The Straits Times, 26 June 1895

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 306 1 POSADA. EE^E \Vl.\rs iijo.m Till. WOOD, DIRECT IMPOHTATION FROM SPAIN (LND PORTUGAL. PORTS. LIQUEURS. Y,u\»_,- [85S. I.v7| f t v .,ii,l i. M*. r»wi ditd :i,.w |hv Mill Hum M:«r.H.-liin.i l». p| Inl t' C-HXH Dlmin Wl,i-.. 1'..,. (|Si5 I Kul.mi.l i: r». «.l Hi. jemmies IVl l; An..,,
      306 words
    • 151 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. SERVICES FROM PBNANG. W r 1: v f, v. r r<> Singapore, Ltangoon and Calcutta, Moalmein via Rangoon. FoitTNIGHTL Y. T() Nega- #ata 111, KnrTkal, Porto Xovo, rondicherry and Madras. OxcE in akoitt _6 A\ i I k s. To Sin <»-a pore, A<
      151 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 Pritchard Co. WHISKY. it ii a n I) ".i. i: t>." HffTUO ii JOHN ROBERTSON SON. tWSPBB. Certificate of Analysis 11 18, (Jukat Towtl &TMIT, Lenosj, B.C. r.vA Mwmry, W9b I hereby certify that I havo submitted to a very careful nn<l agarchiny chemical analysis a samnloof FINK OLD SCOTCH
      286 words
    • 506 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. VldlsT MBBTINO. riOPOSBD PBOGRA&IMIi FIRST DAT. Thursday, the Ist August, 1895. Is I KkCK. Vauk J'iW. -For MaM—S. All Horses that Imvp never won raea on awj Coai-aa— Giiilin, Jajap and Boadater Ebraa* •maaeai. Wei^'lii paraaala, Diataaa* I milt. $10. 2nd Rack. Vai.ik ?!."/>.- For F'oni.
      506 words
    • 373 2 KERR STUART'S PSNANO STEAM TRAMWAYS, CONTRACTORS TO THK GOVERNMENT AM) THE MUNICIPALITY. A RE prepared tosupptv Rubble Granite, Road Metal, deoonpoaed Qranite, Red earth and Sand foff builders, contractors and others. Estimates furnished for the construction, upkeep and repair of private roads. Qranite slabs, columns, moulding!, anchor stones and blocks
      373 words

  • 627 3 Tin; new British dollar baa, after frequent delays and disappointments, at length oome into circulation in the Straits Settlements, a lakh of them reaching the Penang Itranch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Hank <>n Saturday night last, it s. s. RoaWfo. The British dollar, of which so
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  • 542 3 The downfall of the Rosebei ry administration has, for sometime past, been imminent. One by one he has lost scats in the bye elections until, when defeated last Thursday on the Army Estimates, be was left with an impracticable and therefore unworkable majority. Whether Lord Salisbury Will
    542 words
  • 1297 3 From January, 1894, to April, IK.»">, Japan has purchased no l«-ss than 14 steamships, tho oldest baring been bail! so t' ;t r back a 1868 and the newest so U^ 1 as IS.(J. Tin- master of the steamer 117// 0* the Win reports that he saw the
    1,297 words

  • 1495 4 In reading an old world hook the other day, we came across the expression heifer applied bo a lady of high degree. Our remarks on this subject some week* ago, wenl to show thai the expression "heifer" as applied h> a woman was an Americanism having no more
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  • 8 5 u "i-» h.h. Verdi v UThwra
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  • 34 5 Dato Kbamat. J A I -••< Holiday Betbold J ll 5.,1d...»Li <l 11 0 B «k»lj I- to i.v WillMtni 5 w |tz U-- f—n -1,,- i; ;i :i kl Am S. 11IS
    34 words
  • 59 5 Pi nang, 26th Jusb, 1805. London, 1!.,,,1i and I. T. L > |.|a t Uln, In 2 I FM««i* bills ■mbUn II:: t ;lMllll ""''v'r ...Kv 193 luol ii j j u.<*vi. i; v Ho" Bind .1,.,,,-.,,! or T s j ?dHjr.' |ig|,t I'mV;,!,. rtf* E II II Bl
    59 words
  • 985 5 r »ppreeiate anything t«, the rullestexfen! >'"" mv n«t wn»i if v rj 1.-rliv. T!n> renVeinn occurred to me when imbibing vvhi I y ai I wmlh under .Mr. Hamilton** lm.spitnl.le ro,',f i Iwviiig walked from Tanjong T«k»n I Btrik I: I have i-oiiimutioi-d al I 'I
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  • 691 5 XIX Bi S|'\\ki:i; Boom, Bsq., In the 80s as in the 7O's on board sailinc ships all hands were required to get a B hin under weigh, make sail, trim yards Fop casting &c. lii some ships, steam capstans were used i! (>;;l y about
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  • 318 6 Vl— Thk Ai'VKMif.i < a Ba»OO» 0n1 ,,.l hi. Bo'—. b«»— «l bi. food*- for «W I mM 111. <i ■>' >• »,,,1,.,,.,, Tlif biulen Joiif '.Tark."«l.i«l 3 I" ,od wh. ii -'""•■■>• mi „v th. »,.,.,,iiv 1 Tork lb*j l« IfiliiP
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  • 17 6 J.M. 7lli F,IIM I WH tj'i'il-r tjj^j N.w M ion. tf»'h I l
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  • 96 6 Hi 81..-U lV IM .c- MO J«. Kntnmp M.,t No. L «X.-I»f«* Ma,v Pteki^. 72 I No. 1 MO .';>■ I BMkal Ta,'lour 2 J p ia 5.80.— d^ ~ZfVf »f Uiirl«ime<l Letter* i' < P«p»« Jones, Mih. Mlt-n, A. A. v Xi,.. i:.-v i, w. KfftS -I-;-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 144 7 Khye Ho Foundry Co. 40 WELD QUAY, I'/\ I \<, ENGINEERS BOILER MAKERS. rE BFI^DEH 6KNK&A CONTRACT". ETSK4R4 —a an ,j PRIOR s Ens M X I i J vger. >i:\ VIEW BOTEL. Now thoroughly repaired and refitted w.v- UffUIB v HiuuUni. the l.'ttli in*fattt. BABI :i:v vm ORIENTAL BOTEL,
      144 words
    • 115 7 "TAIMJONG PENAGRI." A 81-WEEKLY PAPEE. IN HALAY WBIA&HEU l\ 1 MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Useful alike to Scholars und Advertisers. RAT 9 Per annum i 4 1 KATES FOB i S Flrat, insert ion 1 One month One niont h S. P S K K \I'KP. SABIB, PEH CRITERION TIFFIN BILLIARD
      115 words
    • 194 7 GUAT CHENG Bros. 27 BEACH STUEEET, a n Commission Agents and < Jeneral S^ ore "Keepem SHIPPING SUPPLlED"^aSavAj^^jih* -ha^^sTra r I^^^^^^^ MR. COLLINS. f\RAWS kbe attention of tboae who ar© paaarng kkrongb BsMna; lo Ike facil-ty wirh irlnea Ike] eaa v [meet of iatenst on Urn Island hv patTOßOmg his
      194 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 484 8 BONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITA] HO, ,000. RKSKRVK I <l) S 5,000,000. RKSEHVK LIABILITY OF "PRIKTORS $ia f OOO,OOO, CHIEF MANAGER: B i gl »ng: THOMAS JACKSON, Esq.LONDON BANK^M^ LONDON COUNTY BANK. /'/v.i v <; Im i i.i -i Allowed On Current Deposit Accounts, at the rate ol
      484 words
    • 205 8 B. 0. S. WHISKY. A\ _i:3.^Sil\ > Uni?£D JSUS'- j.^^%* w::i:>!: r c!.FiJCL": > iS^ >^ 1 I.EITH.N.B.^ j r A- i I Retailed I»y Meskus. II IN LEE A Co 'I'll i: AN CHEE A Co. BBNG CHIN A Co. GUAT CHENG BROS. Co. LEE HOO Co. THEPRYE RIVER
      205 words