The Straits Times, 11 August 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE. BATCRDAT. AUOUST 11, 1894. NO. 18.391.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1082 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIKS. nUnnfOhmM aJTB ORIFNTAL BTEAM P NAVIOATION i-i'MI'XNV Orvics 'ollyer y.i i> ■V „hvik Mill OonOWH*— New lUrUiur i- ail steamers maybe cipe.t..! I v „u i w*rdi rad leave Singapore hnni-wi I n il.. following daU.i- 11,.«»w»a... T*4. A.m. ««.fii.. isa. is 1 1. 1. I M 0
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    • 846 1 BTEAMBHIP o.MPANII.s "PVE KONINKI.IJKK PAKETVAART 1 MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'ndereot.trset with tie Netl .»r!«iid« 1. .I'a Government. A,;, 1,1, lIF \.:tvrv. LATE J. I)Arr»nri.= n •J.I. PoiXTBB QVaT Uttmtt at Ps»a»f. Mk.ihk« Bthiiuci Lit IVERT A Co. I im In- n fl.-et t :'.'i Si-;,", i .1 •ndalian f..r (ir-t elaea, i
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    • 746 1 STKAMSIIII' COMPANIES. For Rirrneo lortt via Bawean snd -oursbaya. On the Bth of evary month a stmmcr runs in I lii". direction taking direct csrgo Mid pasj •aaaara la haniermas*in, Pulo Ijint. Passir, nll.l Kotei. „11, on the Hor.l a «tesm'-r i* .^1 to Pongnla. Berow. aad BataMM aleamlllua) ttaaiji
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    • 911 1 STKAM-llll' OOMPAKIBB. \T(II1I)U I O TIOHI R MOT D. i> BREMEN. The Mat *nd nell-known steamers of this lili" run regulsrly b. twecn Bremerlisven sml Slanghai. cslling en route at Antwerp, Sonthsn.|.ton, Genoa, Naples. I'ort Ssnl, Sne 7 Ailin, Colombo, NajapMtj and Hmgkong. In connection with th« arrivals snd de-1-nr'nrei
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    • 791 1 IN8U&AN0B8. GUARDUNPIREANDLII EASSITK NOF. COMPANY. LIV.TED. LONDON. KUTABLISBRD MM. 'n'MTOovl Capital £< i «i<o Total Invested Fundt, 4,1*,000 Annual Income, :<3S.u< 0 Thenndcr». t. ug, nt, f r '.te above Comptay.aro prei^i... v t U.- riaka for short jieri. it of ten d.iys or longer iH"rio.u at curroLt :ate* to
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    • 575 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AMD SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KF.SERVE FUND 4,'.«00,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF) •infwio.m,, PROPRIETORS ..»10,000,000 i'.imr or Dißacroas:— I'HAIRHAH— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Driitt CBAiaKAH-C. J. HOLLIDAT. Esn. S. Munarlhob E»<i. A. McC<nncm i, K«q. ii ii Joans. Baa, J s iio.ii,E>.i. Hnn J. J. Ir,wic«. D. R
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    • 813 1 I NOTICES; i Th* Sanitary Institute of Great Britain has always friren the Highest Awards, when tested against other so-called Diainfeetanta, toCALVERTM No. I CARBOLIC, wbieh is of tin .|iiality adopted as "Standard" hy the British ami German Governments after bactoriologieal tests. Unscrupulous statement* that other disinfectant* are superior to
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  • 518 2 I .A TEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SisoAPoaß. 11th Auouit, IWM. PRODUCE. Oambier T.H214. do Cube No.l 14 do do No. 8, 8.%. Copra Bali 5.75. do Pontianak 5.57%. Pepper Bh«:k 10.07 V 8»go Flour, Sarawak 2.40. do linmei J U Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali M%. Coffee Li berian, 40.
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  • 112 2 i For ft «tr. r,,,r TO-DAT. SunaraDf Pananf, a y.m. I Mi riaporiv Sumatra. Sp.m. Indraf in, />'... uil. 3 t m Dsli H.U. H p.n-: >oaraba,a via port., Taiwinf. 3 p.m via port-, JtappAo. 3 p.m. Kubaruport- M 9aUr%4. 4 p.m. Miutok*Palemb>D(, Katy. 1,. Sarawak. RajoA
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  • 116 2 I-k..m Euaom Br tbe M. M a. .Volal Vila -Ute» l.i the Liuli Jul) Joe oa Ihe I'm. nut She brniiM repli.-i to tbe mail which left Siafapun oa tbe I'.nh Jnu. Faov China By tbr M. BT. >. a. Cal».i-.«i«,. .lue on Tuc-Uj Tm» Tails or
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  • 101 2 (to tuiivL) Per P. (I. a. s. HiuuiUt^t, from London. July 6, Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Mr C. Bath. Per Bullamil. from London, July 19, Mr J Howley. Per Valtlta. from London, August lb', Captain, and Mrs. Trotter. Mr. D. P. Anderson, Mr. Parkinson Per Arcadia, from London, August 31.
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  • 105 2 For Australian ports, bariut. due early in i iitfust, McAliater and Co. F,.r Australian Port*. Kirawa, in August, Hvustead and Co. l-or Penang and Bombay, B\iaano, due Uth Aug., Behn Meyer k Co. ►or Java PorU, Ja*>«, on Uth Aufust, W. '■I o, ii, and Co.
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  • 142 2 The Straits Times Established 1831 PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, 11th AUGUST, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. [Subscription rota and whertitinij ratf may It found on the fourtk page.} THK UNITED STATES TARIKK. Wranclinu li,is been resumed ubout tb>' United |MM Tariff. NothiuK Ins been •ettled. EARTHyUAKK IN SICILY. There liu beea an
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 489 2 Thi law mill of the Colour ywirlv turn* out Ordinan.vs which. on Mag duly published in the OntrtU. iul<l their .|ii..ia 1.. awelliug the statute Itook of the Colony. But very few of these measures arouse keen interest among the meinl»TM of tingeneral public. busy aa they are
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  • 18 2 DuaiNu the heavy rain wbich fell at doou to-day Siugapore aud the harbour were enveloped in a fug.
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  • 24 2 The Race Course will be officially opened for training on Saturday the J">th instant. After tbat .late, the training of roadatera will he barre.l.
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  • 29 2 M>. Sidney Colvili.e gate hi* amusing and interesting enlurtainiueut at the Till liii Club l.iti eviMntit:. and earned lua programme through with much IMM The atteudau.-e waa not large
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  • 130 2 Yehtkbdav, twu Cuiii.iui.-o i-utcnxl T.-luk BUuiga |*din- station iai r.-|~.rt..t to the officer id charge tlmt .i Ctuuauiuii had 'i.-il that day fr.,m f.-v.-r. and tli.-» wish.-d to i.liluiu '.i burial |»rinit Tli'.Police, In-iug *ua|.i< ■ion*, mud.- cii.|iiin.* uiiil I'.. uii.l that the nmn Imd Mai Ifcrouh the cnVta of
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  • 55 2 Thb band of the Spanish cruiser lUina thrutina, by permission of Captain fJarin and offie«rs, will play, on tbe Esplinade to-day (Saturday), the followinc brv gramme, at 5 p.m. PBOoaAMME. I S-kruidilla.. HangreMadrilenn ..Mi-lp*~ r I < ..ii.'.-rtantc. HiK-rarrit, v. Boia>i 1 M.iaaico El Tr,,rad,,r' r 5. Oran CoroiWM
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  • 144 2 'Yht. Morning Pott Oat ot the (ran of th- private aoldier in the Itriti.l, army ia that be is not allowed to hay« speech with hi* captain except b/ the intervention of and in the MMM .f a uon-coinmiaainued officer. A similar grievance, it would appear, ha* existed ti
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  • 495 2 THE SALVAGE AGKKEMKM Kkuakdin.j the repoiti-d lima f th.. •trainer \amj/<ni,j uo further parti ul H r« han- U, ii revived as to what mat be Mm ultima! laic of that vcaael. Both tlie captain ami chief mate of the steauiir Imjrah.,,, are convinced that the
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  • 158 2 THE "GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" 10th AUGUST. Altbsationi in tha pilotage duea are UotlKed. Dr. Bolt hat filed t..0 apecitiuation tt an invention fur the manufacture |.nr. aolid indigo auitable for export and aal>: in European marketa. The Moslsm ImhlM Club at P.-uaun is xeiii|,te.| from registration under tlie I .net i.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 684 2 rriHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. THI Standard Llf* Asnraaes Norwich Union Fir* Imurano* Boci«ty. Atlaa Asaurancs Company (Firs). Th* Eqoitabl* Lif* A**uranos Socwty The Ocean Marin* lasurano* Company. Th* China Mutual Stoam Navigation Coy Tb* Tottsnham Lag^r Bmt Company. The Maritime Inaurane* Company, Limited. For particulars of the** Companies see the
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    • 1032 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the I Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 788 2 NOTICEb. ROBINSON CO. NEW 000 M NEW GOOD.S <;.-nts' Ties, Four in Hand. Derhy, Sailor knot* and Bows, in all fhe latest colours, and designs, a large assortment. Dree* Shirts, tingle Stud Linen Collars, Silk i hoae. Dancing l'uu and Dress Bows Tweed Cap*, and Straw Hats. Gladstone Bags in
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    • 896 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOC IbTY. A I'iin i.m Obchehtbal CONCERT WILL BE OIVEN oaT Th,it,Ha<i.the Ibth Mlfmt, IW4. AT THE s. V. A. 1.1:11.1. HALL. ifcy kind),. rmimimufmsOtmmmim*§ V.A.\ I c Orcli atta will ..lay 1..- A,h,, r and the ATlryro Vi r ,irr from Hiydn's 7th Symphony; the
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    • 61 2 U.S.*. Mmfei fr Ik* *n.U Maa* k»-H 1.. -r t'.mt m*. a/ IWa«aw —l t By Ik. ufkl lk.l ce*4u .^J'*" 1 I "*i~t to lIU »m*ilun I k.l lk» Ms.l t> r«.,l M < Ik. dnrlmnl nttftUfTt The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WKATHKB BEPOKT Kamtanq KratMu UotpUai, .'>lh .4-jn.l, It'.n 9 in. 3 p.i. V p.m. luiui. .iri.l..lifil,. D>.!>17W.7WW.«« H T-mp 8i.U wi.5 IIS 1-S W.t Bulb Tbcr. 7«.8 TOO "7 0 I Ihr. of Wind 3, W. S 8 E. M.i. r.-iup. m-i.4. g;. s mi." Mm. do do UV M«i.
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    • 185 2 AKKANWKMKNTS Saturday. Htm Auuuhi »i«U Wafer, Ul |.in. [.i'Ih- I.iwh TwHI Kntri'-selww i.|i.iiv I'ncLit 1.0.0. ft Uarriiiua iHgawti M the K-|liii Hi- .iii.l 2n 1 XI > I' iiieuul Oorpatali at Tau^im Hull Inuu .S|i»unb uinii-of-war M Ih* Kaplnnadf. i [>. m HiMHI liTH Al<.l -1 lli k 'li W.ii.-r
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  • 1000 3 „,M«I.MTI>.M'A»IAT-r,,v,..,1: our SfUmgor Cnrrrtpomlrnt is MP«I iai thejiiil|?ni.iit de- ti,,. OkU Magiaiiiß s i km m. Vi|. Hee and i H UK .w«d 1 ,-i.wi.v t b..ii 7tl. A.i«»»t- It api^-v.l that on u Karat la* Yap KM bri.kmaker, Ijm Chum*. Irader. .a-rvnu- M ,1,.. r
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  • 867 3 nsaau ami iiki,.AM.IKI.M II GUOIM .VOWHKKI THK naXM VALLEY iSTIoI'AIUAN Illsl-Al:. II In the protin-e of Thanh Hoa. the In Kaiida show tb ms-h'-s in such strength as to pasa by the Ham- .f rvbaU. Tu.-v bold tha upper .oiiniry. tad oily eon... down to the pi. mis
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  • 513 3 A TIUKII HUNT HVfc Ml lIDKItEKS lIANIItU VMM HIM V^: KlillM I'tNAM. Tilt Cuuranl gifW parti.-ul in of .in uncommon tifar hunt on the I! kail.. aatala. 0a the iothJulj, a tiger kiUad a pit; there iv the evcuiu K bu_ I :f t the aataaaa baaaaaV The
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  • 345 3 lIKSKHTKINS TO THK ACHINKSI. I>IFnCVLTI«H IK 1/OMBOK I A. i.'.'.i Oaaaaa news of further ,1-s ruous of Dutch soldiers to the in .•>■• At tba en 1 of July, two terl{ta it« w, nt over to (he memy from the lort at Tclok Keuiawe. They released an AcbinsM
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  • 637 3 I.i W «i Indius. II ,n.-V,,,, K the Straits --tlUments, Cnyloa. Manritiim, the West Co -st. aro nil inconvf oioi r,-il by the lirewnt «vs-em or rutl.or w«nt of svstom iv Invi rial aaaBBM, Their Chsinhors of Com-iii-iv, nnd "th-r parties int-r-stiil in their welfare, h.i
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  • 378 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THK STRAITS TlM f> Sib. I set out, in juxi'i|>o«itioD. ihe precisive lant(ua){e nf tbe Foreign OtfiiK and tbe Um-u i,,,., p,-. i i v atharwiar, of our local Uovernmiut Lord KiioWrloy's letter, f Straits SettleI 7t.i AiiffU-l. IVU' piiUi-h.-d i...-:.t, Cn.rii I
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  • 338 3 us. vi. oHaaeaa THF. WAR IS MINDANAO THK Home <i r inn-ill ml, n U In rnilie the imp, r- duty ou rice iv tie islaud. Tha AaßanaJa |M.iuts out the hardships on the poorer clastci there resulting from this tax on food. as their eondiiioii is
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  • 485 3 Ai a time wheu mcreani hual) I in this country i, to bfwaghl home to us, BBJBJ a Im hi.,- c.»ul.i.i| or.irv. bt tin.H.I.MUI the Kiuauc H.ii iv ih Bmaj ot nun in-, the gruniu/ bnaucial burdens borue by the ..tiler c.mntiies of Km., are
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  • 34 3 ABBIVALH. Per >. MmM fruin T. Auuii vi» uurln Mr. IrviuK, M4 Mr. lira a. 1'er i. Jfa/f, ll,i,,,,,,-h,,u from Kobe:— Mr. r. hft Per a. 0. G. London from Ptnwur —Mr A,..-
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  • 222 3 The Jiji. s v s the Japan MaU, girea tbe to'al number of Hic.-rs on tha aitive list of tho Japaiies" army, at 3,759. a number which is no doubt fairly sufficient, but if J»p»n should ever have to call out her re- serTei and the territorial
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  • 261 3 TrMM int -nslud iv p.i|«-r mils in ludu Bi > 1 iii,'.aiiila'iui{ themselves ou the stimulus givc-i by the Customs duty ou imI .1 Baa r to the Bali re industry, whi'h was al eady aaaUag gat d pro«r ss under tli- inllii.',, of lo* ..lie of
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  • 218 3 Tut 1'm,,,, r, I, 11. don correspondent win 1 .iii -in individual crickct.-rs who ha>-- in id- —Mb mark, sars Tin- urn, 1 aaMaiahiagJ advance has been BJ Ilr.iekwell, the youn^ Surrey 110--fessiolial. year he was th. •aßjafi. cuous exv-ptiou t.. th- nanMßal t.iilu f tin-
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  • 361 3 The ahiaf dajagai afWag out af ihe pre.i-ut rupfiic batajaaa Ohaaa md fofma i» ot Ku.-m t.ii,i il; ndti ua.i_. to i 1/ pin oil 'or,, i. The Ljudou naaaj iiucludes an .win i.- on thesui.j-et as Inilows: Eveu Iha Chin se can l.irdlv im i_ i
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  • 183 3 The nest otau orau^'- oiit.lll (aatl oaaa, Uafwic) has been alMai in the Xitur... History Museuui at H-ihti, liv PMaaaaM E. fifrti-i. aul PiNtaaaa* tUmm baa discussed it iv the IS-iliu A .t. i in !',o. laaaaf gsiaaka removed laanax I lroiu a tree ii; Borneo. Th.-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 249 3 TOMOBaaOWfI (111 KCH SKHVICKS. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. .1 UlllMw'a < AIHKDKAI. LUaai o, i aaaassa v .i> k „.i,.,.-i-i 'Ciioral I s'.,','i'.> > 1,., 1'ClaasM .1 i: ..-1.., ru.. p. i,,.. a*. Baaae in l IsaßMa rasaas aaMsa, «i 5...\ raiirsi Bnaasss Baa*, i. iv., i'imiii"..' ass urn il
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    • 86 3 \KAF.\r.S.s UOJtPURUti >'UKKD Am bmbbi aaataaai from Daataa**, VahM in Iha Head, A.C, may Irani of a BBW, siuipls tr.. it ni, ut, nl.lell is BaaVßßg PajJ siiecessful in lamnlslili sariag saaaa of all kinds. Full |>arl>-iilais, iiiclu.lintr mauy t < ,1 l.siiinnuials and nowspapor press uotioes, will Im
      86 words
    • 1316 3 NOTICES I I LJUNGEI UJOVO OOVEBNaIBNT 1 D NOTIFICATION Tin ukrs Invitcu ros Hkvkxi v. Fahmh. Tho Notifies! 1011 puhlisl.K.l ou Ji'th June is 1..-r.-,.y 11.-.I „,,1 tho X..titie;tti., 11 substituted ll.erofore: 1. S.-parat» Ti-ud rs will ba rr.-.iw-d up tn aaaa salts) Aatast, l-:u. for iho following Rev.niio
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    • 958 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NE~WB SEE PAGE 4. LIOR PENANG AND BOVBAT. The Naviraziona (ionoraln Italiana Steamer BIHAONO. 1,499 tons rc)f. Captain Barahinn, harinir loft Hon({k"iiL' oa Iha Kh inatant. may ha ei-po.-ti.l to arrive horo on the 11th instant, oo rente fnr abore ports For froijrht and |iaaaa((e, apply
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    • 174 4 Under this heading the following ahlirevittions sr« u««<i str. steamer; *hip bq.— baiiiiio; Brit —British C. B.— "nited States; Fr.— troiich; Her— (i»rmni. Dut.— Dutch; Job.— Johore; Ac. <r .-..—l ;mi«ral cargo d. p. dock p«annng«ra U. Uncer- tain;T. P. W— Tanjong Pagar Wlivf;T. P. D.— Tanjong
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    • 1243 4 Akkivai.s simcb noo.v <r > > \< i i,. Valrr,., An.; Bat %/m tons. Capt. Costanio. li'th Aug From Triple. Jlat I June. (i.e.. and 174 d. p. It Schmidt A- Co. For Kobe, D.-W. ,n Sia. tra. Js<i loin. Capt j 10th Aug. From K.lant.ii,
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    • 136 4 .V-ii.l'. Pert, and D-iti- nf aaWJaa Ix>.-«n<iN Liddesdale LIVCBPUUL Bellerophon June 0 Titan due Aug. 2» TantaW. dv« Aug. sM Oanfa due Aug. 2!' OaMNvY. AIM MwaMk May H. Landaeer May 1.1 Me. baarai Fcnlinand PaMMI lan Head MIIiHI.KHII.iK"! ,11 (il.ii— W i MAUKILLK.S Natal. July M
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    • 135 4 VtwiL'i Kami. a 3 VtaatL'i Kami a Ki.a.. Tons. Caftaih. Kk..m. Riu Hailbo. Omwi— m* Mm Ml M.n. V.I.T..Ill M. B.c.,u.l..m 10 l.ubeck 10 IVi,..,u10 Kriiuihil.l 10 Sn SmlKUK 10 I'Wnr..,, 11 Ki.n Vuw II Amhent II Nwira 11 iv<u I All. <tr 'Jilt I i'o.Uikm Trn-t. Mr. IM9
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    • 75 4 Hill »A I Vm.cL'il NiH« K«H.'» >» Kl.».. Kl.. 'l.» I fil-TAIN. UEHTINiTM'.' III iluali StugBpon* K l.m II.- L. ■Si S.,.ph.. HE U.j«h Brook* Muitn I. Huck Kmu Brit. .lr. s.i >lr Hni -ii .lr S,r .lr Out. ilr ."■r >lr. Brit. >tr. -tr Wn.l.h l'n.ti>u»k X.,~ lluKkok
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 962 4 NOTICES. NOTICKS. McALISTER Co. K'alisttsb FRESH KHII'MENTS JUBT ARBIVHD EARTHEN WARK DRAIN A BHIPMEN OF MM WATPi'N I SUNS' CELEBRATED I II M .siv^^Cla'sf-^SW Hongk.,,,.'Hr,k,.,.|'' n-c... I.M /9/mV A F.r-1..i.-k.»ii.lFirrc'a, Afr fSfi*jffi\\ McALISTBII Co VBIS-M-aw^lt^/ B*^i^ K.MUi:.\M. WKH.HIM; *gaa»>^ EUIITIC ITO OTHER PRICE 57.50 PER CASE. To -oigh.iyrwh,,,i w..i«h,, ■without
      962 words
    • 1377 4 I) CKS. rilllK TANJO.N,; PA'JAB DlJu'K 00. i I I MIXED. Tii ■■■■>>■- »al MB Oaatßaaf ar.- stiii' ed at Taajawc Paaar aajalalag tin i,,»n n'. BBaJIB 111 Tne Wkarf riteixis tn «»>• «-j t s^."L—- ana i i>y Un entrances to the uraving Docks into U,i%* i*rts. The West
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    • 608 4 NOIICES. The Best Dressing jjk AVER'S HAIR VIGOR U-iouiln^ Uiln, fa.le.l, r vßti-JBw' v a v c d period ot hi- It cure, itchlntc liuinor.. ami keeps thr scalp cool. nmi..t. mi.l healuy. Tbe l.asr of A)er i 1(..r I. a refined and nell.-ale flul.l ohlcli il.»-« in.t soil
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    • 100 4 NOTICES. Has rer ever r \i\s Half a Osatarj Inm^enLbla /j^D^S^. Dallfhtfullr coollnif te th. Bsl*. i a er*w4*i slaess. RIMMEr." NEW PERFUME "JIESSAbTI" 'JOST OUT.I 1,. S.wt,-. Fxtrart. for thn Handkerchief. Toilet Water. Cold Cream, Powders, and Briliiantin. RIMMRI/S F,AT DE UOUMafB. nr l'Nt,,r..lli:l. (JI'ALITT. BOLD EVERYWHERE a,
      100 words
    • 130 4 NOTICES. CLARKE'S PATEW BROWN LaUTHBI POLISH. Ij^Oß pol'-hing. soft»nir K .od p,,^ rTi sm.,;" s r .l.vVo'.sfr:^?, ll^ In IBM preparation there are no Maiarr*., i -licky snlnUncm, nuch aa are contai i.,f..,i,.r 1.e,.1,..r 1'01i,!,.... and which 1,,,!. „l, 1 ..-ii,,i,a1,1.. ,i, d e..rr,«.iv« coating ,i" „f the Leather,
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