The Straits Times, 15 December 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED lasi. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1894. NO. 18,498
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1197 1 STEAMSHIP OON.PANIES. AND ORIENTAL STKAM P SAVKIATION COMIMNV Orrtcs r.^llyr.r Quay iVm«a>«*»'" 1 I"""™ tSl e BBBrtsßßr. 1., s.i ateamr-rs may I* Mpo-t.-d to ar- ri> „,1-warnV snH leave Ktnirapore Hotrt-wa* a Mtaaasi .late "TS" "T^"""" 11... Ml llr.-. Ml .1 Bl It Mia SI >...., 1 ii., rah,
      1,197 words
    • 1735 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. J^E KONINKLIJKE PAKETVaa. RT MAATSCHAPPIJ. DaaVar contract with the Nothf- rlanda India Oorernmsnt. A'lrnl* nt Hin./npnrr. Snip A.lfNfT. I.ATt .1 DaBWDBU) A Co.. 2-3. COLLTICB (JV AT Strainer Ky iM^-t,-il f l^,, On Will I*- DmmmM to On J 'I""" h-otirsl-nja. .-.t1.. 6,,., r ,|.,j., Kali, L mbok,
      1,735 words
    • 873 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTBCHER LLOTD. BREMEN. Tha fast anil well-knowa ataamer* of thia Ha* raa n^ralarly between Bremt«rh*»Mi and Shanghai, esllina; en route at Antwerp, Southampton. Geros, Naplea, Port Sai.l, Snes, Arlim, Colomho, Singapore, and Hongkon(r. la ronneclinn with the arriTai* and departnrea of these nail ai.wmers, th* Company'a steamer Nnmherg
      873 words
    • 749 1 INSURANCES. rE riKKMX IIKI: INSURANCE 'ii.MPANY. I Ks-lAllLlslllli AD. ITS?) Tli.. nr.di-rai|rn il Amenta f..r the nbore <'..iii. |»-y are prepareil to accept Fire Biska at tinBBHBM rate i-> Sin^ajort-. and also in tli,. btlit-r Stiit. in the Msl y Peninsula. BTIVEN i oa, XTObTth nmiß and kescautilk I>
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    • 552 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OORPORATIOir. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,500,00(1 RESERVE LIABILITT OF) ainoOOOOO PROPRIETt>RS J J10.000,000 Con hi- or DinncToaa: Caunaua— a j. BOLLIPAY. Ksq. DuruTT Chaibmaw— J. 8. HOSES, Kaq. R. BT. Oa.i. Kaq. Jrufa Kuan. Baa. H. Hornvs .K.n. Hub. A. BTcOo>acwia. H. H. J-jaant.
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    • 531 1 NOTIOER. THE best Soaps for Warm Climates are Calvert's Toilet Soap (6d. Tablets) and Prickly-Heat '< Soap (6.1 Talil<-ts Is. bars), plea- santly paVeWßcd, for Bath or Toilet, purposes, containing 1 0 per cent of Pure Carbolic. Wry serviceable as preventives of Priiklj-heat and other skin irritation. Held at Clicmwte,
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  • 414 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS SiKOAro*B 15th Decimbu, IMM. PRODUUK. Uarabter, (MM. .!o Cub. Ma 1 117*. do do No.* B.*. Uopn Bali, ■>■'.». do PnntUnak,. 5.J0. Pepper Black. dv Bra* I 2J». FMricun a*»v ()*•&> «m Cotfae Liberia*,...... 47.00 do°**do lit sah Z Mol do mad. 5ake....... 4.30. do email
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  • 186 2 tor Ptr ttr. 1W, To- day. Kuroj* Tin pofU, Hmetuen, p.m. 1. Ad'OD wa porU, hiiyfxUu, a p.m. l',».«»»«., J p.». .Sain*taug ria joru. C'«I«*fiu(, 31 |>.b. i ali- ill.i Tim port), V. Jj*ar. 3 p.B. K; m> port-, Sappko. S p.». Mmal La I l'.l Si,.
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  • 104 2 KkoH KuuorE By th. M. M. a.. will. ■U 1011,.- iti.t N.».-. uo. <• i ihi I9ta l>«c Ska iirniif- t.-pliw U> Urn aaila which kfl tilfuon ou the -Ira (let. Ku. China i—Oj tke M. U. ,ii-,(.>..-.. due ou Mou.Ur iw 3i.i p. *i). x.i».
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  • 137 2 ABaiVAUI. I'ur a. .V. from T. Auun Htwai,. Uraliaui, Rudder.. Mm. Wrav, «nd Mr. awl Mr*. Horn will Por S-,,,,,,1,:, from Haaarn. p. I Hiuaolhriuf, K. t. Uytoabaek. tad W. Krinuh. I P«r a. Mm from I>>nan K :-Maaar*. J. i B. Cauel, J W. D.n4o, Mr*.
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  • 17 2 K«TA«M»H«n 1881. PBICE: 10 CENTS. [8ubteriptio» rate* and adctrtiting ra'e* may it fmmd <m tk* fo»rik payi
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  • 212 2 SATURDAY. 15TH DEC., 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. JHE CHIMA JAPAN VV'AK. MM MRARIN.: NKWUHWAS.i rBIWB Kl-Wl TI> MS DUTATIIR i.i Hix«i tHAWi imiw«»Ai« Lomlon, IMk Drcembtr. Tbe Ji|uoe«c force belonging to the second army corps— that under Marshal O/auw— have arrived within aliteen mile* of N-wcbwing. It ii r.'iwrt-i from Twutsin
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 335 2 The appoiotment of the rr.ii. li. aud Kiiimuiii Couhu'h at Xiv •r.niiii ax member, of the Cotuini.aion of Inquiry into alleged atroei'ie. on Armenian, iv A«iatie Turkey beam conaidentMe |«.liti-•-ill Mgnifti- in»v. Hitherto. Britain ha» been held to have i>ppo*it<- | iutere*t. to thoM 1
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  • 340 2 MR. SHARP AND THE SOLDIERS HOME. Fatm .in interview with tti<- rterereml Mr. Sharp, pulili.bed iv auothar coluina, it will lie seen that good |> r i.»t of Unchurch tuts been of oue «'■>>' direlectiou sj duty. Ou <>m- point, „n which he ahould have bwu atowlfast. h, Uiuenttbly
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  • 14 2 11. M. S. Gibraltar is due here on M day next tbe 21 at.
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  • 12 2 I -i Mr. T.klbot »n eicelleucy r lie j, as governor* deputy
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  • 12 2 U MS. Oreteent left. Boagkow, i,, r Auatralia »v tbe Bth iv.taut.
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  • 15 2 A PhiiuUlic Journal is among 1 1 v pected New Year uovelti. -a at HoiikUiix
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  • 14 2 MiiMiti, Tuisday. aud Wednesday a. all to be Governim-iii holidays at Cbrist. mas time.
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  • 16 2 The storms at BtltMtujab. nfivr chuiiii k damage lo the ajtefri ml of *s'i.<Xx>. have MMti
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  • 13 2 Ov«» 240,000 piculs of rice were exported fiom Bangkok for Siogapore October U»t.
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  • 19 2 Mouday night. 17th iustant, t's Cenlral Delivery Coiupauy will opru 'U- r hi oie from 8 to 11 o'clock.
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  • 18 2 M«s«ks. Powell .V. Cu. advertitc l v Monday next an aucliou of apirita, kasas, tire-ariiiK. tobacco, aud suudnea.
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  • 20 2 Tai Chief Justic; Mr. Kurabaw, tbe Acting Attorney General; aud Mr. Rodca-e urriv.d from Malacca in tLe Ku Brlle. to-day.
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  • 39 2 Thk PcuaDg Cianisou Atli'etic Bport> we.c held ou tin- 11th iudtaiu, very «uvMmM y. Tue tug.of-war l«t»i>-ii A an.l 1( (Jonij.^uie, wm kcc.ily itest.-.! .i,i,l ft. iul'e.l iv a wiu for ill- A tueu. Mi hi pr.aeulcd 111- pritut.
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  • 46 2 At the I'll, l of hlsl Iliolltll. the Jajuaaaj (ioternuicnt wan ■ssWUf a IssM in J.i|«» Tnc loau i» to be for SO.Oihi.ihhi yu iv f lull veil. t> be issued at not lew than yen and to bfJH a rate ol ."> ptf cent. iuU-rt-.t.
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  • 45 2 Tut Straits luunnoa Co. have iaiued an I n -at lueuwranliim book for MM. The .StimUr I Lifo Assurauei' Co. of which the 11. .rue,. Co. a c tbe local ugeuls. bate brought out a Mrf tvabl.and h.iinlHoiii.-ly b mud blotting book diary
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  • 46 2 'I'hk S.n r. Lan of the Puiijoin Million Co. l.iinite.l, has receive! a telcijiaiii from the milieu to the effect that .lurin-.' the in,, nth of NovemiKT the mil MM M <Uy« -maning PM tons. lialMllig IN .>uu<e» and heaJiu";n 72" tons, v i.l-li i>-_-IlH,, mues
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  • 58 2 Thk OMm tUt of the Blh iuslH'it u.i--ilcikUu.). that euip'.oyr-i .it. th- naval wrdiu tloiukiiuK were never more l>u»ili en- .1 that they arc at Mai aud Mfl hax even at t in-i l«-n k-pt up niglit nod <lav. According to the prc.-nt .Vluiii il Kremautle U t> make
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  • 62 2 Iml Kind o( Iheiiid Bitt. Liuvulunhirr KeKimeut will I'liy the followiuK programme iv I !>•■ I* ilauical Oir.l.'ns. (if p.m. i •rjajajajajajaj 1. Masaj U ■WaJtor h .lulliwirlli ■>. Vhl».- U,.;m t,l X,,ri..y <;..lln-t 3. Hall Siiilimn 4. (iavoltte _JMkM Kn|i|»-l ft. |a«HMs> L» M,,....'t.- \.ilriN )i
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  • 96 2 kfJMOi IiUMH aiiiKi.h v ii I i Tills uiai.h wa»ilc -ided veater.U_\ .i lei ii.myu, the K. A. II beating the K K. l.» 0i... noal, scuriil during I lie tiril lull "I the K«uie, to «i/. This is after four .|r.i*». il will H i.-iii, ml I The
    96 words
  • 82 2 Unukm the Holiday. Urdiuawe of W?.i. the H*k uuj -Jiilh iui.t ml. autl t W Jauuarv, ln-it are a. publn holiday, in the ...lonv. The Imi ■U> apiwiuted Itrii-T. Mtk t hi m Public Holi.iiy iv tinColony 11. K. the Ooveruor. ou bin il.|.rtni' from the
    82 words
  • 59 2 VlCKlVt.l IVr IV A H H,i11.,,,d. (MM I-" 1 N "7' her*!. U»>n. WjlHlll. ■<■ "lHj'irml,., fr I- -I- SSttt* Mb. Fik... b« W I'ike. Mr. Selby, M. nu.l Mr*. Pat«r«oii, Mr. v»,,iber 11, Mr »v.l Mr- .»,l Mi». Baker. M»»™. f"" M».«r. T<Un, H.wit ....1 C»' 1 11
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 765 2 mBE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. mHK Standard Life Aeenranoe J. Norwich Onion Fire Insurance Society. Atlu Aesoranee Company iFire). The Equitable Life Awiuranoe Society Th« < »«n Marine Innuranco Company. The Chin* Mutual Bt«am Navigation Lniy The Tottenham Wer Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these l/ompamee
      765 words
    • 808 2 NOTICBB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newE^a- er I in Asia. British India exceptai. It circulates in Singapore and Peuang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the i Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. j No other Eastern newspaper
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    • 400 2 NOTICES. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE BOCIETT. Foe Cheistmai A»i) New Ykar. Ju»t ramired, mull assortment of Bible* of di fferent »i»« ill rnry inperior bindings. Suitable (or prmenta. The word ol the Lord mdiireth for erer." ■ftt ROBINSON CO. SILKS AND VELVETS, BLACK MERVEILLBUX AND BiKAH BLACK BROCHI. SILKS NEW
      400 words
    • 1051 2 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. '11l BE L! I.—C ompound honae, comI pletely f urniahed. a ppl y to B. e/o SKraii. r.-».« Office. 21/12 SIOOCOR ¥jV)R SALE, at 1100, > .mall wUU cob— J? k ■Iron);, areful, and aaithle animal. Al«o. F.i- f 40. net. blurk and lira-* harnre-, that cxi three
      1,051 words
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    • 25 2 MtaML The Straits Times has the largest circulation ol any oewsoaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has io widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 EWKATHKK BKPUICI •fn* iNtH B,mfl. I*H- Onabr, I*t »*.m.St.m.[>t.m.KmUA**.. m*. v y.h. ».wi tt.m* 1 M.O 84.0 ».f -S 1 :'ulb Thar. 77 :i 7ti H 77.4 v ..f Wm.l S.K. N.E. N.K. Taap.ulU4a s«.V Jl do do 7 I.H J.i i»ft»o i»S g^* n4TW. 71 S|a UUUkMn. M\
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    • 124 2 AUKANUKMENTS. Saiikuav. I.V.h (MM* ■Uk Wau-r. II l:t a.m. MMX Crick.-!. Kind. Gardeu*. |> .ni. lam, Mn Pww MiKh W*tir. O:«.nn 1 1 C I'll i I Siini|.i\ iu Ailvi'ul Muni.av. 17th Daaawi* Hi.:l. \V*l.-r. l.ltia.m H.H I' 111 A11.M01...I S,Mr.Uat P»wir» U*-" K.H.tlwll. K-tf. 1: K. A. I. MM
      124 words

  • 1291 3 THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' HOME. r ,,K REV. A. r SHARI'S VIEWS. i:MI'l"l SKIiV ls sl METHODISM AND Bm „IK KOMAN CATHOLIC Ql'KslluN fan Moraiag <!><• K»-v. A. V. tthaip i i,,. t,.««.i<. the Ti,.,-.' rasa*. I i iv«-. present dispute in cm- j with the Hicy »f the r,
    1,291 words
  • 1588 3 [From mm CTm i iiftmhat) In tb.-Ohi. f MtmmUtUta Civil Court, at Kuala Lunpor jii'lynu til was drlivcrtd <M Monday in tho ,i T j| uit t hli NeoE)? Ju »<T»B«. Tin- Cbartei.d lUi.k of Idillh. Aunlrala. h»"1 China, by tkmt »ub n^eiil W.
    1,588 words
  • 527 3 1. ..A1l INTO .iKI.AM.iil.' IMI KKAHIKII IHHIOKATION' HTATf TKIAI. A Hl-RDBB TKIAI. f'rmii t,ur CorrapoHiUnl. trkan, IJIh Fllllllll Mr. Wood of the P.W.D. left for Ulu I r.ili.iuj; by the on the lut'u inatatit, in order to prepare trace* of the proposed in. jll.'il cart road Iroui Kuala
    527 words
  • 472 3 l il > II lAL MOVKMKNTH MTKAMKII I 1. 1.1.1,11, N INgriUT i'l.'iilii^J.l) (.VMKUA.NA uur Oorrenioiutent.) Kioilit Lvmi>ur, t-'llh Vtcembtr. < >n Mouday lost, llie Captaiu C'biaa euImtiriH Mr. 11. 0. U'u'gi*. Mr. H. HutI, nlim h, ami Dr. Welub to a faiewi-ll dmins at hi* BUiuuii:r bouse.
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  • 75 3 I- Colgate tad l!..xi,»v, fci«.<lwar««, Ju. I Dm in.-i. MMita ii»»iii> for lll»|fcl»II Cl.*l(Jrtf, irtli li.- iiiii ll.iimi ml nut I o. I'iLiiii an I Japan. <»,.,.url. dvi' --'.I. !>■•• b.-, 11.i11.u L.i I'.uimik mil C'uKittt, MtaaMi i. i, i in Bon i il iad r
    75 words
  • 1220 3 I imrfMlMMf Strath Tim- Trlr ■<" < (Via rtgbm.) TIIK BRITISH II Til MM 00. ITALIAN MILITARY RKHIKMS KI'SHIA AND BRITAIN. BRITAIN AND FKAM'K IN MR ITALIAN FOLITHJH raniinKirr ci.kvki.amii h iih.h UMTSD UTARH FIHCAL DrriClT Tlir. AHMFMAN ATK«K'ITIKs n<!HTl!l<l IM IHIAKDA /.»«.<»». :Mh iV.»'.-..i'»«r. I Then^n-cmi-nt. mad-
    1,220 words
  • 172 3 M-AMLVI. IN TARIH I'KAI-K PRIMPIVTH MM ill RHE OF THE <IKItMA«I KMPKRoI: THE ruM.'H Biixitrr Part; 3rd Derember. Several iitaitlinjr revelation" have U-cn m«<l.--of^Kiiiilir «»in.|l.". in Parin. M.M. and Trncard. wcll-kimwn fignrm in Pariiiiaii xorifltr, hare hr<-n ini|ili< > «ti>>l. mul arrmt*d ■nil tlwir papcn Miutd. m
    172 words
  • 357 3 LOMUUk \t I" V i l:TIIK HITI-ATIIIN IN ACHKKN TIIK MM HARKirr '.MIMAN KKW <;I'INEA I "rau flnleil from Wlriout n, n-A/iu/ i*. Laatak the work of pacification eous nine 1 ut the date of last xdrion, and tlw>'iuui i.f <Jh»knt Nh^m were lii'ni'.; razed to the
    357 words
  • 74 3 RAILWAY Month W S..IXIUII. I v.i I Wmi of lleeeipU. Alumni! 1'a...-U){.M 817.4J> Sn»»oo Tifki>U II:. HnrMM. MjM mi D-v l'>l Trl'grapli ('.illt-eliou* i Ku>*«< Ksith til Parrel* KM Eni« I.u(Hf»ic« tfpwi.l Trains Total IWhing $1H,847 liool-. |37..V!7 Wmwlioiimi Hcnl !H Liv»Bloek UN ftalwa Total (Joods SKt.i"." lr.iii.l
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 345 3 To-MOimows i t in m:u bkrvickh. <HLK('H OF ENOLANU 1*,. a. >L»t Akh.ii At. axi>»kw'» (MHHth n"».«! I. ll»T r 'Kii!-b.iri™ k -U...1) S.l.o.1 «ud MjIV 'a... J.l> lu lit. iiv.itK aimI S«riu»u. r*»»ll« li&liklHUX *'B»rH~ U IBM* Miaaiua QUHh i i»...i i. ktk II V'tZTs^"^' Ml |>. ■>.. M»l»>
      345 words
    • 518 3 NOTICES. I "KATiTBROTHERS^" TAILORING DKPABTMKHT. (NEW SHIPMENTS OK GENTLE- MEN'S OUTFITTING JUST ARRIVED.) Black and Brown Bhnee. Black mil Brown Bort« Patent Dress Shoe*. Superior Dancing Pnt p«. OUR NEW SHIPMENT OK BOOTS AND SHOES IS THE LARGEST WE HAVE EVER IMPORTED. New Pearl snd Black and Whit* Straw Hate.
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    • 948 3 shipping. TOBGENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE i. TjH)R ('OU)MHU AND BOH KAY. Thn «.v U\l>lSFAH\h:.f»yt»in Andrew. Invine left Hoii^Vonir <n thn 1 1th intt.. may l» Piperied In arriro' here nn or iihout thn llith init. Hip will have i|iiirk de«|.at.«-h for the above port*. For freight sn I pMaage
      948 words

    • 134 4 DaaW this kwadlax the following a).bnviatisat an assd :-*tr.-*t**a»»r sh.-*hip h,.- Was*; Brit -British; U. S .-Hnit-I Stats* Fr.— rraaehjOwr.-Owrman: D«tDatrk; Joh.— Jnhor* *<-„ O.e..— Otmtnl eariro; d. p.-4*vk |i iisifiri; O^-Vamit-IsiiitT. pVW^-Taajwaf Pafar Wli«rf;T P. D.— TanimiK Pafar Dock B. W— How Wl-rf J. *!^»rW.. Wharf
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    • 970 4 Abbivalu Bi>ce Noon or Temtkbihv aTem. Brit, rtr 1«B tona. Cap*. Morria. lth Dm. Fro- T. Assoa. lath bee. I'm aid Tapioca, t* d. p. S. foy. For T. An*.n vUporU. I7tb.-Bda. Amker.l, Brit sir. 108 Urn: Osak Bhim ■en. 1.-.ih Dec From Klaatr. Uth Dee C <•
      970 words
    • 152 4 N.i«v, Pert, and Dan vi M.i<... IjONI>«N. Java. Not l<>. LIVKK Orentw. dv. Da* gl l»~.u, duo Uee :ti, Dat. M; I'j i"|~ due Jan. Mi Inn Ri K ,l. laat, It: Xi in Uickinera, Ihat H OaMawaj I Oopick. Osßßsnasoi Smlliwolil. Au k it; ITianr* 11.
      152 words
  • 138 4 Vm.lL'. NU, R mm Ommm Fko,. OmWiW> It I'll*. W.i.ud,II P«ru 14 0«. Ij uann It A«Tb.r.i 15 Ourfu* 15 • i H.dKli Jum ■•Ml'clk U S«lu« J>«t.. tr K.«.1 K B «n» .MX Wb,l. 0«.»r. :H3l SapLr «r .IK. i h;»oi v Mr. «I 7 .-u» u "nt.
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  • 125 4 Dati Vmul'. Nim. 'Liv KIU «'»i-riiN Nrimh« v It v It It r. is IS 11 li IS I* 13 1} 1.. B IS li IS IS HMauriuwtiu l-'.r01... Machxa K H.b, Xi«. Auu Ul.-UKjl, Hi.t.lik.l (Vlr.tul> t>hut«i| rTiti>uu. v Tur D«t. »tr. Kriniunr Snii.Ukiiii «i.i I" itr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 629 4 LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM. CON'QI'ER-i HEADACHE AND NEURALOIA. X^X ilic most annoying i audpurcliSHe a botllenfLittle'sOrieu- tsl Bhliii. and yon will get inat«at r*U*f. No i waitinfr. no HiitT.riiifr, no (>r with mcdii cm*. It i» H*fe, »nre, aud harmless, and arts Mm maxie. It kills pain atone*. It is an
      629 words
    • 471 4 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE COT, LIMITED CHRISTMAS 1«M. UNKST FRENCH BON HONK. Fruni Ike C'"»'/''!/»" J Framcaif t '.irani'-l*. Fooduols, Glaci' Fruits and Almond*. Cboculate Alinoods, Pralioes, Parisian Mixturcg, Alguriio lljn Bods, Ac., Avc. From Cadbury. Chocolate Cnuus. Cbwolal.- Almonds, I Chocolate Fruit*. Baaaßßfm, .sli.'lU. Bis-t.-t a, Kibbon Boies, liooks, Olove
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    • 1262 4 DOCKB. fTHg TANJOXi; I'ADAB DOCK CO. 1 UMIIED. Tim |.r ..miMw of til* Company are situttsd at TanjonK Piurar sdjuimnfr th* towi nf ■apasaa. 'I'M Wharf orta<M»a SB *M SBB9 a*MIS «a. uviaaa oj tk* SBtnasss to tk* Dock, into thr** parts. Th* WsstWaarl! over in. ail* in lenjtkwitk
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    • 248 4 I ISUIICSB. products or 3 AUSTRALASIA. McALISTEK CO. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE IMPORTERS. MAT! JUST BaU BIVBU SBimBJIT ur CHOICIST gt'ALITT ARU IK PBIMB COHOITIO* HnHKIH'l* CREAMERY HITTKa Challaags* all sthsrs.i Pries ptr 1 lb. tia «t ssato. S.. M.SS. wood ca's FAITORY BUTTER. IbbMbbi Piir. p*r 1 lb. tin «5 e»at.
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    • 187 4 JOSEPH BAKKIC Conrgctiosi* a»o Tii»«a Bacbb. B«OStol*fons ih» Lsdi-s OsntVBum of tingap-re that he has o|--.i~l aKoafaetionory sad Vl« Bak*rr. »t No. Vieto-ia tttnat, wit tn th* Convmit. Jast mnirsd dirwt from Tirana a MfS qsaaUt^ ..f b antiful liT'. honhos* eraeker.. swssto f.sf d**rr-. hri«t*s»s C**«'. «V.. sll ssat
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    • 261 4 NOTICEB. fBB PBTS BITIB Do 0 P,X»K* las shsT* Dock. iritn*l*d la Prmnt. Wslltsis*, at thn nntranc* of the Pry* Ui,,, ha* lately b«n l-r..»itl -I ami .Imb^^i h sow of th* following diltinMaion* Lsafth on Iho Works X¥t f,.,. t SO Itoßth of water ob -.11 a. 1
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