The Straits Times, 11 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1894. NO. 18,365.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1047 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. n MVSITLaR AND ORIENTAL STKA.M P NAVIGATION CO.MfxNV Ornci— Collyer quay. lV.iavisand (»odow»s— New Ravhassr Tuimail steamsrs maybe eip*. t.-<i t.. ar T oa twards and leave Singapore homewa. „tJ.» following dates,•«sr "srJ,,nr 8i M J,.n» .7 Jul; 9 Dokiflo Jul). II J.,1; tH Rnr«..., Jult A,l(. Cl,d,
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    • 1662 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. J>'or Borneo Portt via Bawean and Sourabaya. Ou the Bth of ev.-ry month a steamer nins in this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Kanjermassiu, Pnlo Laut, Paasir, and Kotei. Once mm month on the 2.'ird a steamer is despatched to Dongala. Berow, and Bnlongan also calling
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    • 909 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. The fast snd well-known steamers of this line ran regularly between Bremerhaven and SI. .nghai, calling en mute at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 796 1 INBUIIANCEB. fi UARDUN FIBS AND LIFE ABBUBANCK V3T COMPANY. LIViTED, LONDON. ESTABLISBID 1831. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4.tlft,oob Annual Income, 918,000 Th. undersign, -.1, agente for Ine above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for ahcrt periods of ten day* or longer perioda. at ourrent rate* to
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    • 544 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4£00,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 «ionooono PROPRIETORS J $10,000,000 Cotrar or Dibictobs: Chaibmaic— H. HOPPICS. Esq. DirirTT Cbaibmah— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Ekj. B.C.Micsa>l»oii E«|. A. McCcois, Esq. H. H. Jwrra. Esq. J. g Mo.ii.Esa. J. J. I, i:
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    • 552 1 NOTICES. 'THE best Soaps for Warm CliA Jiiatcn are Calvert's Toilet Soap (Cd. Tablets) and Prickly-Heat Soap (6d. Tablets Is. bars), plea- santly (•i-rfiinicl, for Bath or Toilet purposes, containing 10 per cent of Pure Carbolic. Wry servieeabli' as preventives of Prickly-heat and other skin irritati m. Sold at Chemists,
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  • 462 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. HiHQAPomi 11th Jolt, 1894. PRODUCE. Q»mbior 7.55. do Cnbe No. 1 12. do do No. 2, H.%. Copra Bali 5.92%. do Pontiuuk 5.75. Pepper BUck 9.30. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.45. do Brunei 2.2254. Pearl Sago, 3.4.V Coffee Bali 3R%. Coffee Liberiaa, X>. Tapioca small Flake. 4.15.
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  • 87 2 For f»r 1, >',»., To-Moßsovr. Mm, r..iii..»i.Mi. Man.. 1.i...... Ilia 1'.'U11....k. N.i.5,,,/,,.,, 11a.m. J>I»D via porti, •«tl«moiu/ 1 p m Bomlut; via portr, Hcrmic/.i, 1 p m Bnuiclok Buniao Ipm Mulucit »v.l K:»i.«. Ckoir n i/.i, 2 p.m. M»U.v» »n,l Liugui ft ft .Smif/., 2 p.m. I'.nu >nd
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  • 102 2 Kit.. -i Xi noi-tt- Uy t1... MM. >. ,5,i1.i..». with ll,« n.ail of h> J.'u.l Jun.- .lv, on l-ir lith iu.l.Dt >h« re,,l to tin- mall which 1, fl Siiik.i „n- ni tha £>rd Mar. i'aov mv\ 1... MM I. diM on Til.--. 1,, v M.y
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  • 17 2 On the Ma m.t at Bocliums Germany, tbe wife of Mr. Thki.ih.k Kkbhtino, of a daughter
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  • 103 2 AEKIVALS. Per a. > Will 0° Ike Mbj from Klang Mr. M. Hechter. Pers. s. Bnruiida from Hongkong —Mrs. Brisk. Me srs Kolitoff, Coate, A. David. Mr and Mrs Smith, and Mr. aud Mrs. Davecchia. DKPAKTUKKS. Per P. i 0l s. s. Rohilh for Bombay Mis, M ChaUr.
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  • 59 2 K..r In Zealand. Port Jl.ttuunw. due in July H'uutuad and Co. ft* China and Japan, i'auw, dv- ll'th Juiy, Horn.,, Co. t'..r S,.urabaya. Hunt) s«c. ou 12th July. W. M.uisii, M and Co. F'.r 11,'llgkoug, Xrrul Af due 1:1 th July, >^ikie. and K,r 11..ii K
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  • 19 2 lis:(l. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Subfoription rate ml 'vioertiiinij rales nuiy be found on Ihe fuurlh i»nje.}
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  • 58 2 WEDNESDAY. 11TH JULY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS KARTHQUAKK AT CONSTANTl NOPLE. A severe earthquake took place at ia the .ift.Tn .11 of the 10th instant i vfsttT.Uv i < iNHfli done and fifty |«n»on« wcni killel. A general panic has ensued, and tli people aro imping out. The public offices,
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 14 2 Bt last advices from Caaton. cholera was raging with extreme virulenco in that city.
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  • 20 2 The Oovernmßnt ;ulvcrtis.-s for an en gintwr for the Colonial stc liner H,,nhurgU at a -alary of $1,440 per annum.
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  • 25 2 The s. a. Diuiiwd. which was |.invli as.'l by th" Nippon Yusen Kiitlia has been retfistoiwl aa a Japanese st>amor and renamed tbe Gtntan Mam.
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  • 26 2 Thi first number of ill" /Vr.ii Pliaiir, a l>i-wwklv |'H|xr published M Taipiii)>. wu issued on Wedn-slay. tbe 4tb instant. It is printed ou toned paper.
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  • 25 2 Thb P. AO. steam-r Rihtlfo. nu arrival from Hongkong yesterday, went into quarantine, as also did the steamer hotmida which armed from that port yestcrdsy.
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  • 27 2 A HamUxiuh ia/avaMaiaa, iasu-d by the British India' Steam Navigation Co., is ci'-c-dinglr useful for intending mil n to Australasia, as it contains aquaatitv of serviceable information.
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  • 34 2 As a tribute laatoftatt Cat tain Uaißi Gaggino, a Kt-quicui M«k« will hi i eh'brated at tbi- Cathedral of the Gu-.d Sli.-|.-henl to-morroK iTbursdav) muruing. iv which, we understand, some professional vocalists will assist.
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  • 40 2 HrnK.irHi.Hi U said to be prevalent at Hiipbong, wb.-.c. it is i ,rt 1 tbat two natives have aln-a.h lied in less tbau a wei-k from '.be bit. s ail mad d.n;., wbile half-a-dozen pertour. iucludlug European', are under treatment.
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  • 53 2 The foreign trade of Japan duriug M iy last ainouut"d to 19JU7JM& in value, of which yen H. 2 «JNI BaM "i|"ri-. mt yrn 11>.323.~59 imports, showing an vitvas •I cm 1,11i<.7;{;) in tin- Utter. The total amount of Customs duties coll". 1.- 1 at ■wtaaM ports in tb; Kuipir.-
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  • 20 2 Columbl Walk Lit. BMa the Hm| Pionrtr, des|.at. h-d. on h'ndav hut. the following wire to tbe Resident of P.-rak
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  • 30 2 Duff's eoluiuu tired on Kuala Tahan No <■ 1-. He ia pushing verlaml to Hagi aboT« rapids H,,|ie cut them off. Si Rasu above rapids Am leaving for Tahan to-morrow.
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  • 55 2 Tata horses to be Ikiu^ul by the laattaa Army K uml Department during the |„.-s,-iit tinai.i a. vcar are Australia v 1. ir.-. C.i tut 1 1 66«, Mudr*) MS, ■•> bay 'l-io. aud ISO Arab* and Persians. 700 couutrybreds will also 1..- bought. Ccrtaiu i .in -niit officers wili
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  • 64 2 At tbe next mecimi: „f tb- iluuicifal Coiumiasioiu-rs. tbcre will ha Hubiintte.l an appluation on U-balf of tbe Rowing Cub for prriiiiaaion to hold ruvi M H.o iiu]' iiiu-lin n reserv-nr at Tb-uus vi Lnl. There is t ilk of only having ill- n»lm races there ("providing tbe (wriniaaion is
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  • 70 2 (.>!•■ tlioiiuud i/tM were r iv.d ne.-ntlf ■Vaagk laa Kus-.uu Oaaaal baa -Si r■■ teral.ur L 'lmulK'balf ul. an I w.-n- p.i.d to, tut- JapaaaM iiarikiaaa-aMa awa« the life -f tbt- Cxan-vilcti. His afai&BV hty tlin-aUiued to diatip^'e hit k ".'df"tuue entirely but now In- is pafanuag liii
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  • 95 2 U.ndkk lUitnK t.ui.s from tie HcaM (, a bounty ol Its. 7*> n to ha otT.-ied tn 50 mm tin- Ist haMaSaa, WoieciU-rabire R«>i;iuient, la .-xt.n.l lh, ir servK-e for CM M men „l the l»t battalion Royal Went Kent fcgiaiHl are alan In lie offer.-d BMMliaa, M 7m,,
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  • 97 2 Iki -au I ii. l.. in paper: —Iv ..i i■■ 1 1 n with the outbreak ai tin- plague at B«k»L.iuk' it ia not^etber plraadiit to Ih) rt-iiiunli-d that tli- Ist lUtialiiui BhfOfawin Light lufautry vow atatinued tie re are due iv Calcutta next trooping HaMM. Tbe plaKUt-, it
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  • 95 2 WARREN CHALLENGE SHIELD FOOTBALL COMPETITION. To-Mouuow nflcni.KjD. thr tie iv tli« Warreu Associat mu Fu.iil.ill Sin, 1.1 C(ini|>t<titiou tak.-.s pliii-' nit t li I' -|.|.m.i I.MNHMk| ttt I Otioak. Tbe n, ll l'i,iii|,.'liti.,u will Uke |.1.i.--' in Novi'liilht iind I)e,,iul»'r. IHli-t, Ht Siny.itMiru. Eutrica clubc nil the Ist Qpftur,
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  • 316 2 TO THI EDITOR OF THK STRAITS TtMls Bib,— Tour correspondents AmalMn," and Agreeable" are proposing a •."bem which, if properly carried out, wooU I believe prove to the advantage ol th Clubs concerned in it, both mdiv.duall 6 and Vilectively. The more purely athletic branr', Sport, such
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  • 333 2 THE STRAITS INSURANCES. CO., LIMITED. T.i nil. union M tiik [fiwiaVnil D.uhi rW SIX, I I>, ir to lake the lil.eitv poh. pr.itcitiu- th" fakm „t prutits as rcioiiiinoiidcd by tat directorate „l Hi.- al",\,- C' as per news wiu-,1 l'l-.-iii Iii- In. 1 1 ollii-e an.l publi-li-dm
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  • 304 2 Bombay, With Jun,:- Tbe aunuiil i tiug of th.- H.inliay Mill Own, is As tnui was h.l-1 this it'teru. mil in. <l"i ■MaiiaM] uf Mr. Omum Oottoa. The auuual r. ].rt r-l-rr- I itt leuglh I tie, •en. .i.s .li>lo,atu.ii of ti.i-I.' uii-1' sine,- Jllll.' List
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 908 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. THE Standard Life Assurance Norwich TJniou Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Assurance Society The ()«ean Marine Insurance Compauy. Th« China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. j The Maritime Insurance Company, Limi'ml. For particulars of these Companies see
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    • 1109 2 NOTICES. Tiie Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 714 2 NOTICES JOHN LITTLE CO.. LIMITED. HOOKS. NEW AND POPULAR NOVELS. iil.ii- KIiITIONI viz, »t M. 1/ Mil ™di including. The PaaaJaaMag Jli»t I.amareho Sm.i.-i Batei .larell Blakr N"** Cn-iua A<- 4c. A:-" a quantity of -|> ir'iujt Novels lit Favour t« Authnm. The A. B. U -pi.r 1 for Duplicating
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    • 959 2 LATEaT ADVEKTISEMENTS. NOTICE. OUR lafo Bill Collector, Seat San (iiw, bM l>'f i our Kfrv and it no longer authorised lo i' .11.-'-t m coir Ik on our behalf. 17/7 KELLY WALSH, LD. \t; ASTRO a Vvxl Bill Collector. Good •x'ciirily ni.ii-.|> n~mli].A|i|ilv'to 17/7 XXI.I.V \V vI.SH. LIMITED WANTED fo-the
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    • 52 2 M.H.B. tntmUi /-r IKa Wro.l. Tim—, lio,-M >,• rnt'rr, KIMnUi/llMiainiiil). B» Ik* *Ml"-t D/t*«l toni* ■mm it.a.l. \r. r.].cUi lk«( mifkl «tk«nri« I. AU «4«#ri.'nnf emirteU *rt MtbjtH It tK» nrmHtin* tKnt t\f M***ftr MfIMM lII* *dwtM«m#nl I.* f»i# j ,|-»r •a mm >/ pr«ia mulltr. k«l <urt tKmtr IU«
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 WKATHKR REPORT )i",i,../ in.; i'raw. Botp%lal, 10th July, 18! M. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. I'lmti,. Bar. rs.l. 32 F»h. BT3 29 Hl» ,;mT«mp 79.1 79.8 77.S 1«3 Wei liulh Ther. 75.S 7B 76 8 8 a l>ir. ofWiad ..t'ils, W S. K. t'S > I- i in -i.
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    • 165 2 \i;i:\n<;kmknis flWIII. Ill" U HiK'li Wat. r. t.^'.i |..m Special Sfrvuv U M. i hoi,, i Church. 8 |..ui. Tiiuxkiiat, 12m .li iv WUk W.ii.r. Ml a. in. 5J9 All-.l Criakel B A tad B K'vi K-]luiade. Wmiw sin.-i.l raotteH RmI BiP 1 1 |i I i' in SJ0..1 bw,
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  • 928 3 T the dat*of last mail advu-%- ti in 1,,. d.aliiK from plague showed Tli- r.turns for the '.'I h'urs up to n.M.n 01. the tth iMMMi give IS ,leatb». II mTmmbJMM, and Ml MMI •ru.-nt K.irlv this MOBlh, two «ha bad baai ,-t,. study the plagM,c«k*ht
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  • 702 3 Thi lateat news that can lie relied on i« th*t the Chinese have proposed to the t Japaue-se a evacuation of iVri-H, to which the Japan. will not BfMB, Tbe Jipamse demand a couilo. ■MMM in Co-en, a joiut administration ..tth- MUtiy, wi'h the rinht
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  • 59 3 The Kiiiil of the Ba4. Bat. Linolushire K-niment will play the followiig programme iv the Hotauj.-al Oir.leiis ou Friday, coaim. n im; at 515 p.m. ri:<K>KAMME 1 V»U> Hmm >. </.r fiari Gunjrl. BdMtioo B Oodh.y. I Mgml JTiuhr, F»u«t Briseti >n H h,!; .-ulliv»n QsTOtta
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  • 439 3 Tin. termination of another MM profaM :;.-un-« which emphasise the steady li.-mlw.iy which MM teal of Imli:i avd Ceylon are makiut; in the favour of oou- in all BMM g| the world. The DaUjf -Y. ii-a of June 7, says It is BO) in mv rear! at;o that
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  • 394 3 At an ordinary meeting of the PeDaug Municipality ou the 6th instant, the Pensions Scheme for niinii. ipil servants cam>> under discussion. The Acting Presideot ft it. d that the proposed p-iisi-.n scht-me. an i tbe accompanying tables were com|iii I in consonance with the r.-ductons of staff
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  • 370 3 Tub MtBMMJ whie-b MMWI at Yokohama aud Tokyo ou tbe i'Jtb June provci to have MMI a much more serious calamity than the re-poit-, reeviv.-i led oue te> suppose. The following tiijure-s show the casualties TOKYO Persons killiKl U iiijur.-.l IJJ H..U-.-. bm, damaged
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  • 665 3 Thf. attention of the mercantile classes iv .1 j an is now directed to the question ot »u,mi. Mr. Fiijita. OWaf of the Agrii cultuial Bureau in the 1> (..trtineut of Agriculture and Couiinerce, recently delivered an interesting lecture on the subject. Ja|an was self VMMajrMg as
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  • 304 3 A L'ARDirr crresioiilent, writing to L/..y/'« ithi/ifinj luiUi under dale June IS, »ay» The committee that wa< appointed at the last lifting of the Cardiff Shipowners' Association to d.-il with t'le resolution in favour of transferring the Tessels of certain owners from the English to'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 544 3 A lIEAI "I'IKI'I. OOHfUKMaI Apply Sulpholine Lotion. It drives ..»ay Bkaalsa, UaMaa, Magßsaaaij r.-.1ne».., ami II disfigur.-ui.-nt-. Sulpholin. develops lovely skin. Is. V«jtt!-» Made in London.— m. w. if II TO DAKKKX HREY HAIR Lockyer's Sulphur Hair Kcstore-r, .jui^-lie.t, safest. l«t rt--t..r- the iJtu i>l -Hi LaMyer's the real English
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    • 1196 3 NOTICES. SUKGEI UJONO GOVERNMENT HOTIFICAT.ON. 1. Separate Traders will be received, up loth* 31st August, 1894. for the following ii-rind- a) For three yen™ from lat January, le«»5. 1 i6» For the years I".-:, and 1896. M For th* ;esr 1895. PuHtm Ujomo— Seremhan District. Opium Farm eombiued with Spirit
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    • 367 3 NOTICES. "IJIRANK TTOLLET'S. inOBIHO, roBOI, COMbUUION. AND TBAlNlicet STABLES. NO 9 ABMEMAN HTREET Hones shod by old and experienced shoeing smiths under special European supervision. Horses bought or sold on commission at 5 per cent. First class accommodation for race none* in trainiug. v. c. TAWTON A /JARDEB LONDON. DEALEES
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    • 422 3 BHIPPINO. FOE GENERAL SHIPPING NKWB SEE PAGE 1. "CVJR SOURABATA DIRKCT. The s. s. KOSOBSE will be despatched direct for the above port on Thursday, the 12th instant For freight or pa*«afre, apply to 12,7 W. MANSFIELD i. Co., Agents "n O B HONGKOKG. Messrs Apcar&Co.'s steamer ARKATOON APCAR\,7W tons.
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    • 176 4 Under this heading the following ahbreviati.ins am used: str nLvunpr s>i. ship. h<|.— barque Brit —British U. S— I'nit.vl Statm; Fr.— French; Ger.— t.nrraan; Dut— Dutch; Joh— Johore; Ac.. B*. 0 I—all earfro; d. p.^^leck passenuw's L' m. Uin;T. P. W— Tanjnnfr Pagsr Whtrf;T. P. D.— Tauinni Pagar
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    • 1096 4 ABBIVtLB SIHOK NOON •>> YIMTKKDAT. I Brnlumond. Brit, str 1.7.VJ tons, aptaln Thomsou Uth July. From Lotidou via pMi 3rd Jun.' (ir, l>. Simons Si. Co. For M .-v 12th —Wharf MelpomiHt, Ana. str. 1.84<i tons. Captain 8n.1i.-k 11th July From Kobe ria ports 20th June. U i-.
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    • 101 4 .Nil.'. Pert, and DaU of HaiUni Fbom Loximim. Tigr.,. May 27 L.d.|..-dal... .1 in.oimnij.ji Australia. June t; liiiadal.|uivir, June 10; Himalaya, Jun.. LIVKBPOOL Oanfa. June I Kiwrgia. June 5 H-11.-rophon J«ml I lsla .|.> Lur.on, J line li L....rt-s. June 7 Kaisow. June In. Thiii. Tin 12. I'r..
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    • 106 4 5 Vihil'< Nami. i Km Tomb.! laitain. Fhom. Sailik. CuNIIIUNIIS. 10 Mdh Bri« 91 Fripp jp»pg Jul 7 Pl?»<* 10 X..hill» P.O. rtr. 2171 Lo»i; Nlmriijb.i MM JJ, t 10 K..n,(.^ M«lS.huur Souwbay. July 7 V\ M.n.nelrf <-» K. SriMut.UK I>it ."tr- 147 MaUwkMl r.,»k Juj !Ht»",«?«,, 1(.
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    • 156 4 IUIL VIUIL'I N'lll. Vlau Riu CirTilK. DWTIXATION. III; II) \-i..».. 10 Bum 10 Ul&morgftoibm 11 Rob"!!** U 11 P«k»u 11 K.t«r,..r 11 M..IH. .v 11 C.1j~.. II Sri Hod< Ami II H«out» 1 1 Oorgon 1 1 rntmnM II JM-tk 1 1 Sri ILu.t j>i II .-.D«k«P II kutOUil
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 483 4 THE I BOONS AND BLESSINGS t' J Tboy MM as ■■< I n and Ur--.ii,; to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, and the W.iorleT Pen." MACKIVKN A CAMERON, Edinbuboh. w. s. :*l'4/H5 JAM BS MOTION 4 CO I < HK. .-..i. «itu, Watoh A Clock Makek. AND OPTIOIANB, KI.INT STBEKT.
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    • 370 4 NOTIOEIs. I TUST A RBIVED A UBTRALIAN A PPLBS. All picked and in fins eoadition. Per Case U.OO Per Basket of 25 ILOO McALISTER C-o--/^WDE VITELL KNOWN AND CHOICE SELKCTED HAMS. A fresh shipment jost arrived. From '.<\ to 13 lbs. each at 55 ceuts per lb. <AXNOT BE SQUALLED
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    • 1466 4 DOUKB. m m TANJONO PAGAR DOCK CO. 1 LIMITED. Tke premises of the Company are sit.iat 1 at Tanjon i'a^ar adjoining the town of Bin^tpors. fitsam tram-oars run at short BBwaTTakj cskrrytag paasengnra and goods from Wharf •■> destinations at low rates. Ths Wharf extends to ons mile and a
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    • 900 4 NOIICEB. Kstablishot 1865. 1)IIiEY, li A U( XX A V K S A C( i Ehoinbcbs, Ikon A Beam Foundcsk, BOILBBMAKBBS, BBIIHJC 801 LDCBS, Sail* liriLliKßK. (ir.NKRAI. CORTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. length of
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    • 122 4 NOTICEB. JASrWILLIAMSON AND SON, LANCASTER. ENGLAND. The Larqett Oilcloth Manufacturer, in the World. LANCABTER LINOLEUM, FLOOR CLOTH. A GIGCLOTH {for Carriages). TABLECLOTH Including Mcmaic'B, plain and coloured i Naitis, Mosai, Covehs. plain and coloured Spi.ahhikx. Pbihts, Woods and Mabblis, SBBLrcovKßs, Ac. AMERICAN LEATHER CLOTH. And even other kind of Oiled
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    • 272 4 N0TICE8. T AJARD FRIR18 ■> BoBDIAUX C'LABET. Fronaac, Chateau Citran Chateaq Moulia. HOOKS. Scharlachherger, Uaieenheimer, Rudeel...iniar Hochheimer, Bodenhuimer. Guntoi»hii,i,, Br Aualeee. WHI8KT. A OLD SCOTTI It. 8ol« Importer* for the St.uta 8«itl. HKHR C., THE PR Y E RIVER DOCK PSHAKO. The above Dock, situated in Pmrj n(> Welleeley, at
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