbat Urn |.i. sent Governor-elect it Madnv, Sir Arthur llavt'loi-k, sought U teach the !.< mi; '.'l louesu mind was tbe obaernuee of throe p'« promptitude, perseverance, punctuality. He offered himself as |.m.i example, when
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  • 283 3 Mr Susi.r.Y is at present al. Kuala kaiii'sur .iihl has given several exhibitions ..I his skill there. Tbe Sullau bas engiged linn lor it mouth for instruction. Il is said that when tbe British Itesidcut m in KngUud be will negotiate with the Poatal autlioiities witb a view
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  • 347 3 TH E MINERAL WEALTH OF UPPER BURMA. I in. unueral wealth of l'p|>er Itiirnm is "ii"*n to Ik- very gieat, but more ditinito xavwitdejl couct ruing it ha* si ill t.> be Wtheml. Much, however, has b»M 4oM 11 I lus direction. Tbe auibei' iniu. s •I the liukoug Valley,
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  • 1648 3 Th« peculiarity o f n r Hamiltou AM>t Muabeth Pnuiidm O oe Vol. Chap. man and H.ll), coosidend merely as a question, of construction. i« the war in which it alternates between the form of w..tio K ordinarily adopted io novel* and that which i« iwed for
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  • 560 3 YESTB RDAT'SRESULTC. CHAMriON*Hir Aiuslle heat Gibson. "B CLASH SINULEH Toppin beat Morrison. DOUBLE HAXDICAr Braddell and Elliot beat Btinnia and Maxwell. raonwioß paiih Pearc* and F. D. MaeTaggart beat Waddell aad J. O. MaeTaggart. Parson* and Toppin t. Anderson aad l.siunie. unßnubad. MONDAY'S TIES. FINAL
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  • 175 3 Kmutt. *J7th SkKiKMiiKit. High Water. 4.10p.w. 8. C. C. Cricktt. Aueti>uof ilorx-s^l liliuborl's Stable*. MaeAlister Co. X.U p vi. R. A. g>iiilrille. Boutiead lustitul- 7 30 p.m. of S.-»g. M.tUodist JM p.m. Svll-Klnl, MM SkPTHMBKH. Iligb Water, ti M am. ftjM pi" Kit got' I*, riuual'. Birthday.
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  • 123 3 Tan own who has much use (or a lead pencil is the sort pitiable of mortal*. Pencil ciees witb their patent sliding srrangrmenU are constantly getting out of order, aad to hourly sharp n an ordiuarr pencil is to rain one's temper and oar's wristband*. To the taß
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  • 1194 3 Curiom snbjerta ar* diaeussed in |,ri»t from time to time, especially during A ugnt and September. A eorreepoadenc* his been puhli.heJ in tbe Author on the qa.stion of untne fetkw. v nan of the r.iulribulors lorns it. It all kefta with a rernarc made by a writer in
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  • 128 3 Paasan tnPnuf will be provided hv the B 1.8. N. Paraea leaving oa the 28th iti.t for th* »na*r»Batl*Bßi) OOeer* proeeediag aa "lfsjor 6*mrai H T. Joßss-Vaasrhaa. C B. Coauasadrat Trsaati S. 8. aad 1 native «ervast. Lieut. B.H. bac'-e. liarriaon Adjalant and 1 native servsat. Th* detail
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  • 1270 3 Pn.fessor Hsrkomer ha* been commissioned to paint a portrait of the Hi.bop of Lnaden. to whom H it to be presented hy the clergy and laity of hi* diocese a* a tribute to hi* edtninistrativf etpscity. The portrait is to cost £750: sad this amount is to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 425 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. The BritLh BteMner "HKNCJ SENG TV&" 7H tons. li. R and 48 lens. If. B. built of wood ia Svasmme ia tM, Length K< f t Breadth 13 ft .bepth 7 ft. Carrie, al mt 50 ton*. D W. and 42 Deck Psaeana.n. Ha* oae huge Brat
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    • 957 3 FOR SAL*; fcMn/>YMBNTB; TO LET; AND PEIWONAW. [Ist tins. 15 oents lie*; tea tad to* time*. 10 eeate a line «th to «th tiaea. e*a*a. -MM 7th to IBth time*, 3 rent, a line. aftorwanl., 2 rnitu lit* but ao charge >m» than oae dollar. Thas, a three Mn* aalvartia*
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    • 1205 4 XtV W^aCTCar WW ;J^ mat Sto i Rda.— bowl*. Whara ao Msa-or-wAa Mttnr,. H M era:. B.7*»<««'. Raaax Friai Johara, mh Sapt S n«r N.».l OnW- Nation Bda. JMtrraW. H. M 8. *tb. 81* l««« W l.»«h.p. Capt. Bto-ari. 2Mb »or Baackonjr. 17th Sapt. f aa or
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    • 161 4 Namu. Piwt. ami DcU, >(.*■•'.. LOHDOH. BeuUwerI I.IVLBI'.MH. St. Fr n.i«, Juua i.. I .Im.hi. iluc Ovi. 1 1 Cyclopo. ilmk 'ft 17 Uij««. Ort. l^woi, *<>* 2* H«-U>r. dw Ml| Ulakuow. Tyr», J»ljr:t, Laura. Brpt 11 Shiklim. Orom»~., July ii. Babbv. AllloUrM. Ali(C 18: Caboi r.
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  • 33 4 5*' Ski lo« 04rT»iH. Ki...« <aii.»ii Kl'. IT f;r- MrU iSi Itk. Bob. st s ri^iTr- 1 ■X li.ri.~l Al... «1« tr. MM itaAviU. ivITT July i -3., h C.n. ul
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  • 92 4 IUTI Vhui'i S»n« *Riu 1 4 1T»IK l'«.l W Kuui V.n( 1 w!.".li- Hr.n. I. lUn Sw>« 1n... 1 1 ;1 ■v.i.. Tur -.7 II«W» 17 I. 17 SWU lUt-w.l i 7 M.nh. 17 ak*i.*k»> ■.•7 «ri B»u.lj«i j T 1u11..,,.. Brit, atr air. Mr. Mr. MT. Mr. MT.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 655 4 NOTIOEB. McALISTER Co., i HAVE JUST KBCKIVKD A FKESH SHIPMENT OF .an^^uUß>oTnfs^nV WATBONftCo ii V V# CBLBBRATBI) F^ffr'^ X^^^V-SV Hrlce M1 CaM McALISTKK ki 0. ■-■■aa x i MATURED IN l^nmmmmfiy*mmWmr amr ß nP**,fy a jnf| SHF U R V CASKS Sweet Scents from powers, -i j YV 1 RIGAUD'S
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    • 941 4 KUTICM. PARAKANBALAK ir tha markM. Farakaa Salak tea, gat alwaje U» Irigbaat aw.rd. la tk laadtog nhibitiofw. So>diahos« ia faaey dwiritaa ttoa. aaw in uaekagaa of aararal eiaaa. WMeeale agaaW far tha StraMa MAX STERN CO. To ha had retail from THB PRINCIPAL PROVISION DBA LESS. a. r. MAISON t
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    • 773 4 «otlUfc». J. MOTION A 00. WiTCHMAKIII, JIW^LLIBS, ornciAin. BBf AIM FBOairTnVT BIBOttBB. C. KUUJOL. MABUFAOTCBSBaf Sargtoal laatrameai*. fcimaßWaa. TafiaarU. Ftoa eat ahaat I. die- AnMWr. awtal ami aaßamai Mod*: ahm all kiada of jiliajji Mandß* Bolborß Viadact LaaaWaVoT AH araara rarrtrrd oojr tkrongh L J CttaTBBAC*. Stogaaoaa. AgeaU far tha
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    • 43 4 Noriega LABUAH^BOHITKO CoMatißMOir Ao-wor n. Miaaralr Oaaaaaay t*adtaA Ujjaa aad Lahaaa. an *r*parad to raamar aywai frrWHtn. to ■aa»faoii7er. aaa athrradmnraaa houbmSepbw BASAAB AD WASHHrar 8008. I (4V*aa.Ba-Maa) i TJ U£. ano af .\-ZbU. "Vmmt mmmmmamnl wßmSammanl IaWV wanafMrnaJ mV mmVßimm* fc»j l^aaaargeal^
      43 words
    • 106 4 'dWVeBaWmmHDI ART PIOT96BIPHIF BTUBl'ft ROBERT LEMZ ft CO. Combs or BTABiruBD Boa* A Hiu. aVtmtn. YEAR- 1 of npartoaea ia arrera! af tk. rkWf pkotoarapMe atmttmWato tba USJITBb TlliODOaf. the OOSTIMENT, AMERICA, ra-l tha EAST onaM. gwa*aßta»B*oaßgrnv l maltlm Very beat inalHy.wb.tber to- ih,*. who dee-re to giro aidWoaal
      106 words