The Straits Times, 28 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1894. NO. 18.8JJ0.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1125 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ...MSsri-AR UTO OEIJtrTTAI BTI P N.VIOATION OTAMPaJfT. Orrics— ...llyer Quay. \M»avssand Godowhs New! -our 1 nail steamers may he expected t<. arw*rd» and leave Singapore hornewai. s 'J'th.. following dates:— UStwaBSS ""ri"""* I*4, I'Mj.,i. ti ni < Jui r s» Aur. ri«*» Au. h -kl i|- A"».
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    • 1610 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I^vE KONINKLI.TKK PAKETVAA.RT For Borneo Ports visßawean and Soiirabaya. \J MAATSCHAPPIJ. I On the Bth of every month a steamer runs in Under contract witl. the N.tlierlanda <>ir-cti,_n taking direct cargo and pasI sengers •<, Banjermsesin, Pulo Laut, Passir, Aqentt at Simjnporr. Ship Aofnct, late OtW
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    • 903 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer Tfurnberq
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    • 773 1 INSURANCES. f^ TJARP'AN FIRK AND LIFE ASSURAN' :K \JT COMPANY. Liy.TED, LONDON. ESTABLISUID 1831. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4.61K.000 Annual Income, 9*8,0(0 The undersign. <i, agents for tne above Compa.iy, are prepared t« a^-ept fir.- risks for short periods of tea days or longer periods, st current rates
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    • 612 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4.200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFT finfmnnnr. PROPRIETORS j -W0.000,000 Couiir of DiESCToas: i'haikman— ll. HOPPIUS, Esq. Jj Dimitt CnAiEHAM-C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. |Vssjsv** grsfgaa^** Bob J. J. lam. D. B B»ssoo«7ltsq. Jclids Kiamii. Etq. k. m g U i, Esq.
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    • 778 1 NOTIUES. The best for Disinfecting Clofleta, Stables. Kennels, <Sc, ig Calvert's (/uarnnteed Io per cent Carbolic Powder most useful to destroy ofaiW and injurious odours wifl not clog pi|..s or drains. Cheaper in using tLan otlier Powders sold at lower raU-s, much less being needtd. In I, 1, and 21b.
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  • 498 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. sin.iapobi 28th Jolt, IWH. PRODUCE. Gambier. Ul%. do Cube No.l 12. do do No. i, n 5.%. Copra Bali.. 5.85. do Pontianak, 5.72^. Pepper Black, 9.30. S»go Flour, Sarawak 'i.X>. do Braaai 2.1&. Pearl Sago, 3.40. Coffee Bali 36%. Coffee Liberian, 3». Tapioca small Flake, IM.
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  • 143 2 for P,r dr. taw. TO-DAT. Vuk. Lauia >.» sorta, t»i..ju. m. Japan via port*. MyrmmUn, 8 p ■>. T m«(aa*. I. Lv..«J. t l.el, vi. port- Humatra, 2 (si. Udrafin. Bn»U. I v .m. Klang via (K)rt-. Sauu/w, .1 p.m. fell l|s! PcuaUK via porU, i;.,,4y,iM.i>. 3p.a. MmsW
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  • 99 2 tmm Kl'Kol'k Rr the V. M Salary with a»t«. t I i.o tl.h JuK .lv. 11,. 3 LI Ju.i >!„ briliK* l.|)li«. tJ the mall wlix-l, Irft Mucajun- iiu llu- »,lh June. Km>M CHINA: By l« IH-.BM I.irl.r*/,. i ■l-.e "U t 11. SM til/. Jim 1:111
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  • 109 2 ABUIVALS. Per s. a. I. y.i* -,j from Calcutti.—Dr. K I M. Rookn. i 'apt Tatham. Lt. Glsjmt Major A. Master. Miss H. LeiceaMr, Mr. H E -eater, M.-sra W T. Stireut. A. H Harvey, A. Tie», Lsicastsr, Joues. Wr*nch. Per s. t. NtMM fioin Hongkong -Mrs
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  • 82 2 K.r Now ZuhUdJ. Purl Jhiiounu. due in July, lfc.iutuad and Co. K..r Colombo ud Bombay. Aiamor. dua J8th Jnl>. I'.itvraon .MiumOh .n.l Co. 9m «'liinii ;in.l Japan. Oon/a, due 2t»th July, I .1 1 1 Co. ftp IVrU. r,.,,,«tl.,*,, ,,n 19th July. W. \l..,,-ii.|,| »i,,io.
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  • 20 2 ESTABLIUHED 18X1. PRICE: 10 CENTB. L Subscription rate* and adoertiiing ralet may be found on the fourth paqe.~\
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  • 93 2 SATURDAY. 28th JULY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. CHINA AND JAPAN AT WAR. CHINESK WARSHIPS IN nonu Keuter'n correspondent at Sbaogbai stat.-s tbat war ba* been declared between China aud Japan. It is reported that several Chinese war •hips are already in trouble. Tbe Corean telegraph lines are iuterrupted. THE LIVERPOOL CUP.
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  • 14 2 H. M 8. Lemnder returned t put \vu terdav fmm a short cm is.
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  • 20 2 The annual meetiug uf tL. >. V A. i» tube 1.. Id in in- Drill Hill ou the Ist August.
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  • 15 2 Tuk s. s. Winynang. AijUim, ,m.l I'alinuru«Jarrived yesterday troin Hou^kou^ *nd were placed in quarantine.
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  • 18 2 At uoou to-day tbe t'olouwl Secretariat bad received no information ot declaration of war between Chiua aud Japan
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  • 17 2 The Negri Sembilan Guv.-rniueut invites tmder. lor several revenue t.irins tUire. ParticuUrs are given in an adverliacmeut.
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  • 25 2 'I'm Gyuikbaua Meetiug to 1,,- bt-ld at tbe Race Course this atu-ruu-.u coiuiueuc. h at 4 o'clock. The Keiooieutil l!,nl will be in attend am-e
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  • 23 2 It the weather keeps nut- a cricket mulch will Im- played luia itlteruoou on the. Eaplauvje between Club XI aud Lieut, bale's XI.
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  • 33 2 Auvicii Iruui West Au.l-alia Iw the 12th iu*t*nt meotion that four thousand three hundred ounces or gold have beeu roughly dollied from one ton of sloue talwu from the Londonderry njiue, at Coolgardie.
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  • 41 2 Thm Ajuoviation football match arr.iuged to be played last eTcuiug between the team from the S. OL C. and Officers of the Garrison did not take place as the latter failed to put in an appearance. A scratch game was played.
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  • 39 2 Thk Resident Surgeon nt Heuaug, obaerTea with regard to the Sikh |>olice thut both in and out of Iwspit ,1 theae nieu do not 'liet themaelvea autficienlly tuia account* for many of tbt- caaeaof debility aud pbthiaia amongat them.
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  • 48 2 It is ii-garded aa aettled that th- Goyeniment will ,-udearour to wiud up the huainess of the s< niiou early iv August l'arli.iin-iit will then be prorogued until early in January, wheu a n-w mm! Mil liegin, |-i- dwldy with the Wclah l',i-bltahnicut Bill aa the tint busineta.
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  • 102 2 Ta K •jitt-ui lit prvaent followed of dieting European puitnt* in the General Hospital at Singapore ia, in the opiuiou of Dr. Kerr, a sucveu. They have a more raned diet, aud it coat* MM, TU.-re are of courne cutuplaiuta of oue aort or the other occaamu illy, but th-y
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  • 104 2 I)r Mr<iLiHToN. iv MMMfI on tin■■MM I**ii|»t Hospital, lias i-.nn t,, brim/ forward complaints ulx.ut tin- ol). n. ■it.- ■null urisiug fmni the vr^i-talil,- :_-;irdens <>p|ioiite the Hospital. Thix in a*. |m-ially strong during .In Wmtmu In lux opinion, the odour in dangerous to health, but iio'lini^' has hHH <
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  • 111 2 At a public w.hUuk ol tb.iiw inr.r.-M.-.] il was i.l.-il tli.>i .1 V.iliiui. i Corp* •hould !>•■ i-ntitl'lmlit-il at IVrak. Tbu lne«tin|{ furtbur decided tbat tin- C'or|>* •liDiild lie a mounted Corpa. A niotmu »»l>m< Ibat ili- U»veruui?ut ndrann' moiifv tn the less fortunate uf the iiuinberi, wberi-witb to |ninliasi-
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  • 134 2 Tmk Indian outlet of -..1.1 n tint moiv noticeable, uva thu Uoihlmii/ Uuzrttr. M the total import* of tin- |, h,.i.,: for the first half of the rear li.iv,- „,]v beeu ninety lakhs. The" export* trom Calcutta hare l»-.-u much smaller thau trotu Bombay, aud it v .«it.iiii that than
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  • 129 2 O»E of tbe most, striking features nf tk Indian export trade during tbe put year* his been tbe increase in tbT ,hT menu of caitor oil to tb* United IC dom From 1889-90 to 1892-93 tC** port* roae from about half a milli,,/? comiderably over a million gallons
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  • 333 2 A mceti.vo called for tbe puri organinug a Voluuto-r Corpa wm held I the Pe.ak Club at. Taiping ou the in.tant. Mr. H. T. Duhao f Acting r mandant In Perak§, took the cum and setfortb the ietuls of tu* i. 'i scheme. Ho said that
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  • 610 2 [Kmrng OtmM I reiiauir wiint ritni|f«ilin)f TWtnataa in freaiM-il evcrv year of lato. witue" tin- f.illnw iup tntala:M>L UH UH jN|.T77..f«M >-",.o:k; :l:i i Tlie total trail.' is nun- I.ii-.t tliu in pr.-\i..iis _y,.nr «MBt only, that mi oril.le y.'.-ir 'of iiiHatiim. when IMJU&.H6 wu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 684 2 mHi: BORKKO COMPANT. LIMITBD. THI Standard Life Assnranee Norwich Unioa Fim Insuranc* ISocinty. Atlas Aasmran-s Company (Fir*). The BqnlUbl* Life Assurance Society Thn Oe*** Marine Insurane* Company. Th* Chin* Mutual Hteam Navigation Coy Tk* Tottenham Lager Beer Company. Tke Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies EM thu
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    • 1130 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. j It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 1091 2 NOTICES. N TIUE. FREE Orant* of land to young m»u w k th a Capi'al nf £2.00 I and upwards. The British North Borneo Coy., are pre- i pan-d to i«mm a limited numbxr of Free Grantaof r ,i«i acres each, for the .nltivaiion of Coffee. Cinchona, Cocoannta Sir, iv
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    • 1068 2 LATENT ADVERTISEMENTS. I Y.U'Vt; (.giUu wisV»s to hear of priv»tn whom hn could reside wih. Apply to rJ. B: c/o Strath Time, Officn. 3/8 j TIOB BALI~ Brown Australian Horee strong us-ful animal -"t „f Harnns in good o»der and a Victoria Pha-tnn. built in April, mine months warranty
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    • 79 2 MJJ. iata>i<4 for tk. Sir.. l. TW>. kmli !•> »nlln <»• «44« IWMttf MUv. By t>»« s«f l««t that '.n-Jw Nm »«v an rtj«ot«< Ikal mitkl MJi>n< U Ml M^HVitaf Mutruti tr, nhjxi U> Ik, ««lta I Ml tfc» Blawlfir «Mi>Ua«« tlw mifrti—mmt of tk* 9*v** is m*i*f T"~'l Wt
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 WEATHER REPORT K I i'riMii Hutpltal, Mta July, IWI. a.m. 3|.m. il p. ia. Kikirii Bar. red. 32 tab. 2C.BL-9 2U.1J31 W.BWS JJ_ Twip sl.:i HJ.i m.t Wei Bulb Ther. 7H.4 N H ?J.O Uir. ot Wisd S. E. E t Max. Tamp, iaahada 85.6 i iI.l do da 71.7
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    • 170 2 AKKANOEMENTs >vn I.1PH, 28th Jlm.t Hi«b r p.tu PfcofcggmphM Kiiihrti— Drill IUU p.m. to tJ p. in Cnekat, TTlm1i.T.ttC- Vvmi XI (ivuikliiiuu Mtvtiu^ 4 in Si Nl.AY. d1(TH JULT. Bigh r Mi h.ui. UM ('.i" Toutl) Suu.liv allur Triiiitv. JforaiTi Mn Jui.t. Hi^ti VV,it,T. %J$ 1 111. B.8
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  • 1158 3 THEIR WARSHIPS AT OOREA. Tn news of the declaration of war l».tKi-cti China and Japan baring b*cn j „,,Dnrn)ed br Reuter, it is perhaj* interutiim- m tne res|iective fleets of ,'hin* and Japan, that were in the vicinity „f the Cor*an coast in the early part of
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  • 1210 3 ■MM MMM THE PACKET NAVIGATION Oil AI'IIKKN AIFAIItt rVII. SERVICE EXI-EKIKXI K t Trnnnlaled fr,,,n various cTMMMMTt.) The NOMrtlf pulilisled repoit of thp Netherlands TTIwpMJ. which works patNlcm w.-iu in' Laagtat, wtn tli it ill.' Cuuipiuv's <<|»rat urns, during 1893. bave rapidly. Tli,rrkulta have, on (ha wbule, Uvn
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  • 1189 3 T"I rljlNn:RB ASWK lATIOS MIFTIM rut rAH bystim the corrr.r. ditt THI LABOI'R RI'PPLV From our Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, 'J3rd July. A obxekal ■aatMJ of the Selangor I' .uiti'i Asaociation waa held ou Saturday morn in/ at the office of the Association. The |>!,tntiug ('.immunity was well 1
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  • 31 3 UMB v MU I ins j.iiue will IwpUyeil on Thursday BMI tha of August the conditions Ixiiij.- inittcli pluy, two rounds Entiies close on Tuesday the 31t*t mat.
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  • 50 3 M'~ ..MikK~ Waßßfa**, -'HliJuly, 1594. 1 Tie Anniisl Meeting of the Corps will t«k" p aie in the I) Hall at 5.30 p. n. on W",1,.,5,1,y |s| p-uxi,,,,, t. (iiinner afatriaa aaj return to the Colony ia posted l.i lha 0 suhdiviaion H. E McCallim M.jor '..K.. ..H..P1.JU.1. S.V.A.
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  • 505 3 YmaitDAT atternoou, tbe uunual -il. Ibition of the Amateur Photographic So. ciety held iv tbe Drill Hall wan opened. Net-dless to say a very Urge number availed themselves of the oppo (unity ofsi-enig local photographic art afforded Ihrougli the courtesy of the Society. Soou after
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  • 363 3 Onk of tbe moat promising branches of Indian coinmt-rce is the ne«ly. developed export trade to Germany Year by year, the value of ludian produce sbi| ped to Hamburg shows a comiuuous aud rapid increase, the improvement iv Ihe twelve mouths ending the 31st of March laat,
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  • 692 3 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 27th JULY. 'inn yu.-u bu» co.innu'd the uppoiut. ment ol the H.iii'ble August Hutteubatb as an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council 01 tbe S rats B'ttlemems. Messrs. J. M. Kinderslev aul F. J. ix. Cadets iv the S'raitsS'-ltleincut* Civil 8-rvne. pushed tieir final eiauiinit". 11
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  • 280 3 What may be expected to follow any rest ricl ion upoo tbe sale of opium iv India BJM hi inferred from what has occurred in i Jue. n-l. iml, where a very stringent Uw ffjahl inip.isini; very severe p.'imlties upon :iiiv,,i:i selling opium to tin? alniriifines
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  • 282 3 TO-MORROW'S CHURCH. SERVICES. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ion Scut-it i.:,.l I a. in.'. Holy tu.h.n.l a'honl I II s iv.. Jl.t.n.. JIM' >Uo.b) .V 1....1 .Ul IhlklUK »>"! 'Mirillw'-VL-auK-ii! s.r.'t'"^'.... 8 IU EvrunDK ar.l S,n.n.ii f a. aa., Parade Banssa. Mission C.ii-ii, Sunr^ai. Sum. a. in., ChluM Stmot. II a, .Tamil
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  • 48 3 i n mm) IV, IV A u s. ir.,iu I. .11.1. .11, July «i, Mr .,i. I .V,,. Xm,t.,u. IVr M l l,.,,,|.,,,, July l!>. Mr .1. Bavtm. Per M. U. r s. r«H,kM Mar- ill lulv s. i),... r k M c, ml ,K:|, ,,,,1 v.n Hoff.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 MAX STERN 00. WHol,KSAI.K [MKMXHM AM> mi:i:< man is. AMSTERDAM AND BKKLIX flUmn ki;an< 11. u. i:.\m.i:> PLACE OB1ENTAI. 1I\NK Ml LIU Si.S.i MAX BTERN fc C50. umn k.ntkai, ovnoi or 1HK ATLAS WOKKS. I.I). (1LA88 AND .Miil'I.IU N..S UN lilt, MHuraat. A bmU MiMtiM i'l Mirr, r-. I'Ult. (ilii».,
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    • 1181 3 NOTICKS SUNGEI UJOVOfJOVBaNMENT NOTIFICATION. 1 H»iiarate Tondors will he received, up toth. :tl~t August, 1894, for the foil. .wing periods 1 (a) For three rears from Ist January, 1895. For thn years Is!).-, and 1K96. [a] For th» year Im:i:,. .-CKOI-I fjiiN.i SerninlHn Distriel Opium Farm fomhiued with Spirit and
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    • 745 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWg SEE PAGE V j TpOR COLOMBO AND BOMBAT. Thx s. s. AZAMOR, having left Shim I onoseki on the 18th inst., m»y b* »iI pxelod to arrive h»re on or ahout the 28th mst. 8h« will havo .|uick dospstch for tha above ports. For freight
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    • 121 4 Under this heading the following ahbreviations am used-. str. steamer: sh. mliiji bq— barque; Brit —British U S.— United Sutes; Fr.— French tier— German Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore. Q.*U fc— Til cargo d. p.— deck paasengers U. Uncer. tain |T. P. W.— Tanjong Psgar Wharf T P.
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    • 1218 4 AasifALs mhci Noon or Yxstebdat. C'ai/ir, Brit. str. 1,735 tons. Captain Straltoa. 27th July. From Araoy. llMh July. Tea and O.c Borneo Coy. Ltd. For London. 30th— B.W. LujMnin,). Brit, str LIM tons. Captain Snndberg. '28th July. From Cali-ntla, I -i, July Ur, and 64 d. p.
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    • 78 4 Namr, Fcrt, and Dale of mM* Kbom I^ivii..% Utkmmm, tmm Australia, .luni- 8 i Oaadalqahrlr, June ID. Hiinahtya. .Inni.JJ., I. I Sarimlon. June Vj 1 Oanlv .lum. J7 Bellerophun .lum. I Cttnihi Anti.K'n Ai-eamn Apl AUes Ui.-kiu r*. M v 3; 1.a.,d«e..r Haj U Tr..|ies. Janfl (iKKKNin
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    • 91 4 ARRIV A L S. 5 VinacL'a Kami. i ItaH C»n*iN. faoa. sail«i,. CONiiam»»Kki Julj •-•7 l'r..n,,-lli. H. n i;..u)i,,f.i. .'7 K'vunlrr II K«j«h Hrook. M I.iii'IiIi.iiix -••< Anih.T.t IK IV.,, 21 Kiu Wi.k Brit -lr MM Ili-V.n. I' I ll|Hl hM M *<■> Uut.ur. IM Odta* Cn.uK »W .i,.i»U
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    • 82 4 I'm I Vuiii'a Nam i PLAiI Kit. I.IIAIN UUTIMATIos luly > Hrb. ■-'7 U.I; LoDgdru K»tr W. r>""l 28 I., -1,, t.lfi»«rr> 28 v uii>»lr» M 5.,.,,1,,. M Kub r Kg (i«oj.u*lM Biu(»|m'. H. mm Uk.i.r rtr. •tr Sn i. utr. HnMi -ti I U«r. «tr UMMM Ml
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 732 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. rftaMß SHIPMENTS JTJST ARRIVED A BHIPMEN OF JAMES Wt>T*)t A SONS' CELEBRATED IDE.IITIC OSTO OTHEEPRICE $7.00 PKR CASE. (WITHOUT PASS. I MoALISTER a 00,, THK LATEST INVENTION. Awaem— Oold MimW. Paris Exhibition (18M.) Gol M-dil. World's Fa-r" Chiraio (1«9X) B.uU' l Okonit.Tni«e.^«arein.llr -ct. «r.(»f M«Ji«l Jou-m'.-" Th.
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    • 486 4 NOTIUbb. •li^fsjjflaw^^* Tho Kliphant Ueanu of Pilskhki Bub is wpocially a/laptud for ioi.»inu|tion in a tropical climate. RKUK li, THE BRUSH ELECTRI- CAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Reddaway'a "Camel" Brand Belling, the most economical for power-transmitting purposes. Chubbs' Strong Rooms, fire and burglar-proof Doors. Robey and Co., Lincoln, Portable Engines,
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    • 1441 4 D CKS. ri'HK TAX.IOXG r.VGXR DOCK CO. JL LIMII'ED. Th» |>r.-mis's of the Company are situated at l'agar adjoining the town of Singapore Tne Whart cit*"i« »n »••<. -1 am.i,. 1 by the entrances to the uranng Docka into thrw .art*. The West Wharf; orer 'in* mile in length
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    • 328 4 NOIICEB. mcalisteb¥g^ KAKTHENWARI-: DRAIN PIPES I Hongk'W Brick an.l ('.imeut t Ltd.) V. 12", W. 18' bore Firebricks and Fireclay It«J0l Stocks always on liaml McALISTEK Co. -A! r> SAFES. SAFEb. CTRU3 PRICE A UO.*B, I'ELEbRATED FIREPROOF SAFES. Jewel Safe*. Treasury Safe. Buok Safes with single »r doable doors. McALISTER
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    • 121 4 NOIICEB. PEBBLE~BPECTACLEB~* FOLDERS, D g a £j t if S5 x J! 9 x S w 2-^ 3, b H I *> ££> a 5 r S wK< §p> a Z 5 «ed > W r 2W S 3 "-3 5 P i 3 a 3 r r too* o
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    • 151 4 NOTICES. r '-~L_1T~: CURE FOR ASTHWAIII 9*DUXnJtt INDIAN CIGARETTES 1 A«tl,inalic people who suffer from On. prersion in breathing, stifling wnsstiooV Hoarseness, mi Loss ol voice Nsr' VMM coughs, L.-iryngitia, Colds w«K Wii'iztiKj, Bronchitis. Insomni, I GertsWrtMU af lections, an.l dltUcultw Jin Expectoration. promptly roli.vj vl 1V ,r, IMAULTI
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