The Straits Times, 29 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
14 17 The Straits Times
  • 12 14 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY; MAY 29, 1804. NO. 18.829.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 424 14 HIP COMPANIES. SAVI-.AII. J '\y. UHiavasand Oooowii*— Ins nail stsamws but br I ards and Imv* Singapore kom«wa. s wing dats. i— Hmiwiim IWT ISM. i Snrtt Ml) I. M,i > I It" .tl. Urn, m las and tlirni-.--r i. Ismailia '<t loaalfart ,rr now i*ra*d at obaas saai •liat*
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    • 269 14 MBHIP COMPANIEB DKfe,TV>ABT ands 1 :..r first el««>, foi I liii strie light and i i 1 :ie<! at VKI.I.IKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. isTE-iuKD Sailings and Expectkh Arbivais r<v Stkamess. Steamnrs Will sail. Expected From bs'ti. in- j l.omlon MBd hUr. X bM V iv. 9 pat, ,f TH Hylandt
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    • 637 14 A.MSHII- COM PA NIKS. r Hornet J'ortt via Bawnan and 'vmrabaya. li of ev.-ry month a steamer runs in 'Mil taking direct cargo and pas- banjormassin, Pnlo Lant, Passir, and K"tei. Ojwc < )rd a steamer is daepalahad t.. Daasjala, Hetow, and Bnlongan auamte, Pulo Laut and i i bmh
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    • 862 14 STEAM-Hl!' I OMFANIEa "\T fl B D I.I.nVD. ll The fast and wklMthowli =te»mr'» of this line rnn reijnlar'y between Bromerlnven and Slmnirlisi, eallvjs; en rnatg ni \ritw»rr, Soiitliamtiton. Genne, Kap'efi, Port Raid, Si«*. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with trie arrivals and departures of mi. the Company's
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    • 651 14 IVSUBANOBiI. COMPANY. Liy.rED. I.ONDON. EaTAALtSIHD ÜBL, KuDscribed Capital 4S.nno.noO Total Invited t\mde 4,61ft,00G r...a .ji, StM.uCO 'llie UEdcri'i r 7n«o, nbovo Compftny, arc prepared to accept, fire ri. k* lor abort t periods oftendnyior longer peno Is st current ra!«* to i i to. 00. ££,00e.UX) do. M LJ! Fa
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    • 634 14 BANKS. HI AND SHANGHAI KING CURPORATIOW. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 HISKHVE mm) S 4,200,000 REBFKVE LUI'ILITY OF") JIOOOOOOO PBOFIOTOBI j .»i0,000,000 Court or Diaacroas: Chaibman-U. HOPPIDS, Esq. DiruTT Chaikmam— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. s. BTinsißlSSa T.u\. A. McComom, E»i. H It Jo-.i-h J S Mo«i«,Eki. H.ll J J Ksswna. D. B
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    • 188 14 NOTIOBB. McALISTER Co. LIRBSH SHIPMENTS FUBT A RRIVED TUBT ARRIVED A UBTRALIAN T>RODUCE. UUTTER T>UTTBR. Pure Australian Batter in 7 lb. tins at 40 centa per lb. JJAY JJAT In Hale, of altout Ji cwt. at S7., r >o per Bale. rmuw. /"ihait Prime Oaten Chaff in Sack* of about
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  • 532 15 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sin.japobb 29th Mat, IWM. PRODUCE. Qambier. 7.40. do Cube No. 1, 11.75. •do do No. 2, 8.%. Copra Bali 5.90. do Pontianak 5-72V4-Pepper Black 9.75. Sago Flour, Sarawak..... 230. do Brunei 2.0214. PoarlSago 3.35. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 41. Tapioca small Flake 4.15. do do
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  • 128 15 For P*r Hr. 7'iw« Tu-Mobbow. Kurope riaport', Routta. 7 a \a. Klkiiii via ports. Hong Wan. 1 p in. A ii. 'i r;a portt, Ch**nf Chtxi. 3 p.m. P-i, tuna, via porU, Ban Whatt Hin, 8 p.m Mm Arntou vih porU, Malacca. S p. a. I', Ui<. (»,lr,ym«J«,
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  • 86 15 Fo» ¥.\v.iih. By the German Bay«rti lu< t > mjrrow ev»uio?. i'hina Pit Gcrmmi -tf.imor das on vru lar Apl. 10th Apl. 18th Apl. 24ih May M M ij- •itli M»? Bth Hq l.!:h M.,» 23rd M. M P. AO. M. M. P. AO N. D.
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  • 270 15 AEKIVALS. Her a. Sink from Belawan i Mrs. Tilma, ami Miss Otojo. For P. A O. s. s. RMUa from London Mr. R. H. Kerr, Mrs Shaw, Qu. |S.-rjft. J. Hiaw, and Mr*. W. J. Brewer. From Colombo C'iy. Serjft. Major Hind* From Briu dini Dr. L. L.
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  • 103 15 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 29TH MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ESTABLIHHED I 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Subicription ratet and ailoertiting ralet may be found on the fourth page.] MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENT. Lord Tweeduiouth has beva appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. THE BAHB EL OHAZAL TROUBLE. *In tbe House of Common*, Sir
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 504 15 Mi D. D. Fraskr, the Acting British Consul at Batavia. in his re|K»rt on Ti,i 1.--and Commerce in Java during IS!K{. notes that the export business of the island during last year, compares t.iv.niraKlv with that in the uoivuKpondiug ptrtfaa Pi the previous year.
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  • 11 15 Thk homeward mail per ttwuiln eloaaj at 7 a. m. to-morrow.
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  • 10 15 Precautions ag-iinst the Hoagkoag plague have been taken at Baagkok,
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  • 18 15 It is re|K>rted that four European constables of the police force at Penan,' havi sent in their resignation.
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  • 20 15 A dresser is requiivd by IllMlliaailHlll for tbe Perak Government, at a salurv of $40 f>er month with frte quarters.
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  • 15 15 Mb. Huttenbach, tbe Bawljr<*ppoiotad Legislative Councillor, will Uka I in the Council at Thursday's aaatiag.
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  • 20 15 Thk P. i O. mail «teaui<>r Jiotettu, which arrived this looming from Hongkong, has been quarantined off St. John's bland.
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  • 21 15 The Imperial German mail steamer Preuss*n baviug passed BtMgkOßg to-day at 9 a.m. may be expected to arrive here ou Saturday.
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  • 24 15 Thk I'enaag Muuicipalit v have daeidad not to pass by-laws agaiust the plague, as the probabilities of the plague rmcfciog Penang are considered rtawte.
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  • 33 15 Fkom the Ist July, IW4, au «j i M/..r< m duty of one aud a-lmlf Mr cent, will U; charged on the gross ralue of nil pgflaa exported from the State of Peru!*
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  • 27 15 Sa!a'» Jottrnalhiis gone mto liqaidaiioD. It is leaa thtn a year ago W Vi//'< Journal was registered as a limited eonpany with a nominal capital of 490,000.
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  • 60 15 Thk Chinaman arrested for Mtarillg the premises of the Chartered Men mtilc Bank aud •t«aling »ome old djIIMi ■ill be tried at the Criminal Assues this weok. Thb exhibition of native dre«« n .id,.,, ArcbipeUKo. held at .6^.°,^ the end v t la«t month, baa Bi T «T. of LWM.
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  • 36 15 Amoso the r *,H. r read, at the L» MM S,K-,e.y' S m«tin K at L JQ ,1 „,7 n Mtv -rd wa* oue on tbe Fertil,,,, «ruiu Malav*n Or,hid.." by M lv Kldlev, F.L.B. N
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  • 22 15 wtiiuh hat bwu couiuiis»iaue<l l>v J., lU..U. to relieve thecru,-^:^ on tlieChiua sUtion, left Plvmoutl, 3rd mat. for her d-at nai.ou. Oa
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  • 29 15 The lifaMatara of the HaaM tiph.r.tiou >Jy.,1,,.u- (l.mited, •'■.'tu,ec,ei, t o r <)lu .c MV piuvar,i., lll ,r«i to u d panicoJart of debts or cUilni to the liquidator,..
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  • 32 15 The Association football matcU \,W, a oa tbe 5.11.C. ground but eve, twee,, lrtlm tlie 8 c 0 M(J Ciub roiultcJ in a wiu for th. team bf one pal at nothing.
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  • 30 15 H V M» Contul.O«oenil Hdvcru^, that the Uttiag .a ,1,,. aaajhSaf, S? pork, and pawabfobar't farms t t 7 ■anataat-reaid j, Billiton, will take dW. ou DWaraar, ttth Aoffaat, BtTaaoW
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  • 36 15 A-fiieral BMOtaafof tile in,|,,U. r Swiiumi.m Club ie to be held i,, tlie T Mall, Mfo'aloak tail -v,-n 1u o r n tbe pionsmtial ci uttee't Kaon „i Mataaaeai ot accounts, aud te tUi cum null
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  • 29 15 •I'hk Colonial S.,ivtuir telegram from the H..n«krtno;Oo W Dui«, yesterday afternoon, as tollowt M..rt,ili t> Jawaattag, aharaakw Bfdaat ikaaglßtfarttebettar. if hajoHaal o£Z occurs particulars will U- se,,t )v aaajMa?
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  • 38 15 Thk newlv-appoiutel Coinmauder-i n (net of the tin vv m Ni-therlandt lv,],, Mr. KniVS, left the Hl-11e,.|, LT ia orbVr to oatar apoa his fuacl naval Minister and nutneron, oflfltn were present at tbe station to w departure.
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  • 50 15 \i M.xieo on the J7th April, Wlj officially dVaied thai there I. m any int'iiton n the pirt of tM O.iveriim nt reUlmte againil I and the United Stal n for their i to riUer, i.v placing rartai t,. t] of -J.'. par cent, on the imports I, IDlllltlil s.
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  • 50 15 HAunto**! circus will oolv rbwrh Saajason two more aathta; and th^ nriMU-nient intends to aIOM ll: with ppociallv attractive |.rou'raimn. ■< For to atrwe (WwWm.lhv i. oa fion nf the li. n-tit to Mr Bob; the BMuacer, tbe show will u-the Iwnton record, iiml a crowded house in t -i
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  • 62 15 A repiv bat tin n raeoltod bj the Kmum lianlis from the Secret irv of S Indii. eoaearaiag tboekinu Hlltioll lll.lde ill eons. .||lten f I lie ri-f'u- .i. of tbe 1111 l HI io\erl)lll.|lt to re, silver in tra'imt at the time the iikhi. Wel-e closed oil Jutle |M
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  • 61 15 Liikh Blebo'e BaMaiaaj Darbr<D sji-eeh lias I.e. in of 1 1 1 :mi, ■OoVa of lVlia'neiif. Thin viar, h it appear* thai L ,rd BMbodoM i 'V.- the adjournment of th. House nf 0 mills over th,. |)crliv.|>n Tbe noble Lt.'i lofor I i preat rapi live that any 1,,e»
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  • 75 15 A* the I. nnd Kit-ami r Manila wji leaviag rloocjkoag for Bbaagbai on tb* afteVnooo of the BSrd in«tAnt »he ww drilled liv the strong curront upon ii Urg» boulder, at the wharf al Eairlom, and bai in he Hi ile Faal to th,. wlmrf laaJa, attempts io baa] herotT
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  • 88 15 Thk paroba I tbt FimimU, It est yacht in tbt wnrld, l>v .Mr (iould. il.l. si son of the late I wizard of w.ill Street, hat bran bi I light bowm Ifroret which will •aobtaawa. kfr. Ooold gave t'V 1 the yarht. The Vciil.nit has iii I Or another COOI
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  • 82 15 A i Eoogkoag hi tlje J.{rd iuitiut. tw. M'y-tiii-i deatbt from plague ■an reported, a deonaM ol fosr, i witb ili" iL'ui. s for the or iooj <l». v r l»--r iii' deatba, aad apoa tl it-, ord tii" oonfiftion of t ,-s is justiii.-d thai tl.. ban well grappk
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  • 96 15 Tin: M OaOßtfl M ircb2Blb tbeChim EVkiog was brougbl to tbt town I K'*»lie^iir. The Inropraa liae eodt al U the difttanee between tb< I buodred milee of Dwaataiooiu alum- brrakt >be dirvd comn land from the Atlantio Io tbe ateaaia ngne I the Conreotioo >-,' in raapoet to the
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  • 94 15 Tih. A vi.-i i-- in lif.- offio with the oi Boaatan law prohil oarrjing i' tontine iorarani preoral tb« EquiUbleand the N Llle intend t leinilll in I iatna policiet withoul tbe bat it i> evnli-nt from 1, that the bead mU haw > me hopt the obooxioot law rapaaled
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  • 95 15 On "t tbe Daniah We.,- 11l the 5,.,V1,e 4 tleSl.llll— nt doling 'he raaagtawDl betw^ Fresco and Sinn I below Bangkok lust luoimer, Oopoabageo. on the 27tb April, i court Bud depri»ed ol hij si, hi for riolati I profeaaioaal i 11,,., ific offence with which tb. win. bad
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 800 15 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. fTIHE BtanHard LUp Assorance X Norwich l'm»n Fin. In-urance Society. AUa* Aaanraoce Company I Tke BqniUble Life Assurance Society Tke Ocean Marinp Insurant Company. The China Motual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. Th, Maritime Insurant* Company, Limited. For particular* of thiwo Companies see
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    • 1161 15 NOTICES. Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation
      1,161 words
    • 791 15 NO HOBS. r EC, IS L A T 1 V E CUUXUIL. Thvrtday. Hit May, 1994 2.30 p. n. ORDERS OF THE DAT. I.— Crimpinir Ordinance Amendment B II Ist Reading. 2. Post ffipeOrdinatri? Amnndm»nt Bill do. 3. Bill t« BOOtUa for the cancellatinn of c-nilicntos frranted under "The Steam
      791 words
    • 931 15 LATENT ADVEKTISKMENTB. BOA II D ami Residence wanted by English bachelor. Apply, stating t»rms and locality, to 4/6 .BtitfliKh c/o Strait, Timei. stamps: stamps: CKYI.ON STAMPS. CARDS and ENVKLOPKS supplied to (,'ollertors. Seq/i complete t of wants with postage for raplj *nd re>ristraii'>n. Reference required for Approval .-heets to Im-
      931 words
    • 59 15 M.K.S ~tm4U tk. atn*. Tim- .KnU b, m i M m fU< t/ IK<Mfwr By tlu mM lIMI <m4u rtu2u2 n>MU that v «>»**» k» M »*"«<** mn »»jM< to tV. cmMtin IK.I tMWfWUw IU «4~rt>MiM»t ..(0/IK.p.p^ The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 91 15 WEATHER REPORT Kandanq Krabau flotpital, Wh Mau, 1894. Ham. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rimarei. Bar. red. 32 Fan. 29.829 29.*****.7U3 T»mp 83.8 84.0 78.0 Si Wet i.'ult. Ther. 80.0 77 8 76.8 h>3 Uir. of Wind 8. W. wsw. Calm. 4'i Max. Temp, inahade 86.2 Mm. do do 76.2 -2Max.
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  • 1428 16 ■< imm LiHKEM* morn*. tbi pai Th* annual ordinary general meeting „(t hi* coMPauy was held ttraH H >. tbe re|Mirt of the -and the Iml. i for the b»if Mr Stinn.-l Diner- p»-» g^otrt M Ohfiatia) haviag read the aotiet at oeaaai i thai v \l.
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  • 499 16 CHINESE IN THE DUTCH EAST INDIES. I iv I Inn ijiiestioD has Bgajfl I ut" al l.atma latterly. [hart s ,l Mroog feeliag there agaiaal John OhiaaIv hi. and the a'tiou ol proiniueiit litnks. which i. ins.- in disroiint biiU drawn by Chiiiaiucu, ii| the a thai tie latle, uii.o-
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  • 337 16 i' .Mmii •il Mti'tini; on I'ii'liv '.■[.utiiion from the uli ffU ri i v •< 1 Wi. I' .1 C. Boh, |T.-si lent, Hum A. I;. 4duii and Q. V. Mil na. fbtH of id,. ,11,1,1 ii, .in.i M .1 A. Brown, s.Ti.'tirv ..t i
    337 words
  • 140 16 I hi- curiosity in journalism. .>l which a tiuli niiuilxi haa been published, bean the title "I the Jn t niif.<- J^iliinil tf ('"in- ami tn.. 1 1 -i. >in j 1 ami publish d in London is printed a'ainat eatiraly, ataa to its a.Ui-itis.
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  • 460 16 .s'./iii./. atari tn Sfrwmi Timer laiajraam, BPIBCOPAL OPINION (>JC WKI.NH OKESTABLIKHMBNT. TUB < HCKCH IN rBANCB. TAKLIAMENTAKY CONKI.KT I!l BfNdABT. UEI-EESSION IN RCPEE PAPBB. i-i.oTTiNii in amjeiA, "l NTT CRICKKT. adaa, fM May. A Maiiif.-sti, iss,i,v| hy the English Episcopate declares that tha Disestablishment of tho vTelah Charel
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  • 539 16 BOUNI < OMfINSATION OK CHAPLAINS. "I. l'l Ii: MAM Y\l TURE. a vomam wood. "i.VI.I.AST RKm II x iv.; I —III Will cask. ,<i. IM Mas. lidiiriiKiii'iii ha~ Im-ch Maaivad bate tlmt Oaptaia C. K Allan. ■eeaaAeß^eaaaaaibg af tin- Tt li r...iiil..iv Infantry mid e.iiiiiiiaiid at I
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  • 379 16 The Berlin wn x\ utilViiL of the Daily ,V»ir# ahattihaa aowM raithea nperiaMatt which have tak-u alact n lt'-rlm with the bullet-proof material iiveuted by Ben I>owe. Those paaarat were aanaaively nnlii.i-\ men. aud every aaawMtioa waa taUeu to eusiii.- a geiuine .n.ii Tbe cart'idges were
    379 words
  • 439 16 The lVrak Kilacattna laaart for l>s'.»:!. shows iucreasi's both iv BMOak aud in enroluieut couipai.l with 18M> The i- hoids uumlier 7b", of which -fight are Eugiish chiefly attend, 1 .1 I,v Cliiuese and Tamil boys. The Kcpirt "fiuds that the education of Malay boy.s in ay
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  • 365 16 The Judicial Committee ol the Privy Council, ou April 28th, gave jttdgaMßi the case of the Bank of China, Japan, and the- Stiaits, Limited, r. tlie Amencuu Tradiug Couipauy." This was uuap|eal from a drcisiou of the Clue)! of
    365 words
  • 186 16 It it notiii'-d that eatrtat ejaac for tho Warm Oaatkaaja shield Aasooiatiou K.Mitball iinp.-tition i n June 9th. at <> p in. Ent r must lie mule to I,i- it (Inggisberir, 11. K. Pulo Krani. to whom :i I corresp..iidiii''- shoiil.l !>,- addressed. The dtawiag will an daaa
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  • 199 16 FRANCE AND THE ANGLO-CHI-NESE CONVENTION. In ailcs]«U-u dated April 27th, the Tiiii'K Raagooa norraaoondeal stated that "by th i.e, nt conv.niioii with China we have leiioiincrd in her favoai all our rights u \lor.irlen. aad Eiaaghaag, two ini|K>rtar.t Btam betwaaa the riven Balvaaj aad Mekong and forim-rlv to the
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  • 188 16 In the I*M report of Mr. Kopseh, Btataatical Secretary of tbeChineae Imperial Maritime Customs, the silver question huks largely. The rise iv the rup-e, Mr Kopsch explains, nhaMad tbe value of ludian opium so much that Chinese consumers giv. it up and took to the native
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  • 206 16 In aunual report of the l>eli Couipaay has beta, issued. The productiou of IWeUtV-two undortublogu «o,»«nl'"l t 43.701 bales of tobacao, of which 42.457 1.a1.s weie sold, while two lots, total I, MI bales, remained naaoM, but ihej appeal ou the liHlam .-■sheet al low
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  • 409 16 M. Georges Cochcry, v ineiiik r "I tha i-'ielnh Chamber. WBO r<< .ill I v visited Chatham mid Portsmouth Dockyards, has drawn up a report of his ianpeetiOß fur tha French N.ival Omiwi«i In this document lif -<;iys "Tin- nhafl twill Ml of the English A'liiiitii.i*r<tticiii
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 108 16 nt&gELB &DTXBTIBBO TO BAIL ioi ciiin.i sad Jtuaa, trmmm km MM .M.iv, li.l,ii M.-\.-i v il o. K«,r S,.ur,il,uja A..,./»... mi :il»t .Muj W. Km -ii.1,1 aad a Vur ..l.,mU> and i.,nit,,v. Bin Aim* Man*, <lv c !»t Jlllli-. Pbtanoa .Snn.ns unil to. Pm i;iii"|x-. /v. nn Jnd Jmif, Ifc'lm
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    • 593 16 NOTICES. mHB STRAITS TRADING COMPANY, X LIMITED Ni n ICE ia hoxoby givon that an Ordinary (Jom-ral MeaHaf af tho .straits Trading Company, Limited, wBI h« hold at tbo Company'a Offiooa, 17. Oallyer Quay. Wanfera, a Thursday, th- :Jlst .lay ot May. l*'.'t at noon, for the pun^ine* foil-iwing. nim
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 154 16 aki:an«;i:.\ii:nts I i HO w, J.i y May. Water. •">:;:: p. m. Swimming C ul Uru.-ml Meetiag. Town II ill. B p.m. [11l Mill I*l Cirrus 1' |i. in. W i:n.\t:si>A\, :(Oth May. Huh Water. :f»; a.m. i;-J^ pm. P. A 0. ho— ward ■Mfletoaaa "a.m. ll.ii m.-loii's (,'irciis p.
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    • 205 17 L" nil-r this hi'HiliiikT th" following' abbrcvia- 1 lions ar« used: str. Mt-imor; sM. ship: Imj— barqun; Brit British V. S.— nit.-l St»tPH ;ri Fii— k. Osi Oiiiiaiai Out— Dutch; Job.— Jnhore \c, (i.<-..— OaMtal rarjfo d. p. d»ck BBtSoacarS; I'. Qaesr- tain;T. P. W.— Tanju p
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    • 996 17 I ARRIVALS SINCE NOO.V I I YtMbKIIAY. Ban Wfmmttm Spa. str. l.tiTl t.un. 'upturn Marqui*. 2!' th Mar. Fiom Man In. 8M M>T. 0.C., E. &H. Hinnekimlt. For Bar na, 30th— B. W. Kohilta, P. A O. str. '2.174 lorn, Copt. 29'h May. From Bnmbiv. lNli Mat-. P.
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    • 88 17 Kk^im Loxonti (Jlrll-LiM IB C.i itoii, M:n Cirmartbanahire May 8; Britannia May ll.' aaa, May Daabigh hin May. I,ivf:iji i, BnWffU Mar. 16; ipl, 28 \1 tj Baui (et Cniglt*. 1)..-. 7 Ini-harran. I).- 19 Hilaria, Apl. 3; H.-...1... |.l 23 i Btoa, Apl. S, Batho ipL
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  • 53 17 5 Viskel'h Name. Fla.. Toss. Captain. Km EUILIO. May ■M Malacca 28 Sn bawljar 23 I. heaDft Cbew 29 tea Fnmcisco 29 S.ak 29 BohilU i Brit.^tr. KM 1) ]j Kit. -tr Mi l..viu« Kiit.ntr.l l«18 W.1.;, Spa. mv. lil/l .tar.(UfUut. Ktr. 2W> K..iuiamgK ltrit.i.ti. L'lTI ,*Co B p.
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  • 90 17 Date Vessel's Naml. I'Ak Vessel's Naml. Flau A Kiu I May. 18 i BaUTier 2» Ujinpie 29 libr.--29 Ban Wlmtt Suou 29 Kubilla 29 A.1,.,1,--29 Hakao »■> VmJobou* 29 Chelydn 29 Pinß«por* 29 H\i- Uhmik 29 Cioliut 39 ( W R.i rtta Hnl -tr M.M Mr! ML Mr. P.O.itr.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 135 17 McAi. ijSa&Oa JAMES WATSON Co.'s LEBRAI I.I) SCOTCH WHISKEY. THE DOMINIE BEAND.) k LakeL) CUAEANTEED 1 iBS OLD. PRICE CASK. M c A L ST E R TiTRT SKULL'S OKO-j 1 •a r. >^ 1 15 6 35 6 25 6 each, both THBODORE XI LL ri-r THi; ISKST S((n
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    • 145 17 The pi SAN SAN SANTAL u LV o oi lm m inn i K SANTAL"M[3y>s h 7 .n ughout For sale by A. MAC ..->"" THE BEST BLOOD Purifier AND TONIC > For Old ,cl Young. TO QUICKEN THE iite, v re that idling, .3 Weak .TRONG 1 USE
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    • 750 17 'KS. r PHS TAN.JONG PAGAR DOCK O>. J LIMITED. 'nisos of ike <' minny are situated a 1 Tanj >n I'apar ad;oining th t wn of Sin,> trxin-cars run at short arryin,- pamen^. rs and goods from Wharf tn it.'S. I >ne mile and a aoartei and entr.inces to
      750 words
    • 898 17 NOTICES. E-tablmher. 1865. t>IIiET,HARGRBAVEBACO. EitoiHßEu, Iboic A Brass Foun dbbs, Boilbrmakkrs, Briuob Bcilobbs, Shiibuildbbs. gbnkral cohtbactobi. SINGAPORE k KUALA LUMPOR. BUIP BUILDINQ YARD. n class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. heat, of best design and finish. MACHINERY trom leading British Firms with Board of
      898 words
    • 117 17 NOTICES. JJBB. gooTT GREBHAH HOUSE. NEW MILLINERY. Trimmed Hate and Bonnets in the very latest styliFROM PARIS LONDON FLOWERS. RIBBONS. LACES fa, 1. M HS. JOOII, GRESUAM HOUSE, Battkky Ifi'M-. DRINK. T>ARUGH A CO.'S A ERATED VV^ATER. Manufsotured at the Singapore Aerated Water Factory, 43 Hijfh t. For over
      117 words
    • 174 17 NOTICE^, '|MIE HOUSEHOLDERS' BA7aap 1 BOOK nA/ 'AA.B N«W AND IMPKOVID EDtTIO!. A conveniently .rrangnd hook in whi.k ""'"r daily ,11 \AU* witha w ,»rator.,l,, m i fnr M DOLLAR To he hud al tl,- Strait. Time. Offic,. Baa Mean, John Littlb A Co. 1 From a Climn HoaaeaoUan' /A
      174 words