The Straits Times, 5 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY ft, 1894. NO. 18,360.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1142 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PNINSULAR AND OKIKNTAI, STK.VM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Orn.K— 'ollyer (Jiiay. 'VM»avßsand Oodowns New lUrl-.ur .mail steamers may I.* eipc. T...i i., ,r--wsrd. and laasa Singapore homextr D th. followiiw dat M:—M U*r>'."< Hmmii.. IHM. IHM. .1,, A. s~ll,< J, r, July bUIla II >.r»f M R»r,, ral AUK.
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    • 941 1 BTEAMBHIP COMPANIES DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aqrnir at Singapore. Sill I" AoRN«:v. LATE I J. Daendelr &<jo. 2-3. Coi.i.yebQuat. I Agrnlt at Penang, Mebhrs Huttknbacb LIKIIKRT CO. The Company haa a fleet of Steamers, I with splendid accommodation for first class, I second
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    • 684 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. Fur Borneo I'ortt via Bawean and Sourabaya. On the Bth of every month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Banjermassin, Pulo Laut, Paasir, and Kotei. Once every month on the 23rd a steamer is ,lih|i«trl eil to Dongala, Berow, and Bulongan also
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    • 901 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "VTORDDEUTSCHEii LLOYD. r\ BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamer* of thia lino ran regularly between Brem«rh»von and Slmii(rli«i, culling en route lit Antwerp, Southampton. Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and dr>parturea of thw»p mail eteamers, thft Company's ateamer
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    • 779 1 INSURANCES. GUARDIAN FIRE AM) LIKE ABBUBANCK COMPANY, Liy.TED, LONDON. Erablishsd 1811. SncaKribed Capital Jt,000,6C0 Total Invested Funds 4,51«,«i0 Annual Income, MB.OOO The undersignea, agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept Are risk* for abort period* of ten day. or longer period*, at current rate* to be named on
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    • 519 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 REBERVE FUND 4^00,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 HOOOOOOO PROPRIETORS J ..110,000,000 Court or DiaacToas: Cbaibkan— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Dbtotv Chaibman-C. J. HOLLIDAY, Eaq. iVftgir* latest** Hob. J. J. Emwic. D. B R«.iooi. fag. JrLicn luiu, K*i R. M. Out. liq. Cbibt
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    • 635 1 NOTICES; ROBINSON CO. HAVB JCST RSCEIVED A DELIVERY OF. RUNNING .SHOJSB. Football Boota. (iolfing Boot*. White. Bnck»kin Cricket Boot*. White. Buckskin Tennis ShoeBrown and White. Canvas Tennis Shoe. Russet Calf Tennu Shoes. Chocolate Calf Tennia Shoe*. The new projecting rubber disc miss, which give extra grip when playing. PLAIN OR
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  • 530 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SIBOAPOBB |'.TH JOLT, 1894. PROjbuCE. j Gambier, J IM, do Cub* No. 1 li. do do No. 2, H.%. Copra Bali :,»>. do Pontianak 5.75. Pepper Black I ».30. Ssjro Flour, SsniwsJ i. 445. do Brunei I. 2.1714. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali Coffee Liberian, 38.
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  • 59 2 *V>, Ptr Hr MhHM IVIi Hebe. K!.iu< |-.rt- Sri I H.i i. Hin B»nil>. .V. ii l«r«lu, baaifkok frmjfirr, S*in«r»n([ ria port., .4,,.., Satibdat. Mi Tia |<ort». S.i»wilr.i 1':.;. ni1. ,.uu. Ciir»l,,,i, S.nw»«. Rnja/i Hr,..,;» I MriiMMMli vim |M.rt4 Bnrraax. MuNDAT. Kirniiiil'r > i« p«rt<,,/,. T..H. 4
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  • 99 2 I KK,m Xi «,,|'i !!> i1... I' I). lII.' „D S>I«M«J With n.,1; Iron, |„,,.|,,n to th,- l.'ith .Inn-. Sin- hrin(r. roplie. to llir iiimil wbirh left Mu/iii^.n .in Ih^ Iftth Sin/. From China -ij tin P. 4 t). i. a. Huktlln, ,lur,,n llir mtli m.Unt. M«y
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  • 235 2 ABRIVALM. IVr- s. Qtmt A,,,, from S»marang -Mr. W. Jenkins, Mr. (J. Jenkins Misses Potter, Mr. S. Wl, .iri.oi. and Mr 0 ('aider Tor s. s. BtffU from Klang— Mr. Miu.j.H>t. Mr. Thuiuas, Mr. Burtoo. and 2 Misses Hichanl. Per P. 4 O. s.,,,, from Shanghai Messrs.
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  • 19 2 KsTMII.Is'HKIi 1"> ii PRICE: 10 CENTS rate* I ,-!,<,„ r,i/«« may 1., i on Ih, fourth paijr.]
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  • 111 2 THURSDAY, 5th JULY, 1894. REUTER'S T ELEGRAMS. univkrsitV crick kt. In the inter-iinivcrsin cricket match, Oxford beat Cambridge by eight wickets. THK UNITED STATES TARIFF. The Senate at Waahington has passed the Tariff Bill by a majority of five. The Tariff is fixed to come into o| K-ration on tbe
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  • 991 2 Thk aaMtlal of .-.luiation and tin Mf> port BJMI by i;..vcrnnicnl to tin- public sch.K.lK of the colony it i übje. t in whi. h the Chines.- take a ironsiderahlc interest The re)«.rt of the Ketr. luhm.-iit C.nnnit 1.-.- i» aniiouslv await", l liv thrin and
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  • 20 2 Thk (Joverum-.iit advertiws for tenders lo lease B|«'.ili(>d farms in ibe colony for tbe ueit re i. mi" period. s>
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  • 21 2 Thk steam laiin.-h Churl, t Umj. win. ti now li«* in Hoiirfkoii,' waters v advertised for sale by the Hongkou^ Oovtrninent.
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  • 34 2 Mkhshs Uuthbik ii Co., as AtfenW l.v the JJnlnli North IIWH Oofa*/, a IverliM Ihe ...ii.jitious under win, h tbe latter will nu" free «rauls of laud iv Mntish North Borneo t > fang capitalists.
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  • 44 2 A Cliiues.- irirl In in,- in 11-.i'li Road overturned a li^-lit -.1 Ump last evening, h. 1 1 in- alight to her clothes. She VM seriously burnt. Her i-.n.-iiU refused to allow her lo be taken to hospital and the l'ml die.l this morning.
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  • 46 2 Tin lie iii the Warren rballen^. hhiel.l Koolliall > ti> »-t it l- >n will b pUycl neit Tlmr^day, (he I .'I I, inst.. ou the K<| l.ina.le. wh.'U the lotnpel. ■g l.auiH will U- Ih. 8 V. A and•'o.n-thiro K'-^nn. n' Ist team.
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  • 50 2 It is reported by a Japanese paper that a reeeutlv iustimted ettuniuatiou int.i the MMfc*. ol Md at Hou K l«>.i K .on ld Hud only ei^hlv-tive tons of t he Kmljlimli .v i i- -'I'll" ml.-i. -n." Mildest", l ih lhat ,I,.|,.iii.'!-. ..ill haii |,ia. li.-illy oii^U-d itsf;reat rival.
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  • 68 2 vi-i.wN 'I' au,l thre? of tbe .1 Sikhs who arriv.'d from IMiam; ve»l.'rdav in Ih" ,S..i w.i- n-movid ii.'iiilh, vi-h.l-1 to tb" (i 1-..1 Uos|iital. sonic tini.-aftir IhfCM IlrlU- ha.l iinihor.-.! Th.' I, Mirth Sikh was ><,iiv"\.-.l to tin li.-ii. ill Hosi.ital still liter, his injuries li. vi}.' of
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  • 120 2 Ihk Kiiti.ih atMBMf Falkland affivad b<T.' ou 'I'ut'M.liiV from Corliin. wlhti- bar .-hi f .11i..-r. Sir IMIM Connor, in*l will, l,n iliaih iiihl.'i .-xtmordfuary «ir.uni«l IMK Thi'Kteaiui'r, whili'lhi-re on the •J'.i :li ..t May. I'uperieuivd roui{h weather, ill *lii|i rolling li.'inly. Tin- .lii.-f otKi:.T was en(ja(;wl in working near the
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  • 141 2 Thk uiciiil»rs of the Sel.iugnr Ml' laMaiaftaM m.vt al S"laui:<iroii Satiird.iv. tin' JNt of July, to discuss, aiuougst other thnu-i Ttoasasaaa p/ahaa aafjajiafl «n.l .li-.-li.,ri.-iu. li.-. .ni.l Hrn advisability -if -I ing O*Jl incut to 8881 ■< Regulation .1.1 r, ing tli.- law .if ecrtinentes I'll.' ■moat •ratsai
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  • 161 2 NajiMN i» tin- Baiaaa |..i|»m» tut. tint tli" Lite IVsul.-nt Ctrunt WtFkril ..u 111.- :Mr.| Jim.' for Lvouh to visit \b exhibition I hare. The nuttitadt cheered him at Lyons III" wit day. ami, "ii tlifollowing niglil, li.' was NthW heart. Til.- assassin |irov.»l to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 876 2 rpHE BORNBO COMPANY, LIMITED. THK Standard Life Assurance Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, j Atlas Assurance Company (Fire>. The 2qnitahle Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mntual Staam Navigation Coy Tho Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies see
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    • 1012 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French. lndo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1135 2 NOTICES. IiV)B SALR~BT THE HONGKONG CJOVKRNMENT The Hl.nin-launch Charlet May. luilt ..f wnkwood. IK*O. liy the HonKku»K tad Wham|h>s Dock Cn Limited. 1,.-i,-il, over all. 715 f.-et breadth, 11.7 I feet, depth. M feet. Engines Ciunpiuiid surface conileusin^r, Ojliadan W and 18 x 12 stroke Spwd. H knots New steel
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    • 1238 2 LATEST AOVV. I IT I SK M ENTB. WV.Trill .1 s, n ,l, trap inbeetoHsr fora p>ny. Apnly ha H. L 7/T c/o mrwih liacs Office WANTF I) I qnsliHed Sur«r»on for the Italian ste nner Bnrmida. for a voyage mmmt, Apply In »/8 HEHN MEYER (;•>., A(reut». r|M)I(E LET.
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    • 9 2 i I "I; UKNKUAI. SHIPPING NrJWS ■1.1. PAGE i.
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    • 77 2 M.S.S. ntatrf for I*. r,m«. hituH U wrtltnt rmiOKflbnnaili. «y Ik. n*jl^< IK»I rm,i,. toman* 11.g.8. .r. „£ui Ou.l aifkl »(k»r»u. 1,. pasjHM AU «4~T«M«« nnlntb «r» <th,.rl U <\' nmtilim Ikal 11^ a«Mf«r a<| laaw Ik. »l-»rti«m«.l fk. r i,.r in <-««••/ pr*t» V mAIUr. b»l iuH ttfUn^r
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 87 2 WKATHER REPORT A,... ii. 1 n.'r.i'«iu H.-j-iMI, 4l)i July, l-'-l it«r. n- 1. M f»ii. MljaiMJHauMl 9>l Temp 52.3 BS.O BU.:. i \S>t Kulb Thor. 75.« 77.0 7S i U l)ir. of Wind S. K S. W. 8. W. 12 M-... 1--..1- in-ii.i. 87.0 Mm .to do 73.S Mm. 1.1
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    • 133 2 akijan<;kmknt> Tiuuiim, In li I Riga w,ii.r llMm. m. Im MM w.i I M ii I 'I KnilHY. Illll .lUll. High Wat t. (i tJ it in CmMM Oirls' School Famy till. Svn INT, Tin Jui.v. ■U Wat.-.-. (US a.m. 1 21 .in Kuriiitui. Audio* at K.IIim.-.v KM I'uw.-ll
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  • 3048 3 twg ordinary fortnights m.-tmi; of Huaioipa) Ooaawakwan held r ,|iv alt-moon in the oftices, Rol.inMr. Oentle presiding. lVw \1 m Mmcs. Nans rmatr, Tan ,)mk X, md ,1,,,,'i.1eT. Shclfor.i |1,,. miiiiltes «f 'he Usl BMatiDg were mieud.Hl. and contiruied. 1 1\ w. i T Kinatnul Statement of the
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  • 1439 3 MUM Hll. WhUNKSI.AY, kIH JULY. IS!M. J<t,l,j,*.- Hoii'l.le Major McCalliini. K. E. I'JMi.. O. St.ioger j Startnt A. I. T.ill.ot. J. D.ivies; IfawjMnri— J. iiuliain ffuffllljllim C. J. Divies. H. Foil. \V. Milk, p-aiv; /'.■<-./..,«: K. H. Grant. K. D. MacUfffUt, Ll. Hsiir. K. K
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  • 144 3 MM I MILK. A F. S«rj:cmml W. .1.-iuiiiit-K i.k A. Dam j:. yak J. B. Eleiim l a U C. C. Ba-lnw I"""* W. Oib*on >„ W. Baiunie )«>'■* r..«. Crane I A. Carinichm-I j A. holM-rtMUi 9oyd«. 220 takiii. H Tl .sou A. Deniiys j"" Hh.m- Sadler
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  • 1349 3 The scvciitivuth ordinary general uieelinj.' ol I lie above Company was held at tbe Company's otlice. 2, riulaysju Ureen, al noou to-day, tor the purpose of receiving the directors' annual report aud account* ti Mai Dccmnlier, MM, Mr. Alexander Johuston presided; and there were present Messrs.
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  • 79 3 Ili K I ■.an,l of Ihe Jul I'.u l.llicolnsbirc will play th. 1. .1 1. .w programme on the Es|.l,m.u|e on Silur.lay Tth My, c n. mil' at I p.m. I'K.S.IMMMI I. Vsls.- It, V, |,;,,M..11. 1 i;.h..ii. Kio.'iiii B S»l".li"ii Sullivan. i Ban l)»"'< BMm
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  • 252 3 ■aaMam BM -/«><' At lh Esplanade Police Court, "vestoday. Mr. SandersSlater, acting Chief Presid y Maeislrale. deliveri-l Ins de. ision iv the cases in whi.-h Mr. A. S. Dvcr, printci- „l lh.- btf ffll fflll and Mr. T. M. llndsui, a missionary, were separately charged
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  • 1321 3 I IM K Rev. O. M. Reitb begau a Dew ■anal ol lectures iv the Picibyterian C.iui.h last night. The s. ries is entitled I i.-tiir. -s In. in the history of the Scottish lieforinatiou," and tbe first lecture a Hon tire in St. Andrew's"
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 I \EAF\rJSS COMPLETELY CI'RED Auy imraou sulTi-riug fr.un Deafness. MbM in the Head, Ac m«v L-aru tf new, •imple treatment, wlii.-li is bmvlm wtf taateaeial iii co.upleleli curing case. „f all kinda Full juirliciilars. iii.-lii.ln.g BM] uiii.ilicitml tealiui.uiisls au.l acajaaaaat press aattttti will be sent teal fr i application. The
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    • 883 3 SHIPPING. rOB GENERAL .SHIPPINO NEWS HI PAOE t TNDO CHINA STEAM NAY Co.. LTD. FOR HONtiKONfi The Company's eteamer WINIISAHG. 1..M7 1.,n«. Captain St Crnii. having left (MsaHa at the Rti Jaaa, may v n peded in arrive h.-rn on or ahout. ihei.ih July, and will have prompt des]«tcli for
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    • 184 4 r.i.|»r this l ira ,|i., k r f.,||,,»i,, K r ,1,1,r. i II .li« »r» imml: sir— •IMiiiitr Mil ship. bq— lwi w Brit— BritHli. r s -f M ,i...| SUtm, Fr.— Pranrh; <jer— (inrinan Dut.— Dialrh; J»h Johoro A,-, (i.,- IJ.mitk l <*»rif'i <1. p. (lack
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    • 852 4 AftsitAU Smci Noon or Yebtikkav Diamond. Brit. >tr. I'M" torn. Cap?. Kill. 4th July Frnin Am..y vi. porta. 2Jnd .iiiiw Of. .'...1 10 .1 p. Urn Lan t C>. For P*nan,r. U.-Rda. fV.^ncr, Nor atr 71K ton*, Capt Oullirk•on Frnm H.nifUk. 30th .In, (Jr. Hour <hw Fur Bundok.
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    • 112 4 Nam». Pert, and Dolt of »n/m Fbom 1... ni..,,,, r ,iiy I«m Ii [{•■IiIiMII'IIkI .1111 l' 1 3 Formosa. May M ]„.|,|.--..1i.1.., JimOliHiiiy.Ji Australia. .lui»' l| (iu».Ul M uivir, June 10; Himalaya, Juu» JJ IsHMltWili Oanfa. June 1 En.-rtjia. Jiiih.:. Uertm, June .S Ml I Till 7 11-l!
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  • 137 4 ViwiL'ii Name Jut, 4 >l»- furl 4 Law*oK 4 lloubu 4 8«* Hello 4 Pob Hill Gun 4 l),»m u n.l 4 kin Aon t Kro.-L-r I Mm Sang i nun 5 Oiuf Add :> S»ppbo Puk I G«r. .tr. 2U17 Ir«el Mm) 1 Uteho Mfyer v'» «r. Mil
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  • 78 4 lUTI Vmil'i N*mi. JFLAaABiJ fitT>ir I)««T1KATIO« Julj BuUdt 5 N. S. J. 5 I'how Fhy» 6 Lawftny Baa Pah Uu»o Ki.»V.ii(i KachiiSU SUru ii iDot. "lr K iiiiiuiit Brit, itr r.niu.h.r I Up*. >tr. I.uurrMl* Brit. tlr. (ii»«-)iii (Irr >tr Hidi.t Hut >lr. «r«lt-c Nor. str. J.00b.. o
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 463 4 NOTICES. /Me...iaM«ZH HI. Hue I.ifsyetle, Taßls Rooms, Scho.'ls, Ac. l-'roni ii|iv»nr«U. Illustrated Cstalogmw s.-nt fr.« on deintud. Messrs. L.J.CIIATEK <fc Co., Singapore. Agents for M. oI'I'K.MIhIMKIi C I'akis c. th. THE BRUSH ELBCTBICAL £N<;iNKKKIN(. COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Ueddaway's "Camel" Brand Bolting, the moot economical for powor-traiisuiitliug purposes. OM»W iSlrouj; staMBT,
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    • 1463 4 DOCKS. 'PHI TANJONO PAGAR DOCK 00. 1 LIMITED. The premises of the Company are situated a T»ii ]-.:i.; Pairar adjoining the town of Singapore. .Steam tram-cars run at short interval* arrylnit passengers and goods from Wharf to destination* at low rate*. The Wharf extend* to on* mile and a quarter
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    • 423 4 NOTICEB. McALISTER Cor\Dß WRLL KNOWN AND CHOICE SELECTED HAMS. A fresh shipment just arrived. Kr >m 9} to 13 lbs. each at cents per lb. IANNOT BE EQUALLED McALLSTER Co. (IHAMPAGNE IHAMPAONB. Perinet and Fils. Dry Venenay. Per Case Quart. 121 .00 Pinta $23.00 Half Pint* $25.00 McALISTER Co,. LOOK
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    • 289 4 NOTICES. IT'ELLT AND WALSH. LIMITED. JUST RECEIVED. Practic.l Esgineere Hamlluok by Hui i ■hi 510.50 Manual ..f laHal Testing l.v Kempe Disease* of In 1U hy M.».r,. -Jnd Eda. t «.<« Fumily Medicine for Uh l.v Moor* S 7.50 Tropical Trials by Mnjor heigh Hiint...s ♦.<*• On duty under a
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    • 360 4 INOTIQIte. THK STBATTsTTniEH? Tbb "Stbaits Bdimiit." Tar. pnoe of the Strait, Timn folluwa Daily issue per year il o l|» r do do copy 10 cent* Weekly do year 1H dolUr. do do copy 40 cent*. At these |,ricn«, the daily issue is deW- !>«-' fc*. anjwhcre On tlie weekly
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