The Straits Times, 20 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1894. NO. 18,378.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 921 1 LMSHIP COMPANIES. nr P'LAB A.YD ORIEHTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPaWY. Ovr.-'B "'ollyer Quay. tViABVts and Oonowin— »w H*ri..ur n mail r'tuaan may h« exp. If and leave Singapore homewar.:* tjis following dates i mwiw Hoinui.l ism. S Ina« Jul; X, ,i\n Inc. "Iv*" *'i«. < I *> EoMtM |B S fssaas
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    • 1597 1 BTEAMSHIP COMPANIES DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART > MAATSCHAPPU. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore. Ship AoENCT, LAT« I J. Daendelh k Co., 2-3, Colltib Quit. i Agents at Penang, Misses HtTTTENBACH j LIEBEBT k CO. The Company has a fleet of 3") Steamers, with splendid sccommodation for
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    • 905 1 STEAMSHIP COMrANIES. NORDDEUTBCHEB LLOTD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suex. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer Nurnberg
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    • 752 1 INBUBANCEB. f*l r A RDI A N FIBI AN D LIFE ASSUiAN* F \J company. Liy.rED, London. EeTiSLlaillD 1811. Suoecnbed Capital JB.POO.UX 1 otal Invested Funds l»l«.00O Aancal income, 9M.WO The ondmirnm. agents for tae above Compaoy, ar* prepared to accept aro riaka for «hort periods of tea days or
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    • 534 1 BANKB. TTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI JLL BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-CP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4JOO.OUU RESERVE LIABILJTT OFI n,^^ PROPRIETORS j ■■•»v,«w,uwi Corar or DiascTou Cuibuj-H. HOPPICB, Esq. Dwtvtt Cmaimmas—C. J. HOLLIDAY. E*|. IC.«mihio. E«i. a. JfcCo.«c«ii. E.,. H. B Jo««™. J 3 »>.«.,E«i, Hoa. J. J. Kmwics. D E Jruwi
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    • 313 1 McALLSTER O. EARTHINWARE DRAIN PIPES Hongkong Bn.k and Ommi Co, Ltd U-. 15. 18 bore Firebrick* and Fireclay L«rp- Stocks alwaya on hand. McALISTER Co. SAFES. SAFBB. SAJE&. CTRCS PRICE A UO.-8, ELEbRATED FIREPROOF MB Jewel Saf»« Treasury Safen. Book Safe* with "ingle or double doors McALISTER Co. FAIRBANKS WMIGHINU
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  • 559 2 LATEST MA RKET QUOTATIONS. SinoAPUBi 20tb Jdlt, ISSH. I'RODUCE. Osmbior, 7.V.. do Cube No. 1, 12. do do No. 2, .Mt. Copra Bili :.h;. do Pontiitnak S7i%. Pepper Black, 9.40. Bsjo Flour, Sarawak 2:W. do Brunei 2.0.V Pearl Sago, 3.4n. Coffee Bali :tt>>4 Coffee Liberian, S). Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 69 2 For f»r Ur Mmn. 1»> v in port*. Sumatra. Honaknng Ck»1|,,1.«. Klaoj; ria port-. iyapph-. Suunhajra. .Vim 1...... Muulok A f-1. ii ...i,.-, tenrtuk. iSr, D«h //,t. IVuaci: ti,,uym*,< r ■■Ml. Malacca ao<i LiuKd <\ f. Smiii.. Mimt.ik Tia port" j TumiT P. Laul via |H,rt- V.. „r,.
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  • 114 2 F»-.M Eukopl !iy the P. *,i a. i. 8- r«l due oo S»tur,l«r with Mai to tli« \SA Jnoe. Sh« bruins r. 1)1 le. ta thr mail whu-h left .Siu««p.iri- on tli.- :<oth M.j Kk..» Oarau By tbe P. (I a. -.»>.... h.. .i,,.. on Tucmlmv. Jun-
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  • 178 2 XSKIVALN. Per s. gm baag fnim Peimig Dr. R(.l»-rt*.n and Mr Wiudratli. Per I, s. Sumnlr.i from Deli vi« porto iitnsn. C. Hirk and E v. WiDterfeld. Per s. s. Chrlyilm from Calcutta vis ports —Mr A R»y and Mi.s Setli. (to arrive.) Per P. Si. 1 1.
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  • 151 2 FRIDAY, 20tb JULY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE OUTRAGE BY JAPANESE AT 81OUL. It Is officially stated at Yokohama that the story of the assault by Japanese s Idiers on the British Consul at Seoul ii overdrawn. THK STRIKE. SILVER. AND TARIFF TROUBLES IN THE INITED STATES. The regular troops have
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 534 2 Pkki.ihk ai diHciiKsious are held in England M to what we are to do with our l>oys and our girl*, on account of a tendency iv tin- former to f1.4- all useful works and. on account of a tendency in the latter to Hmg off
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  • 16 2 I. niV MIT( HKLLM Keceptloll v.-sterdajT was held in -doors on a.-, .unit of the rain
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  • 22 2 Hh Honour Mr Just,,.- ( has .1.--taini-U aWaa BkMaW lean-, and. it is mU, will ftaaaai to England m the 27th iustaut
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  • 32 2 Tim homeward P. til steam, r Ii irmi, 1 left Hongkoug al 1 p 111. yesterday, aud un\ In- expected la arrive M Singapore about n »..n on Tuesduv, the 24th instaut
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  • 28 2 IMsIMM 'lie .i].|".iiitni.-nt ..f an n-L'lni-er t,. the I'umpiiii; Station, tin- salary offered l.v til.- Muni. -i|>alitv to that poa< M il'.'ii and s:ti; transport tJbawaM pal month
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  • 44 2 An nil-lav an k.'t mat. I pkjrad .11 lha Ki.|.|aiude veslerdav aatWHS I naval II M I r and /V,1,-...'<-and I team from Mm Royal Artill.rv. Ik. mat.h i-.--.iilt. ,1 ill lavoiir ..I th.- naval team liv an tunings and II- nun
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  • 43 2 Thk SiugaiKiie l.rauch of the Hongkuig and Shiinghiii liaiiking Corpi.ratiou his ri.uve.l a t( I. grain from then head oHi.e usl(.llows: Ke.ult ot l>i> dind ill Mf share; three akM of dollars to waarflj and IIU.OOO carniHl forward to MBl half year."
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  • 106 2 At a meeting held laat evening in the 8 C. C. pavilion it was decided that the next Competition for the Association foot hall Challenge Cup should be begun on Friday, 17th August. Entries close at 4 p.m. on Thursday, 2nd August, and the ties will be druwn the same
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  • 133 2 At the Assizes, yesterday, before Mr Chief Justice Cox. Thomas Burke. a private iv tbe 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire K viin.ut. was sentenced to one in mth's imprisonment for attempting to c.,innnt auicide while undergoing sentence by Court Martial iv the Criminal 1'm..,,' I^eong Ti Mvi, was acjuitted on a liarge
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  • 61 2 Thk Hand of the M Butt. Lincolnshire Regiment will play the following ■NftßtMM on the Ksplanade, to-day cooiiuenc-iug al p.m. I'K.K.KAMVII 1. Valse Etp.,,,,1 Waldl.uf.-1 2. Selection Let docket <le Corner, ll, Planmiett. t Interine/v.. ..4n>< Hume -4 Sel.-eti.ui rt>, X.tnlrkOirl Solnniiiii 0. Polka ..Blark ami
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  • 1027 2 Another issue of the periodical kiiouu us Straits I'rixlurt will shortly l*> aiatl I iv tin' hiii, ls i>f tin- public by lU pfciiaatbropic conductors Straiti Produrr is ,i relic of the oitl days, and whi'-h. Bbaa ■Ml ni.uiy other ventures in fin g died from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 747 2 rpHK BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. THE Standard Life Assurance Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas A»«.uranc« OooHaMr} 'Fire The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Oce.m Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies so tho
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    • 1015 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper i in Asia, British India excepted. j It circulates in Singapore and 1 Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the j Netherlands Indies, the Philipj pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern
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    • 1031 2 NOTICES. NEITHER the Captain. AgenU, nor owner* of tiw British steamship Vaaaatr, will In responsible for any dcliU contracted hv the cmw during the veasel's stay in this |..,r- THOMAS S. VERNON, MasUr notk;e. FREE l.inntsnf land tn young men with a Capital of tSMt and upwards. The Briti-h North
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    • 813 2 LATENT ADVERTISEMENTS. ENGLISHMAN, 26, d*siree~employment. clerical or olh. rwise shorthand, nc. A." e/o BtruUt Timtt Office TNDO CHINA BTEAM NAY CO., LTD. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. The c.,m|..nij -t..»,,,,. r WINQBANU, 1,517 t..n-. Captain St. Croix, haling left H"iiirknti t mi tin' l-'tli iiKtmit. mar be ax- 1 |a arrivi-
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    • 107 2 ■.1.c.. tftmUmi )m IU atretb T.«M. K».K ka ~m«m a* am m*4 •< Ilka >«e»r e>l«. Hy tk. MiUct a/ lli«l ™<v Neat m*«v M.9.X. mrt rtjtoUi (Iml mf M e<Wr«ia« U All wW<.n>« oae,t«aeta m a«tj*rt le lIU tmulilin lluit lk# Ummmftr rmvlmm llm t4wrluMunl ("U a/ fa* r"V'
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 WEATHER REPORT h. A f July, IWI. H«.m 3p.m. 9p.m. Bum,. Bar. red. 32 Fai. *.*i.>25.7»5*.1.>; IHm" Tflnp 86.0 BS.O 77.3 -3 Wet Bulb Tb«r. 79i 78« 7b.S t "°jS Dir. of Win.l .S K. S. W. 8. W. if lv. Temp, in abide fg.v 1 i Mm. do do
      96 words

  • 4256 3 THCBSDAT. IITH JUl.lf. I l^nlaliv" Council rpasnembled m M ,n at half |,as. I o'clock I n> aiMWW wcn> present I' 1 grcILLMOT THE (Jovkrnok. I Bt v l 1 1 11 Ml1 vrl s,« K.O.X.G i .nl iffiier OMMMMM lM I H\. r Eajn <o'»cr»l T.
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  • 2194 3 RETRENCH MENT. KKPOKT OFTHE KKTKENCHMKNT COMMITTEE. The K«-port of the Retrenchment ComMMM, laid MMM the legislative OeOMal yesterday, was only signed that day by "the ConimissiouerK— the Hon'bles \V F.. Maxwell. A M Skinner. C W S Kyn-m-rsley. H. I. McCallnm. T Shelford. A. L. Donaldson, and C. Hrown The
    2,194 words
  • 414 3 MMM (From our CortesiMiiident.) Kuala Lumjinr, Weitnesilny. Thi Like Club i. id narrow escape from tare ou Sunday afternoon. The lallang grass on the western side of tbe gardens ignited, and the wind carried tbe flames rapidly in tbe direction of the Club. Mr Wellford. assisted by some
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 I lIK.M TIKI I. I .'.MI'I.KXIiiN. toah Siiliiholni" MMM II driv-- u».iy pi,,,,,'.-., blot, h.-s. ,'.,|_l,M. MMM, .Old ..II di-ti-ui. in.-nt- vatohaMH d.».l"|.- lowly Ilia. U.MM. M;i.l- in I.oiidoii. m.w.4f II In Ii.VKKKN IiKKV I 1 1: IIMJM'I MajfcW II I. MMM, M1. ..t.i.. -I i.'-t.,r.<11,. n.i1,c.,l lor MM. t,
      221 words
    • 1059 3 BHIPPING. FOB OENKRAI, SHIPPING NKWB SEE PAGK I TjiOß HONGKONG. Th« Navi,fazion» rjomrala lUliana Stoamar BISAONO. MM tona r« Captain Barahino, having loft Bombay on th. Bth instant, may he pwt«.l to arrivr. h»r» on th. '.'nth inatant, »o rout* for aboT* port. For frai(fht and i«»aa K apply tv
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 130 3 AKRANGEMKNT> PYTTiT. 2"th Jily. Hijfh Wit.i. 11 olia.m. Siupipore SporliiiL' Club MMMMJ M the Urn I p.m. Association Football S. C.G K A. Ksplauade. MM! Ksplauade. I■ m Satikdav. 'Jlst Jclt. ■kkWator. •Mmm (■allow. iys measured, (iviiikhana MMM close at MM Kinuitiire Auction in Mmm Str.t-t. I'.'Wi II Co. lip
      130 words

    • 1224 4 Undsr this li.-a.lini; t)»> following ahbn>viations ar.' uwd —«tr—stwim.'r sh.—.hip, bq— barque Brit —British i U. S.—Onite.l Sut«*; Fr.—French; Ger.—German. Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johoro; &<•. G.c— Onoral carifo I d. p.^^leok pass*n)rsrs U.—Uncertain 1 T. P. W.—TanjonK Pa);»r Wharf T. P. D.—Taniouif Pagar Dock B. W.-Born.s. VTharf; J.
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    • 80 4 Nawu. Prrt. and DaU of tfuli.. From Los Don UlMri« Junlili'ntfiirry. Junn Australia, .1n,,. Qaadaiqvhrir, Juns In LIVKHI'IMiI. Oant'a. June I KlliTlfin, .Illll'i H..||.tii|iK..m .1.i,..-. l»n,,n..tU,H. Juiid II lU«Mrr. Anti'K"! Ai'<-»rin> A pi. J:' 1 4Hn K..-km»r.. M»y Sj Uudawr M»> II (>KKK.Nm< k T«rt«r Api H. BovmAHPToa
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    • 169 4 a hi I Tumi. Cimix. Fr..m. CwtiaxiKiu Jul, ill Mhnl Mmiv 1!» t'rognir 19 iMtiijnit.U l.l Ki-annu r.i K.i.j .11 11...' I i.i.--20 k'i.n .nit »> HriDiich *0 11..» i... 31 Sumatra 20 I'l 90 M .ut UI.T MM I. i. M.iiKkninr July I" I >»,
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    • 111 4 Dili Vi>ml'« Nam. Vlau t Rlu I'iniiv DmTlNi no* 10 1!> SI 20 ill I *l .11 2U ■ii I l>.i| ■:■!<• ll<r .li Hongkong .ndj.u.n Tauvrr < Kilry M.<uiikiiiii;. skuiitfhiii -'"I hi.»gi... lul. -tr I H«r»biii.. 11,, lf k..nic Sri MnI.HK 11..t .v Mulili'iiiM-m runtiuak r«nt..L P.O.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 873 4 NOTICES. "KATZ BROTHERS. A FRBSH SHIPMENT OF AMERICAN TINNED FRUITS, COMPRISING Muscat Grapes, Bart left Pears. Black Cherries, Black berriee. Gooseberries, Nectarines, Apricots, (Juinces, Peaches, Apples. Egg Plums, Dessert Fig*. LADIKB FANCY SPRING BELTS, LATEST STYLES. GENTLEMEN'S SPRING AND CYCLIST BELTS. Fancy Decnr.-it.-d Trays—Pnrce'ain on Metal. and Wood, iv Sets
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    • 973 4 DOCKS. rpHENEWHAUBorRDOCKCO. LTD I Tans Company hm!m ships' repairs of all Rescript. „i. in the si sni i.'nt aalar the aup.'M.,^P.'". r ot Barop*aa SkipWrights and EuginMrt. NO 1 Uaavma Doc* I Lsaglh 4: t~.t. D.ptr, of Water f i..m 14 feet ts If* tsM. Width at 41 f-
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    • 899 4 NOTICBB. EsUbh.hec. 1865. TJI LX Y. 11 Alt'; REA YES A ■•■> Ehoihkers. Iron A Brass Focnders, Boilermakers, Hridik Builders, Shubuilders. General Contractors. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always ui,.lt construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and
      899 words
    • 62 4 j NOTICES. PBBBL"B BPKCTAOLBB A~FOLDEBs! a r p E El. lllS -3 s- .Ik r I t? II 111 m h I• K RJ c 2 I 2 5 I ESTATES A HOSPITALS SUPPLIED n.rll. 2*. Thr price nf tht "STRAITS Times ii (ion a half DvUan a month. j
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    • 143 4 NOTICED KUPPER'S BEER. CHOP "PAYONG." The only bwr whi.-h rr-ceivM any aw»r,| at the Chicago Eihibition CHUBB'8 Jroh Safii »»d Loch The tail in the World. APOLMNAKIS AATKK. Tli.- Queen of table water*. A most healthy and refreshing drink tropical countries. 815.00 per case of M K l M bott!«
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