The Straits Times, 14 May 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: IB3J, SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. MAY 14, 1895. NO. 18,621.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 825 1 >' -HIP COMPANIES. Onrir._coll, crgiUky w.A.,,. a. d u OOO w l New H rbo Th. f« lo hUr»UI« a.d th«ic. by Rail, way to Londou th. „to LmJo,. b, -toauw. «ill fimm BOU no 22 Oauiage can be admitted aft«r the gooda have been renioved from th. g«l own
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    • 781 1 BEST SOAPS FOE WARM CLIMATES, r A l> VISIT'S urbollc TOILET SOAP, 6d- Tablets. PHICKLY HCAT SOAP, 6d- «1/- Bars. GLYCEEINUi SOAP, 6d. Tablets. rieabaul.; I JBlillllil S.ia|.s lor Hj'li orToilel, ■tBpBIBJ With C'ALvtui'u |,ur<; Carbolic. Witractof lolU,rfi'.,,u I'hu. I. K-i M.0., law I'rufeaaor of KaaViM ia the f i
      781 words
    • 620 1 ii* A v J j '1.1. ai J i kk .kin.!. X..-..1-, oaanaMMMb aB"t»TBAtFl»l» BIABI.tK, WO. iKVKNIAR HTIIBBT. aM B* old 88l eipenenred <ao*ia|r vaitha ,h,.|t aaaawa K,i[0|,.,«0 luperTwiaa. H>'.»i, li.. i^ii or cold oo eoimaiaaioß at S ow ajafc Kir.t clan aocoousodatioa for ra*. acr.n ia traiaia(. a. a.
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    • 729 1 W. ROBINSON 00 (I§T. 1875.) HOKUIWfI AM) SIX«;aI'ORK. KT<--I'IAXQS, lor Hire, Sale, or Monthly Payment.,, mstiie tfrMally lor the climate and GL'ARANTKEI) ABSOLUTELY. PIANOS REPAIRED r<|iml o new, and work warranted. PIANO TUNING by men uni, •<' in fa l, t s hetorin. MUSIC String, Fitting and Musical Sui:<!ri»< 1/H)
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    • 320 1 INSURANCES. hkStbaits Fibe Iniurakcb (Jo, Ltd IB Ll<«Ull>ATliil(. nir-r^..! in SHE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. JTr. riaka a.-o.pUd.t earroat rato.^ '■•Mai Fullj Bnbanffiii .pital Paid-up a j&O.'iOO i iv Fund, .v kpeciai Truat for Life Poliojr Ho.d.ra t.r>To.l)Oo. Total Inveited >'u0da..... A.i.' Total Annual Income Al.MlO.luMi OUiau rrW.r-: «,il.
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    • 542 1 i BANKS. HONOKOMO SKANoIiAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP OAPITAl!" |lO.l>i«V"Kl RK.HERVK FL'KD .»5.0-n.«-i KKSERVE LIABILITY OKI IROPKIETOht J..»i"."'i.,'<i CMBBf .> i>:aa«-roa. J. KKiMKK. -1 milio>. A. M, uNA, IMK DartiTT Cm»ik»«i.. I). H Ml,^,, u Alllh n.a" 1 >: Cbmßj ■mbmb*. il"N.,«o»a.~T. Jackkon. Bka, ■mbmbbb. aJM«AJ- H. IL l;K\ I K-.,
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  • 465 2 LATEST MAUKET QUOTATIONS S Sinoapork, 14th May, Itf'i PRODUCE. Uambier I do Cube Ho.1, MJ« 1 do do Ho.* h»W. °rSter =E b:83L. c Ftppir Blaek, v HMU*. j ftaffo Flour, Sarawak tM. r do Bnwl M& Pearl fc>»K". l Tali. I Ooffae Liberuui. 4400. T,p,oc» «in»ll Fiaka, Mh
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  • 72 2 rot r.r it lo-Houo*. Karotw >ia parta, U,—ti,, V<> .uhSDUt II* p .rU. (•i.|»w/>f.l><>l. •JIUW.! >.i.M,..i, I' An».l »i«p.,it». .li.J.^f,'. r ni port-. futuK. AlUOV ,i M K,rt.. HuHf U..HU. M MM in port.. M Hi i;...i i>io« Ali-on iim l~r'.., JWul<u'i',i, K. :.iul«n tia putt- Kamtt, ■NMI
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  • 89 2 Vu,.u i H-.i^-Bjik,. M M (,>„,.( g, „v „v ,1,, j.ib ii-i., .1.t,, v, th. to h Apul -1,, hnu^- n-pi-. to tli, wall which Irt I i 'Wtrrr |»iM* IU l.ou I Aft, M P. U. II.., M \,.i. '.tli MM. M.j'jtli Utli H.D.L M...
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  • 22 2 AT S uga|nin>. ou Sunday, May Utli, th* wife of i;, n Kke Ch..n... of Mwnis. Kati Bros.. „t a son.
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  • 255 2 ».H.S.* 1~^.l. r,«»« hlUwm'W ii.wiUiV>>W«J|. By IU MtUci «< ""4" f i«|iwlia^a > lnl.« 1 i,/.l ul,, ""I IK, ■•araqla.i Ik- a 1,,r(.,..»..t «tr/,'.' < .n t/ »r~../ m*tu*. b^l m* »Hf" lk"» <"" «*c* mim£k. ABEIVALB. l'«r v <„„■.,,.„ froai Banikok :-MM.r*. lleogor, aud Hsr.iHmw
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  • 20 2 Eiitablisiixii 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [MaH/MI rait* and nlveriUimj rale* U found am ike fourth fxvr'.i
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  • 53 2 TUESDAY. 14TH MAY. 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. I'HK CHINA JAPAN PKACK. Loud n. 14th May. The term, on which Japan unddUke* to rv«ciiate the Laotur,<; PeninMila bar.. Imi fivd by spicial a re,-ment U t«een that Power and China. THE ARMENIAN QUESTION. .-J P....- MMJMtrf to the Sultan a »cbenie for
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 421 2 To-day's newt is that Britain, France, ■ml Kuacia have laid before the Sultan or Turkey noheme of reforms in Arineni i. Tliat urou*e» li«|ieii tliat the more crying wrou^s of the Armenians wi 1 shortly l>e righted. The»ewroiu*h;ivel.'iiglK!eD outling for tedriw, but tailed to attra..-: public attention
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  • 19 2 Laid Mitchell will hold a Ketvption ou Thursday, tbe hit i. at i p.m. There will be lawn teunm.
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  • 7 2 hms. 9mmm§ left this Bmiaj for Peuang
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  • 10 2 Messrs Mi AI.HTtK i. ihili*,for sale Anstrahau apples, just armed.
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  • 14 2 Ux the "tli lust., there were ease* of plague uuder treatment at II agkaaf
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  • 12 2 TMMMt: some luteivaliu,* muinnrkial suieuieuu in the WMH heiled More About Perak."
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  • 20 2 Planters may read «ith .tuiuseiiieut some of Ihe «l it, uieui. unler the he.i lu> Meiico M a Coffee Grower."
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  • 22 2 MsaitKs I'owti.L A Oa, mil hold an auction sale of horses at MMBfl Limbert Bros' Stables, ou Friday, ibr I Tib Mat.
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  • 30 2 Tv those copies of the Ml Hnli.i lo be scut by the P. U. mill I here will be added a supplement phial will be ready 10-uujht at 5 o'clock.
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  • 32 2 At l'eii.tng, an luspictor of Paupers was engaged l>v the C'lnueje oiuiuiiintv in March MM His work is to pick up all paupers MMjMm Inatmeut, as well as s.ui[dc cases of ulcer
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  • 45 2 The master of the pleamei />.i.i which arrived 10-day I,. mi Swalow. re|K.rts that at 7 id a. m. to-.liy. U picked up live Mien who weie the crew of A waterlogged Otdiing boat. They r.|orted baTin, 1 been cap«ia.-d lait uight iv a squall.
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  • 37 2 Thi. mjm <«f T. M V. K M. M...Hlaih ».r«u« Hra.ldell Hi.... aud Matthews, Uoviutlaaaui.ih. Mevia&aibo", aud Mootiab. <v wl m the I'laintitl i.uuied the sum of *5.00U .is AaaMflM, ha» livn adjourned until .1.U, the AavaM.
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  • 65 2 Tuk >„i.i.n\ of the I'uujoiu Miuiu- to. haf rc.ened a telegram from t(ie miues to the eflc, i < duriug the utunth of April the m:!l ran -ii> dayt •nislnu^r 7<N) ton* tieldiii).' I~'- IMW of gold, and hedWg« 431» MM f" vielrl „f W oiiures. and l hat
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  • 64 2 I»r. Kebb, Colonial Sui-geoa %t V aaoij lind« that opinm imokera now re< irt i^ morphi* injections which they ar.-,. h. Ijeliuve will i .vunlually cure t „f lhei r habit. Seven „v,-. bare be. ad. milted iuto hospit il with extuamve coiaHous of the handa and legs, ,l
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  • 60 2 The linnjkok Timu announce! tbat tb» Si,im.-e G (vernment baa appoijted Kuro|K'an julif of the Utcrailional C.ort Ihere. Mr. Xi kpatrick, th« MH taut Adviier, hai km comuninirii. act in thi» capacity iv cc tiip can in tapMM I tint tliii appointment will improve inaltern as to make it mur'u
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  • 112 2 Onk d.iin riM'K of womea r. fumnj. duly but we see from our Sh;mi;l tHin|«>r.iii. that M, s. M.i ■■pli-in wardess af til- itenmur Ulf>igi/h; w a charited by Capt. MiOillivr^y wi' f^,) of duty on the 15th April. When hi 1, .vii.l «li w.ui fi n«<l only tw.
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  • 104 2 Thb HaapaMg (hmrwmfat Qmu, iiimius a draft of a bill entitled. Or.l.iiinc- 1o provide for the incorp.. ration of v ImkJv to tike over and miit.t uu t1,,. Hongkong Public Ijibrary, aaifo-otkw Fiiiritxm hi cunin-**'"" tll -r«witli. >„ tie pr.-aiulii- lit the meaMire 1,,,, that M.h,iB 08. Dodwell, H0.,. J
    104 words
  • 43 2 Thk lollowiim will rt-|ir.- ..m t!;. 8. 0. pltvinif wmtmt tlie K^-iu i to-moTow. Wednesday: .1. ii. i'v.<; K Umlf.J.U. ImIh r. Hill....! I). P. MrDouinll. 4. Kulvris.,,,. M K Hliiiti|>ton. .1. (Jriilmni. V. H P.-nr.t. R Oriiiistmi. .1. A. RoU-rt-Kiii
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  • 140 2 Dr. I'xwmau. tbe Ac'iuif Medii-il Su-l-rii.U-ml.-nt of the Luoatii Axvlnn.. Htatea, in hi* report for 181»4, that 1 lie tmmtHxliiiiuQ of tbe Axvliim l>**t n .iliv*.|i lax. d to ita limit*, it was d<*idei! in UN to receive uo more |i.iIihiiU from t'i.- fr+ le.',-.l Native St.t.s.
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  • 182 2 OCMMRI THUltT III-. TkiI'I'. in hi* luwln a I r. port "U Hi. I'oln-.- hm tm \>i'.<i, stites as iv£»r.|i B*Mjalai p.; ..'in.' i. tlut the*" MM< MM from lu ji i with <>n» objt-ct, vli., to »i»f inuuey. iiiil t.. tli ihey lilcralljr «l»rrc tliemselv^s. an.l tli-
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  • 194 2 I>r. Muglision, in hi* Mad m Mm HauiH-r Hospiul for UH iu»k-» Ihl following siu'j..»tion at regards a roniri. bution from the Singapore Muuii t|.ilin iv support of institution:--lu m; last R,.|«jrt I brought t.i notice t.... largu number al mmmmm ot flarikWa mBHi »v.l
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  • 322 2 A VESSEL LOOTED BY CHINESE FISHERMEN. hiu "H tii.' ni(.riiiL({ or tin- M mt Ik -!-.ui,.f, mmm i,> M.-^>- M. '»">["' <-'"■. "f Atbi.v. wan l,wt mi li. r vnviv'v frtmi Kuw-hiiw t>> Am... •Ml M Ih. Ml U tl S.wti I'oitit. M»l l'"it Matli.M.n *t 4 .:{0 in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 627 2 rpHB BOKNKO COMPANY. LIMITED. All** Assurance Company (Fir*). U The Equitable Life Awurance Society PANT, LTD. Agents. rp H K ST A N I) A R I). j LIFE ABSUaANCE COMPANY. j to eld »«d hy Seo. l M < Mm. well- k,,wm throughout b& JMltta »»;J tv acquired
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    • 623 2 HOTK3EB. be Straits Times has the largest irculation of any news a' er I Asia, British India excepted. i t circulates in Singapore and 'enang, throughout all the J Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. Ho other Eastern newspaper
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    • 193 2 NOTICKs. I I "SINGAPORE ~R AC ES. SFKINU MEETINO. JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED Hare iv MM! for BAGIH6 COLOURS, A larc.. assortment of Rich Twilled Silks, n Gold. Vfilo*. < hocolato, C*ri*e. Lilac, PrimroM, S*lmou Pink. Terra CotU, Kranch Qrey, Or*D».'*, A.. »'«> •>• IIKOIBI COLOUBB Racing Breeches. CaiHinien.
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    • 25 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has i ao widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 V. KA'illh U HKPOUi «»i«Bii.fiW, Sit if r«» taaT t>a I*-, rr:. Ulfuh. ..i.S;; £1.700 iSHii Tra.). 4il) ss.B t»4 i"_ I'ifi. MM Nl *H L>ir. of WiaJ wx». W CUM tUx. I>«ij,. u<lu4r B<.B h*j> U,r. do .l.i I Mil ;i.i. m.-vi. U-.1l |S I 'iVrr. r*i Th»r. 7»
      85 words

  • 194 3 The oujmittec of the 8n B a| (ioli Club arc replnn K KV g— <WW Hi.' Sporting Cliil., who as;,,.! v if anv. (Itflficiilt y in ■tifclll. .1 (it m Hi- m.v... Tl,,. p.lf.ii riplain.|y. what dim, ullvjuil,. _nl n. te th.' dtugtr that would
    194 words
  • 1141 3 M RS.HE NRY NORMAN'S NEW NOVEL. On* agproaabta ■oval by M lu \i,i,i, Muriel CKmtw witli pbararabla aatietpa. Mom. As "A (iirl in tli.- Carpathians At was aii engaging and vivacious eoiupUNM; aMa" M BN prepar. d |o M as 111! (ll ulninu-d l.v M* rnm»n<e u. l.v bci tdveotnrat.
    1,141 words
  • 1112 3 (From our 'W/v-,,,,,*,/**/.) I' !Hk Ma s This K 11,1.1 Vail. 7 llailway ia now eaea totraak fi.nn TrUk Katu i.., 1 1 1,. a»<l ih-cr>wdcd t, »hi,b run daily punt to the |K,i,ularity of tb« new mum U> aona di\e aion of imle lo Ilie
    1,112 words
  • 113 3 THE INTERPORT RIFLE MA TCH. MBsWM BMM ||ieH.,,nik...^t^mHr-lo|la;Ko»los, ,ft,-r,,,,.i0l ilic "th in th- liil-ip.- t Bifle Match ri,.»,,,dw...sierv ehujja_r| „.v,i-.i! 1 froai right wt3£ .1.- iwf. «a o» i*»« „,-v „,,.t.-..!v. K.cp. hat tl, > h..v.. 11.1 l Mttdi practicthc 11..1-. I r. I'l' -s 'Illative :n 3! .■•-•••vur- IM
    113 words
  • 253 3 Hmu/kok'. Li,nd,m. 4th J/uy- mi Wilde win r*l»am-d on bail "f £U**> •>v himwlf and two IMrihi "f iW»*»fc. Vathington. r,tk Hay It it itatod hor,. that Japan in wtllii>Kl> •••'•pi >m\j ll>« i-it-nnilT of the \Mt**H IVnin.nU. inrluiin, T«li«Jnr-n. on the raiidiI inn thai < "hiii* f»j*
    253 words
  • 472 3 THE ASSIZES. THE PARSHE THEATRE. Th" as»i/.-a wen- opened today. Before pi- 1.-.-. ding to tbn business on the il.-n.lci-a Kliii^ w.inmu. liy name 'Mi i/au Hee, was MnMMjhl ii|, for sentence, heini; couvieted at the last A*si/A-8 of giving false evidence in eon in., with a civil suit in
    472 words
  • 525 3 rAMII.V ABUUCTKII. Tonkin bM BBM Ibrowu MM a ataU' of ition i.y the iilxl-ietiou of a European family l>v pinto. M. Lyaiidel. inauagcr „1 lie lv'-ii.i>i -a- iuiu-a. aud 1111 r. I ,1 1 .l.uvlit.-i Im.ii.^ Uv.i carrie 1 off in d,.rlag raid
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  • 1959 3 t.slrort,t r m a ptimphlet fey Mr. J M WaUh, PhilaMpIn" Throughout (ho civili/ed world there k) at ti,-. present lime a rtpid and conatnut increase in lli» '•"Ti«iini|,h,,,| coffee. in U. although iIi.t.luu bmn a very m.-irk.-.l increase in the pronuctioa of this now
    1,959 words
  • 336 3 STEAM LAUNCH DISASTER IN HONGKONG. Ason uiDeo.l.Kk on th- MMMf at the 4th au exciting scene waa witueaaeal iv ■aMJMMj MrMM aa the r- ,i!t of an MFMMt ou th.' frnv 'auuili Mm* The Iluu.ll 1,.. 1 ju.t left the wlurl at Vi'iuiKti wm-n th. re wa-i a mMm MMM
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  • 1274 3 »nm »i. BMU ripobt fob I-'.M Tbr MM note* th it tbe genera I. allb of the Siraitx S -ttli meuts dii iul tbe his 1 H-.-ii Rood. 1 though small. (> 'i cuiitr,u-l to (retail tu a considers Ii eileut iu ikt Norlbirn Division of
    1,274 words
  • 36 3 Tu>. I I Miag MMMMfN bww i«..L.-i i.v iht I 1 -v C\.. I'r mm Mr K W. Ctuair. Kitn-it l»e..u. W. H-n-irv. tiuMul.. PMaUaaHal Hi A A. S».u.. Mi H.ui.iu.- mi l»>|-'i <■
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 1,..i1^ SOCIETT FOR THK PKKVKNTIOH OVOBOSLTI To AVUtAIJ Th- |.iblie am iuforinnl that th.- a.l.ln»a of Mm SocialT 1 hillitir, Mr I P«»rUr«.l i- MBaaaaßawi ..r75. Hr«- tmm I pa* "'"X turupurl am > iindxr lli.'n '""iI eat* with hi: >i i aakonaddnaam St V ,B. DOWV, llun. Soci.Ury.
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    • 615 3 agnrnro. FOR GENEUAI, 8HIPPIWO NEWS SEE PAGE i. If o It II (i N o K O r hihaumk I.4W loan r Y i K.rin, Mi» or, tli.. M in«fimt. mar h. l»...t<«l »rrivn 1,-r- on th» '.fHh infant, m nrnlr for tl.,. «h,,v« H>r Ki«r fr.-ifl.t K
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 135 3 AKUAMiKMKNTS I'lKltliAl, UlH \l>> ISiis.. Tlimtre. Qm^NR Kaj.ur. |>.ui. I i ii Mat II i -I. W.u.r. LM a.m. 14 f m P. I O. Ii .111 -w.«.r.l mat <l >». 7 II, C. U.-.'iimul I in iiKHAv. Mm Mat. 11,,-n '.Vil^r Ml it in U4 I'. iii.
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    • 130 4 (!ud»r llu. hNMIii.K tli« MbMIbJ »i.bre»iti..ii. »n> u««l «tr.— MtMiDcr ah. akip h,, Brit Britiah V. S.— l'niul iUUm. *r.— Kmurli;««r.— Gnrman; DiH.t)jt.dl; Joh.— J.KiWK; AC, <!..-..— <i«n»M! <-»rvo; p.— <iß-k pa««-ii|r«rH U. l'n«"r. tain:T. W—Taujouir I'«K«' Wh*it;T P. D.— TaujoiiK P»h-»r l>"k I! W.— rtiini*.. Wliarf
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    • 1151 4 AhiumSivvi: N.i'is Or fi-l-Klnl H;,,,1..,a Bril. «ir. i"47 loin. Capl 8I««--mau. Üb'Mir Fiom Honirko. if. Sll M-v U. c. P. A <>. loinpauv. For Lond m. I Jtli W. Uurtlritw. Bill. >tr 1 i'l- 1011... Cl» k. Un M Fro-n 110 llu. M JUj -afar. i'.nii,nii.
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    • 132 4 Java, a«I. 14; aWaati ■>-• I.IIIF"" 'I 1«'« I* hw Aid. H«. Allim.r. Ail" U. Paliuuma. Mm II by _'l HmNt TVlam IIMMK K»i»..» Apl. 7 .)a»o.i, Apl. I Khkiu, 1:1. r. Aft IS; t'ENAKin <:..I.,iiiU«. V.-t, Brau< < K m-u, A|.l 7. Torr H-ad A j.l I.
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  • 59 4 VMMM 1 > 1U lII'. l>7 13 1.,rt,.» |:1 L..X micl.. II M 1 1 m.I M it Om IV 14 S. I 1'.,»U0 v *r. 7.. 1 •i, U*ki i ii» n cka l»u -lr. «7J Ki f.'.. rtr *'17 hlllMH i,,,', ,i.,, v Hi« I 1 t
    59 words
  • 76 4 l>«f Tii iii \««> thtm* I-: Iw >»■,.;,. j. ....i, a* -v Kw. rug '■»iu,.i., r>m. »it. -..uiTu. Hr I A I 'I Ull- I'" 1 llrliF I'lll -I II). U.»r «tr Mvtll-.lf»f |:;.u U..1. I U] HHrtlH Brit <lr. IU-nu P.O. ate. Hal I v N
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 576 4 NOTICES. "BOLD MEDALS Coiopfi.te%fim BnjSsßls7thß Hague, Dobiin, Birmingham, &c. HOLDS A HIGHER AWAHoVbll rWERIf THAW ANY OTHER NATURAL TABLE WATBII 44 1 c THE KSSNSG OF NATURAL TABLL WATERS. w -TmiMffl STORES THROUOHOUT the COUHTBY, .Hill IWIK <O\ M«l atUtW* M l.omlon. I iikl.ui.l. v ICE MINERAL WATER MACHINERY.! Bm
      576 words
    • 1134 4 NOTICKh RIPPINGILLES-a I OIL COOKING STOVES J rjjJJM t m Will de all Uiat rtn (M Jou. iv ma aßßßaE^^^^=^Bß^^l^J 8888 wiv of cooking by r-oiopl Baniw Hl^L3l BBKaBa^H i. Ov i6O din"reat Jl«ilfi.K I BBTaBMaBTKI auitabt« for all ICQtareuu.ita BBts^^sJt^B^BßrVT NO SMOKE ho SMELL I*>lw9bbV/^ JH vI,u I, 8'
      1,134 words
    • 192 4 NOIIUJUk. »V :«7.1. ViCTom* BT««rT. ri'UNITURB UKAI.Ea A«r> mMMISSH'V AGKNT. AKK YOU FUU.N'ISHINOf Call al Ifa a>o*e|>:ac» wl,«r« t..u ran ore- ear. fanrftora of all deecript.oiu. for tha j leweet |.ri.e» prawibU. AUE TOO OOTNO HOMK? Ab opportunity ia offorrd "'L 1 wh j «W di'7«>"»l hfl.i~.hold MT.-.I- al^ I
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    • 99 4 NOTICEB. 4 BOUT I) K R K ar fiiank swkiii:nii.\ M PAPKR •ovk.'.-s Cl.ol'H >A<UM HAl.e' LBaVTHCH fc M SIXtiAI'UUK. STRAIT ■> 'JIM K-; OKFICK yi,,.iH W ic»;iih,.t.,,.i,ri.,ito.,, T „.,.li,Mii... |..-i Im al in, tl WiM I-.... ,1 o, iers lo be uu.l, p^" Abnot tUtu. LONOUIf: david Norr, Stkani.
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