The Straits Times, 18 January 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1895. NO. 18,525.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1167 1 STEAMSHIP OON.PANIES. PKMNBTTLAR AND ORIRNTAT. BTK»M VAVIOATION OOMPWV Qsaaaa— fallai i rjnar. WsjAßVaaand Ocinowtw Yew I'arhoiir 11..- mail BtsBSSSBI will kam Singnp,,re on or t Ilie mi.leriiienti..n .Int.. Ho«rw..e. gijljl IsWSI J, nT si I /vi,. j. llt £r;. SJac 52 P..- M.r l» R.i.,11. n".tn Apl. I A |4.
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    • 789 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. T"\E KONINKLIJKE I'AKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Fnder contract with the Nsthsrlands ladU Government Agenti nt Singapore, Ship Aobnct, LATB J. PABBDBLS A Co., 2-3, CoLLTBB Qcat. .Steamer El f r^ n <l On Will be Deapatched to On O.n-.Jar,^,. Rttavia. i:fth. Bstavi*. Cheribon, Saaurang, and Poarabaya. 18th JanOaMss. Hongkong. 14th.
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    • 175 1 PEBBLE BPB(rTACL«B A FXJLDERg I f I \> x > WP^ t g S t W F i 5 o gp 2 *m. I 2 b< I aa 3 1 S 3 o S I K h VI 5 I* II 8^ If r P ESTATES A HOrtl-ITALS SUPPLIED, in.
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    • 722 1 INSURANCES. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. tw*.«i. A«K)HS> tmiA up smi.iii ■sssrwfmas BBXWn Hub Ornca, Hoxisnm. r k»"s<I»r»l«»s<l aa»l Wb. h Iste^ Ipuu f or tb. asovsOosapmy sra rrq.rsd to Zemt Marine Bi.'.i. cuimlnis. A Bonn, i, MB «all r „M is .11 conlri. l,"tor.of btut. whMhM.-h.r-h.fl Vr. or t>ul Th«
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    • 564 1 j INSURANCES. I»amVK UOviuWaUDfT SKCORITT X UTS asWUBANC* COMPANT. LTD. Capital and Fukds, £867,889. OB tha 31st December, 1898. I TUB INDIAN Lin FUNDS bow amount to I over TWKjn'T-EIOHT LAKHS OF KUPKEB In Oovsrnment Seearities only. held bj the Ofloial Trustees for payment of cUisu. Taa PosiTira Ststim or
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    • 548 1 I BANKS. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FTJKD 4^00,000 0 ™'<» 0 Consr or Diaacroi. Cbaibsu»— C. J. HOLLIDAT, Esq. Dsrirrv Cbaibsi ah— J. s. MOSES Bag J**".»* Jvma lun. Bs,. r v V'" 11 13- Ho aToCos^iii. 2' c "licaAaisos Bsq. Hoa. J. J. rsaWKS.
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    • 603 1 NOTICES. CORKS! CORKS! BROSSIER JNR, ctm« 3 A«tMcnriiSr Bb<mr > PARIS Mbmm. L. J. CHAm Co., Sihoapo.ic, Agmtsfor M OPPBNBBlltKBAOo., Pabi. t«. I£EM.T AND WALSH, LIMITED. 0. BATTERY ROAD, MKOAPOBB. NEW NOVELS. The Muimu by H»ll Caine l..Vi My Lady Roth* by Stanley Weyman I.35 On* of onr Compel-on by
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  • 307 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION 81HOAPOB1, If Ja*OABT. 1«* PRODUCE. a. (Mb. Hal. ftf do do Sai* -fSCoot. Bali, So Port***, Pepp« Black, B«SnFlour. Bnmiwk Bnuwi Paarl Saffu, T, Oofc. 808. Tapioca .m»U Flak*. To do l*«p»litj do raed. fl»k» do «m»Up««ri. l\i do mod. do btickUc, SiMi Clone, Amboian ifJj-VL
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  • 72 2 tot Ptr ttr. Km*. To-Mokbuw. t i.« 01,* |-rt- s«lMu, Hoaitoii, V>Kf«iM. 2 k a k»o|, llnfi., /p. lUi._ko»j A !■>!, «w. p Mtlwt, «r» TWi>ff€<iii, X..«»>»K ..«»>» porvv hrfii, P*»- r t ft purtl. f'a>., 1 p t al. »-*;t <.!*« w.., s u.«-»uf t.« U. .Vumwuiu,
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  • 69 2 F»-m tt »..ri Bj iW P. *<> ITi'Tf Hi,.rf. c. n M. Faun ClMi P. <• M on in. XSud. S:bA|»>r* IB l-o»l..« •WTScb P O. l*c. «7U. l'«c til, II Ito* £'ih I l:tn P. •> Ju. ICHk !■,<■ i.vl, N |i I. Ju 11th Dm.
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  • 237 2 ABBITAM. i'.r i. Kijah Brooke from Sarawak Dr. G. O. HiTiUnd. Per L'yeloy from Liverpool Mra. Pritebard, and Mra. Heiaoauaa. !>r a. Wiry r-'aHj froai Peaang Mtaara. Lewii, Ton Copper, and htepheaaea. (TO ar«iti Per P. AU. a. Valetta. from London December *i. Mr. A»h»lhy, Mr G. Meßain
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  • 47 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 18TH JAN., 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. EttABLUHID IH3IPRICE: 10 CENTS. ISnbteripUo* rats, and veiling raft mt, be found <m tke fourth page.'] THE nWSCB TBBOXE London, January. Paris i* <jui«. Toe Due d'Orlemo. bu ({joe to Do«r to »*sit eTt-aU. Ei-Pr^ideot Perier'i lett«r «ondemnrd feeble.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 354 2 T«« .boat, of Loog Li»e tb« King. •bicU followed the retding of M. Verier tetter of retaliation in the Chamber of D. putie.. may nu that hope, of a K-*--tormtioa mo higher ia monarchical circle in Fraae*. Tb. Dake of Orlean., the Cla>m»ot to tb. French
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  • 601 2 H E. Ibe Uovernor kM the Siugnpore Chamber of Coin'uerc* to v nun*'for bit »ppr ».i' a member of Council to succeed their D'.-ikuc resigned. I Chamber has n>t yet bad »d 'iniiy uf «'iM lrriD({ what I" do but there uerd be no doubt Hut th-
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  • 157 2 The feeing in Singapore is tint ths Gold CoMt i. to be coogratulat ,1 on bav.Dg kc»t*l *o ab'ea Governor m Mr M.xwell at a time when >■ U-ly I* l^ murh needed there. Mr. Msiw II »iH ie-.e I^odoo for the GolJ Coast fAars) on 20th March. Mrs.
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  • 16 2 Ladt Miicmll will be "At Hoid.." m Thur*i*y next. 24'.b inst. Tbe.e rill bs Lswn Tennis.
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  • 15 2 Thk Osaka Mint struck 19.C<W.0UO .ilver one y«» pi<*e» durioj; nine mjntbi from April last.
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  • 18 2 Mb Ismosom f' ll att M Auditor. Uenera'. aud Mr. Brch will uontimw n net as Colonial Treasurer.
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  • 19 2 Thk annual u'ne'* 1 <n< KtiU X 'I'" Lviies' Uwo Te poit Cub tikes blkc Welueiflav. th-- 2:Jrd instant.
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  • 22 2 H H. thi Sultio will be \t H..rae a* r> -r.,i!l. •>» fmdM u-i*. the llnl u.tant. (r..m 4*J to 6 o'clock
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  • 22 2 In the Mnvlarin <:harVr party <m^, in which a motioa to set aaide aju Umei.t was ina-l-) yesterday, judgment w M restrved.
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  • 29 2 THt ■>■■—» I P. *O. |»k»t Mil ■A H.n^'k)o« at 1 p.m. ys'crd*t. »<> I mat l<e elp e'ed to arrive at ■a e apiM abiut 6 s.m. on Taetdiy nei".
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  • 31 2 Cholkka is increuin^ in Btn«:L and 1. re|«.rt-d to be v*ry buA at PakUt Tliiac«MM "f tL^ epidrmic is said t<. be nwinir to tbe w*ter turning brackiab in th river.
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  • 34 2 At th* Bn'ish consular court in Miukk .o tb- 11th iuftao'. tb* rule, titling t'l- editor of the Suim OU'rrT, MJ ticali for contempt of court in .ommentinj ou pejdiot; caae, was mvle alwolut*.
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  • 30 2 Tmi PHhMNH Soviet's conceri ttkes place this eveniog. There, will doubtless be a crowded bouse; and, as a g.. 1 programme has breu arrauged, a mu■Mnl trea' may l-e anticipated.
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  • 50 2 Thi Japan MaU B«Mmwl trsnslationi of J it. cipured l>v Hie J*[*ns«e at P .rt A- htir Om M) of a d.-;|>ati-h fr Ml IWmI Bag I I V..*i..v |i »fl. rthe Uule off tbe Yalu K;ver oncljJ.- 'In n\n>r, there i< not a siujfle ship s^awirthy at present
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  • 40 2 Japakkob vernacular |*p?rs anlu |*lv tbe signing of the u>w treaty with <Jerni«t:y AMtb I' differ* soinew'bi*. 'kfj say. ban th* sWMM treaty. Tlie v-« Frsuco-J ipausse treaty is al«o reported as likely to b> signed in i turn d*v.
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  • 62 2 The BiHi/k.k- Time state* that tb« King of S'MH has .i.ierrnioe-1 to spp iu'. as Crown Priuce and Heir-Apparei'. kit •on Cb»w Fa Maha Vajiravadh. tH-' of tbe Se»ood Que-u. lx>ru on Ut JaaMery 1881. aod who is studying under apea.] tutorship st Ascot, uear London. Tor cc* Crown Prince
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  • 70 2 T«« B i..|. of fcMfMft Labuan »u.| ■MM*, was to Hnw iv Taipiui; yt> terday from IVninj. and hold a confirm.* tiou service in All Stints' Church a' 6*" p n>. tbe same div. He was to leavs for Kinta this aaniM u> mmmmtu >•• Church at Ba'u Oajah. «n
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  • 119 2 One rSnt of tlie war. tty« tbu A' CnNaalti ii already uotic »l>'* in tlf mouev insrket silver dolUrs a p e BtttiaK Stsrifr. and little eleept a(<-r money i< eeeo. Exactly h>w muc'i bulli'U b»« I the i-ouulry thetv is uo reliable meant "I ascertainin);, as of course war
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  • 100 2 T Bit P.,,,*, U,,utU. under the li*l of The Kt»i£ualion Craze." iaaxaaadinf I »r.. h at tli- attitude of the rtawfrtw* of Singapore honorary offiriaU over the military ivn'ril.ution. It h particularly a>> with re^aril ti the eisenior un'ffi' a member of Legislative Couucil. "wan utterauces at the public meet
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  • 119 2 Tmi Chinese uaval authorities b»>, cr ..j. h .rtunity slip thMU»;h hu»Mrs. nays the Ju^h Mj,l. •Jtkottrfl' :I mutt he admittol tint tb«- t\'i'"' war was <omewhtt a^aiu»t them- TW» hat rewivej iuformati.n that the ittMiur! Xitaptdta lud eutrod tbe Cbiun S.^ lovled with i-ontraband of war S-ui- their
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 743 2 rnHK BORMBO OOMPANT, LUHTBD. AUa* Aaanrane* Comply (Fir*>. The Boaitabl* Lif* Amrum Society Tke o2— Maria. lM»r«« T Co Th* Chiaa Matael Bt«am N»Tif»Uon M>y PAKT. LTD. Agent*. PAYABLE £1,000 Sto AT AUB U .U* V. daria'g V first I »*y W. enured by payment lk# 8 0 0{J r
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    • 976 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepteti. tt circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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    • 230 2 NOTICES. PRODUCTS OF AUSTRALASIA. McALISTER CO AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE IMPORTERS. ■ATI JU«T KICEIVED iBIM«»T Or CHOICEST (JCAI.ITT A»D I» P»im CO»DIT10» [lOBEBUD CREAMERY HOTTER Challaagn »U olb*r*. Prie*p«r lib ti»"Oe»at<.. 2 SI 35. WOOD CO.'S FACTORY BUTTER, p r p,r 1 lb. tin 65 cuts 2 11.25 CHEESE. rmwt New Z-ltod
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    • 1148 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTKD. Board »rd Lodging or two young g utlemen, '"t" f able Boom. Ai.ply with f«ll P"***"™ A. B. C. c/j fcfe-e-iti Tim- Oilee^ _W ■QOARD AID BBBIDBHCB. THE CASTLE. Catimaoh Road Cooleel bone* in eUgepo?*. Excellent teble, Kin i Le.wn-Te*«i* ourt A few large and airy rooms
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    • 24 2 3feggaHgaaßaßß ZSZIXi j^staaiteTimes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Aaia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 WEATHEK RKPOKT iavl«H Km— UufMti, 17tk J*H*ary. I*.. t }pa-9p> lauui. lb>. F.k. S».WS».7»»» MO -g r«. ip M.V 7LU rt« IMb Tlwr. 74 5 73.V 7U.S 5 Uir. W Wi»4 U "-E- m.i. t.b|. iTi.L.t- m* I y«. r d« ts.« fi ...i ..,.-<.: liii f! r-. i:.T
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  • 338 3 KiMcfrtN House* MMMUB A I 1111.11 KILLED A fire occurred v«t«r.inT afinrnooß which deetroyed nineteen native houara. About t«n minute* pMt fir* the alarm win given at th« Rot-hurt- police atation, nod the Brigade, under Mr. U. P. Owen, were toon on the i|h.i. They found that a
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  • 310 3 Ykhtebdat Rfternooii, about half past .lie. a frarat occurred between lioaiiuuii „f diffeient clans off lioat CJiihv. It was not a aerious afftir but it illustrated the with which such quarrels ari«.. on innguitkaut questions li.tiv. tn rival clanauieu on the river. Al the same time it
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  • 184 3 Missus. P.. will Mid Co.. held an iiny sale of ji-wcla and ornament! The ut l-ii l.iiK" was good aud Ihe liiddiug oi.:c|.tioudllv lirisk. The S.III las. .1 until n.-Kllv 5 o'clock and the 1. lices1 ices realised aiig^oated the affluence of Letter days. 11.
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  • 372 3 Tnt: annual geueral meeting ol the r.> Amateur Photographic S,,r:.'tv wa« held last ui^lil a' the Society'" rooms. Wo. U Hill Street. I)r Hi|flu t pruidtd .md about fifteen luembera were preieut. The MBatttW, in Ibe courae of tbeir l-iri. which win uuaniiuouslv adopted, It will W
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  • 66 3 Tall Band of tlic'iud Bitt. Linwlual.tre Reip ul will play tin- foll.iwmn MMgraaiasj on tlui K«|>liiuaJ<-. to-. lay ...nun -111-iDK at 5 p.m.. w«*ther pat> liilttn ■■HBUMia 1 v,:-,. Jm ****<*•■ ioa DorveaW Cell-er. T. I-olk. IIW«.Jr«» 1.0-.1,..n. 4 I > Wmditm Str,,'h,.. JNpff F.
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  • 171 3 THE M. L. C.S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. Th« following n the- toil of the letter tent by Government in reply to the letter of residual ion of teatt in Council, by Mettrt Shelford. Donaldson, and Se»b I. -ng.S.-.,1, i Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 16th January. liW.. Ceutlemen,— l am directed by
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  • 1002 3 THE PENANG REPRESENTATIVES' MOVEMENTS. A until destitution, cimniHlineut Ucssr> Jim. U. Allan, Aicbl. Keuuedy, A. I,tw. I mar, J.m.« l,i.nh. b.u H. Priirbaid. nod Dr. Alan Kob ruou waited on His Kicellemy tlie Governor on DmmA« I 22nd. and IMaM V:*t their Matt i tliould be |>lar< <j on tbe
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  • 129 3 The revised programme, of the races to take place be re on February 12' b, 14<h and I'itb are very attractive aad should draw good fields. Tbe prizes are considerably iii created in amount. For instance, the Vb race ou tbe second day has been increased from
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  • 103 3 VBENOH AFVAIBS lIUHTIMi IN MADAOAiICAB IHh January. M Challemel Lacour baa been re-elected President uf the Senate by a majority of 160 votes The French Chamber baa defeated by ;(■>» to 218 the motion for the releaea of (i-raiilt-Uieliard- and ha* (asaed a vote of oonh'deuci in
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  • 769 3 Via Rangoon. MR OLAUHTOHI OX IRKI.ANIi THE COTTON DUTIES IN INDIA THE l)l«r«ts- IN NEWFOUNDLAND MR CI'EZON AT IABI'L THE itAILWAY HYaTllf IK INDIA THE NAVAL ESTIMATES London, Bth January Mr. OladiUue starts for (Jaime* today the honorable gtjntleraiu reoeived a deputation of Irish Americans yesterday afternoon, and,
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  • 625 3 TRADE AND MINING IN SARAWAK IN 1894. (Sarawak Qazettr, V*d January). As regard* the Trade of Sarawak during the put year, it should be about the bum iq Talue aa that in 1893 during tbe 6r*l three quarters, theie ba< been aa incrraa* iv toe ralue of unporU aa compared
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  • 783 3 A> OWICBB ACCIDENTAL!. V SHOT A IU uniKl ItamjujH Uattte. Allahabad, llh Ja.ut > ,j The winter in Wasiriatau i" provitg M) MM Eighteen degree* of fn»t Mere registered mi Ne» V«p'< nr There llmvi- ln-«-it twenty-four ,b »tli> iv nil fruiu pueumoiib. A telegram f ..mi
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  • 114 3 HATiaDAT S PLAYBM Tba following are tbe namee of tha plajrra for Saturday's Medal with their haudioaptn: CapUin Barter 1 A. W. Stiven '-Scratch J. B. Robertson j H.V.W. Vade Dr Hinds T E. Earie F. M. Elliot 2 W. Foi R. H. Padday WH Sh.lford ~UASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 953 3 NOTICES; J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. hhaik» r» miTi.Y Bid inn JA8. AITKEN CO., FALKIRK. Botti.1I) Eifmm.v nn Exportation. To be bad of all Dealer*. Whnl«wl» Ageals PATER3ON SIMONS CO. r. A 3/4 JOSEPH BAKER, CoarlCTIOMIB AMD VlKMKA Billl BEOS to inform ll,« Ladi.. and Gentlemen of Singapore that
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    • 763 3 SHIPPING. FOB GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE If O R HONGKONG. The Navigaiiona Osnerals Italiaaa SUamar BIBAOHO. 1.499 tons reg Captain Barabino, having Isft Bombay on the Stli instant, may hs at. peetad to arrive here on the IWth instaat, sa route for the above port. tor freight and passage,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 160 3 AKItANGKMKNTS. Kbimay. iHru Januaky. U, K h WiUi. -'\i'.> I'.ui. Moil. I.i»t Quarter. 5.50 4mU4JUm« Mad I'"*" DWiMw tiou. t :t" |>. in Haixl. Kiplaualf. I KubI'V KfMitlv.ll. SCO. .>. tmhw." Kgjilunndr. AM.riH-..ii. I'hilliHi'iiionii: SikiuIv'b Couirrt. Town Hall. i.inSatukihy. 19M .Knuabv. Hi(,'li WaU-r. :t..M ii.m 4 4« p.m. Kiirnitiiio And
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    • 132 4 Undv this heading the following at.brev; aw aaad.— •tr.-ataamer; »h.— •h^.. bq.-Urqae; Brit— British; U. S.-Hmtel gut*.; Fr.-Franeh;Oar.-Gwman; DutDateh; Joh.— Johors; be., G.e..-G'nflra. cargo; d. p.-da"k paaaMgers; U^-Uncr-(lin\T. P^W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf T P D Taniong Pagar Dock B. W. Borne.) Whirf V W^JaXwN Wharf N H.
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    • 1345 4 Akkivai.s Sikck Mooh or Testkbi>at. Btaijkalu. Brit. atr. 94 tons Capt Marsha 1 xth Jsn From Klang, ltfth Jan. Oc, au.l .11 ,1 p Wee Bra* Co. tor KlmK, 2nth —Rds. Poung. Brit. str. St« tons, Capt. Dunl p. 18th Jan. Fiom oamarang. ISih Jan. O.c. and 198
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    • 181 4 IftMßa, Pert, and Dot* of thiliwj London. Glruurcliy 1.,vmr0,,i. I. D<->- I". Myrmidon. Dec lft| 1 ing Suey, IVe. lM tih 11, Das a*| |ah l>-' Pauay. D--. r—SMSj Cerberus, Dec. 12 BiUKY ■rota Ri.-kiners, Sept. IN; I* liickmsrs. Nov. IH Elba Hickinero, Nov 18; Kirtiarl Uickmera, 1)...-
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    • 58 4 5 Vm.ii/. N»..«. 4 Ton.. CirtAis Xi. U rn 5».1«,. Km w 1 1 111" 11 -lit siisk is SCT SI" 'CLm kok ft! l 3 w »-»•«''■> Lv II P.M.K !>„ r M.1.0c. J.u 17 AUtnoff I'o. 10 HjiUm ,t, »i v i KUo J l«W M Hin*o«
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    • 102 4 Dati viuii. taap IMI Xl Cirr.i-. !>>»TlN*Tlov l-» 17 Ai.f.r. 17 Auiuor 17 ftliaanu <7 IMi.ii- i \>nii. 18 S.nilur Id s. M ,bo 18 Horn W.o IB i..i-.,;» 18 ml. it., i, 18 Sri I'rlDgisDn 18 < itv].,,. 18 H-.-.t. 18 P«uui( Brit «lr. »to. itr. -lr .ti.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 564 4 HOIHNSON CO. NKW ALL \WiOL TWEEDS AND SILK MIXTURES In linn lro|>i.-»l w Mk specia ly for this Hiin:it». iv 10 sail lengths. lIWM PATTERNS IX ALL WOOL FLANNELS. (Jr.iys, Umhs Fawu-. nnd a variety of new, While Ciirket au.l Tennis FlanueU. White (mb| an.) < ■.(.hin.-reo. All thoroughly
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    • 369 4 NOTICES. J GENERAL FAMILY! PENSION FUND. 1 Establish bd 1671 M Aeenmnlated Capital in the hands ot GOVERNMENT OVER 27 LAKHS. fordr invested ih (jovebnmkkt Secdbities okly. Open to all Christiana of both seias. This i. a purely mutual institution managed by a Board of Directors elected br the sobasribars
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    • 1089 4 NOTIOEb. ÜBAlt I! OLlilT'l laoiiM.i, voaoa, com Mission 1 ibt> tbaii- iKn ntmmt, «o. arkihiab mrai. Horam shod l,y aid and etperloaeei shoeiaf; smiths BMlet -|."i-ial Europe,, stipsrvitiea, Horwn afciuiM m sold on r.mimiatioa al f aar cent. First class aeooamodatiaa tar nee hones ia trainisj. a. JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 1013 4 NOTICES. HOUSEKEEPER'S BAZAAR AND WABHINO BOOK. (BeamU Xdihmt.) TW, book U srranjed for Ifty tw. wjska. Ta. Baaaar pages gi". ta. Malay aai hf MaaWJjl asaal artlcU* it hmmSU Zm. There 1. a eel— far aaak Jajra a* aaaditur.. and on. for th. I— llll. atjfca mti o«llsy. Th«» is
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    • 52 4 NOTICES. UIRD rilßl BOBDBAVI CLAMCT. rraaaae. Chateau C'itran. Chatean Montia. HOCKB. brharlarhberger, Ge senheimer. Kn.leeheiu*r 1 R ohhsimsr, Bodeuheimer, Q. M <«r»hionier— I Aaslaa.. f WHISKY. Adld Scotti c. Sol* Imtxrtors for the St. ait- «s..itl.-m.-m HKMR t < 2k JU prim oftht Stbatw Timiw is two and a half
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    • 38 4 NOTIOBB. pKPIO Via. BT DR. JAILI.KT. ffcrperior Tonic Lhranr, g»iraa>iU iWt> reigr lemsriy for renovating waak soasaa*. tiou.. snd an nicsllsut appetiser. Ta be bad si sll Diepeassnat. .-'A UK IKS AUOSm, ta. th. A s. 3/4/ AtaatjL
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