The Straits Times, 2 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 18J31. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 2, 1804. NO. 18,857.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1140 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES PNINBUL&R AND iIKHNTAI. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Orric«— r.llvcr Quay. iVmavisand Oooowiis— New ll»rl«nir l hi mail steamer* may lie eipe. |>..I ,v u-wards and leave Singapore aosa* n lliefollow<ig dates:— lIVTWIBP* HOVBWASI.I IWH. 1»-H. M SmlUj Z7 Jiil> I Ik July II July aaai Am. i.
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    • 861 1 STKA ICBHIP COM PAN IKS DX KiiNINKI.MKK \K|;TV* ART LPPLJ. fmler coi.tract with the Keth.irlnnds In.lia Covenimont. Alien'- LATE J. DaniDßU k >.--!,<'. .i.i.ykk Quay. AgenU at Penang, IiESHRa Huttskbach .v Co. SO Ktenmors, j latioa for iirsl class, second r*,aad foi the ric li^-lit nnd other I*l „'s Lines
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    • 680 1 STEAMSHIP 00MPAKIE8. For Borneo Ports via Haweanond Sournbayo. On the Bth of every month o steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and p&stmfmt to HanjerniMsin, Pulo Loot, Posnir, and Kot.i. OmmmmtmmmA Ik* iinl astenm,r is deapaidwl to Dongola, Berow, and Bulonirsn niso calling at Bonjnrmossin, Pulo Lnut nml
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    • 889 1 STEAMMIII-* COM I' AN IKS. NORDDIUTSCHKH LLOYD. BREMK.V. The fast ami well-known steamers of tliia line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, cslling en r....10 st Antwerp, Southampton, Oeno., Naples, Port S*id, Suox, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with twi arrivals and departures of these mail 6te«m"rs, the
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    • 701 1 j IHSUBAKOBS. f~A UARDIAN FIKK AND LIFE ABSFXINCF \y COMI'ANT. Liy.i'ED, LONi^ON. ESTABLISBIQ iBSI. Subscribed ta^-tal /U,CC,>'O Total Inrested Funds 4,51K,000 Annual Incoaio 9»8,Wj0 The undersign, a, agent* for tne oboTe Company, ore prcpari-d to ac. en- liro risks for short jeriods of ten d&^i* or longer oeriorta. ot ourrent
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    • 524 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND f «,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFI imnnnnnn PROPRIETORS I .»iu,uuo.uw (Hiiamn-H. UOPPIUS. X- Dirin-T CniiRHAK— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Em t S. C. M,cs««,.o» r>q. A.»»csi«, E~i. H. 11. Ju-irs, Kaq. J s *to«««.»i. Hod J. J. lu>,ci. D. R
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    • 407 1 NOTICES: McALISTER Co. /ACR WBLL KNOWN AND CHOICE SELECTO) HAMS. A fresh shipment just arrived. From H t" lb.. each ot 55 cent- per lb. i"*IANNO7 BE EQUALLED. McALISTER 1 Co. IHAMPAONK. CHAMPAGNE. Perinet and Fils. Dry Veiveuav Per Case Quarts $21. 0 i) Pint. $2.J.00 Half PiuU $25.00 McALISTER
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  • 521 2 LATEST MAKKET QUOTATIONS. SiifOAPosi 2nd July, 18(14. PRODUCE. Uamhior, 7.65. 1 do Cube No. 1 12. I do do No. 2, 5.%. Copra Bali 5.90. do Pontianak 5 70. Pepper Bunk 9.S>. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.45. do Bnuwi ZV%. Posrl Sago 3.4". 1 Coffee Bali :Wfa. Coßm Liberian, :s».
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  • 113 2 For I «r »(r. To-MoRIOW. Japaa ria porti, TV lomon. H*lan( «ti port., Jf. F.i .iru ,v al.aya via jM»rt-. Tan Q< >.■>. <'»icutu ri» porti f- .a. k .•...ulmi Hi porU, fri IViiifyaitu, Klftag mi port*. Ptgu, i\ paru. Huiu if,, Mmuu tis poito. Ban Pud Guau,
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  • 83 2 Kk,.« Km>ri: -Bj tb.- M. M. <>,;, 1 r, lucvi.y turn China -Per MM 1. I MM .rr Dili' in 1..iv.1.m \l».v Hlh M. M. Jim.- M M«v P. *O. Juor lUtli Ml) M M. M. June 17th M.) ::<ith ra ii .1 i.,ii, J uui
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  • 215 2 IHMU Per a. h'riyyii from Hougkooir Mr' Twin, Mr Klli«. Mr. 0« Unas. l'ir Humpie from Kumpin i Mr. and t t r Per Kfhfipi'i from Pfln»n^ M r W. H. JoimiuKs, Miv Kie, Surirt. Major MatPer a. x. B^A i* from Sarawak Haaili F. 0. Maiwell. an
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  • 20 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [sMMWsfHM riitet and (uloertitiii'j r.i/.» may be found on the fourth page.}
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  • 107 2 MONDAY, 2nd JULY, 1894. REUTER'S TEL EG R A MS. ARREST OK ANARCHISTS PRESIDENT CARN< Us ASSASSINATION. One hundred and fifty 4sMMMM have been arrested at R >m". The murder of President Carnot is stated to have been the result of an Anarchist plot in which Santo, the assassin, was
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  • 13 2 The homeward mail Mi Qmm 1,.i. s at b p. in to-morrow (Tuesday.)
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  • 15 2 The s. a. Frijya 'irrived 011 S.itur lay. from Hongkong and was fmmi in ■(•
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  • 12 2 Sives robliers. caught |>liiiideiing various plague-ttrickeu lions, s. wore.xccuted recently at Cauton.
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  • 19 2 Mi. C. K. DkMMM lakes over from to-day the inmitgeiucut of the Singapore Oil Mill, and t. Kngler Co.
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  • 20 2 TIIK l,n- I, of MM Jolll) Little Co. has passed into the hind-, of Messrs. John Little .V to Ltd.
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  • 20 2 L<)Bl> Sri. my leives by the (MMaVi this afternoon for Pahang aud Per»k. Afterwards Lord Sudelv goes on to Australia.
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  • 28 2 The QmmlmW of the '.Hh Juue contains an, >1 ,1, ii|,ti,,ii of the Raub mines. The illustralious uiv, riMN taken at the miuea and at Kuala Kubu.
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  • 24 2 H. M. S DmmmW arrived yesterday about 111 a. in. The vessel at once went alongside the whirf where she was this morning coaling.
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  • 29 2 Thi Chinese Minister iv Tokyo k] mU to have bwn iustructed from lVLmi; to employ spies in all i«rts of Japan to ascertain public opinion respecting affairs in Korea
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  • 35 2 The M M. 0 nnpanv's MMMf OMMMI I. ft M%M at In A.m. yesterday, aud may M ei|iected here to-morrow at about 11 a.m. She will most probably Ik- Mft. |,jt. li.-.l during the night.
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  • 35 2 The mW. 0 M. K-itb will give on W,,|uesday evening; neit, the first le> lur« et .1 seru 011 Futures from th'llistorv of the Scottish Reformation. The subject will be A bonfire at St. Andrew's.
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  • 35 2 Tie iiuiulkt deaths i,,0r,|,.| at H.ii_'L.,tiu iv May last ww l.'-l*,. of Mi IM MM Irom IMJML The di illi mte for the British aud MWsM nun. inunity was and for the Chinese coiuuiuuity BUft
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  • 35 2 A iikaft < Inliiiaiii was uuder tbe MB> sideratioo of Ooverument itt Hougliouu, prohibiting the fraudulent athiing of official vi.irks to aiiimils. Tbe Ordinal)." prorides tbe mark known as the Broad Arrow shall be used.
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  • 50 2 Tbe Government Qa»ttr of Friday lust publixbca the t. it ot tbe Hill to regulate the sale of i^isou* Only MMM) PMs* t t,.,| for the |,ur|.o> will lie allowed to 11. -II poisons. Provision ii> MM to ius|..i druggists' shop, and for takiug MmJml of the drugs far aualysis.
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  • 50 2 Chinksl tto,.|,s Imvr (1,.|,Mt,il the 111MTJraU in ill.' Corea. wli.T.- ..vei ii.lKMl .1 1| „< tr,.o|.» Imv,. landed to protect J;ijktucse iuU-reslx. The .I.i|,.iii, llm. eriiiueiit are s,nd to h.vv r, lu-,.1 to withilraw their tio )ps. MMft on cri 1111 ,ii,l>tinua, which mOmmOmMMI ire reported to l>e indisponed to
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  • 55 2 Thk Klu.ition Ke|K,rt for IBM m,|i,.it,.< psMMMi 111 pulili,' ni'.trii.tioii m the I' d, my, .iu,| MM the ateftiig "I niktlit schools for adult Cliiu.s. It MM to make out that the MpWsVMMM .In, Ition in the Colony kl not mHMVMj aud coauaelxaguiuiit any redmtioii in tit In. ration 011tl.iv
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  • 61 2 An MtMMMMTJ MMs«I BMskg of Ikt BtmiN Kur Immm O^mjfmmy, m Hied to be held at the Ommii OflssM hi lur |:nli iuslaut, to MM the liqui. Jatiou of the <\»iu|ai.\ In view of [irobable IliiiaUatiou, the Coiiiiii.r, ,j 1 L'nion Asiunuic*- Uoui|>auy, Limit. -I, ,i^MM '"'in the lit instant,
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  • 72 2 Tili.ikal'hi. iiitclli^Mii.' haa Ik-cu received of »M»(>reearthi|uake at tin- end of last month at Yokohama, whirl] ha, l ilonu couaiderable dauiag,' to Hrn t'onigu hnuae. on tile Bluff, thr NMM Hi tli. in.inager of the Hongkong aud Sbaughai being amongat (host' iujurid In the bu.ini'.s |*rt of the Settlement
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  • 86 2 A th,» imiiiit. |„i,i tw.i ..YIu.L on the aft. moon „ftln- 17th Jim.., tt .Uwtairouii In l>r.>ki> MM hi ii public lutlli-liuuM' at YabakMM, m Mh rilkj \mmmtmt»U b*|M kkt Bluff. A liiK'li «mtli wind'car|M lII- II iini-a nvi r lln' vl|<iiniiii,' Imililiiik's. MM the In wins i-beilipj, MM thuiuauil
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  • 160 2 At the daU s of lam a.Uiee. from Horn, Uon K r 26th June., the pl^ue fi K u,... ffj been ahowmg .teady diminution for 4... The return, for the 24 hour, to no,.n on the 2:ird in.Hnt. .howed 20 adm,.°i 0 a 5 death., and 161 under 7^;"^ The
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  • 382 2 KNTKICH Thk following is a complete lint „f .i... eotrie., for the B.C.C. Athletic 5,.,,,, I"" TABDt n.AT KALI. h0,,..,,,..,. X,,,,,, M,flo,kv. H u W. tariMA .1 R«,imi,., N. Stabb 120 VAKDS HI Kill. T.i. A. Di'llliv-. K (1«,,, K Hnl« R. I c.
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  • 265 2 ri« L.t MBMM were pUve,! ,11 tin' K'pUtiad.- ou Saturday i j willi tli.- .S. C C. the MM are a> fallows:— s. <; c. in xi. f. H. Grant I,ImMMM b Rtau Wilkinson Tmmmm b. Ryan U. Htiiiigtmi b. K>*n J. Cook c. Moore 1/ Kvhii I A.
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  • 60 2 Nf Bm /.'.il.iu.i. MsV j,• i > fmCmmimmd mmmi, July. l'»t.i»..n Me«M hii.l Dot, For |-..naug au.l > al.utta. «(*,•■,<."" 'lrJ .Ink 11.,i,,1e..,l »u,|r PWtaMM.Mrfwt.MJ J"'. v K.,r BMJMMa \rtKj Ms* 'I"' lilh > 11,,u«t.a,l mi i',.. k K,,i tUMM tjiMJ IM»»«, "lh Jnlv. i;,,i.i..,i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 mHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. 'pil K Standard Life Assurance X Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. T> Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies
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    • 1025 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the j Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 574 2 NOTICES. ROBINSON COT| HAVE JUST RECEIVED A DELIVERY OK BUHNUia shoks. FooUall Bocts. t .oltiiik.- Boots. White. Buckskin Cricket Boots. White. Buckskin Tinnis Shoos. Brown and White. Canvas Tennis Shoes: Rnsset Calf Tennis Shoes. Chocolate Calf Tennis Shoes. The new projecting rubber disc soles, which give extra grip when paying.
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    • 1040 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. MR. 0. I! I) i.M N'N has to-day taUi, over th« management of oar firm and will sign per procuration. The SiM-»|.-,rH Oil MillOlfire Billhaill M.—1 Singapore. 1st July Is*). *n W. E.NGLBR A Co. PICTI'ilKS F tOM THE HISTOBy1>F Till-; SCOTTISH REFORMATION. The first li-ctnrc ,,f
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    • 59 2 M.S.B. nln*Ui )~r IK. .<ttnil. Ti*WI> ka.M hi •r. MiUo/ IkiafOKlt. By llu u,Uct 0/ IU »md,. Jj—rtiimi tmlT*ct, ,rr .wl.j.el h> »k< ro»4>h/m (lull Ik. la^fnjla,, (k, ,Ut»Tli^mnl nlt/Hupartr 7" C" k*' r»»r <4»« The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted.
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    • 7 2 rOB OIKUUL snil'l'lNU NKW SKK PAOU 4.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 WEATHER REPORT Kaudanq Krabau Hcipttal, lit July, 1881. S p.m. 9 p.m. luiui. lUr. r^ i -:j K.ih. S.i :'I7-1'' '.•>•; C| Temp M.t 77.0 7j.2 "S^S W.« L'ulk Th»r. 77.4 75.J 74.8 i 3 l>ir. of Wind Calm. S. W. 8. W. f 3 M.I Tump, intbwi,- HI."
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  • 2680 3 IIIK KNGAOEMENT AT 1 KM B FLING. Ml, K WISK KILLKD. |„|K SIKHS KILLKD; OTHEBB WOINDKD. AIT TAI.HOT HADI.V WoINDKD. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE DBSPATOBBUTO THI wot'NDED. Tiik Government ia in receipt of infor:he i-ffe.t that the attack ou tbe rebfl forts at Jeram Ampai on tbe Ternbtliag river
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  • 646 3 KIKK MUM MMMMMMM THK VIITIIKIA IXSTITI TION [from mm Currt tpvudcnt.) Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. Tmk Selaogor Volunteer Fire Biigade Lc-iJ their »!■< ill ,tiiu, Cuui|>'!.'i'.ii Drilla ..i. Hi.- r.iia.l.- tii..ui..l yesterday (Corouatiou Day). Messrs Merryweather a. Sous of London prescuted four silver ii i fur the winners
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  • 136 3 fi» Kan^a., mil. mi-m ami mi. MMMM LOEM run ahchtimii.ii, i r c l\ 11. M VI:KIA,.I IN 111 M.AItV ,'/.tJ,,,,.. f two MMMMat MaMBM ofta* ifallimil Lmiml AaaMMMM mm »i 1... .Kit ■••-..ilutioli was adopted with uutliuakaa la .il~>!i-li ihr rifM of ii>.- Lords t.. veto
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  • 591 3 MMMMM IMJ 1 1. mi. As may be seen from au udveitiseuietit in auotber column it la piop, > -.1 tbat tbe Straits File Insurau. WMMMr/, Limit, d, shall go luto voluutary li.jindatiou, aud a geueral ineetiug of tbe shareholders of that company his
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  • 310 3 (Fiuw ;ur CMMMJNMImL) ■mmmm, MM Ami Sim c 1 last wrote, udvi. c lias Is n received oil be sale at tbe secoud hall „f tho crop (J3J balesi laVMg Kstate at the average price ot I. UH r kilo. Tins makes tlic MMBM Ml *mV the
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  • 509 3 lIAI.K VKAKI.y MJMJBM) The half-yearly meeting of the Knul, Aust ralian Gold MiaingCouipany. Limited, ti. held iv the registered office, Creekstreet, Itrisbaoe on the 9Ut May, when about forty shareholders were represented. Mr. De Burgh Peraae occupied tbe cbair. The secretary. Mr. G. S. Murphy,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 456 3 a BKAI I IK! I. OOMFLUIOM. Ipplv Sulpholin, Lotion 11 drivel ,*:,>• |.iu,|,l. 1. 10t. -lies, rouu-hiie.-,. r.-.tness, and all ,li-ti,'iii. -in. i,i- -„l|.h..lin.- devrlopa lovali MM. l-.1-.111.- M...1- in London.— m. w. ki. 1"J 11 TO HAKKKN OUT HAIK L-s-kycr's Sulphur Hair MMMMr, aaaMMM, m|. -1 1.-.-t MMMMMai nutu-Hl
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    • 815 3 BHIPPINQ. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE k "POB COLOMBO AND BOM BAT Th« s. s. AHROYO, having left Shim oie-.'ki on the J-Jnd inst.. may be eil«et«l to arrive hero on or about the Jnd proi. Sh« will havo i,ni,k dospatch for the above MMM, For freight and p*aaagc
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 164 3 ARRANGEMKNTS )|.,M.tV, JUI.T. Hinh Water. !».8 p. m. P ...tball. Cup Tie R. A. <•. K.-gt Pbilbarmouie Choir. |yH p.m. Ti i -n iv, orii Jili. Hiu'h Water. 10.44 a.m. 9.57 p New Moon. 12 40 p.m. M M. homeward mail M. M. outward mail due at v.miii. Church Work
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    • 234 4 Under thia hrwlinif tlin Mto«Mf ahhreriationa are uaad atr.— stnainnr i i— ship hq.— hariius Itrit Itriti.l, U. H— tTnitwl State,: Kr.— Freneh; (jer.— German; Dut.— i)utr-;, Tm iTmmii Su- <;..-.- 4mmml cariro; d. p.— deck paaa*n»T"rH I' —l', r. tain T. P. W.— Tanjonir Pa(far Wharf
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    • 1225 4 KBivAi.s simck Noon of Ykhtebdat. Baljem. (Jer. utr. MB MM, ('apt. M-lUM'd.-r. Mk July. Sliantfliai. IM June. 1 ,1. p. B"lm Meyer k Co. F.t Itr n. 2nd— B. W. Sri //,..i./ Ann, Brit. «tr. I'iM fmn. ''.pUin R<izpllh. 2nd July. From T. Ansnn via port* 2tflli
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    • 123 4 Name. Pert, and Dale oM.ii/.h, From LmM l>.-iihi.rli.|iire May. Cmit M«> 1 i,1.-.,.,r.-<'v MBT&; i imbm, Bay lt.-iiloni<ii.i|.'Miiv H r Hill M.iv W, QUmmwrj, Im Australia. Jut i;.n.Ul.|uivir. .Inn- In. Himalaya, June £J LIVERPOOL Kn-iy-i* Mm. Mi BanMM. M»y If fWfi. Ti KlLTtfi.. .lUIII.I. BslI*ro»Boa Ju« I 1.,i.-rt.-s.
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  • 79 4 PAftSKD SUNDA STRAITS OR AKRIVKIt KOK OKDKK.s Fl».. D*ti Wmill nmmmJ"" Jim. MNfttl -K.m.iT lax 10 ItnUvm M*t. -I, H.r. Crtil S, oi[ „>..r. giuril -I, Ijoulor Sj,,,ti, Uk..h«ni« •'.I \m -I il I V'.rk .lo m i; i iw JSiXrit 1.1 Silvrli..* D.bcbll II N"> KNad. I'm.- H.
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  • 281 4 Vemhel'h Name. Tons. CiPTilx. Hi.. Fk..«. IUIA H Sci ITrin* .v I'uli Uuau 1 Ki.n Wn| I l-uli, 11. 1 Mn 1 hHWk 1 r<i»ii of Arrmciiri 1 Vail ikWU I 11..n,i- <. nl.-.1. 1 I'n.Uuntrd 1 HoM W.n 1 L >'lv I. lU'l<-U I B -nil llrooke
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  • 66 4 I 'atk h NAim. riu bm tan, :*> IMmlij KHuon ill; 1! Udjr U.uiid.u I Ambent I' Wr« M.du-. I K,,.n V.i.j i laMb M Hataaf ■J Flml.kini ■Main lint.-tr itr. itr. .In. -tr. l>ut. >tr. «r. lint HMm M»iu ShuuWu UIM M NatO.Ull Mu*hi»i.Win PU«H» Bugkok
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 596 4 NOTICES. Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BHIPMENT OF JAMES WATSON Co.'s CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. THI J)OMINIE BRAND.) Ask for the DoaUM Bnuid (Black Liibel.) GUARANTEED 10 YEARS OLD. PRICE $10.00 I'BB CASE. McALISTER Co., Bole Aokms. THK LATKST AWABl.B—li'old Medal, I'sris BxUUUoa IBW. Ih. moLt ii!rf° 1 'I.- ">-" ii»t">»
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    • 699 4 NOTICES, THE BRUSH EL I A IMCAL BNGDTEERING COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. R>-c|. la way's "C»ine Itra'id belting, the most economiciil for power-transmit I ing purjiose*. OmmW Mnmj mmmb, In aud burglar-proof Doors. Robey and Co., Lincoln, Portable Eugiuus, pumping aud mining gear. Pulsoineter Engineering Company, London. Beldam's |mml M«MI Packings.
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    • 1296 4 DOCKB. THat TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LIMITED. The premises of the CompAny are sitnat d at Tanjon s I'i^ar adjoining the town of s,n pore. Steam tram-car* run atih-.rt it,* arrvtag passengers and good* from Wharf to destination! at low ratea. The Wharf extends to on* mile and a quarter
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    • 882 4 NOTICES Kstal.l, h"<. I*;-,. |>I LEY.HARGBEAVES4CO. Enoinkices, icon a b«ass Wmnwmwa, Bot!.EEMAKCK!>. BrIUOK BciLPKKS. ShIIBOILIIEBs, GkseEAL CONTEACTOES. SINGAPORE 4 KV4LA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH clasa STEAM VESSELS always undxr ponstruction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. lenfftli of k(N>l. of best Am\fn and finish. MACHINERY lrom loading British Firms
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