The Straits Times, 27 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1894. NO. 18,879.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 449 1 MSHIP CX)MFAKIEB. Kuinrial "•sajaißs ..inai! st«nen may >■> w%ri» aad taasw "Aararaaaaai hmikiim hussar, oaiy < artnre. may aajaa the ataaaicr at Issasilia law 'p, and fksk up at Alecandria the local fortr'or N«pl^« or '«Boa. vl RKTUS-V T. aow issmsd at cheap rasas to Im otacnt. aad inteni-tiate ports,
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    • 825 1 Sli- [PAKIB STEAMS i'ANIKS. .r 1 :«ri|.naßawMasaslooarabaya. J y. ;->;f every month as<un r ruas n I this air-ctiun takiaf direct carßo and ps*- m|rn •<. Banjemuuein. Pulo Laut, Pai-eir. 1 and KoM. Omm ,«r» aaaal on th, MM a .teuner is Kotn. and back via th. sssa. aorta to
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    • 844 1 MKAM 1 MtNO B C L L 1 T J>. Bhß3faa»* The fact *nd well-bv-wn ateaavn of this j lin« run regularly b.-tweec Bremet+aven aatt Phaagriai. ™-f m r-.-.te at AaAaaam >oatbaaip«Oß, Geaoa, Xtp'^s, ISai Soe«, Aden. Colombo, Sinmpon'. and Hon)f- koßf. In roßß»etT,ia with the arrivals and de- i
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    • 536 1 1*81 BAKCM. »irt Jr ccxFAirr., vmaov OL«crib«; Capita'. <X) *tai la mull Fuadi. 4J .amjai [s.. .tr,\ DM < 0 Th» ndan|Wi, f -r -a» 1 ■k ar» i fiiiil to tempt Sr» riski fo- <i* r '.r■nt rate, to b« uc j4 oc a fast. ISOfn. Capital -the--
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    • 449 1 H3HAXUHAJ BA' >aATIOM. PAID-rp iVPITAL RESERVE FTND iJOOjMO 1 7E LIABILITT OFI jifIOOOOOO PROPRIETr>P3 J ..»10,<«JU.OW 'orar or DiaarroßS: HAiaxAJ —H. HOPPrUS, Esq. Dirtrrr CnxixMA*— C. J. HOLLIDIT. E»|. LC Maaaaaas Eai. a. ScCosicaia. laa. H H J »m. Cat J g Baeaavlsv H. J J CaawKi. D. t Hiiilni,
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    • 305 1 NOTICE*; McAL£BTBR&Co E\RTHrXWARE DRAIN PIPES Honrkoos; Brick and bb! Ce\. Ud r I U\ I.r. MT bore Firebrick* and Firx-lay Lira-.. Stock* always oa haad. MqALISIBB ft Co. SATES -AFES -ATr>. CTBLS PRICE A CO -8, 'ELEbRATED nREPROOF SAFES. jewel Safe. Treasury Sate. Book Safes with .in«i« dnahW oasn. M«
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  • 513 2 [<ATEOT MARKET QUOTATIONa SIHOAPOBE IULT, ISM. J'KODUCE. (ianibier 7.40. do Culm No. 1, 12. do do No. 2, H.%. Copra Bali M.V do Pontianak, 5.72^. Pepi«r Black ».Ao. Sago F ir, Sarawak 2.42<4. do Brunei 2.1714Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali, J6%. Coffee Liberisn, 3». Tapioca small Flake 4.25. m
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  • 109 2 MAI LS CLOSE. lu-Mokkuw '..muv. Smwb. vi I. U.r«.u flui-m... I „.m. ti lit k\ 1 1 puru it'tnylrr-j. -p.m. < tor.a, .tfyrt Jun, 'J p.oi i >:.>.•.,.„ 1.. Unfit.. :,m. t».-.; \iu |Hjrt-. SuMWi/m. J l>.m. 1., :.».i-. MoiMif. :l l>.oi. Kl-4 'J *1U tK>lt S.IUIj/uj IMUI lI.L.
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  • 104 2 i-t... .r |MM 'j- 11..- M. V s ».;l t.- I i ,ei> I. Jul .lueoutb. ol i Jinv Mm I. .ii,-. I, tlit- uiai. vi. til Miii.wi- .s li- i.ll. Jui.e. tmuu I'liiN.i. Bfrtitln— i i tsrtirsli .l.c ..I. I IS -!Hh Jiur. In., I.: I
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  • 134 2 ABKIVAI.K. !'.-r oa*Jsfarr) MM London- -l»r. Cauu, nd Mr shm-u. I'.-r SuHi.itrn from Deli -Messrs. -eh. ffs.-v, B^MMMMj V. Winterf.ld, ■JfMMJb 'I Koster. (to akkivic.; I'crP. \i> BMMJB, from London, J u y ii. .Mr mid Mrs. Newton. Per Bdlamni, turn Loudou, July lit. Mr. J. Howley.
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  • 89 2 F.r .N.» UakajL JM Mtlbounu. due in .lulv Ii ii.U'ad uuj Co. tur Loadun, SiMckov, due BMj Juh, 11.. ii rot -..iiralmva a\,..i)ir,. M l'7tb Mr, W, Kanateld v i i i l-,.r ••l..iub.,aud Ucuib*) issSSST, ktMS July, l.ii.i »..n siu.,,.i .n.l'c,.. I- CblOa :.U.| J.i1..,u,
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  • 19 2 K-;iw.iMii.ii 1831. PKICE: 10 CENTS Subtcriptioa nOei ami ailvertititiy ralet may he found <nt the fourth page.]
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  • 101 2 FRIDAY, 27th JULY. 1894. REUTER'S. TELEGR A M S THE CRISIS IN COREA. The outbreak of hostilities betweeu China and Japan in Corea is not officially continued. Sir E. Orev, the Under Secr-'tary of State for Foreign Affairs, hus i'ltimateil that, at the request of Britain, th-? German. Russian. French,
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  • 26 2 A p-ivate wire to Singapore, from a veryreliable source, says that war bus 1, between China and Japan.
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  • 627 2 Althocoh we are t..|,l in our telegrams to-.iaT that the outbreak of hostilities MMMI China and Japan await- MB* linn it ion. authentic and reliable information hu l>e.-n rvceiveil in Sin^ajKire •inue from Hongkong Ui the effect 1 that war baa actually MM declared betw,- u i1i,,..
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  • 803 2 N ATIVE GUNNERS. Dm c|ii<-Nti>ni m ta Dm -t.itu-. <-i mmm i Bmm .ni.l Ma re-.Tgani/ini.' "I 'I' 1 whole si stem which )_'ri»iit.- mil" certain Asuti.-s .-.■rtiti.Mt.-s .•ntitliiiK take ilimiv of ships .it Hti *M 'I"" 'isw.l at mmm/i m rag af Mm UmbmtJm Chili] 'I'll.- subject i>,.f,..n,i.|.T.i1.!.-ini.
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  • 22 2 The S. C C. will play iigun.t a Taaa> Im team to-morrow (Sdturdui i i ii ->t -id of BMJMI tbe Navy.
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  • 26 2 Th»: M. H. ommmjt*i si -im -i farm left OaMMM at 7 |> .111 Vest. I 1. IV. iltld in.iy Ik- aMMtal her.- on Tucsl.iy iieit, iv
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  • 35 2 The »n. mil general MMMM ot tM Marine CM arraugi- 1 to I.- bald I.i it evening wa. postponed to Tuesday :ll»t iiist., at ILH p.m., in MMM of the ll'il:-ttt"l..| He Ot ll.ellll'. I
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  • 34 2 On i-n.jiiiri at the 1.. in. J Se. l.l.iria'. and th. riniie*.- mid J.i| < '..u-u:.,!.----tbis aft. in. Kin. uo news ..f any dMeriptiua bad MM RMMMJsi ki either SMMnIMftM mMjmm "t hostilitn-< in Corai
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  • 36 2 'I'm; MMMI t" r >MMMJ ami ere. IlUg M-'lllll Colic,'.' 11l KllllTO'll. .-'I mated at IN HMOtd Mi fallen tbrou^li owing la MMMMI pr.'-sure. 'I'll.- .jm MM will again M aMaMMai "ii"<> IM pr.Aiii.ial MMMM MMM
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  • 38 2 Captain Webl. ot tb, s. iGh clurged riajM OMMM M*l Ma Kliug M MMMH b0..r,l ol In, -1.-ani.-r M MM last vov,i_'.- to r.i.ilii; truii Th.- M._'is'rate tiu-d Ibeiu sl.i m hi default our month's rigorous un] ris.nimeiit.
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  • 43 2 UI Ihe ,-Ullle, for Ibe Illlh I. -I IM Cymkbaiia to 1.,- held hMW, tb" Wlowing are IM w. igbn Mr Maekia'l Fat. 11.11; Mr. W. .leunilu-'s KMtW I1 ii Mr tiinslo^.-r's Hrt— 1".", Cipl..iu Warren', li,,r<.lU. 1"J Mr. H.iwl-i.'s l.ilL.j Qbm, 11.10
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  • 51 2 lYmn. \V. A. 2u<\ Juh An utraordumrily rich re<'f has MM dJatOtatsjd at Cooliiardic There are alnaly j.ihki ol naal oliUiue.l from MM i view iv tbe strougroooi. One liouldcr i- BMM tbau one mail M hit Tie- 1.-.I II about 4ft Itiii »ide, ami is one mass ol 'g
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  • 85 2 la im Oalaaji ai yiutaria, a* U-t, tli. 1 MMMM outlook IMM so unfavourable that tli<-! hi. l ill ided ii|)OD sweepm.- MMWaMMBt l.v MM] prrceuUge r>-.liii tious iv tin MM> Ml at Miuiaten. lueuilieis ol V.v liaiii.-ut. »v.l (.tiiiiu Mnaaai Tm mmmm i n> daoioftM mmimi at
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  • 105 2 A tUU MMMJi from IM KMOJ "t l ii. l i.i has MM IMMf*i by tM Vk( ' Am I'. ■pirtnifiit.' It ask.- 1 tli Minister to ml.. mi iiit.-iidiii,' shippers ol MMM tniui ih.-ie ti [MM borse-i i mi >i i •-< 1 tr.iin Austtuli* M a.
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  • 82 2 A JiTANiKi. oarned Hadji Ra4iau murdered near the third milestone at |k' Seraogoon Rr»d last evening. H■ attacked on tbe road while proceeding thetomp»ny of two other men, to to WB His assailant— a Javanese stru.-'; t k deceased with an axe and decamped Th* deceased's companions, who had run
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  • 146 2 M««»" Powell 4Co held a lan.l vesterdsy. A corner plot of laud facing Cecil Street with an ar.. „f 4,400 feet at an ups»t prinu of ?o sails pt foot, was b .ught by a Chi'iy at $4 laat, RMtMMtMf 11M44. Biddm. w» very keen lat fit. h,t. A Gnve,
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  • 342 2 "RAPIER ON STARTING. Thk patiMM wbich Mr. Arthur t entr_v displays when starting troubleauaie tie. .ls of MMM is something that alwavi ami/ I me wbeu I am down at Ihe t li jtt.-r t the horses arc iv a lias with tho exceptiou of just one or two, ami
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  • 473 2 THE" COST RICA PACKET." A i .i -tn.' Id! in the Town Hall Sy.'li.-v. M Hi Wth .lime, to ...ii.-|.|.-r tl..V.tta' I! i <:•< l-.. resolutions were a i..|.te.| pmtntiag agahisl Im laaMMoi the laaarav QoivmaMnt iv the matter. Hi- r.-....1i.ti..1i55t thus: Tiiat MM in SJtMM ev|.r,--,.-s its strong |.|.'.-i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 733 2 mHE BORNBO OOMPANT, LIMITED. THE Standard Life Assurance Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Firei. The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham La,rer Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies see the
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    • 1138 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay i Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the i Netherlands Indies, the Philip- pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has
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    • 875 2 LATEoT ADVEKTISKM ENTB, SAI E Of VALI'ABLE HOCSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. Tm Pbopebtt or CAPTAIW C. S W Hi. KIM.. At Thr ('ott«k». Li-oyd Hoai.. S;i „l.nj. Uli Augwt. at 2 p. The nndersi^n'd are instrticod by Cs].iain C. B. S. W. 'lli..r|«-. to s?ll by Auction at The i 'ottsife.
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    • 7 2 I'OU GENERAL SHll'l'lNc NKWS si.i: i-Aui: i.
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    • 77 2 H.S.B. >-il#r l'l fnx IU »r..1 1,.., to.Uu^nn, •r. «M Hil *f lk< |MfW Ml«. B;tkt—flft''/IMmLit. i taan) M.X.S. Tl r*,**Ui llul »-jM vIIUTViM W patNsML AU «J*«rl.»w.« iwnfrut. mrr nl, It« th* *m4ttwm iKrt iX* U»mmswt MyIMM lfc« m4—H\J»*Mnl »<U o/lIU f*f*r in emMtf pr<*.«y mmtUr. *s( *v *t\—*t
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 W K A I HUB RE V O K 1 _Csaasasi Maaaa ■ssysiM.flM J«1... UM •j a vi. j p. m. v p.m. Mauaaa, Mr. ssa, Mb, »'lil HmM J I. u.i. Tl.o h.O 7j(! Wei :u I'lier. M.l <».S 7*l t Mr. ..i wui m B.W. Calm. j3 >:
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    • 181 2 \l:i:.\.\iiKMK.MS I'kii.h. li i ii .I'll Ili.-l, Wii.r LS7 i.m. I'l,'. i In,- Kxbibition nt Drill II ll 1,.,,, ll.llld. li.ll. lens SI.I' HI v i Poollkall B >'.r in. l 0 v ns..,i oil, .-is. Baplaaadr. i bin.-,'- i i;. iti tm .it M. el lII,' lit the Prills.-].
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  • 3583 3 thurkiiat, Mm nrti Thk limMiMw OowmO nmmilM tit.-. ii.M.ii at half pant lo'dook. The following iiit'iulxTg were, preeent His Kxi'ILI.ISNOY THI GOVIRNI.K. On CHARLES BULI.KN Hu.lH MlT'll K1.1.. K C M i. v I tin, General Officer fnmmai.ilii.g ill.' i r.-»i««. ffajmflnaral li. T. Jean\■«iiirh»n. c.8.1 >.;..
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  • 182 3 Stli-s ba*e taLcu. says the Hnnhtiw Courier, for tbe purposv of forming an Australian l.r.iuili of Ihe Royal Naval li.'S' in 1 I/, iiteiiant Duke. Acting Naval Coiuiuauiiaiit of the Qt«ioallod Di'Lucih'..r.". Ins 1..L.U th. ni.l'.r iv hand, anil with tin- iippr.t'il ot' tin- Govi-ruuiuut
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  • 209 3 In tlie WMioegt system adopted at Karachi, lu.litin EiKjinceriny uotvs thai a novelty hi llir untilaliou of newer* is iaUodueetl l.y hi 1 1 1 1 I_'1 ill.' exhaust air for producing poaitiva vcutilatiou of tin' MM All 111' 1 m in-li>>li > .hi the IB Wit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 624 3 MC3IC IN THE OARUENfI. The Baud of the 2nl. Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment will play the following programme in the I', t im al Gardens today. vommenciug at 5 1 .5 p.m. PRCKiKAMMK 1. Valse Boforrs Waldt-nfel. 2. Selection 1)1.1 Guard Planquette. |3. Polonais.- Der Fackrltuy. Faust. 4. Selection Dorothy Cellier.
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    • 1065 3 NOTICES. X TICK FREE Grants of land to young men with a Capital of gLON and upward.. The British North Borneo Coy., are to isaue a limited number of Free i Grants of 500 »crcs each, for Ihe cultivation I of Coffee. Cinchona. Cocoauuts Ac, iv their territory. I
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    • 1186 3 NOTICES S~~DNGET~UJOeJU (JOVBftNMBNT NOTIFICATION. I. Separate Tender, will be received, up Ito th* 31st Angu.t, |s;,| f or the following j periods la) For three years from Ist January, 1885. (6) For the years 1895 aad 1896. (rl For th. year |BJg MS.ill Ujono— Seremban District. Opium Farm combined with
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    • 679 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE 1. I^OR SOURABAYA DIRiCT. The KONOBEE will be despatched, direct for the above port on Friday, the tM insUnt. For freight or passage, apply to 27 7 W. MANBFIELD Co.. Agents. TjWR COLOMBO AND BOMBAT. The s. s. AZAMOU, having left Shimon.meki on
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    • 109 4 Under this heading th- following ■M*M(b> Iki.— t»r<|iie Brit Bri'i-h V. S.— ''nit.-.i SUtos; Fr.— Jreueh; (ier^tteruiai: Dili Dutch; Job.— JoLore Ac. <;..'..— IJ.«ii«ral cargo; d. p.— deck pan«eii(f.,r« I" Ii tain;T. P. IT TajjlU Pa^ar Wliarf T P. D— Tanjoiur Pa^ar Dock; B. W— Bor, Wharf;
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    • 1084 4 Akeitals .Since Noon op Yk-ikkkvi *Wa Ajany, Sar seh. M tons, NavrrxUh irJth Jul> rr Sibu. oth Jnlv. i;?..«n.l Id. p Yap Ann A- Co. IL— KiN. IJmmtoek,, str MM t"'.-. I'aptain Main. 2Hlh July From Harrow. 2nd .Inn-. Rai's SvmeACo. For Ynkoliama. 2"t1..— W .V,i./oy,i Mam.
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    • 78 4*. Frrt, and Diitt of SaiUm Kao» bomna 1...1.1— .1*1... June Au-tr.!,.,. .lune V I Uaadalqairir, Jam* 10; ■hwlaji. Tit hIVKUI'.I.M. Sa.'|*.loii. Ji.m--;. I Oanfa. Jim-- 17 pkaa .1 '.no I'lklUrr. A.'ni..,-,. immm 4al Ali,-.. Riekmers, U*j3; Land-eer M,, II I Tropea, June BsW* h Tartar A[. ISi.l'l
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    • 67 4 ARRI V A L S *LAU ViutL'a Nami viubl'b turn. i. Tom«. 1-aitaik. raaa. iui*». ■m 9'.li Sumatra M M yuiu>t<ick H V.-'uya M.n. ft Rubj ■-•7 Mvr^.,1,,,, '.'7 <i!«'li|fnrrT Hnt.-tr :ltr, 1,,k-l.r Mi HV M»n»6«M*'" <i.T. .tr.l m Mi M.»er*l.o S«r. «h.l N«-uJ«h Mhi Wl »Tm*J« Mi.
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    • 56 4 DiTk VtMHir. Niii Kn.. lii" 04FC4IS. lulj K>m Aun Hnt.-tr. Mtm l>)«u.bir SB K.tkool Jlo,in .tr I;, nt 1.1.4k tl guutock Hnt. »ti Mmi. 17 i.tul ..1 !l,: >n ,IL NaytM 1? I Sr. I'ruiTKUU W.llo«k rr.^ tt ill !>■ h- VVI.I. .tr. N» s«t.nKor
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 611 4 NOTICES. "McALISTER Co. Htm SHIPMKXTS A SHir.MEN OF .lAMKS vfATSOS I BOB* CELEBRATED XsKSajLf*^,/ PRICE $7.00 I»KR CASE. WITHOUT PASS.' THE LATEST ENVENTION. SKULL'S OKONITE TRUSSES FOR HERNIA .RUPTURE. [Emciallv for framllm (/o/mists, aad Besufauta in 7 i Itauaaa i Awards— Gold M.-l»i I'i.ris Kxh i.nion 1880. G..1 1 Jl-dil.
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    • 655 4 Nirfiuift. JOHNLITTLE&CO., LIMITED. NKU COOKS* i Tui.-.mi'ii noDi HMTKIIs UlllsT MAM AI Af'AIH.Vt I'll II i:l I'l.TI Kl> Kl!.m ITM II VIII. I SHAM'S VM. KI.ATS 111.: t;.»,| -.if Al.l. XVII. M M. .il: MAKIMI.I. BKAITT -IIIT. KTI LATatST MOVBLTT IN 0 VP BtfOV r\MKI!.\S. THK I'ATKM I'MOTOKET." IWATCH SHAI'K.
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    • 1459 4 D CKB. rflHB TAVJUVO PAGMi do( K <() J. LIMITED Tin- p -mm"* of tho Company are -itn%'e.l at Tan jni g Pagar adjoining the town of Sin-zap. .r Tn* Whart *Tt*n*i* t*\ Mt. mil. s^i-^— *vi M'-i ny the entrance* to the oraving Dock* into three part*. The West
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    • 928 4 NO 1 ICES. KaUbliaow. 1865. niI.ET, HAUOREAVBSAGO. EwoTRKERS. lEOil A BRASS FIII'N liRaM, 1'...i:.f km M-ms. Itl.l i... r Hri's. BHII--m;'ii.:.kks. (Jrnerai. Cowteactoeb. ■NUWII KUALA LUMPOR. SHU' ItVILDISa YAUU HIGH claw STEAM VfNSEI.-i always i I safer mmtimUm, ft. to lv> ft. 1 let./'h of ke-l. of boat
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    • 118 4 NOTICES. PKf-BLE SPECTACLES A FOLDERS. o f P I i i> I i s k; M k g ?5 > J i r> 5 5 O sh 1 is i !k •'I 3 s» g P g I I ESTATES A HOSPITALS SUPPLIED m. r 4 f. SOCIETY FOR THE
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    • 358 4 NOTICES. ~THB STRAITS TIMF.^? 5 The "Straits Budoit." The pnce of the StraiU Km*. followi U M D»iljr issue per year .To dollars do do copy |i> Weekly do year 18 dollar. do do copy 40 .•-„>. At I In so prii-.'t, th* daily issue j, j, nn j«i-i fr.-
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