The Straits Times, 21 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1894. NO. 18,374.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1144 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. V»>NINBCLAB AND ORIKNTAL STKAM V NAVIGATION COMPANY. Orncß— Ollyer Qnay. WaiEVEH and Gooowws— New Harlxiur. Tsb mail steamers may be expected to ar. v .utwards and leave Singapore homewa-. s t B U.s foUowiojr dates IKTWISM H ISH. ISB4. M| a ti«rm»<, July Alir. n»4* A: £3. Bssa,
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    • 1606 1 BTEAMBHIP COMPANIEB DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAAUT MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. dftmk at Singapore, Ship Aornct, LATE J. Daendels A Co., 2-3, Collteb Quay. Agent, at Penang, Messrs Huttenbach Likrert A Co. The Company has a fleet of 30 Steamers, with splendid aiTommodation for first elans, second class,
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    • 903 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEfTSCHER LLOTD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton. Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrival, and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer Nvrnberq
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    • 759 1 INSUHANCEB. pi UARDIiN FIXE AXl> LIFE ASSUKANCF VJ COMPANY, T,iy. TED, LONDON. Ebtablukbd 1811. Subscribed CapiUl J1.000,0n0 Total Invested Funds *,&l«,00n Annual Income, 9*8,0< 0 Th. undenignea, agenU for tn. above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ton days or longer periods, at current rates
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    • 539 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,300,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFT tiooooooo PROPRIETORS j .t10.000.000 Court or Dirbctors: Cbairmam— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. DBrcrr CBAiRHAit— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. lJ.L\Mica«lijio. E«q. A. MllCo»»CBI«. Eag. S l0 !V- E "> J s MOSBS,Esa, Hon. J. 1. Kiswiri. D.
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    • 468 1 j NOTICES; Th. Sanitary Institute of Great Britaia han alwara given the Highest Awards, whm tested against other so-called DisinfectanttoCALVEßT'SNo 5 CARBOLIC, which is of the .|oality adopted as "Standard" by the Britiah and German Governments after bacteriological tests. Unscrupnlous statsinents that oth.r diainf.M-Unts are superior to genuine Carbolic Acid
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  • 526 2 lATEST MARKET QUOTATIONB. SmaAPOBi 21st Jolt, I-' 1 PRODUCE. (ismbier f "Sit. do Cab. No. 1, li. do do No. 2, H.-V Copra Bali. 5.85. do Pontianak 5.72^. Pepper Black IV4O Sago Flour, Sarawak MfeV do Brunei 2M. Pearl Sago, 3.4". Coffee Bali :\6% CoSoe Liberian Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 75 2 For fir rtr. IKBi To-DAT. L»#h ria port*. Stinwtfra. Sluar, Ifw.. fany, lodnfin. ft. Hongkong Ch«l»dro. ICUnc *vi port>. Wk > frayiu.'. B H.L. Ihw. Malacca uil Lini-i A C. Smtl'i, Rrow na porti Tidar. -k v.« |-rt. HTcuiht P. Laut tiH purt>. Vi. P>>ml^D(. I'artluiu, Buckak,
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  • 105 2 Feom hsM -Bj th« P *<). M>saMMM| wuh datM to tlw S.<X h Juor Mj| bnajrH ri-ph«« Ut tbe auil wbicb l«lt Siufsporc uu th.- Mi\> M«» Fkox Chini BytVe P*o t. iMmmmsm due on TuexhiT. Ju,... Itf, N D. L. Julj 1-t Juu.Wi. MM. July-Ju.l
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  • 157 2 ARRIVALS. Per a. Apmr from Hongkuug Mrs. Olifimt. P«r s. A,nh,rsl from Klan^ -Mr. Aimilxad Per s. Km from T. Anaou Mfssr. Brvant. Johnston, vVatann. llurrav, M»-.;-y. and Mrs Harp«r (TO ARBIVS.) Per P. id s. .Vr,.,,lia, from London, 1 -U. M.— r -i s Leckie. R. Kmm>.
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  • 79 2 SATURDAY. 21st JULY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS THE ECLIPSE STAKES Tbe following was tbe result of the Eclipse Stakes of £10,000. The second b.>rse receires j£soo: Uinohiu I Rnttntbi,ry 3 THt MINISTERIAL PROORAMMK. The Government also propose* to pass the Bill* dealing with equalisation of rates in Londou aod Scotch Local
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 16 2 H N Ms Smdnro. Commaoder k.-n«. left this morning for Acheen after doekiug at Tanjong Pagar.
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  • 20 2 Thi outward P. A O. sieamei with tbe outward mail, was signalled at Penang at 8 a.m. to-. lav
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  • 16 2 M« Wilkinson's Bruar'.r. It 1,, was was tbe only galloway ■MMMsI at the race-course this morning.
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  • 23 2 Tub Imperial (German Mail Steamer Sarktrn baviug left Colmnh-i yejterdav at 10 a iv. may be eipected to arm.- Mrs on Wednesdsv Deit.
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  • 32 2 A mtntcAi. officer here has rcieutlv receired a telegram from HoDgkong statiog the number of fresh ca*.-» of pl.i-ueat the' ..imtnellci'Ul. n of thu WeeL to be ti>e or six cases daily.
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  • 32 2 As A«ociation footlullmatih was played oathe Esplauade last evenint; between team- from tbe S. C. C. aud the R. A. wbicb resulted in favour of tbe CM hf two goals to nothing.
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  • 31 2 An extraordinary geuersl MMMM it the Straits Fire Insurance fJNMMT, Limited, will be held a* the Couipiuv's offices oo TbursiUv. the Oth AuRUs-t. to confirm tbe resolution to liijiiidatu tbe Company
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  • 36 2 Whin the steamer AMMMM arnv.-d at KelanLau this time, the Siamese Government vense: Yonj Yul. with tbe Siamese troips M board, was alrtadr in the harbour The troopa had landed at Kelantan before the Uymp\e left
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  • 47 2 On the 17th m.tant. a mMh ittm hmeut pro.»vdiu K fr.<m a DuU h t.|t at KolU iUjah. in aVMMB. wan harnssisl l>v the enemy, with the 1..5.- of an officer aud a privst.- tilled, and four privates woiiude.l The enemy's loss is supposed to be h-uvv
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  • 45 2 omm 'i persons died of plague at Hon«. toin> liurirnr I he'Jl hours up to noon ou the 11th instant, atfjiust admissions, and 108 ca<es utder treatment Auotber Mr. A. Uensbur^er. an a*s.staut to Messrs. I ■..matin A Co.. Uad iiiifht the disease.
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  • 47 2 Tf.le.haphi. advices bad mmM Hitaria tr. in MMHMft a Mai in Kali, that three Europeans had b«u MKMtaa] MM A fourth Ku!'.i[»-au hod rle.l iulaud »i'h. it waaali.x".), teu cases of MMMMBg rifl.s. A prahu witb tbirteva MMM ot o'peatiu^ rides but aba beeu seized at BuleliU|(.
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  • 60 2 Two CbiDam«D were arrested day rv.-uiui{ at Tnujung Pn^ar lXx.-k» fur having it >v *lle^e.l broken MMI a Ikh ou board the v. Lanrttt and stolen therefrom uiouer and articles to the amouut of 1204. Tbc box was owned by a panieu'^er and the men were arrested un th-
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  • 87 2 Thi SmMMMJ sMhf ft&i learo» that Chinese anus at Hoiufkoug have r>. eiw<] infuruiation from their a^eut^ in J.i|.*n t., th.- MMM that the J.i|>au.kM (i,.ven,. MMM has issued a MmlmmMM M ibt Cliiii-s.- i-omuiuiiiiy there. iMMMMJ tb»l, in tb« event of the out l.reat of war betweeu Japan and
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  • 92 2 The Dili L\.ur.i,,t re|.orta a murder .if an A*si«t<tut, .1. J Pes.-bv l>v uaiue. on the |7tb liisunt. at the Ruiimli Kiiuii.'kong estate. On tb.- eveuiug of that day, Ujion Mr. I'iwhv out c.ituiug Iwk as usual (ruin i In- tobacco, r 1 mmmmn wcut out iv near-h of
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  • 100 2 Thb Brazilian OMMHMMMI MM A i 1- i the fXiiurt dut\ on niff«s. now MMg leritil liv the iTiiMTiiineiit, shall in luturt' wholk mil... in -„I,|, wlm Ii mil mMM tlie lieurtit t" tin' Uiifuruinciit uU. lit three tiiu,.s This will MMkbtlaaS bt MM l.v Ait uf OMMMMk
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  • 115 2 Inuian exports show a ucl ■mtM of -'S latin, MaMMMaI Ml i In. Hv I, tbi- dullue.s ot the wke*t trudc. tLe «lu|i. uenta uf wheat lwm n siu.ill.r to the valur ■I -j.". utbs. Bnwtoal uw saMaTMw* i ktravly MMMMj IMM ol a slighter diuilDUtiou lin the other
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  • 95 2 Tile hon. secretarr of the Soldier Sailors' Home has forwarded the meeting of the committee of th,, r stitution held on Wednesd» T hut TV is also forwarded a copy of the ml the Home iiments. howerer. seem to bt of no JkL .ra,,,rt»noe beyond that of ,bow in h
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  • 162 2 The P^trenchment OoMMHMS fin.l tax the Sheriff of H^r, la %-iih a month sJmm .-arlv in lH!*j h U> «nd s«\intv for $10,000 The X very liyht. and it has lxs. n ,u--committe.' that, if it were w0,,1d not occupy the Sheriff r V. hours a ,Uv baMMMIhal of the
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  • 139 2 THE "GOVERNMENT GAZETTE." 20th JULY. The texts of Bills on Slaughter Houv» and Ouunera' Certificates. iu1r.H1,j,,..j ltj the Wislati»e Council on Thursdat l U i are published. Thursday, the 2od August uett, will Uobserved tbrou((liout tbeColonv a* a Bant Holiday. The k.-viM-d ijrant. lu-aid MMMMM rule* have beeu amended as
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  • 182 2 Some MMMsJ .■Xj--riinentH wrre l*m, MMM in Itrhn. mi.ler the ausj Au,iv M..||. al Staff, with I view to ssstr. taining what Mai is I. tie < .l.iier, and on what di.t th.- sM ■M«MMJ ptfCsTMMMM ••ajl 1~- ..l.t.ii:i...j. the MMJMM l»-iu^ a numld.nts Iks,.lniMil!Ur>
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  • 165 2 SILVER AND COAL The Inllltwin mfonuatiou from s •sit informed source hat lieeu tin uUted in tbt South Wales coal distriits to act as fill 01.j... t-1.-snuH on the .jaestion stbiaX alliKin As stateiueut whiih has l*»n lis.., ~J shows that iin|Hir'n,' tr.i h.i\.- r.-r.-ntlv 1.-..11 umde in >
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  • 185 2 A I'w.iiKi. despatch, datvd Sai, Kri ciscu. June .I. sars I.n y u: Chiu.-s. OmmCsMMbl iv MM Un notitied liv the MlLi.t, r r AlUirs of his MMMMsMMkt, kf tin- a?M' |K.-ior of Cliiu,,. t(J ifc^ iTntiil «ador to Mriu-o, with lull tbe treatt kStMMsj th.v R..|,iililu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 697 2 mHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. rpHK Standard Life Aseuranoe J. Norwich Union Fire ln»uraneo Society. Atlas Aamirance Company iFire). The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Stoam Narifration Coy Tho Tottenham Lajrer Bwr Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particular* of them Companion aoe
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    • 998 2 NOTICEB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 835 2 LATE&T ADVERTISKMENTS. A TOUNG KAN, (Enmp*am want* cm- I J\. ployment in any capacity. I« an Engine Driver. Writes a good hand. Address C. W. c/o Strait, Time, Office SAT.E OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 4c Thk Prii-eett or R. Wilsoh, Esq.. At No. H9, Institution Hill. S-iturdny. &th Jnly, at
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    • 22 2 On the Jmh MM, at Chanccry-hou**. th* wife of Mix Prirt-AK. kt.s. of t daughter FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAOE 4.
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    • 85 2 M.K.n. inlmaX ft tin Stn.U Tlaui. k««M k« »r-r>.» MSSISS| S-Sfir. r,,iHU tKU m*U itkirrU. U AU «4«*rt.*m*f ttmtrtU *t M*j««4 In IK, ttvtt IW* *f«Wff M|Um IJU «4«^-tM#M#Ht »/tll* MM. ■a rs- ma wuUUr. tmt »U (km (,*r «a«l The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 WEATHER REPORT Kattdami Krabau HotpUal, lml. July, 1891. S* a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Biiiarb*. Bar. rad.3lFaa. ..*>.s73 2U.&5».g|0 JT«mp M.L 83.2 A 1 W.t Bulb Tliw. *.O 77 i 77.S wj, D.r. <rf Wiß.i Katt. K S. W. fi-. Mai.T-aip. lothade S7.* ¥ll Mm. do do Til Ml U.i
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    • 91 2 \i;u\.N(iK.MKNl> .■sul KI.H. Jill Nmk pn, Si mmi. L'.'ni. Jli' wrl Wassr. 0 !-'.< 1 1 1"" Niotk 8uo«U» after Trmitv. I' AH oiitwar.l mail MMHMT, ttU Jl'> Hiirli W'at.r ii .1>.4.i.. I .1 B.M Philhariuon. Ch.'ir iv J i h Jiii i 1.-.T an. I' X I. h.'iui'ward mail
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  • 646 3 tbi Bsvlaaßl **h-ri»<. Tin half-ve»rly general meeting of the •numbers ot the Singapore ifaliiaa Clab wit held yesterday afternoon in Iht Ki,m. Mr Cuthbertson presiding. Thos were also present i Captain Di-war, Luykn. A. Cumming, PiHart oi. A S M irniv. j I Slanders, Latham, W. Kg.rtui.
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  • 240 3 THE AMSTERDAM TOBACCO MARKET. correspondent writes to the Financial Yaw of tbe 27tb June Great excitement nntilimt» rule in the Amsterdam tobacco mi prices ibow no signs of abatement. American. Dutch, and German 'ended at hut week's sale ai to •bu ihuuld obtain leaf, jostling one an- ■ilwr in an
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  • 202 3 pkri..\. h.-r Majesty's Consul j i-i- ipbia. in a report to the Foreign HmMI States hive -v- a. t tou'e'h" .i uniform marriaye .kJ.- for all ->iiy for tbis it MM* I in p.'iu' ■< urr.-d last "iiniin.-r. when a J'hiladelphiau *•■<,< to .Md > I
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  • 521 3 1..M8..R M TAIKS THK SirrHKKI.ANDH TRADISi; ("OJirAKV pfaelino orr i era si JAVA TKAK I Tranilated from variout neKtyaptn t The Minister for the Colonies, in tailing to the Netherlands St it-s the provocation giren by th. Rajah af Lombok to the Netherlands India Oov. eminent, enumera'ed
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  • 272 3 THK V. VR IN BltlllT ru-iiir. bbbßßbK Tub Obaaarnt of the M July gives .vi the Btßl of war in Mmda iao to Iht Ifii.h Juue. at which date the rauv ■aaaaa aai fairly s-t ia M th- ao! in.., and diicunfor' of the ->;-i ..-h
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  • 237 3 1 UK IBM ON THE Lfl-KK KUUMC A NCMBEE tt headmen 111 'he l*pt ,er Mekong territory, wrested from the Smui-se, have received uniforms from the French authorities. Insignia of office havealsobeeudistribut. .1 taMMf than headmen, aud several of t hem have been decorated The besf.iw.U of the
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  • 199 3 Am accident occurred on the 11th iust. ou the Peak Tramway at Hou^koii* A.-, the Ufttiaf the lower teiminus approachtnl the poiuis at the iialf way juuction. the brakesman noticed that tbe pointsman IMmi to lie iv besitatioti Jll.t at t:lc l.l>t uioill.-ut.
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  • 223 3 THE ENTRIES Thk Singapore Sorting Cluh Spring G; tnkhatia mo-ting will he held at the Raca C.. urs,- on Saturday. July 28tb, commencing at 4 o'clock pro Tbe following are the entriri Ist Ka. Vain- 'I'"' Hurll- Rv-. over flights of Imnll-s. Handicap for
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  • 593 3 Mail advices from Hongkong to tbe Uth 1 1. ,t .mt stale that a telegram v.;t> re.eiv-.| at SI on tbe sth instant from Nagasaki, which stated that, since the «th of June, the Japanese Government has sent over 1.7 M soldiers and seventeen meu-of
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  • 375 3 A ctmouH aiticle of ex|iort, says Consul Kr.-..-i in bin report for 18Uo> ou the tr.i.le ot I'akhoi. is dried lizards. The Ruropean. siam|>ertug over the I'akhoi plain ou a little pouy. n'udu his equestrian paatime 1.!. 1d1y marred l.y the uecessilv for ,i bright lookout for tbe
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  • 440 3 Tat report on tbe sea-lxirne tr.i.L- ..t Calcutta affods very interest. ng ret. ling, ■ays an Indian <ontemp..raiy. Tl ree million were importe.l into Calcutta last year, ghowiui; an inrease of -V) |»-r BBBJ Electrical machinery is tiu.|irj_B way to India, Calcutta during tbe
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  • 529 3 l*V««i the IkmmmWt R, i>urt. I Ws hay- satisfied ours.-!,- that the Aulitor-G-ii-ml. probably by reason of his hiring on his -tail an Assistant AuditorGeneral and an Accountant, is not himself completely -iiiplov-.l than appear- to be no Haaai why a tli. r. uglily c..inj»-t-nt Auditor-General
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  • 266 3 TO-MORROW'S CHURCH. SERVICES. CHURCH Of ENGLAND. TH Si HI-4T AFTIA TIIVITT 7 ft. ni XAtina pi !Mrn..n tap Suud«» S, liool in.l 8i1.1.- 1 6 JUp. Hi Ev'tUMutf aj).l iyriui'U. ■r \titim > 1 ..->,..i,T01.0,.. m Hulr tu.lurut S p. at.. E*t)n«..o< u>.l !*ni...n 7 ft. m.. Parade IsntSß. V
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  • 430 3 Accobdino to a recent statetneut issue.l l.v the Ooverument of India, says a home trade journal, gold of considerable purity is found throughout nearly the w!t..h- af IsMBB) Biirtna. es|^-ially in the beds al the iiv-rs in Tenagwrim >p.-.-imens have been found of quality .-.{tial to
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  • 2140 3 MiNLTKt or Pk. t'lf.Dix'..* or tui Mlsi ll'Al (.'OMIIISS1O!(IB» AT AN OBDISAIY MEKTIN.. M WXDiIESDAT. TBB +TH JCLT. H94 fKisiXT— The Pn-mdent. Alexander C.fntle. Emi The Aetinjr liupwtur-(ieii.-nil of Po'ice. E. H Bell. E«, W X«n*.ii. E-.| Th- Hnnhle T tmUm, cm Tan Jiak Kirn. Msnu«-h Meyer. E«q
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 MAX STKKN CO. v H'-r.K.sAi.K mroteram aid M KUCHA NTS. \M>TKlili.\M AID mO antOAPOU m:\Ni ii v, caffi.kPLACE MAX STERN k 00. lAjim oDnAi omci of IHK ATLAS ITOBKB, ll' u:.iKsl wnin rOB viihK'.ks. I'lvlt.--.i.vH-. tan M.-i'.-. ua i»i >1 1 m n i I „.vial salaaM I Mm-
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    • 896 3 BHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWB SEE PAGE I Ij^ORBXTAVIA. SAHARANG, PECA I.ONGAN. CHERIBON. TEGAL TJILATJAP, JAVA i DIRECT. The s. BORNEO, I.ITtIBBa. Cap*. Thenniss»n. will he despatched for the abore ports on Mondsy the 23rd inst For freight and piwage apply to Ships Agency, late J. DAEXDELS* Co., Limitad :1
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    • 1058 4 Under this hoadioir the following abbreviations are ua«d :^tr. st«amer ah. ship bq— barque Brit British U. S.— Unitmt SUtm; Ft. French; O«r. German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; Ac., O.c— Gennrnl cargo d. p. deck passengers U. L'hc.ttain T. P. W Tanjonff Pagar Wharf T. P. D—
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    • 87 4 Name. Pert, and Date of tla\lin>j From London Liddmlale, .1n.,.. Glen«arry, June Australia, Juno I; Gua.lal.|uivir, June 10; Himalaya. June 22; LlVEKl'<>..|. Oanfa, June I Kui'rgiit, Junej BellHrophon Juue Promi.tneus, June 1.". CAKl.Irr Anli-M-i. Ai'.-aiiiH Apl. f AM.-.. Ri.-k.n-M, M sy 1 [MsVm M«y Ii Gkekn". k Tartar
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    • 70 4 ViiulL'a Ni«l. Fuu 4 Tom. c'aitain. ■m r»o«. luu» ComIOMM Julj 1H Hennelte •20 lathe ma Apcar '.'I Amh.nt am.i n. 21 N«n O«r. l.i. !M7 ■■ritaaliMlW July 12 PuttforckM Cu. Brit.itr. 1733 Dlifent H..i.«k.mK July 1J Smrkie. Mom. itr. IUH Shiuiueo Duf July l!> Wei- Bin Co. rtr.
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    • 81 4 d»ti VtaaiL'H Nim. Km Kiuj D««TINATI"V My *> I M., u m r.bor i Turbu Jl M K,.n Y.d V 21 I ''1,-H.lru -1 Idilii Fro/n,r -I li.K)i.>i'.|" 21 i Sk.rp«no •il H.1.. I X.iv Youg Bnt -tr thiru-. itr. Titwimnni 0«r. «tr OMMM Bnt. itr. N«ood«li rtr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 708 4 KOTIUIih. A CURE FOR ABTHMAII! I CEIMAULrS INDIAN CIGARETTES Asllmmli. p-.iple who suffpr from Op-( presnicn braattsssy, i 1 1 1 tr sensatioos,i Honrscnnss, sod Loss oi voice, Nerfous i; iuihs. Laryngitis. Colds, with Wheeziinj. Bronchitis, Insomnia, Catarrh..! ailections, an. l difficulty in Expert.oration. ai. |>roinptly relieved by 111.-.- Cksti
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    • 1423 4 DOCKS. THE TAXJONG PAOAR DOCK CO LIMII'ED Thn Bftstshsa of the Compan j are situated at Tanjonjr Pa^ar adjoining the town of gin){s| Tne Wharf «Tt>.nri. tn sjsss «5« mm i» mi')'i."i tiy tbe entran.'ps to the *iraTini{ Docks into three parts. The West Wharf •in. mile in length with
      1,423 words
    • 333 4 NO 1 ICES. McALLSTER Co. EARTHENWARE DRAIN PIPES I Hongkong Brick and Cement Co.. Ltd. I 8". 9\ 12". 15', 18" hors t'.rahrick* and Fireclay Ijirge Stocks always on hand. McALISTER Co. SAFEJi BAFE3. SAFES. CTRU3PRICEACO. f B, CELEBRATED FIREPROOF SAFEB. Jewel Safes. Treasury Safes. Book Safes with single or
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    • 241 4 NOTICES. TAMES MOTION A 0O Uhbokombtbc, Watch A Clock Makes. ami. Opticians, Flirt Stbibt. Hath always on hand a wsll selected stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Diamond Jewel lory, and Nantical Instruments. Brtoakit. Uold. Aaurtau Clocks. Broo.h«> do. Carriage Clooaa. Earrinaa Diamond. Marbl. Cloaka. Drawls Udla.' Eine. Diamond Chronomatar..
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    • 404 4 I NOTICEB, THE STBAITS^IMES.^ The "Sf baits Bddoet" The price of tbe StraiU Timet j follows M Daily Issue per year :K> dollar, do do copy 10 esnts. Weekly do ynT H M no do copy 40 eenu. At thewi prices, the daily issue is dcliv IKi«t1 Ki«t free anywhere.
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