The Straits Times, 7 January 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1895. NO. 18,515.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1236 1 •STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PRNINBDLAR 4JID ORIENTAL STEAM NA.VIUATION (XIMPU'T Orvioß— <'olly.-r Qiist I \m»kv c and Oowmm- New lUri-our I 'i. atswaaM will 1.-.ive afaaafata t .n ..I il-.iit the un. let mention ihit.- 1 <T»«««. Haniw j.,,,. ,|r^,,..,,, j., ly H".«.r...H,f,J Jbiit. SI Prk,,< Ji»n». il 1.n».1U ivi,. I
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    • 1157 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. T^E KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under contract with tha Netherlanda India Government. Awntt at Singapore, Ship AoFicrr, i,atb J. L>AB»PBLa A Co., 2-3, ColltbbQoat. Meniu.r 'f^'' On Will be Despatched to On VtmViim,,,. BaUvia. !uH Oth.*. Cherihon, Samarang and Sourabaya. Btb. Jan. Grow/ran Byß»tavia. Baw an, Sourabaya. Ball.
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    • 718 1 INSURANCES. i ANTON INSURANCE OFFICE L LIMITED. i:.(«i.l aalMcriUd. •j>>i.m. Ani'iun* i«ii up „SMJ.OO<. t—rrffumi aU.MW Hsad Orn. i, Him.,*..../. TtKtm.lrr>liriMdh.Tin b M iia P |> int-l A|rrut> for the abonCoatpaajruO'lVf.radto aoo^t Mariu. Bii>..> current nU4. A Booua I. uonnallT imid la all contri. butor. of baaliiM., wartan .b.naol mor
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    • 433 1 INSURANCES. "DOUTITB ttOVBKNMENT BKCOKI V X Un AjarrjaUMCE COMPANY, LTD. Capital and Funds, £667,88 W. on the 31st Deoaabw. ISM. THE DJDIAN LIFE WVVDB now aaaooatto ots* TWENTY-EIUHT LAKHS OF EDPKBB la Gorernment Saoaritica pal*, held bj thf > Oflaial Traateea for payment of claims. Tm» PoamTa STarm EnDOwannrr AsavaAWcaa
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    • 550 1 BANKB. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-tJP CAPITAL!". I10.00<¥)«> RESERVE FUND I 4..VXV 00 I RBBBRTB LIABILITY OF> tinoooittt PROPRIKTOUS J ..•lIVIWVW Coonr or Dimacrou:— C»ai»iiaii-C. HOLLIDAY, E». Dsfutt Chaibma*— J. 8. MOSES, lag. 1. M. (1««t. Km. limn Kuan ka 8. ft Mici!««i»o» b«. Hon. J. J. l,,t»i ii.
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    • 236 1 KOTIQBB. Troducts of AUSTRAL AHIA. McALISTER CO. I AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE IMPORTERS. C'BOICBRT QUALITY ADO IN PRlatll I'UNDITIOM KOBEBUD CREAMERY BUTTER Challaaßiw all others. I I 'rue par I lb. tin 'OceaU. 2 ll.itt. WOOD CO.'B FACTORY BUTTER, (MawMJ Price iier 1 lb. tin 06 eenU a 91-25. THEKHE. Fine.l New
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  • 423 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sj»amu, 7t« Ja*c**t, IW6. PBODUUK. Oaabiar tWS--do Ciba No. 1. 1*76. do do No. i, Cop» Ball, Jo Pootiaaak,. iJ*. Popper BU«k, MO. Se^o Floor, Sa»w»k i 55-*, Bro«* ..127%. Pearl Sago, a 3-124. Coffee Liberian, *&•<«• Tapiooa mB Flak* lo do latqialitj »&W. do mcd.
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  • 114 2 Km far am lu-Moiiow >oiu-abava via port*. Van l>i»m*n 8 a*if oa, lit r>. k-m P.11..,, via /a I: Prvpunt,., 11 >. < 'ItsribuD 4 daaiaraAf /V.u..y, 11 aßk Pwakntf. Qanyrnidt. 1 P.BI. B*u iv port. G. run B)iamll, t t .u Kiatii; Ti«|«>ita, lw« Ban 11,
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  • 97 2 Kaon |MMM 1 -Bj the Oaraua lkitmMla.ll ■In- m Kn.U.i it From 1 im\a llj Urn P. 411 ftaiaMaW dsc ibi- 1 ..ihiij. \\>> i:ih p. *<> Dw. i:uh Urn, m h s. n 1., ii.-,-. ntii Not. '.■ill. MM. lire. Dili Nut. 38th P. 11. Dec.
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  • 171 2 ABSIVAXa. Per P. kO. a. Bo—tUt frou London Uaaara. (i. Brork, J. A. OeUy. Mr. awl Mrs Craig, Mr. and Miss Pike. Mr. A Mrs Selby. From Brindiai Mr. aad Mr*. Patenoa, aad Mr. J. Leach, from Penanfc Maears. P. Jordan, aud H. J. Kirk.. Per s. V.
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  • 70 2 to' r. 11 *ii B Kangoon and C»lc itti, i*m«<(uu, on 111 Ii Jaauary, Bouateal and Co. Fur Hongkong. Aptar, d c Vth Janua v. Sa.kiu and Muaea for rVnanK an 4 alcuttu, 1 TUlyrfru, ilu« 10th Jaauary, Boujitvad and Co. l-.T > lima am Japan,
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  • 21 2 Estabi.ihhki) 1881. PBICE: 10 CENTS. [s«6«eri/>*»oi» rain and admrtiaing rain may ht found on tke fourtk page.] 1
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  • 150 2 MONDAY. 7TH JAN., 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. FRANCE A TRAITORH DMUKACK Lowinn. 7tk January. Capiani Dreyfus, under s^utence for j betraying French military »ecret« to foreign 410 vera, has bad his epaulettes strip;* J .>ff and hia aword broken in tbe preaeuce of fire tbouaand men of tbe Paris garriaon. DEATH
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 578 2 It i-i notified by advertisement t'i it a public meeting will be held ou Friday to approve the actioo of tboae who region, il certain honorary office* aa a protest n :i>t tb« attitude of Her Majeaty's Gorernineut in regard to the Strait* Military Coiitributiou. The meeting
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  • 38 2 H.E. TUB G.IVEBMoa telegraphed from Pauang on Saturday, suggeatiug that the rwignißK unofficial mewbera of Council ahould delay tb«ir action uotil aftur conaultatiou with bin. The resigning mem-, ber* of Counuil will not del»T. Their decision ia tiual
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  • 44 2 T"i Hon. A. HiitieuUi'li haa reaigoed Ilia seat aa member of the Legislative Council. We arc jriven to uuderstaud that Mi Hutteobach tendered hia BbbW uatiou on Tuesday but. th« 2nd iuataut and that personal reaaona led Mr Hutten. iiwli to adopt that rourar.
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  • 14 2 Tiui is to In' a nulitarv Field X.iv ou Kridav the I lib mataiit.
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  • 15 2 A cuhckbt ia to be given at St. Audivw'a Hoiix' this avvuiuK at l» o'clock
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  • 18 2 Kali Broa. ai|v«rti«* a oheai. *»l* front the lotu iuaUnt. of all articles displayed on thair tint floor
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  • 27 2 It i* notified bj advertiawmett th it the offlee of the Conaulat* OfMrtA of China will l» remov-.-d to 58, Hill Btre't, <>n the 1 Hi inst.
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  • 24 2 T«B German mail ateamer Uarmitndi having left Colombo ou the sto ii.iant, at 10 p.m. m»y be expected to arrive here on Friday next.
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  • 27 2 Tbe homeward P. &O. P*.k.-; nular left HonK^ng »t 1 p.m. on la* 3ni in-tmit and may be eipectod to arrive at Singapore about 4 p.m. to-day.
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  • 34 2 Thk firat Medical Congress b. 11 in India waa opeoed at CaloutU ou tbe 24th D.-c by tbe Viceroy, in tbe presence of a lam a<«< mbly of distiuguiabed medical in v aud others.
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  • 31 2 The Bill promote 1 by the Bangkok Tnuiwavß Co., in tbe RiiJ l'—m»mmt, to provide for the r^Uration .if L*mish OVBlMaiBl in Siam, i> »ud I" l>a»e |«»a;.l the Upper House.
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  • 33 2 MEHBBB. Powell AC. advert i.-w jfn au.tiou aile of jewellery, by order of ill,-. Supreme Court, in »he estate of Client Hong Lim deceased. The aul* will tik. place on the 17th instant.
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  • 31 2 A BEOILATIOW (N... lOof 18H4). to d... fine the constitution aud powers ot tb.Civil iinil Criminal Courts in Suu^-i UjonK wan i*M»ed by the Couu.-ii a| thai Statvou tbe tfth Decemlier.
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  • 51 2 Pris«e UxasVS ot Orleans has written fro.n S«i«on,to the 8-cretary of tbe B cietv of Commercial Geo^rapbv in Btre, biuting tbat tbe S-ianeae are not ;i :tiu< up U. tbe Treaty of October. 1893, iv thBatt imbong district. He apeaka of gum and powder hidden in contraventim of iU t-i
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  • 52 2 The Straits SettleinenU aVaßWßsViaa Loudon had been placed iv |>o*aession af the despatch of the Secretary of Sti'e for tbe C'-'louies to the Governor of tbe Straits oo the queation of the Military 0 mtribution. A meeting af tbe A*ao«iation was called to consider what steps kliouM \ie t.ili.-n iv
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  • 71 2 Vestekdav. iiioriiiiig. lus|iti-t«r Jou.->. of the Jinrikiahu Department, lieiird bis Ixn- c-.i)lin,' loudly foranKistaiN-e. ;iinl. ruuDiu-.' t > In" m f.iiin.l the unfortunate fellow enveloiie<l iv Ham.- Tbc«.- were ettiiuiiisbed promjitly. hut the Ixn was so liadlv liurnt that be lukl to be Baajßasd t<> til-- H.*).iUl. where he now
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  • 75 2 It is atatc-i tbe negotiations between Manchester merchacts trading to the Straits OkaM and Japan and the repre-s.-iitativ.-s al tbe China Conference of Steamahiri Owners have resulted aatiaf.ictorilv. Early ia Jauuary. the first si. -am- r will lie (.laiel on the berth in Mam-hHst.-r to receive cargo for China and
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  • 83 2 A hk evi-iiiiig!* ayo Mr. .S..louion irivinj; a little dinner f«rty at bi» rt-si deuce No. -232 Bencoolm Strwt. Taking of tbe <lomest ca rwing busily engaged loiuiatering to the wants of th. truest a. some thi<-ves l.rokc ill aud deBssVßMd with a sacrificial cup ami .i Im.\
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  • 99 2 Os tbe 27th December, Ix-fore H. B. II C.uaul at Bangkok. Mr. Nuylor mosrsd for a writ of at'aubmrnt a/ainut tbe Siam <,b*'rver. for contempt of court. Tbe C'.nt«iii| t aroae from a report of pending proceedings in that court. Tbe Consul ord-rvl Mia' a tine of lOt) Tuals Ue
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  • 96 2 a lUmmmmm payaj *+m *Wi ..r--rin^fini---t-< li.ivc tt-fli i'oin|.lt>tril Ii I n Mr Alti-,1 Holt. tli. owner ot tb.- V.-n--»i?- rlc.l ..I x-.miii, r, tr;uliu(;to Cbiuu. JiI .vi. and tbe Straits SettlemcutH, and the Ki;i'i.ii!'TK ot the Maucbeater Sbip t' for i < i vi. i- of .vu.i. is l»>tHi->'ii
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  • 97 2 Mehskx. Caird launched from tbeir vml at (rreenock. on the 12th Dvivmber. a new |.ks.-ii.' r and i.i-ifo steamer for the P. and O. Compauv, uu.-J tbe Nubia. Tbia vrasel, besides h ivid k «c<x>u>>uodation for eighty h'rat aud s xly 1 saloon passengers, will carry Uij.- cargo. She kl
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  • 87 2 I.inculnshike Re({t Tbe followiii;; Li'Uteuant* b:ive l> yd gazetted to be Capbm>: -C. GaiUkcll. vice \V. C. \V. Ri« RBMaM, > -roniled E. B. Wilkinson. Adju-t-iii*. to uoiuplrtd caiallisbiiiciii f, S. K laakMf, in auiie.auu to M«j-T C. K. Simpson, afßAimlsja] to tbe Staff. The lollowiui; S-. oikl Li. it
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  • 102 2 Mk. (i. Ham.ajvi.iu Dm, of 01MR0V, has bought out .i paiuphk-t under tin' title of MmatfMM Bullion Money. \< offers a >lut iju of tbe currency problem no as to avoid upsetting enstinj uatioual uiouie*. or MMtkftfl d.fKcu!tieii wberebi the *xiktiug uational ratios Iwtwecu Kolil and silver w.mld I*, interfered
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  • 91 2 Mu.V|,iV, 7rH J,\ui:i ■U W;tt-r. Til p.m. P. Jl. U. homeward mail Uue. H.'i.-s aud Carriage* Aißtiou at Ahmnia'a TmA 5. 15 p.m. Comert at St. Andrew's Hoiim; p.iu. Ti, »th January. Hijfb Water. ri.V.» a.m. 836 p.m. Weunksuay, s»i-h Janiabt. Hiijh Water. 7 4!" a.m. M 8
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 832 2 rpHB BOBNBO OOMPANT. LIMITBD. THB Standard Life Assurance Norwich Uaion Fir* ißmrance Soctaty. Alia* Aaearaaet 0oa»B*By (Fir*). Ths Kouiubl. Lit* Assarano* Society Th* (Saaa Marin* Inaaranos Company Th* (Jhiaa Mataal Steam Navigation Coy Tb. ToMobbbb. Laf*» Bw Company. The Maritime Insnrance Company, Limited. Tor particulars of these OompaaliM. ace tb*
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    • 940 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsj.aier in Asia. British India excepteti. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1104 2 NOTICBB. "hotel der nederlandenT BATAVIA. rniFFIN-Ri H IM in the City for lodgers of X the hotel. Free lunch, c. m 18/1 THE CASTLE. 32, Cavehauh Road. If IRST Class Board and Residewc. 1 Apply at the premises. 31/1 /■GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATioN." Copiea of tlie new Map of the Town of
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    • 759 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. li*>K BAI,K A l.!-i-fc mare. -'ro,i K eound I? and «f« animal. m.t of hunuM. Lady'a Pneumatic BieyeU ilnnt new. Apply to J. Hn«. 11/ l f IONSf LATE-GENERAL OF CHINA. v Notice li«rel.y girea that the ConmlatoOeneral of hiav "ill ha remorrd on the 14th intt.. fr
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    • 26 2 &S33SBBIBBBB\ The Straitß Times has the largest cucnlation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has bo widespread a circulation. j
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 \.KATHtK UKPOKT (la.-U.^ Krata, H^ptlal, 111. J r-,. Ml 9ia.J).aJ f.m Kirn kl Ukr. ra.i. G r-.i.. 887 ».810 a«.BH f M l.-up 19.3 80.8 ILt Wtt Su!b TUr. 7.-. U 77.1 7J.0 sT-Si D.I of VVU..I 8.8.W88.W. CalBL fi Mm. ie.had> Ot.i i 1 ili.. do do Iti
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  • 216 3 "^NylTTTItD BY TIIK HAH On Saturday, the hon. A I. Donaldson m.l.c. was cnterUiniKl Iit th» mt'intx-n of 'li» Hhmi Bar at a' farewell dinner lt lh> Singapore Club. In addition to ihr member, of the Bar. the Chief Jiutic*. Mr .Imti.eCollTer, Mr >Vrton.Mr. Hud•on.and
    216 words
  • 436 3 A ■HflN concert was held on S.itur- lay orming in tbe Volunteer J>rill Hail. It Ml an oxpumiiviit. for Mica VCM permitted tu participu'e iu thf delight* of ihc evening, and tin- lar^e uuiuImt p: cat-lit t .-m iti«-«l tu their appreciation of tin; opportunity afforded. The
    436 words
  • 353 3 This afteruoou .it tin- Police Court, David I >.iii»l in in wai chmvt'd "ii ii'inaud. btfeft Mr. Lemon, with forgery ami criiiiimil breach of trust while aittuj,' •••I iviarv to tlie liquidators of t lie Singapore 1 i.»iii .1111 1- Company. Mr. A. L. Doualdsou
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  • 133 3 II,.. uuguioe ci|"' ul tlio liMMMN art iu tbe hWn of theSiam b'rtt Prest. doomed to Hunif di*a|.i...iii(meDt. Tbo nVId rice i« up to tb« M«i..1«rdof tin- U>! v.'»m Ih.Hi ill quautity »ud .jinlitjT. Tbe garden rice <ro[j in. lici»t ».-i Lot promiiiui! 1 lit? middru
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  • 176 3 TO THE KDIToR or THE -STRAITS TIMH Sir, After leading your report of the S|Miri mtf dull uiii-iii.i;, I tnuataitk you lo 1 allow me publicly toj>roU-«t apa'ntt ili»nf. ffimv* ami unsportsmanlike war in wbi h Major McCalluiu alluded to tbe Kinta Races. This Club bas
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  • 202 3 IOTMI tl.liMK (IK TIIK »I«»IISl|«.. btB, I hhL you to icm f»f ia mn Kuliitnim to protmt, Htfuiimt Mri« i,f offensive, roarse, uiijunl, I nhoull think al»o -d"faiuatorv and rri'.ieitms liy an anonymous writer of the |.ors,u, mmoTJ, an<l ui-ti >u of a proiniiH'ut ud Ugklj miiwhd
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  • 267 3 To THK KIIITOK UK TUP KTBAITN TIMbM Si«,— In your rrpott of tn>- 3-lan;,'>r Planters' AaMafcttai you have: Mr. Hill "«aid. in liis ii|iiuuiu any man vtinhiui: la "ojku up forioff.e aboiili] b>- onlitl-l to "title U|. a l>!.),:li «,f 1.000 a<rcK." Tbia
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  • 161 3 Till: MOVnil MIIIAI. IIAMMI Al' .1 1. i llunin- <.tr<l« IihikI' <1 iu <>n fclMJlJ U. :.j u :>;. it s:l Dr. K..wlii. i:t 4J Srrairh Dr. Miiiflmtun il Mi M ■"> *•> C. Strilig.T 4* U 1"- U s J. Suiiwrvillv ".7 ".I IOK l'ii SM .1
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  • 379 3 Armv OnliTs. A<- Army Onl.-r- a .1 \M of OhlMW in War MM.-rii-l anil of Prtt«WW Of Military StMM, ilal.'tl M Dw-.-inl»-i-. 1*!I4. havin-.' Ix'i-ii r in this C-uliiiiixu.l m I !i.8th inatrat, will Mm ■Bed at tUBgtpora fr»m tlml il.-ili- u.l .il r.-nauir from ilati- of
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  • 225 3 i Supplementary In Straili Time* Teleframt.i Till Tl Rhi III ARWKNU TBI NEWFOUNDLAND CIUU THE KRBNI H IN MADAOAKAB. REFOBaM IK ARMENIA JUUBNALMM IK MJMIA London, #<th December. The Turkish Qorernment are despatching troop* to Armenia to reinforce the garTMona I there. 'I h- Mauffur and four I)in-,t,
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  • 69 3 ITALY KKANCK AMI KURRIA. Parti. Ml Dertmhtr. Thn critical nitimtion in Italy remains uu-c-hmiL'i'il. .in.l the opposition to the Court still remains Terr tierce. ■Mk Bmmttr. U«u»ral Ti-!nTtk.ilT. RuKninu Enroy to Frnui' 1 luis I'xprt'ued hU )rreat wtwlactiuu with lii» MMi he h» dwelt on the (inn IwiiiIh
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  • 252 3 A BHRM was iicM in Manrlii'itiT, on Dec. II. iituJur the auafiiiu* of t lie Hini"liiliic Lci^u", Id |irnte»t tti^ the ri^tr'i'iiou u|>on tin." city's «!i|xirt tra<le iipHi^li ii..- threatened iMMMitiM of duties on ."I Ion H**lt iiii|'iprlrcl into India, nn I to nr^'i- t bi*
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  • 822 3 Tut: |tfiHw*T araml UHM-Iiiiir of tieNew C' Pi.irn GVui[>»uv. Ijimitt-d) was I1.-I.U1 Win.-li.-st.r H.,u«.'..-i the li'l, Dm nil. i. T.»- li.'U. Kvelvu AaliW mm» .1.-.1, a*i in ui.iviuK tin- adoption of mfmt,mUiHi' wa- Mff] that tiny wen I able r.-k Hi.' shareholu, h. MM iiivi<l.'i»l. but
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  • 188 3 Baßon Sonoioo, If ioiiter nf the Trca«ury, made bie finimial elatement, on Dec. 10. ia the Italian Chamber of Deptiee. Tbe elatement. wbiih wu au laborate one, produced an excel lent imprue- i«in oo the Depot iet, who attended in large Dumber*, and followed tbe Miniater'a •perch
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  • 1366 3 An extraordinary geaeral nut-ling of I In' I'auk of Cli nit, J.i|iaii. and I be Strait* (Limited) wm hi'lil nt t '.i hi .11 sir.Mi Hotel, nn lVi 12, to consider the qm I lull of ri-ciuitruitiiin. Mr. \V. Ki-Kwivk (chairman) said Im
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  • 280 3 PERAK CRICK ET CLUB AVERAGES. BATTWU Ovb> 10 Ivmaoa. 4! li I S. C <;. F..i 27 2 1094 130 43 76 2. K M. MrKeuie i H73 82 36 03 3. H. L. Talbot 14 2 428 128* 35 56 4. Col. Walker 21 4 554 71 32 5H
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  • 228 3 The .Mil...-.* Municipal Keport for Norrmber (tales that, it a meeting of tbe B.mrd od the 19tb of tbat mocth. tbe I 'aft Htiilsji t iu < iDfiidered In the Comiuit»iouer«, when it wai decided, iu order to obtain fund* for preaniui; work*, to din-l»-i'nc with tbe
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  • 338 3 REVENUE PROSPECTS IN SUNGEI UJONG AND JELEBU. Thk r»>p. r" ill' tli« Officer iu < litr^- f»>-No-.pinl>-r *•»•.-< ih. i- the K>liiu>i'> fur Mil.') mn ml'tnitted to and apimmd by H. K. thf IJ ivernor early in November ']'h<- Mai UNM t-stiiuatod amounts to •375.UUO, and tli.' ei|..nditur» to$8M.OOO. It
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 KOK GENERAL SHJPI'INO NEWS SEE I'AOK .1. MOTION vV GO. \vatciimaki:ks. .1 K W K L L I It S. omu.vxs. MHM MMM (Mi i im COUKS! CORKS! liUOSSIKU JMt., 3*, i iii. rte Strasbourg, PARIS. cmw »»smh<ti bun. >M N. lls |>t I 111:1 SIS !>»' OIUH llCt I
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    • 920 3 SHIPPING. TOi~OTOBRAL~8HipPniO HI W8 SEE PAGE 4. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-. LIMITED. FOK PKNANU, KANUOON, A CALCUTTA. Tim ComptnT'a itHiier PUttDUA. ■:.VMum; Captain NxiUr. will h.. deanalrhed for the .h,,ve porta on Wcl w xday the (Hh For freight or paxatfte, applj to H/1 HOUSTEAD A Co., Affonta.
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    • 123 4 Under thia beading th- followiiiK al.liravi- lion* are ufl:— air. steamer; ah.— «hip-i bo.— Urque; Brit— Britiah U. S.— i: n .t.M State*; yr.—rram«h; Ger.— German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore; Ar.., G.C.— <rtueral eanro; d. p.— <le"k paaanngera U. Uncertain T. P. W.— TanjonK Paarar Wharf T.
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    • 1401 4 Abritaui Sivcc Noon or Saturday. Krnlo. >ier. atr. 2,421 toiw. IM (jutcrmaiiti, sth J.vj. From Hamburfr. Jlth Nr.v. O.c. ai d 3 il p. RMtcnberg Sehni'dt i. Co. For H..intko*«, BIh— T.P.W. n.-,,,,,.,hr. Brit. ttr. I.o 'o tona, Capt. Clark, sth Jau Froa London. IM Nor. G.t. Pile
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    • 181 4 >,-... .i, ami Be* .*n/.,,. luNIIUN. M,r,,.i.|.,n. D-- 7. LlVCltrowl. 0..1.1. »r. I).-.-, j. i .-i..,.. I'.vr iui-. ilue J.iii 1 r*-a*aelat > Oakw, Dec. U iUhkv Kr.i.. Hisfaaiia. 5..,.i. IS; 1 I Illia 11. Nov. 19; i., Kliijwn Km Mj Ki-.-iJ >Mnw U»o. 4; I'r ,lv.--. lv..
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    • 56 4 PABSKD SUNDA STRAITS OK ARKIVED hX>R OKO^Kft. D iT i« U 8 lr NAll r I- k |J^_ SilLlS •>. UtsriKATIOII mmm »Btit »k. Al,id». Dait II Am. ,U. Jok- M.Do««l,i .^r Nor IT \u.-1. -l.iu UlUvu. Ore II Hongkong New Yurk IM- 13 Huutkoott N.w York N". K-t
      56 words
    • 208 4 ARRIVA LS. 5 vmmi/. Nu,. Rio Tom. Cam in. Fkok. ■mm COKSIUMII-. Vi orMr I H~ub. I Sri Siituf Erato I H,»»,,hr U.u Hia >■ HataTi.r Vaa iM.m-o I <• Uudjmiun I P'u«n« Kiu fur 7 Sri Ho«, An 7 H,i 7 Mai m 7 Tiki* Nor. «tr
      208 words
    • 75 4 I'll. Vm««l. M»m rait Ri.. OWIH>, DiirriH4Tit.H tw I'ntos (j. r !r *>*'*• Brit..t,: Kuti A&tf it r ult r .»r f™«» <i«r. Mr. Vm Dkuiio Dirt, .ir lixUa lr BmMiUum] Tihr» \m r <.b«M H«k K... Uril.. ir < oruti-iu Sxlru Cb..p.ra' Mm I Xt -inauii M.ti
      75 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
      245 words
    • 362 4 Relieves the sealli^^^tlfif^» r-" n a| nc TO JP CURES .ill discharges irom In m jff^H^W^ un:u: r the 31^'" cilher bed WfH HJH bCX in Km VII «mP 48 HOURS wood. I Unlike the san- it a d«! oil ol itf^l^SW s P ccit '>-" Bi/ais.n.- lor P*"' i:
      362 words
    • 424 4 NOTICEB. JOHN LITTLE &00, LIMITED. ARRIVAL OT NEW GOOUS IN THK TAILORING DEPARTMENT. SUITINGS. Tlii- latest <..ih...h« an.) «h».lo« in ANGOLAS. CHEVIOTB, VICUNAS. HOMESPUNS. IRISH. SCOTCH md HARRIB' TWEEDY. »jx»ci»llr soft aud liuht in teitum. Thio GREY BLUE, BLACK and OXFORD MIXTIRES.for buiinet 3 and office coats. DRESS SUITINGS. VICUNAS.
      424 words
    • 518 4 yqiTOßb. J4MWPB BAKIR, C'OHKEcriOtIEK AND VIEIIVA BACBB. BKHS to inform th* Ladir* and Gentlemen of Singapore that he baa opened a Confectionery and Vitna Bakery, at No. 0, Victoria Street, next to the Convent. Just rnmived direct from Vienna a large quantity of l» antif ul Uiyr. I onhona crackers,
      518 words
    • 1027 4 THE LIQUOR ORDINANCE 1894. This Obdi*ta«ci wbick co»t ikto rose! Ist Jak., 1895, imposes a duty ow 18 CBHTS PBB OALLOM O* ALL FSBMBMTCD Ll«,D<iBS Viz BEBB. STOUT.CIDIR, PBBBT. Ac. 18 cents psr gallon i* rqnal to 18 cent, par doxsn, pint or .iu.ll, bottles or 36 eajta per doieu,
      1,027 words
    • 44 4 NOTIOEB. sMoimo. roaat, oommimiost, kwo imAiar- i W« STAILII, S7O. AaMSH I..W STBBIT. Herso tbod hf old *mi «i[»riencsd ifcislaf j taith. vodsr apnrial Earopsaa anperrfsioa. Horans bmght or sold on eommiasioa at 5 Cn.i. First class accommodation far raw i ass ia traiaia*.
      44 words
    • 36 4 NOTJUKs. AUOHIDB." J. D' A. PBREIRA. H«>«TICCLTrRI»T 1KI) Kl.OKlf Goi.i.itiTi'K i«D Exp.)kt*r or On Hint. Order* for JVmqiwt Sprays ke urefully anil promptly ««em«! o>i«ip(«it Howw> in the Tnid«. ni:rskrt. oxley boap b.«. AH.lw-wW-IH.On.hanl Ha*4. T-nirlin.
      36 words