The Straits Times, 25 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1894. NO. 18,377.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1173 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PvNINSULAR AND ORIKNTAI, SlKam NiVIGATION COVIVWV Orrici— 'Villycr Quay. nuAKVisand flonowNs New Haruooi Im mail steamers maybe erpe, ted le at- t wards and leave Singapore homew.i-.K the followini; dates i-.i. I—i July .1,,1, Aim. ii CMi Au«. X \;ir. *i Xv.,lt., BJ ■■•I. I 5.,.,. ■aft, 17
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    • 1595 1 HTKAMSIIII' COMPANIES STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. DX KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART For Borneo Port, via Bawean and Snurahaya. MAATSCHAPPIJ. I On the Bth of every month a steamer runs in Under contract with thn Netherlands thi d>™ct>on taking direct cargo and pasInlia Government nn K er to Banjermassin, Pulo Lant, Passir, A./enl, al Si^apin-e.
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    • 893 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TVTORDDEUTSCHER LLOTD. IX BREMEN. The faxt and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhavon ami Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton. Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sue/., Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with tho arrivals and dejiartures of these mail steamers, the oml«nv'" steamer
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    • 771 1 INSURANCES. GUARDIAN FIBE AND LIFE ASSUKANI K. COMPAHT. LIV.TED. LONDON. ESTABLISSID 182 1. Subscribed Capital a,ft«i,i>fl Total Invested Fund. 4£IA.OUO Annual Income, 9K,(y 0 Th« nndersigsc<i. ngests Itt the above Company, are prepa-ed to w Mfl £-c risks for short periods ot ton dtys or lunger periods, at current rates
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    • 535 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND f 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 nonnnnnn PROPRIETORS j •••«».«"'.«*> Cocar or Dimctou:— Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, K»j. i Dm-OTT iiumhi r. J. HOLLIDAY. Est|. H. q »i,.i>i,,,, i. A M. I '..>«. bik. >.w,. H H j»rr>, E«q. J
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    • 634 1 NOTICES; PRESERVE TODR TEBTR by minx »ny of the Dentifriem below named calviet'b CARBOLIC TODTH POWDER, •id., 1/-, I and lib. 5/- tinn CARBOLIC TOOTH PASTE. '■•I 1/-. and 1/8 pot*. CARBOLIC TUOTH SOAP, 3d Hd., and 1/- metal bom. DENTO-PHENOLENE. A rLUI DENTIFRICE, 1/6, 2/8. .n,.i 1 11, 7/6
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  • 474 2 LATKST MARKET QUOTATIONS. HlirnAPoßß 25th Jolt, I-'U PRODUCE, i Gamhior. $7.5". do Cube No. 1, It do do No. 2, ML. Copra Bali MR do Pontianak '>■'-%■ Pepper Black, 9.30 Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.42 V do Brunei 2.17£. P«rl Svo 3.40. Coir™ Bnu :w% Colt,'* Lilwrian $>. Taim>ca«ro»ll Flake,
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  • 156 2 Mi r» nr 10-Moaßow. mkud In c 7 am. ll«tU I'.llMl .li.-j »1.8. 11»ii«...< Bon S.uj Cu.i.. Nooo Sananuf nit port.. MmNM, Ip.m. Molucca »n<l Liotfm <'. A .Smilfc, I p.a. M«l«cc« and Klur. <''-" jo. -»Z Poi.ti«n«« iv port-. «jr. H-..U a.,.. 4 r Suurahay* A'uuyaM, 4pm
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  • 195 2 iMnu Pern. haWhs raJfrMsVu ka PaMMft-. Mr. Schoiit. Per a. .S.,ua,/r,i from Madras Mrs. <r. Mi»i Buutjii. M. sun. Hudson tnd Culi.H'k. Her h.,,, from Port Darwin:— Mr. A. E. Jolly. I'.r t, Ihraaa from liorontalo Mr. and lira T..rreU. I'.r H...H. from Bangkok -Mr. Robinson. Per
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  • 737 2 WEDNESDAY, 25th JULY, 1894. CHINA AND JAPAN. Thk iintnineurr of war whi.h i« reported to .-lint now between China and ..11 the C'on-an .jueition cjuh-ii very ULpl.usuntlv aftt-r tin- new« that both I Powers had a<cepted Britinh i:ndiation What led to the HMMMMna MMMR for the worse in the
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  • 12 2 H M. S I'.aCH-k l.ft at .ln.ii a'alMl tin-, '.loruin^ ImiudJ eantwanl.
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  • 14 2 TMakaJag of tli.. 1i..ui..«.irl mail by 111.. IwiH 10-' liv MM .li'f"rr.',l until til
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  • 22 2 lilt a. Hentaruj aud I' A 0 >. a. liar, im.i univ.,l to-day from llon/kong an I MM pl.i' iv i{ u.iiunt .in'
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  • 16 2 Owm.ks will riliK-liituT til.- utne. lot lia.v '..ut Satiird.ii's (ivuiLliana. dUm .it i.""ii t..-m.>ii,i» (Tauraoajr.)
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  • 24 2 This morning a leper Chioamao O m m,tt-d amcide by han^n* him Hi'i 'i B sbed where bullocks are shod at Hav.j^L Road X
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  • 35 2 Aw Association football match win ka played on Friday evening on the K.nla nade. when a team of tbe S C C w 11 1 play a team of tbe officers „f the Oai ris,
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  • 39 2 OaJIM M tsM had st ite ..f the j»r 1 l.r.etM.. U the nets, on th-S Q. C. C iehci Oround, will ba diaeoatiaaad until f,, r ,i notice. Tin-'.Vs, ho«e T "J will not be interfered with
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  • 30 2 TMOM who ileKiro to id,, A if >■• tV-Vri'-il |.ti "iii.v for M l-.intr. in the IV SW C»iap.iny which now stiowi., I'cir. til and tin- on a gorgeous scale
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  • 42 2 Mr K -STKrHKx^, ia aii Ito ba thaw i WMMMMMMMM plantin.' in the sfttaa. district, in Perak. where he has tak.n gpMn a«*aa of land clo^e to the railway Xl« H" proposes cleiriui;and plantiiii; ttr d u i in- the present year
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  • 48 2 Theri: is some talk af MMM] cultivation of Libatka aafln in CVfloo in riew of the |k.ssil.|.- „v.-r-pr..,|n, t.:,, it is hathaad Mai th* Liberia., ,1*,,, might resist the leaf disease an.l r buy which proved fatal to cultivation ig the lei- .v .ofle.- days of the iiUnd.
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  • 40 2 Thk Criminil A»»i/.»« concluded y.-nt-r day Tin H. n.'p'e.i.ld ajajlty of theft him! was arajtaaead t.. tw., raari riaafWM iapiiauaaMill; and I'u \h s., who i.le.i'l.d trinity to eii;ir._. hnrikiaaj and th»ft. was arataaead In tVm rea'»' rigorous imprix mm.-ni
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  • 59 2 At an or.lin try in. '' of the \',-r, d Mini, pil.ty on the -Joth July. Anderson pr,.|K,se,|. ;l ud l>r. Bfosra ad .1. th.t Mm atnajaaad paaaiaa rcgalation ba a.iopt.d an I aast to II K. tha Oom nor f,,r the qoaatioa ..I Urn ml "finer us bang
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  • 71 2 K..i: tha tir>i Mm- in the liisLtv ..f Ci. nti.i a K'ir..p.'.iii baa 1 1. en creiuat..! a' th.'prn.pil haraing nhai On ill.- :t t iii-t .iii. Hi- l!t.,'i.ii,,s -„,,1 ih- Itaaas, icmrdiac to Itral rites, 1,. body of Mr. Ka-I Hamaaarana, abiuhli ellltlte-l Swed'sh -'ntl-uil,,. who was
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  • 83 2 Mh. .1 Harvi I. MJMtIM of MM Suit- in-- Oaajft, at I. nan,-. »lv, f .i loan bat lie.i. aattag Mcpatiar of tba Suprein,. <'„urt .it Si.i.m| .IV.-, t., .Ihv far Km.'! tu-1 oa tlir.- m af thai ii..'. Mr II 11. Hudson, tha pr.— nt a. im.' KqpatMf
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  • 86 2 i Kl. Kl. I 111.11.h will In. pLv.'.l on Situt.i.iv „n ti,,. bpiaaada an .!.■>.„ of t1,.. s C <\ m» Mat auaval -;••>.■.,. caataitd by Mr Hals. kwjMl Ii I baiag .i aajMit haMay, t«a .11 dai Matehai anil be pbyed on I lay aa Urn nVpHMada: Tha lal
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  • 78 2 I'm. ii-' i. .ii t ill.- teletfra|.|i line U'tw.ui Muuuili .iii.l chiui it baina? pi... aaaded aritb aad at the aaaarnten<nni« of a Kur..|..'ii. ..lli.' in tl inplov..! tbe Cillll.'s.' 11.1.TU.. I. (I, „.l, line will In- Iron, th.. Kampaajßg fort ilii.t.', 1., th,. n..r11i...,i5t af Mi 1....', to M
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  • 84 2 im laiiaaja al Him 11 cl daagfcti i ot tii,. i joy, ri.or al I C..|.l .mi LVOB, i 1. 0 la thi-fiov.-n.'.r. »ai M.|.',,,,,i-."i %i St. |V,,,|N Ohareh, K..i.h. on UM 17tli instant, tl,,- 1d, 1,, i.v Urn U.'v. I 1, c,i. „i)i. I i ait.'ii.lin.'.'. mi. In.
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  • 108 2 Wtn ii'li-rt-iiii- to a rumour t.. Ma fiit that flajhtiaa; had r0um. 1,.. ..Hi. iiii'orin.i'i.iii wlint.'ver bai ban i...'i\.,l to MaataaHata that naajoai On tajqairj law > lanaial Ba. n .ill. i ii a >> '|lv w aa to ti f.'.t lha OiilfißjaM ha.l I*. ..■,v..| no
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  • 156 2 Thi manager af tv" QnmißHll 8a»--iaga Bank in> reports that tin- H» 4mm iawnaaiag baaiMH laal »•■>' an, l tl. it I all, .|,.i,!,1m,1 ,ls 111,.'" pouti luring m.j.' period. Ii i tl..- I Sank I'll I. "ii run at a k>« I proll si JJ."-.: t ili. ertdil
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  • 149 2 mi hotwaaa l .v. 'l 1i..i.-i mtatoiniag lagttbw tpacM i.iiii.- .it #r,u;, il*w mi.. r.i.'.v.'.l mi Imar.l tin- I. Otolin*, '< ■hradAbaffofl, aadiriTM iololhc tli.' 'iiiui bow, Tor tli.- |.ur|K ..I bcinE v.\. l InPihmWay < hii»o»i»inntbeboi' t1.'.1i.i,. li.-w rvDorUtbal hapla edtbi ao»l.iu.tli«'.|....rof wlii.-li knloekM, Aii b.iv thai l"it tl"'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 754 2 tpHE BORNEO CnsiPANT, LIMITED. THE SUndard Life Aanorance Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance OoBBBBB] Kir.. Tho Errnitablo Life Assuran,- BaMMf Tbe Ocean Marine Insurance Company. Thr China Mutual Steam Navifratron Coy The Tottenham Latfer Bner Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limit-! For particular* of the»o Companies me foil
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    • 958 2 NOTICEB. The Straits Tunes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1053 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. I,liiOM and after the Ist July, tbe fol- lowing rates will Im- chvrire.'l for firstcla.«s |«s«ntr..« per i-appho or Malium Singapore to Valacea on via v.-r.-v s S P.,rt Dicks™ 12 Klune U Malacca Part DIaMM 6 Klane H Port Dick-.n to K'ntiff 6 Ra'c- for the other
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    • 1005 2 LATENT ADVERTISEMENTS. T E()I8L A T I V E VOUN V I L I ThursJay. Mlh JUk 1894. MM H. M. OHDESSOFTHE DAT I— Opium Bill :ird Reading. tl.— Mlli.ii-ip.l S;«n K i,l.-..i,.,i 1 Mill Jud Reading. if.- -tUkotm lan Marring- dr.] iuau... Am-lKliiiKiit Hill do. k—Omm mt ChMbjlii Hill
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    • 24 2 At lilei, Ariff. Scott. Road. the MMa iustHiit, tb« wife „f D. T Boyu. of a dMMMar. FOB QHULRAI silll'l'i-Nu NKWB HI PAOI i.
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    • 107 2 K.S.S. mt«n444 fiyr th* Html* fkaa>l Im>ml4 ft* wnir^n t fr, *im a%A» 0/ tlu p*p* «ni«. By tIM wdlvl o/ .tn It. (W.«i,v if.R.l. M r/j.rt.l lIUI aifU •IkmriM I. aaMHasZ AU •i«*rl.'«MH oantrutU art nbjwct to t\* nmditinn fMI tk* Jt«Mf#r MMy Ua*« Ih* *4*rrh**m*nt out of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 WEATHER KKPOK'I Kuwt it..; Krabatt UotpUal, Hk JAy, ls.'l m. 1| i m ;ip in BEKAKIa. 11M.rt.1.3J fall. >.B II ».T7>i ».»> IVmp 95.0 BH.S W. 4 1 m Wet Ualb TU«r. 77..» 77 i 77.0 oj Dir uf W.u.i S S.W. S.W. M.i. T.i»|.. in .b«i« o Wa do
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  • 1311 3 I iik tollowiiikj in the BJMTMg MMMl'l til- live weeks eliillllg Ml joW. 19»* Manas Itaaa >■■•'■"" f* I „-u,ii am, 'ill, l „f stopin- b-low bM b -li larri-l „v .lown lo ih i level, ar-1 a lan .|Uinlll y ol r-.1-ll-mt -!utl I M bee n s.
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  • 753 3 i .Siipi'lrmtntan/to Strath Ratal Telegram*.) (FmGmwb). IM'IAS Ul Ml. CRI'M I 4HKKSTI.FAN AN Ml, 111 I rilK MUM IN KU.HHIA Till' HHiaj Of IMIIA MaMM OOMMOAfMM IN MUBJ THK aUOtMM in m:m sin in walks llth ,I','y In the lion— at Commons last aM* Mr. Fowler, in reply
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  • 232 3 Thk fullowiog cuirapan<leD i publislnil iv a (I' (,- Eilowrtlimiry Jated y,st-i,|iy Dou-nnuj Slr,,t, MM Jan.. MM, Sin,— ll ia my pleasing duty to aiiuoiiuce lo you tbat on Saturday, tie Urd iuUot, at ton o'dock p. iii. H-r K.val BigfasfM the li.i-li. as of
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  • 1441 3 Fob Rome tim" putt there haa Ml dis-i-uiiion im to what is tbe minimum Hash point that can lie aaM* fixed with iafr- > -me to iiiiin'i'il oil". 11l India and n, Km.-l.uid. aalailaalaiiiilajt climatic differ.n.s. the mininiuu' lii-,1 by the liw baa Uag Imou the
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  • 365 3 oFF*r. i-rospu r- AN AFFRAY HOI.KRA (Ami ;»r OarMMtMbai ThcHvj !lth Juy Thk v.eatber tivmn to have i nan;:. J lat-IT, and for the last four or five diy vec ha»e l>*eii fSMtMMMg dome very hot mm shine, instead of the downp<.iirg of rain wlii.h wu-of daily
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  • 845 3 -77,,,,..,, mmi bfcrlMß. W$ M"l M)«mm MMMMM l 111 l najIMI s T \TK- STIIIKK. MMJJ TMI.KATS TO THK NKW IMM MMMMM MIOJMI MUM i mi\ i oI.I.IKRV MBJMJ 7 ..,,1,,,,. Jnh,. The f-i I MMM from various MMI i.f tli,. MM* Kuipir.. bna fornmllv
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  • 64 3 In. lUml al 111.- 'Jut. Kali, Liueolaebire fcpwil will piaj tba loUawiag lir,'L,'l.lUlUli- 111 the IS t;,Ui ll <i.l|.|.'HK III! Friday, I7U| mat. mm* MMf at 5.15 p.m. I'IIm.KAMMK I. Value Onion, „,1,l I jMi.i-ii. Th, Quart Plamiiictte. ;t Pokaaiei />.,- fa sashay. Faust, i
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  • 918 3 iPennng Independent.) AnoTHKR rerr.llllplea.sAnt piece <f uews for Penally, to tlie MMMg of which we hinted time a)fn. i- that the Dutch Government i- now verr seriously considering the MMdIM "f eonstmctinif a liarlmur at Am Bay. to !>• iineeted by rail with Hindjei. fpjM-'r Lauifkill.
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  • 456 3 Dk. O. D. Kbeke. Col.inal SurK.H.ii at Malacca, ill Ml PMMft for Us I yi i.-. ojfaa a MMI MawiagtM niiu,l.-r ii.lini-si .u~. lli.' inofialny. mil tin- MWMMJ Kt.o m boapilal lor v, in, his MMMMj .i"i all tbe o|iiuiuu*tM an<l uoii."i'iumi-ti ■•Imitted to tlie huMOl
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  • 355 3 Tul Prrak Pioneer sreks to aMM ".it that the author ties in Ih" Native ttalm .in- fully aliv<' to the f.ict thut tin- uliinnisI 'of justice l.v in.-ir aAMH I kill sllOll of Wliul tll.-y Would »|si| |O I- .1 'lll-pll-11.-d The British
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1060 3 A HKAI'TIKII, COMPLEXION. Apply Sulph.'lin- Ix.tion. It <liiv-s awaj Nsaassa, Immm, rmmmmmm aal all disfigurenienta. Milpholine lev. lops a lovely skin. U. bottles Made in l.on ton. -m. w. A f L'J II T(J DAKKKN OUT HAIK. Lockjers Sulphur Hair Rcstoi-r, „ui,k.»t. safest, l.est restores tlie natual color Iss-k--\e--,< the
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    • 870 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAOE I I IV O RDDEUTBCHBR LLOTD. FOB HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS Tbj Imperial German Mail Sleaiii.o RACHBEN, Captain HaMM, having left I Colomlmon the mil, in-Unt. may be eipected la arrive here on the SSI I, instant, en rvuU for I al.ovfi
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 163 3 arram;i:mi;ms. WtUNKKIIAY, J.ITII JULY. 111-.1 l Water. *.U; pUI THUKanAY. 2Uth Jult. High r 8.8 i :::U p.m. Mom ijiurt. r. i -j:; a LaodSala. PoweUAOa p.m. LegieUtiva 0 HiaeiL 2.;t0 a m. Marine Cluli Slectiug. 5 It p. in Fkikav, '2"ih July. lli k 'h Water. 4JSa.Bi.
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    • 1360 4 Tnder this heading the following abbreviv tin us are used: str— steamer »V ihip h< Urque; Brit— Brilis!. IT. S.— TsjlM SUtes; Fr.— French; Ger— (ierman Dul— Dutch; Joh.— Johore Ik.. G.c— Gennrnl cargo; d. p.— deck passengers; U Uncertain T. P. W Tanjong Pagar Wharf T
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    • 125 4 M t 5 Viuil'h Kahi. Ton... atrium. F»»a. luw Q I Hlu Julj 21 K .■> Am. lltl I DjaDibi.- July M|Wmßu*C<> M Kiid y u| .tr. 7(1 ITilli 1 Mu.r July MBuHuftCo M Nieuhuy. Bti3 K..ilM-chcu.r l> jtriiiauiii July II 1)«.ii.1. 4 24 Man Hrn
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    • 97 4 DlTl Vkhmcl'k Nami Flaii *Kw Captain PMIHITinU Julj k'lau Van«SIS I Sam Tor II Sri Hour, Ann Malac. I Mtn 25 Mak i".» > llau Hin tiuaii I KaT.nna U Pal.luo IS 1 lulxnk •Ji Heculia Brit, .tr »tr. »tr lit- r. Itr. Dut .tr. «tr. Brit. Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 641 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. I'KKSH SIIII'MKNTS JUST ARRIVED A BHIPMEN OF JAMKS WATSON ft SONS CELEBRATED idbiitk: nsro other. PRICE 17.00 PER CASE. WITHOUT PASS. i IrloAl.ilSl'EilFt. 00., THE LATEST INVKXTIOX. SKULL'S OKONITE TRUSSES FOR HERNIA iRUPTURE'. iKmcially for TrartlUn. CoUmuU, .m./ Bendma in Tropuai Cltmttn. Aw*Ri)«— <i'>id M-dsl, Psris Exhibition
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    • 333 4 NOTNJISSs. McALISTER&^i EARTHENWARE DRAINPIPE? Brick and Oaaa) Co., Ltd.. 4". 9 12\ I.V, IT bore Firebricks aud Fir.-.-Uy laMßj Stocks always ou h'nud McALISTEK Co. SAFES. SAFES. SAFE&. CYRUd PRICE .v CO.'B, CELEBRATED FIREPROOF .SAFES. Jewel MM. Trea urv Safes. Book Safes with xingle or doublo doors. McALISTER Co.
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    • 998 4 _DOC KS. riMIK NEW HARHOURDOCK CO., LTD. Tana Company iwbilm ships' repairs '-4 all IsnnptioM in the m t elß^ient muuinaim the i^nour,.! o{ karopeaa Hfiipururhts and Bn(ine*rs. WO. 1 UaATiaa Uoc* Lawtai-4:a f«st Peata of Water from U('n»lH art. Wiatk at Ettnn.r m ft I Ns. in«m«i i Length
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    • 897 4 NOIICEB. Kstablisher. 18K5. T>l LE V, H AR(JREA V E S k CO. EnoiNKEEs, Iron k Brass Fodniikrm. BOILERMAKKKS. BbIDUK BCILDKRK, ***** sI.MAPUREA KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YAM). hIGH cues STEAM VKSSKLS always nnder construction, froic 3H ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of liost dexign and finish. MACHINERY
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    • 73 4 NOTICES. PKBBLE SPECTACLES A FOLDERS D I! i I l ti i s: 2 g I I $> »T J 1 .°>» i m 3 I?1i J p 2 I S3 s ||1 i\ I- 5 H IP Kw w on o 1 I ESTATES A HOSPITAL SUPPLIED m.r A
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    • 198 4 NOTICES. DRINK. ~ty ARU O H A OO.'H Manufacturwl at th« Singapore A.-rai.i Water Factory. t.f High Street. For over H years sole suppliers to tk. n_ Artillery, an.l Royal Eijneer. uZ.^, Canteens, an.l the principal Hotels in 5,,,£ (iroat atlcti,,,, p»i.| M rivnlß an.l -j^-isl terms may he arr.n(r«l
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