The Straits Times, 31 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
22 25 The Straits Times
  • 12 22 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1«31. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1894. NO. 18,331.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 524 22 M i i (MPANIES. s v-ULAR nil .ATION COii. Omn- <ollT»r Q«ay. ■> and Ooaowwl— NVw H* itsawsrs stay h» pip.- t.^l to ar- *r&i aad leave Bingapor* b. .-.wdaUa:— «N i IBM. v- dates ar« only approiin l»o»rtnre« m>\ r «r<J bmaxl |iasßHl|fr» wiahin? to vinit i' I-mmha for
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    • 1407 22 STEAMSHIP COMI'ANIKS. For Borneo Vurtt viaßaweanandSourabaya On the Hth of -wry month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and pas--1 senders to banjermassin, Pulo Laut, Pasair, snd K'.t.-i. Once every month on the 23rd a steamer is iles|«it,'h.-d to Dongala, Berow, and Bulongan also calling at Banjennaamn,
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    • 895 22 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ■VTORDDECTBCHER LLOYD. ll BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sue/., Aden, Colombo, Singa]iore, and Hongkong. In connection with thn arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 776 22 INSURANCES. t~\ UARDFAN KIBE AND LIKE ASSURANCE VJ COMPANT, LIV.rED, LONDON. Established 18S1. Subscribed Capital 45,00Q,000 ToUl Invested Funda 4.51 A.000 Annual Income, 938,000 The nnderaignea, agent* fcr the above Company, are prepared to accept flre risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at current rate* to
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    • 528 22 BANKS. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFT HOOOOOOO PROPRIETORS j-*iu,uw,uuu Cor/sr or Dibbctobs: Craibman— H. HOPPIUS, Eaq. Depctt Chaibman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Eaq. 8. C. Ml. H»«L»O» E,q. A. McCOIACIIt, E»|. H. H. Joan™. E«,. J. 8 Moa«a,Ea<i. Hon. J. J. Ki.wicm.
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    • 191 22 yOTIOBtt. McALISTER Co. UREBH SHIPMENTS TUST A RRIVED JUST A RRIVED A UBTRALIAN T>RODUCB. T> UTTER. TJUTTIB. Pure AiiKtralian Butter in 7 lb. tins at 40 centa par lb. JJAV JJAt In Bales of about 2| cwt. at 57.50 per Bale. CHAFF. piAFF \J Prime Oaton Chaff in Sacks of
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  • 555 23 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sikoafobb 31ot Mat, 1884. PRODUCE. Gambier, I 7.50. do Cube No. 1, 11.75. do do No. 2, Copra Bali 5.95. do Pontianak, 572Vi. Pepper Black, 9.65. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.30. do Brunei 2.02Va. Pearl Sago 3.35. Coffee Bali M 40. Coffee Liberian, 41. Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 109 23 For Pt Hr. /We To-Mobbow. Fmmactle »i« port", Bultan, 9 m Uftta Pfthat, Aing Ann, 9 a.m. F'atu Pah*!, SuKana, 11 a.m P. Darwin ria port.-, Daririn, Noon. Pootiaaak, L.t>~k, Nooi. Klaog Tia port-, Sri Ptaalan, 3 p.m. Klang ria port*. Will r' Ihe Witf, 3 p.m. t'aJyjxu,
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  • 101 23 F«on EiiBorc Bj the M. M. 1. 1. Sydney dM om 6ta Jut. Fbom CaiNA:— Ptr foraun tUamr Prtiutn do* oa 8aUrd*y. lim Table or Mailh to London. L*ft Slampor* Du* in Lmdoa Arriml Apl. 10th Jl. If. May Stb May Stk Apl. 18th P. 4 O.
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  • 266 23 ABRIVALH. I ''T P. A O. s. s. Malacca from Hongkong i Capt. Bradshaw, Lt. C. S. Taylor. Messrs. <i. Atzeoroth, E. Shepherd, and Mrs. R. Dennies. From Kobe Mrs C. Krebs. Per s. s. C. Aprar from Hongkong Mrs. Olifent, Mr-. Bagram, Miss Manak, and Miss Trigge.
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  • 68 23 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 31ST MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Establisheh 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Subtcription rales and adoertiiiwj riilei may he found on the fourth page.] THE FRENCH MINISTRY. M. Hanotaux bas been appointed to be French Minister of Foreign Afikirs. THE BAHR EL GHAIAL QUESTION. Germany has protested at Brussels
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 239 23 Thb resignation of M. Stanibouloff. announced in to-day's telegram, shown that Bulgaria too, is passing through a political crisis which looks not less grave than the complications in Servia. Simv the delivery of Bulgaria from Turkish rule, Stamlmuloff has played tho most prominent ]>olitical j>art there,
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  • 16 23 The Sungei UjoDg Government advertises for a Chinese interpreter at a salary of S5O per month.
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  • 21 23 Thb i. s. Catherine Apcar and P. 0. i t. Malacca have arrived from Uougkong aud have been placed in ({uarautiae.
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  • 15 23 The Russian Volunteer fleet steuuier Kottroma, arrived to-day from Odesna with 495 immigrants for Vladivostoek.
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  • 21 23 Mr. A. H. van Bibma, the special ageat of the New York Lite Insurauee Company, bas arrived at SiDgapore from Batavia.
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  • 22 23 Mb. J. R. Innbs disposed of tbo business in the seeoud magistrate's court to-day, Mr. Authunisz beiug eugaged in the first court.
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  • 24 23 Tub Raffles Club will be opeu to number.-, from to-uiorrow, and tb« formal o|ieuiug of the Club is tiled (or Friday the 15th proximo.
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  • 25 23 Me»«rs. Powell A Co., advertise tbat ou Thursday, 7th June, they will bell by auction, frveuold laud ou Kaue Course Koad and in L'biua Street.
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  • 24 23 The usual monthly work-meeting of the Cuurch Work Association, will be Held at the Rafßes Girls' School on Tuesday, June stli, at 4 o'clock.
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  • 26 23 At the dale of last advices from Calcutta, the beat tbere was intense. Horses were dying in the streets, aud boiuw deaths occurred among the sbippiug.
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  • 24 23 Tib Netherlands ludian Government •tckuii-r FAikaiin arnv.-.l here Im m Kino _»e»tercU_v, aucliureU a few buur* in tbe ruada, aud theu left fur Buagkalit.
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  • 25 23 Haumhton'h Cikcus, which, last night, concluded the best seasou the Circus lias ever had iv Singapore, leaves this afternoou by the German mail tor China.
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  • 27 23 Me. Lavish, Consul-General for Netherlands, leares tor 6a.utaraug, to-morrow nioruiag by tue steamer K'nxji' on a trip to Haul Jara. He will be aOseul about a fortnight.
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  • 29 23 At the meeting of the Legislative Council this atteruoon H. K. Major General H. T. Vaughau-Joucj, aud Messrs. Hutteul>,ii.h aud fit.-ati Liang Scab look the oaths aud their seats.
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  • 38 23 The Criminal Assizea concluded yebterday, Mr. Justice Law sittiug. The last case od the calendar was a charge agaiuat a Kliug for stealing a driuk stall belouglDg to a Javanese. Prisouer wan senteuued to two years' rigorous irupmouieut.
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  • 56 23 The Mm York Herald of the :*rd lust, publishes the followiug telegram fruui i'liiladelphia Presideat Crauip, of Messrs. Cramp and Sons, shipbuilders, aououuces that he has proposed to the British Admiralty to bid tor the coustructiou of some of the new ships to be built for the British Nary uuder
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  • 67 23 In the Barbadoes tualadiiiiuistratiuu of justice rase which was being heard before the High Court whcu the mail 1.-t t Lord Coleridge itaid tbat, if lit* were mlting alone, of course he could issue a rule for contempt, but if he were autiug with his learned brothers, he did not
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  • 64 23 MfcssßM. John Rtan mid Joseph Wright are Cauadiau scullers, wb.> lain gone specially to Eogland from Torouto in order to compete at tlia Heulev Regatta on the 3rd, 4th, aad sth of July. They have decidod to row for the Diamond Sculls and also in tbu Pain. Mr. Kvnu has
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  • 67 23 It being in contemplation to make a considerable uhange in the metli 4 o f sending troops to India in the neit troop ing season, involving the discontinuance of the present troopships, proposal, arf on foot for the greater port of the trans port being undertaken by the Peninsular aud
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  • 75 23 A plockt rescue from drowning was »c. complished at Kobe by Morton Thurgason A.8., of the QUnfruin, in the harbour, on the 12th inst., we learn from the HyogoStvi A shipmate engaged in cleaning the ship 1 side was seized by a fit, and in a helpless condition fell into
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  • 89 23 Mr. Chaki.ks F. i>b Mob.may, b planter in Province Wellesley, who was part pro. prictor of Malakofl estate, along with tbe late Mr. D. Comrie, died on the 27th May from a pistol shot wound deemod to be accidentally inflicted. He always tlt^t with a revolver under his pilkw, aud
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  • 84 23 Tbe Perak Government OateiU- gives a short discription of the methods einplove.] by Perak Malays iv preparing their bendangs, and planting and harvesting th. r padi. Propitiation of the paddy spirit plavi a promiuent part in these ui.-ih.. to secure crops. The harvest takes aoms two mouths to complete, owiug
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  • 103 23 Thk Secretary of State in a despatch laid on the table at tbe L'-gislativeCousul meeting this afternoon says that he observes that an import duty ou petroleum might apparently be collected with cm. and without involving any practical interference with the f.ecdoin of the Mfto, Hut as such a tax
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  • 122 23 A collision (..'tween the steamer* Ifiil, Man. aud ilanmmUhihire took place outside the Tunynha lightship near Shanghai on the night of the 11th inst. The Monmtiutktkire was at anchor wben, just before midnight, sho was run into liv th.' Miilc* ilaru, aud sustained somewhat serious damage to her stem. It
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  • 131 23 Tick StoNo, IV L Beow and Tel Tiaiu. were to charged Wore Mr. Innes today for wilfully permitting a false statem.'iit to l>e BMM to the Deputy- Registrar of Births and Deaths respecting th« death of Tek Tee. It is alleged that the defendants went to Supoy Lines Polir« Station
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  • 150 23 Lord bas decided tv abolisli tht registratiun aud iuB|«ctioii o( brothels in the Colony. A Council pa|>er given the correspondence, on the subject, which includes a despatch from Sir Cecil S .litb protesting BBBiaat the ineastire Ripon writes to Sir C« B. H» Mit chell in April last, iiummticiug
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  • 64 23 Thb Band of the 2nd Battalion Us> colnshire BogiatMt will play the fbllowift| program me ol the Esplanade, i.'v r'ri'lur Ist Juue, commencing at i> p. m Prodkammk. 1. Valse Xmw.ffeuT.jiu/ OtaT" t .S.<l«rtion Xi Trmvili Verdi 3. Gavott». ..Air Ann A^ h 4. Solootion r
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  • 184 23 At (i place mlUd Mbbbbb. British Nortt Borneo, early this month, two polici-mm ■nd othon van kOlai. It tppmn tin l>ad fatliag hid hooa nowiag ap lx"»" ili.' fJiiTtraawii Chief. Polmb, on tli,. ouo baud, aud a ehiof Qaaciag <>n tho other, .nit of dnwbo
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 836 23 rpHB BORNBO OOMPANT, LIMITED. rpHE Standard Life Aesnranee X Norwich Unien Fire Ini"ir»nc« Society. Atlas Assurance Company I Fir* Th« BqniUbln Life Assurance Society Tho Ocean Marine Insurance Company. Th* <'hina Mutual Stoam Navigation Coy The Tottenham laager Beer Company. The Maritime lnmiran^e Company, Limited. For pa'ticulars nf these Companies
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    • 957 23 NOTICES. I The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 749 23 NOTICEB. JOHNIJTTLE&Ca NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS. An Adopted Wife Heavenly Twins Sharps snd Fists Princess of Paris In Direst Peril The One Too Many Scarboro Romance M. Lindsay Gordon's Poems. A LARGE SELECTION OF MACMILLAN A Cob. "COLONIAL SERIES OF POPULAR WORKS. Colonial Series" of Popular Works A. 1. Telegraph
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    • 1044 23 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. POE RANGOON, CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer NUDDEA. 1,932 tons. Captain A. B. Cave, B.if 8.. will be despatched for the above ports on Saturday, ths 2nd June. For freight or passage, apply to 2 6 BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents. T^OR HAVRE, HAMBURG
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    • 78 23 M.S.S. itttmtrt for tU Strtita Ttmtt >lU»U bt *ntl«» tn >m n4< UWMfwr »nl». By IU »«.Ur l Ikat <m4u Mm MM M.S.ST S* r.,ttU* IS*I mljkt » U AU li»rliii»| mlnHa *r> I-. Id. mjilm lU< IU Bjufr—vU— Mm iliiiliiimirf ml l>« |»T<r m mm wnmrf mmUtr. kill a*
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    • 94 23 VKSSKI.S AliVKKTlSKHTtlSAll. to Boam! i] I MllDKfi.'l'l -HI I I rorCotoafaOMi Hoinl.HV. H.rmhoM.M* .In.- Ut Jun.-. I'at^mou Snu-m »n<l O roc Ku.-r'. Nmw. Jn.l in IfM Md I 0 to IVniin- *Md ChlNlkh "> Jun.-, Booitaad Md On. on Kor bmaaJ l..n.lon. «laiB»r»«»«*' r 2nJ June. Hoiut«Kl and t'u. K...
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 96 23 WEATHER REPORT JTomtoiw Jrabau HotpUal, J»f(i Jfuy, 1891. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. I'.uihii Bar. red. 32 Fah. 39.818 29.721 29.750 J? Temp 84.8 80.4 80.2 "S Wet Bulb Ther. 79 0 79.0 75.6 f-|« Dir. of Wind wsw. W. Calm. Max. Temp, in shade 89.6 Mm. do do
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  • 205 24 •hr U«»Utive Cooocil meeting this* M of thn followmg qu.-s- ha* rtt*'** 1 furth"" 1^ information ,U''i«i'>n of H M 's government reduction of the Military not whether any t)oa be offered of tbe cause of W hrt her the at--1 has b«en drawn Sir K Übet
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  • 429 24 THK IAM IM'I STRY. i M i mere mMumi r HMAfOM i.tmih rrut ri.isnvt MM WtrmU, UtStay) .we worki '1 in sin Ii ijuantitn h lIM north to I'jpar that tlie tvai! i'ilc at I, it'ii m, lias bM it away. '\\\v lltinjennissLn trip from Singapore
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  • 52 24 f-Vtfni Mr O. BhMgU Mi«i Mur»*li«, >n »"'»ii'. CtNW < N AkKIVK.) ir.m I.,).,.!,,,,. R Ll>ul .S.nn^r. Li»U< I .«-l T W. H),|.. MfcYi,,'!"'""' fr ln L«u'i»u. M»y i'., Mm. from Ixmdon, Juup B, Mrv ll'ii ib from MarwiUM. Mr Tempter, Mr. J. ««WelW, V.u P.peudrfcht, and Ml4fc^W. »ud
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  • 430 24 I Suiyil'inrntary to Strait* Timet Telegramt. (Via Crylon). PULITICAI. ARRESTS IN RUBBIA. FRENCH POLITICS. MB. PITMAN KN'MUTBI). THE NEWMARKET STAKES. APPLICATION UF THK INDIAN LOAN. DETAILS OF THK CONGO TREATY. l.iiiidon. Jltt May. Splendid preparations have been made at MMMM and Salfonl in honour of the openi.-jg of
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  • 146 24 A Cokkksi'ondent writes to the linlUh iflllM JsfM Htrald: "I see there has MM some correspondence iv the Singapore I .i|..i about the music at the Cathedral, in which wa* a reference to a wail from IVnang concerning the rendering of the music at the Anglican Church there.
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  • 240 24 Thk business of life insurance, of very MMM nlt Vl r v ''■'I'"' vu r w !'i in Japan, s.iMiis to be already suffering from abuses that have distigurt-d its early rears, more or leas, i" every couutrv. There are three ■ml companies in existence, the
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  • 222 24 TO THE EDITOR OF THI STRAITS TIMES." Bib, You may remember that some months ago aud very soon after the arrival of Captain Webster and myself in this country, a paragraph app< md in your paper stating that we had MOM here to explore the
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  • 271 24 OANII l-Hl'.H.i COFFEE. (From our QmVMMMMM Wednesday. A darinii gang robbery was committed on one of the estates here on Monday night last. A force of 10 or 15 Chinese, armed with guns and knives, raided tbe Cambus estate Javanese lines, iv which are some 30 coolies.
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  • 304 24 Amonu the papers laid before the Legislative Council to-day is one en the strength and cost of the garrison. It consists of a despatch from Sir Cecil Smith to Lord Kipou in which our late Governor, iv pointing out the burden of the Military Contribution, raises the
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  • 173 24 Thi Japanese Consul, Mr. T. Nakagawa arrived mi the 4th April at Sandakan and, says the British North Burma Herald, made himself acquainted with the position of the few Japanese who have emigrated to North Borneo aud with the pro«|K'cts afforded by that country
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  • 275 24 Telegraphic •-•>itiiiiiitii<-itt ton mmmb Singapore him! Labuan was established in April liy a MMi laid by tin- Eastern Extension Aus-Iralii-ian ami Chiua T«*li->f rapli ('oni|uiiiy. It understood that this lini' will lie MMmDj used by tli« Imperial QaVMMMMi ami by the BmUm public i.'. 1
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  • 600 24 A Council paper contains despatches and telegrams on the Exchange com(tensation allowance to Civil Servants. Sir Cecil Smith writes to Lord Ripon. in November 1892, enclosing a memorial on behalf of tbeCivil Servauts to the Secretary of State. Then follow telegrams and memorandums elucidating tbe subject
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  • 641 24 THE KI-BASIANB APPIAL. THET WANT MMII M: PBIVILIOBB. A memoranihm on the subject of exchange compencation, as it affects Eurasian officers from India and CeyloD in the Straits Government service, has been drawn up at Penaug for circulation among the members of the Legislative Council. It
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 80 24 "I^vEAFNESS COMPLETELY CURED Any |>ersoii *ulTeriii>r from Deafness, Noises iv tlie Head, \c may loaru of a new, simple MMMMkj which is proving very sue Msfal iv completely curing cases of all kinds Full particulars, including many unsolicited testimonials and newspaper press notices, will be sent (Hist free on application.
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    • 605 24 NOTICES. BOARD A LODGING for one or 2 gentlemen or a married couple at Tandjong Katong facing and elooe to the sea. Apply to 31/5 K. Z. e/o Strait* Time* BOARD aud Residence wanted by English bachelor. Apply, stating terms and locality, to 4/6 English c/o Strait* Time*. j)OON E
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    • 930 24 BHIPPINQ. FOR GENERAL S!{IP}"IN« NKWs SEE PAGE 4. fjiOß SOURABATA DIRECT. The KONOSEE will be d**patch*d for the above port on Thursday, :ll*t May. For freight or pnenagn, apply to 31/5 W. MANSFIELD A Co. TjlOR COLOMBO AND BOMFaT. The HEROBHIMA MARU, having left Hongkong on thn '.'•ith inst may
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 86 24 M{|;am;i Ml a F 8 lih-km'vy. ;Im Haw. ■/alar. T'.'l p.m. Kkihav. Isi .1. si 8.14 iin 8A p.iii. "11 I' .Mils I BmlaMMi p.m. s* 1 1 UtAT, Jmi .lim •I. H M p.m. B.C. < 2nd XI a MMi I sI.U. MMMi mail doses at I p.m. Jim
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    • 182 25 Under this heading the following abbreviv HaM nre used str. otnamor; sh. ship b<|— barmifl Brit Kriti-tli U. S.— Hatted States: jn French; <Jer. German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; Ac. <J.<- (i>-n»r il cargo d. p. di>.-k jinx -ngers U. Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjoug Pagar Wharf
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    • 1140 25 Arrivals since Noon or Ykntkuhay. Sumatra, G.t. «tr. 407 tntut. (apt. laahatlM 10th Hay. From Deli 28th Miiv. <i >n I 7 d. p. B«hn Meyer i. Co. For Deli 31«t. -H. W. ttnindra, Hrit. Btr. 1.i'.0l tens Capt. ParsonH. .list May. From Madras via ports l!Hli M
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    • 118 25 law, t:rt, iml llttr s/JhMaf From [mm (ilni-lii.-l Apl. K i 'ant. in. May I Cannartlimisliit'- May 8; Britnmim May 11 ii-i-.'um. May H Df«nbij{h»liir*» May. 1.1 VI Kl'H'il. bugta Mar. M| Tartar, Apl. J>; K. '"*****11 Ma; Baku Vi-ur^'is li-t. 'rnijf !•■<*. Das. 7 Incliarran, Dae. 1".
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  • 168 25 Vmil'l Name. a a Ton i'ai'tais. Km Fk..m. BAIUD. :i" CithariM Apc»r If > Miiijcc* .ok ■A> lUka Vnjiiunhis 90 tilcuKjrlc .'{(l F«ll(xlon Hal! M I'.-likiiwi M IVnang :'^i I):. vert] HI Sumatra :si Sn Hoog Ai.ii SI I'uli Add SI I-aMI. 31 Ko-tron,., 31 i-im Ir, 31 Xu.U.-n
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  • 85 25 Din ViuHti/it Run. Flaii A Rio CAI-TAIN I)«^TT^ I ill Kiu V>n: :tl Sam Tor 31 Chi-nx Hje Tinif 31 M.AL.Ut M I ene H» 31 K 31 K.jth Hrooke 31 Sri lmmljur II I-.r 31 Bnt.Ktr. »lr. »tr. -lr i-tr. Qtf. -lr. Btit.rtr. Kut Mr. s«r.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
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    • 703 25 NOTICES. A CURE FOR ASTHMAII! C-r.IMAULT'S INDIAN CIGARETTES Asthmntii- ji^oplo wlm mffor from Op- preosion in reathing, Ktitling sensations',' Hoarseness, and Loss of voice, Ncr- vous coughs. Laryngitis. Colds, with Whaanteg, bronchitis, Insomnia, a flections, and difficulty 1 in Expe^'oi at;on. an promptly relieved GiIMAULT I CO., Paris, Sal. ij
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    • 893 25 NOTICES. £»Übli»het 1865. "DIIiET,HARORBAVEB4CO. Engineers, Ibon A Brass Founixbs, Boilkbmakbks, Bridok Bcildkrh, ***** BCILDKBB, GBNEBAL COWTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. BHIP BUILDINO YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always nedftr construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design lcl finish. MACHINERY trom leading Bntish Firm; with
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    • 182 25 NOTICES. TAMES MOTION A (JO CUBONOMBTIB, WATCH A CLOCK MAKCB. ahd Opticians, Flikt Btbb«t. Hare always on hand a well selected stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Diamond Jewel lery, and Nautical Instruments. Bnoalatu Gold. American Clocks. Broochaa do. Carria** Clocaa Earrlnira Diamood. Marble Cloeki. LoekaU. Drawim Ini'rniiMnU. Udlaa' Simra Diamon.i
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    • 222 25 NOTICES. FOR 18&4. TTIBM Hiil-SBHOLDBRS* BAZAAR 1 BOOK. N«w aj»d Impkovbd Editiok. A conveniently arranged hook in whi»k 1 Mlk <••» on'or daily all hoiiseaeal^? with a H«>partt« rolnmn for ss.-l, A in the week, a separate page for wh w^,W *J the year, and a separate line for all
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