The Straits Times, 21 November 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1881. i rJ*_^Mj| g^Pßy^^y»»^P^Slaß*SW>wyeß^aßn> a#|'.tr •BMMMMBaaaBa#^Ha«wKaBV SBaaaaßßwdß; NO, 18A77.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1097 1 t1 si.v«rL*R Ui I STKAH P NAVIOATION COMPKSr. O»wi«»— cv-flywr «J»aj n'KiaW*>d Ooauwi** Waia llarl«ur «t«m»>» ma) >r H lp and I**T* Singapore honnnin a ..evjjjett ""r^J"'"' M«i I m mS J... r IV..«.«i«r Ju;. h.-» J»«r > Ja«j. n daMeara only appmxin»tei t.if ,U| »rtuw-« may w'h"- ™-l.«r or
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    • 1462 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. j Y^S KONINKLIJKB PAKBTTAAHT MA^TBOHAPPU. j rr yit tin iwi AoenU ut Bimgaport, SB» Asbbot, LACB 3. DimU A 00, t- Coixra* Q«A.I. 1 IxTKWDBn SAJMBOa ABP tXfBCCTP A«MTAM 4» IB &»■■*■»> 1«laHaB. I neettattion. Steam WlOatf. ahawtaal Fttta I I Bandjermaeain. Pula L*Bt,'i f P«»airCotie, Dongaia, B*reaw,
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    • 435 1 BaFSHSI Jb bb ßB vb B b > BSHsm \*"bb*bbbbV> SJsmvßk ATssA^Bßsnßsn.^ da* lAt abV mSmtt&^^^S aaaaaaBBBBBS SBBBsV BBBBBBBBmV^^ BaffJ SMMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb*«Hbbbb b^bbTsbbb^bbbbbbbbT^bbbbbbbbblß^bbbbbl "^"^■*"™"^sw^b»""""B^*^HHbb» Uf ■^PBsßVat^H aTaaTsal \^m++mmm tmmt a *b*-b*b 9sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV v4V bbbb bbbbbbbbbbbl sbbV aaaaBBBBBBaI ->_-_—> »»hw«i^^^zrL*ir*Bwi-! Jkr raa*. am ,n /r*» sTAifsyin to wMsW JbtMaWUkf aWVMs aWafaMSHal aMwVaTaTVVwBBBBt
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    • 487 1 I ITTtSB FWHH FTBB HraOIANCB COMI (aßaaaaJaaaa int.) B&B&BflDwSwVtßtaßffa^^ r. i^toaßsasatnnaßaT^^^^ ■U:it, ./V y -TiTBNAOw. aTWsg^a^B^^ «r i H '.jbbVpMAbw Twtol flwiißlFwaaa, UMUMa Asaaßßl JBwaßß*, m. n. MsVOOw TtowaAaaslmßaß, aaaajtotaraatakiia Pit F^«*ygr^gC»> *Ktv»t BBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBIdBm BBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkaaBBBBBBBBBsaBBBBBBBka^i BaW INSSSa— OttlCaV aVOaTDON. Baatjnjßjßßß. mtV ,T~- •■sapa«taß tf VtsHwaafleXV aBam^BBBBB> 4VSIrW«BBB^IiBHBt 4af I^-^ to
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    • 364 1 I *P BAKKB. tJOafWCO-Wr AND SaUNOaUI FATP-OT OAFITAL. OMoMtw JMIItB wvmb....... .J iMtiaoO Oawar ew Diaaaiaaai— OBtt— ab CJ. HOLUPAT.aBa. Pmrwrt faniaaitw- J. j. MOaail, *V«. Obdb? ataattatnV ■ißfiaa, T. itaatßoa, Bat. BBHf*t~H. M. MVII, Bta. Lttrawai aUatat* liubbib ajtbOo*»ii Babb> *BwCtoaV*JtT.taß9Tßa. wa*Wtfw«»-JBWBBHwT AIXOWND. 0* OwaaaßT imn, atttoaatoaf taar par
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    • 618 1 PBKSERVK YOOR TJWTH hy*«ings« r ofth«Dantifri.aah*Uwaaa»d:caltbbt'b CARBOMO TO'»TH POWDBR «d.. 1/-, l/«, ami lib. 6/- tiaa CARBOLIC T<X^TrT PA»M, 6d. 1/-, aM l/«^.i I OARWJi.ICToOTHB.iAP, 3d «d., and 1/- ..Ml ao«e». DNNTO-PHENPLEXE, 1/B, 2/6, a«.| 1 tb 7/« kottlat. ■ask aiiaaia. »ka Oalvbbts pnrwt CarWliC the la*t4 4aWtel BBt a
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  • 131 2 LATKTMAEKKTQUUTATIONH. t)ia«AMaa, ilav a, IMM. Wfggtyta^,, i^m *VM]irf^^^^ s^a> anf^MMNHMH m aa* *^mm»maajMS>ZrM'!*!lli!i Z 4**. ■Ih, Km l fi Limronjia l S». d» <M^e*ei j^kj.. 4J«. Oa. •mK...~.....Jwfi. At Otmni BmH UL....'. "3X ItoateTay*. XVI. Da, •■jaT... ta. OaHuw Bml **.7T. JUt. fErMEitaVa.*. Da, «a/&u M 7. Oa
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  • 3 2 rtmrv
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  • 34 2 ¥—m Bvaor* ,-a, ta* H. M. s. awtow jas kwaw wHa iiass t* «at tM OsMsr. fjM«fcau r-*> ta* P. *O. a. a. UtkMm was Tkaa luu or Mails to Losraoa.
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  • 57 2 aIBTiU, Par s. WiU Uu Wim f*wa atiaatr Maim. B. H. Bastea. aad D. aUeastts. 1 rmfi fliajiaiiai|i M J Jaasamha. aad T. stettea. (to asaiTß.) P*r P. aO.s. s. MassOia. frem Laaaoa, WO. 0. Watksr. F. 1. OaH, W. B. dbaa, aad U. Hsl*ili* FjrJLlZ*. flakmk Imm
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  • 219 2 STRAITS TIMES TELEGRAMS. ahBAJLWAUat t IHoU PBI01: 10 OBVTS. f SBBSBBEBSS SBBSBBmt 4 -SSlasßt THB CHHTAJAFAJI WAS. Ow*sV*Un* B 4M MM fHt asSaWsßsVaTt. JAPAJnMK RIVBRBE. X*MP*sM«V MMtt Jsr4VMH*M*f Adviea* from Chofoo report Ightiag •a the 19th EMtaat, twwwy mis** from Part Artbar, with th* reaaU thai th* Jiawi ii ret
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  • 154 2 OVIQmLtWOUsssVsMaV Us Moaday tb« Dutch force* reconaoitred th* t*Un aid* at Chakra Negara Th* aaf akHioa then began ruing th* WaJH. Th* road to th* woat of Chakra Negar* ia maaeaaa*. Trawa* an qaarteradiu part of thepoeri •raajaca. Th*otdßa>hi**aid to hay* been wounded ia th* poari aad
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  • 631 2 FaoM oar triegrcii it will be seen that our Dutch neighbours have re-coa. quered Loaibok. It hu sot beaa an oaeytaak. It ha* heea made more di«eah by the error of unduly trusting vary treaeheroM* race. It has oo*t the Dutch many haadred mea and a
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  • 28 2 Ladt Mitchell will be At Hoaw on Thutoday afternoon at 5 o'clock. TV SuHaa of Johom will be" At Hon.-,; Trenail on Friday afternoon from 130 i o'clock.
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  • 38 2 Tmb proclamation under the Hl.u^ht-r House Urdioaoce bat (wen agreed to by U.K. tbe Governor in Council, and it will be published in tbe Oovernment Uauttt tins week. The Ordinance will com» into force on the 30tb mat.
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  • 19 2 The mail »'*»nw RUm left Colombo at p.m.. ou Tuesday, the 20th fmtan". »od due here on Monday next.
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  • 33 2 It is reported that tbe Nippon Yaan Kauha baa earned considerable pn Au. in coeaaqarnce of tbe war with Chin, asd that a dividend of 10 per cent is eip«cted to be declared.
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  • 38 2 It was wrongly announced, micrdav, that the meeting to arrange matWr* in connection with the aonual Mew Ye*r Sports would take place to-day. The meetiog ie to take place to-morrow (Thursday) m the Eicbaage Boots at 5 p.m.
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  • 41 2 Mi** Kliib Adaib, who i* reported to ta a most admirable skirt dancer, will (ire an entertainment before tbe member* of the Tangiin Club, and their friends on Thursday night. Tbe entertainment is announced to be entirely suitable for ladies. 4)
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  • 41 2 Maaaaa. Cbahb Bbo*. will sell by auction Uad and house property at Hortfc Bridge Road and Cai pong Saigon od Friday, tbe 80th of NovetnWr. it their *ale* room. Tbe Municipal BikUha K»filtration Daiartment ataad* oa the Cam. I>opg Saigon lot*.
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  • 53 2 The Ckina Mail calls attention to the fact that, at Hongkong, recently, private meetings ot tbe LegiaUtiv* Council bad been neld to discusa matter* of icra«« public iaiporUnoe. That journal of opinion that this system of secret com laxi* a device to draw tbe teeth of lb« Bubbe epreatutalive* in
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  • 74 2 Wbb» Mr. Hudson goes to take up bit new appointment in Malacca, a* Rev strar aad Commissioner of the Court oi Reqae*t*. it is probable that a cadet will ant at Deputy Registrar in tbe Supreme C nut here. Mr. Be dan*, who ha* been acting >■ that office for
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  • 82 2 Rhabeablb activity, at tbe date nl U*t adriee*. wa* going on in the jut««r*J» in Calcatta at the Kiddorporo Do«k», where Mveral vernal* were loading tbousaod* of bale* for Dundee. The KniaU BackeUr was the largett vei«el in tbe rim just then. She is only some 15 or SO feet
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  • 74 2 Football Tournament i* to be held in Madras early in February neit. Tlif Madra* Gymkhana have offered a ail»er liallt-uge cup for com|wti<i m during Übcoming aeaaoa, which it i* t<i lie hoped will attract a large number of clubs i" n.mpete and provide keen and friend It rivalry. The
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  • 79 2 11l tbe Japanese Houw of Peer* on t) x 20th Ortoliei. a member calif dat»enli"» to the tact that the subjects of neutral l'f en were *erving in the Chineae men -of war, and to tbe fact that Chin* lixl violated the condition of ntutralii..' l.v using the port of
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  • 82 2 Tbe Chungking correspondent <>f tb« < f »iaa f7<i««r write* The Telegraph Convention signed at Tientsin nn fith September provide* that junction <>( 'I' China and rtormah wire be effected Wow the month of May. 1895. with a verbal P™miao ou tbe part of tbe Chine*' that the work will
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  • 73 2 The Singapore engagement* o( the three days of tui» week ant ratli.r iour» uuaMrou* than usual. They are follows Thureday —Lady Mitchell'. Reception. 1"" New Tow "purte Meeting. > p'» Skirt Dan Hag «t T«n(f liu Cluh. Hp» Friday :-The Suites'. At Homo, nftemoou. ruotUll i B. V.A. Chinese. <l"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 825 2 rnHB BORNEO OOMPANT, LIMITBD. mHE Standard Lifs Aarerane* Norwich Union Fire Insmranoa Soctoty. j Atlas Assnranos Company (Fire). Th. aqßitebl* Life Assuranos boo«*ty The <»2ea« Marine Insursno. 0omP««T; Tk* China Mutual Steam Navigation Ooy Tb* Tottenham Lager Bser Company. The Maritime Inauranc Company, Limited. For parttealar. of thas* Companle* w
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    • 787 2 NOTIOBB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsier in Asia, British India exoeptori. It circulates in Singapore Bud Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French lndiliMna. No other Eastern newspaper has co widespread a
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    • 391 2 NOTIOBB. XMAS PRESENTS FOR HOME. JOHN LITTLE ft CO., LIMITED Hare wothod tima imiMii at ladtea aad Okkmo* Osadltmat* satWbte far I'm** are. pitesottsotlCtV*. may b* rof*n«n*y Frem P. Ttßttrsikitrum, Madma, aad Tfajasb Thaa. OalsaHs. CHUTNKYB. INDIAN PICK LBS. MULLIGATAWNY PASTE. CUBBY PAST& CURRY POWDER TAPPBAUCK. CAYKNNKBAUCE, TOMATO BAUCX. OUAVA
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    • 708 2 LATEST ADVERTIHEMfiNTB. i □AU O> TALCABUI PnOPBatTIBi O at Nobtb Bbimb BoAf ajo J 'W yyT*. «ao BjC touate at tk* mra'Wy Mat at law. I M r*— it an .1.11 l_J bald lor *ja> aaasaaat asEEsa s# a^i I fcom tbe XMk day at* Jbaaasaw ismY LlZ* I 1
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    • 40 2 >»l<iU^ Mr <A>*rwh Timm Mllliinlln im.rrt *-**T5» «*Su/ik*i 3im w *j3j«lil1llllHilllll mi«W!«ljM« t, Ikt mmdOim. tk»t fcSßwTvsjtV SHNtr. fcrt Mi wtSMr Ik— tor Uf T^ Starts Ttmeih-.tii« largest Oarooktion of aaj iktwiuuperl in Afit, Britiih India ezoeptedL MoothaT jW«rnnsnwpaperhas sowaisa^(ri(ViaciToaktioiA.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 38 2 WBATHKB MBFOKT Cssßhm* aTmteat asssslsi, B** M—*mi*r, UN. ajfc tarn »»a»TkEsaamis7 Ms*.lWs».m*te4s *7.4 I *ti Mia. as a* jit I |]f WBATBBB TBIBfIBIM (M.M.A.* 0. Tslfrapa Oa.) HIM NommUr.— HONOKOVO. Bmwawter. mm Oteteterf-hd.......^ -WAf. MAMILA.-7*]; SAW., I aa.
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  • 1196 3 TStoMBBE KAIL.WAV EXTEHMO.N [•HE MALAY STATES TIN MINING CO. from "Mir Correspondent I Kii'il" Lumpor, 19th Nun. IM r Actingß**i<l»nt, the H.-.iilent EogiM r iheSu|wrinteiideulof Pott aud Tele- thfActin«Bu|ierinU.ndentitKlang, "veral others, left by the Ksmeralda on s^- ,r.l»v morning for Kuala Selangor. u^.rn. 'Rodger, Watkiot, »nd BaienJale i.iurn
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  • 43 3 »k Kau.l of tbe 2nd Batt. Lincolu.bire lM -""-ut will pUy tbe following pro- oa the EapUuadV, ou Friday, "■""'"-ucuigat fip.ui.:--1 t' PKOUHAMMK. LaCiqmU COOU. fPMent* Ahuhtid Kappey. Iferaaf CeSier. -.l-ouCom Lath. A. R. Hcbut, Btndmisttr. itedLinooln. Regiment.
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  • 128 3 TO THE EDITOR or THF BTBArr* TIME* Km. 1 trust you will Ik kind enough to give me a short spac* in your column of to-day for the following few linos i I notice in your paper of rraterday'i date that the special rehearsal of Urn Pirates
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  • 432 3 IKEMAN urr«u«JrßHtCH. Ybstbbdat afternoon, the- German msil steamer Bayern, and tbe French mail Saghaliea, left Singapore v? itbit) an hour of each other, both bound to Europe with mail*. A* to the: mpecttTe merit* of each tbip, considerably diversity of opinion exist* in Singapore; and many bete
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  • 90 3 The chartered transport Jumna, Com. mander D. Campbell, arrived at Singapore, to-day, from Southampton via port*. Sb* brought here, Surgeon-Captain Nunnerley, Captain Robinson, Captain and Mr*. Par. sons, Lieut. Anderson, Assistant Surgeon Wright, and naval cadet Washington. She bad alto on board a hundred moo, women, and
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  • 113 3 The damages from the m-pul, earthquake iv Japan at Sakatimacbi, are said to be more serious tbao at firnt I lionght, h« ouly about 44) per cent, of the town is left remaining, tbe other parts heinu;oitlier burned dowu or a heap of ruins Tbe returus
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  • 158 3 A North Cbiua journul report* that h<>r Rustiuu iliffieulty baa occurred in Tuike.Uu. Two KuatUiiH. said, to be explorers, crossed th' frontier without (>uH>.|.oits. The military umudarin protPsleil. hut I lie Kussiuni procu- led, m.) ing I liev would protect t.hruiiul t v<. After two (lay:<
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  • 248 3 The Crown Prime of Japan, tays an Auieiican journal, is a candidate for tbe baud of a Kuropeau I'rincets. The Japanese Anibaatadort, it it iteted, bave received secret instruction* to siund the views of European Priucet with marriage. al.le daughter., or
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  • 808 3 Amomu the English ia th* Baat. then j are not a few, says the Jiji, wbeo* acte or »|«ecb are uufuvouraba toJapaa. Th* Japaaese are aot nnrva»onahly aaary with I thea; bat they avat sot tab* thaw a** who set froa long custom aad
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  • 365 3 FAILURE OF ■BSiaiOIHIS. Thi Report on tb* Btea* Ponartaieut in Burma for 1898.94 wf.ieh baa just beea published, should be studied by thoa* who think that it it pottible to k**p men froa iotoiiitant* an 4 narcotic* by prohibitive letfiiLt'ou. Short of abaolule prohibition to every one
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  • 109 3 Ik Haogcbow, the Governor baa ealWd lo^Btber the local geatry aad intoraed ib.-ni that jioney would hay* to be raised tlier* for currriog oa th* war with Japan. Siuo* the BBStiag. the aat aerehaote have subscribed Th). M*VBOO aad the native baaka and pawn saoa* aa>v*
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  • 322 3 THE FIGHTING ON THE N. W. FRONTIER OF INDIA. A Mb Jrwmser. 'l A Bother siaanl aaa to th* fimmr *f fk* WaaM attack* on Qwßsral Tatawr** earn* at j Waao, atatea «*M th* eawmy laaoWmßaaW «ad wosaaai, aa, thaw aated 84 her*** aai a iw*«Sß*a*B*w) »hsO ii I i
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  • 132 3 It k eaid that ther* har* h*ea lew do- i Him froa th* 4MOO aaa seat aorta froa th* proTiacaa of Hapeh aad KaagM diiriag th* UM thn* aoatas, hat. a short tia* ago, whoa Oeaatal Lia's JMtisisa of Anhui llnifllßil treoaa aaaaaj tbroagh Chiakiaag, **a theOraad
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  • 189 3 aJm-wAB laauae. Daawm th* eflorte of th* uovemmeat aad ito rapportm and servant* to pUc* evorrthiag ia the aoat favoorabU light pootibl* to Japan, things there are aot so utiefactory aa i* reumentcd. The tele. granw ant boae and by Renter re-traoa-mitted eaatwardw are a* often
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  • 214 3 Much aaraaeaaeßt. ami* the Jayan Mail, ia being caaaed by tne ualre jvplie* aad ouUpukcn doßKaooar of the Chiar*; priaooor* of war bow ia Ehiaa* Profectur* (MaUoyajaa). They eznreai thtamlraw ■a more I baa delighted with tb* awaaer of their oßtftaiaawat aad th* quality of the
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  • 186 3 Pnim ia quite quiet. Large prod*. Bialioa* have btoa poated at tb* door of etth Legation, foreiga reeideooe, Boajaa Catholic Catbodnl and Protertaat cha,*l, ealliujf upon tb* people to protect (u.-etya. on and iaiorauaft taca that Chin* i* not at war with all lh* world but ooly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 VKBBELB ADVBBTIBKD TO 8111. Foi; _osl> fit i fartt, jtoadaara, o. tl.t Nov mb r. Boast j. d sad Ko Haaaraagsmd uwasah.v*. 4**W« due B d NovembT: Bt« ad tfor Howkaajg. 0. Jsear. das Mrd Kov. Varfci > Mosta. "I*** «Nmaa, da* lad Dettml «r. ferae, o*. ro* otmaaux aarvwQ
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    • 316 3 A ItBATm*DI. OOaOUXiOwT. Abb*/ .fchjhaltst htJsa. J***» t-*| •a^Baaaaaaaaaa- a. atkßßaaJ*a> •via. l*.sstttii. TPsaltaisa m.w.'al "VU TO DUIU «BBT BAIB. Uakjar-t Mhhw Baw Batata-, laitkmt. •aaaTsaatitataaiwa* aawaral eeter. Look-rar-t the real nsjaaah Baw ■latjn i tawg* hettlasU eaVtitijthae. a.».st ta/U ARE MOW SHOWING CHRISTMAS CARDS. CHRISTMAS CARDS. NEW YEAR CARDS.
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    • 964 3 NOTICES. PSYCHO CYCLES. At WrniisaJlii MaJ—w mi Qpm», AS* WMBw TMI ROTai. WABBABT or ArrotirnnaT ta uu bt mi ■AJtawa. Bea *ad g» fartaeat. fhaafnl aaTtolaforUag. jgfiL. tereae, aad ataThat Be wait be hsary till he f^'**M*a*,Wi*btaa>Tß*w. On** as*d,'*hrays used. Bawaaarv Bst«hh)a Isrth* iat|ltil», DaaH worry, try oae. Soxt AoaWta.
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    • 929 3 BHIPPINQ. FOR OBll^^"iHlPPnid"KßWB SEX PAGB A BRITISH INDU STEAM NAVIGATION OOWAXT. UMITBD. rOB PIKAHO, atOtTLICIIK, BJJiaOOH, CALCUTTA. .TO? A °»"r»ay > i ttaatr LANDAUBA, 8,148 taa. Captain Brittea, will he *W Itjli Z£l WOaadsy, TNDO CHIJTA BTSAM NAT. CO., LTD POT BAW ARANG AND BOURABATA. t _V» liMmm **DOAYhvnagUftHoagkoagna tb*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 142 3 ARRANGKMBNTS »»***iuf, 21n Wovmaaß High Water. 4J>a. Maria* Clab ntfaj BJO p.a. TaToatßAr, ttra Ronun. High Water. M» ava. IM p-a. j Jbbm OVtjrwßVtt vbBBwJ M wMb Aactioa al Corio* at Powal's Salt lta»MW tyorts Mtetiag. Etawgt SkirflHMt^UTaaglkOrah 9p.a. Fat***, Bate Kortaaaa. BighWtter. «.«,aja. 7Jopm ChißeawGhrksVaoolFaMySßiTTowß HaH. 8-Haa of Mm
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    • 51 4 Milk |T W^*^»*f»WW i T h mmC mmokimtmk U arfantwl. ■■■-ov-Wak. Nk OtL »«j. m 4 MO lmmwn»: Oft. Mwphy. ii"> "»h* f jrr*^' Miijyfai Utk Urn. Wnm tmnrng. l«k (Mir, H. V. air. U* toa* Opt M«r. IMftf. Itli > l J*. l t>"' T H
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    • 957 4 ▲but aw l»oi ft*ooa or Y»tri»r<AY. kaT** Bar. ha Boabay.Tth Nor. ftt.HiWtf. BakaM.>or*Oo For "SST^BhT^. It aaa. »aadah. BKkßar. O-a,aadBad.p. Waa Bla iCo. IbiKlMik-M, tttkw-BaV IRl7h IrVßrtt ate. 1M Iw o^*. ■ahatnalfoT^ FiaaKaaff. lttfc Hot. Oj,al«<.f. Bteaaßli>«iklp Of. |Wll>«ikMkM-Mi. r.aT.tfaaa lrit.ilt.lMtw, Oaatlata. lla Vor. Froa Wmwr pent, loth
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    • 128 4 bam*. Pert, and UaU u( *■■'<« LoKDON. Bhao K bai. Oct. It; LfTEBI-iuil. Bellerorhon, due Nor. 11 Neater, dw Mot. 28 lUtl. Rigel. Uept. U Bsslrio., 6»ft. Id Brwia hUekiaen, ttapt. 18 Ommock. Soethwold, Aag. 21 i B. C. Shkwn Bept. 18 Loyal, Sept. 27 Paula htadr*. Oct.
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    • 9 4 Cumii i him. Stem r*Co. Co., julU|.C»j N«MM
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    • 11 4 CifTilH DI.TIKiTIuK rm« r.Fcrf >rt« ill., .id l-iiwr*' 1 uuhurg
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 237 4 McALISTER CO. PBROW ft FILS OHAMPAGMI Wwnridwid.aa "Dry Tereew," $m w rf Kra awfcamatVl.miry. 40 mmU far Ik. w ant. ■BAN. $U6 par bag. OATEN CHAFF. 8840 a. ka* OATEN STRAW. SUOparkaa. TOBAOOO. -Oar Mwwl frhai" farakjarattas HIUHI.TBJKXMIM«JI|HEOBYAU.WHoaAVBTBiaB at 41 easts par t Ik. a. HAMS. OwmlkaawawaVaWea from to 13
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    • 567 4 fal M^B wmt^mm I I Iwwf^iaaaV JaVwrnlft Imatimmammmmm^aaalw^wW mammmmaVwinmtmmml M .tka AVSMBookTaaaTw tV- ta a. aajnUofMta TlUwta BiaX af tw« aßn> mm^J^mT^ t T S-atTSSa,.: ank loon an aad wWh poworfal OataV fagalwawci anmayaii* Uaw hoav j_^ e?mh makaa. smmmbsl r ar amaaiasana ana wwwtojata Mt^aa. BaaiWwrt aUw kstwow a»twoMwwlPnmi
      567 words
    • 521 4 '^fc^SMa^-^ WV Krn^ aWfl^ ■w^wtoaj Qfl mmaaaf Onaiiiaaa IIM j. baa tram, na*. Bartog towt, —fata alto of aklsti taw haw aVfaad to wwanw fuMlrHiu mm ■^^J^^l^^__— _wwßwm*^aa^mmmmm^mmmmmm^m«^mmmmmm. ammmmmmmmaamf mmm* wmmmmmmmmt mwmmmmmmmwmmm mS ImmmmV VaMVmnaaamftH. flttteMßC lilVilaMlOilMaV Xfvnm .wd hw MBj Inn ami JLaaL pHMManfttf IM 9MMMJF flMrta) MM a
      521 words
    • 41 4 Nonc'jjc. Q B. LAMBERT ft 00. j tw ft-M. j|nM a»» to JOB wmdaw.wly aarOnkard Bead Oflon I aaßaaaa Ma afaa. i I Wskwa a .aawal ito* to fcoaHrsys ready j liliritliiajUjaJl, 7T »w*tod-| Bto? atorkaTi mamrnaais aotorlale lar AjwWbb. 2i.
      41 words
    • 123 4 •aoaiva, jpoMiveomitKi,, «bt>t» aili ■aaaaa «LI •^j"" I**1 iT 1 Haama kmniw amljl aai l fim* I*^ ajWrJlitolnu j ammm tai aaaaM^ raei FRAN KIL, 17s, TioroaiA Btbbvi, FDBJfITLiIB DiALBB A*» 00MMI8SIOJf AOBBT. ABB YOU KUHNISHDTar Oal at tka *rw ptoea where yoa omm. saa faraHara »f all dsseriptaZ
      123 words