The Straits Times, 9 August 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1894. NO. 18,8H.>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1003 1 COMPAN'IKS Pri.AK AND ORIKNTAL S7 K\ M SAVKIATION COMPANY. Orrtc«-<ollyerguay. M e •KM" and OoDOWm New lUrl.oui 1,. i mail steamers maybe eipe. tiii to ai,ls and leave Kingapore honiewn.. n .im: daU«t— Ho ri: ,i,,» A.iß. 8 I 1. 1. A.iit. A.<. 91 A.K. ■sat I S. T I.
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    • 709 1 STKAM SHIP COMPANIES DF. KONTNKTJJXR IMKETVAAKT j SC HAPPIJ. t'ndnr contmct with thn Netherlands A,]i 1,1 HTR I .1 I' 1 i A,:, al -.hach 1 w'.tl. sp fm the il 1.1111 1 11 la on iratloa from and to Si::;--ind all orta Java's North .i.-iy a Kt.nni.i alter- nsieiv
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    • 800 1 STKAMSIIII* COMPANIES. Fur Ilorneo fort, via Ba wean and Souraliaya. Oa the Sth of nviry month a steamer run« in Uda dinetion taking direct cargo and pass, 1 gcrs to Hanjormassiu, Pulo Laut. Passir, and Kotei. ii,,, nth on lII.' 2:!nl a steamer is fa) n.ngala. Herow. mid Pulongsn also
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    • 901 1 STEAMMIIP COMJ'ANIKS. NORDDtrTSCHEH 1.1.0 YD. BREMEN. Thn fj.-t nnd \w.|]. known steamers of this line run regularly betweon Brem«rhaven nnd Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton. Genoa, Naples, Pnrt Said, Suet. Aden. Colomln, Singapore, and Hongkong. lv connection with the arrivals and departures of there mail steamers, the Company*
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    • 764 1 INSUiIANCES. f^ CARDA N FIEB AXD LIFE ABSTTKANC": \X COMPANY. Liy.TED, LONDON. EsTABLISttEn 1811. HuDscribed Capital ja,O>X,WO Total Invested Funis 4,61K,000 Annual Income 9lB,n<jO The undereigc. i, MMMi fcr tne above Oompiicy, are uvi pared to Banff: dre risks I Mai p.'rio>;* of ten days ur longer peri.Mls. st curre;
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    • 566 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-CP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND f 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFI iiooOOOOO PROPRIETORS j •»10,000',000 Cockt or Diksctobs Chaibman— H. BOPPICB, Esi). imt-Tv Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Ks... S. i: Micb«.i«..» Ms> A. MrCom.sir, Eaq. I II Bai J. 8 M...«.,»i, Ilnn J. J.
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  • 538 2 LATEST MARKET (iUOTATIONS. SiH.iAi'umi. 9th Auourt, UXM. PRODUCE. Gambier, TJaM. do Cube No. 1, 12. do do No. 2, 8.*,. Copra Bali do Pontianak, 5^7%. Pepper Black. ».<«£. Sajro Flour, Sarawak 2.35. do Brunei i.15. Pearl Sam, 3.X.. Coffee Bali :K%. Coffee Liberian, 40. Tapioca small Flake, 4Jfc do
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  • 82 2 For Ptr Mr. Urn To-MoaßOw. 1)j«,..b-«, PfBjBB, Auiuy via port-. C 11. r- :i nit hi poru, ii''ii'ini"l', S p.m. AmpHMm ri* port*, Nituloru, Ip.m. Klaß| 'ia port». Mr. Platan, 3 p.m. K....iiiTi«p..rl., HMI th 4 Ifup, »p.m. i:. I ii, Sati.-kiiat Saiuarniig Prnai.y. 2 p.m.
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  • 116 2 PBM Xi H.ii'i. ll> tin. M. M. >. Mai »nh -UU-. to the 2OUi Juljr. uiK on kW Wk ia»t. •lariafl r.-|,1,.-. to the in ..I »l, ii'li 1.-lt Maimiairr ..ii the 1. 111, Jun.. Kk.h (him lit 1 1,.. M. M. l'> Hut. on l'u.-.l«; Tm«
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  • 166 2 ABBIVALB. I'.r s. s. taaati from Hanifkok -Mr and Mrs. Oe Miill.t. P.-r from Pciiain?: ('apt. J. C. M.Smiis. I'.r s. s. from Deli -Mr. Marx. r.-r s Ch. am 11,,, k Kirn from Amoy via port, Mr. Km inc-ti. Per B. s. H,ij;h Br.mkt from Sorawak Dr.
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  • 169 2 The Straits Times Established 1831 PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, 9th AUGUST, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. [SubKription rate* ,tnl adoeriitint) ralet mat) ha found on the fourth ;>"7' i BRITISH NAVAL MANOEUVRES A MINK lAWtU IV I "IK HKKKV h is KK.rri.-Kn The liuiish imvil uiano.'iivtvn, in which i there were introduced
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 353 2 Jabkx Sits, ih alt. i a .onsi.lcrahl* uttihv of time, has BHi .vti.i--.h1e.1. an.l the news v>ill U- w, rcoeived wherever the »t..r\ of the l,il« r.itor Kr.ui.U has m.i.l.- it* mark. The aunminreineiit of his mirreud.-r comes as a mirj.rne. afUr the r.-.-.-nt telegram
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  • 491 2 It h |»rf.-.llv .-M.1.-nl M jr.. atill uu.u .|iiainl.-.l with .ill the ..i-.'.in.-h .1 K.'ti-..'r Tbrreha hmi t»m -.i-ntri. -iti. s I in tin- |ai«l iijhiu which winir min-ui-mi | inav li.nv Uh-i, I .-It It i» >ulv now. that li. .|is|.lh\h 1 1 i. BaMMiM "I a
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  • 11 2 Lady Mitcrii.i. will hold a|{ :ii this .iftcrnoon at v o'clock.
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  • 11 2 Thk British North BonHM G0vc, advertises for a Kur.Ms'iiu medical oflrtt
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  • 17 2 Thb s. s. T,k |M arrived W. r u from Hongkong, and wai pU,-, J ,j. i|iiarantin,'
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  • 25 2 Meshb.s. Phwill A Co. will h.,1,1 auction sale of Uu.l aud bMM pwinrti in towu on Thursday, the ltlth m«t 1 it. their sale rooms.
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  • 29 2 Mr Si'K.Nt kr I'kvi r. the 1 nil .1 .s at Cousul-Ocnerul. is aakig loßalaafDr In lew ,livs, an.l Mr. J. P. .lv)ai|inin v for hint during his al's.-n.
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  • 27 2 Somk blmbJ .is, s t.f Imbojic plagm were noticcil near Hanoi, iv Toaqaio hut the .intlio: in.-s took ei:eri;.'ti. n,,,, •ures to stamp out the diaeaae.
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  • 29 2 Thk Rev O. M. R.>ith will I*. A Home" to tat uielnliei-.s' ami a.lh, i, r the Si,.t, I, Chni.l,, i,i fag M.,,,,,.' clinch Road, this evening, at \i
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  • 32 2 Thk m. Oc.imy... arrive.l yartwiaj ii,.,,, J'-.1.U1i with |M I'ik'nnn OB '.on. I I her.' m 4 iN'elltvventl-tWo.le.H.-Ir.mi hiiiiill-|hii on the yoyjue intli.-- t v.s-.l was [.la c I 111 .|ilaianl me
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  • 38 2 Ay. I 111 i: railway li.-iv.- is a Sian, ju.ll'mi^ ii report tin' iem,)n lor Ihe construction of I lilt [roa Bvajcfcok to I'ett hal.uri has baaa graatad la Mr Wesienhol/, of t1,.. Baafkok 1,.,,,, ".iv Co.
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  • 56 2 TIIK I'cr.ik C 1. l! of State, at .i in., lag li'-lil in Tal|.llii; fli the llth Jail -i-.inte.l t,. Mr. W. II W.11iii1;!,,,, p ro ,j M il |.r lion lor an ini.-ntiou l.n tl,.-M-|.ir.Un.ii of Iroui tin. ore. {.-iiiliii, the i-siie a lornml Or.ler in Conn, ,1 fot
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  • 59 2 Kx. ki.i.knt authority in fliih I'.ulU.'Utel's ret cut tele u'r.ims oil the Klll.j. t ,i> .1 J.l'.l.'tl. a! tcrUiuty that the In. in M c .million ol In.lia will rc.|iiire the, piwitiou of ...I ton .luties. luit tint t1,,., will Ih. Hecouipiiii.'.l l.y an pqaivkblll eieue, no mutter how
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  • 60 2 Till t'hlli--.' (ioverillllellt Wolll.l tt|'|»'.ll to Ii n li.-.-v ■JbUbl |.re|.iirali.)ns Cm ey.Mitllilll'ies. lonisilli; t lie Vulllf of.l aaaa] con I maaahr, tin- mines iv hnMi uu'l the Noiiheru proriaeri hue ban entirely|,oli«e,l liv the I ioyemiiieiit In ih" Kaipiaf MaVffn taa tiaan th.ii awkßaj .lay M nuilit. 11l
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  • 71 2 Thk in iiii Loilit at the Mr wiketeii mine near Brunei lnir.l on 'he illh lulv kllliliL,' the. 'nun r ail.l another pemou The .lonL.'V engine anl some ii! the Hteaui |.l|ies Were olllptetel V wreck.^l and the ellKUl.' bli.hl |M clliinil.'V stuck' were lies. trove.l. A IMM fratrucnt
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  • 80 2 A i M.'lan on the Ist in, l ml, t1,,. tciice Nt .l.alh liv Intu^iiit; w ih earn..,! OUI on tl>,' live mm. l. i. is of Mr. lit h I ■•Mgci The live men walii.-.! I I tbf K»ol to the |i|h. t execulioll. Oil I'leil walk an.l d,iiin
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  • 88 2 II I! M.,._'-C,,,,5,il at Bangkot Inn le.-iiv.'.l an in' mi. .'i. hi frinn the Siam. <i,.vernm.-nl fpXilH the EOTMM U ■■si.. l loi .i iinii.i. roiis oiilr.i'.' Hi Tavior. 1n,,.- tgo a! 11l lL'ta|..ih |l u|.|,eu.s 111, I K> priBOBTI were 1n. .i1-l. I Iv ltui k 'kok. hut
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  • 83 2 Tin: .lev. l..|.in.Mit al I over Ma.|»i;as.»r in a matler ..I larioua n in, s.ivs the ,l/«./.i./.ur.i/- .V...». til ■iMaa »U|.'reuiH. y in the In.liaii UoH Kraii.e .la ins thai Ha hax the rn;ht Iv laud tr.«i|.s in M.i.l i.Ms. nr wi. |.leam-K Tins eUnii of Fran... 1., lintruo|,B
    83 words
  • 84 2 M'>»t Ml N I MM "II b>0( I MM awnk»H l l 'l" l'il' c hum m km 'ii i .11,1. I. .11 i.ini;..|. mnl Mi.- (.ri'liTiiiiMi i. i.m.I >. dmmmm I Ii 11 aadsrd < tb»i ill.- i,|i-ii i, hi I.. nil I'iri'ulatuiK lilimn .■illnr in II..- Hall
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 724 2 mHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. I m HE Standard Life Assurance Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlaa Assurance Companj (Fin). Ti.e EquiUble Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Bt«am Navigation Coy The Tottenham Laffer Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, LimiUrf. For particulars of theae Companies
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    • 902 2 notices. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has bo widespread a
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    • 349 2 NOTICED McALISTER O. EARTHENWARE DRAIN PIPES. (Hongkong Brick and <>in»ut Co., Ltd.. r, r, X". 12*. l r >", 18' bore Firebricks »ad Fireclay Large Stocks always on hand. McALISTER Co. BAFES. SAFE 3. SAFEb. CTRL' 3 PRICE A CD'S. CELEBRATED FIREPROOF SAFES. Jewel Safes Trea-urv Safe. K.iok Safes with
      349 words
    • 901 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I CWK SOIIIABAYA DIRK' T The B, a, IVNMI will l» despatched for the a>...ii>.iMiu."l |H>rt direct nn Monday, tbe IM instaut For freight or passage, apply to 11 1 W. MANSFIELD A Co., Aganta. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO GOVERNMENT. The Government of British North Borneo, rpquire a Ki'bopeak
      901 words
    • 46 2 VKSSKI.S ADVKKTISKD TO SAIL. For Naaai nn,l Calcutta. C'»Wy.(r.i. du.oa 1.-th Aui-u-t II. .i.l .iv.l Co. K.i Australian {sirts, (l-ir.u.. due early in fafMi M. Al.stei and Co. r A,.truli»n Portt, Kiroua. in August. l l"U*t.',id and I'o. ■OB GENERAL BHIPPINQ NEWS SEE I'AOK si.
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    • 79 2 M.R.N. mUn&td f*r th* tim** heats BS asßjl t. m*s n4« tks pf* «wiy. Ay iK* ***l*rl iimi .-.nib Mn M ».H. m n,KU* Ifcal m«HI »11..r»,^ „< AU aaMrt.nM nmlrx-b arr Halaal U l IV rnul.lim Hull lk> I.^, w,lm Ik. •Jfrrliuanl »sl Ik. rr" is «r»n mmiUt.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 91 2 WKATHEK REPORT ■BBaBBI KrtUxm Hi.<|.(Ml, Hlk A«</u, f Hill, '.'•m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Sxkakii. lUr. red. 32 Fab. 2l.BiBai.BUß -j," Temp BU.I 81.0 7».8 fSS WrtHnlbTTwr. Tli-J IT.I 75 5 IK Inr ..t Wind ■>,• 8. K. S. E. So vi..» ,n-l. ,1. 81.5 ~-t Mia. do do -il
      91 words
    • 187 2 ARKANGKMCM.-s Tin -i:sim. :n 11 Ai ..1 -1 lli^h W.iler Ul p.m. U Iv Mn.h-ll "Al Hon..-.' 5 in rii.-'K-v (i.M Raitt "Al Horn- l'hot,,^r.i|.lu. Book Iv v Imi; I' PWIBBI l'h.'.tti. Mai DBBBI Kkihav. Ihi 11 Ai ..1 IT. ILgli IM .mi ISO l'ic \,.',-,,it,,.,, Football B. CO
      187 words

  • 2618 3 ABOBKMrM AITKM.- P( lAI Ill.S'tlllg of the M Ipll wai held yeMerday after- ,1,,. BobiatM Bead, Mr. There were BMaMi J,ak Kirn, Moses, Mev.-r. fn urn Sf. Nanson. and the Hon'ble It, II. i.uuiU' "f rate|«iyers. princi- j ID a.len.liin.e I ,>,„- I. I'l til" lioll'i' oingtbt
    2,618 words
  • 454 3 THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Au extraordinary general meeting nf the S ruts Kire baMMjMM Company, Limited, was held in the company's often, Kuilaysoii Green, at noon, this day. for Ibe purpos" of confirming the special resolution, which resolution w.n asm d at tbe eitraordinary general meeting of the
    454 words
  • 504 3 a iirmii.Kr.M CaVMI Ai UM Supreme Court, yvMcrd iy, Mr. Chief Joatiea i!.n ww engaged in aaaaidkridg a claim of S:iH,4. r il> daimi.'es lor the n .u-,b liv.iy ot the cirgo of |»'troleiiiu ou beard the eUa K«rl lYhdeilii to the pin, it ill-, Liui Chiu S*«
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  • 399 3 KXI'KOI'I:IAH..N ol INSAMIMH Uol St I'K.HKIITV uns.iMiAN. a liistricl iv tlie Chin se i|ii ;i ter „1 llon,'koii,'. has neoOMja a plague ;re ir.ii, oieier.Av.ling and filthy -surr ,uudio|{i io such ia eiteni v t.i defy di> nfection. The (i rum, nl has clcir.-d oil! the i
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  • 382 3 The following are the results of the second day's (Siturdavl racing 1— TH» COLONIAL VASE. Valu« *150 and S.M, for 2nd Hsndiesp f,.r BmMIMIm (Jriffins Ihst have run in Bth Knc t Dsy. One mil" and s distance HrKl-lliinl^. 117 1 M»«.r« K-Ttn, El'.rr.n'.
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  • 393 3 (•arwMl Umrtu I>i «pl I PaW the report issii'd by tlie Kegistrar of tr.,.1" wa lean thai Ihe trade of the country during IHlUhasci lei in value I bit of imv ether rt«tr, and tua' ol 181»2, by 177, M1. luiporis are however tbe cause ol
    393 words
  • 373 3 •Ma, MM Jxt'j Tbu lißiiwj the iilti copy ot the n-i-eut correspondent c lietween In In aud K:i_'!.md uu occisiou of the leceut Kdß'.cru Telegraphic anulvcrsiirv :«itk July. From Viwioy, Simla, to l>nv, ton-lieu,, -ru Mi Eiislurn Klt.usiou Telegraph C.mpmii",. 1.0n- iiv leaaeeer, Lord
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  • 864 3 .lai» Baaaeaf Halfour was beta in I t-i II" was the son of a marine-store dealer st Chelsea, who was also engaged iv temperance and religious woik in and around London His mot he M-n. Clara Balfour, was well known as a writer and
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  • 162 3 iHf.s tie NMM| MMMfll It M'.ll.S alnio*t .i NMMi fi.ik of .Icitiny I.v which the Hist lull trial of Iha MfTMsM engines «l,:,l, in...l"in ml/ ,ti..n has a 1.1. 1 to th' MWfMI of shoul'l Ii male 1,, Uitii aattMH whi.'.i have only I irtially
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  • 332 3 I'llK powerful eouiliiiiatioii ot me miller* aud merchants -pr.iug up in I i 1 1 1 _->.> l l or thr.e Mil Mm mh< tile Imjm HmM, MM 'h.i.l .1 nio,t if MMMBg effect ou the staple product of the country. The coiubiuati.u MM proved very
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  • 467 3 CRK.SH TAXATION Tin: Supreme Council of Sarawak met on the Idth July, the meeting lieing called by the Bajah to bring to the uolne ot the iiieinb r- the ne, .-,ity of putting on llir.e fresh taxes H. II .in remarkiug upon hot .ite of the
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  • 145 3 Tun ii il Chamber of OWMMMM lately addressed ;l 1.-n.-r la MM (ioveruui. Nt of India iv the Public Works Department HgMMMMJ the purchase of stores for India through law Secretary al Slate, pointing out that the present system was prejudicial to the development of the infant
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  • 283 3 The ItauJ of MM -Jn 1. Lincolnshire Regiment will play the following MMMMMMM io MM BaMMMaI Uardeus to-morrow, luth August, eomiiicuiiug at i Li p.m. MJMMsJMfJ 1 PaIMMIM 11. .,,.,1 1.U111.-I. I B*tMha /> M« cilier. ;t. Valse ba Vn.lrew. Fnntssi, .Th. Fh,:,,,, 11H1rh,,,,,, ..Wsgner.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 320 3 I \KAFNK.SS CDMI'LKTKI.V OVUMD Any |K'r..,ii MMMNM fruin D.'nf MaM m ii i Bead, msy laara «i aaw, simple tr..,t nt. which la BMtMat »et] iii pletelv eariag earn al all Hade Full p.irlhuUr-. iii<-lii< Maaf ,ii.-01i,i1..l I 1 1 mullial* and ni»ws|ia|»er pre-s notices, will 1m» -■nt p,.-t fr
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    • 996 3 BIIIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE 1. JW)R ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, AND SYDNEY. tskinu csrizo for other Australian snd Now /.•■sl.ind Ports. Thn «»«smship DARIUS CapUin (Jiirry. UM tons. l..ff r slrnit« on tho Ist ioaUnt. »is Peii.'inir. snd is dun h«n> on the Kith insUnt Sh« hss spnm (or
      996 words

    • 163 4 l'ii.W this h.-.-tilintf th* following ahruvvU. bq— barque; Brit —British U. S.— Onite.i Stat.-s, Fr.— French; Ger— (iorm»n Out.— Dutch; Joh— Johorp Ar., ra'-jro d. li. deck* IV VmW> lain;T. P. W.-Tanjon R Pa^nr Wiiwf T I' I) -Tatijonif Pait*"- I).>ck U. W.— Ban Wharf; J.
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    • 1182 4 AKEIVALH SINCE NOUN OK. V KSTtKIIAY. Hrkr. Brit. str. ;iH, t..n«. C»pt. lllkst.r M Auk p r n IWi. 'th Aui{. U, .an.l M..1. .1 W .1 For Ih-li. llth l.l'W Bi*)ayort. Brit. str. 7HI t.,n», (apt. Mum. mii Am- Fn.w Ban-kok, 111, Au«. .V 17 .1.
      1,182 words
    • 145 4 Name, Pert, and Dale tf OmUu Keom bMMtaj Ummmm LIVKKT')"!. MhMfl i«mh I Jana, Im T.lail ***** lM 18; Taiitalu-.. ilu.' Auir. Mtk Oanfadm. Aug. »l <!abi>i»> Alh Mm M«j:(, Uudneer May U M l.viriu.' Fenlmaliil Rssfctl Ml lil>l.l.»r».K<il „11 Mabsmm.i Natal, July -J 1 Hslbssus. Asf. S
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    • 91 4 ARRIVA L S c Km raaa. luiw Ooauoau K.»n Ann lint .f I'M Ingii. Mi. it. Mr. M r>«ji. r«k >.r,.- ,t r m I iK-mi,|-. ,t r l:l|.' ftim >i(i«»|«ri! ,tr. 7 It M...r, Hiix- «u. :m iTik-t.-i I 1-nMla .11. ■<! II .il lM*h* -11 I* w.l.i 1'Ii.m,
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    • 43 4 AMI. I.A.I M.- 4mbm Bnnu I'oll H II. liuall ll>ll VU '.U«l llullaiuiilh Dnahnl SI.-Ali-t.-r Ki»d Y»ui( li.l.. Aj.Dg Hnt -I, >tr. ..I i lln'iux'in MM.lh NMiauii N., cl.l. M.wk..ii«i».l J«R*" Um By b»1i iru(,.u..).si» i JJ Kmuukok ManuMir via portUuar E
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 710 4 NOTICES. I "McALISTER Co. FKF.3H SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED A BHIPMEN OF .lAMKS WATSD.N A SONS' CELEBRATED PRICE V7M PKH CABE. WITHOUT PASS.' McALISTER 00., THE LATEST INVENTION Awakdb— (iold M-dal, Paris hUbitiaa (188B.J Gold Medal, World's Fair Chicago (1593.)«.r., ,n .1) I U Jf»l. J«.™l The, »n> .cl ra
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    • 416 4 NOTICES. A CURE POR ASTHMA Ml GEZVAULrS INDIAN CIGARETTES Astliin:itir- people who suffer from Op-, prersion in I hinj.-. Milling sensation*, Honrseness, Loss of voice, Nerv.ii "'in Laryngitis, Colds, with Whebziiii), Bronchitis. Insomnia, Catarrh. il altections, nn.l difficulty in Exp" toi .-it-oil, an promptly relieved l.y A CKIMAULT i
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    • 1086 4 D CKB, fIiHK TAJWONO PAHAR DOCK CO. 1 LIMHED Tin pr-mif*. at thq Company an- -„t nated at Taui inK Piflf adjoini^K the town of Tne Wharf *itmi\* v, i m ui'iiea ov tne «r nit to the uraving Docks into three part*. h/West Wharf ov-r one mile in 1.-n^th
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    • 307 4 NOTICEB. In -iiii QOODS or VICTORCHARLE3VALTRINY.J«<!«<««/. PURBDANT to B«etion of "The Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinanre ltOUi NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that all I ■jaJNaaj and all mh.-r per».,ns having any rlaims and demand, upin or affain.t the MM| of Victor Charlm. Valtriny late of Singapore earrjinif on r>u«in»aa
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    • 163 4 NOTICEB. CORKS! GORKI; HKOSKIKK .INK., 3-4, Bd. de Strasbourg, PARIS. I.IKK 1111 H(TI KKBN. CORKS OF ALL KINDS: r,.r Ww. K..U. H~r. KSerrMoent W.Ur Ckler.asa -U.. f.r P^rfnm«r«. <'h«m,it« V- Keq-ilrs ths Trada Mark. Apply to McB»bh. 1. -I. CHATKRACo., 5in. f Ifents for M. Ot'l-ENHKIMER A Co., P» lh
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