The Straits Times, 5 December 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1894. NO. 18,489.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1117 1 -sTBAMSHlP OOLPANIES. ANP OR1SNTAI. 8TKAM P NAVIGATION COMPANY Ornea—'ollyerQuav w «»avas and OoDowm No* n a n ail stumers inay t-e expec UwJ to arJ ,,,,lwardt and Sln(raporc horn, war It t>,, folio"*** .l.r I*". h iw. i_Dm, M lire. K r^ff4 J»ny. Pn.iw.nUr Janv. B Jr-' .■■.-< j«"
      1,117 words
    • 893 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. T\E KONINKLIJKE PAKBTVAA&T MAAT8OHAPPIJ. Coder contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Bingapore, Ship Ao«wct, late J. D*,«»D«La A Co., 2-8. Collt»» Quay. DE' EMBER 1894. ..P"*. 0 Sailing Arrival From. Bata\ia. i lifribini, r>«maran|r, »nd Uounbay*. tUaUm. 4th. ItaUTU 1 Vt.», 1(r ulehlok, Padui^, ami Weit
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    • 908 1 nKl'TS''Hk 1 t. MPFSCH !>'F.-< HUEDF.REl 7V HAMBURG. KlSTHI!* LlNS. P-m nightly fVi.urr w»T»r:K> HAMBURG AN1> THX STBAIT*, CH!MA AND Japan nod net varan Tk» f"l!<nrin(f ntnamere will probably he *>ea)asr**4 from Singapore for Harre and V-'urril-iirjf FROM T'lMOAPOBE Dl'K AT HAMBIRO f-Vrrfn on 19th O.-t. 1894 1st De<\ 1W4
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    • 879 1 STEAMSffIP CX)MPANIBB. TVORDDEC^BOHBR LLOTD. i> BREMEN. Th* fart and well-known ataaunaiß of thia lin* ran regularly between Brmnerham and Shanghai, ealliag en route at Antwerp, Rontlumpton, Genoa, Naplea, Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with til. arrival, and departnre* of tb*a* mail steamers, the Company'a ateamar
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    • 815 1 INSURANCES. THE PHCEMX FIltE INSURANCE COMPANT. (ESTABLISHBD A.D. 1782.) The undersign d Agents for the above Company are prepared to aooept Fire Bisks at the current ratei \i Singarore. and alao in Joho: il.l the other State* in the Mil-y Peninaulr. STIVES A Co. NOBTH BBITISH AKD MKECANTILE IMSUBANCBCOMPAHX. BnAßLisraD
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    • 552 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANXJNG CORPORATION. PAID-TJP CAPITAL $10,000,000 1 RESERVE ITTKD 4,500,000 RBSSRVE LIABILITT OFI JIOOOOOOO PROPRIETORS 10 000 wo Cooar ow Dibbctobb:— Cbaibmam-C. J. HOLLIDAT. aWq. Dbtott Cbaibmab— J. 8. MOBBB. Bag. i R. M. Out, Eea. .i.ui'i bun, Bs*. H. Hornt-a ,K..|. H.m. A. MoCmacais. 1 R.
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    • 384 1 NOTICES. Chamd Skik, Pile*, Scalds, Cats, Sore Eyes, Sunburn, Earache, Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains, Throat, Colds, and Skin Ailments, quickly relieved bj use i of CaltmtN Carbolic Onrrmeht. Large Pots, Is. lid. each at Chemists, fcc. F. C. Calvert Co., Manchester. ABUEID8. J. D 1 A. PEEEIBA. H0BT1CULTUBIBT AJTD FLOBItT.
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  • 403 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SiwoAPomi. JVth Dmodii, UM. PRODUCE. U.mbwr. 8..V.. Jo CMbo 80. U IUO--do do He. I, ,8.%. Com Bali 5.70. do PootUiuk^ Pepper Black, 10.25. S»^> Flour, Sarawak U5. do Brunai ILJS. Pearl S**o, JIB*. Coffee Bali, 41.U0. Coif*. Lib.ri«a,. m 45.00. Tumi aaaliriikw, 4.06. Jo do
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  • 95 2 for tm Mr. To-Moaaow. l>u»H k Pn,m,nlt, V am. l(..tu 1'.h.1. .«ih»4»,., N«w /,-4lau 1 via port., F. VtUamnu. 10 [I I- A'UI,. .1,.,., 11 >.•>. MaUcca »v.l Un(Ki, C. O. Smith, 1 ».m i.riaiu H.Kaii, Kin T..r, !,.>. Klang ri> porU, Ip.a I nlion 3amar»n[ fm>(,
    95 words
  • 101 2 raosi X, B, th- 51 M Rj*M wiU Ut'. to the ml, Nar. Kfi Imj Faun China -Bj the P. *O. T.i Knro.ita aua en I'ur day. Dct.lSh P. *O Nov. t:«h •«rt il.t N. U. I.. N... Uth 'K-t iir.l MM. N..». 17th vt :il-t P.
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  • 167 2 ABBIVALS. Per s. Bant* from «-~<-fc" :—Meurs. Berkhuysen, Uurton, and Hou'ble Mr. Strut! Per s. s. Will o- th. Wi.j, from Klang Mr. C. P. Auchant Per s. JTorunu Batquehtm frost Trieste: —Hewn. J. Hassner, Uib*Oß, Qillon, Bauj tard. Dr. Poiil-en. and Mr*. Lowe, (TO aebivi.; Par P
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  • 20 2 ESTABLISHED 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Snbteriptwn r<dm attd adtertuing i Jf* may U found on tiu fourth paye-]
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  • 170 2 WEDNESDAY. 5TH DEC., 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE CHINA-JAPAN WAR TUB MTfATIO!! AT CHFrTM) IUAVIiB MOVEIIIINTM London, sth December. A Tiihh nirres|sitident telegraphs tb»t the f >reigners at Chefoo are preparing for defeu.e Presumably fearing Chinese riot. It i* reported that the Japanese are preparing for further attacks on tbe Chines
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 390 2 Chef.». i* a Treaty Port opposite Port Arthur and new Wei-hai-wei. It is not •arpri»inK that the foreigner* there should be preparinK for powibilitie. of riot. Tbe further new. of our telegram, that the Japanese trana|K)rt« are moving westward*, might mean a poaeible lauding near or at the
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  • 61 2 Xxi haki.k ba. aptin m.- .i topic of converaation. Now that tbe dollar is below two .lulling, p.- have awakeued to the fact that there i. uo reason why it ■bould not go much lower. They Muo reaeouable limiti to tbe poaeiblo fall but they do not expect it to
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  • 20 2 On Saturday, toe member* of the .Siu_-.i-|iore Oolf Club play for the Preaideul's pri»e— two rounda. baiKlicap. Kntriea cloee to-morrow.
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  • 31 2 A Jaiaieie Dative 4 |.r mak.h the propowl that Britain .him l. l control the whole of China, or elae take over South China, while Japan look, after the northurn portion.
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  • 34 2 This Committee, appointed to conaider the ext-mdintc of the Lai-ut line to join a propowd railway from Pry« to Parit Buntar. hai drawn up it. report which bus been .uhmittcd to the PeiaW (Jovernui«ut
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  • 34 2 The Aawrican yacht WaiUna arrived 5 an K kok wilh Mr »«<1 Mr..' Helen Wade. Mr.. A. R. Wade. Mr» Qarnt»oo. Dr Ku.ael »„<! jjiaa J. R, nn on board. She leave for Palembaug to-morrow.
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  • 44 2 A Cmuatm, wuom appliance bel W tbe Magistrate ha« Ueu rt^ular lately 7 cb r ed »l'proDh.ti IIK MMMJtr of KUtta ,«rch» from M«ar«. PmiU. vau rl p, i ,f io u<i Mr ii at the Pol.o« Court to-day eomuntted tbe offruder for trial.
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  • 67 2 A Chimaman uaiund Boon A Ngee w«ul served, deliberately hau.od Inujself with a rope attached tv a w.udow S Tm body of a young Klin*. M than two years old, tv found last ereaj. in well at the re«r of 76, Tank X.*<? There were no indication* of violei;, ,^j'
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  • 54 2 Capi. ttrCi.u«K, who ba* been api^iot^ Vie"-Adinir*l and adviser to X I r Ting, left Tientsin to join tbe Clunt*, Plecton tbe Uth November. Hisa|.,, a j nu roent is from the Tsuo-^li Vi 0 |t i< iind. i-shmml that be is to be tbf »ii|«ri or officer in case
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  • 51 2 Thi Muuiei|.»lity of Benares, tbe mcr-d city of the Hindm. hai p»m-*\ L n niitkiug punishable tho selling, or wilful touching when x i •■>.-.- 1 for sale, ofaitjejai of food or drink by (e-sonH MfHictc w,^ a contagiKUJ, or loiilnonje iliM.i-e. and the frequenting by such petsuns of crowded
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  • 62 2 Thk nouiiuation of Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn is the only nomination that at m> had iM-en sent in for tbe Central Ward, on the Board of Municipal Commissioner* Mr Tan Jiak Kirn at preaent occupies tlm sent aud he retires, in oider of roUitinn at the cud of tbe current
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  • 69 2 The MW Sorth JsVM»MU*iO4ssMi notifies that natives of Bntisb Rons Pun 1.. ■■> who may hive ..l.i une.l a Government title to land are at divert v to >ell „r transfer tbeir rights in the same t» Eur.i. peaiis or other*, always providel that the terms of such title di>
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  • 70 2 Su far as arrangements h tve gonr, H.K tbe Governor, with Mit.hell mi party, will lenve on tbe 11th iimt<iut i.v we have already announced for Peuini;. It U i-iien.l-l t<> call at M*lacca, srfcsu i,!,| r Mitchell will Slav at Tanjoug Kliug, mVk U.K. "ill |"ol»bly Uke a
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  • 80 2 It is v,-ry unlikely that a (Jvmlihan. mi; mi.' will li-dil under the au«|.iri-i ,1 th.- S] -or in/ ('lull between now aid tli— Bffimf .M.- iiii«. hiil prol.ililv no' aft it that. The attempt of the nmimitiie ,f the BpattisMJ Cluli to (s)pula'ise the U,m. Uuua- judging by tbe
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  • 97 2 A few days ;i a Cliiuainau waa lined at tbe Police Court for tbe unlawful po*. m'.-;..ii of i iinlii. Out of th it prose, v. tii>n, however, h m>te *rhous >.»•■ n in i w i- lie ir.l this morning at the Polie* Court by Mr. Eg«rtou aud Mr.
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  • 99 2 Tin: n line uf Lldy II irri.-tle Cop 1 sjS> |ieirt in the p.isseuger list of the «*j|sw due ou Siturduy. 'I'll- only orrei. poudiug name we can find iv books of i-f.reiie is that of Lldy Cop-, the daught -r of Robert Jaffray ■■SJMfffls, .1 Ve-tev Phi.- 1 Monkstown,
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  • 115 2 Ai:ii'..,i.>|i.\i- are bring iim.l. in the Survey LVpari iuc-iit tor 'he final dcteriniu. ation nt tie- .(itl.-t. a of lougitude by tabgraph BSJMMM Indii and Kuglainl Tinvalue that vow e<mts was titbua by «.iv si, p»rtl_v by the Survey D.;pKrtiii- ul iv 1K77 uul |..irtlv by the Mulish fa|«lit»s
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  • 123 2 hmnamlmm VMnwl «i 11 1 Newt tint the Russian auihoniie« are stdl invektigitiu'4 triie matters witn a view t > imp sing duly on all iin|Hprl» t.. tbut pi>rt. (Hitherto all goo<l» W.-M fi« from duty. ux< ept tikf. tobacco, matchf. sugar, and c*kes.) ..apanene metchaDt>. or ;»'dler«, in
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  • 57 2 For An-'t'itbu"' 11 pMCf, rl.» .vuibvr, Mi-Ali»t<-r ami Ob. l(h X.,, 1 1,,,,,|.. „,,1 r.nubay. A-t'». IV.embtfr, Pater...!! M MM 9m I" ii»nj! anil I'akutu. U«rui.b.'r. lit>u*t.<*.l and o iSth Hi IVll.ili; >nl ul'UlM. I ft* Hongkong. 4. jj.i-ar. dv.. Mk UiVm mmlVtmt >kl> K..i I'hiua
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 819 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. THE Standard Life Atwnrsnce Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atla/> Assurance Company (Fire The BquiUble Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lagor Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, LimiUxl. s*nr iiArticulars of thnee Companion sss H
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    • 1011 2 Ntynoßs. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsiajer in Asia, British India ezcepteti. It circulates in Singapore and Pcnang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay I Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the j Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 462 2 JOHN LITTLE CO., j LIMITED. CHRISTMAS 1«H. j FINEST FRENCH BON BONS. i From the Com/xti/nie Franeaine Caramels, FondauU, Qlicc Fruits and Almonds, Chocolate Almonds, Pralines, Parisian Mixture?, Algerian Bon Bods, Ac, Ac. From Cadbury. Chocolat" Crimes, CbocoUlo Almonds, Chocolate Kruitx. Hmniers. MhelU, Baskets. Ribbon Boxes, Book*. Olove and Handkerchief
      462 words
    • 935 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, i T BOIBLATIVE COUNCIL. TKnndau, Uth December, 19M. 230 p. n. ORDERS OF THE DAY. I.— Loral Certificate* Caucella tinn Bill 3rd Beading. 1. iovoni'ir's Bill Committee. Telegraph bill 2nd Beading. Civil Procedure Ordinanc« Amendment Bill do .V— Savings Banka Bill Ist Reading. ti. Di<"**«l Cattle Prevention of
      935 words
    • 19 2 AT No. HI, S«Ugi* Road, the wife of William Nial, of daughter. 1 KoR GENERAL bHIPPINO NKVVB UKE PAUK4.
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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    • 7 2 for HOMiwrraN i*** 1 111 PAGE 4
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 WF.ATHEK KEPOKI h-i.~l.ini *>o*a» Boy.NI. 41k Dtumilir, 1«M > am. SwBL t SVM. Rllitll. Uar. reJ. ij F»h. ».W8 ».»71 J~ r.ui|. 81. t MJ -Si Wm salb i'h.r. IM 74.S "S a li.r. uf Wiu.i NX C*la. Max. T«nip. unka.l* I J-^ Mia. Jo oo 718 )lu. in Mio
      95 words
    • 183 2 AKKANUKMKN1S WhMNKSUAY. .VrH DmBMI Hl^'h Watrr. "J.P< [Mil. KM Kirst i|uarU.-r /".In |>.m I'lrutci nt nMR" II" 1 in., »!th D*OMMi High Wau-r. 4 1 a.m. :i i4 ui (MM litiid Sale at Powell'*, t I" 1 U-k'isktiw Cuii.iciI -'.;«< p.m. l*botonn»|ibic Swictv Mwtiuc Kridat. 7th Dki kmbku
      183 words

  • 676 3 or r.k fajaMMM sMAI.I. Il>N ,ri .K.TIOS OF K TOWXSIIII»ttinrrn. sri. no KIMI "N AX MMI \THKOI->'l/»1II At, lIKMKAH. II SA.i.l IM.AXTINi; from our p**fM]MMHMi U,,tH, 4th MMMaMP. Thk nuall hn-al steamer, travclliug up k^ajaatparwiebaj very r.«i B h fmmmm, iti ri eonsv.|iiently soiueiim^a coii-iler- delayed.
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  • 492 3 It a Meeting of the Oejrloa LagMttif* '.•mini uu tliu 22u<l November, Ilic Boa. W W Mil. ii,-|t ukad. With wImim la tbv allusion m tbe Addressof Hi> Kx.el-l.-wy lha OcviriMir ;it the op-iiing cif i'i'IiikiI. to tin- cju.-niioii of Militu.iv Kx-|»-mliture from 1st April. UK,
    492 words
  • 143 3 RKIM •< TI..S OF FRKKIHT* To INDIA thk uonom mm wiarh mmmmm THK MADA<1AH( AR CKKDITK IKNIK OP IINITT4J VTATEM IIONDH Ijoniim,. mib Nnrrmbrr At Mg. ,,f ,l,i,H,w,, held at Ol«. in Hi- ralm .,f froj^ht to IiHin l o mwl IW .•..miN-titioii «,f Ui, Mudiester Sliip C»n»l
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  • 1137 3 I ftm Day, Later than by mail "H KAN MO| i-OHTAi;!-: (<)NI>r.MNKII mm as imi'i:i:iai. DM TIIK tmtUM SAW lU IX M; m 1 AMIIKIIK.K T<> IIKTIUi; KII>T ATT1IK KMI-IKK TIIKATKK onumt TIIK IMIMH OITKA1.K IS 1/IIMMlN TIIK IACIK1I I Alll.C TIIK SI I.TAN OF TritKK.y
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  • 745 3 A <;<>KKKnpoNDiifT of the Forth China Dailj Miirt, who date* bis letter-New- <li waii«. |;ith November, write* Ever linca the Mabomraedin General Tso and the Maucbu General Feng were bnrried off at >i few days' notice to the aeat of war, Moukden focusscd in itself th», tin-i-rtuiuty.
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  • 433 3 KtniKAKi Sikah, a Tokyo millionaire in. r.-hant has arrived at New York. Hil ■Uaaiaaj to New York ia said to lie a moat important oue namely, to wake the preliminary aiiaiijcoit-Mts for the floating of a Japanese loan in this country. Mr. MnM wa-s Niirpris<d wlien a
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  • 117 3 A i tli.' of th* Sluttish uii'iu liers of tin' Penally Club uud tin- PMaMaj <io.t Cliil', a l.irn'- eoinpauv am. mbl'-.l tl PWM(r, at .1 bad on lilt- niu'li! .t' th- Mth Nov. tnl.-r. 81. Amlrfw^ Day. The ki I Hi li.-l I
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  • 509 3 We heard recently an old foreign resident observe I tell you what it is— after this war; the Japanese will beoom* ao atuck up tbat there will be no getting along with them." He echoed the belief of a good many besides himself.
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  • 444 3 Thk Calcutta Mail slates that the le. sttictious lately imputed iv Beugil on the uu sumption of prepared opium on licensed p.emi.-es hive completely tailed m their nil. 'ii. l.-.l effect Smoking iv license) premises h»s u-iw I. ii piouiuited, and habitual ■MMn arc
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  • 213 3 M UNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS. miM MS I'o-hav, at the meeting it' the Municipal l '< 'iiiiiii> sin ii. ix.lli.Tf w.t.- |>r<'M'iit Messrs. Bell. N.111S..11. M.v, Mom*. Fraser. Harp, ..ii.l the Hoa'bles T. ShelforJ, aa.l S- uh I, mug iMk Afi-r the uaiial roiitiuc uusiiK-m. ill l'i' si. I. m. n farting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 Ih YOU WANT A ..LASS UK •SUPERIOR ALE enll in at Ma ORIENTAL HOTEL, South llmi>.i: Road, I. el., it is ..liijiinul fie.-li from th. at*. NKW AND BPEi IAL BEER PUAH'S. the lir.-t in Singapore. ALL 1.i.jl .ins OK THK HK> 1 qUALUV. Board and l..«lging, with good
      63 words
    • 303 3 NO 1 ICES. I7OOK RIGffT HERK McALISTER CO. hare jn.t rsesivad fraah shipment* of I'KIUNET FILB CHAMPAGNE at world-wid* fam. "Dry Teraeaay" *2\ per Caa* Uiurla. U3 P.nU 82i Pi.U. CHEESE. Knw Zealand Creamery. «•> MM per Ih. iv nut. BRAN. Ml per Ug. OATEN OBAVT. S&6U per baa;. OATEN
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    • 521 3 NOTICBB. DB. ROGERS can b* consulted at tke Pahaag Di.peo«ry. 12/1.1 NOW READY. GLIMPSES of the Baatern Archipelago. Ethnographical, Geographical, Biatorieal. A rolleetion of twenty-five snbjeet* on Netherlands India, translated from th* Dutch. by < i KO. G. BATTEN, Price S3 per copy. to be had of M bmbs. J.
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    • 652 3 SHIPPING. FOB GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE 1. mHE INDO CHINA STEAM NAY.CO., J. LIMITED. FOR PENANf i AND OALCtTTTA. The Company's Steamer CHOYBANU, having left Hongkong on the XHh Not may bo expertml In .rrive hore on or ahout tbe tith instant, and will have prompt deapatch for the
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    • 1470 4 Und-r il.w heading the following; at.brovinlimn an- n-oil ntr itwnir sh.— «thip hf,.-Win'i»; BtH— Britteh: U. S— 1 nited SIMM.. »i.— lr»nch;Uer.— Gwnin: D»f.— Duti-li; .lull.— J.ihora; Ac, G<a_— Qaaaial mwi>; <l. ■>.— dvk nmumi U.—IJucartai,7;T. I' W.-Takio-fWr Wli.if.T P. D.-T,uiM*Pa«*rDoek; B. W.— Home.. Whurf; v£-Jar3iuVe Wharf
      1,470 words
    • 152 4 Name. P< rl, .«.<< Ikj* o: Lukuun. i UVishiel. j Ii 'lisl .ire. U*aW i. I Mi n. due Daa. I«. .iv Baa. l->. tiAKKY Iligel. Sept- 11; I'.roi'i hickmera. Se:.t .i Algoina, 1 ct. ill liLAbliOW. Oopack. I iSklMi. K Soulh.o!.). Au b 21 Itoaixvf H
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    • 13 4 ARRIVALS u«<.- .'> W«d»ii« Alii jet 1M KUiif m-c 9 ir.ii'n tttwaukly C» U"
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    • 21 4 DiTl V. Mll -.N«.. r. t v* Klu t rtlN SriTnii M !K' ■B TVluk Au..» »v !■>"«< Wlllook Malacca
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 NOTICEB. McALISTER 00. FRESH SHIPMENTS just AKKIVHD A PMaUT OF JAMES WATSON A SONS' CELEBRATED /o^l^a\ PRICE $7.50 PER CASE. WITHOUT PASS.) McALISTER Co. J^fl^AflGA of Japan TOILET WATER Appreciated for it.- dflirate perfume and the feeling of comfort and IP-. ■liii.'. s which il imparU to the skin Kananga
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    • 517 4 THK BOONS AND BLESSINGS ■They eonieu 1 1. aud a bleating to men The Pickwick, the Owl, aud the Waveley. Pen." MACSIVEM A CAMERON, Ki.imil-buh-w. A s. :io I :i-'.. I i A .lAS. AITKKN A CO.. KALKIUK. Born. .ii KxHKLssi., run KxruuTATioa. To ha aal at all Dealers WhoWtle
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    • 725 4 NOTICES. CLARKE'S PATKNT RKOWN LEATHEII roiXSU. T?OR poliahing, wfteaing an! pi\" J< all Browa Leather Oiwil- i. Baoia. Saohi.krv. Poeima-.w *iia, Btc In thi* preparation thei-e ure no craiair r sticky *«bi.t«uce», such ai are ,tii'<h,»l hi inferior Loatkcr Polishes, ,:A wkeah Itar* -m objoetioualiiii and orrwt'vn aMttag <m
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    • 1302 4 I DOCKS. THE SINGAPORE SMt'WA V AM) EN lIXEEHIXci COMPANY, LIMITED. The Company prenisca are aituated at Tan you Bhoo The Slip Bo. 1. ii capable of taking up reeaela of 600 toua the small Slip No. t. for I tin- accommodation of launches and ainall crafU up to 60
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    • 897 4 MUilCiltt. ■ataUmbaa 1806. T>ILET. HARORBAY2S* 00 BaaIHBBBI, I«OW A 8111 l F.-TJIIUCB*. Bon.BaatAKtE*. Bbidob BtiiiKiK. Ship BuiLDaaS, QBaBBAI, CoMIBACTUB*. BDfGAPOEI KUALA LUM POR. BBIT BUILDING YARD. HIGH claa* STKAM VKSSSLS alway. aadar aoaatraatiaa. from SB ft. to ISO (V WBfth at keel, *f best deign ami fin!*. MACHINERT from leading
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    • 140 4 AOTlOitb. /UUIBII FOO D. TB* I* Altß TOW WILL»B 8AtlS»IBO. L B. B»l.ILI08 b»«r* 'o atlnrv tit iiablie tha* U* Fartarr for ir»i»r nit DraaikMl Foxi, ai 84. DaUlloa Road. I* new iCt'n*** Cnahad Food, $3.00 ay haft. ««.h. Ckaa Oat. »-<» Indian Bran UM m To b* had at
      140 words
    • 83 4 JNOTICES. jpOWANs\ A poij LOOALLT iOTTLED BPECIAfITIEB. T.nn«Bt> Pal. AI. Pin" 'Jk v Tftniient'a Stout Pints" Do. Qu.rt, Li|f lit Laud J Pint. [m DarkSliandy fi, v j'g D» Q«rt« iv, ltd" Am, I7J Br*wMl G infer B-*r Z tW* ow Do Q«»rt. im RUPn.IBD I.T Mkssbs. JOHN LITTLE A
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