The Straits Times, 24 December 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1891. NO. 18,505.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1152 1 SI'BAMSHiP COMPANIES. s-!Ssri.\R aJTD OEIEHTAI HTKAM I P S»VK3ATION rOWPtrt* Ornrt— '-"llyor yn.iy. A«»a>««« nil Oooowws— New lU.l».nr. i.smsil ■teamen maybe ocpecttod to ar"•wardi »n^ leave baaaapajx a J*">,n,, 24 1 r* 0 j«i... r riataialsi ts*». f-7. H..< J"'- l Say I VI-. I Ko,IU F,h. I By r
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    • 734 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. JY KONINKLJJKE PAKETVAAUT MAATSCBAPPIJ. Under contract with the Nethnr'»ud- Indi* OoT*rnin«nt. Airmtt at HinqajxYr', "imp Aovm-t, iatb l»rnpri.y A Pn 2-3. CoLLTTB QOA'- ttl y™* wui^ n n| tci Ki Kan D.'cm«n li*Uri^ 2ild. I. 17i... Mimt'.k, Bs>avi>., CherTboti, ramarang, and" v 9mm Mas. 25t).. Aimlajsj. r ,j
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    • 805 1 IVgOTH Hi.' I) OIPFHCHIKKB KIIE- DBRRI 7.V IIAMWCBO. in- LiNr. P ■firw'ti- Mhn.-r Mrwarra Ham."i;<l Anil TKV STBAITd. CHIWA and Japan Tha MWiim it isaiin will proUbly U •h -tw!. hrd frr.m Si.iffajwin. Havr* snd Fl'OM INOAfDEK flf y A T H\ M 111 "11 "-im. Dae. IMM Mib Js«.
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    • 871 1 STEAM.SHIP COMPANIES. "fATOBDUiUTBCHEIt LLOTD ll BREMEN. The fn>t and well-knnwn nteamera of thia line ran regaUrly between Bremerh»v*n and Sharghai, cstling an rout, at Antwerp, Pnntlisn'fton, GfflM, Naples, Port Said, Sw«, Adrn, Colonbo. Singapore, and Hongkong. In cim.fii.'ii with tbo arrivsls and dapaHorm ..f those mail tteainxra, the Company's aleamer
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    • 631 1 INSURANCES. ry. riKKMx riKE insurance comPANT. (EsTAaLISBBD AD. I*B*.) Th" nedcrsign d Agent* for the above Cas> paay an- prepared to accept Fire Risks at the iiirrent rate i Magai ore ard also in Johore iv .1 thi> '.tli. r states in the Mai y Perinsnbi. BTIVKN Co. ikTosn BBrrnH
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    • 559 1 BANKB. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAiD-rp capitalT. «0,000,000 BEBERVE FUND t iJOOfiOO BRSEBv-B UABILITT OF> JIAOOOOOO PROPRIETORS J W* o Cooar or Diaaoroaa: Obaibmait-C. J. BOLLTDAT. Bag. DtvuTT CmiawAa— J. 8. MOSEB, Esq. B. »I Out. Km. .Tio.ipa (urn. Bag. H. Horrtr. .•>„ lto BTcOnucrr*. I B. H j.m.,1,.
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  • 494 2 IiATEMTMAKKKT<JUOTATIONB. SiaoAroßß. Mm Dkuiii, IMM. PRODUCE. Saabk *M. do Umbis No. 1 18.76. do do No. 8, 8.44. Jopn Bali 5.74. do Poatiaaakv 5.50. Popper Black, 9M. te^TFlow, Itetmwak. U«H. do Brunei 2J». Peart Dan 3.10. 3o«ee Bali m 43.U0. Jotfes Libsrism, 46. W. rspioca -mail FUu, 4.U0. do
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  • 126 2 J»«r «/r. i W TO- OAT. Malacca and Liagll, C. t'. *>a>Wa, p.m. Klaug via purti. MMMrfL l u.ia. I' liifurl \V,r., pa haug.oa, J..1.J... 3p.m». k .urn tiu port-, H.h,.i 3 p.m. ll4.DK»>.k. PntHtr. 3 P.M. i«..u Jfa»Wari», 3 p.. 1:-. .1.,,. -..ii'j.aii^ >I.i (.'..i,.y <-, :l
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  • 91 2 From Bnaaa 1 -tfjr tba P 11 fsaa J»« OD lu^'Uy Fkoh imina -11, Uw P. *O. s.t. SnlUjimt to-aorruw. CM :u-t r. *u Nu>. JVtU Nor. «th M. M. l«c l.t Xov. lltb P. *O. Dw. 13th Mar. .(i I. N D. I. D«. 14U N\.t.
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  • 141 2 A»«1TAU. Par a. a. Many Mm from B«uu| Mr For a. Sri Hu»q A** f roa T. Auou Mi<a*. Eberni.. Par a. HyJra from Bangkok -Maaara. Wi-.-miii. TnwiiMud. Andruw. «ud Mr. C'olliiM. l'.u > a. s,.,,,,ir,-a from D.I, Hwn A. rUirgxuuiavher, l, Koaheka. lVr i. a Calypso tram
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  • 20 2 Khtabli.ihed 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [8*b»cr;,>tU>n ratet and ad»trii$i*g ni'rt May be found on Ike fonrik page.}
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    • 33 2 ANOTIIKK JArANKHK TICTtMV loHitiw, jitk Ivtaasktr. It is r. |> irted that the J*|i*neie, after five hours lighting, routed an army of ten Chiuese at Ilaitchiug ou tbe 19th in<uut.
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    • 23 2 A t 'rrible storm r*ge<l in Britaiu on Krid >.v. attended by immense damage to property aud of life.
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    • 52 2 Tbe Huugarian Ministry hai resigued. though it lias a Urge parliauienUry in Ijority. The n-signttioa arose fioni the Ministry believing that it bal lost tbe >nfidence of the Emperor of Austria, who is alleged to be disp»«"l to Mataa. l> the Clericals iv oppositio 1 to the
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    • 92 2 A H»va outpost bas fired uion a Fni. h crui-H-r in Autogil Bay. In the eugagement. tbe Hovas lost tbie; killed, md tbeu withdrew. A wa-ship his cj]>tured a Hova fort near T*m itav.-. [Tks /MMisJ UaiulatioH ul Ikr fur IcUf/ram it in Siuqnport eollnjuuil Mnl<t'J I
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  • 313 2 Thk | rrisis in Hungary, has iittw nttw l<> a head liy the rmiKiiit ion of in.' Liberal Miniatn in ha.l 101 g Ijeeu cx|hi'l<hl, owing to slraim-.l relations U-tw.-.-n the Emperor ot Austria aud his Hungarian Ministers Austriaaud Hungary form an empire ruled by Franrin .L.x-pli
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  • 35 2 To M.>»R..w,b.'iQK C'bridiusH lVi t|,,. rt will I* no im.uh ,>f the HlmiU 7W«. (Hi».l..,tli,..S/,-.,,7« Ti will K. »t IU rbf St.;,il, Bmdr,rt will I H f,.r iMiverv at ti o«Io< k to-iiinl,t.
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  • 33 2 Aa in.- boim-wur.) P u mtl wlM Ul(t flow, until We.ln..,l»y the Po»t IHbum al 8ini,itpoiv will Ix- .;ntirp|y clo».l u Cbrittmiu I>»y ln ti| tb* .liatril«utkm of the outwanl P. o. mail
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  • 9 2 Tmt Eich»oge Banks are closed to-day to-morrow, and Wednesday.
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  • 17 2 M«8 M J. M Lroir A Co.. b.,e M Dt a neatly arranged date calendar for 1895.
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  • 17 2 Till mail *W Saife, left P^nang at 11 a.m. to-day and is due at Singapore to-morrow evening.
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  • 18 2 Tr« Km.., Gyinkbana Club notifies that iv penalty for i>rof B «ioual jockeys bas been reduced to 7fU.
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  • 23 2 a I JLV Jl 8 c tJ *'-"-Ttß»nd il». honl.le HuttoDbMh return^ from Penang ou .Saturday. The bon'Me I»r Brown wUI arrive to-morrow
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  • 31 2 "J b «"»«''»rd P. 40. packet 6iu« left Hoagkong at 1 p.™. ou the 20th iu.t aud may be e,p*,t«d to .rriye at Siu X pore about 6 am to-morrow K
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  • 20 2 Madams Wivoi>«,,, the wifl of h Ku»i«n Cou.ul »t Sm(pip«r«. arrived .J. r» n .por, *:<»<,»,»«. The Ifort,,,,,,,, for to-morrow.
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  • 5 2 Tub SeUotjor Government uoiiti... that
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  • 16 2 a t reucb hnu at Saigou Tlie yJZ\ »M b.c.pabl.of steauiiug dowu to fc L o
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  • 42 2 The exports of tin from Merlin ditii,.| for tbe seven months ending October Igoj Mounted to MVcvt, el tb« vain- ()f lU. £8.008. Toe Hyur^s for the c rrttp mHing period la«t year were 797 p»- J {he vhl,i- of R». 51,671.
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  • 49 2 An attempted (fan« robtwry is rn»iri,.,| from Kmnpar in Perak. Sewn Clnneir eaJe*Tour.H to break iuto a hou«.- habited l>y Milajs on Ihi nii<bt of thj sth instant. Oje of the M ilav, ,h.,. do»u roblor. upou which the otkei rd,. b.;rs Hed. The dead roller was a ajiatr
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  • 61 2 Thk following telegram dated las I Uli ban beeu receiveJ by tbe Hongkong JU,,,! of the I! ink of China, Japan a tl^. Straits Limited I— Reconstruct i.m >. bt-r of shares mmc as Iwfore, t'', of mkkk r are piid Pr.'f«rr.;l nhare-i jfifMi/mn ctlls Ji-i. 15j. psyaMl fcjr inntalm,-
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  • 60 2 At th" ordiuary m.-.-tini; jf th,. Mum. clpality of P.-nan^f on th-; I'.tth in t, m tbe I*i >' idcut brought up thy qoni iMsVMM of nJiry and slfbaagi cii sa ion to the Muucipal SaWlw. li was ii^r.- d that uo oaMaga aaaa«aM'i ciuldb- itu'i. but the .|U.>iliou i,,.
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  • 74 2 on tin- Appr ipnali.m Hill -oinii, for.- the DaaUsVl** Council of H'>n K k,, n on th.. 17ih natWK, Dr. Ho Kai ii,,, c i bit tiie military vo'.i- ibottld Botbaa^m I to, aa Urn Secretary of St itc tak n n,. not cc of the repeat jd MO«aat|
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  • 100 2 Thk Acting i»i»tricl Officer of flu Uu ■at a in iSelau^or. iv bin r-|-.i for N vein lK>r, that an applicati>n fi.i n M |i Kiodemley for 180 MMI of laid for .-.iff I Un iii. n in ('herds li ih li ,i, No p• mi urn in
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  • 132 2 Ji ii.iMK.vr wan giveu in the Culnul Court of A.lmiraltv at Baagk «f o i the l.jth inn!, in the ca.»'.> of tfct tfanWU Ori-utal Stenusbip i.. MfMM Ikt tio. [I will be r.Miii'Uioeivd tint in S -pi -uh r li«t the Bin m^lile I the ÜbauAajr 1 rt -am-
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  • 114 2 The t)i»tri.t UHicer of Kiuk Kaafaw ll'vrak), in his re|x>rt for O.toli r, .|> >• ribos a \\»\t <" tbe mines at Ti.iaau The* an Mag ftry well mwj ikcrvii ■aUia tli. t m-'.r. ..(iKitn <1, ir, J Mr. I' mill him a w.isijiui; rr.nll fix I'lruliUK tbe B«H from
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  • 86 2 THE MMAfOM MEN MaTaUTIO The r.-sult ot iln- null inat-b betwvt-a 111- law i.ipiest-uia'.ivei of Snig<t|>ort' and four of P.-naUj! kal l>fU r-.-Vfl THe Peruk ti'iin woa bf t*o li il.m U|i it (if, «iuui,v t-i ».iv. aiiwi <.••> u^t battar tama Small H down |a km aaaaaaat,
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  • 380 2 Minimi akkaiu* THK MU CKI«I> .iapan*.-.k aaajm t Nbwh from Louiltok „,!.> -,i, ;-i >n progress in tlie w ,rk .it |u.-,ni-;ilioo. All rciiataatv kM caused, MM I hi- ir-,o|« who liar* traversed th" island iv ill MmcUbM tiud tbe |'f)(j'e siiuiuuaivc .md humM'-d. Evtvi tie Hum .-s
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  • 112 2 Pit P > MM, from Lll J N l»r l'J, Mw»r>. WvbraiuU, Ar.ii-in.uK. lX-Uy. Mr- i. rant P«r I,.,*,, from l.,u,l,,,,. [>•«■* «i« Pik.. M,. S Hr» W hto.G Ur.vL.^I' Sulby, Mr. .i.'t Mr-. PklWMB. Mr «i«l r C.-aiiraud .1. 1,,-r, I. Por k,,,n,, from I nJT -f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 848 2 rpHE BORNEO OOMPANT, LIMITED. THi Standard Life Assurance Norwich Onion Firr. Insurance bociety. Atlas Ase«rann* Company (Fir*). C Th* *q»it*ble Llf* Assurance Society 1 j, The Marine Insuranoe Company. Th* China Mutual Stoam Navigation Coy The Tottenham L»ger Boer Company. Th. Maritime In.u«nce Com^y, Limited. j For oaHicularn of these
      848 words
    • 750 2 NOTICES. Hie Straits Times has the largest J sirculation of any newsi a er in Asia, British India excepteu. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. j' No other Eastern newspaper
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    • 485 2 NOTIOBB. I FOHK LITTLE CO., l LIMITED. 1 CHRISTMAS 18JW. nan frknch bon hons. From the OMsJMyaai Francaine Caramels. Fondants, Olacc FruiU and t Vlmoods, Chocolate Almonds, Prs'ines, PariiißD Miitares, Algerian Bon Bons, j 1 kc., Ac. fl it From Cailbtiry. Chocolate Cn-nifs. Chocolat,' Almonds, Jbocolate Fruits. Hainpcrs, sb.-lli. Bis(eta,
      485 words
    • 1112 2 iATEST ADV KUTHUMKNTS,OO K OUT! LOOK OUT!! LOOK OUT For my arrival by the I. s. liueephalus. on ilondny .ri.rnoon. the 24th. with a number f well nelectfd Auntralian Horsm and < laßa«jaa« MACINTOSH. i I BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA- TI >S COMPANY. LIMITED. I 'OU PKNA.N'i. KaN'IOON, ft ''11/'ITTTA.
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has tbe largest rarcolation of any newspaper; in Ana. British India exoepted. No other Eastern newspaper has go widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 WKATHKB UEPOKT H... .I.IHI ITrooa* UotnUl, Ur.l Dtrtmktr, IMI. a,. J|>.a. If.a. KsMiaai. r, -1. :,1 f*li. &.»li?a.t!ih».*&\ ifi !■■>..,. 7'JS, KiO 71". "S rt'.-i !!■!> I'l.M. 7« 3 74.S > li. J X bir. ofWiud N K. K>' t. M. K. 1; VI i. Taaip. iv aauulc s. w
      96 words

  • 2040 3 Wll TIIK MII.ITAUV OtNTUIIU TION. (i viKWSdK Mh UITTKNIi.VCII „v-l Till roI.MY K1,1,.MV, (1 rai m mtaky M htatk h I ||,m A. Hittrnbai h M.L.C. re-.,.-I from r.iun.'.in Sal unity. .1 i,l. m 1,1,1 Ill the lion. 111 uilx-r hail ,«J> t1 I*l'"'1 1 w r urM
    2,040 words
  • 183 3 »(>i.\ioitr. v MMI UITKAI OF oiNvf.vivi.'l. Kkiha^'s (Mgrw iv. is IBB* osni4»poic, up i in" |'..i M)Uy. |ii< 1 7 I. H Hi »i. kte. H ra, UteT. 1.-:.-,ia|.li.d S.n .M| was all ..ut for IIT Tim follow.nK .•1.-i,iii'u wa» dM|iallMM hum l'.-mW I--''" I-"- Sit-ir.l»v gJOga,
    183 words
  • 46 3 ta Icllowiu^ Suu^. m#H Otawn l.a»l.ei-u |.i..n.ul K u.Ul I, lahrrabl ...«ih..l tl.Ht from l-i miurv. .1,.,..,,,, the Neffi ftn-UIBBWiH I^l BrM l i ii^..r: i .';:'i. r g 1 I i Ir.Ul rout I'll ol 111.' I* 1 1 Mi'luti-t.-rtub" «.,,..1....1"f !k
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  • 709 3 nn KtiwiAN i... an THK AKMRXIAN ATROCITIES PRANCP. AXD MADAOAOTJAR 0. B. CURRKXrY REFORM I/>RD IK MKBER% FOUCV lIIK PRF.M'II WAR DBTABTMEKT London, ;ik Denetnbtr. A new Kusaiau loan is annonnced of aixteeu million, si.-riing. It will lie boblml on Wed- n.-wlay. The ininiinum price of tenders is
    709 words
  • 557 3 Tilt: aziki ti:..i iii.i:Mi: I I RZON AT KABtl. All, l, l»th Vrcr,,,l«,. The Hajnli of N'al.lia has ma I- an offer.. 1.-neriiiiieni of the scrvi.i-s ol Uo Imperial S \i.-. triHips lor a.-tix- u«<- kaWaWMBBJ, Ihi- la not by i-.iiy ni-nus the Kr*t 'iuie tbi- eniiuen-K
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  • 144 3 A I'kkak Order in C'-umil, No." uf I p.««<l ou the MM N..r.mlH-r.* ptvrkwa lor tl.e eff-. ajMTMI .n.d outiol if opium imp. rt»-d into tbe Bt~ite, aud for the collection af MMM of ejeue thereon. This Order in Council fMH I iuto operation
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  • 172 3 Mehhk*. Mobbisor, Downer and C'u.'k We.klv Mtik.-l Report, dated If uib i, 13th December stites Owinjr Iv the almost entir i bNmM "f available BtoL-na of whit* rice, the l.mines* trnns-»>-t. din rice during the Ins we k baa b.-.-u nn inilinif. merely a few oild
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  • 234 3 J'llK Sllli!.'.-i I j.-ili; <t..1.-rillil.-llt ll.'IS piai-'d K.'niihil n- pprov e for uniformity uf law* in the Sat.-* of Sui-K.-i I'joii'.' and Jcl.-hii tbe rtyistration ot th.- MWtMMi of nil j cti> er!, I .rat -d H .thin Sim," i Cjoii^'; tlic;u-|lll« of land ne.
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  • 284 3 On (Le I7ili iuataul, the bUbMMI HmM ' |mss<(l a I,', t.i |.rouJc fur tin- MMHMM i.i -hi ini|s.rt .inn ..u o|iium l>y tin- (i v.-rtiuic-ut uf that M itf. Tbe 'emulation MMaM tbil'. from I lie Oal<of il coming into force, no „|.iuu. i>ball be
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  • 606 3 I'iik n|..i''.l I'ln Hetl'lii.'iit ut tbe I'.tuiiri Qa>-i>li.iu BM l»<-u ■■•■li v.. 1 by tin St. Pc'rrahurK c»rrvapotidei>t uf id' StumlurJ auj ihl lk-rnn re|.r -m-iiU-Mm .it tin- IMb SMfMpA. writiog Siii'.liv u'(,'lit. tb« lii'ttr m.ul Tli.' mmml about tin- li.liiiiitutioii IMm npliori. of iulen-»U on
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  • 95 3 The monthly in- 'I*l handicap waa piav.-d ou Satutdar. and won by Mr. J. B. RoberUon. there were 20 entries. Tbe following handed in their scores H'e*p. lohertwm trinjfiT i-.V-ll imtlncy tllin «lbot N.lly-r >'»l>ier l-eene 41 U <i Ber. 55 U) 105 16 56 55
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  • 283 3 HH December. I li<ar that the S--I;ui k 'or Crii-ke' suhComm tt.-e lure d. Ide i to acvpt the NmWM Cricket clialleUKe. Tbe (lib. Coiiiuiitt-rs of football, teooiaand billiards have not yet Jei-iele.l on their reply. An As-oi iati-n f o'ball match on WeJandaf iM-twis ii Offi-ial* au
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  • 142 3 Mil. A. Iv I.'awi.inos. A«HiMluit Sii|»-rni-I iidci.t ut' I'oli- bat Ml placed on special duty iv th. Amhernt .listri.t in connection with th.- Itin.-.i Si nn Uiuu lary. The b-mn-H i iv BJtMMa tin- proviiici' of T. uaarerilo and 5... in waa laid down a*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 MRS. BOOKK 081 HAM HOI'SE. HATTK-RY i'.iUl). LADIES' .MILLINERY AND It HESS MAKI X <i B3TABLIBUMENT. 'II l{ IST .MAS |«H KIItKONS. IIMaUNR ol*OVbm\ LAlmmj «;loves. XEWE&t MIMi bHImIHII -.k hay ami mmi nil, 111. W. I SPECIAL KATZ HKOTHFJtS. To (LEAK or II STOCK ol' TOYS. W K WII.
      75 words
    • 399 3 notices.' NOW REaDT. GLIMPSES of the Eastern Archipelago. Ethnographical. Geofrrapbieal, flisto- I rieal. A eollectinn nf twenty-five subject* oa Fetherlandn India, traaslalcd from the Dutch. b 7 GKO. (i. BATTEN, Price $3 par copy. to be had of" Maasa*. J. LITTLE A 00.. Ltd and Muiaa. KELLY WALSH, Ltd. 29/12
      399 words
    • 744 3 SHIPPING. FOB GENERAL SHIPPING' NEWS' SEE PAGE i. T7K>R BATAVIA. SAMAtiAVn AKD J? SOIIUAHATA. The Brifah uteamer CRUMARTY, 1,8*i4 tons. Captain Duncan, h.tin* left HooKkonf; on ike 19th. mar Im niweted to *rrire bere oa or about the 2Sth in»t., aad will h*»e preaipt despatch for th* ahor* Mrta. For
      744 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 125 3 miiCTMMMirar M.'M'VV. L'4lll l)t. IMBLf. ■M Wti. r. Ml p.m. Hnl.lii- Holidiy. Banks otW." Tiuin i-.i. .1 at 2 |>.iu. TtlKDAV, J'.IH !>«< KMBLK Hi^h W»k-. H:U».ni 10 1(l|.iu. Cfcriil— i Uiv. rutillc nuiwaV No hm of the tttraiti Timet. liillt« «'loK>. P. A O. outward mail due. Wki)*k»i>ay. *2Uth
      125 words

    • 139 4 Under Ihia bwliDX "H"*""* abbreristionn are aaad ,tr. -«t*aiaer ah.-jthip bq.-b^an.; Brit -Brituh D. S.-tToiU. I Statn. I r.— Frwiflh G«rmau— Doted; Joh.—Johor»; Ac., o*. OmMl eanro; d. p.-d*-k paMenKor.; Vy-Vw*r t«in;T. P. W.-Ta«j»nf Pagar Wharf; I. P. D.— TanjonK Pa*»r Dook B. W.— Uorn«i Wlu.rf
      139 words
    • 1471 4 ABKIVALJ dIBCI NOO3I lIIS.UIHMI Cid»y Brit. air. 506 tona. Captain Fulli-it t i-d ft>' From Samara u(r. Hub LW. i:.... anflftl <l. p TaaKimTUnA thm« F-r Bal»ri», BStb.-B«l». ■aal J««. Bnt atr H'l to«», Capt Uoa«, »Ji .1 I) c Fmm Djambio. 21at Due. Up. and *9 d
      1,471 words
    • 131 4 V „,.r, PrH. and Dai* of &i LaTaaWeM OuloUK. Nov. 17 I t-.ii. Not .'I T.-. r. line. M; }.-1..|». .In.. J«» 24: iUKKY. I Kr*in hi.Lm.T. S .|ii II' vi.... Kickinoia, Nov. In. Etna MakßMf*, Wov IK; OIIMIIB. Pjrrlm-K-nri^.-rn. Nov. '.'<> HaaaUeoK. S.i.ll.wold. Auk IUaMHMr. B. 0.
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  • 50 4 KASSKI) MJNDA STRAITS OR AMUVID Will OHDKKa IHUN 1 r i» s3: tt !£,t <•-!-• SST HT- i h UAa. >l. Rouov. «>ct. Ax.t-, .v.» U. Nt .1. S,|kirk H«w:.loa No, y. N<; V or; ithA. w. jCLm. n.. v3 a i»u»m i7»iv...S?J!K..i. \?it> l> ■•>•»"• Ul Nor W
    50 words
  • 78 4 5 v. M .u-. .n«.. T J Id.. raoa. luw Coh«i«hi»« ii N.U.IU, W£j2' |I»? Amo^ 1«" r;.*Ci>. UfcWk 2?I S u (Uf sn:iv. Mi.«.M«IV Arro,.. il'; Clcnlu l>e.- S 80..te,.l Co. »i Lik.,l, Bomb*, |h. 7P.1..1-011 siiuo«.**>- L, M d.r J"»' Übuuf 5m ItiHMM~J«C« M»£ Mtt H u
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 NOTICES. BOLD MEDALS Cologne, Amsterdam, Brussels, The Hague, Dublin, Birmingham, &c. MO-DS A MIOHKR AWARD FOR MERIT THAN ANY OTHER NATURAL TABLE WATER JofyannW THE KING OF NATURAL TABLE WATERS. PROMOTES APPETITE, ASBIBTS DIGESTION, PROLONGS LIFE. I M iil.-r miir« »»l,l» will, a ksH »|'irita."— TU Lancet. Vm OBTAINED or
      200 words
    • 244 4 I THK rtTKAITK TIMKB." J TIIK "S/RAITS IiUIHIET." Tmk prue of tt.o Strailt Tine* is j f<>li< j Daily i«u.. VMr a.ji,,,. >l>y M <-Mila. >u r t8 aalkn. **> rto oopy 4o bbb*b. The r»t,.» M .r M!4 »rtor or IH ..r iiimi( n r i reKi^tivulyouo-fmirihandnuo-twelfth v
      244 words
    • 442 4 The Best Dressing g AVER'S VIGOR law^^^*' wiry. anil aartea „i Me. It enr*« Itchlnit liunior-.. uu.l k«i» the tcalp r<Kil. iiii.M. I If-i.'Miv. The !>»•<.• ..1 lid- II .i. i i-- r.-ll I mid .1H1.a1.- 11,.., 1 vi.i.-ii l -...II or In-. t-onie miinil l.i i-\ il,.- air. ami
      442 words
    • 1308 4 l)y -OKS. 1 fl'liK TAN.IU.VIJ lA'.Alt DOCK CO. 1 HUH ED '1 Im |.r. mis- of the Company are aitatted ■t TonjnuK Pagar mljniiiinir the towi of Sin K »iwr«. Tk* Wkirt <il«mi w mm •in m as. ai'iaea oj Uu mtraaoe* to tIM unnu Dock* into three parts. Th*
      1,308 words
    • 907 4 KOIICHg. VeUWial«l l*i.'. niLIT.HAHi.IiIATSt* <^0 rJtomtm, Ikon A Baaas F.-onkcb*. BoILBaHAKKB*. BBIDCB Bfll.lXKa. SHI? BVILOBBS, ÜBBBBAL CoKTBACTUBS--BINQAFOBB KUALA. LI7MPOK BEIP BVILDINQ TAMD. man oka* STBAII TBSRBLS alwaj* nnder ooastraeUea, fro* 38 ft to IV, f*> lesffta of keel, of •set <le»iirn „,,1 Gniak. MACHINERT from l.«dn« Bnl.-', PbaM with Board
      907 words
    • 49 4 i INOTIOJib. i THE STRAITS DAIRY FARM. Be> to iaforai the pablic that pur., frrsh j Cow Bilk, obtaiaMl froa) fed best ford, will roffalarly ho aapi Ifcjd to eaato- nera at tbeir reßidmee at 18 c-m. jn-r ehupe, i -lolWO tal B CW-BIKO. n/11 75 and"!}. Dnnlop Street.
      49 words
    • 53 4 NOTICES, J. D' A. FBKKIHA. MoBTIOULTDBIItT *.Vl, Kl..,R|. Cor.'.ierrroß awd Exi-ortib or o*. hiim Orrlen for Bouquet Spraji 4 C j, (;arefnll» and riromptlr exeenl' N 'l Cheapest Honse in Ih. Trad. NURdBRT. UXLBT ROAD a A<lrlr«e 98 18. Onhard Road. Tan^K, 2|, Tkr trrUe of th* "Stkaiti Tim«i i,
      53 words