The Straits Times, 17 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times KSTA BUSHED: 1881. SINGAPORE. WEDNEBDAY, APRIL 17, 1895. NO. 18.598.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1005 1 OI »W COMPARES. Orr.c._,; o rg W.»,t,. ..d UoDow»._ New h^^ Th. fare i. M»«.ill M Md b Wl M» U London th. m „to L0,,,,,,,^ u>mio»«i, O f wgo b hu c /"T .<«...» win pi,,*, oou thM no 2jjj .ft«r th. good. h, T """"'••I 'ron> Ih.
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    • 785 1 BTEI M SHIP COM PAN lEB. J\K KONINKLIJKK PAKETTAABT MAATSCHAPPU. Dndr-r contract with the Netherlands India Gorernment. A'ir»>> fSinfiaporr, Ship AOKWCT. LAT« J. DAKWDILa A OO^ i-i, COLLTIB QUAY. K Vnm!"'' On Will bf Deapatthed to On Elm B'iiimmh. lHti. Btndj.rmM.iu. Piilii Lant, Cotia. Brow, and Bol..B)r»n, 22nd Apl. I).
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    • 266 1 SUPPER'S BEER. CHOP "PAYONO." 1 Tka oalj bear which recelred any award at aha Chicago Eihibitioa. OUUBB'B bott SAfaa ahd LotTUk Tka beet in the World. APOLLINAKIS WATER. Tka QtuMti of rahla watara. A ajaat Invillliy and twfreehing; drink ia tropiral wHintriaa. IIS.UU |«-i raw uf UN) ffuue hotUaa. 17.50
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    • 667 1 "NOTICES. W. ROBINSON CO. (EBT. 1875.) HONGKONG AND SINGAPORE, ETC. PIANOS, for Hire, Sale, or Monthly Payments, made specially for the climate and GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PIANOS REPAIRED c-uil to new, and work warranted. PIANO TUNING by men trained ia BBJ Ij t Factories. MUSIC, String, Fittings and Musicnl B"')n('rics. 1/10
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    • 449 1 THiBTBAii s ftm iaawauia^bm, I«t* I* Li<4UiiiAriua. ■wr^,,l THE COMMERCIAL UNION ABBUHANOE CO., LTD. *i Pin nata aecepfeo^fetaj^ ralaa. rUHDS. Wol 5 0 J "oidarrn i 1..'.70.000 Total Annual Income £1 500 000 I Polirinoflkr si.uiUFm /unmet To i/ed, in LiovMion. will be exchan^d fm {•olicutoftl.t Commercial Union Aumrmne, to.,
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    • 444 1 BANK 8. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Znmn* 3 Couar or Diaarroaai— J S. MOSES. X, -c atlni> J. KK.MER. K«,.-D.,vtt Cu.uu <* i? 7,7, 5\ c CNltr lUtkMaß, Homuom.-T. Ja< i»«, K.. X»un »"«"»»'-H. M. BKVIi». K^. l-o«.«- H..,. lul Lol UOMi I)CouIrrTM4N|( l»u QMPaWt, Limit. n SINUIPUKK— INTEREST
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    • 741 1 NOTICEB. rPHE bt'st Soaps for Warm CIU mates are Calvert's Toilet Hoap (6d. Tablets) an.l Prickly-Heat Soap («d Tablets A Is. n H rn), p| ca I aantly perfiurid, for Bath or Toilet pnrpow-8, containing 10 par cent of Pure Carbolic. Very serviceable |as preventives ot Prickly-heat and I other
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  • 502 2 COMMERCIAL. LATKWT MAKKKT (JUOTATIONH. SINOAPOBB, 17TB APBIL. IWS FItOUUUB. Oambier do Cube No. 1 12-50. do do No. »00. Oopra Bali 6^2^. do Pontiaaak, 5.35. Pepper Black l»-75. SV" r'lour, Sarawak do Brunei iM%. Pearl Sago, 3.50. Coffee Bali *&<«. Coffee Liuerian, *S-60. Tapioca small Flake, i do do lat
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  • 45 2 MAILS CLOSE. 10-Moaaow. ris BMtV 7 a ai Pu«iuii»«. LuUcl. Noou HMsa ■■w.tiaDaV, Ran WImII Noon' «v.l I.lUBici, ft C. m Mdl»,c.,A Ki.u«. C) />/,,„. xlm '«"k-»k. .w™i,,..,. is ■mmmss, |{S KBII.AT Klaun via pads, n;, H 3 pm MMtl, MtSMSg*, U,l y Milrkttl. in m
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  • 77 2 MAILS TO ARRIVE. Ku.,mK, -:ijr Uk. MM. AY.,.,1. *M on riii-,lay. 11,,- iii-t t k..» ,Hin > Vy Mi SI. U. C.iL.i«n** due on Mi.u.Uj. Mk J..tii MM. Jl« !3..i M..r. ill, P. ft a April .111, .\!»r. I Ml, N.K.I.. A|mll*tli Mar. M.M. April rtth M.r. I'll, P.
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  • 224 2 PASSENGER LIST. AaaivALs. l'.-r a, 0' thr Hi,,, from Ulan*.— Mr Ijcrmit. l'«r s. s niuH from Hongkong —Caul. H. H«KX MMMMM Per P. O. a. a. Pekin for Loodou M-Hars. J. Glawf.ird, H. O. Newland, D A. A. Earle, luspi'itor Bock and Mm. U. W. l^vell. For London
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  • 9 2 J£W3?imm:£ j^-*» 1 Jfrji'.g.Eft,**"*-. *>"•, April.
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  • 224 2 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, 17th APRIL, 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [StAteription ralm and adtrtinnj raUs may htftmml on the fourth pay.] THK CHINA JAPAN WAX CONCLUSION OK PEACE. tI.I.WJK.n TKKMS Lxidon. 17lk April. 'I've .■•■rr.sp- indent of tbe Tim— at Sbaiighti mm*M that peace baa beta
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 602 2 The »uti -nent that China and Japan have a^rcd, or will agree, In form an alliance for o'.'.-nce and defence is of vast in italic*. Frol.ably it is true. Japan inu-it l>e greatly annoyed at the hectoring tone of t lie European prcat, and justly anxious about
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  • 13 2 T,ady Mitchbi.i. will receive to-morrow. at sp. m. Than will be lawn tenni*.
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  • 173 2 Tm P. k 0. KaiwiHind, which arrived on Sunday, brought for the Colonial Treasury small silver coin to the y*ln« of 1214,000. Of that. 170,000 reBtained in Penang ami $1 .4.00" ni: Singapore. Yesterday tbe Chartered Bank took from the Treasury small coin to the yalua of 140,000, and to-day
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  • 14 2 Ma. L. Patzbb advertiien, on our fourth page, thai he tune* and repairs pianos.
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  • 23 2 Nsablt i veryooc i* gnai to *woff the Siili-o to-day. The *eeing-off i« at the P. A O. wbarf— not at Johnston'* I*"''
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  • 19 2 Two robtoriet of article* of small value were. |ierpetr*ted at Taiigliu Barracks laat inglit No arrasta have been mad.
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  • 27 2 Ma. Jo.tioi Lkacbj. the n«w Puisne Judge, took bin seal on the bench for the first time this morning, as a member of the Court of Appeal.
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  • 22 2 Tmi KuaaiAD transport Hmbarortk srriv- d tod. v from Oderaa. with 350 emigrants and passengers on board. She leavts for VlsdivoftiK'k to-day
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  • 24 2 Minn (ttace HaKtl.orne'i Cmp.inv XlK ll <* their farewell performance to-ni.dit at the To«n H.ll in "The Profligate." U is also Mitt Hawthorne's benefit night.
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  • 34 2 Piopli in Tanglio wbo are interested ia shipping would like Colonel Pluokett to eat down a tall tree that ban grown till it quite obecares the tiagttiff, from tbe MM of many Ttnglin bouses.
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  • 47 2 A bice mill at Saigon is to be sold by auction there on the 24th of neit month. Particulars in our advertising cduinna show that the mill ia equipped to treat 4.000 pi-uls of ctrgo rice, or 2.000 piruls uf white rice (Strait* quality) in 24 hour*.
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  • 51 2 Uhdbb tbe auspice* of tbe EpwivtbLeague, Mr. John Haffeuden will give a lettare on tbe work of th* British and Foreign Bible Society in the Methodist Ejiiscnjal Church. Coleman Street, on Friday evening the 19th 7.45. Tbe lecture will illustrated by lantern-picture.*. The lecture is free and all art
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  • 58 2 Tim is receiyed ayolunw. forwarded by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, «u--tainiriK the Reports of t he Singapore Chamber of Commerce, and t be Penan,; Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, for the year 1894. The subttance of the material therein bat appeared from tun to tim- m tbit journal a«
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  • 66 2 Tall followiag, a gaouine advsjrtisement from latt aaail'* Monung I'ott. may regarded at a tismifiouit step in the m'ward msreb of the new woman An Ofleer'a Widow with |rrown-up daughter. highly eoanoHed. areastoaxid to good aueiaty. offers hor Serrieea t.i a Oentleinan of g".'-l social position, widower or otherwise, livirg
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  • 70 2 At a meeting of the Queensland Central It-.ard of Health recently a discussion i. ...k plamt on tbe question of lepruey iv Australia. It wat agreed that the Govern. ment should he requested to bare periodical eiaraiuatinna of tbe coloured races and of lh»ir quarters in Queensland also, that the
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  • 117 2 doubt was eipmsed as to the freouioen' s« of tbe import currant MMM couple of mouths ago that tbe CmmM tried tw buy the British fleet. It it repreaeated oo good authority that the report wat based oo facU. A Chinese boat carrying a mandarin went off to the
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  • 164 2 Ix Berlin, a number of African travellers. colonial politicians, and scicnfihY MM h.fe formwl a Comuiittoe for the purpoa* of TamiOK an, l I'raiwrvin^ the African Elephant." It ia <-omputcd. MMMMH to statistical !»>* of the eijiorta ol ir.uv. that no [ewer thau from .".O.IKHI to tUi.iNMt elephants »rj killed
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  • 547 2 "LEAH" AT THE TOWN HALL. Tut production ot' tl'is play by the "race Hawthorne Company lasl "niKht once more exemplined the deficiencies of o«r local stage and the consequent iujudi- ious attempt to repriMent any piece Mm »<-«nery and display arc essential. Apart from this the subject of the piece
    547 words
  • 127 2 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY CONFERENCE. K*v,iub*ble replies having been recei». c.l from moat of tb« other coloniis r. Uting to the direct repre>entatiou of Auatrtlim inter, at the luturnatlonal Money O*> f. ren. r. the Premier of South Austral,* has wired agaiu to tbe Premiers of I h> oilier MMMM. augK e>t
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  • 861 2 THE WOMAN WHO DID. Almost as important a question v is Socety to weiir thu teuou r" |i is -Si. i.-l v l.t Imr. r about tbil WmtmV The purveyors of liimiiire and •ir.iiiM. at all events, whose l-u.-iu.-ait it h to strike out novel topics just an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 719 2 rriHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. mHR BUndard Life Aaenrance 1 Norwich Union Fire In.urance Society. Aiia. Assurance Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Aseurance Society The Ocean Marine lusnranoe Company Tbe China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The. Tottenham L*Ker Boer Company. The Marittme In.urance Company, Limited For nartienlars of those Companies see
      719 words
    • 801 2 "notices. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any news^a* er in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 870 2 LATEST ADVERTIBEMKNTB. TOWIpHALL LAST NIGHT LAST NI0HT Lewi A- Dibkotob Savii.i.k Smith. last night: TO-MIOHT WKDKBRDAT, AfBII, I7TII. Lax!, Night tnd Farewell Performance, Under Distinguished Patronage, of Major- j OeneralJoifrH-VAOoHAN C. B, Staff and Omvara when will he prodnced, PIKBBO* MaSTIIPIICB, The Profligate Prices uf Admias'oo, Front mt< Back $1
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    • 32 2 i««»«7r*"/* 1 1 Maw >*»">«' *t» >m,I, m—lL The Straits Times has tho largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. j No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 78 2 .VKATHKK lIPOH A'.,......,.j t'Mlw H'xpUal, NM Apnl, IK.) a ».m. il p.m. !l p.m. Kcmai la. lUr. n.i. :.i«ji.Mifl.i(ti r<"u,.. «i 7i.j Wn ...yi. ITwr. ;7 BjJ TH L S£.l^k^L»;'»L i i!*i Mia .1.. u.'n »|M INB.aiaa* w S 14* Tan. raJ lam ;i J t; T..1111, Mhoor. >.
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  • 1088 3 INTERESTING BANKRUPTCY APPEAL. iwirnsMor-fcRTv A .I,M-Mf'rt „f Ar,p»»J ttli. mrVne ..i..iitut*doftMOfatst Ja«H«*, Mr .1,,».,r» I and Mr t*»*.aa int-i^tiOK Hi inkrupiev np|M»| was hearrl. Ii was an „r ,lr ,l. R a,i.,tthe de, „i^ thl Brili s i.ti-iilar Court at Bar^k*. iv a Bank. l|l MMn wh.rel.v Hp, Br«M«« of
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  • 169 3 ALUMINIUM PROPERTIES. Merr Charles Marmot, of the University .1 ii wii, uss recently made a BUiotU dis...»»rv coneeruiug aluminium He has i. .mi. l iliai if glaal l>e rubbed with t pit nflait metal vurv brilliant markings will he ol.umrd that no amount of «BMMMJ "ill cause to aMBMMBT, and
    169 words
  • 33 3 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. A < mirt ..I Inquiry will juummiiIiIh nt llm >-■'«"..„ Hi».|nl«l. T»ii|flin. »l 1« |Ml1 >u»i I., iuvwliifxt" wpurtupiin tbirir'Ulii.'i,.,.. uimIki ffcM .-.TUill HtMWaf 'lull<i»K i« clurgu of tliu McUi<>l Staff (Jur|« Lbri.Mt
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  • 2281 3 THE SAKAIS OF SELANGOR. In Hi' Uiu Ua«l District there Mt IWotnlHH of SiUiK known a, Biuit." or»u, and Oran* r»nj»»K." or m.n living near river.; th-.»e' t*o tribes i,r.. really ouU one— ir IWh Bi.isi"--in Ulu Wat. The Drug Tujong, ;is a rule, speak quite a different dialect
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  • 197 3 NEWS VIA AUSTRALIA. MMUVMM IN Pf.Kr i.,,../,.... March. IVlsils have Ih-en rereivml of Ihe Milh'liilinrv BfBBBg »hieh l<«,k |.lsre ill the streets'. rf l,iin«. the e«intsl of Vem between the rcM- nu.l lhe li.iverniiimit tns.|s. The reU'ls entered lhe t,.nn st night, aud Miaal lhe church lowers, whence they tiled
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  • 143 3 ARRANGEMENTS. 1 7 r h Ai'Kii :ii|{i Wator. 4,1" pm. •Mom. l-i-t guaiiei. U7*A Oh I'rorliifato" at Town Hall. Thi'hsi.ay, IHth Apri I'll u;u Water. Ult» till! pu> 1. iv Milehclls •At Horn." I'mSalt al U.Msfs ai I'oli.c Station. .Messrs. Powell. Sale of f* m~* Copra Bf M. I'owell
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  • 2012 3 COAL IN SINGAPORE. A UEOUJOICAT, BEVIKW OF THE PROSPECTS. BORINOS HHDl' BE MADE THE POLITICAL A.M. iUMRR< IA I. RESULT* I (Tie following paper kn been forwarded to ut Of a local geoloyitl Is the underlying strata in and around Singapore ooal-lwarino; Ye«, hard undeniable facU prove it to I*
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  • 1048 3 WILL THE COMING RACE SLEEP? Wmumnm may is> mbtW, i m an> tiun 5...U ror hiier 1..V, ive i|«. ißfUlal and support ot th iik di.-al jouriul-. The hiviM- |.!.iv.-.| l,y ih.-,. k ulh..i'iii«s MMMg ,tlie cherishe.l convicUona of tit,. MMjlic u',-1 i, ot Ihj dese tils d. Kroni link'
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  • 33 3 PASSENGERS FOR HOME. The following p»*waKor» ire lxjoked |*r I". .V 1 1 •Irain.-n IVr >•. <;..„,/.« l-i May Mr. Cm M.111I..11.I. If. i. Mr VerbruKK''1' r Manila Mr. and Mrs. W. II till.. m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 640 3 LJtJARD K It K K K x KoBDIAUX CLAKIT. »rona.v, rhatmn <:.rr»n. fltahH <•■■■■•■ iMMtHMMIpr, <;• -»>n>.< it, U«l >l ■hh«im»r, (U.d«t.>i..:r.i«r, 'iaii.»:>ln«mmAuf'.ma. WHISK V. 4 tli SCOTTI •ill* lrii« hir thi«S'i»'«|..>.inil». MKHK <V. IT IS KA8V TO ASK ylKsTIONS A rhihl .-an«»k i,u«.li.w» > wi- m« I
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    • 1085 3 SHIPPING. j FOR OKNERAIi BHIPPINO WBWB SEE PAGE ft "HI O R lOl.lOlii i Meaara. Apcar A Co. 'a ,fe*mer OA THBHINK ATCA 11, i 71.1 ton.. Opt. J. n. (Ilifent, left Cal.ulta. on Ihe UMh in«».. and i. due here I on lhe lr»lh in. en mule for shove
      1,085 words

    • 1368 4 IN PORT. Under thu bes>lla« the following al.brj.»i- j tioaw are used :—str.—steamer sh.--.hip. hq.—baraae; Brit— Britiah U. S.—n«i«*l I SUtee. fr.—tV»a»hj Q«-.—Onm»a: Dut.- i Dutch; Joh.—Johorej G.e..-General eatyo; A. p.—de-k uaanuwri i Uj-Ua.-r taiTTT. P? W.-TaijoVP««a* Wharf ;T P. D.—Tanjonc Psgar Dock, B. W— 80-ti«" Wliarf, J jTwardloV.
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    • 130 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Wmm f r rt. .I*l !>■■•' >;■::,,, MNaj Mll.l'l K-h. ip->t „H ■nKi si Siin.U F0rm,.,.. LIVXPuUL. B-11-r,.,.!,...,. M»r 10; H) .1u« Apl. \U: I Airuiif, due Apl M Chißf \U IjMltlH. Br.binar. Psliouraa. Num. Columbus. Feb. X; ■HI, Richard Ri.-k.n-r.. Dw. 4 QNMM Psola Madrs. »M.
      130 words
    • 113 4 :ait»i». X..M S*ILII> I .-S-L.M. Xi» >« Sult.» ltd <-|„,|.r i '•> l'U» IUI. -tr 3W Kuila >« aria PefaUn i '.n. atr. 377 Xl» >•> fooaaUrf <!«r. .tr. »77 IVt. v >» Ouiavle Out. .tr -iki OJiuk 1'hw.,1,.,, Hrit.atr. 138] 5t, 17 HlMi -tr I*7 TU> teit
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    • 99 4 CLEARANCES. v ««««i;» Nim. Fun K i C*IT»IN. DUTIN4TIOK. Apt. i« tkm 17 <ij-pi. 17 1. 17 ,>i..T.t 17 I >•■■ 17 Sult.o 17 Pekin 17 PeuUf 17 S.. H««r 17 H«Up.> 17 Cknii 17 Strmil. !>uu.l« 17 Suood Hu Bril >tr. HMi >lr. >lr. U«l> Mr. Sliinmeii ilr. Owen
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 233 4 NOTICES. I TOILET WATER Appreciated tor its MUM prfume and the feeling of comfort and frpshuPS! which it impartssto the skin Kananga Extract M I H3OCH DmTK n.nnvr. FOB THK iunukkucMKF I, rawM aW rors^.u-nllv (raprant "iri'\UD AC", 8, rue Vivienno, PARIS Steuart Co. CALCUTTA. CARRIAGE BUILDERS, TO H. E.
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    • 269 4 NOTICES. IoRIEHHUL THE WONDROUS CUBE. Fnr Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Lumbago, Sciatica. Chronic Coughs, Pains in tho Chrst, Pains In the Back, and all Arln s and Pains. kkiiv urns mi mM, it iotmiu RELIEVES. Isblished its ropu'ition Iv'tIbvIV' I P°" VBIia IP*"* p*m»J < s* ing power, reaching LITTLE'S ORIENTAL
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    • 707 4 NOTIUKh. GENERAL MERCHANTS. AMD COMMISSION AGENTS, (BAB AHD BILLIABD), It and 13, first Cross Strast. MALACCA. BBAKCB. BOON EAN CO, 10. Markai Street, Kuala Lompdb. Always hara In Stock Tia Pro»i»la»M i mn .Stetiftion. SplriU, Win., *fc j plSa Mawaandiaa. BOUBAT. BURMAH, TRADING CORPORATION LIMITED BANGKOK. STEAM SAW MILLS. TEAK
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    • 159 4 NOTICEB. I r\ r o h i d h J. D 1 A.~~PBREIHA. H«ai icoLToaisT tmi»t COLLBCTUB ABO EIfOBTBB or OHCHMW. Orders for Bonquet Spraya Ac., Ac Canfally and promptly awcutad. Cheapest House in the Trad* NDRBERT, OXLET ROAD. a.«. Addram 28-18. Orchard Road. Tanglin J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS,
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    • 181 4 NODUE6. CLAKKffB BATKNT BROWN LKATHKU POLISH. |^V>a poHshlair, «-.ft.unir awl i—hlm T all Brown L«tlii!r<,;.Nal«.«irli«, 1J MIT SHOKS.SA-nDI.BBT. l"li»tJIA«TBAOH. t r.:. lv this |ir«iwiratmii 11i.T.. «rHii,,,m,, lv r •.li.'kT snbutanoaa. surh ss an- <-»ntiiti..wT in inferior leather Poli»<l whirh 1.-.v.. uhimtionable and rorrmiTn .-.isting t surface of the Lwther, tei«lin»;
      181 words