The Straits Times, 25 July 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1895. NO. 18,680.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1028 1 AMSHiP 00MPAN1BS. IJKNINoULAB AND ORIENTAL BTBAM NAVIGATION COMPART. Orrics— Collysr y nay. Wbabtbs sad Uodowms— N*w Harbuuc. mail staaaMn will leave bin.atK,.. Ob or aSSBB BBS BB»MB1*BBJ8B»B das* r— USTwaaes H0. I »V IW. Knkill. July BJ Kl.. .l"l> k., aim. s i Bmrii. a... 7 is hi,-.m.u, .i a,,
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    • 881 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ¥\K Kt>MNKLUKK PAKETVAART MAATbCHAI'PU. Under contract with th* Netherlands ladU (iov.rnment. Agent* at Singapore, BniT AOENCT. LATE J. PAEBDEM t «!0.. 2-X fioIATEB tjPAT. Sl.aine. lr < On WUI he' Despatched to On N/..-W iwt.v a. '.'Mil. Hatavia,Cherl>oi,, Samar.nif.aiid.-oiirahoa JKHhJilr. gtaft. 8.-I'Kkalii-. mk B»i REBlis, Siak. Pa. ls
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    • 884 1 NOTICE. FKENCH^BAKERY BBEADIIBLIvrBKO UP TOTHB-VrH MILE. Alwsys in Sto,-k a beat and i omp'etr aesort-nu-nt of PROVISIONS. WINEB ANIJ CLAUET. By laat arrivrd BBIE-PoBT till Bai ut abi. MONT DOKE CBEBBBB. F AIM I.S3ONH DB LVON. FKESH PLUMS. Juat takes from tn* tree. The Kkknch BakIBT. wi'l from nuw,
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    • 534 1 INSDRANCEB. 3 ißbßtbaii* Fibb Ibiitbabob Co.. Lf u. IB LWOIUATIOB. ■srgsdhi THE COMMERCIAL UNION ASbU KANCE CO., LID. fir* riato imilila. sawaa. bbbb. rußurl Capital Fully BabseHbssV eTt.MM>.OOO CaStal Paid-up A.So'ooO Hi".ViriJ^ «.:ttS:BSS r;tm- MM Mt |ii nullliili eat b*M at la* Bus ill*Blasspllls LocaL Boabp. I AW. Rtitbh.
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    • 551 1 BANK 8. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OOKFUBATIOH. PAID-DP CAPITAL SIO.UU>. I"*>1 "*> RWIRVE FOND I 5,000,000 Coi'i. r or DißßcToa*:— 1. KKaMES. Kaq.-CBAiBBUi.. Hon. A. McCOHACBIE.— Dwrvrt Cbaibbab. it Jaa.*B»t.l.vl»e. aTtBtSl!-. Jf-J*- *——<- Caiar Mabasbb. Bowobob*.— T. iAOßaoa. aaq. Mabaobb. «ha»u»ai— 11. M. BEVIS, K*q. Lobdob Babbsb*— Lowdob abdCoitbtt Ba>b•bs
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    • 572 1 JOYCES' CARTRIDGES. PERCUSSION CAPS, OUN-WADB, ABM AMMUNITION of all dwrrrptkn* SHOT at loweet Market Prisss of ill gunmskers asd dealers sad whslsaslsof F.JOYCBACX).. LTD. LONDON. B. C. h.iW/8 NOTIOBB. LIMITED. WINE AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Are alwava reviving fraah auppiie* nf lißß'd fRO VISIONS Iron the BEST BvaLlgH. FRENCH, OBBMAN. AND
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  • 272 2 latest Market quotation Si«Oiro»«, 25tm Jclt, IUK PRODUCE. Oaabiar. lt J» a w yy 4> Oub. No. 1, urn%. do do Ko.i 0oj» BJi ».Bi. do FaUwk, 5.«5. Pvppor Block, 10tt% Bnaol i 4». P~l 8f«». 3.70. Oo«»*U, J 4U09. GoSm Libm., W.ou T-toaToiSirktoL S^ <• jj*?3«t -wi do
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  • 39 2 IV rfr. 10-MOBBOW. l'<tu P>li>l, At*m A,u. a k. rakaagmp,,,!,, >•«„(«. w~».k, WM ik. Mm, i 2; ["•M.miwto, c»jy«, iti Auojn. port*, H..,,aTL«,, ST ««f»ii, in.,, ,f lv „»,,,r t. 8855,, j'jj--BATOUMT. Djaiuhlr. rin. J. i.
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  • 47 2 .lun»«tl, MM. Jul/«U, jJJ Sfc July 2ni| on Aw l.t July 10th p. v. 2» tS JuIVIBU. MM Am lltfc July aiLp t ,i. a£' aSTi 4m>.l JueWtk July l.t July 10th JulY 15th J«lyM*l Tins T»m.« or n AIL 4 xo t0,,,,,,,.
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  • 9 2 MMOMMi —toM«Ure» -Dr. F«,r. (TO AEMITI j
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  • 23 2 i&sr&rxtg* iumYK!*"' oall7t '•>»»/■ w. 4 »«l-.'fc»."i. A» WlliJ^. 8*.M.,.r ■i^TelT* J l Ul au# ■•jaßM* dw Ixth August. Boraso
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  • 156 2 THE STRAITS tIMES. THURSDAY. 25rh JULY. 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Establish «d 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. \Subrriftion nUm and achmHitimg rales w»y If foimd on Uu fourik pays.] THE OENERAL ELECTIONS CONTINUED UNIONIST GAINS. "M W HAKKOI'BT BLaCTBD London, 2.5/', July. The members elected so far are:— UaieaisU 394 1 Liberal.
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 1014 2 Lmd Km.x's despatch decide* that tbe Military contribution to be levied »<• tbe Btrait* S. ttlement. (ball be 174 par cent of tbe revenue without reckoning in that revenue, tbe proceed* of land falea. The estimated revenue for the present year is $.1,955,0(M) which the late Secretary
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  • 826 2 Th k Libtrml Party, io t he latter co.I of tl c ebetioaw, iada itarff atom imphatieelly raawdiatrd thaa in the early portiou of thi. A/Mrrr elector.! iMttle. The f'untrv absolutely goes back apoa it. Defe.t pumiM the Horn* Ruler* with fatal »nd dogged preciiiua a
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  • 40 2 In dweusaing tbe Aleiandna water. works tbe Bombay U.Kit, says that ia 1879 tbe high oaViale paid nothing for water-supply and tbe Government Offices were supplied grati*." Alexandria in 187* seems to bave been much aa Singapore ia in 1895.
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  • 11 2 Maaena. L J. Chatib A Co. advertise a disiafertaat called Aati-Aatbrai.
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  • 16 2 T»B general u>eetm K of the 8. V. A. will take place on vVedreed«y tbe 31st.
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  • 11 2 LonD Kirn. mm dea|atcb might be beaded a testias.Mial to Huttonbicit."
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  • 18 2 T«« Oerman mail ilnaer Fnuu,, paased Malacca at 8.15 tbie mjcaing. and is due here at 5 p.m.
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  • 15 2 T«BBB is to be an B.V.A. rifleahootiog -.-.petition at Bal»tier Bond Baage. .hi Sunday afternoon
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  • 18 2 Tm B Britiab stenaer CtMUmntrf ,««eU '(•rough lbs port from west to easlaT 6 o clock last evening.
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  • 17 2 I« Prrak. last year, tbe revenue increased Io »8.54i114, but the eipenditure elteeJed it by over »4&.10».
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  • 18 2 Tm M. M. as. UfAug Wft Colombo ,t lOa^m. UMUy.ndmay Ik eipevted h-ie on Tbeeday in tbe forenoon.
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  • 22 2 Tm neit Pjp-r Cbase meet will be held on WeaVedav tbe 31st iast. pbuea of meet and finish will be announced later
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  • 22 2 Ab aaaociatioa football match is srranged to be pbyed oa tbe Eeplanade thw uteraoua. between tbe 8. C. C and R A
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  • 20 2 An all-Ja» cricket matcb is bring plated on tbe Esplanade tonUy. belw*! teauw n-presealing tbe B. K. and Fort Canning.
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  • 26 2 T" k aaaual general meeting of tbe B>ngapoiv Cricket Club will br held in tbe Tanglm Club on Friday the 2nd of August at 9 p.BL
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  • 28 2 At tbe date of but advitee froa Taipiog. dated l!Hh m.laot. H were eipected t<- "Be. t tbe eiporte of tin from there for the neit few daya.
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  • 24 2 Ta« Keekleai of Vmk. in bia «i«.rt for 1H94, declares that tbe Government caanot pursue a wiser course than the eocouragessent of tbe planter.
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  • 29 2 Maaana. Ka an. Dun lop. and Brandt •ere to^ay fined 125 each for not answer. lag to their names or making valid enuse waeu called on tbe special jury.
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  • 30 2 To-aoßsow. at 2.80 pat. Messrs. Me Abater A Co.. will bold, at 17 Baticrv ■and. an auction sale of tbe steamer Maiaf P wnu and of aalvace frum that veesel.
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  • 34 2 Taa cricket match arrangwl for this week on the Esplanade is Over 26 and under years of age. Play commen.we on rnday at 4 p.m and will be contiuueJ ou Saturday at 2 p.m.
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  • 35 2 U tbe AseiM case ia which a Ch.uamaa waa charged with attempting to aell ninc-t.-vu falae Dutch dolkrs to a trader ia Arab Street, be waa found not gufltv b» tbe jury, and was discharged.
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  • 62 2 Last rear tbe production of the imuc. in rVrak eiceedod all previous records Ia tbe face of falling pricea tbe amount of tin and tia-ore eipurt-nl ia 1H94 was »5».6«1 picuU. or about 28.552 tons. ceeding the eipurt of l«i:< b? nearly 3,»N> tons. Tbe duly paid ia IHM was
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  • 55 2 Akotmbs revelation in a Chinese ordnance department is forthcoming, this time from Foocbow. Tbe Cbineee authorities 2?"^t^ S lfc# «>«at had been bud to protect Foocbow front a Japanese invasion, in the viciuity of Sharp P«ak. at tbe mouth of tbe Mia river. On that these dreadful isstruiacnta of war
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  • 77 2 A Malay mau went into apawusbop hut evening and attempt 1 to ptwa a silvvr watcb and chain. Not being able to give a satisfactory aceouut of the wui«. he was takou into custody When be was wan h-d aiuither wateb. a gold on«. with the bttors A.K.T." engravtid on
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  • 83 2 Fob more reasons than one. tbe uriue of Malwa opium ia likely to be well main, taiaad tins asaaea. Tbe crop in Bengal has been so defective that tbe Government have ludeuieil upon Malwa for betveen four or aye thousand cbeate, but. autwith siandiag.the baUnce reaaaining o*er about tweatj-ive thousand
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  • 61 2 Cocomm are bow bring cite «ld i. B.a.jater., SonU 1«V lT7k. reason for this, says a eonUmpoi.irr that tbe milk of tbe cocoaate is l«ia« snbetitotod by tbe Brahmins in Ii v rf that of the cow as they think that -PtHble produce is in closer obedionc-: io the
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  • 97 2 Ahotbib spinning and t «ving ...ill under promotion in Shanghai, of which ft! Jtzzzatz IWii s°"' i<M| y tbe General Managers. Tbe ,-apiu I ..f tb« new undrrtakiafT will be Tls. 1,000 (>• di Tided into 10.000 shares of Tto. 100 each' Of tbe Srst issue of 7.0U0 sbarm. conJ
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  • 94 2 To-oat a special jury attended »t the Cr.uiinal Ami««- Court for tb« tri..lofa Malar named Aii, who ia charged with murder. It may be rentembered lint a few weeks ago, a Malay woman wai found io an unconscious condition with iniu-l incited wounds about her body lying .in the beach
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  • 105 2 TatOlen Line steamer Okntant arrival bore yesterday afternoon China, with rather a serious outbreak of cholera on board. She left Swatow on tbe 15th kjsl. with three hundred and eighty one Chinese passengers for this port, and toui-Vd at Hongkong. On the run down, tw<. Euro. p*an seamen died
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  • 111 2 H M.S. Bedpole passed through 8iu v pot* n>t. r ]*v afternoon on her wav from Bangkok to Japan. Bbc got in Jhe road, stead at about half past o'ck<ck, and immr<liatoly tbe Marine Department's «t«ani launch was despatched to her with svalei orders. »> soon as these were on
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  • 123 2 A NAtTT accident ocvumd ob Uiard a tooffkanij manned by Chiorte. wbrrcbr a member of the ne> lott hii foot. TV ton(rkan|{. named Abdullnk left Joli .re on th«2Ut intt with a can,"© for Sm^por. They met a heavy tquall at Batu Bliar on tb« 22nd and dropped anchor. The
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  • 60 2 The following ca*e» of cholera have been reported to Uovernuent by the lfuaicipa! Health Ofioer a* having occurred ia Sn. gapor*, from ruid-dav on the 28rd instant to mid-day on the L'lth I. ri,iu.-~- Mai.- P«up,r 11,-uii,l -do ■1 Ja>an«w Mai* Chia«e M.I. Rochow B,*l. H^., r M
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  • 173 2 ri> the ki.i i,,k <>r trr n-SAin nun Bia.--I Katber from your Iriulfrrtu- in l»«t iiii;Ut'« iwiter in reference to mv I*> t t<-r on IMU Wat«r. that jou hi»e »li K hl. It miauoderatood part of mv rrinark>. You nay "if Dr. Botf. lileace is due
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  • 69 2 iiinm. Singapore. XMI, J-i/y. I. loiuii.-r .1. r'.irbe* h plv«l on tli'- R•»r»e on Isaviiur ilih Colour (liii.nrr I) (Jr.1i,,,, i* i;r«i,'.-.i I m..lilh« of absence In prureo'l to rJnjcl.uil. Uunmr J Laving h«fii elected im |»»l*d to" D" Sul«l!i, ii..,. Uuawir A. H M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 753 2 NOTICES. fpHK BORNEO OOM PANT. LIMITED. THE Bt.nd»ni Life Aemruce Norwich Union Firs Insurance Society. A tlM Aeauraoce Company (Fin). The Eqnitahle Lit* Awuranoe Society The Ooeoa Marine In.urance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Loger Beer Company. The Maritime Iruoranre Company, Limited. For particular, of theee
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    • 943 2 j LATEOT "ADVERTISEMENTS. T"GiNTLEMAN desire bosrJ sailedi I\. ging ia s private ftaily. Residents must be within saay disUnce of towa. Comtunicate with letter 31/7 Z. e/o BtrmiU Tim- Oflas. j CINOAPOBE CRICKET CLUB. NOTICE. Tbe Annual General Meeting of the Member* of th* 8. C. 0. will be bold
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    • 2 2 Hny^uM NKWft
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    • 37 2 Ut ii, 1.1 ft uuamni HMiMNkmi,! i«*»t*| aMnefa .r» n*)*% k> lv -mUlnm. IM The Straits Timee hatr the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has bo widespread arireoJation,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 49 2 WEATHER KKPOKT *>rt»« ■.■■.t.l. uih My, 1M» 9 a-ai'l a.». ta«.. is™ ii? Terr, rad Tker. 7f. s i i kaiafalliaMsMn. Kom WEATHER TBLIUaUM. Jf. A. C. IVJsyr*.* C'e.) am y«i«.— HONGKONU. BaromeUr .*,<>. DirseUoaolwiad JZZZ Eai, Force of wiad Maa. temp, ia ake4a....;.;..;;."V M. MANILA. 758.— WAW. lj'*)." ii
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    • 158 2 AKKANUKMENTS TauHauAY, 2".thJuiv High Water. 0.3H vi Marine Club uieetiuK. !> |>vi Football S <;. C. K. A. FaiDAT. 26tb Ji'n High Water. 0.2" a.m. 1 lti p.m. Ut i'.iM.-.-.i. Auctiou Sil.- at A Cos. 2.30 in. Amateur Photographic Society. Annual Exbibitiou. 8. V. A. Drill Hall. Ipja Cricket
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  • 4199 3 THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. lIIK COVKKNOR'H hKNIMTCH. fX)RD HI PON'S ANSWER. l"i I'KB CENT. Otveraor Sir V. 11 H. M, 1, 1,-11. K.C.M.U., 1,, Sswsferj of for the Mtrnirn, OoVXRSMENT Mm if.. Fmm§, Ml JXtaMafcr, MM. Mt I/mi, I li.iti- tin- honour to ac- ■> i. .It 1 'he i
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  • 2764 3 Mr. Swinburne will contribute pom on Cromwell's Statue" to the July numb* of the Niust-ntk Center*. Mr. Geoffrey Drage, the secretary of the labour Comaiaewa, w the author of "The Problem of the Aged Poor." which Hwi Black will publi.h at once. M. Boovalot. Ihe well-known explorer, is
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  • 504 3 Tut tint quarterly aweting of the above Union wa< b«ld laat night, at the Metbodiat l.ur.h. with the Re*. J. A. B Cook in th.chair. Them waa a good attendance. The Se, r.Urr, the Rot. P. H. Morgan, read the conttitntion, copies of which were diatribnted,
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  • 164 3 I hi. twelrc months .11.I1U1; tb.- :tl»t »f M.v. li Ust f..rui-.1. ».i*« the Timrtof luhi. I 14 rfcorJ year far aa th.- outturn of lniliao' iv ...norn-.l Th« total 1 lii.-t i.»ii waa two and thro -<ju titvr 111 ilium 1 00*, and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 BUCHANAN WHISKY. H iI'SK l)f COMMONS riKANIK A WIIIIKV KOtt »ONM>MSr:( ll> vn wummm i»-.h ».ii ay KATZ lIKOS. SOI.K IMnHtTKUS amnj ■mjama. ANN 1"< < ACo HIM>N KKAT 1 i.k. IK TKM' Co. TAN' TWA HBK VHM. LXX SKNt; I YuKii HOA SUM. A Co 1. Aihi:.: THK «IHAIIS
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    • 961 3 NOTICKH. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsier in Aaia. British India exceptec. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siara. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 115 4 Ond-r thw haodiaa: tha followiaK abhron tin* an aaad atr.— otaaawr ah.— ahip. I ho.— haruux Brit— Britiah; IT S -Unit- 1 I SUiaai Fr.— Froneh.; Oor— Gorman: DutDatrh; Joh.— Johora; Ac., U.e..-Oanaral awn; H. da-k imaiaajut i U.— Dn»r- -aia;T. P W -Tanjoo* PaK»r Wharf ;T
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    • 888 4 Aiiiuudnci Nook or Ti»tkbi>at Omit of aaa«am Brit air. Z.WB Urn*. Capt. I Wardaa! 24th Jaly. From Manila, 17th Jaly. ti.r Baaitaad ACa For Lirarpool. 2Jlh. W. BtmmJrm. Brit. air. I.tWI tan*. Caar. Paraa*a. 25th Jaly. Froa Madras. 1 21 h July, t i r A £72 .1
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    • 131 4 •Aama, «"rrl. *>*«• LoNDUN. Oleafalloh Oleufrun \<w«nl\. .luun U i;l»uor.l,y. Carmartbeaehire. Ummm Mvnm.l.u. June Ml Anrtii-MM, Juae 26 lol«n>h. Jun.' J-., St. Fr.n.ia, Juu Iskn. ULAauow. AlrMi UWI ÜBKICNuCK. Ouluii^, June I', Taatalae, .1 mm _T Mllilil.k..lHilK<ll'i.H Uermaaia (ASl.l Krmn.iH. June IJ Otter.uuul.Juue IB; MtKNkl LIEU. Sjr.liwy. ilii.-
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    • 101 4 S* 1 N.m. IMI QINMBi run>! Co»«uH««b. July 31 K»iit. frit. >lr. i"X l-.11. KiuuiUii July ttrtlwui Ckiu B*nil Win <• Hi.- wi-r uju twr..» p»uti.imk ;jui.v iW-Hht^v'-t ■J4 X,. M....1j.r Uu>. rtr. .»J4 L..»m. »>«»».. July W M Hi. S t^UntfrfMu Br.l -lr JUWHu.I... M«luU July
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    • 38 4 l>»r» VlMll 1 ru« ui CArT4IN. 1>MTIM4TIO>. July 1-I..-II-l, fkl>l-" jj Hoiuc «i SriTriug|f»»" i. (iurwa A.1.1 ■iA S.K..I lUli .U »U >tr Ur. S., .Ir U«l. Mr. lu.Ua. uwry *ok«uu LUi. ulUib >* KUu l»u IwiUuu..
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 144 4 A DELPHI HOTEL. SINGAPORE Mks. Ii hi. mann deairea to inform har 1 patron* no. 1 tho public genarallr that Mr. i H ,of Deli) haa been admitted aa ■aamfaM IMriner of the above from thia data. '1 1... ■anßataamam lin the futvie will be aca--1 dm-IHI iimlwr their joint
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    • 412 4 NOTICES. I For Constipation amdegiiioPAm— A alee cad -tt nawir for Udita aad cMMne v I I an gaatlT »ai gaaiatly efea taa Irwt. mayih ial B nmShMf. l»r»S JaSan Mm aabitaal ceaMipatlea, I i •aWiTe brwtk anal tick-headache. I JOUnf ma Vlrlanna, PABIa^J Kaaawatd Phruciaa* prtKribe Meltea m
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    • 468 4 ifOTIUEb. McALISTER Co!; 1 FOR SALE Tl« Briti b titaaaar -HENU BBNW TYB," 70 ton*. IJ R. ami ton», N. R. built of j wood i Maeapfn la I*B2, Lea«th 88 ft. bnaath 13 ft., IVpth 7 tt., Cania* about SO tunr. D. W. and 42 Deck raaaen.em. Haa oae
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    • 709 4 fV^B-mnnM-am PILLu RaMf FSSmfltl mflatatti^lmaw OUltjl tTeffWl*, UVU TMNUL The oaßeati ngar-toaUDi at Ajar-a nI la dKsolTea lmmedlaulr on rearhlnf thaitoav Kh. and pmaiu tbe full Krtnftk o« aach Imrinanttebaifeennyii Inßjlil, Aaa purtatlTceltberfortraTcUmoraaalamllr metttcme, AjWf Mm ara tka heat m tta worm. AVER'S PILLS. Maaaey Ot.iJß.AfmtV-itmtnMmn .V a WfOT i
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    • 212 4 i NOTICBB. thli i BOONS AND BLEHSINGS Thav hmmu km and a leWelf* I" m«« Th- I kkwiek, the U*L and the Way. rliy la-." MACNIVEN A CAMERON, Edibbveuh. w. A a :il/r, »UK STERN CO., XINOAPOKE. IIKAI) OFFICE,* AMSTKRUAM BRANCH OFFICE. BERLIN (tKNEHAL MBHCHAim AND COM MI) 109 AOIKTrf
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    • 274 4 I TO BE LET. TO HE LBT— No. 83. la-Ut.ii Hi |l, frnm l»t /ll<««t. BaßrM*. !{l/4 Apply v, CRANE Bk(H. rro BR LBT.-A fi'-.Untial t«*» m X ;l. Hn'.inwi Hnatl, 2i*d and 3rd Hrn. '.'l/8 A| P V*N XI A TIAN A BfttfA. 'I O BR LIFT. linm«li«te antry
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